How thick should a wall made of expanded clay concrete be? How thick are expanded clay block walls made? Wall thickness for different regions

Expanded clay concrete is one type of concrete. Recently it has become quite often used in construction work: construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages. It is also used to fill the frame for multi-story buildings that are built of reinforced concrete.
This material has become so popular that it is difficult to imagine a country in which it would not be used by builders. More precisely, pre-made expanded clay concrete wall blocks are used.
The thickness of the surface finished with expanded clay concrete block mainly depends on which masonry option you choose. Each option, in turn, depends on the weather, climatic conditions. It also takes into account how much the building is used. When construction is major, often more than just one block of expanded clay concrete can be used. In addition, bricks, foam and cinder blocks are used. The thickness of the future masonry will depend on what kind of thermal insulation is required for a particular building. The various thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent characteristics of the insulation will also be taken into account.
Depending on the choice of masonry, you will calculate the thickness of the walls that are being made ceramic blocks. Moreover, the outer and inner layers of finishing plaster applied to the wall will be taken into account:
First option: if the supporting wall is laid out in blocks of 390:190:200 millimeters, then the masonry must be laid 400 millimeters thick, not counting the layers interior plaster and insulation that is located outside.
Second option: if the load-bearing wall structure consists of blocks measuring 590:290:200 millimeters, then the wall should be exactly 600 millimeters. In this case, it is worth filling special voids in the blocks between the walls with insulation.
Third option: if you decide to use an expanded clay concrete block with a size of 235:500:200 millimeters, then the wall thickness will be 500 millimeters. Plus add layers of plaster on both sides of the wall to your calculations.
Thermal conductivity is a material property that characterizes the process of heat transfer from warm objects to cool ones. Everyone knows this from physics lessons.
Thermal conductivity in calculations is expressed through a special coefficient. It takes into account the parameters of the bodies between which heat is transferred, the amount of heat, and time. This coefficient shows how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one body to another, which measures one meter thick and one square meter area.
Different characteristics have their influence on the thermal conductivity of each material. These include the size, type, presence of voids of the material or substance, its chemical composition. Humidity and air temperature also affect this process. For example, low thermal conductivity is observed in porous materials and substances.
For each specific building, its own wall thickness is measured. It varies depending on the purpose of the building. For a residential building, the standard thickness will be exactly 64 centimeters. This is all spelled out in special building codes and rules. True, some people think differently: that the load-bearing wall of a residential building can be 39 centimeters thick. In fact, such calculations are more suitable for summer house, country house, garage, buildings for economic purposes. Can be erected interior finishing a wall of such thickness.
Calculation example
The timing is very important accurate calculation. It is necessary to take into account the optimal thickness of the walls, which are made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To achieve results, use a very simple one-step formula.
Builders, to solve this formula, must know two quantities. First you need to find out the thermal conductivity coefficient, which was mentioned earlier. In the formula it is written through the sign “λ”. The second value that needs to be taken into account is the heat transfer resistance coefficient. This value depends on many factors, for example, weather conditions area where the building is located. The area in which the building will then be used is also an important factor. This value in the formula will look like “Rreg”. It can be determined by building codes and regulations.
The value in the formula that we need to find, namely the thickness of the wall being built, we denote by the “δ” icon. As a result, the formula will look like this:
As a result, after solving this formula:
δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.
We understand that the thickness of the walls should be 57 centimeters.
δ = Rreg x λ
To give an example, you can calculate the thickness of a wall under construction in the city of Moscow and its region. The value of Rreg for this region of the country has already been calculated and officially established in special rules and regulations for construction. So it is 3-3.1. And you can take any wall size as an example, since you will already be calculating yours on the spot. The thickness of the block can be completely different. For example, it will be possible to take 0.19 W/(m*⁰С).
Experienced builders and experts recommend making the wall thickness from forty to sixty centimeters if the building is located in such central regions of Russia as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The growing number of developers and the desire to find an economical, durable, durable and warm material for building a house has led to an increase in the popularity of lightweight concrete blocks. Along with expanded clay concrete blocks, which have excellent thermal insulation properties, are safe, lightweight and relatively inexpensive, have become widely used. Many private builders call this material one of best solutions for or giving. Is it really? Let's deal with the issue the right choice expanded clay concrete, the pros and cons of the material, its types and manufacturers.

