What grout should I use to grout white tiles? Which grout to choose for ceramic tiles. Grout color for colored tiles

When carrying out renovations in an apartment, every owner hopes that in this form the home will last for a very long time and will not have to repeat all the work performed in the near future. In order for these hopes to come true, it is necessary to approach the issue of repairs responsibly, carefully selecting building materials. In this case, not only the quality of materials plays a significant role, but also the correctly selected colors.

Nowadays, few renovations can be completed without laying tiles. Many people take the choice of grout color rather superficially - they simply buy the first one they come across. Therefore, it often happens that expensive tiles are completely deprived of their attractiveness when combined with grout that is poorly matched in color. So when creating individual design It is very important to pay due attention to this material.

Selecting grout color for tiles

The classic option is to select a color that is 1-2 tones different from the color of the tile. This jointing will ensure maximum harmony. In order for future renovations to be pleasing to the eye, you need to decide on your own color preferences.

The choice can also be influenced by the pattern on the tile and its structure. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, it is best to take a tile or part of it with you to the store and apply it to all grout samples.

Advice. Apply to all colors, not just similar shades. Quite unexpectedly, you may discover an interesting combination.

Not long ago, contrasting grout colors became popular. This method allows you to shade and emphasize the color and structure of the tile. The most common combinations:

  • black - pearl;
  • beige – cocoa;
  • olive – graphite;
  • gray – mahogany.

A contrasting combination looks bold and impressive, but there is a fairly fine line in selection, crossing which you can end up with ridiculous and disharmonious combinations.

Standard grout colors

There are several nuances that should be remembered when choosing grout. White the color will suit to any tile color if it is wall tiles. It is always appropriate with light tones, and with dark ones it will create a good contrast. However, white fugue is in no way suitable for grouting floor tiles, because after a while the color will turn into dirty gray. But the gray color of the grout is suitable for the floor, no matter what shade of tile you plan to put there.

Types of grout by composition

But pick up suitable color not always enough. You need to pay attention to the composition and properties of the grout, because in different rooms there are various conditions. On this moment There are three main types of fugue:

  • cement-based;
  • using epoxy resins;
  • silicone grout.

Cement grouts are considered the most common at the moment. They have slight differences in composition, and depending on this, they are used for tiles of different colors and qualities. These grouts have a small range of colors and also do not tolerate water well.

Cement grout for tiles

For different widths of joints it is necessary to use different grout. Thus, cement fugue for wide joints contains sand, which prevents the cement from cracking after drying and retains its shape.

You can buy such a fugu in finished form in buckets or in the form of dry powder.

Fugu made from plastic buckets can be used immediately, however, despite the ease of use, this also has its drawbacks: the mass dries out quite quickly, so it is necessary to use it all at once.

Grout in powder form must first be mixed with water or latex. The advantage of such a fugue is that you independently determine the volume you need, and you don’t have to worry about the contents drying out.

TO merits such grout can be classified as:

  • low price;
  • ease of use;
  • versatility;
  • strength.


Grout based on epoxy resins

Grouts using epoxy resins contain a hardener. This allows it to retain color for a long time and not be washed away by water. However, applying such grout requires experience, which is why they are not used so often during ordinary do-it-yourself apartment renovations.

Epoxy grout can be used in bathhouses, swimming pools, and also in places where tiles are often exposed to household chemicals: kitchen walls, countertops, laboratory rooms.

This fugue is sold in the form of two separately contained components:

  • epoxy resin filled with quartz sand;
  • hardener.

To work, you need to mix two components. At the output we will get viscous mixture, which is difficult to work with even for experienced craftsmen. However, the result will not disappoint you - grout made from epoxy resins can maintain its appearance for several decades. It will not change color, brightness, or structure.

Advantages such a fugue:

  • resistance to chemicals;
  • frost resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • constancy of decorative appearance;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • resistance to fungi and mold.


Silicone grout

Silicone sealants have a huge variety of colors and you can choose such grout for any type of tile, regardless of color and texture. Besides, this type The grout has an antifungal composition and increased resistance to water, which makes it possible to widely use it in rooms with high humidity, such as the kitchen, toilet, and bathroom.

