Which xbox is better to buy 360 or one. Xbox One S and Xbox One X - what's the difference? Comparison of consoles from Microsoft. New generation of game consoles: XBOX One vs PS4, which is better

5 years and a month ago Comments: 4

Today we will talk about many secrets of shooting in our game. Namely, we will find out how it happens various processes during shooting, how everything works in general, and we will find a couple of bugs (as well as their causes).


If you've been playing tanks for over a thousand battles (and I have no doubt) you've already fired a lot of shots. And you have often observed how this happens visually, but you do not know how it happens systematically. The server on which you play takes into account the position of your tank, gun, turret. After pressing the shot button, your computer transmits the shot data to the server. After which the server transmits the result to your computer, i.e. punched, covered, etc. All server considerations (position of the tank, gun...) affect the trajectory of the projectile. For example, you raised your gun up and fired, the trajectory, that is, the trail left by the projectile will be directed upward. If you shoot to the side or down, then naturally the trajectory will be directed to the side or down. This is the dependence of the necessary factors on the trajectory of the projectile.

Not all tanks in the game have the same trajectory; for example, the KV-2's projectile flies slowly and is a little arty-like. And with a tiger, for example, the projectile flies quickly and smoothly. Therefore you can do conclusion that the trajectory of a projectile also depends on the type of gun and projectile.

There is a very common concept in the game - anticipation. Let's say someone is driving in front of you at breakneck speed, to hit him you naturally need to shoot a little ahead. This calculation is anticipation. This indicator directly depends on the speed of the projectile and.

Players with a weak Internet connection may have experienced a bug. Your projectile flew through the tank without damage. In this case, due to a weak Internet, the server simply did not have time to send you the result of the shot, or yours did not have time to inform the server that the shot was fired. This bug happens very rarely, but if it happens to you often, then it’s best to change the game server. If changing the server did not help, then you need to improve your Internet.

Scatter circle.

For many, it is no longer a secret that the sight is a circle, and not a crosshair inside it, and that you need to wait for this circle to close for more accurate shooting. But few people know where the projectile most often flies in this circle. About 4-5 patches ago, the developers made shots more accurate. According to them, about 20% of the shots flew towards the edge of the aiming circle, about 45-50% into half the circle, and only 4-8% into the very center. In one of the updates, they reduced the percentage of the probability of a projectile flying to the edge of the circle to 1-2%, and in half a circle to 60%, in the center it was increased to 20%. The probability of where a projectile will fly does not depend at all on the type of gun, projectile, server, type of tank, your country, time of year, etc. This is a purely random calculation. The only thing that can be highlighted. All tanks in the game different sizes circle of information and the narrower it is, the higher the accuracy.

In this section we can also highlight a bug. As before, those who have a poor Internet connection experience the following problem: the projectile flies outside the circle. That is, you took aim at the enemy, fired, and the projectile flew not into the aiming circle at all, but beyond it. In this case, you just need to check the “Use server sight” box in the settings and you can get by by changing the Internet.
Shooting accuracy.

In general, everyone wants to shoot accurately, hit and penetrate. Now we will figure out what is needed to successfully hit the enemy, even from very long distances:

  • 1. You need a fully trained (100%) person, in our case a gunner.
  • 2. Additional modules (stabilizer, aiming drives).
  • 3. Additional skills (combat brotherhood).
  • 4. Premium equipment.
Of course, few people can fulfill all the above points, but everyone can fulfill 1 point and it is the most important. A gunner fully trained to 100% levels the gun much faster and makes it more accurate than a 50% gunner. Whatever scythe gun you have, a trained gunner will make it more comfortable. All other points are of little influence, they only improve the result by 5-10%, which is hardly noticeable, but still exists.

Mixing time.

The aiming time is the time during which our sight (the aiming circle) will narrow as much as possible. This indicator is indicated in the characteristics of the guns, but in the characteristics only half of the information is shown, while the full information doubles in time. For example, for borscht the mixing time is shown in the characteristics as 2.3. Means full time information 2.3*2= 4.6 seconds. That is, we will need 4 and a half seconds for complete mixing.

Like accuracy, convergence time also has necessary factors. They are the same, only fur-water is added. The driver has a skill that, when learned, will make your alignment circle narrower while driving, i.e. It won't be scattered so much.

Correct shooting.