No. 1. How to make expanded clay concrete

Expanded clay concrete began to be produced in the middle of the last century, then it was safely forgotten, and today it is experiencing new era popularity. The composition of the material, like any lightweight concrete block, includes cement, water and sand, and is used as a filler expanded clay– granules different sizes, obtained by firing low-melting clays. The granules are light due to large quantity pores inside, but durable, as they have a strong burnt shell. For the production of expanded clay concrete, granules measuring 5-40 mm are used. Blocks can be solid or hollow. Moreover, expanded clay concrete solution can be used for monolithic construction house walls.

Huge value on performance characteristics block has a ratio of expanded clay and cement. The more expanded clay, the lighter, warmer and more expensive the block will be. The quality of cement determines the grade of strength of the material. Due to the expanded clay filler, the material acquires unique thermal insulation properties, for which modern developers love him so much.

Unscrupulous manufacturers add adhesive additives to the mixture to increase the strength of the material, but this has a negative impact on environmental safety. Blocks in production are formed under the influence vibrations, dried in special chambers, where heating occurs with streams of hot air or infrared rays.

Today private and country houses, dachas, it is used for monolithic construction of buildings.

No. 2. Expanded clay concrete blocks: pros and cons

The composition of expanded clay concrete determines its numerous positive sides, which ensure the popularity of the material. Among the main advantages of expanded clay concrete blocks:

  • excellent thermal insulation qualities, which is why the material was chosen by residents of Scandinavian countries. For the harsh climatic conditions of our country, such blocks are irreplaceable. The thermal conductivity coefficient of expanded clay concrete brand D500 is 0.17-0.23 W/m*K, brand D1000 – 0.33-0.41 W/m*K;
  • not bad soundproofing;
  • low construction costs. The price of expanded clay concrete is comparable to the cost of other lightweight concrete blocks, but significantly lower than the price of. If we take into account the reduced costs of arranging the foundation and the smaller number of seams, then we can say that a house made of expanded clay concrete will cost about a third less than a brick house;
  • fast construction times, which is associated with large sizes blocks and their relatively low weight;
  • sufficient strength;
  • vapor permeability allows the walls of the house to breathe and removes excess moisture;
  • moisture resistance and frost resistance, resistance to fire (blocks do not melt or burn), and;
  • durability, which is achieved due to moisture and frost resistance and is at least 75-100 years;
  • environmental friendliness, because the composition includes only natural materials;
  • no shrinkage;
  • the ability to use both traditional mortar and glue for masonry.

Expanded clay concrete blocks also have disadvantages:

  • difficulties at work with the material. If many blocks (for example,) can be cut with a hacksaw and easily given the required shape, then expanded clay concrete will have to be cut with a saw with pobedit teeth - the other side of strength;
  • difficulty of fastening It cannot be denied, but this problem should not be overestimated either. For example, anchor bolts and dowels are normally held in expanded clay concrete walls;
  • Although the material has vapor permeability, it is less pronounced than that of brick, so it is better to provide a high-quality one in the house;
  • Another drawback is often mentioned - the formation of cold bridges, but it is rather far-fetched, since it absolutely always occurs when walls are built from individual elements. It is possible to get rid of cold bridges if you build walls from expanded clay concrete using monolithic technology;
  • if you plan to build a multi-story massive building from expanded clay concrete, then you cannot do without careful professional calculations;
  • Another dubious drawback is the need to line the blocks with expanded clay concrete, since they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Yes, there is little beauty in them, but today almost all houses are decorated, with the only exception being wooden ones. But you can use anything: plaster with, decorative brick.

