Which sprayer is better for watering? Pulse and fan water sprayers for the garden. The use of water sprayers in fire fighting

Irrigation of the site is the most important factor in obtaining a good harvest.

Types of site irrigation

Two different systems are used to water the garden and greenhouse. The first of them is a drip irrigation system. It involves irrigating the beds by levels. The second - the spray system is watering with small drops of water, due to which the earth does not harden and does not need to be loosened again. The spray system is used in the usual watering can. This species can also be found in the city when irrigating a green lawn. In such devices, watering occurs with the help of a motor, which, when twisted, sprays water in all directions at a distance specified by the person. You can make a system for watering a plot with your own hands, but the motor, which requires electricity and constant maintenance, will cause gardeners and owners of greenhouses with a plot of 2-3 acres a lot of trouble and will take a lot of time.

The ideal option for watering a summer cottage is a self-assembled sprinkler without a motor, with the ability to control the water pressure and droplet size.

In order to assemble such a sprinkler, you must use:

First you need to plant an iron post measuring 50-80 cm deep into the ground. The depth of the hole for the post should be at least 20 cm, since the splashed water will create quite strong waves that can tear the post out of the base. But you also don’t need to dig a hole that is too deep, so that you can change the watering location without difficulty.

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Primitive sprayer for watering

Diagram of the sprinkler device: 1 - tee; 2 - 1/2″ pipe (steel, PVC, etc.); 3 - cross rod; 4 - rod; 5 - cone for irrigation with a coverage angle of 360°; 5a - the same, with a horizontal coverage angle of 120°.

To make a primitive sprayer you must use:

  • iron post measuring 50-80 cm;
  • long hose;
  • pens;
  • plastic bottle.

An excellent solution for a column is iron pipe. Next, you need to tie a hose to the pipe; you need to tie it in at least two or three places from the base to the very end. The end of the hose should extend 5-8 cm from the end of the pipe. This way the system will be more flexible and the direction can be easily changed. For fastening, you can use insulating tape, but do not forget that it loses its qualities when wet. Therefore, the ribbon must be tied as tightly as possible, and the ends must be fastened with ordinary ball of thread. A sprinkler can be made from a simple plastic soda bottle. The bottle should be symmetrical and not have handles or holes. We start making holes at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the base of the bottle.

The holes must be at least 2 mm in diameter and no more than five. Perfect size holes - 3 mm. In order to make these holes, you can use a thick pin or an awl with a thin tip. If you don’t have these tools at hand, you can easily get by with an ordinary nail. Holes need to be pierced in rows from top to bottom. The primitive do-it-yourself sprayer is ready! The design can be modernized and make irrigation of the site much more convenient.

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To prevent the sprayer from spraying large strings of water, you can use one trick. For this you need the frames of ordinary ballpoint pens. The holes in the bottle should be made the size of the diameter of the handle and the base of the handles should be inserted into the holes so that they do not wobble, the tips of the handles are quite sharp and will ensure smooth and orderly watering of the area. Instead of pens, you can use other available materials. IN winter period the sprayer can be removed from the area. To make an irrigation controller, you need to use a regular valve, which is used to turn on and control water in water supply systems. The controller also regulates the water pressure. The controller must be installed at the very base of the hose. The valve should open smoothly, which will provide dynamic control of water pressure. The controller can also be replaced with a ball valve.

To make a sprayer for a large area, you must use:

  • barrel stand;
  • tool for making holes;
  • long hose (150-200 meters);
  • valve;
  • 200 liter barrel.

In this case, an irrigation controller is not needed. The tank should be installed at a height of about one to two meters. Any iron structure can serve as a stand. Wooden structures should not be used, as it will always be damp next to the tank, and the structure will eventually deteriorate. You need to connect a hose to the tank and install a valve on the base of the mount. In order to installed filter held tightly, it must be secured to the valve using a nozzle. The hose must be routed through the beds so that the hose can water the entire bed. Along the entire length of the hose, you need to make a lot of holes in advance, so that the holes go up without touching the soil, so that it does not pass into the hose and does not block the exit path of the water flow. For plants that need more moisture, the hose can be routed along the second level. To do this, you need to dig holes in the garden bed along the entire length of the plot. Pass the hose through this hole and then just pull it to the surface.

You need to install handles or tubes in the holes that will be underground, just like in a primitive sprayer. In order for such a sprinkler system to be stable at the transitions from one row of beds to another, where the hose rotates 180 degrees, it is better to fasten the bends with staples, but so that they fit tightly on the hose without damaging it. The sprayer and its controller must be made simple and understandable so that the entire irrigation process can be controlled with a simple movement of the hand. You can make a sprayer yourself and install it on summer cottage and in greenhouses. Such a primitive irrigation system does not require large financial costs and will quickly pay for itself.

