What kind of water to pour boiled water on orchids. How to properly water an indoor orchid during flowering. Watering orchids in winter and summer

It is necessary to understand what requirements the plant has for humidity and water composition, how it reacts to changes in these parameters, and what you should pay priority attention to.

For, which mostly include, important role plays a role in the elemental composition of irrigation water.

In natural conditions

Under natural conditions, orchids grow in tropical forests, where they receive moisture during warm rains. This is what you should proceed from when choosing the quality of water for irrigation at home. Rainwater is soft, has a neutral pH level and does not contain harmful salts., which can harm the root system.

Rainwater is very soft and ideal for orchids.

In the city

Favorable growing conditions are the key to stable growth and development of the orchid, beautiful and long-lasting. Correctly balanced water regime– an indispensable condition for the correct formation of the plant, since insufficient humidity and inadequate water quality can disrupt the biological rhythms of the orchid, delaying time.

The water we use to water plants in the city is very different from what plants receive in natural conditions. It is more rigid and contains impurities of salts that can be deposited on the surface of the roots, changing their susceptibility and inhibiting their growth.

What kind of water to water an orchid at home?

Primary requirements


The water used to water the orchid must be soft and free of foreign impurities, so that nothing interferes with its normal absorption by the roots.

There are several ways to reduce water hardness. The most popular among them are the following:

  • filtration– this method allows you to remove heavy metal salts, bacteria and fungi, which, accordingly, softens it;
  • use of oxalic acid– prepare a mixture at the rate of ¼ teaspoon of acid per 10 liters of water, then the solution is infused for 24 hours, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth and used for irrigation;
  • upholding– this one is simple and broad known method also helps reduce hardness due to the fact that chlorine-containing salts are quite volatile and during the day of settling their amount in the water is reduced to zero.

A way to reduce water hardness from the site admin

I use the freezing method to soften water:

  1. I take a two-liter plastic bucket and pour the sediment into it for a couple of hours. tap water, passed through a regular carbon filter “Rodnichok”.
  2. I put the bucket in the freezer for 6-7 hours. After the specified time, almost all the water (70-80% of the volume) in the bucket freezes, and a ball of unfrozen water remains in the middle. We need to drain it, because... it contains all the unnecessary salts, which are the last to freeze.
  3. To drain the water, I take a thick, long screw with pliers and heat it on an electric stove, then screw the heated screw into the ice and drain the water.
  4. I put a bucket of ice in a basin with hot water and wait for the ice to melt and the water to become warm.
  5. The water is ready for irrigation.

This method is good if you do not have a very large collection of orchids, because... requires a lot of fuss and a lot of space in the freezer))

Do I need to let it sit before use?

It is necessary to settle tap water. This allows you to change its composition, naturally chlorine salts are removed, its temperature becomes equal to room temperature, which plays an important role in its absorption.

Tap water must be settled before watering.

Important! Watering water that is too cold can stress the orchid. Therefore, carefully monitor not only its composition, but also the temperature!

Acidity level and temperature

The optimal pH level of water for watering orchids is neutral. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to remove foreign impurities that are typical for city water. This will be facilitated by filtering and settling. The latter also helps ensure that the water temperature reaches room temperature.

Another method of bringing the water temperature to the desired level can change its composition. So, boiling makes it dead, removing everything essential microelements . This method of cleansing and establishing the desired temperature is quite widespread, but, unfortunately, it does not justify itself.

Melted snow

Snow water has the same composition as rain water, therefore the composition is most suitable for watering orchids. However, the complex ecology of the urban environment dictates its own conditions: passing through air masses, snow absorbs impurities from them, which will then be dissolved in melt water. Therefore, you should think twice before deciding to water your orchid with such water.

Melt water can contain many harmful impurities.

Watering methods

To perform orchids correctly, you need to know which method will best facilitate its absorption, and this is - individually for each variety. How to properly water an orchid is influenced by various factors, including the type of nutrition and life activity.

The orchid has many fans, so flower growers know what this plant looks like. In the opinion of the majority, this is very beautiful flower, which rises on a thin, fragile stem.

However, growing this flower in an apartment is not so easy, since there are many different nuances. Although this does not stop many, since the desire to enjoy the natural sophistication, sensuality and subtle fragility of the orchid often takes over.

Features of watering orchids at home

In the process of care, many flower growers face problems related to proper watering orchids in a pot. Not everyone knows how often this should be done and what water is best to use.

However, this event is very important, since it largely determines how beautiful the orchid will turn out. If you don’t know the rules for watering an orchid in a pot and carry out this activity with violations, then the plant may in a couple of months wither and die.

According to beginning flower growers, orchids are one of the most difficult plants to grow at home.