No. 3. Types of expanded clay concrete blocks by purpose

Expanded clay concrete blocks can be divided into two fundamentally different groups based on the presence or absence of voids:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.

Solid blocks is a structural material with high density and relatively heavy weight. Load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls are erected from it; even multi-storey buildings can be built.

Hollow blocks thanks to the holes inside, they have improved thermal insulation properties, are suitable for the construction of partitions and load-bearing walls one-story buildings.

No. 4. Size of expanded clay concrete blocks

By size, expanded clay concrete blocks are usually divided into:

  • wall;
  • septal

It is clear that the former are used for laying external walls. They must have certain strength and density indicators, which will be discussed further. In size they can be 288*138*138, 288*288*138, 290*190*188, 390*190*188, 190*190*188, 90*190*188 mm. According to their fullness, they are either full-bodied or hollow.

Partition blocks, as the name suggests, are used for masonry internal partitions. They have less weight, which reduces the load on the foundation. In size, as a rule, partition blocks are produced in 590*90*188, 390*90*188, 190*90*188 mm.

Some companies produce blocks that do not comply with the dimensions indicated above- they are carried out not according to GOST, but according to specifications that the manufacturer himself can determine for himself. As a rule, large-format blocks are produced according to specifications.

Separately worth noting facing blocks, which are produced by some enterprises. They have dimensions of 600*300*400 mm, are produced by adding dyes to the solution and have a relief decorative surface.

No. 5. Strength grade of expanded clay concrete blocks

When choosing expanded clay concrete for building a house, garage, partitions, utility rooms and other buildings, it is necessary to take into account a lot of performance indicators of the material: strength, density, frost resistance and thermal conductivity. They are all interconnected. Let's start with strength.

Durability refers to the ability of a material to withstand loads and resist destruction. Typically, the strength of expanded clay concrete is denoted by the letter M and the number following it. from 25 to 100, which means how many kilograms each cm 2 of the surface of the block can support. The M25 block can withstand 25 kg/cm 2 , and the M100 block can withstand 100 kg/cm 2 . In private construction, as a rule, blocks with a strength higher than M100 are not used: M75-M100 blocks are used for the construction of walls, and M35-M50 for partitions. In industrial and multi-storey construction, blocks of greater strength can be used.

It is worth noting that the M75 block can withstand both 65 kg/cm2 and 75 or 80 kg/cm2. Despite the inaccuracies, this method classification of expanded clay concrete still continues to be used. A much more accurate option is strength classes, which are marked with the letter B. This is strength with guaranteed security. The numerical value is from 2.5 to 40: the higher it is, the more durable the block will be. M100, for example, corresponds to B7.5.

No. 6. Density of expanded clay concrete

Another important indicator is density. The lower the density, the higher the thermal insulation qualities. On the other hand, the higher the density, the higher the strength and resistance to moisture. The density of blocks is marked with the letter D followed by a coefficient from 350 to 1800. The coefficient is equal to the density expressed in kg/m3.

The area of ​​use of the material depends on the density:

No. 7. Frost resistance and thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete

Frost resistance called the ability of a material to withstand sudden changes in temperature. This indicator is determined by the number of shock freezing and thawing, marked with the letter F. For expanded clay concrete, this indicator can vary from 25 to 300, but in private construction the material is used F15-F100. For northern regions It is better to take material with frost resistance F50-F75. Blocks with low frost resistance are suitable only for interior work.

Thermal conductivity material directly depends on the density. For the D1000 block it is 0.33-0.41, D1400 - 0.56-0.65, etc. (see table). Depending on which block is selected for construction and the region in which the house will be located, calculating the thickness of expanded clay concrete and analyzing the need to use insulation:№9. The best manufacturers expanded clay concrete

Factories involved in the production of such promising building material, today there are a lot, and there is a big risk of stumbling upon a low-quality product produced in inappropriate conditions. A normal manufacturer is not afraid to show the production process and invite the buyer to the factory, and can provide all the necessary quality certificates and test results. Let's look at the largest manufacturers of expanded clay concrete blocks:

No. 10. DIY expanded clay concrete blocks

Self-production of expanded clay concrete can significantly reduce the cost of building a house. As a rule, they make small batches of material with their own hands for the construction of simple small buildings, otherwise the labor intensity of the work will simply be unjustified.

