What is the cheapest method of building houses? Which house is cheaper to build in the current economic conditions? Video: installing a frame house

The costs of building a house of the same area can vary by two or more times.

You can reduce the construction budget if you invest your own labor, knowledge, energy, and talents into this matter.

An inexpensive house should not be:

  • Very small. Its size should suit your family's needs.
  • Inconvenient. It should suit your family's lifestyle.
  • Low quality. You can use cheaper, but high-quality traditional solutions. Typically, such decisions are easier to implement.

What can you save on?

1. You can save a lot by choosing house project, which should have economical solutions planning and structural elements Houses.

Architects offering finished projects, not interested in the cost of the house. Their task is to charm the developer with a beautiful facade and sell the project.

A beautiful picture acts like a drug - the developer decides at all costs build a large, complex and therefore very expensive house.

The project is not expensive house- a one-story house with a gable roof on a shallow foundation with floors on the ground. Total area 123 m 2 . The house has no internal load-bearing walls. Attic floor absent - the suspended ceiling is attached to roof trusses roofs. The angle of inclination of the roof slopes is 20 degrees. In summer, the living space increases due to the large, more than 20 , a terrace completely covered and protected by walls, pos. 13.

An inexpensive house project is:

A rectangular house with gable roof;
one-story house without expensive interfloor ceiling, stairs and numerous windows;
a house without a basement, because if there is one, costs will increase by at least 30%;
house on low and ;
a house without unusual elements - bay windows, arched windows, tympanums, columns, balconies, pilasters, stairs, two-level rooms, winter gardens;
a roof with two, or at most five slopes (sometimes there are fifteen of these slopes!). Corners, valleys, hatches, roof windows and many tin elements - such a roof can cost 40% of construction costs;
external walls, the simplest to construct;
window standard size;
simple interior and exterior wall decoration;
traditional facade made of cement-lime plaster.

The simple form of the house is the epitome of ultra-modern architectural style Barn house. Distinctive feature style is the exquisite conciseness that is achieved the right choice proportions, as well as texture and color exterior finishing harmonizing with the surrounding space.

Devote maximum time and energy to choosing an economical home design.

Read articles on choosing the main parameters of a house project:

2. At finishing works. Option “minimum”: walls with traditional plaster or plaster, laminate on the floor, simple plumbing in the bathroom.

3. On materials. You can entrust the selection, purchase and delivery of materials to the construction site to the construction contractor - you have less worries. But if you want to save money, then take on this work yourself.

You can buy materials from famous brands or purchase the same materials locally or less famous manufacturers. Moreover, they will not be inferior in quality to the first ones, but their price will be lower. To save money and not make a mistake in choosing, collect all available information about the manufacturer, prices on the construction market in your and neighboring cities, as well as reviews about the quality of the product.

However, remember the basic rule of the market - quality costs money.

Many sellers give seasonal discounts from prices during a period when demand for building materials falls. This usually happens from November to February. Keep an eye on prices and purchase expensive materials during this period.

What to build a house from, what material?

SNiP 02/23/2003 proposes to carry out, by making appropriate calculations, optimization of the building shell according to.

For different structures of house shells (walls, floors), the total cost of construction is calculated 1 m 2 wall or ceiling surfaces, rub/m 2. The heating costs of a house built using these different shell designs are then determined. For each design, a payback period is found - the period of time during which construction costs will be recouped.

In different regions, depending on the cost of fuel and building materials used, as well as the severity of the climate, they receive different results payback period of a particular wall or ceiling structure.

If you do not have specific preferences on what to build a house from, then find out the results of such calculations from local designers. Select a wall and ceiling design option with for the shortest possible time return on construction costs in your region.

Calculations and construction practice show that in places with a harsh climate and/or expensive fuel It is more profitable to invest in highly efficient insulation materials.