And, although it needs to provide many favorable conditions for normal development, appropriate care gives confidence that the orchid will be able to bloom profusely even on the windowsill.

If a novice florist gets down to business, then, as a rule, he, without having necessary knowledge, carries out frequent and abundant watering. However, it's wrong to do that, since excess water can lead to rotting of the roots.

Therefore, the damage from waterlogging is often more destructive than moisture deficiency. Thus, it is important to know how often to water your orchid.

The first thing every gardener needs to understand is that when determining the frequency of watering, it is necessary to proceed from the speed at which moisture evaporates from the soil. A misconception is the opinion of those gardeners who believe that it is enough for an orchid to water once a week.

In each individual case, moisture will evaporate from the soil in the pot with at different speeds. To determine it it is necessary take many factors into account: illumination, pot size, humidity level, air temperature.

What water to water orchids

Not a single indoor plant can live without water, so it largely determines how long it will bloom and bring aesthetic pleasure to its owners.

Water is important for plants because with it they receive nutrients, as well as the ability to maintain optimal temperature roots. Under natural conditions, the supply of nutrients to the orchid is ensured by rainwater.

However, it is no secret that in modern cities, the liquid that comes during rainfall is not as safe as the water that rain brings in tropical forests.

Hardness of water

It is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to determine how hard water is. But there is a way available to everyone that allows you to find out.

This can be determined by the amount of scale formed when boiling water in a kettle - the more scale there is, the harder the water is.

An effective remedy for softening hard water is oxalic acid, which can be purchased at flower shops. For this remedy to work, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • in 5 liters cold water it is necessary to dilute 1/8 teaspoon of oxalic acid;
  • after this, the liquid should be allowed to stand for 24 hours;
  • Next, the water is filtered or the liquid is drained, trying not to touch the sediment at the bottom of the container.

An alternative to the above remedy is high-moor peat: for this, it is placed in a bag, which, in turn, is immersed in water and left in it overnight. This tool is also beneficial to use because it increases water acidity.

To normalize the hardness of distilled water, it is recommended to add an equal amount of settled water to it. The fact is that as a result of the distillation procedure, important minerals are removed from water.

You can also restore the water hardness level using filter for water purification. Its regular use allows you to remove harmful bacteria, fungi and heavy metals from it.

Water acidity level and optimal temperature

So that the orchid in the process of care does not cause you big problems and bloomed profusely, it is very important to maintain the acidity of the water at pH = 5.

The easiest way to determine acidity is to use litmus paper. If you find that the acidity level is too high, you can use lemon juice, a couple of drops of which are added to water.

An orchid will grow well if you water it water room temperature . It is best absorbed if the water is heated to a temperature of 35–40 degrees.

Methods of watering orchids

In addition to solving key issues related to watering orchids at home, it is equally important to know how to do it correctly.

Although it is known several watering methods this houseplant, however, will provide an orchid required quantity moisture is possible only through soldering.

"Hot shower". This is the method most often used by gardeners when caring for orchids. This is due to the fact that it is as close as possible to the effect that warm tropical rains create.

Using this method of watering speeds up the process of plants gaining green mass, which has a positive effect on their flowering. Also useful regularly wash the leaves of the plant, since this helps prevent the appearance of various pests.

However, it should be borne in mind that this method of watering orchids can only be used by apartment owners where water pipes soft water flows. To briefly describe the essence of this irrigation method, it is as follows:

  1. The flower needs to be transferred to the bathroom, where it is started to be watered with a weak stream of warm water using a shower head. In this case, it is important to set the appropriate water temperature, which should be 40–52 degrees.
  2. When determining the duration of watering, it is necessary to proceed from how long it takes for the soil to absorb water. After finishing watering, you need to let the plant stand for 10-15 minutes in the bath. This will allow it to drain excess liquid.
  3. After an hour, it is necessary to remove drops of moisture from the leaves using a dry cotton cloth or paper napkin for this purpose. This is done so that there is no excess liquid left on the axils of the leaves.

For example, the leaves began to become covered with salt deposits, forming white spots or streaks. You can deal with them by wiping leaves with a cloth, which must first be soaked in beer or lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio.

Immersing an orchid in water and watering it with a watering can

Perhaps some gardeners who grow orchids at home will be interested in full immersion method flowerpot with a flower in the water. After watering is completed, you need to remove the pot from the water and let it stand so that excess liquid can drain.

Usually, if the orchid was in the water for 30 seconds, then it is necessary to let it stand for the same amount of time for the water to completely drain.

By using this irrigation method, you can avoid wasting water. But it can be used only for those flowers in which the substrate and the flower itself have no signs of damage or disease.