In addition to the already known ingredients, you will need special equipment, it can be rented. A volume of at least 130 liters will be required. You will also need a vibrating machine; it already has molding containers, so you don’t have to bother with their production. Otherwise, you will have to make them from metal or wood.

The process of making expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands looks like this:

  • mixing components in a concrete mixer. First, mix 3 parts of sand and 1 part, then add 1-1.2 parts of water, and then another 6 parts of expanded clay. Mix everything thoroughly; you may need to add a small amount of water if the mixture is too dry. Some add a little liquid soap to ensure better viscosity;
  • mixture in portions placed in mold machine and turn on vibration, excess solution is removed;
  • the plate with the finished block is raised, the blanks are dried for 2 days, then the steel plates are removed;
  • Without using a machine, the process is somewhat more complicated and longer. It will be necessary to pour the solution into pre-prepared and greased molds and tamp thoroughly. It is better to use blocks no earlier than after 28 days.

If you are not sure about own strength, then it's better to buy ready material with well known performance qualities. If you follow the production technology (famous manufacturers can be trusted) and masonry technology, a house made of expanded clay concrete will last a very long time.

The required thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks is selected depending on certain factors. The functional purposes of the building, climatic conditions, and type of masonry are taken into account. It should also be taken into account that the thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks with no insulation will differ from the dimensions of walls sheathed with insulating building materials.

Expanded clay concrete blocks with a fairly light specific gravity, have good strength characteristics, which makes it possible to build a building on a light type of foundation. Such walls have good sound and heat insulation. The thickness of walls built from expanded clay concrete elements will depend on the following factors:

  • Under what conditions will the building be operated, for example, will it be a residential building or an industrial enterprise?
  • Climate conditions in the region where the house will be built.
  • Another important point is the choice of masonry.
  • The thickness will also determine the moisture resistance and thermal conductivity properties of insulation materials.
  • It will be equally important to take into account the layer of finishing materials.

What are the average thicknesses of walls erected in the central regions of the country? For such an area, it will be enough to build walls from expanded clay concrete blocks, the thickness of which will be 40-60 centimeters. If construction will take place in regions with colder climatic conditions, walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks must be insulated with special building materials. The result should be a wall pie made of expanded clay concrete blocks, insulation and cladding.

Expanded clay concrete walls come in two types - load-bearing and partitions that do not have a load-bearing load. Vertical bearing structures experience heavy loads and serve as support for the ceiling and roof. Non-load-bearing partitions help divide the interior space into rooms. The choice of type of construction depends on the purpose of the walls. External load-bearing structures are also interior walls They can be load-bearing, the only difference is that there is no need for their insulation.

Thickness of external walls without insulation

The thickness of the walls will be determined by the dimensions of the expanded clay concrete panels and masonry options.

  1. Panels with parameters 59x29x20 cm are used to build a 60 cm wall. In this option, you only need to insulate the voids in the panels.
  2. Blocks with dimensions 39x19x20 cm, the width without insulation will be 40 cm.
  3. The products are 23.5x50x20 cm, then the masonry will have a thickness of 50 cm plus internal and external plaster.

Expanded clay concrete products can be solid or hollow. The dense type of block has greater strength and is suitable for creating a load-bearing structure.