And now some information for beginners. Many novice players simply do not know how to shoot correctly, which often leads to missed shots and misses. If you are still in the sandbox, then the ability to target various hatches, holes, etc. you won't need it. You just need to learn how to hit. For a successful hit you need: complete information, good aiming (in sniper mode!). It is not necessary to always shoot in sniper mode; sometimes you need to shoot in arcade mode. That is, when you circle someone and the time to stop, information, etc. you just won't have enough.

If you have already reached level 6-8 tanks, then it will be more difficult for you. Here you already need to be able to punch. For this purpose, I would not advise you to download skins with penetration zones, because... they are absolutely useless. Judge for yourself what a player can see near the tank from 200-300 meters. What if the enemy is in the bush? The only use of skins is only when attacking from close. My advice is to download the Wot Tank Viewer program and turn on all the armored tanks one by one (with which you have difficulty) and in the armor mode look at the armor of each tank. Of course, you will not remember the thickness of the armor of each armored tank in all vulnerable places so you need to always know that the most vulnerable places in the forehead are the lower armor plate and the various machine gun turrets. If the enemy only gives you a turret, then always find a commander’s hatch on his turret (almost everyone has one) and shoot there. You can also train with friends in training on your own by shooting at each other in different places.
This ends my guide, good luck on the battlefields!

Gamers dominate and compete in the world today Xbox One and the fourth PlayStation model, but not everyone has yet decided which is better: PS3 or Xbox 360. Not everyone is a fan of new games, there are those who love the classics. And some consider it simply unacceptable to spend more than 15 thousand on a toy. They just need to figure out what is better - in order to make the right choice.

Which console is better to choose for the game: Xbox 360 or PS3?

Spoiler: there is no better one here. What Sonya is criticized for works great on Xbox, and vice versa. That's really the beauty of having two consoles: everyone can choose what suits them best. Let's see how these consoles differ: PS3 vs Xbox 360 - Fight!

Almost everyone was involved in comparing console graphics. And everyone tried in vain to look for any significant differences. Here it is worth understanding that there is no fundamental difference, everything depends not only on the console, but also on the video game, on the TV, and also on the connection: HDMI or these three multi-colored wires.

PS3 is often accused of having "cluttered" graphics. Yes, in some games, especially old ones, there is “soap”, but one cannot say that the graphics are really at a low level. If you are a very sophisticated connoisseur and a slightly degraded picture already hurts the eye, the Xbox 360 is definitely your choice. According to many tests, this console shows graphics a little, but better than on the PS3.

Performance and Durability

Here the consoles are not much different. For some time they complained about Sonya that after a short period of use it refused to work, in fact the console lasts for 5-6 years of playing with pleasure, or even more if you take care of it.

The same can be said about the Xbox 360. Even though this is the brainchild of Microsoft, the console will live a long time with correct use. True, there were rumors that she breaks discs while in a horizontal position. But they (rumors) can be equated to similar ones regarding PlayStation.

There is no need to compare the power and internal filling of consoles. On computers this is done in order to determine whether this or that game will work, but here it is enough to look whether the box with the disc is marked PS3 or Xbox 360. The technical potential of the consoles is almost the same, and does not have of great importance, since gamers simply don’t need to worry about it like they do on a PC. So in this matter it doesn’t matter whether you choose the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3.


This is where adherents of one or another prefix clash with each other. And they clash even more harshly than in disputes about graphon. Games and the approach to purchasing them on Xbox 360 and PS3 are exactly the opposite.

Xbox 360

Pirates love this console. Because it, like Windows, is very easy to install hacked games on. You can “jailbreak” a console either by yourself or by using the services of a wizard who will immediately install a hundred video games, and you will no longer need them for a long time.

Buying licensed games here is almost more difficult. The online store is developing, but slowly, there are not often cool applications, promotions and everything in the same spirit. Discs are usually expensive. And who actually buys CDs in 2017?!


Things are completely different with PlayStation. It is possible to hack a console, but there are few craftsmen who can do it well. And it’s very difficult to install a pirated video game on an unhacked Sonya. The developers tried to do everything so that people would buy games from them.

And they buy games from them. Yes, the prices are the same as on Xbox, but if you don’t buy them on disc media, but buy them through the PS Store, you can save a lot. Almost always, various promotions and games can be snatched up for 300–500 rubles. It's also worth taking into account the fact that both consoles will see their prices drop soon as the new generation finally takes over the video game industry.


For many, the ways in which games are acquired are not as important as the games themselves. And PlayStation and Xbox compete in this too. And the first one greatly surpasses the brainchild from Microsoft in terms of the number of truly noticeable exclusives.