Watering with a watering can. For this method of watering, you will need a watering can, which is filled with prepared water, and then they begin to pour it in a thin stream over the entire area of ​​the substrate. You need to make sure that the water does not touch the growing points of the orchid and the axils of the leaves.

Stop watering the moment the liquid begins to flow out of the bottom holes of the pot. After waiting the certain time necessary for excess liquid to drain, you should water again.

Finally, all excess water is drained from the pan. It is recommended to water the orchid in this way in the first half of the day.

Spraying the roots. This method can be used to water plants that are grown using blocks instead of soil. Since the roots of such plants lose moisture much faster, they need to be watered more frequently.

It is recommended to spray in the first half of the day. This will give the roots enough time to dry. The best effect when using a spray bottle is achieved if watering is carried out with the “fog” mode turned on.

How to water an orchid during flowering

You need to be especially careful when watering plants entering the flowering phase, since there are some nuances here.

The orchid equally attracts the attention of not only experienced, but also novice gardeners. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the popular house plants.

However, anyone can grow it, because it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules of planting and caring for the plant so that you can enjoy its flowering every year.

Among all the activities that include proper care for an orchid, you need to pay special attention to watering. There is a bunch of important nuances regarding the selection of suitable water, time and method of irrigation.

All of these points can greatly affect how well an orchid will grow and bloom.


Orchids require much more careful and attentive care than the vast majority indoor plants, and this also applies to their watering. Moreover, violation of the rules of watering these delicate creatures leads to their illness and even death, not to mention the impossibility of flowering. If we talk about an already blooming orchid, then it must be watered, observing the same general rules, but taking into account some nuances characteristic of of this period time of development and life.

Regardless of the type of orchid and the current development cycle of this plant, it is watered in several ways. The time of year also does not affect how to water. All methods are effective, and any of them can be chosen. It should be immediately recalled that the roots of this flower are not placed in the soil, like most representatives of fauna grown at home, but in a special planting substrate consisting of components of natural or artificial origin.

Most often, the substrate consists of pieces of trees or is a combined organic composition that includes them. Using a substrate instead of soil, by the way, makes it possible to water an orchid in several ways, and sometimes makes it necessary to use one of them. In addition, the use of a planting substrate has led to a number of nuances in watering an orchid. These features will be discussed in the following chapters.

So, how can you water an orchid:

  • watering the surface of the substrate in a flower pot using a watering can;
  • by immersion;
  • by absorbing water from the tray in which the pot is installed;
  • warm shower.

The first method is the most common. And this is not surprising, because it is used for all other indoor flowers, and therefore is well known, and its application to orchids is only slightly different from the traditional one. Watering orchids with a watering can must be done in a thin stream and along the edge of the pot. Determining when it is time to stop watering is very simple. You should stop as soon as the water seeps through the pot into the tray underneath. There is no need to drain this water. Over time, it will be absorbed into the substrate, and the excess moisture will evaporate.

Watering orchids from a watering can

The immersion method is also quite simple. Suitable water must be filled into any suitable container. Experienced flower growers usually use tall transparent flowerpots. Then the pot with the flower is lowered into the container. The duration of such watering is approximately 15 minutes. It takes just that long for the substrate to be completely saturated with moisture. It is very important to correctly determine the water level in the container into which the pot with the plant is lowered. It should be such that the pot is immersed almost to the brim, but overwatering should not be allowed, as this leads to the root collar getting wet. Because of this, the stem of the flower may rot. After such watering, the plant must be removed from the container and placed somewhere, for example, in a bathtub, where water will drain from the pot. And only then we return the flower to its place.

Watering by absorbing water from the pan is the simplest, fastest and least labor-intensive method of all of them. You just need to pour water into the trays in which the flowerpots with flowers are installed in a timely manner and in the right quantity. For this method, it is necessary to select pallets of the required height. You should roughly estimate how much water will need to be poured into them during one watering. This can be found out by watering with a watering can.

A warm shower is considered the most effective method providing orchids with moisture. It imitates for this plant natural conditions its natural habitat during tropical rain. To water orchids in this way, use a bathtub. First you need to turn on the water and adjust its pressure (it should not be strong) and temperature - no higher than 40 °C. But the most important thing is that the tap water is soft. Then we put the flower in the bathroom and direct the stream to its leaves and roots. The duration of such watering is 10–15 minutes. At the end water procedure In an orchid, accumulations of moisture should be immediately removed from the axils between the leaves and the stem from which they grow. To do this, blot your sinuses with a soft cloth, napkin or cotton swabs. The flower itself is from bathroom It can be taken out not immediately, but after some time, because after a shower the temperature and humidity there are close to natural for the habitat of this plant. Let the orchid stay in the tropics again for at least a little while.