If you don't have the color you want

Sometimes it happens that the store does not have the required color in stock, or you simply do not like the colors that exist in the standard offerings of manufacturers. In this case, you can create a suitable shade yourself. This can be done in two ways: by mixing white grout with grout of a different color until the desired shade is obtained, or by using color.

Colors are sold at any building materials store. You can experiment with shades by adding various colors into white grout until you achieve the desired result. The color saturation depends on the amount of color, and the shades depend only on your imagination.

Primers and additives

Various primers and additives will be a good help. There are additives that make grout from ordinary grout moisture-resistant or frost-resistant, or give it anti-deformation and antifungal properties. Overall, it adds the characteristics you want.

If for some reason it is not possible to purchase fugu with the desired properties, you can obtain them using special additives. For example, you need a tile putty that is suitable for heated floors, and desired color with such properties no. It is in such situations that construction chemicals come in handy.

Advice. It is worth remembering that when using a dry mixture, after you fill it with water, it may seem to you that the color does not match the one you chose. Don't worry, after the grout dries, the desired color will return.

Experienced designers advise not to overdo it with the number of colors and adhere to the “three-color” principle. You can choose a grout to match the tile or the pattern applied to it, as well as to match the plumbing fixtures or furniture elements. But you should not use more than three colors in one room.

The choice of color depends entirely on your capabilities and preferences. We hope this article helped you figure out how to choose the right color and what to look for when choosing putty for tiles.

Do-it-yourself grouting: video

Grouting joints between tiles: photo

Anyone who has ever dealt with tiles knows that the final stage of its processing is filling the joints.

Grout for joints is needed and its necessity does not raise any doubts, but what it should be, how to choose the color of grout for the tiles, how often it will have to be renewed - all these questions do not have clear answers.

To figure it out, let’s turn to professionals and start with the most important thing - technical characteristics, functions of grout and its main types.

Grout - a colored or colorless mixture based on polymer materials, cement, additives, which is used at the final stage of processing the tile covering to fill the joints.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of grout for tiles.

In addition to the aesthetic load and decorative function, grout plays a huge role in ensuring the strength of the facing coating, protecting the surface from dirt, microbes, moisture, preventing the appearance of mold and mildew and ensuring tightness.

It also hides minor imperfections in the tile itself or in the work of the craftsman. However, you should not hope that after grouting the crooked wall will become smooth.

Grouting joints in the bathroom prevents the appearance of fungus and mold

This video will tell you what grout is, what it is needed for, where it is applied, how it is selected, and how the grout mixture is prepared.

Types of grout mixtures

There are several types of grout:

  • cement (for narrow joints);
  • cement-sand (for wide joints);
  • based on resins (epoxy and furan);
  • latex;
  • silicone.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Cement grouts

The most popular type of grout among consumers, home craftsmen and professional builders is cement grout with or without the addition of sand.

The technology for using this type of grout is simple, the cost is low, and the scope of application is the widest.

Cement grouts are quite homogeneous, easily distributed over the surface, completely filling the joints, and are used for any tile.

Adding sand to the mixture makes it possible to use such grout for wider joints, but limits the scope of application, since the delicate coating of some types of tiles can be deformed (for example, enameled cladding).

Resin grouts: epoxy and furan

Applying resin grouts requires experience and some dexterity from the performer and therefore they are used only by professionals. They have a lot of advantages and very few disadvantages, except for the complexity of application and cost.

Grout on epoxy based durable, moisture resistant, have high performance indicators and a wide palette of colors and shades.

Most often used for facing surfaces in swimming pools, garages and saunas.

Grouting with furan resin without adding water is highly effective, resistant to external influences and chemicals, but is used primarily for large industrial production facilities, since the application technology is too complex and requires skills, additional equipment and special processing of the tiles before the start of work and after its completion.

Silicone grout

Silicone grout can be an excellent option for grouting joints.

Its antiseptic properties and ease of use captivate consumers, and the variety of color palette allows you to realize the most daring and original ideas.