Neither beds nor flower beds should be watered directly from a hose: a powerful stream of water washes away the soil, forms puddles and can damage plants and cut their leaves.

Therefore, special sprayers are used. The water, crushed by them into small splashes, is evenly distributed over a fairly large area and is immediately absorbed into the ground.

There are many designs for spray tips, and some of them are quite easy to make yourself. We'll tell you about them.


This is the simplest spray tip (Fig. 1). It is made from a piece of metal tube - brass, aluminum or steel. One end of it is flattened with a hammer to a narrow, uniform slot width 1 - 1.5 mm. To make the gap neat, a metal plate of appropriate thickness is first placed into the pipe. Then the plate is removed, burrs and irregularities are removed from the edges of the slot, processed with a file or needle file.

If the working end of the hose is equipped universal adapter for replaceable nozzles, which we talked about in the article “Watering Hoses”, then installing and removing the fan nozzle will not be difficult. If there is no adapter and the end of the tube fits into the hose too loosely, wrap it with several layers of insulating tape.


It is also very simple and is also made from a piece of metal tube, the diameter of which corresponds to the internal diameter of the hose. Place a plug on one end of the pipe or securely hammer it with a wooden plug. Make a narrow (about 1 mm) oblique slot in the pipe wall at an angle of approximately 45° to the axis. Finish the edges well with a file so that there are no burrs.

A side slot in the pipe provides fan-shaped spraying of water in a sector of approximately 120° over a distance of 3 to 7 m (at a water pressure in the water supply of 1-2 atm).

To ensure watering along the entire circumference, you need to make three slits in the pipe at different levels, slightly overlapping each other. True, the watering will not be completely uniform - the area near the sprayer will remain almost dry.

It is not difficult to compensate for this drawback - during watering, you need to gradually change the water pressure, gradually turning off the tap at the water point.

The slot sprayer is connected to the hose with a universal adapter or on a thread using nipple connections.


Such a sprayer (Fig. 3) can be made from a piece of metal tube about 10 cm long. A standard water pipe of the appropriate diameter that would fit tightly into the hose or adapter is also suitable. In the upper, outlet part, the pipe must be equal-walled - only then will the water be evenly sprayed in a circle. Therefore, if necessary, grind the end of the tube to lathe or file thoroughly with a round or half-round file.

A cross-section of a circular sprayer is shown in Figure 3. A metal cylinder with four to six holes for water is pressed or soldered into the tube. A threaded pin is screwed into the central hole of the cylinder. A conical head is screwed onto the upper end of the stud. By twisting it, you can change the width of the gap between the head and the edges of the tube, thereby adjusting the flow of water. The smaller the gap, the finer the water is sprayed and the larger the irrigation radius.

To spray water more uniformly in a circle, 3-4 concentric grooves can be machined on the underside of the cone head. They will “spin” streams of water. Such a control device at a pressure in the water supply network of 1-2 atm ensures uniform spraying of water over a distance of 5 to 10 m.


This is a portable sprayer that provides a very fine and uniform spray of water within a radius of 1 - 2 m. It is good to use for watering fruit trees and shrubs, for spraying their foliage. Such a sprayer can be left under a tree or bush unattended for a long time - when watering, no puddles form, the soil is not washed away and all the water is completely absorbed into the soil.

The general view and cross-section of a turbulent atomizer is shown in Figure 5. It can be made from cans. The basis is a standard jar 0 8.5 cm or smaller. Small parts and a hose pipe are cut out from another can. The parts are carefully soldered. To make the sprayer last longer, coat it inside and outside with varnish, preferably bitumen.


Each of the sprayers proposed here can be installed on the site and left for the time necessary for watering. But for this you will need to make a special tripod or bracket. The simplest design The bracket is shown in Figure 4. On a metal rod 100-120 cm long and 0 6-8 mm, a hinged and movable unit is installed, which allows you to fix the sprayer with a hose at any height and at any angle. The rod is stuck into the ground.


The sprayers we introduced you to have a drawback. They irrigate the plot only in a circle, so it is impossible to water the entire garden in one go. The designs of watering sprinklers, which evenly cover the area of ​​a rectangular area, are too complex for homemade production. But you can achieve the same result if you use several identical sprayers in one installation. Look at Figure 6.