Advantageous in harsh climates or when heating with electricity build double-layer walls with a thin but durable, and therefore relatively cheap, load-bearing layer (, etc.) with a masonry thickness of 180-250 mm. and insulate them with a fairly thick layer of effective insulation - 100-300 mm.

In areas with very harsh winters in a double-layer wall It may be advantageous to lay the load-bearing part from less durable but warmer blocks: aerated concrete, gas silicate, foam concrete or porous ceramics, density 600 - 1200 kg/m 3. This solution will reduce the thickness of the layer of highly efficient insulation, but due to lower strength wall material you will have to increase the thickness of the walls.

One square meter frame wall contains the maximum amount of highly effective insulation. This is probably the most profitable wall design in terms of return on construction costs.

Frame wall inexpensive home for harsh climates:

  • Between the frame posts there is a mineral wool insulation board with a density of at least 45 kg/m 3, thickness 100-200 mm.
  • On the outside, insulation slabs made of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) or polystyrene foam or facade slabs made of mineral wool density not less than 125 kg/m 3, thickness 40 - 100 mm.

However, a frame house has features that not all developers like.

It is profitable to build a house with frame walls and in areas with less severe winters. The outer layer of insulation on frame wall in areas with milder climates this may not be necessary.

In areas with mild winter houses made from lightweight, warm porous ceramics or without additional insulation and masonry thickness no more than 510 mm.

Wooden walls made of timber or logs in most cases climatic zones Russia is not provided modern requirements to heat conservation. Wooden walls of houses for year-round residence need additional insulation.

In the comments, please justify your choice: cheaper, warmer, more durable, etc.

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Few people can afford to buy a ready-made house, and it is difficult to find a layout that suits them. At the same time there is an option construction personal real estate according to your own project. Modern industry provides a lot of unique materials that can contribute to the realization of any individual plans.

And yet, most land owners wonder what is cheaper to build a house from? and how not to lose in the quality and reliability of the entire structure. Let's try to understand the choice optimal project and materials for the organization construction.

Project selection: main criteria

The main goal is to build housing that the average resident of the country has enough money for. There is no point in planning a room with the possibility of subsequent expansion or extension - there is no need to waste years on a grueling series of reconstruction works. Significantly more rational from the start build more modestly but more efficiently, this is the only way to get maximum pleasure from living in your personal “apartment”.

Among low-rise housing, projects of one- and two-story buildings are very popular, sometimes with attic floor. The main criterion when choosing technology construction is the price per 1 m². Let's consider which house is cheaper to build? of the most common materials:

  • brick;
  • gas blocks;
  • timber

Another popular method of constructing a building is frame. It should be noted that the material for the walls is not the main indicator influencing the final cost when construction.

When preparing an estimate taken into account:

  • the entire structure and thermal insulation must comply with all heat conservation standards;
  • the project must be effective in terms of economy and labor costs;
  • The foundation design must be optimally calculated for the soil and the selected material.

When preparing an approximate estimate let's take these indicators as a fact:

  • the groundwater level is at 2.5 m;
  • freezing depth – 1.5 m;
  • The soil is homogeneous sandy loam with the presence of clay less than 10%.

Materials and structural elements will be designed for a one-story building with an attic residential floor.

Available options: what is cheaper to build a private house from?

Let us first clarify that the room is intended for year-round use what's special important for calculating the price per 1 sq. meter for frame or block construction. For all of the above materials from which walls are made, a pile-grillage foundation is ideal.

Brick walls

This option is accepted one of the most effective in terms of the ratio of labor costs and financial investments. The design is based on single-layer walls made of porous ceramic bricks, For example, Porotherm 44 M-100. The calculation below demonstrates the answer to the question: which house is cheaper to build, and basic materials for the process.

IN cost of 1 square meter of wall includes:

  • brick - 20 pieces - 1790 rubles;
  • masonry mortar – 26 liters – 60 rubles;
  • plaster – 280 rub.

Total amount excluding work – 2330 rub.. If you plan to use labor of hired workers, then it is worth adding about 1000 rubles to the announced figure.