The most modern type of grout is latex. It is super resistant to moisture and has the widest range of colors. It can be used for heated floors, and for balconies and loggias, as it is not afraid of either high or low temperatures.

The cost of such grout will be higher than regular cement grout, but to save money, you can use a latex additive rather than latex grout.

In this case, the properties of cement grout and its performance will significantly improve.

Latex grout is a worthy alternative to cement grout, and high performance characteristics allow you to use it in any conditions

To choose the color of grout for tiles, you need to know what design techniques exist. There are two main options: play with contrast or match the grout exactly to the color of the tile, but there are many more intermediate options to choose from.

From whether you want to convert Special attention for tiles or for you furniture is more important and decorative elements in the room, the choice of grout color depends.

If tiles are not the main thing you want to emphasize in the interior, choose a grout that matches the color of the tiles or choose a colorless option.

If your goal is to play in contrast, to highlight the tiles, to play up some object in the room, take a bright contrasting grout.

The selection of contrasting grouts should be done by a specialist, as there are a lot of pitfalls here.

If you are used to trusting only your taste, use our tips:

  • Do not rush into the purchase under any circumstances. Think it over possible options and imagine the finished interior.
  • Take with you a sample of the tiles to which the grout is matched to achieve the perfect match.
  • Remember about fashion trends, but be guided by your own taste. Fashion passes, but style remains.
  • It is worth purchasing several grouts in small quantities to experiment with what color you will get after complete drying.
  • Small rooms are not intended for color experiments and are too dark colors tiles and grout.

When choosing multiple grouts for different colored tiles, remember that not all colors work equally well. There are win-win color combinations that will look harmonious in the interior.

But by combining several incompatible shades, you can spoil the overall impression of the room’s design, even if everything else is done flawlessly.

The combination of red tiles and white grout looks very harmonious if the tile surface is perfectly smooth

Consult a professional before combining several different colored grouts. Remember that contrasting grout is used only for rooms with ideal tile laying.

The slightest flaws will become obvious if you use a contrasting grout color.

When choosing between light and dark grout, give preference to the lighter option. This choice will make the room visually more spacious and harmonious.

Bright colored tiles and white grout look stylish in spacious rooms

White grout will refresh tiles of any color, but it is not recommended to use it for floors

Black tiles should be used very carefully; they are not at all appropriate in small rooms, but white grout will make your visit feel light and airy

Such aggressively stylish combinations of grout and tiles add extravagance to the room

White tiles and grout yellow color- a surprisingly organic and win-win combination that makes the room feel homey

Designers think successful combinations beige and chocolate colors, olive and graphite, pearl, pink and red with gray. A room with white tiles and yellow grout looks very fresh. It’s always sunny and bright in such a bathroom!

If you are a conservative person and experimenting is not your thing, try to choose a grout that is as close as possible to the color of the tile.

If the grout will be used for the floor, feel free to take more dark version, approximately one or two tones, and if for walls - one or two tones lighter.

Professionals advise:

  • Buy grout along with the tiles to find a beautiful combination.
  • Try applying a little grout to the tiles and let it dry - this will be the final shade of the grout.
  • For multi-colored tiles, choose either a universal colorless grout or a grout color that is predominant in the tile.
  • For plain tiles, you can choose a contrasting grout color or tone on tone.
  • For bright mosaic tiles, you can choose a colorless option so as not to oversaturate the tile canvas with colors, and for a plain mosaic tile, you can choose a contrasting shade to give greater brightness to the main tone.
  • Remember - light grout brings the tile canvas together, and dark grout divides it into separate fragments.
  • Preferable for small rooms bright hues, for larger ones - dark.
  • Light gray and light beige grouts match almost any tile color.
  • Do not use either white or black grout for the floor. Both types of grout get dirty too quickly.

The choice of grout should be conscious.

Don’t take what you don’t like, even if you don’t have time to carefully select it, because the right shade of grout will improve the overall appearance of the room, and the wrong color will give the interior a feeling of sloppiness and chaos.

If you're in doubt about your taste, find a collection of tiles already ready-made options grout or contact your sales consultant for help.