Thickness of external walls with insulation

The width of the wall will depend on the purpose of the building:

  1. When constructing a warehouse or utility room. Laying is carried out in one layer with a product width of 20 cm. The inner surface layer should be plastered, and the outside surface should be insulated with a ten-centimeter layer of mineral wool, polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.
  2. In the case when such a small building, like a bathhouse, then the installation will be similar to the type of masonry in the utility room, the only difference will be that the thermal insulation layer will be 5 cm.
  3. Laying in three layers is carried out directly during the construction of a residential building. During the work, a small distance is left between the blocks. The total thickness will be 60 cm, the inner part of the surface is covered with plaster, and insulating material is laid in the gaps between the panels.

Let us consider the construction of a three-layer masonry with insulation material and cladding made of silicate bricks:

  • A wall is erected from hollow structural and insulating expanded clay with a width of 19-39 cm;
  • The surface is plastered indoors;
  • Install a slab of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, recommended density is not less than 25. The thickness of the building material will be 4-5 cm;
  • It is better to use fasteners made of polymer or metal;
  • It is mandatory to construct a ventilation gap;
  • Facing brick 1.2 cm.

Erect multi-layer structures without arrangement ventilation gaps absolutely not recommended. The outer part of the surface serves as a vapor barrier. Condensation forms on the outer surface of the insulation. To avoid the formation of dampness between building materials and to remove the formation of vapors from the structure, ventilation gaps must be made.

Thickness of partition walls

How thick should expanded clay block walls be? Interior panels intended for partitions are produced in sizes 39x19x9 cm.

For example, if a partition expanded clay concrete block is used, the density of which is 600 kg/cub.m, then the optimal thickness will be 18 cm. When using products with a density of 900 kg/cub.m, it is recommended to use a partition thickness of at least 38 cm, no additional finishing will be needed.

External walls that bear the load are built from wall panels. Structural blocks are used for the construction of any type of floors, restrictions in operational properties No. If structural and thermal insulation products are used, in individual cases it is possible to install an armored belt in the place of the upper rows of masonry and the ceiling. This technique will allow you to evenly distribute the load.

The thickness of the walls for bathhouses and garages allows the construction of reinforced concrete floor slabs. For such work, special construction equipment is needed.

The thickness of the masonry of load-bearing walls made of expanded clay concrete for 2- and 3-story buildings should be at least 40 centimeters. These are the most suitable dimensions for the construction of external walls where reinforced concrete floors will be built.

Wall thickness for different regions

The laying of expanded clay concrete blocks for areas where cold climatic conditions occur is carried out in this way:

  1. Build two walls parallel to each other.
  2. The structure must be connected with reinforcement.
  3. The insulation is being laid.
  4. External and inner side the walls are plastered.

When building a house, builders use general rules and standards that state:

  • in the northern part of the country should be at least 60 cm;
  • in the central zone from 40 to 60 centimeters;
  • in the southern regions from 20 to 40 cm.

Calculation example

To calculate the optimal thickness expanded clay concrete walls, need to know functional purpose building. If we take into account the regulations of building codes and regulations, it turns out that the width must be taken into account with the insulating material and be at least 64 centimeters.

Walls of this thickness are suitable for residential premises. For correct calculation consumption of the required building materials, it is necessary to take into account the total indicators of all the walls that will be built in the building with all partitions and floor heights.

All indicators need to be multiplied. Approximate thickness values ​​are also taken into account. cement mortar for screeds and seams, this is approximately 15 cm. The number you need to get is multiplied by the thickness of the wall, and then divided by the volume of expanded clay concrete panels.

The result will be the required number of products needed for the construction of walls. The approximate cost is calculated as follows: the number of blocks is multiplied by the price of 1 product, then you need to add the cost of purchasing thermal insulation building materials.

Calculation of wall thickness with insulation

Such calculations will differ from the classical formula. Because you need to take into account the heat transfer resistance of each material separately, then add them up and compare them with standard numbers. For example, we take the city of Yekaterinburg. The thickness of the walls in the Ural region will be much greater. Calculation of the normalized heat transfer resistance Dd is equal to 6000, to maintain the temperature inside the house equal to 20 degrees C. Calculation formula:

Rreg = a ? Dd + b = 0.00035 ? 6000 + 1.4 = 3.5

If the thickness of expanded clay concrete walls is 60 cm, with added 10 cm of insulating building material will correspond general requirements. The same principle is used to calculate various combinations of building elements.