PS3 Exclusives:

And nothing has been said here yet about games such as Resistance, Killzone, God of War and a couple of other similar ones - worthy, but not very standout.

Xbox 360 Exclusives:

Here we also take into account those games that are really popular and known to very, very many people. In addition to them, there is also a huge bunch of different small exclusives.


In this aspect, the consoles again differ from each other. PlayStation 3 supports a large number of joysticks from different manufacturers. If you feel sorry for two or three thousand for a new controller, you can buy any Chinese one and give it to your friends when they come to play Mortal Combat. And also on Sonya there is such a thing as PS Movie. It's a small gamepad with a ball at the end. To control it, you need to additionally buy a special camera - PS Eye. After that, you can play all sorts of things like dancing or boxing. Quite inconvenient, since for normal play you need two PS Movies and a camera. But for shooters, you can buy a machine gun and then everything goes through in one breath and is very easy - you feel like you’re in a shooting gallery.

With the Xbox 360 it's the other way around. Joysticks, unlike PS, are only suitable for original ones. No other can be connected. They also run on batteries, rather than built-in batteries. But instead of the inconvenient PS Movie, there is Kinect. It's just a camera that captures your movements without any additional controllers and allows you to play a variety of games and sports. You can do this either alone or with friends. The thing is much more convenient.

Bottom line

Which console should you choose? PS3 or Xbox 360? If you:

  • love getting games for free and don’t worry too much about the online component;
  • love outdoor games or interactive sports;
  • fan of various shooters;
  • connoisseur of high graphics.

Then you should definitely get the Xbox 360.

If you:

  • you don’t spare money on games, but you do spare money on controllers;
  • love when you only need to click on a button in the online store and after that you can calmly start playing;
  • have seen enough reviews on Heavy Rain or Uncharted.

As in any other area, there is also confrontation among game consoles. It is generally possible to answer the question, Xbox 360 or Xbox One - which is better. But first, it’s worth considering both models, and together with them, take a quick look at their competitor from another manufacturer - Playstation 3.

Xbox 360

This game console became the second in the line from Microsoft. Appeared back in 2005. It is this model that competes with Playstation 3 from Sony and Wii from Nintendo. The idea of ​​creating a game console of this generation appeared back in 2003. Then this model received several code names. The company has not yet provided an interpretation of the name Xbox 360.

Of course, fans were presented with a version with rather vague allegories. About the fact that 360 is a circle with the user at the center. Allegedly, the whole world revolves around the player. There were versions that in general the circle is a magical symbol of integrity, initial perfection, etc.

Few people liked this description. The users themselves assumed that after the release of a competitor, buyers had a question about what better than xbox 360 or Playstation 3? Microsoft could not call their new product the second version, since a priori they would already be inferior to the third version from Sony. But in order not to obviously repeat the Playstation index, they decided to strengthen the number 3 with some kind of mythical description and transform it into a more advantageous one. This is how the Xbox 360 console became known to the world.

Inside the console there is an IBM Xenon chip with three cores clocked at 3200 MHz. The graphics processor was Xenos from ATI. Its volume is 10 MB, and the number of polygons per second reaches 500 million. Random access memory 512 MB, there is support for various resolutions, up to 1080 r. The hard drive, depending on modifications, can have a capacity of 500 GB.

These parameters will easily help answer the question of whether Xbox 360 or Xbox One is better. But more on that later.

Xbox 360 options

Speaking of modifications. Over the entire existence of this model, four versions of the console were presented: Arcade, Pro, Elite, Slim. The latest modification was supplied in several versions. In general, all options differed in configuration, in some cases color, hard drive capacity, and the presence of Wi-Fi and Ethernet. Otherwise each had a pair free games and several demos.

There were also specialized editions of consoles. They had unusual design, bright colors that were timed to coincide with a specific event or were associated with popular games. Determining which Xbox 360 console is better is difficult, since each could be useful to any user. One could do without Wi-Fi and Ethernet, while the other needed these parameters. The Xbox 360 Slim/S looks best.

Xbox One

This console appeared in 2013. It was a continuation of the previous model, so it’s easy to say which is better - Xbox 360 or Xbox One. The new product turned out to be more powerful, improved and beautiful. The new product received a process on eight cores with a frequency of 1750 MHz. The graphics processor is AMD Radeon GPU. Operating system there are 8 GB, but only 5 GB are available, since the rest of the space is occupied by the OS.

The hard drive can be up to 2 TB, it is not removable, but you can connect an external drive to the game console. The famous controller has been updated to the second version. There is an excellent camera that helps recognize faces. It is possible to shoot in the dark. The console received all the necessary connectors.