Almost every hardware store has layouts with examples of grout that can be combined with ceramic tiles of any color.

If you don't lay on the grout aesthetic function, and use it exclusively to fill tile joints and prevent fungus and mold, take universal colorless grout.

The basis for the manufacture of this grouting material is epoxy. Glass, which is also included in its composition, provides a light-absorbing “invisibility” effect.

Thanks to the unique technical properties adapt to any color and type of tile, it is absolutely invisible. The cost of such grout is slightly higher than usual, but the performance characteristics are pleasantly surprising.

Chameleon grout, as it is also called, is easy to use, resistant to mechanical damage and chemical influences, has an antimicrobial effect and can be used even for fragile, non-standard types of tiles.

It goes perfectly with mosaic tiles and a variety of tile panels.

Colorless grout is an ideal choice for multi-colored tiles

Colorless grout goes wonderfully with colored and plain mosaic tiles

Let’s summarize the information received by watching a thematic video, where a specialist will tell you how to choose the color of grout. Craftsmen do not advise choosing grout for the tiled floor in the kitchen to match the color of the wallpaper in the hallway.

The right decision would be to choose a grout color that matches the main color of the material where the grout is being made.

Choosing a manufacturer

Having decided on the required grout color, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the grout mixture is primarily the protection of the room from moisture, and the tile joints from the appearance of bacteria and mold.

Almost all manufacturers promise us such protection, but should we trust them?

The main and most popular manufacturers of grout mixtures are Ceresit and Atlas. Each of these brands has its advantages and disadvantages.

German tile grout Ceresit is used for interior and exterior work, for any tile surfaces and is characterized as moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly, resistant to mechanical damage and adverse environmental influences.

They are easy to use and cure quickly during use.

Grouting mixtures from the Polish company Atlas can also be used for both exterior and interior work and have a very wide scope of application.

They are simple and easy to apply, have a plastic, uniform structure, do not scratch the tile surface during operation, are resistant to mechanical damage and can be used for joints up to 0.6 cm.

If your tile joints are larger than 0.6 cm, use Finnish Kesto cement-based grout mixtures. For reliable protection Italian grouts from the Mapei company with polymers are ideal for facing coatings against moisture.

In this video, experts will show how Mapei Kerapoxy grout is used.

So, you have chosen the manufacturer, what else should you pay attention to when buying a grout mixture?

  • for color;
  • for expiration date;
  • to consumer reviews;
  • difficulty of use;
  • for resistance to moisture and mechanical stress;
  • for the cost.

Grout update

No matter how sad it may sound, the grout will have to be updated from time to time. Due to moisture, fumes, dust and frequent washing, the color of the grout mixture becomes dull, washed out and requires updating.

You can change the grout yourself or by inviting good specialist who will do everything professionally.

The renovation begins with cleaning the seams and removing old grout. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the tile surface.

White grout can be renewed using a special pencil; just clean the seam and run it several times.

You can do it yourself by updating white grout using a pencil.

Updating colored grout is a more labor-intensive process, especially if you made the grout mixture yourself rather than buying it ready-made in a store.

It’s good that today there are ready-made colored grout paints for colored grout, and if you don’t find exactly the same grout you used, you can choose one that’s very similar.

Moreover, after high-quality removal of the old grout, its color will not be visible. Experts categorically do not advise applying new grout to the old one, as the seam will be sloppy and the color uneven.

To choose the right grout for tiles, you need to take into account several factors: who will do the work of applying it, in what room, what type of tile, what width and depth of the joints.

For narrow joints and tiles of classic shades, the ideal option is cement grout; for wider joints and creative ideas Latex or silicone grout would be preferable.

If you take into account all the selection criteria, the result will exceed all your expectations. And remember that operating conditions are more important than the cost of the material.

It would seem that it could be easier than choosing a grout for the tiles, but no - there are a lot of pitfalls here, but knowing all the subtleties, it will be easy to make the right choice! We hope that our article is useful to you!

Ceramic tiles are strong, durable and very attractive. facing material. It is used to finish the floor in a house or apartment, decorate walls, lay out intricate patterns using tiles, trying to emphasize general style premises. If renovation work are carried out without the help of a professional, the result will largely depend on what kind of grout for the tiles was chosen by the owner of the future work of repair art.