Its device is shown here. The installation is constructed from standard water pipes, laid between rows, angles and half-inch tees. Sprayers are installed on tees at such a distance from each other that their areas of action overlap each other, forming a continuous and, if possible, uniform irrigation zone. This depends on the pressure in the water supply network and the adjustment of the nozzles. For example, when the pressure in the water supply is not lower than 1.5 atm, the distance between them is selected to be about 5-7 m. This means that with 8 sprayers, a rectangular area of ​​about 200-250 square meters will be simultaneously covered by watering. m.

Watering is one of the most important agrotechnical activities when growing vegetables. Good watering must be timely, accurate and not damage plants. Therefore, it is important for irrigation installations and systems to choose the right sprinkler for watering the garden. Sprayers are designed to divide the flow of water into small jets and drops. Thanks to these devices, watering becomes better.

The use of sprayers allows you to maintain the integrity of the soil; they do not knock out holes near the plants, and this prevents damage to the stems, leaves and other parts of cultivated plants. Sprinklers can be used not only in small areas, but also in large fields. In agriculture, large industrial sprayers are used, but in order to water your plot, you can make a sprayer yourself.

Types of sprinklers

You don't have to buy expensive sprinklers to water your garden. An analogue of industrial products can be made with your own hands from scrap materials, and in terms of quality and efficiency they differ little from factory copies.

Use of plastic bottles

A sprayer made from a plastic bottle is the simplest and most cheap method for watering the area.

  1. To make such a device with your own hands you will need a two-liter plastic bottle. Use a nail or awl to make holes in the bottle. Then you need to drill a hole in the lid for the adapter, and use it to connect the sprayer to the hose. Under the pressure of water, jets will shoot out of the holes. To prevent them from being too large, you need to make holes of small diameter.
  2. The second version of such a sprinkler is more advanced and allows you to make drops and jets thinner, and therefore softer watering. In addition to the bottle, you will need empty fountain pens. But not all handles will fit; you need to take those that unwind in the middle. Holes are drilled in the bottle with a slightly smaller diameter than the body of the fountain pen. The handle is untwisted and used for the sprayer bottom part. A handle is inserted into each hole. A hole for the adapter is drilled in the bottle cap and secured with superglue. To control the water pressure, you can install a special valve at the base of the hose. Such a sprinkler is placed on the beds or near the plant that needs to be watered.

To increase the watering area, you can install the sprinkler in a vertical position on a pole.

Hose sprinkler

Using bottles, you can water individual small areas, which may not be entirely convenient in a large garden. But with the help of hoses and pipes, you can make a whole system of sprinklers with your own hands, which will allow you to water the entire area at once.

In order to make such a system with my own hands The following details are required:

  • three-meter pieces of hose;
  • pipe about 4 meters;
  • tees;
  • steel wire;
  • stub;
  • vice;
  • thread cutting die;
  • awl.

The irrigation system is first drawn on paper. Then place metal pipe, from which the hoses will depart. If the system is connected to a water supply system, then the water pressure will be regulated by the tap, and if it is connected to a water tank, then for the required pressure it will be raised 2 meters above the ground.

  1. Holes are pierced on the hoses on both sides through which water will flow.
  2. The pipe is cut into pieces and threaded on both sides.
  3. On one piece, a thread is made on one side, and a plug is placed on the other.
  4. The pieces are connected to each other using tees.
  5. You need to put hoses on the other end of each tee and secure them with wire.
  6. The free ends of the hoses must be wrapped and tied with wire so that water does not flow through them. The entire system is then connected to a water source.

Such sprinklers moisten the soil much better than bottle sprinklers. In addition, in order to automate such an irrigation system, you can manually select and install a sensor that will turn on the water.


These are industrial sprinklers that can be used to water an area. The turntables are installed in the middle of the plot of the garden that needs to be watered. The sprinkler rotates, and thanks to this, the water is distributed more evenly over the surface. Such sprinklers can be placed both on the soil and at some height from it.

Any of the listed methods has its advantages; sprinklers for watering a vegetable garden allow you to irrigate in a short time large plot garden, and sprinklers from hoses will evenly and continuously supply water directly to the plants. Do-it-yourself sprayers can easily replace the original and save a lot of money. If necessary, replacing parts in such systems will be much easier than in factory ones.

Water sprinkler for irrigation: purpose and features

Without water, plant growth is impossible. She happens to be necessary element involved in the process of photosynthesis. Natural hydration of plants occurs due to rain. However, there are dry seasons. In this case, there is a need for artificial irrigation of the soil. A special device - a sprinkler - can handle this work.