Spraying is an additional way to replenish the orchid with moisture and cannot completely replace any of the above. It is necessary to maintain the level of air humidity around the plant. Indeed, in its natural habitat, an orchid also absorbs moisture from the surrounding space, especially when it is not sufficiently supplied through the roots. Dry air, on the contrary, will contribute to the rapid drying of the root system after watering due to the intense evaporation of moisture through the stems and leaves of the flower.

Watered orchid

You can spray not only the air around the plant, but also its leaves and even the root substrate. Many experienced gardeners even recommend this. When spraying, you must try to prevent water from getting into the axils between the leaves and the stem. If this does happen, then the moisture from the sinuses should be removed after completion of such watering.

By watering with a watering can and soaking from the tray, you can simultaneously fertilize the flower. To do this, add to the water used for irrigation necessary fertilizers. Experienced gardeners also recommend periodically using a weak solution (pink) of ordinary potassium permanganate for watering with a watering can. It will destroy pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and their spores in the planting substrate if they have appeared.

Irrigation by absorption from a tray has significant drawback. Healthy plants can become infected from sick ones. But this is only if there are several plants adjacent to one pallet. There is also a risk of infection when watering simultaneously using the immersion method in the same container or using a warm shower. Therefore, in both of these cases, it is recommended to water the flowers one at a time. At the same time, for the immersion method, several containers can be used.

Watering with a warm shower

Watering with a warm shower not only provides the orchids with the right amount of moisture, but also allows you to wash away all the dust and dirt from their stems and leaves. The clogged pores of the plant will open, and its previous moisture and gas exchange with the air will be restored. In addition, the shower allows you to get rid of pests that have settled on the leaves and in the planting substrate. A warm shower should only be arranged when the apartment is warm enough. Otherwise, the flower may freeze. In the best case, as a result of this, the orchid will subsequently be sick for a long time, and the blooming one, of course, will also stop blooming. The worst case scenario after a shower in a cool apartment is the death of the plant.

If, after all, this procedure was carried out, then the orchid should be left for a long time in the room where it took a shower. You will have to wait until the humidity there has completely subsided and the temperature is equal to that outside the bathroom. During spraying, it is recommended to periodically use an aqueous solution for watering. Fitosporina. This is necessary to prevent the orchid from being damaged by fungi and viral diseases. For flowers growing on blocks, of all the above methods of replenishing moisture, only using a watering can and absorbing from a tray are not suitable. The remaining methods are used in the same way as for plants in pots.

When watering by immersion, the block is completely immersed in water, leaving the flower on the surface. During a warm shower, the block should be secured so that the plant does not fall and maintains an upright position.

Nuances and frequency of replenishment - the answer to the questions “when” and “how much”

Orchids should be watered in the morning. Spraying is best done during the day. At this time of day, the plant most needs to humidify the surrounding air.. depends on their type, each of which has its own characteristics in this part of care. You should learn more about them at the place where you purchased the flower. However, you can also use general recommendations which are suggested below. They apply to almost all types of orchids.

It should be noted right away that for this plant, both excess moisture in the planting substrate due to overflow of water during irrigation, and overdrying of the root system if this type of care is carried out less often than necessary, is harmful. But orchids will more easily tolerate a minor “thirst” than a minor “swamp” that has formed in their pot. Overwatering these flowers is much more dangerous than underwatering. The frequency of watering depends on a number of factors. The most important of them is humidity. Optimal for orchids is 50–70%. The higher the humidity within this range, the better for the flower, and the less it will have to be watered.

Blooming orchid

Another important factor is air temperature. The higher it is, the more plants They release moisture through the leaves and, accordingly, you will have to water them more often. To some extent, the frequency of watering also depends on the lighting, the size of the planting container and the type of substrate, as well as the time of year and the current life cycle of the orchid. In winter, the plant’s growth slows down, and it needs to be replenished with moisture less often than in the spring, when the flower wakes up and activates its development, and in the summer. At the same time, in winter, due to heating, the air in the room may be dry, and then more frequent watering than expected at this time of year with normal humidity.

And, of course, the orchid needs to be watered more often during flowering and during the period of active growth - during the period of “normal” development, the plant needs moisture to a lesser extent. No expert can tell you exactly how often to water an orchid. The above factors are constantly making adjustments. There are only recommendations from which you need to build. A normally developing orchid growing in a pot, depending on the type and age, must be watered in the summer from about 2 times a week to 1 every 13 days. In case of low humidity and hot weather, it is recommended to place an open container with water, such as a jar or mug, next to the flower.