The importance of choosing the right grout for joints

The importance is due not only to the aesthetic component of working with ceramics. Yes, the surface treated with grout looks complete and neat, but, from the point of view of usefulness, grout mixtures play several more roles:

  • ceramic tiles are exposed to moisture every day, and the grout prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria in the gaps;
  • the final coating increases the strength of the masonry tens of times;
  • the selected tone of the mixture can make even a single-color tile interesting, unusual, or, on the contrary, destroy all its beauty.

In addition to the listed factors, the work process itself is also important. Good solution It is easy to apply, it is flexible and does not cause any inconvenience to the master. Some grout materials retain this property even after drying. The seams will not crack over time from drying out, which means the cladding will not lose its properties.

Tip: Don't use white grout on the floor. It quickly turns yellow, loses its appearance and turns more into an irritant than into the pride of its owners.

How much grout is required

When shopping at a hardware store before renovating, many new painters and plasterers stand at the shelves with grout in confusion. How much is needed? Everything can be calculated taking into account:

  • tile size: the smaller the details, the more mortar you need to buy for each square meter;
  • how large is the adhesive layer: the voids here are definitely unnecessary;
  • seams in width (here everything depends not only on the design, but also on the design idea);
  • if the quality of the masonry is slightly poor and some nuances need to be corrected, it is worth buying more grout.

To calculate a specific amount of dry mass, you can add the length of the tile with its width, then divide this amount by the same multiplied indicators. The total is multiplied by the thickness of the tile, then by the width of the joints and by 1.6. All dimensions are in millimeters. The final number is the amount of undiluted grout that will be required per square meter of work.

Advice: Practice shows that the composition should always be purchased with a reserve of 7-10%. This is especially true for beginners in the repair art.

What are the types of grout mixtures: types, differences, pros and cons

The most common are dry mixtures. Manufacturers use cement with various additives as their base; they make the grout plastic, easy to use, water-repellent, etc. The powder can be used only after dilution (water, less often liquid latex), the proportions are always indicated on the packaging.

There are also synthetic types. They are immediately ready for use; usually you don’t need to add anything, but there are also those that require mixing with a hardener or dye.

Synthetic grout should be prepared right before work, and the process itself should not be interrupted.

In any case, the action is approximately the same: the mass is introduced into the spaces between the tiles, hardens, fastening the edges together. The result is a thick protective layer that does not allow moisture and air to destroy the integrity of the cladding.

Cement grouts

This type includes all grouting masses, the basis of which is a cement-sand or cement-polymer mixture. The composition allows you to use this option for gaps of different depths and widths. Affordable price makes this type the most popular and widespread.

Relatively low price.Poor color palette due to the properties of the base material.
High strength, resistance to washout.It takes a very long time to dry and shrinks slightly after drying completely.
It takes a long time to harden, but if the work was done with flaws, you can correct them without consequences.The porous structure makes it impossible to use cement grout without antiseptic substances in a damp room (bathroom, bathhouse, etc.).
Easy to fix if the seam breaks over time.

Epoxy and furan resin grouts

This option is a two-component one. Synthetic resin is combined with fine-grained colored sand, which not only further strengthens the seam, but also gives the desired color. After mixing the parts, the material becomes similar to chewing gum, and in its properties - to good plastic. Epoxy grouts are ideal for working on areas high humidity, are equally good for the kitchen and the pool.

As for furan mixtures, they can only be used in production, it is rarely found on sale and exists only in black.

100% waterproof. Zero porosity, which means neither dirt nor moisture is a problem.Significantly more expensive than other options. Often it is the high cost that cancels out all the many advantages.
Suitable for rooms that require frequent disinfection with strong detergents. Not afraid of powders or rough cleaning.The mixture is easy to prepare, but working with it requires skill. You cannot hesitate and make mistakes, since the rate of hardening is very high.
For such grouts, neither open fire nor icy wind is dangerous. No temperature changes will affect the color. Manufacturers guarantee the safety of the coating for at least 30-50 years.Slight surface roughness (due to fine sand in the composition) can create inconvenience, for example, when cleaning.
It can take on any color and highlight the most unexpected interior design. Sequins, rhinestones, luminescent glow?Furan grout is not safe and cannot be used in apartments and houses where people and animals live. Only production premises with good ventilation.