If you wish, you can save on expanded clay concrete; for this, it is recommended to take 40 cm blocks and 1.2 cm insulation for laying.

Choosing material for building a house is very difficult. The house must be warm, reliable and durable. It is also very desirable that the material for constructing the walls be inexpensive. It is very difficult to “pack” all the parameters into one material. One option is expanded clay concrete blocks. The material is far from ideal, but warm, light, and inexpensive. Also the size expanded clay concrete block can be different, which makes it easier to choose the optimal size.

What are expanded clay concrete blocks according to GOST

Expanded clay concrete is classified as lightweight concrete. A porous material, expanded clay, is used as a filler. These are round granules made of baked clay. The composition of expanded clay concrete is cement, sand, expanded clay and water. When preparing the mixture, more water is poured than in ordinary heavy concrete, since expanded clay is hygroscopic and absorbs liquid. When producing blocks, the finished mixture is poured into molds, left until initial hardening, after which they are removed from the mold. In principle, the blocks are ready, but they cannot be used until they reach their design strength.

There are two technologies for bringing products to normal strength at the factory - in an autoclave and by vibration pressing. In the first case, the blocks are sent to an autoclave, where the material is treated with steam under pressure. This makes expanded clay concrete blocks more durable. The second method is vibration with simultaneous pressure. When vibrating, all voids disappear, the solution becomes more homogeneous and fluid, enveloping each of the expanded clay granules. The result is high strength indicators.

In artisanal production, the blocks are simply left to “ripen.” In theory, it takes at least 28 days until the concrete gains strength. But they can sell it earlier so as not to take up space. Nobody guarantees durability.

The fact is that for cement to gain normal strength, it is necessary to create a certain heat and humidity regime. In this regard, expanded clay concrete is more capricious than ordinary concrete. Due to the high absorption capacity of expanded clay, it can take up too much water. And the liquid will not be enough for the concrete stone to gain strength and not just dry out. That's why ready-made blocks It is advisable to water and cover with film for at least several days after production. They cannot be kept in the sun and the temperature should not be lower than +20°C. Otherwise, expanded clay blocks will never gain the required strength and will crumble even under light loads and impacts.

When it comes to price, factory units are more expensive. But still. If you are building a house, and not a utility block or barn, you should not save money and buy “garage”-made blocks. Quality is a big question here.

Pros and cons of a house made of expanded clay blocks

Expanded clay blocks are many times larger. Even double. The size of an expanded clay concrete block can only be compared with ceramic building blocks. But expanded clay blocks weigh less, have best characteristics by thermal conductivity. And, importantly, much lower in cost. Durability and frost resistance are comparable to ceramic bricks.

Advantages of construction from expanded clay concrete

The advantages of houses made of expanded clay blocks include the following points:

The blocks can have a tongue-and-groove system, which improves the thermal characteristics of the masonry. The material is natural, breathable, so there will be no problems with regulating humidity in the rooms.


Expanded clay concrete houses also have some quite serious disadvantages. They must be taken into account when choosing building materials.

The main disadvantage is high hygroscopicity. Clay granules can absorb a lot of water. Blocks that are stored for a long time under open air, weigh many times more than those that remain in dry rooms. Cement only becomes stronger from moisture. But you probably won't like damp walls. Therefore, it is important to properly waterproof the foundation and cut off all possible sources of moisture leakage. It is better to make the roof with large overhangs and build a high-quality drainage system.

Standard size of expanded clay concrete block

The fact is that there is no separate standard for expanded clay concrete blocks. This type of material is described by a group of standards that regulate lightweight concrete and products made from it. So the sizes of wall blocks from lightweight concrete are established by GOST 6133-99.

