What zodiac sign are you by date? New zodiac signs by month: what astrologers and nasa say

During the earthly year, the Sun travels a certain distance along the celestial sphere - a conventional circle, and this path is called the ecliptic. The twelve signs of the Zodiac, known to everyone, are 30-degree sections of the ecliptic (i.e., the distance traveled by the Sun is divided into 12 equal parts), and their countdown begins from the point of the vernal equinox.

This explains why the start date of a new period begins on the twentieth of the month, and not on the first, which, according to many, would be more logical. Each sign of the Zodiac is under the influence of the Sun for about a month, and if considered chronologically, the signs of the Zodiac are located in this conventional circle (ecliptic) in the following order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

One of the most common mistakes is comparing zodiac signs with zodiac constellations. And it’s really very easy to confuse them, especially since images of stars are often used in the symbols of the Zodiac signs. In fact, the names of the signs of the Zodiac known to us were obtained by them from the nearest constellations.

The characteristics of each of the zodiac signs depend on the planets influencing the person born during this period. The position of each of them explains the character traits, distinctive features personality, the presence of innate talents and abilities, but the main thing is still the influence of the Sun. That potential, that temperament, that inner core, that endurance and determination that a representative of a particular sign will be endowed with depends on it.

Why do astrologers talk about General characteristics Zodiac signs and about the need to consider each person separately, depending on the date, and even time of birth? Because every day and every hour the Sun changes its position, and with it its influence on the character and life of a person changes.

Thus, all residents solar system, directly depend on the dominant planet. The characteristics that can be read in the horoscopes of each of the existing signs of the Zodiac are general, and accurate information about a person, about the characteristics of his character, about other signs of the Zodiac can only be found out by knowing the data about the date, time and place of his birth according to.

Zodiac signs by months and dates

When determining your zodiac sign by date and month you need to remember the following: if the date of your birth is at the junction of two signs - on the 19th-24th of the month - then to accurately determine your zodiac sign you must also take into account the date, time and place of birth, since the moment the Sun enters a particular sign is not consistent with the earth's daily cycle and changes every year.

To accurately determine your zodiac sign, refer to our free calculation. With the help of this online service you will not only quickly and accurately calculate and find out your Solar Zodiac sign, but also receive detailed description your personality, your personal horoscope.

21 Mar-20 Apr 21 Apr-21 May 22 May-21 June 22 Jun-23 Jul 24 Jul-23 Aug 24 Aug-23 Sep
24 Sep-23 Oct 24 Oct-22 Nov 23 Nov-21 Dec 22 Dec-20 Jan 21 Jan-19 Feb 20 Feb-20 Mar

Zodiac signs by elements and qualities

Despite the fundamental differences between the twelve signs of the Zodiac and each other, they also have some similarities, and sometimes quite significant ones. This is determined by the sign’s belonging to one of the four elements and to qualities or crosses.

A horoscope is a map of the location of the planets relative to the signs of the Zodiac, compiled at the time of a person’s birth, taking into account the geographic coordinates of the place of birth. It is believed that this provides the key to understanding a person’s character and his destiny. Astrologers use horoscopes to predict fate, which is generally believed to depend on the relative positions of the planets and stars.

A horoscope is one of the few opportunities to look into the future, to learn about the events and warnings that await you in the future from astrologers, who for centuries have been doing nothing but studying the stars, compiling star charts for each zodiac sign. Since ancient times, people have wanted to look into tomorrow. Depending on the time of birth, every person living on earth is born under his own zodiac sign.

The zodiac sign is determined by a person’s date of birth, and each of these 12 signs has basic traits and characteristics unique to itself. The described zodiac signs, as most of us rightly believe, reflect the essence of our nature.
The zodiac sign will help you learn about the hidden and possibly unknown qualities, talents, and virtues of a person born under one or another zodiac sign, will tell you how to reveal them and use them correctly, and will also help you achieve insight in life.