This model has a couple of modifications that will undoubtedly compete with all the latest models of game consoles. So, in 2015 it became known a new version Xbox One Elite controller. Later, a more compact model appeared, which turned out to be almost half the size of the original version. In addition, the Xbox One S came out with an improved gamepad, support for 4K resolution and HDR.

Last summer, another modification of Project Scorpio was announced. So far, little is known about this console. Its release is scheduled for autumn 2017. It is known that the processor will become more powerful, there will be support for 4K resolution in games and the ability to use a virtual reality helmet.

Now it’s not difficult to decide what to choose - Xbox 360 or Xbox One. Which is better, although it is not easy to say, but the main argument is that production of the older model was completely discontinued a year ago - in April 2016. The Xbox 360 can only be bought second-hand, and moreover, it’s more likely to be a used model.

But the Xbox One, in addition to becoming more powerful and versatile, is also considered a potential console. This is due to the fact that the company is still announcing modifications to this version and is working on improving it.

Understanding which is better - Xbox 360 or Playstation is also quite simple. latest model appeared on the market back in 1995. It would be more correct to compare the Xbox 360 with the seventh generation of its competitor. This refers to Playstation 3. The console appeared in 2006. It caused quite controversial responses and looked insecure among Microsoft products.

In general, the question of which is better, the Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3, is a well-known dispute between fans of the companies. It is similar to a comparison of products from manufacturers Intel and AMD. Practice has shown that the PS3 turned out to be a little slower, the console has an unfinished built-in browser, not all games have a satisfactory picture, and there is also no simultaneous playback of music over the network during games.

The Xbox 360 turned out to be worse, as it had expensive accessories and was generally more expensive. Online play was only possible with a paid account. There was no built-in browser at all; the interface turned out to be unfinished. There were complaints about the joystick.

Purchasing one or another set-top box this moment not relevant. Now it’s better to pay attention to the Xbox One and Playstation 4. But those oldfags who still dream of an old console must choose between quality and quantity. Despite the fact that both consoles have long been hacked, there is still a much larger selection of pirated games on the Internet on Xbox. But connoisseurs of online games and exclusive graphics should pay attention to the PS3.

  • The RSX GPU is also exclusive. The clock frequency is 3.2 GHz, it has 256 MB of memory running at the core frequency. Theoretical maximum throughput 20 Gb/sec. 74.8 Billion shader operations/sec.
  • RAM 256MB XDR DRAM running at 3.2 GHz + 256MB GDDR3

Xbox 360 Specifications:

  • The IBM Cell Xenon central processor was also specially designed only for the xBox 360, operating frequency is 3.2 GHz, although it has 3 cores. Theoretical performance 115.2 Gflops
  • Xenos GPU , has 2 chips. Clock frequency 0.5 GHz.
  • RAM 512MB GDDR3 operating at a frequency of 1.4 GHz, the memory is shared between the CPU and the graphics core, and there is also an eDRAM module (10MB), which has enormous bandwidth.

Concerning hard drives, then their volume depends purely on the specific version of the console. It is worth noting that in the case of the Playstation 3, the hard drive can be easily replaced by a more capacious one yourself.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the Sony console came out a year later and is a more technically complex device. PS3 supports more high-quality audio and video processing technologies (such as Dolby Trye HD and others). Thus, as a multimedia center, the PlayStation 3 is better.

Don't forget about the Blu-ray drive. In addition, unlike the Xbox 360, any version of the PlayStation 3 has a built-in wi-fi module. In favor of the xbox 360 is the fact that cross-platformers are easier to programmatically port to this console, since its architecture is closer to a computer. In this regard, most non-exclusive projects will look better on the xbox 360.

Conclusion: PS3, albeit slightly, is superior to xbox 360 in terms of characteristics. Although games are easier to port from PC to xbox 360.

Case design and materials

Both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 have managed to change more than one appearance throughout their entire life cycle. Both one and the other have versions of Fat, Slim, super Slim (E in the case of xbox 360) and differ in size and improvement technical process components.

And if the appearance is a purely personal preference, then as for the materials of the case itself, then there is a clear win for the Japanese console. The PS3 case does not crunch in your hands as much as the xbox 360 case does, especially the Fat version. cheap, crisp plastic is clearly not in favor of the American.