Standard size of expanded clay concrete block according to GOST 6133

Maximum deviations are also indicated. They are ±3 mm in length, ±4 mm in height, the thickness of the walls between the partitions can be 3 mm thicker (they cannot be thinner).

Popular size of expanded clay concrete block for walls and partitions

Most often, expanded clay concrete blocks measuring 390*190*188 mm are used for laying walls. It turns out to be very convenient, since for central Russia it is considered optimal thickness walls 400 mm. That is, the masonry is laid “in one block.” Partitions usually require a smaller thickness - 90 mm. The length and height remain the same. That is, the size of the expanded clay concrete block for partitions is 390*90*188 mm. This does not mean that partitions cannot be made from longer or shorter partition slabs. It’s possible, but shorter ones - more seams, the solution consumption is greater, and longer ones are heavier and more difficult to work with.

If you want to have best parameters For sound insulation between rooms, partitions can also be made from wall blocks. Either the standard width is 190 mm, or the thinner ones are 138 mm. But the costs are higher.

Non-standard dimensions

The standard contains a note that, in agreement with the customer, the size of the expanded clay concrete block can be any. So you can find products in any format.

In addition, there are also technical specifications(TU), which are developed and registered by the enterprises themselves. If you are going to purchase a large batch and the labeling is not GOST 6133-99, but TU, it is better to familiarize yourself with this document so that there are no surprises.

Types of expanded clay blocks

The ends of the blocks can be grooved, flat, or made using the tongue/groove principle. For use on corners, one edge can be smooth. In addition, the corners can be rounded or straight. On supporting surfaces(where the solution is placed), grooves can be formed for laying reinforcement. These grooves should be located at a distance of at least 20 mm from the corner.

Blocks come with or without voids. The voids can be through or not; they are placed evenly, perpendicular to the working surface. Maximum permissible weight building block from lightweight concrete - 31 kg. The standard standardizes the thickness of the walls that enclose voids:

  • outer walls - at least 20 mm;
  • partition over blind voids - at least 10 mm;
  • between two voids - 20 mm.

Voids are often made flat - in the form of cracks. The number of “lines” with voids determines the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material. The more lines of voids, the warmer (and “quieter”) the wall will be. Air is known to be a poor conductor of heat. At least worse than concrete. Therefore, splitting a block with voids gives a good result.

Grades by density and compressive strength

Based on strength and thermal conductivity, expanded clay concrete blocks are divided into two categories: structural and structural-thermal insulating. Each group may contain products of different densities. Density is the mass of one cubic meter of material in a dry state. The approximate value appears after the letter D. For example, D600 - the mass of a cubic meter is 600 kg, D900 - 900 kg. And so on.

In private housing construction, structural and thermal insulation blocks are usually used. For the construction of external walls one-story houses Expanded clay concrete blocks of grade D700 or D800 are used; lower grades can also be used for internal unloaded partitions.

Standard solutions for the middle zone

When building a house, it is best to order a project. Here everything will be taken into account for you, all components and materials will be prescribed, including the size of the expanded clay concrete block, its parameters and quantity. All that remains is to purchase everything according to the list. But few people do this. A project is an expense, and money is already scarce. Therefore, they try to roughly “estimate” without making calculations. The position is also understandable, but it does not always lead to savings, because “standard solutions” are made with a margin of safety, and this is an overconsumption of material. But, in general, there are proven options for the composition of the pie of external walls made of expanded clay blocks for Russia.

When choosing expanded clay blocks, we look at two indicators: compressive strength class - for load-bearing walls it should be at least B3.0 (with a margin). The second indicator is the thermal conductivity coefficient. The lower it is, the better.

The use of expanded clay concrete in the construction of external walls, partitions and ceilings is a common practice; this masonry material is valued for its strength, good insulating properties, compliance with safety standards and stability of characteristics. Thickness building structures, sizes and number of blocks, determines the calculation that takes them into account functional purpose and performance indicators of a specific brand. The main reference point for this is the manufacturer’s data and the requirements of SNIP 02/23/2003.