You can learn a lot of interesting and useful information about yourself, acquaintances and friends from the zodiac horoscope.
Don't expect your zodiac sign horoscope to reveal your future. However, the astrological horoscope of the zodiac signs will give general information about the individual character traits of a person born under a particular constellation, will help warn against possible dangers, and give advice on what to do in a given situation. Remember that the formation of character and habits is influenced not only by the horoscope zodiac under which a person was born, but also by the planets. There are 8 planets plus the sun and moon, which play an important role in the development of an individual's personality. Depending on the position of the planet in the horoscope of the zodiacs, any of them can dominate over the others, as a result of which it has a strong influence on the formation of a person’s character. This is why people born under the same sign can be so different in character and in their actions.

Zodiac signs by month.

In the countries of the East, the eastern calendar is very common, in which the years are combined into twelve-year cycles, just as in the Western calendar the year is divided into twelve zodiac constellations. Every year in the eastern calendar is named after an animal. People born this year are assigned the qualities inherent in this animal, according to life observations and Eastern mythology.

We invite you to get acquainted with eastern calendar(or Chinese calendar). It is believed that they largely determine the characters and tastes of people, their compatibility, and ultimately, people’s destinies.

Eastern calendar. Zodiac signs by year of birth.

According to the Eastern calendar New Year does not have an exact fixed date and occurs on the first day of the first lunar month calendar new year. Every year in the eastern calendar is named after an animal. People born this year are assigned the qualities inherent in this animal, according to life observations and Eastern mythology. Every twelve years the cycle repeats and the animal returns, but it is no longer quite the same animal, because in a full circle eastern horoscope there are five different Rats, Bulls, Tigers, etc. The animal remains, but its element changes. The eastern calendar assumes the presence of 5 elements, each element corresponds to certain colors. Thus, the cycle repeats itself completely after 60 years.

Rat, Mouse (born in 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) – stubborn, thrifty, secretive, aggressive, charming.
Ox (Cow, Ox) (born in 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) – impulsive, self-confident, responsible, family-oriented.
Tiger (born in 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) – active, selfish, generous, quick-tempered, strong, leading.
Rabbit, Hare, Cat (born in 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) – shy, peace-loving, sentimental, conservative.
Dragon (born in 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024) – despotic, loving, lucky, proud, assertive.
Snake (born in 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025) – romantic, rational, wise, lazy, sophisticated.
Horse (Horse) (born in 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026) – kind, flexible, energetic, insightful, restless.

  • March 21 – April 20
  • Aries - first Zodiac sign. The image is a ram's head.
  • Aries is a cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements Fire.
  • Manager- Mars, in exaltation - the Sun, in decline - Saturn, in exile - Venus.

Zodiac sign Taurus (Taurus)

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? April 21 - May 21
  • Calf - second Zodiac sign. The image is the head and horns of a bull.
  • Taurus is a fixed zodiac sign belonging to the elements Earth.
  • Manager- Venus, in exaltation - the Moon, in debilitation - Uranus, in exile - Mars, Pluto.

Zodiac sign Gemini

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? May 22 – June 21
  • Twins - third Zodiac sign. The image is of two trees connected to each other.
  • Gemini is a mutable zodiac sign belonging to the element Air.
  • Manager- Mercury strongly manifests itself as Uranus, since it acts as the highest octave of Mercury and Mars.

Zodiac sign Cancer

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? June 22 – July 23
  • Cancer - fourth Zodiac sign. The image is of claws trying to close.
  • Cancer is a cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the element Water.
  • Manager- Moon, in exaltation - Jupiter and Neptune, in fall - Mars, in exile - Saturn.

Zodiac sign Leo

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? July 24 - August 23
  • A lion - fifth Zodiac sign. Image - sperm.
  • Leo is a fixed zodiac sign belonging to the elements Fire.
  • Manager- Sun, in exaltation - Pluto, in fall - Mercury, in exile - Saturn, Uranus.

Zodiac sign Virgo (Virgo)

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? August 24 – September 23
  • Virgo - sixth Zodiac sign. The image is a sheaf of ears.
  • Virgo is a mutable zodiac sign belonging to the element Earth.
  • Manager- Mercury, strong influence of Saturn, in decline - Venus, in exile - Jupiter, Neptune.