Note! Using a water sprayer for irrigation has many benefits. The main one is that moisture is distributed evenly over the area within which this device operates. When watering by hand, gardeners most often use a hose that does not have a spray function, which leads to the formation of puddles.

Water sprayers are divided into types depending on many factors. One of these parameters is the spray method. When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to several basic criteria. First of all, important indicators include the pressure that the device is capable of pumping. It is also necessary to know what radius of action the sprinkler has.

Some devices have the ability to adjust the droplet size. This option is recommended by experts for irrigating vegetable gardens and orchards. If necessary, such a sprinkler can be assembled at home using improvised means. A device made by yourself will not have high efficiency, however, it is quite capable of replacing cheap purchased models.

Sprinkler for irrigation: main characteristics of the device

Today there are many devices that differ from each other in their characteristics. Before purchasing a sprinkler, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its basic properties. This information will help you choose the most suitable device for a particular case. Let's look at the most important characteristics of sprinklers.

Irrigation radius. This parameter indicates the range of action of one sprinkler. In addition, it is very important how exactly irrigation is carried out. For example, water can be sprayed in a circle (360°). Less functional sprinklers for watering the garden have a shorter radius of action, which ranges from 90 to 270°. It is worth noting that most models provide for angle adjustment.

Water consumption. When choosing a sprinkler, you need to pay attention to its power. This parameter affects water consumption. Watering rates may vary. They depend on many factors. Among them are the type of plants, their number and age. Thus, the water flow of the device must correspond to the needs of the plants.

Droplet size. The use of a sprinkler often provides the ability to regulate the size of water droplets. This is an important function that allows you to choose necessary method irrigation of plants. For example, young seedlings perceive water dust best. Accordingly, large drops are recommended for adult plants.

Pressure. Garden sprinklers have different ranges. This parameter depends on the operating pressure in the device. This indicator is selected according to individual needs.

Helpful information! It is important to remember that most sites involve uneven local zones. Shortly trimmed lawns most often border areas covered with plantings. In such an area it is recommended to arrange automatic system irrigation, including various options for sprinklers.

In combined systems consisting of several nozzles, it is necessary to provide solenoid valves. These devices allow you to correctly distribute pressure in the structure.

Watering guns: the simplest version of a water sprayer

This type of irrigation equipment is the least technologically advanced, which is reflected in its low cost. The most budget models can be purchased for only 100-200 rubles. The efficiency of such devices is not very high, but they can cope with small amounts of work.

Watering guns have a trigger. Thus, their work cannot be called automatic. Some models contain in their design a special locking element, which is needed to hold the trigger in one position. This eliminates the need to constantly press it.

This type of garden sprinkler is most often used for irrigating lawns and small gardens. It is worth mentioning separately that on the market and in stores you can find models equipped with a special chamber for fertilizers. The principle of operation of such guns is quite simple: when water passes through the chamber, it softens the fertilizer and captures part of it.

Garden guns are made from different materials. Their design contains metal and polymer components, as well as rubber elements. Many models are equipped with control parts that control the amount of water coming out of the device.

Static sprayers for watering vegetable gardens and orchards

Devices of this type can have a variety of appearances. But they all have one thing in common design feature– the absence of a rotating element, which makes them motionless. It is for this reason that static fixtures cannot provide 360° irrigation.

Most often, these types of sprayers are dug into the ground, but they can also be portable. In the first case, the device has a cylindrical shape with a protruding core. The irrigation area of ​​this equipment is usually limited to 10 m². For larger areas, it is better to give preference to circular sprinklers. Their types and watering radius are the main things you need to pay attention to when choosing.

In addition, to ensure watering of a large area, you can purchase several such devices and ensure an even flow of water to them. Static models are popular when irrigating small flower beds. When choosing such a device, you need to pay attention to its main characteristics, as well as the manufacturer’s brand.

Note! Static devices are produced by different companies. Of these, the most quality manufacturers of this equipment, such as Karcher and Gardena. It is worth noting the good devices manufactured by Hunter.

Main features of a rotary sprinkler for irrigation

By appearance These products resemble static devices. Their design has much in common with fixed sprinklers. The main difference between rotary models is the presence of a rotating part. Thanks to this, their range of action is significantly higher than that of the previous type of devices.

The area that can be irrigated by one rotary sprinkler for a vegetable garden, garden or lawn can reach 30 m². This functionality is a definite advantage. To purchase suitable model, you need to focus on the area that the device can moisten during operation.

When installing such a device, it is immersed in the ground. Most of these sprinklers are adjustable. This means that, if desired, you can select a specific zone on the site that this device will irrigate.