It’s better to use a wide vessel - it may be an unnecessary pallet. The moisture evaporating from the container will reduce dryness and will not only allow you to avoid frequent watering, but will also have a beneficial effect on the development of the plant, as well as its flowering. It will not be superfluous if such a container is always next to the flower. Also, in hot weather, daily one-time spraying is recommended. An orchid growing on a block will have to be watered almost every day, regardless of the time of year. In addition, it must be sprayed every day, 2-3 times. This is due to the fact that the block dries out very quickly. Usually by the end of the next day after the last watering it is completely dry. And if you do not spray so frequently, the drying time of the block will be reduced even more.

Keeping these recommendations in mind, when deciding on the next watering of a plant growing in a pot, you should proceed from the degree of its need. You can determine whether an orchid needs water replenishment by the condition of the substrate, roots and other signs. Experienced gardeners can even determine this by the weight of the pot. It is noticeably lighter with a dried substrate. The latter should be almost completely dry, and only then the next watering can be done. But it is more reliable and easier to determine the condition of the substrate using a long wooden stick that reaches the bottom of the pot. It must be inserted into the planting filler and left in it for 2 hours. If the wood of the stick absorbs even a drop of moisture, then watering should be postponed.

It is easy to determine whether an orchid needs moisture when it is growing in a transparent pot. If on inside there are droplets of condensation on its walls, which means that the plant does not need water yet. The color of the roots, more eloquently than all other signs, will indicate the current state of the orchid. If they are bluish-gray or white, it’s time to water the plant; if they are greenish, there is still enough moisture.

In order for the flowering to last as long as possible, even more attention must be paid to watering the orchid during this period. The frequency of feeding the plant with water should be approximately doubled and for most types of orchids it will be 2-3 times a week. In this case, you should be guided by the rule - it is better to water more often, but less. This will avoid both excess moisture and severe drying of the substrate and roots. After watering with a watering can, the moisture that has leaked into the pan should be removed from it.

Especially watering a blooming orchid

When using the methods of immersion or soaking from a tray, you only need to keep the flowers in water for 5-10 minutes. The duration of the shower should be the same. It is better not to direct water onto the flowers while showering - this can damage them. In all other respects, feeding orchids with water during the flowering period is no different from watering them when they are not blooming. However, the above signs of the need for hydration need to be monitored more carefully. It is also desirable that during the flowering period the orchid is kept in a room with optimal humidity. If this cannot be ensured, then you need to take the measures described above that will allow you to humidify the air: you need to place a container of water next to the plant and spray it more often.

Orchids, especially the Phalaenopsis genus, are popular among gardeners. To make the plant happy abundant flowering all year round, you need to take good care of it. It is especially important to water the orchid correctly, regardless of the type and variety.

Proper and timely watering will ensure the health of the plant, its development and flowering. The timing and volume of watering of an orchid growing in a pot is influenced by the stage of its development: at the stage of flowering, active leaf growth and reproduction, the plant’s water needs are different.

Principles of proper irrigation

Often those who grow orchids at home are sure that they need abundant watering and irrigation. Although this plant is native to the tropics, excessive moisture is detrimental to it. The frequency and method of watering, the stage of plant development and water quality are important.

What water to water an orchid

The water temperature should not be lower than +18°C, the optimum is +30...35°C. In simple tap water contains impurities harmful to house plants: residual chlorine and mineral salts. To make it suitable for watering orchids, it is left to stand for 3-4 days.

For additional softening, tap water can be mixed with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 if the tap water is of medium hardness. Pure distillate is not suitable for irrigation.

It is even better to use softened, boiled, rain, purified or melt water.

But rainwater is suitable for irrigation only if it was collected outside the metropolis, because, passing through the air, it adsorbs toxic gases, heavy metals and others harmful substances. Collected outside the city rainwater stored in a cool place dark place(cellar, refrigerator) so that microorganisms do not develop in it.

Boiling softens tap water. This is the simplest and affordable way preparing water for irrigation.

If an additional fine filter is installed in the house, which frees tap water from microorganisms, salts, chlorine and other impurities, it does not need to be boiled or allowed to settle before use.


To improve the quality of water, substances such as garlic juice, potassium permanganate, succinic acid.