Zodiac sign Libra (Libra)

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? September 24 – October 23
  • Scales - seventh Zodiac sign. The image is two scales.
  • Libra is a cardinal zodiac sign belonging to the element Air.
  • Manager- Venus, in exaltation - Mars, in decline - the Sun.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (Scorpio)

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? October 24 – November 22
  • Scorpion - eighth Zodiac sign. Image - scorpion: paws and tail.
  • Scorpio is a fixed zodiac sign belonging to the elements Water.
  • Day ruler- Pluto, nocturnal - Mars, in exaltation - Uranus, in debilitation - the Moon, in exile - Venus.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (Sagittarius)

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? November 23 – December 21
  • Sagittarius - ninth Zodiac sign. Image - arrow and bow.
  • Sagittarius is a mutable zodiac sign belonging to the element Fire.
  • Day ruler- Jupiter, nocturnal - Neptune, in exaltation - Descending lunar node, in fall - Ascending lunar node, in exile - Mercury.

Zodiac sign Capricorn

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? December 22 – January 24
  • Capricorn - tenth sign. The image is a goat with a fish tail.
  • Capricorn is a cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the element Earth.
  • Day ruler of the sign- Saturn, nocturnal - Uranus, in exaltation - Mars, in debilitation - Jupiter and Neptune, in exile - the Moon.

Every day we see the starry night sky, but few people know that our destiny, character and intellect depend on these mysterious bright celestial bodies. We are born on a certain day and hour, and for the rest of our lives we follow our zodiac destiny. Find out which zodiac sign you were born under. You will need the day and month of your birth.

In the list of zodiac signs, select the time period in which you were born. The constellation that was in the heavens at that time will be your Zodiac Sign.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Aries March 21 - April 20

A friendly person with an energetic manner and a firm handshake. A person born under the constellation Aries is emotional, trusting, has a brilliant mind and quick wit. You can always rely on an Aries, and know that he does not know how to lie. Element – ​​fire, planet Mars.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Taurus April 21 - May 21

These are very reliable, calm and sensible people who are very lucky in the financial sector. Conservative and pragmatic, Taurus is always friendly, courteous and overly friendly. Having a Taurus friend is a real gift of fate. Element – ​​earth, planet Venus.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Gemini May 22 - June 21

The constellation Gemini rewards a person with wealth, success and incredible luck. The nature of twins is amazing high intelligence, charm and stunning energy. Element – ​​air.

How to find out your zodiac sign – Cancer June 22 – July 22

Emotional, overly sensitive and very caring. Has developed intuition and good memory. Cancers are generous, sensual and very talented people. They value stability, comfort and the warmth of home in life.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Leo July 23 - August 23

A generous and noble man, endowed by the stars with courage and a boundless desire for power. The sign has a highly developed intuition, a quick-tempered character and great determination. IN family relationships characterized by a faithful spouse and a loving, good family man. Element – ​​fire.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Virgo August 24 - September 23

Those born under the Virgo constellation are distinguished by rigor, rationality and precision in everything. Her intellectual and reasonable nature is capable of courageously confronting difficulties and producing truly brilliant ideas. Element – ​​earth.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Libra September 24 - October 23

Throughout their life's journey, Libras strive for complete idyll, harmony and tranquility. Representatives of this sign are considered true romantics, possessors of good aesthetic taste and lovers of luxury. It is difficult to rely on them in serious matters, but if they are required to help their family and friends, they will give everything they can and will spend as much energy and time as necessary. Element – ​​air.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Scorpio October 24 - November 22

Scorpio is ruled by the most powerful planets– Mars and Pluto. People of this sign are endowed with courage, courage, bravery and the ability to boldly face obstacles and dangers. They take a strong leadership position and lead an active life filled with dramatic events and relationships. Element – ​​water.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

It differs from all signs in its excessive independence, self-reliance and tendency towards idealism. People of this constellation are almost always in good mood, have a magnetic charm, come up with brilliant ideas and are easy-going. Element – ​​fire, planet – Jupiter.