It is worth mentioning separately that rotary models, like many other types of sprinklers, save water during operation. As a result, the cost of controlled irrigation, compared to the manual option, is reduced. A sprinkler is a simple and effective device that does not require constant monitoring and allows you to create a microclimate acceptable for plants.

Circular sprinklers for watering the lawn: uncontrolled and controlled

Pivots used for watering areas are divided into two main types: non-adjustable and adjustable. The first of these include fixed heads located on a stand. Equipment of this type is equipped with nozzles, due to which cone-shaped irrigation occurs. Static devices can spray both large and small droplets.

Circular lawn sprinklers are mounted on pegs or special stands. The first option became widespread in soft soil conditions. Mounting this device on pegs is considered more reliable.

Another common group of center pivots are controlled devices. When using them, you can adjust the spray angle. It varies from 0 to 360°. In addition, all adjustable products can change the size of the droplets when spraying.

Helpful information! To cover a large area, it is recommended to consider a system consisting of pipes and sprinklers themselves. Circular models are highly effective and are recommended by many experts.

The most effective devices of this type are programmable. These circular sprinklers are capable of covering large area(up to 380 m²). Such devices have other advantages. For example, they have the ability to adapt, taking into account the characteristics of the territory.

Retractable sprinklers for irrigation: automatic irrigation

Retractable devices are elements of automatic irrigation systems. Such devices have the ability to configure the required watering mode. It is worth noting that the equipment is quite highly efficient. Such devices are among the most common. They are used all over the world.

Retractable models are installed directly into the soil. When turned on, the tip extends from such a device, after which the process of irrigating the lawn or other area located on the site begins.

Automation of the process in this case makes it possible to simplify this procedure as much as possible. At the end of watering, the following happens: the tip returns to its original position - it enters the body of the water sprinkler to water the lawn. Experts recommend using this type of sprinkler for small areas in need of constant hydration.

Most often, pull-out products are used for watering home lawns, lawns and flower beds. They are not very effective for irrigating plants ripening in the garden. When choosing such a device, it is recommended to calculate the required range in advance, as well as pay attention to other characteristics that are no less important.

Pulse sprinklers for irrigation: differences from rotary devices

Another common type of sprinkler is pulsed. Such products are popular and can be easily purchased on the market or in a specialized store. From a design point of view, they resemble rotary devices. The peculiarity of pulse models is that, unlike others, they spray moisture not constantly, but intermittently.

The use of such a device allows for automatic irrigation of the site. Moreover, it is produced by sector. First of all, the device sprays water in that area of ​​the site that is located at a distance. After a certain period of time, the nearby sector is irrigated.

A sprinkler for watering a garden of this type has another advantage. Its design contains a mechanism that is responsible for stopping work. During inactivity, the possibility of water entering the nozzles is eliminated. Thanks to this operating principle, the sprinkler has a fairly good range. The water jet can travel a distance of 20 m.

If necessary, you can purchase a pulse device, which provides for regulation of the tilt of the operating nozzle. Fan sprinklers are great for irrigating lawns. Most pulse sprinklers have an adjustable head, making it easy to set the desired angle.

Oscillating sprinklers for irrigation: characteristics and features

Devices that belong to this type are designed to work in rectangular areas. Specifications oscillating sprinklers do not allow watering areas whose length exceeds 30 m. There are also restrictions on the second indicator - width. It should not be more than 17 m. The best devices of this type are produced by Karcher, Gardena, and Geolia. Sprinklers from these manufacturers are distinguished by their functionality and long service life.

Note! The nozzle intended for irrigation is connected to a hose through which water is transported under pressure. Correct fastening of the device involves the use of a locking ring. Otherwise, the watering nozzle may fly off the hose.

These devices include a movable hose, the walls of which are perforated for irrigation. Oscillating sprayers are installed on a regular stand. This type of irrigation is very popular for moistening gardens and lawns.

The body of this type of device is made of metal or plastic, and it is also possible to combine these two materials. The tube with holes does not rotate in a circle, since in this case a strictly defined angle is indicated (from 0 to 180°). It is worth noting that not all devices include the function of adjusting the irrigation width.

Rating of water sprinklers: top best models of 2018

Sprinklers, which are used to water vegetable gardens, lawns, flower beds and other areas, are common gardening equipment. On the market you can find many models of these devices, differing in their technical characteristics.

Naturally, in such conditions it is quite difficult to do right choice. Especially for a person who has never encountered such a task before. To do this, you need to carefully study the rating of the most popular devices.