Walls made of aerated concrete blocks

A worthy alternative to traditional brick can be an aerated concrete block. Its manufacturing technology allows it to achieve amazing characteristics: low weight, low thermal conductivity and excellent sound insulation. A small load on the foundation makes it possible to reduce the cost of its arrangement.

In all respects, aerated concrete block D500 400 mm thick exactly the material what would be cheaper to build your house from?, which is confirmed by calculations:

  • blocks – 7 pieces – 1076 rub.;
  • masonry glue – 10.5 kg – 85 rub.;
  • reinforced concrete anchor, mesh – 220 rubles;
  • support belt for reinforced concrete mauerlat – 200 rubles;
  • columns of a monolithic frame made of reinforced concrete – 120 rubles;
  • plaster – 280 rub.

Price per 1 square meter walls from block D500 excluding work – about 2000 rub.. It should be borne in mind that this option has a greater amount of labor costs, so when using hired labor, the price will increase by an amount in the range of 1300-1600 rubles.

Walls made of timber

This type of structure made from natural material is practically a standard in terms of heat-saving characteristics in comparison with the above walls. For example, a wall made of spruce with a thermal conductivity of 0.16 W/(m*C) and a thickness of 220 mm will correspond to the parameters of a brick wall only when the thickness of the masonry is at least 600 mm. Therefore, to answer the question of which house is cheaper to build, you need to consider more economical option than brick. It is based on the use of 200 mm timber, 100 mm insulation and 20 mm plaster.

Exemplary cost of 1 square meter walls made of wooden beam:

  • timber 200x200x6000 mm – 0.8 pcs. – 1416 rub.;
  • insulation (mineral wool and vapor barrier) – 0.1 cubic meters. m – 400 rub.;
  • plaster – 70 rub.

Total amount – approx. 1900 rub.., when using hired labor workers will have to pay another 1700-1800 rubles.

This option is perfect for building a small cozy house in the mountains for a family holiday and skiing or a romantic evening by the fireplace.

Frame construction

The essence of this technology is the use of a wooden frame, thermal insulation and sheathing (softboard). To build the frame you need dry planed timber 150x50x6000 mm. Calculation of materials for construction 1 square meter of wall from the following materials:

  • timber - 0.05 cubic meters. m – 375 rub.;
  • insulation, waterproofing, vapor barrier – 270 rubles;
  • softboard – 230 rub.

Total amount - 875 RUR., for the work you should pay extra about 1500-1700 rubles.

Final review: which house is cheaper to build and why?

Judging by the results of the calculations made, wooden beam is the most expensive material. Most acceptable in price and time construction should be recognized frame structure . However, it is impossible to make a hasty conclusion that a dwelling made of timber will cost more than all the above options.

Here you need to take into account wall thickness - the thicker it is, the wider the foundation should be. If we take into account that a pile-grillage foundation was chosen in absentia, then the width of the grillage for stone walls should be wider than for a timber structure. Based on this, it must be said that total cost all buildings will be in the same price range.

Where else can you save money?

Firstly before you think what is cheaper to build from? Vacation home for all-season living, you need to decide on sizes. Naturally, the smaller the dimensions of the room, the lower the costs will be.

Secondly, the overall construction cost is greatly influenced by foundation design and its optimal calculation. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals who can accurately determine the planned loads and calculate the best option.

Thirdthe simpler the cheaper. That is, complex roofs, bay windows, balconies - all this significantly increases the total cost of their implementation.

Before making a decision about independent work over the construction, all the nuances should be taken into account: the presence of certain experience, free time and, of course, the necessary tool. It is possible that after soberly assessing your abilities, the best option would be to hire experienced craftsmen. In this case, the above calculations will also come in handy - they will help negotiate more productively with any builders.

Nowadays, many people prefer to build a house with their own hands outside the city in order to live away from urban gas pollution. With the current great financial difficulties, cheap houses are very relevant. If we talk about cost, then this is a relative concept.