  1. Watering orchids with garlic water is carried out to stimulate flowering. In addition, garlic, due to its antiseptic properties, disinfects the soil. To prepare the product, squeeze out 6 medium cloves of garlic into 0.5 liters of settled water, close the container tightly and leave to infuse for a day. The finished infusion is filtered and diluted in a bucket of warm, settled water into which the flower will be immersed. The infusion can be used 2-3 times a month, except for periods of dormancy and flowering. 2 weeks after stimulation, a new peduncle should appear.
  2. Watering orchids with succinic acid is carried out in order to accelerate the rooting of shoots, stimulate flowering, increase the resistance and adaptogenicity of the plant to changes in conditions environment. A solution of succinic acid is used to resuscitate plants damaged by temperature changes or other stressful situations. It is best to use the product during periods of intensive growth (spring and summer), but not in winter, when the plant is dormant.
  3. Succinic acid can also be added to the garlic solution. To prepare the product, the easiest way is to buy succinic acid in tablets at a pharmacy. In 1 l hot water dilute 1 tablet of acid. The prepared solution can be stored for no more than 3 days. Use it like garlic solution.
  4. The roots are washed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate during transplantation or during plant illness for disinfection. The product is in some way a source of potassium.

Before watering, it is important to enrich the water with oxygen. To do this, it is poured from container to container.

How often to water

It is impossible to determine exactly how many times a week you need to irrigate orchids. Watering this plant strictly according to the calendar is fundamentally wrong. The frequency with which orchids are watered is influenced by the condition of the plant, the stage of its development and the condition of the substrate and roots for a given period of time.

The flower cannot be in conditions high humidity constantly. This leads to root rot and the appearance of other diseases. To determine that it’s time to water your orchid, you need to take into account the following signs:

  1. The substrate is dry. It is easiest to assess its condition in a transparent pot. If there are no condensate drops on its walls, and the substrate light color, the plant can be watered. To keep the bark particles, which are often used as a filler for orchids, moistened, it is best to immerse the flower pot in a container of settled or boiled water.
  2. The roots became light and acquired a silvery tint. Well-moistened roots have a bright green color. As they dry, they lighten in color. When all the roots turn silver, the flower can be watered.
  3. If the pot is opaque, you can consider its weight. After drying, the pot with the substrate becomes significantly lighter. You can make sure that the flower needs moisture by sticking it into the pot wooden stick. If it remains dry, it is time to water the plant.

Proper watering of a phalaenopsis orchid also depends on the condition of the plant. At rest, it needs moisture less often - once every 2-3 weeks, during the period of active growth of green mass and flowering - more often, 1-2 times a week. In the hot season, the flower is watered more often because the substrate dries out faster.

After purchasing in store

First of all, after purchasing, you need to make sure that the pot has enough drainage holes. If this is not the case, they can be done using a hot nail. For the first time, the flower is watered only 7-10 days after settling in a new place.

Since the phalaenopsis orchid tolerates drying out more easily than waterlogging, such exposure allows both the substrate and the roots of the plant to dry out well. The air humidity in the room should be within 75%.

In the store, flowers are watered with water that has been softened and disinfected with special means, so an orchid may react negatively to a simple tap water.

During the flowering period

Irrigation of orchids at home during flowering should be done more often. Although the condition of the roots and substrate still matters, the plant will have to be watered 2-3 times a week, as during this period it prefers moist soil.

In summer, in a room with a humidity of 75-80% and sufficient light, you need to water the phalaenopsis orchid every 5-7 days, in winter, when there is not enough light, every 7-12 days.

At the same time, excessive watering can lead to the death of buds. Therefore, despite increasing the frequency of watering, you should not use the immersion method every time. If the substrate is still wet, simply moisten it a little from above. Once a week, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation.

in winter

In winter, like most indoor plants, orchids enter a state of dormancy. Metabolic processes in cells slow down, needs are reduced, so it is not necessary to water the flower more than once every 2 weeks.

You should understand: the orchid needs to be watered if it needs water. How to do this in winter - the same methods are used here as described above. But due to the fact that the roots of the plant absorb moisture more slowly in winter, it is better to use the immersion method during this period. It is important to let the water drain well from the roots before returning the flower to the windowsill. In winter, this place is always colder, so the plant should be protected from temperature shock due to temperature changes.

It is best to water the plant with a shower in winter in evening time. The flower should be left in the bathroom overnight to allow the water to drain well. This will help prevent rotting and mold development in the pot.

In spring, the plant wakes up, cell metabolism accelerates, and the need for moisture increases. Therefore, with the onset of warmth, watering becomes more frequent.

After transplant

During the transplantation process, the roots of the plant are washed in a light solution of potassium permanganate. Since this entire process is stressful for the plant, it will need several days of rest. You should not water the orchid abundantly immediately after replanting. It is enough to put the pot in water for 20-30 minutes.

It is best to postpone the first full watering for 14 days. If the substrate is too dry, it is enough to irrigate it with a spray bottle. The first watering after transplantation is best done using a tray or an individual flowerpot.

Feeding the orchid after transplantation is done during the first moistening of the soil; It will be possible to repeat the application of fertilizers only after 21 days.