The top sprinklers for a lawn or garden traditionally contain several of the most effective products that have received high customer reviews. The leading market positions in the production of devices used for irrigation are occupied by the following brands:

  • Raco;
  • Hozelock;
  • Karcher;
  • Gardena.

All of the above sprinkler models are, to one degree or another, popular among consumers. It is also worth noting Hunter sprinklers, which are manufactured by an American company. They are distinguished by high quality and long service life. The most common are rotary models from this manufacturer.

Experts do not recommend buying cheap sprinklers, as they rarely cope with their tasks. Budget products have a high percentage of defects. The characteristics stated on the packaging, as a rule, do not coincide with the real capabilities of such devices.

Pulse sprinkler Raco 4260-55/715C: the best budget device

Sprinklers of this trademark are produced in Germany. They are distinguished by high quality components, which is reflected in their service life. Many models of this company have reasonable prices, which are attractive to domestic consumers. The Raco pulse device series 4260-55/715C can be purchased for only 300-350 rubles.

This model belongs to the lightweight category and is used for irrigating sector plots, as well as rounded areas. The irrigation area is quite large - up to 490 m². The body of this device is made of brass. This material is resistant to moisture and is highly durable, which increases the service life of the sprinkler. You can buy a sprinkler for watering a lawn of this type on the Internet or in a specialized store.

Helpful information! The nozzle of the device is also made of brass material. This element is key in any sprinkler. IN German device The nozzle has high precision, which increases work efficiency.

The length of the jet emitted by such a device may vary. This type of sprinkler has a function for regulating this parameter. If desired, you can adjust the spray device to a length of from 3 to 12 m (depending on need).

Hozelock Plus Sprinkler (2510): Best Value for Money

The design of this device is quite simple, which does not prevent it from occupying a leading position in the price/quality ratio. The irrigation area of ​​such a sprinkler reaches 180 m². The equipment includes 8 nozzles, the presence of which allows watering to be carried out over fairly long distances. However, such a device is not a sector sprinkler.

Experts recommend purchasing this device for moistening lawns, and it is also widely used in irrigating vegetable gardens. An important advantage of the British model is that it is quite easy to install. Any person can handle this job. All you need to do is fix the device on a pointed peg.

The manufacturing material in this case is durable plastic, which is completely suitable for the conditions in which the sprinkler is used. The only disadvantage of this model is the lack of ability to regulate the irrigation sectors.

Sprinkler Kärcher OS 5.320 SV: adjustable water flow

The German company Karcher is famous all over the world. It produces watering equipment (and more). Purchasing a device in this series allows for controlled watering of gardens, vegetable gardens and lawns. The cost of such a device is 2900 rubles.

This model belongs to the oscillating category. Thus, it is usually used to irrigate rectangular areas, the length of which does not exceed 30 m. A Karcher sprinkler of this type is capable of irrigating an area whose area ranges from 190 to 320 m².

Helpful information! As an alternative to this device, you can purchase a Palisad 65482 or 65483 sprinkler, the watering area of ​​which is 250 and 280 m².

This equipment is made from high quality polymer material. The plastic case is corrosion resistant and resistant to mechanical stress (shocks). Separately, it is worth mentioning that this device provides a system for regulating the liquid pressure and the ability to turn off the irrigation sections.

Another advantage of this model is that it makes virtually no noise during operation. Many users note that this sprinkler has a splash protection function. This is an important advantage.

Sprinkler Gardena Aquazum 250/2: the best model for rectangular areas

The German company Gardena is one of the market leaders in the production of watering equipment. Largest quantity positive feedback assembled the AquaZum 250/2 series device. It is in the middle price range. You can purchase such a model for 2900 rubles.

The Gardena Aquazoom 250/2 sprinkler belongs to the group of oscillating devices. It can be used in both small and fairly large areas. The minimum area on which this device can operate is only 25 m². The maximum capacity of this type of sprinkler reaches 250 m².

This model is distinguished by its versatility. It is great for both moistening lawns and watering gardens and vegetable gardens. The peculiarity of this device is that it can be used to irrigate not only low-growing plants, but also trees growing in the garden. Such watering is achieved by installing the device on a tripod.

In addition to oscillating devices, Gardena is also famous for its high-quality retractable sprinklers. Gardena is a company that produces effective and durable watering equipment. This device takes into account the possibility of regulating irrigation boundaries. Many users note the flawless operation of the sprinkler even several years after the start of operation.