You can build a cheap house with your own hands, saving on materials, or you can build an energy-saving one. If in the first case money will be saved during construction, then in the second case the structure will pay for itself during operation.

The cost of the building largely depends on the material chosen. Nowadays, domestic materials are in no way inferior to imported ones in quality, but they provide an opportunity to save on costs, since they are cheaper.

In order to figure out which house is cheaper to build, you need to explore different options.

There are several options for inexpensive buildings and we will consider some of them below.


One of the inexpensive and most popular materials is brick. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • high strength and durability;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental cleanliness.


  • heavy weight, requiring laying a solid foundation;
  • high heat capacity;
  • difficult to handle;
  • low thermal insulation characteristics, walls require insulation;
  • unsuitable for seasonal use: brick is hygroscopic, if the building has not been used for a long time in winter, it takes a long time to warm up and slowly “dries out”;
  • long-term construction (a year is needed to gain strength of the foundation, a year to shrink the walls before finishing).

The advantage of brick is that it allows you to build a building with your own hands of any size and any design, which cannot be achieved when using panels.

Here are some examples of the cost of brick boxes:

  • a one-story brick house with an area of ​​52 m2 with a reinforced concrete foundation (no basement) and reinforced concrete floor, attic roof from tiles will cost approximately 800 thousand rubles;
  • a one-story brick house with an area of ​​89 m2 with a reinforced concrete foundation (without a basement) and a reinforced concrete floor, an attic roof made of metal tiles will cost approximately 1,400,000 rubles;
  • attic house made of brick with an area of ​​170 m2 with a slab foundation (without a basement) and a reinforced concrete floor, mansard roof made of metal tiles will cost 2,800,000 rubles.

If we take into account the cost of the house for clean finishing, then the minimum cost per square meter will be 7 thousand rubles, on average - 8 thousand rubles. Thus, the total cost will be from 22.5 thousand rubles/m2 to 25 thousand rubles/m2.

From foam concrete (aerated concrete)

Favorites among inexpensive houses Recently, buildings made of aerated concrete have been considered on the construction market, due to its advantages compared to other building materials.

Aerated concrete has the following advantages:

  • fire resistance: walls made of aerated concrete do not burn;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • due to its light weight, less time is spent on construction and a reinforced foundation is not needed;
  • easy to process, which makes it possible to create walls of any configuration;
  • has high heat and sound insulation;
  • A house made of aerated concrete is easy and quick to build.

Foam concrete blocks have the following disadvantages:

  • they absorb moisture, so the building requires heating;
  • For aerated concrete walls need a foundation from reinforced concrete slabs or tape to avoid their deformation;
  • porous structure requires finishing;
  • after laying, the walls should stand for a warm season and settle;
  • When laying aerated concrete, you should strictly adhere to the technology;
  • without the use of thermal insulation, the thickness of the walls should be from 60 to 100 cm if the building is operated in the conditions of the Moscow region.

Below is the approximate cost of a box made of aerated concrete with a foundation made of reinforced concrete structures (without a basement) with an attic roof made of metal tiles:

  • a one-story house with an area of ​​86 m2 will cost 912 thousand rubles;
  • an attic house with an area of ​​107 m2, with an attic roof covered with metal tiles will cost 1,142 thousand rubles;
  • a two-story house with an area of ​​240 m2 will cost 3,276 thousand rubles.

If we take into account the clean finishing in the cost of the house, then the minimum cost per square meter will be 6 thousand rubles, on average - 7 thousand rubles / m2. Thus, the total cost will be from 17 thousand rubles/m2 to 21 thousand rubles/m2.

The construction of their aerated concrete is cheaper due to a lightweight foundation, reduced earthworks, and lower material costs.

Wooden buildings

Wooden houses are presented in a wide range, but the most popular are buildings made of timber (simple, profiled), as well as logs (simple, rounded).