How to find out your zodiac sign – Capricorn December 22 – January 20

The stars rewarded Capricorn with hard work, perseverance and extreme seriousness. Many people are self-contained, quiet and extremely uncommunicative people. Only true and sincere love can reveal a Capricorn as a person. Element – ​​air.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Aquarians have absorbed the most best qualities all zodiac signs. He is a bright, truth-loving, honest, open, but at the same time very vulnerable person. You can’t offend him - he will remember him for a long time and will erase the offender from his life. In relationships, he is a monogamist and deeply values ​​loyalty and honesty. Element – ​​air.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Pisces February 20 - March 20

Silent fish have a soft, compliant nature and always want to love and be loved. Planet Neptune bestowed watermark rich creative imagination, dedication, devotion. People born under the constellation Pisces are honest, friendly and optimistic - you can always rely on them.

Many argue that our fate is determined in advance and much can be predicted using horoscope according to zodiac signs. Some, on the contrary, contradict, because they are sure that we ourselves, with our thoughts and decisive action we forge our destiny. Everyone has their own opinion, which can be confirmed or denied by facts from life. But one thing is undeniable - the Universe has its own laws, which, if you understand, you can easily go through life.

This law is the same for all times and generations. It is on this that our planet is built, and from here its development comes. As for the signs of the zodiac, people have proven long ago that they have a certain influence on a person’s life and destiny. Yes, of course they don’t fundamentally change it. But if we talk about character, then they already play a role.

What is your zodiac sign? Dates by month:

Depending on the year and place of birth, the date of transitions from one sign to another may vary slightly (up to a day).

Aries- from March 21 to April 20 (03/21 - 04/20)
Taurus- from April 20 to May 20 (20.04 - 20.05)
Twins- from May 21 to June 21 (05/21 - 06/21)
Cancer- from June 22 to July 22 (06/22 - 07/22)
a lion- from July 23 to August 22 (07/23 - 08/22)
Virgo- from August 23 to September 22 (23.08 - 22.09)
Scales- from September 23 to October 23 (09.23 - 10.20)
Scorpion- from October 24 to November 22 (10/24 - 11/22)
Sagittarius- from November 23 to December 21 (11/23 - 12/21)
Capricorn- from December 22 to January 20 (12/22 - 01/20)
Aquarius- from January 21 to February 18 (01/21 - 02/18)
Fish- from February 19 to March 20 (02/19 - 03/20)

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

If a person was born under a certain zodiac sign, then when years later he reads his description, he will be surprised. Because he will get the impression that everything written is very similar to him. It’s as if someone just decided to write about his character. Let's look into the future with the help of astrology. Astrology is not a specific science, but it attracts us like a magnet in the hope of seeing something distant and secret from our lives.

Knowledge about celestial bodies will be of interest to many generations, more than once we will turn to the stars for advice. Of particular interest to us are the zodiac signs, by which people try to find out what awaits them. Many people believe in horoscopes based on their zodiac sign, especially if they promise something good.

The influence of stars on people

According to astrology, our life develops under the influence of stars and planets, events develop depending on how the stars turn towards us. This is how our preferences, character, and life position are formed. If you get to know a person well, the sharp turns of his life, you can easily read his fate. There are 12 zodiac signs, corresponding to 12 individual types of people.

To compile a horoscope, not only the date of birth is important, but also the place. Nobody pays attention to social factors, such as education, upbringing, the environment in which you grow up and the people with whom you communicate. But by the characteristics of the sign you can easily recognize a person. Astrology allows us to recognize in advance what will happen to us. With such knowledge, no circumstances will take us by surprise, we will be ready for any turn of fate.

We will be able to choose the right friends or life partner, know what to do and what is better to leave. By exploring the Universe, we will discover the secrets of the future, and we will be able to adjust it to ourselves. It is for this reason that it is better to read horoscopes. You may not find a clear answer there, but the horoscope will tell you what awaits you in life and what to do in a given situation.

But, on the other hand, the horoscope will give you the right advice and guidance, which will help you not only make the right decision, but also guide you on the right path in life. Reading horoscopes does not mean believing every word they say. This means listening and drawing certain conclusions for yourself that can help you a lot later in life.