How to choose a suitable sprinkler for watering: recommendations

To figure out how to choose a sprinkler for irrigation, you need to take into account the geometric features of the site and its area. If you are faced with the task of organizing watering of a rectangular-shaped vegetable garden or garden, then take a closer look at an oscillating sprinkler. When it comes to large areas, you need to choose between a pulse or rotary device.

If there are shrubs in your garden plot, then it will be optimal for them to generate a high jet. To carry out this type of watering, you need to stock up on a pulse waterer, which is convenient to install on a special tripod. In order to buy a sprinkler for watering a garden that meets specific operating conditions, it is recommended to determine the area of ​​the territory. In addition, it is worth taking into account the terrain features of the site.

If the area has a complex shape, units that have the function of sector irrigation can handle its irrigation. This type of watering device is also good for saturating flowers and plants located along paths with moisture. In this case, the fixed irrigation radius will not allow a person walking along the path to get wet.

Note! A budget option is to purchase a snail sprinkler. You can buy this plastic product for only 30-50 rubles.

Using a sprinkler on your plots, you can adjust various irrigation parameters: radius, shape and size of streams, irrigation area. Various components that cope with these tasks are included in the kit when purchasing a sprinkler. This is undoubtedly convenient for the gardener.

Don't forget to pay attention to operating pressure watering device. The main segment of such units is designed for water pressure from 2 to 4 atm. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the more points you need to water, the higher the water pressure required.

Do-it-yourself water sprinkler for irrigation: instructions

Gardening areas and personal plots require more than just watering. Sometimes, to protect crops from harmful insects, you have to resort to safe chemicals. For spraying protective chemical substances can also be used homemade devices, created practically from improvised means.

This device, made at home, can cope with simple irrigation of garden beds. A water sprayer for irrigation is also perfect for spraying flowers in flower beds. To create it you will need:

  • plastic sprayer (a non-working device with a working nozzle will also work);
  • regular plastic bottle;
  • stick made of wood or aluminum;
  • rubber hose 3-4 m long;
  • pump.

If you have the right amount of serviceable materials, you can assemble the sprinkler in less than half an hour. We bring to your attention brief instructions for assembling this device.

In order to make a sprinkler with your own hands, first of all you need to fix the sprayer on a stick. You need to make a hole with a hot nail in the bottle near the neck, and then insert a screw into it. The screw requires a pre-drilled hole. Now you can secure the part with a nut, and it is also recommended to use rubber gaskets so that the substance used does not leak.

After this, water is drawn into the bottle, and a screw is put on one end of the hose, which is placed in the bottle. The second end is attached directly to the pump. The sprayer itself is inserted into the neck of the bottle. To create pressure, you need to pump air into the bottle. After this, you can start watering. The design allows you to adjust the format of the liquid stream; to do this, you need to turn the valve on the spray device. The spray diameter will depend on the length of the stick you choose to create the design.

Lawn waterer made of plastic pipes: assembly algorithm

To make your own frame from plastic pipes, it will take not only some time, but also skill. But the result is worth it, since you can count on a larger watering area than a similar design made from bottles.

Note! Before you begin, prepare a machine designed for soldering PVC plastic, 1 tee, 4 angles and a pipe with a diameter of ¾ inches. Now you can start constructing a sprinkler for watering your lawn.

Let's consider a simple step by step guide on how to make a sprinkler with your own hands in a short period of time. First of all, you need to prepare following materials and tools:

  • two pieces of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe;
  • a scrap of an old aluminum ski pole;
  • fixing element for the hose (clamp).

The cross-section of such a pipe should be approximately 50 mm. The length of the product is 30 cm. The length of the segment obtained from an old ski pole should be about 0.5 m.

The sequence of actions for assembling a water sprinkler from plastic tubes includes 5 stages. First you need to close one end of the ski pole with a plug. A wooden plug of the appropriate diameter or any other will be suitable for this. improvised means. The main thing is that such a plug stays firmly in place.

Then, two holes must be made in the polyvinyl chloride tubes (in the center). This work can be done using a drill. The diameter of the holes should be such that the aluminum tube fits into them with difficulty. Then you should stretch the ski pole and secure the structure with clamps.

The next step is to attach the hose (also using a clamp). At the final stage of the work, you need to cut a hole in the center of the aluminum part. This is how you can independently assemble a sprayer from tubes.

A sprinkler is an indispensable device that can greatly simplify a gardener’s life. When choosing it, you need to focus on several important factors: range, number of modes and adjustability. Self-assembly of this device does not require special knowledge or expensive tools.