Silicone grout

Another type of grout that is ideal for fine work. The silicone base does not allow moisture or air to pass through, fits well and does not collapse when exposed to most modern detergents(except chlorine).

Latex grout

One of the expensive mixtures that is not usually used in pure form. Latex grout is purchased either for thinning cement base, or applied to the finished, dried seam after shrinkage. The latex finish significantly increases the wear resistance of cement grout and makes it waterproof.

Options for choosing grout by tile color

The shade of the grout is no less important than each of its properties. But how to choose grout for tiles based on a photograph and will the dried material meet your expectations? For example, cement grout has a very faded color due to the properties of the base. Although many people advise adding color when mixing, will the final shade be exactly as planned? In order to understand this, you need to be patient and apply the sample to an inconspicuous place. If you like the dried cement in color, continue working, mixing the mixture with paint in the already familiar proportions.

Tip: You can tint cement grout either with a commercial color or with gouache for painting. If you don’t like dried cement, you can tint it with moisture-resistant paint using a thin brush, cotton swabs and masking tape.

For epoxy grout, color is not a problem. Any of the selected ones will be saturated and will never lose this property. For example, in modern design In rooms today it is fashionable to use bronze and gold tile joints. If this is the type of floor or wall you dream of, epoxy grout will come to the rescue.

Gray tiles

This shade is very popular today. To grout gray tiles, you should always use a gray compound, but 1-2 shades darker. This rule applies to both floors and walls. This technique allows you to make any room a little larger, and in real life the grout will be much more practical and easy to clean.

Black tiles

You have to keep your eyes open with this tile. You should never buy glossy tiles; every drop of water or fingerprint will be visible from afar, and stains from washing will become a nightmare. If black tiles are used on walls where there is never water, you need to use a deep black grout color. Looks good finished work luxurious, but for wet rooms, as well as for the floor, the grout should be dark gray. It will be easier to maintain, and the gray color of the mass is not afraid white plaque water.

Colored tiles

For options with multi-colored patterns, you can use grout in one of the colors involved. However, if the room is not large in square meters, it is better to choose a grout that is 1-2 shades lighter, or use neutral, soft colors. Otherwise, the space will be reduced even more, especially if colored tiles decorate all the walls. Grey colour grout is universal. It will emphasize the ornament without “eating” square meters and will be as practical as possible in care.

Beige and brown tiles

For beige and brown tiles, grout that matches the tone, or a shade darker, or a shade lighter, is well suited. You should not use black grout; the room will look dirty. If you really want it, it is better to give preference to a dark gray cement mass.


The rule for processing mosaic seams differs from the rule with simple colored tiles. In this case, it is necessary to select shades as close as possible to the color of the tile. The problem is the number of seams if you use red grout with yellow tiles, the result will be only a constant headache due to the strong contrast.

White tiles

What grout should I choose for white tiles? If we're talking about about walls outside the kitchen and bathroom, then this is a unique case when snow-white grout will work well and there will be no problems with it in the near future. In any other case, it is more correct and practical to choose a light gray shade than white. In the bathroom, white grout will turn yellow faster than anywhere else.

Grout color range


Excellent, wear-resistant grout. Ceresite is very popular, especially CE-40, with moisture-reflecting properties. The color palette is huge; only a lazy person wouldn’t choose one of the colors presented. But, reviews say that the color on the package (except for neutral shades) may differ slightly from the actual one. Therefore, it is wise to try it on a small, inconspicuous area.


Probably, Litokol grouts have the largest palette of colors among ordinary, non-epoxy compounds. But, unlike the previous brand, Litokol reflects the real shade on the packaging as accurately as possible.


Another popular hero of today's material is Atlas grout. A wide selection of colors that look gentle, very soft. The brand offers not only regular grout, but also:

  • epoxy;
  • with a brilliant effect;
  • for restoration.