To calculate this value in relation to structures in contact with external environment or areas with different temperature conditions, applies simple formula: δ=R he g ·λ, where λ is the thermal conductivity index of expanded clay blocks, and R he g is the coefficient of heat transfer resistance, determined empirically and depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the type of room (unheated or residential). For the Moscow region, its official value varies between 3-3.1 m²·°C/W, Murmansk and the northern zone - 3.63, southern cities - 2.3.

The exact value for a specific large settlement taken from the tables, it is considered averaged over the region and is suitable for use in calculations to determine the thickness of walls for nearby objects.

Taking into account this parameter and the approximate thermal conductivity of blocks with a strength class of at least B3.5 in the range of 0.19-0.21 W/m °C in middle lane In Russia, the outer walls of houses with single-layer solid masonry must be made at least 57 cm thick. In practice, the value of this indicator is always higher; the minimum recommended by standards for these regions is 64 cm. A smaller deviation is permissible only for buildings that are rarely used: bathhouses, dachas, garages or workshops, to protect against freezing the facades of such objects are recommended to be covered with a 5 cm layer of insulation.

When calculating the thickness of partitions, the key factors are the requirements for acoustic comfort and their expected self-supporting capabilities. If there is no need to mount heavy furniture or equipment on them, the standard minimum of 190 mm will be sufficient provided that elements with good sound absorption are used - hollow or lightweight, based on highly porous expanded clay granules. If it is necessary to simply divide the internal space, more thin products(90-100 mm). When laying load-bearing partitions, the width is increased to 40 cm.

Factors influencing the thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Based on the above, the dimensions directly depend on two criteria: climatic operating conditions (the greater the difference between the temperature outside and the given range inside, the higher the value of the heat transfer resistance coefficient) and the thermal conductivity of the material. In the case of expanded clay concrete, the latter is closely related to the density grade, size, number of voids and degree of moisture. The optimal thermal insulation indicators are for slotted stones with a specific gravity of up to 700-1200 kg/m3, the worst are solid stones with a high proportion of heavy sand and small granules in the composition.

At first glance, reducing the thickness is very simple - by using lightweight and hollow blocks. But due to the inevitable reduction in strength, this method is only suitable for partitions and frame houses, but not for external main walls. As a result, when constructing a building in a cold climate, the developer has two options: make the thickness within the calculated limits, thereby increasing the load on the base, or insulate it. The second is recognized as more effective; depending on the location and method of arrangement of the thermal insulation layer, they are distinguished:

  1. Well masonry of two parallel walls of the same size made of expanded clay blocks connected by reinforcement. The advantage of this option is the possibility of using it as insulation as bulk materials or hardening foams with low density, and slab varieties.
  2. Three-layer with external thermal insulation and subsequent cladding with bricks or partitions made of expanded clay concrete. The difference from the previous scheme is in different ways fastening insulation and a thinner outer wall.
  3. Systems with ventilated facades attached to single-row masonry. This option is one of the most popular; with a standard element thickness, its width varies within 20 cm. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight load on the foundation and make it less massive. Insulation in such cases always has a rigid and slab form; the lathing for fastening the cladding is laid in advance.
  4. Walls with a thickness of 20-40 cm (1 or 1.5 blocks, respectively), without porous or fibrous insulation, covered on one or both sides with a thick layer of heat-insulating plaster.

The nuances of laying expanded clay concrete products

After determining the dimensions of the structures and choosing the ligation method (single-layer in half a block, in a block, two connected walls with insulation in the middle or other options), it is recommended to make an accurate diagram that takes into account the thickness of the seams and the need for reinforcement. The calculation of the number of elements and volume of the connecting solution is carried out in advance; classic cement-sand or specialized ones are selected as the latter. ready-made mixtures. Installation work It is recommended to perform it in the warm season, the base under the rows is reliably isolated from ground moisture roll materials and 20-30 mm layer of CPR.