A spray gun, the second name of which is a sprayer, is a specialized technique designed for spraying any type of liquid on any surface. During spraying, the liquid becomes small drops, which makes it possible to obtain the most uniform application of liquid mixtures to any surface. In addition to liquids, the sprayer is suitable for spraying various powder mixtures and suspensions. Such a sprayer, which is now actively used at home, as well as in agriculture, can be bought in any store. The range of such equipment is quite wide.

Automatic sprayer

Let's consider the principle of operation of such equipment as a garden water sprayer. The principle of its operation is as follows: a stream of water begins to move along the nozzle of this technique through a difference in pressure. There are models where such a part of the device as the ejector is responsible for this function. Water particles begin to move with the help of a steam jet. The flow of water creates a directional jet that has a rough surface. This jet begins to break into tiny droplets with increasing pressure, characteristic of turbulent flows and with the help of surface tension. To increase erratic water jets, it can be used as an artificial hump. At very high speed movement of water, instead of creating single drops of water, you can see the fragmentation of the flow into small particles of various volumes.

Paint sprayers

Types of sprayers

Let's consider the main types of such a device as a spray gun:

  • A spray bottle with a bulb for perfumes such as perfumes, eau de toilette, deodorant and other products. You can even make such pear sprayers yourself. Before today In many hairdressing salons, perfume is applied using a device such as a small spray bottle or bottle with a “pear”.
  • Medical-grade nebulizers, which are used as sprays for spraying special preparations and medicines.
  • Spray technology, which has special nozzle, used in painting and painting works, as well as in other areas human activity for applying varnish, paint, ink and ink. By forming uniform thin layers, a manual type of spray gun, which you can make with your own hands, is quite often used in airbrushing for cars. They are usually called a spray gun - this is an electric spray gun. Such electric spray guns are often used to apply paint to any surface.
  • Garden sprayer for rural work, which was also named as a sprayer. It is quite often used to spray soil and flowers. In addition to ordinary water, pesticides or fertilizer solutions are mainly used as a liquid.

Garden sprayer

The sprayer also comes in:

  • Auto

Automatic models of such devices include electric version, which can be used on a full-fledged line, in flow series of production, if there are huge volumes of the same type of product. Such a sprayer, together with a compressor, makes it possible to comply with rather increased requirements that are put forward for the surface to be painted.

  • Manual

A hand sprayer is characterized by reduced efficiency. Only a hand sprayer will allow you to apply paint and varnish mixtures to difficult surfaces where complex shape. The manual type is mainly used in small-scale production and where it is necessary to constantly change shades of colors. Such manual option will be useful in gardening work Oh. In addition, the manual sprayer is very convenient. It can be used on small surfaces, but for larger ones it is better to use the automatic option.

Homemade sprayer

Let's look at how to make a spray bottle with your own hands. Such a garden unit is indispensable in any household where there is garden plot With vegetable crops and flowers. This homemade sprayer is a very useful device in household. What can this sprayer be used for? A homemade spray bottle for flowers is simply an irreplaceable tool - you can water plants, wash glass, clean walls or other surfaces.

Homemade spray bottle

Today, you can also purchase a ready-made garden sprayer at any store, however, in order not to waste money, you can make it yourself from scrap materials. You've probably noticed more than once how gardeners hold spray bottles in their hands and spray plants - trees, shrubs and flowers - with them.

Such a simple garden unit can help in the fight against pests, insects that spoil horticultural crops. The easiest way, of course, is to purchase such a garden unit, however, sometimes it happens that when you are on your personal plot, you don’t have it at hand or you simply didn’t take it with you. In this case, you can use any available material that you have in abundance on your farm.

Now let’s take a closer look at how you can make a garden sprayer with your own hands from scrap materials:

  1. First you need to find an empty container; it can be either plastic or glass. The material doesn't matter. It is important here that the container can be easily held in your hand. As soon as you have found such a dish, you need to insert a cork into it; it is better if it is a wood material, but ordinary plastic can also come in handy.
  2. Then find a tube that needs to be inserted into the neck of this container. For this, straws from cocktails, juices or much more can be useful, it doesn’t matter - they can even be ordinary gel pen refills. One of these tubes must be placed in the bottle, and the second must be located outside so that the design of the associations looks like the letter “t”.
  3. Then, if you don’t have a pump at hand, you can use an ordinary rubber bulb, with its help you need to pump air into one of the ends of the rod.
  4. The end result will be a spray bottle made by you from scrap materials.

As you can see, making a spray bottle will not take special labor, since you can find the materials in your garden plot, and such a unit will definitely be useful for any type of garden work - watering flowers and other plants, spraying fertilizers on plants and any plantings, and you can also use it for other purposes - for painting walls or your vehicle.