Wooden buildings with a wall thickness of 15-25 cm without additional thermal insulation are suitable for seasonal use. For permanent residence, the walls must have a thickness of at least 50 cm.

Advantages wooden houses the following:

  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • warms up quickly after freezing;
  • have high sound and heat insulation;
  • a columnar or lightweight foundation is sufficient;
  • after final drying, they do not deform and have high strength;
  • easy to process;
  • quick and convenient to assemble;
  • have a beautiful appearance, not requiring finishing;
  • wooden walls “breathe”, which walls made of other materials do not have;
  • environmentally friendly.

Disadvantages wooden buildings is the following:

  • the need to caulk the walls at the beginning of operation;
  • if the material is poorly dried, the walls may collapse;
  • the lower crown must be protected from moisture and rotting;
  • walls need protection from insect pests;
  • low fire safety.

Price wooden house depends on the material used. As an example, we can cite an attic house with an area of ​​100 - 110 m2, with a monolithic strip reinforced concrete foundation (without a basement), with an attic roof. Its cost will be using

  • timber with a cross section of 150*150 mm – 12.7 thousand rubles/m2
  • rounded logs with a diameter of 24 cm – 16.5 thousand rubles/m2;
  • rounded logs with a diameter of 30 - 35 cm - 21 thousand rubles / m 2;
  • laminated veneer lumber with a cross section of 210*270 mm – 35.4 thousand rubles/m2.

Prices are for the cheapest coniferous species.


The technology for constructing frame houses depends on the materials used and how complete the building is. Panels consisting of gypsum fiber sheets, OSB boards or cement bonded particle boards filled with insulation in the form of basalt wool, polystyrene foam or ecowool.

The most comfortable are buildings that use environmentally friendly natural materials: wood, basalt wool. Depending on the degree of readiness, sets of frame houses can be complete, semi-finished or designer.

You should not stop at considering complete sets because of their high cost, which amounts to more than four million rubles for a house area of ​​150 m2.

Frame kits – semi-finished products

The kit of such houses includes panels with floors. The most popular panels are called SIP panels. They consist of two OSB boards 10-12 mm thick and a heat insulator glued between them.

Most often, polystyrene foam plays the role of a heat insulator. Construction frame house, having an area of ​​150 m2 using SIP technology will cost approximately from 1.725 thousand to 1.870 thousand rubles (this price includes assembly - from 375 thousand rubles), so the total cost will be about 1.2 thousand rubles/m2.

Frame buildings using SIP panels and expanded polystyrene have the following advantages:

  • the structures are light in weight;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • quickly installed;
  • construction is possible at any time of the year;
  • walls do not deform during operation;
  • earthquake-resistant;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages of these buildings are:

  • “thermos effect”: the walls do not “breathe” well, which requires the installation of air conditioning systems;
  • the need to lay communications outside the walls;
  • short service life (manufacturers provide a guarantee of 20 years of operation).

Sets of frame buildings - constructors

The minimum configuration of frame houses - designers consists of a load-bearing frame, which includes load-bearing walls and floor trusses, and project documentation. Wood is usually chosen as the material for the supporting frame. Thermal insulation is usually done using basalt wool, which has different densities.

The best option is cotton wool with a density of 50 kg/m3. OSB boards are most often used for cladding, although cladding with cement-bonded particle boards, plywood, isoboard and even plastic panels is possible.

The load-bearing frame costs approximately 3 thousand rubles/m2, then the developer himself chooses the configuration. Frame house, having a foundation built using standard technology, will cost from 1.1 thousand to 1.4 thousand rubles/m 2.

Classic frame construction

Classic frame houses consist of a wooden frame, sheathed OSB boards with filling as insulation basalt wool. They have the following advantages:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • light weight;
  • absence of deformations;
  • no shrinkage;
  • high thermal insulation qualities;
  • a frame structure made of wood “breathes,” which is something that a building made from SIP panels does not have;
  • quick and easy to install;
  • possibility of self-assembly;
  • lowest cost.