How to water an orchid at home 4 main methods

Let's look at the most popular and effective ways watering indoor orchids step by step in the photo.

Sprinkling showers

It is convenient to water a phalaenopsis orchid at home using simple soul. The water temperature can be quite high: up to +40°C. For watering, the temperature is checked on the elbow - the water should be tolerable.

Watering with warm water from the shower imitates tropical rain, which orchids cannot help but like. With its help, the leaves are cleaned of dust, and the roots are cleaned of possible pests. After the shower, the flowers are left in the bathroom so that they can steam under the conditions high humidity and temperature, and glass excess liquid. The growing point of the leaf axil should be dried with a dry cloth.

Once a month in the warm season, it is recommended to give orchids a hot shower. This procedure helps to remove the plant from a stressful situation, is a good stimulation for the formation of new roots and flower stalks, and prevents the appearance of spider mite. The water temperature should not be higher than +52°C.

As a result of such bathing, a large absorption of moisture occurs by the leaves and roots of the flower, which stimulates the formation of new cells and metabolism in plant tissues. The procedure is carried out as follows: water the flower with warm water, leave for 30 minutes, and then completely irrigate for 30 seconds with hot water. Hot showers are used only for stimulation healthy plants, because Patients may die from such a procedure.


Watering orchids using the immersion method allows not only to qualitatively moisten the substrate. This best method for feeding the plant and treating its roots with various stimulants and antiseptics.

Humidification by immersion is carried out as follows: a flower in a pot is placed in a container into which warm, prepared water is poured. It is important that the neck of the plant remains above the water. The orchid can be left in this position for 15 minutes or more.

If you keep plants in water, swelling will form on the leaves; affected sheet plates will have to be deleted. After the allotted time has elapsed, the plants are removed from the container and allowed to drain completely. excess water, and then placed in its usual place.

For watering using the immersion method, you can use any container, including a flower pot - an orchid pot without holes with a concave bottom. There should be more pots flower pot. To water, the pots are completely filled with water and drained after the required time. The high bottom allows excess moisture to drain, which will need to be drained.

Watering with a watering can

Orchids do not tolerate watering from above. This is due to moisture getting into the rosette and leaf axils, which, in turn, leads to rotting. Therefore, for top watering you need to use a watering can with a long narrow spout, which allows you to evenly moisten the substrate under the leaves.

Slowly water the soil until water appears in the tray. Its remains can be left in it. Moisture trapped in the leaf axils and growing point is removed with napkins or a cotton pad. This method is not suitable if a large number of the roots are in a free state - due to insufficient moisture they will dry out.


Spray the orchids from a spray bottle with distilled water. It does not leave streaks on the leaves. At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to get on the flowers and buds, or to stagnate in the axils of the leaves and in the rosette. When spraying, the jet is directed either from bottom to top or perpendicular to the trunk.

A wet plant needs to be shaded - drops of water will serve as lenses, which will lead to the appearance sunburn on sheets of paper.

In winter, irrigation is carried out in rooms where, due to the operation of the heating system, the air is dry and the temperature rises to +25°C. If the room is cool, it is better to avoid spraying.

The procedure is carried out in the morning so that by evening the leaves are already dry. In summer, you can irrigate twice a day if necessary.

Watering with fertilizers

In order for orchids to always bloom, they need to be fertilized regularly and correctly. Fertilizing is carried out only during the period of active growth and flowering; in winter the plant does not need it. Sick and weakened flowers cannot be fertilized.

In early spring, when the flower grows green mass, it especially needs nitrogen, and when buds are formed and flowering, it needs potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizing is always combined with watering the plant so as not to burn the dry roots.

Root fertilizer is applied as follows. First, the flower is watered using the immersion method to evenly moisten the roots. Then, according to the instructions, the fertilizer is diluted in clean, prepared water and the orchid is placed in it for 20 minutes. It is important to allow excess solution to drain completely from the pot.

For foliar feeding use special means in the form of a spray. In cloudy weather or in the evening, in a room without drafts and at a temperature not lower than room temperature, fertilizer is sprayed onto the leaves on both sides and visible roots. Fertilizer should not accumulate in the axils and rosettes or get on the peduncle.

Mistakes when watering

Main possible mistakes when watering orchids:

  1. Overflow. The substrate and plant roots should have time to dry completely between waterings.
  2. Accumulation of moisture in the axils of the leaves and rosette of the flower, which leads to its rotting and death.

The frequency of watering orchids is determined by various factors:

  • season;
  • plant life cycle;
  • temperature and air humidity level;
  • lighting;
  • soil features;
  • growing method.