In general, reviews from this brand are very good; there are no complaints about the differences in the palette and the actual color.


This brand has collected the most a large number of positive feedback, among all listed above (not epoxy grout). It is good in literally everything: a rich palette, good, soft shades, correct reproduction of the final shade in the house as presented on the packaging.

Two-component grout

If finances allow it and you know craftsmen who work with epoxy grout, you should definitely choose it among others. This grout is suitable for any room; it does not fade, chip, or crack for decades. But, most importantly, there is a huge selection of colors, shades, effects (glitter, glitter, shimmering particles). By choosing epoxy grout, you can bring absolutely any interior design idea to life.

Grout update

If, over time, a wall or floor suddenly becomes not as attractive as it was before, and the grout joint has crumbled, mold has appeared or the color has changed, then it’s time to update the grout. It is removed with a special extender (scraper). old layer mastic, then the surface is carefully treated with an antifungal agent, dried and rubbed down again.

Tip: To make it easier to work with a scraper, you should wet the seams hot water. A hairdryer or vacuum cleaner will help get rid of dust inside.

Epoxy grout is difficult to remove; in this case, you cannot do without a special solvent. In addition, ceramic tiles are very fragile and any incorrect movement can lead to a crooked chip.

If you need to update the color and get rid of mold urgently, special sprays that destroy fungus and simple paint will come to the rescue (for simplicity, you can buy a paint marker).


We hope that the tips on how to choose grout colors for tiles were useful in practice. Remember the simple rules.

  1. For white glossy tiles, you should choose a grout that is a shade darker, but if such tiles are on the wall in a non-humid room, a snow-white color is acceptable.
  2. Gray grout is universal and suitable for any tile.
  3. If the choice fell on grout in color, then choose a tone lighter for the walls, but a tone darker for the floor.

Video review

True elegance and beauty are, as always, hidden in simplicity. Simple things are always distinguished by their unique elegance, are easily combined with other items, and do not lose their relevance regardless of capricious fashion trends. All of these statements are true for white tiles.

Finishing with white tiles is a classic and quite strict option, but at the same time universal and not boring. White tiles always remain at the peak of demand in interior design and this can be explained by the fact that a white background can easily be made bright by simply decorating it with colored or neutral elements. White color combines perfectly with a variety of color shades.

But when choosing white tiles for finishing floors or wall surfaces, the question often arises - how to choose the color ceramic tiles such a light shade? Should it match the color of the tiles tone-on-tone or is it better to choose grout in a contrasting color? Is it possible to choose dark grout for white tiles? We will try to answer all these questions in the following sections of the article.

Tips for choosing grout color for white ceramic tiles.

So which grout should you choose for white tiles? Traditionally, tile joints are either made strictly to match the material, or a composition is chosen for them that is as contrasting as possible to the color of the tile. This rule is true for ceramic tiles of any color, not just light ones.

It should be understood that the choice of grout should really be as contrasting as possible, otherwise the seams will appear dirty and untidy. That is, it is strictly not recommended to use beige, cream or grayish grout with white tiles.

Professionals use three variations of grout material with white tiles:

Compositions identical in shade to the tile itself;

Dark gray grout mixtures;

Dark grout.

Colored grout can also harmonize well with white tiles. However, this is a rather extravagant solution, because bright seams will catch the eye and at the same time highlight the slightest defects and unevenness in the laying of the material.

How to choose a tile grout by color if you still decide to choose this bright option? One piece of advice can be given: in this case, the seams of the coating should repeat the shade that is already found in the decoration of the room. For example, to harmonize with the color of furniture or flooring.

Which grout should I choose for white tiles: dark or light?

Dark grout to match white tiles is definitely a practical option. Dark-colored seams will not lose their attractive appearance over time; you will not have to spend time regularly cleaning them from dust and dirt, and accordingly, all maintenance of the lined surface will be simplified.