Xbox 360 console revisions

And playstation 3

There is another very unpleasant point: the fact is that the PlayStation 3 has a built-in power supply, everything is fine here, but the Xbox 360 has an external one, which causes some inconvenience. Thus, this “happiness” will still need to be adapted somewhere:

Conclusion: in the materials category, PlayStation 3 is a clear winner, but appearance is a matter of taste

Which joystick is more convenient for ps3 or xbox 360

And yet, consoles are primarily made to play games on. And most of the time when playing on a console, a person spends with a gamepad in his hands. When developing a console, engineers pay a lot of attention to the joystick, because it is the face of the console. And it is very important that the controller is convenient, functional and easy to maintain. Let's try to figure out which gamepad is better:

Dualshock 3 is the name of the gamepad for ps3, as well as the microsoft controller for xbox 360, respectively. Both have 12 buttons, 2 analog joysticks, and in general, they are equal in functionality. True, the dualshock 3 also has a gyroscope and an accelerometer - devices that determine position in space. But these features have not found widespread use.

If we evaluate controllers only from the point of view of convenience, then the dualshock 3 is very much inferior in ergonomics to its rival for the xbox 360. The Microsoft controller fits like a glove in your hands, and the analog joysticks are located more conveniently. So your hands don’t get tired from playing for a long time.

Conveniently sorted out. Now about time battery life. Both gamepads operate via the Bluetooth wireless protocol. The dualshock 3 has a built-in battery that lasts for 20 hours of continuous play.

The Microsoft controller, in turn, is powered by AA batteries. Therefore, battery life depends on what batteries are used. In any case, the microsoft controller will last longer on batteries than the dualshock 3. But there is also a downside: if the batteries in the microsoft controller run out and you don’t have spare ones on hand, then there will be trouble. Moreover, rarely does anyone buy a cable for a joystick for an Xbox 360. In the case of a PlayStation 3 gamepad, you just need to plug the mini USB cable into the console and into the dualshock 3 and you can continue playing while charging. Charging, by the way, lasts an hour and a half.

Conclusion: still, convenience is most important, the best gamepad is the xbox 360

Additionally: both consoles have additional devices for active gaming. These are playstation move and kinect for xbox 360. But let’s not focus on them - the devices are interesting, perfect for companies and have similar functionality.

Ease of use. Console interface.

An important point when using the console every day is convenience and functionality. And this concerns not only gamepads and games, but also the overall experience of using the device and its capabilities.

As we wrote at the very beginning of the article, ps3 came out a year later. From here and more high level technical and software equipment of the set-top box.

Playstation 3 uses a blu-ray drive to read optical media. Xbox 360, in turn, is a DVD drive. In addition to the fact that the Sony set-top box allows you to watch movies on Blu-ray discs, it has another undeniable advantage: it reads discs so quietly that you can’t hear how it works over the background music. Things are completely different for xbox. - Even at an average volume of the game, the sound of the disk drive, namely the crackling sound when reading, stands out from the rest of the sounds.

And not only when the disk drive is running, the PlayStation 3 is inferior to the Xbox in terms of decibel levels. Despite the fact that Sony is theoretically more powerful, and the power supply is built-in, the cooling system dissipates heat clearly more quietly (except for the fat version - it is very noisy).

Let's compare the opponents' interface

As for the interface, the PlayStation 3 menu is designed in a strict style; once you figure it out a little, you quickly get used to it, and over time it becomes completely logical and understandable. Any settings or desired menu item is never found in more than three manipulations. In addition, actions are confirmed by pleasant clicks from the speakers. There is also the opportunity to customize the design theme to suit your needs.

The xbox 360 navigation menu is also convenient in its own way. Here everything is always at hand and it is felt that Microsoft focused on the fact that game console it is also a multimedia center. It’s not difficult to figure out what and where is on the menu, and it’s even easier to master than its competitor. But, you must admit, the xbox 360 interface looks somehow childish (the author’s opinion - you may disagree).

Conclusion: if the navigation menu is a controversial issue, here everyone decides for himself what is closer to him. However, with the level of functionality, the Playstation 3 is doing much better.

Which graphics are better on xbox 360 or playstation 3?

Most games coming out today are cross-platform. That is, they are released for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Some games look better on the box, others on PS3. It all depends on how they were adapted to the characteristics of a particular console. The situation is completely different with exclusives.

There are more of them on the PlayStation 3, and given the more capacious Blu-ray discs, which allow you to record 3D videos and sound on them without compressing them best quality, PS3 exclusives look better than xbox 360 exclusives. There will be no arguing about the game series themselves - a matter of taste.