Attention! The lower the illumination, temperature and finer the substrate, the less often you need to water.

Orchids located in suspension system, require frequent spraying 1-3 times a day. Plants planted on a block are irrigated more often than specimens living in pots.

In addition, the rate of absorption and assimilation of moisture in different varieties not the same. They like moist soil:

They prefer to remain without watering until the substrate is completely dry:

  • Cattleya;
  • oncidium;
  • dendrobium;
  • Odontoglossum.

How to determine the presence of moisture in the soil?

The need for watering is determined by the following criteria:

  1. If there are droplets of condensation on the walls of the flowerpot, it is too early to water the plant. Dry walls indicate the need to moisten the soil.
  2. The bright green color of the roots indicates that there is enough moisture. Light roots are a signal for watering.
  3. If the pot feels heavy when you lift it, watering is not required. If the pot is light, it is time to water it.
  4. In an opaque flowerpot, the presence of moisture in the soil is determined by the degree to which a wooden support stick is immersed in it.

How many times should you moisturize at home?

There is no exact hydration schedule. For most types of indoor orchids, the optimal watering is 1-3 times a week in the summer and 1-2 times a week in winter time(?). In hot weather, the substrate dries out faster, so you have to moisten it more often in the summer. Immersion and watering methods are suitable (we talked about methods of watering an orchid). should be carried out in the morning so that by evening there is no moisture left in the axils of the leaves.

You will find more detailed information on how to water indoor orchids in, and it talks about what kind of water and solutions this can be done.

Outdoor irrigation

The garden orchid loves rain and can be watered in the morning and evening. It is necessary to water regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out. However, overwatering should not be allowed. The garden orchid prefers to be in moderately moist soil. To do this, you also need to ensure good drainage.

On a note. For an orchid growing outdoors, it is better to organize a drip humidification system.

Let's consider the frequency of watering orchids when the plant is blooming and during dormancy:

Before and during flowering, the orchid requires more intense watering than usual. should be applied several times a week as the soil dries out. Typically watering is required every 3-4 days.

If the orchid is blooming, there is no need to wait for the condensation on the walls of the container to completely evaporate. For a flowering plant, complete drying of the substrate is not necessary. This can negatively affect flowering. You only need to water the roots, trying to optimally saturate them with moisture, but do not overwater.

If there is insufficient humidity in the room, it is allowed to spray the leaves with warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed +36°C. At the same time, try to avoid moisture getting into the core of the flower.

A blooming orchid can be lowered into a container of water until the substrate is completely saturated. Or water with a watering can, directing the water to the walls of the pot.

Attention! When flowers wilt and the colored area at the ends of rhizomes decreases, the frequency of watering is halved and care is taken to ensure that the substrate dries out between procedures.

During rest

After the plant has flowered, watering should be reduced for about a month. In nature, after flowering, orchids begin to form seeds, which must fly in different directions for several kilometers. This is only possible during dry periods. It is necessary to provide the plant with conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

If the orchid does not bloom, you need to wait until the substrate and roots dry completely. This is especially important when the apartment is cool. The number of waterings should be temporarily reduced and alternated with drying, but the soil and roots should not be allowed to dry out too much. During the dormant period, you need to water the orchid no more than twice a month.

It is necessary to allow excess liquid to drain out of the pot so that after placing it on a cool windowsill, the roots do not get too cold and become sick. If the flower requires a warm shower, it should be done in the evening, and the plant should be left in the bathroom overnight to prevent rot from forming at the growing point.

To restore the orchid after flowering, you can add special liquid fertilizers to the water. They promote the development of new leaves and root systems.

The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. If you water without waiting for the substrate to dry, it will become compacted and water stagnation will occur. Root system may rot. Losing the opportunity to fully feed, the plant weakens and may die.

In this situation, urgent measures must be taken to save the orchid. You should:

  1. replant the plant;
  2. cut off rotten roots;
  3. treat the sections with activated carbon powder.

We talked about how to water an orchid after transplanting it into another pot.

When is there not enough moisture?

Orchids can tolerate short periods of drought quite easily. These plants accumulate a sufficient amount of moisture in the roots and leaves. However, infrequent watering can cause the root system to dry out. If there is not enough water, the orchid stops growing and does not bloom.

On flowering plant When experiencing an acute moisture deficiency, flowers and unopened buds dry out prematurely.

Proper watering is an important part of caring for indoor and garden orchids. How and how many times a week a flower should be watered is determined by the time of year, life cycle, maintenance conditions and variety. Improper soil moisture can lead to growth problems and even plant death. If you water an orchid taking into account all factors, it will develop safely and bloom luxuriantly.

Useful video

In this video we will look at how to properly water orchids:

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