If practicality interests you little, and you think much more about aesthetics general view, then when choosing a grout color for white tiles, you should be guided by the following criteria:

Seams of a contrasting color will allow you to favorably emphasize the originality of the laying of the material and focus on the geometry;

When laying tiles vertically, dark grout will help make the room visually taller, but at the same time narrower. If you don’t need such an effect, then choose a grout material that matches the tiles.

When choosing the color of the grout material for processing the seams of light tiles, be sure to take into account the general stylistic orientation of the interior. The tandem of dark grout and white tiles looks sharp and daring and is therefore more suitable for ultra-modern styles.

There is one more rule for using black grout with white tiles - there must be other black elements in the interior. For classics, a harmonious combination of light tiles and light grout is more appropriate.

Everyone does major repairs no more than 1 – 2 times during the entire time they live in the apartment. That is why it is so important, when making any changes, to think through everything down to the smallest detail, to select suitable building materials both in texture and color. This is the main reason why a careful selection of tiles, decor, and grout is made both for the bathroom and for other rooms.

The choice of grout in modern construction markets is huge. Its color is presented in all different shades and types: from matte to glossy. So, how to choose the grout color for the tiles laid in your premises?


The first, traditional way to select the color of the grout is as close as possible to the color of the tile, perhaps 1-2 shades darker. The choice depends not only on the background of the tile, but also on the pattern on the tile. The grout is selected as closely as possible to match the background color or, if desired, to match the decor on the tile. This ensures the most harmonious perception of the room as a whole.

The second, recently appeared method is to select a contrasting grout color in relation to the tile. There are specially composed pairs of colors that shade each other, creating a unique impression with contrast. original design. For example:

  • Black - pearl;
  • Beige – cocoa;
  • Olive – graphite;
  • Gray – mahogany.

Such bold color combinations look unusual and at the same time impressive. However, arbitrarily selected colors based on ordinary contrast can look ridiculous and disharmonious.

Types of grout

It is not enough to choose a grout color that matches the color of the tile. It is important to know the composition of the product used building material. This affects the durability of the material used, its characteristics and the color range presented. Today the main types of grout are:

  • A cement-based grout containing various components.
  • Grout made using epoxy resins.
  • Grout in the form of silicone sealants.

Cement grouts are the most common in the construction market. With a slight difference in composition, they can be used in different cases for tiles of different quality and color. However, such affordable cement grouts do not tolerate water well and also do not have much color range. They most often come in all shades of white and gray.

Epoxy grouts are distinguished by the fact that they contain a hardener. Thanks to it, the connecting building material helps to preserve the color of the grout for a long time, providing it with durability of use. Epoxy grouts require great experience application, therefore when major repairs In ordinary apartments, this type of connecting building material is rarely used.

During repairs, silicone sealants are most often used. They are easy to use, and have a huge palette of colors that can match almost any color of tile with different textures. In addition to the obvious properties, this type of grout is resistant to water; in its composition it already has protection against mold and mildew, which inevitably appears in the damp atmosphere of the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.

Selecting the color of grout paste

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a grout, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. You need to choose grout either together with the tiles, or if you have 1 unit of ceramic building material. If it is impossible to choose a single option, it is recommended to purchase 2 grout options. Final choice will be done after a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the laid tiles.
  2. When choosing the right color, it is important to find a store where the color palette of connecting building materials is most widely represented. Ideally, the store will display samples of tiles with grout applied. This will allow you to see real color connecting material when used.
  3. The choice of grout if the tile has a pattern can vary from the background color to the color of the pattern. The color can match any pattern applied to the tile.
  4. When choosing grout, focus on the area of ​​the room. The larger the bathroom, the darker the color can be. On the contrary, in a small room it is extremely important to use light-colored grout.

If you don't have the color you want

There are often situations when the desired grout color is not available for sale. In this case, you can independently obtain the desired shade. To do this, purchase grout white and colors are more saturated than tiles. The two colors are mixed until the desired shade is obtained. To make sure, apply the resulting grout to the most inconspicuous area of ​​the tile joints and wait for it to dry completely.

You can use a special color scheme. By gradually adding paint to the white grout, you can achieve the desired result. The more concentrate, the stronger and brighter the tone of the composition.