From all of the above, it is obvious that the console from Sony looks like a more interesting acquisition. And here's why: PlayStation 3 feels like a more holistic product, more expensive, more assembled, more convenient, more technologically advanced, and you can name many more. Xbox has a couple of its advantages, but neither a more convenient gamepad nor a more interesting kinect outweigh all the disadvantages of the console that the user will have to put up with. For example: fussing with DVD discs or the inability to replace a hard drive - you will have to immediately buy a console with a hard drive, the maximum capacity of which is limited to 250 GB.

To answer such an interesting question, what are all the differences between the xbox 360 and xbox one, first you need to go through history.

The first console was released by Microsoft, and about ten years have passed since its creation. Appearance consoles for so much long term has undergone many changes. A Kinect sensor was added to it, and the hard drive became faster and with more memory.

Xbox one in Russian Federation arrived in 2014. These two models of consoles came in completely different configurations and in the number of pre-installed games with licenses.

Comparing these two consoles is quite difficult, since the latter belongs to a completely new generation, and simply by definition should be much better. But despite this, it is worth comparing them.

What arguments can be made for the old generation console - Xbox 360?

First of all, this console is simply ideal for those who are going to purchase a console for the first time. And it doesn’t matter what age the player is, she will bring joy to everyone! It’s very fun to play both alone and with a group. Over the ten years of existence of this console, a lot of games have been released to suit a wide variety of tastes! You can get into arcade games, realistic simulators, and colorful shooters. You can even play retro games like dandy or sega by installing emulators.

And what is one worth only for xbox 360! This is a truly fun way to have a great time with your family and also invite your friends. Kinect is a sensor designed to allow the character in the game to move using his body. The camera is capable of tracking the player’s movements and transmitting them to the screen with amazing accuracy. With the help of Kinect, you can play both sports games and children's games, and even horror films...

IN software The set-top box has several multimedia applications that are completely free. With their help, you can watch videos, such as your favorite cartoons or TV series, without connecting additional devices. Radio and television were not spared this console.

A fairly weighty argument in favor of 360 is his price. After all, it is almost three times less than the price of Xbox One. Games also cost significantly less. This is certainly worth thinking about.

How can all this be summed up?

The Xbox 360 is an excellent, almost ideal purchase for new players. And if it also comes with a Kinect sensor, then it will bring a lot of joy and pleasure to both children and adults.

For fairly experienced and enthusiastic players, we can advise purchasing a model with an increased hard drive capacity, up to up to five hundred gigabytes. This will allow you to record a whole library of games on it, significantly speed up their loading, and also save the drive.

Advantages and disadvantages of Xbox One

The console is perfect for enough active players who love and are looking forward to the release of new generation games. Some of them have already been released, and some have only an announcement.

This console may well play the role of an additional console if you already have an xbox 360. After all, it is possible to transfer an existing profile to it. In addition, Microsoft announced that the console will soon introduce a backwards compatibility feature, that is, it will be possible to play 360 games on it. It will be possible to output images from the set-top box to a personal computer if Windows 10 is installed on it.

As a result, it is still too early to recommend the Xbox One for a fairly wide range of players, but for those whose age has reached eighteen years and who are familiar with Microsoft products, the new generation console will allow them to be ahead of the modern gaming industry, while maintaining their achievements.


Someone will remain faithful to the good old xbox 360. After all, there are so many games made for it that you won’t be able to replay for a long time, not to mention completely beat it. And the price for it is not very high; almost everyone can really afford this console, especially if you buy such a console second-hand. In addition, there are still games on it that are very popular to this day. Take, for example, the fifth GTA - who doesn’t like to play it online, or just drive around the virtual city with friends. For many, this console will be enough for their eyes, because they simply don’t have enough money for a new one.

Well, if you are lucky enough to become the owner of One, then perhaps in some cases you may be disappointed. Some new games are crude and unfinished, but are quite expensive. But most modern games It’s better to run it on consoles, since they are perfectly optimized for consoles. Not every personal computer will be able to run this or that game, and even with an acceptable FPS. Take, for example, The Witcher 3. Can every computer run it at above-average settings? Will FPS drop significantly during active actions? The same cannot be said about the new generation of consoles, which have excellent compatibility with games designed for them.

Either way, the One is the console of the future, and it will have just as many games as its predecessor, the good old 360, and with much cooler and more realistic graphics. Although the price for them will be quite high, it is worth it to purchase them, play and complete them. In general, the differences between these two consoles are in the price and quality of graphics in games.