By using frame construction It's good to finish the house. If the first floor is built of brick or logs, it is possible to easily and quickly complete the second floor with boards or wood boards, insulating them and finishing them.

Using frame construction, you can build an extension to an old house with your own hands, which does not require a foundation. The disadvantages of a wooden frame house are that it is a fire hazard, susceptible to rotting and attack by harmful insects.

When choosing a material to build a house with your own hands, you should pay attention not only to the cost of the material, but also to the cost of its future maintenance: repairs, heating, etc.

Wall type Article

building, rubles/m 2

Total heating and ventilation cost, rubles/m2/year General

cost of repair, rubles/m2/year

Expansion rate, rubles/m2/year Rating
Brick 51 cm thick 22450 332 45 601,5 7
Brick 63 cm thick 27750 146 85 508,5 6
Made from aerated concrete blocks with thermal insulation 20700 140 55 402 3
Made from rounded timber with a diameter of 35 cm (Angra pine) 22970 177 59 465,7 5
Made from laminated veneer lumber with a cross section of 279*210 without thermal insulation 35400 215 60 629 8
Panel-frame using SIP panels 174 mm thick 12000 115 151 386 2
Frame-panel (“classic” with panels 174 mm thick 12500 112 85 322 1
Made of wooden beams with a cross section of 200x200 without thermal insulation 12700 231 65 423 4

The following summary table shows the comparative cost of building and operating a house when using different materials for the frame. The table looks at construction, maintenance and repair costs over a 100-year period.

How to save on construction?

Let's consider the most cheap way build a house. In order to build an inexpensive house with your own hands, it is not necessary to use cheap materials. There is an opportunity to save money by planning. An example of a simple layout is shown below.

Scheme of a simple layout of a private building

A house built with your own hands will not be expensive with a simple layout, without complex shapes and with minimal finishing. For a small building, it is enough to pour a light foundation.

Cover the roof with ondulin or metal tiles. For windows, the cheapest option would be wooden frames made of softwood or inexpensive plastic. Walls are built either frame technology, or from aerated concrete.

A prerequisite for cheap buildings is one floor; in this case, during construction there will be no need for additional costs for scaffolding, machinery and additional labor.

Foundation for a house would be better suited columnar or strip with a depth of 40 to 90 cm, the panel structure of which is made of boards. Panels with insulation must be at least 10 cm thick. C inside At home, you should lay polystyrene foam and a layer of roofing felt or parchment.

Cheapest option for exterior finishing is flat slate, and for the interior - lining. It is possible to make it yourself.

Plastic lining is suitable for interior decoration. The good thing about it is that it doesn’t need to be dried like wood, it won’t twist, and it has a fairly pleasant appearance.

Finishing possible fiberboard sheets, but they have bad smell and small thickness. Drywall works well for finishing, but it can crack if the house is not rigid enough. It is possible to save on flooring by using the slatted manufacturing method.

As is known, the construction of an individual residential building requires huge amount effort, time and money. The process is quite lengthy and involves constant financial expenses for the purchase of a construction project, materials, rental of machinery, labor costs for the team and foreman. All this can make a noticeable hole in family budget. This state of affairs often stops customers from implementing the construction idea, because no one wants to overpay. Therefore, future owners are looking for opportunities to realize their dream without being left in huge debts. Some decide to build on our own. In this situation, developers are not insured against loss of quality of the house or violation of construction technology, because they cannot take into account all the nuances.

Other developers are building large houses of complex architecture with expensive finishes. At the same time, they save on materials, workers, and supervision. But all these actions are as illogical as purchasing a Rolls-Royce on credit and servicing it in your neighbor’s garage.

In this article, we have collected the most effective ways to save money when building houses that do not affect the quality of the final product, which will help both categories of individual developers save significantly on construction. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Stage one: land for construction

Plots of irregular shape, relief, located near ravines are cheaper, and thus attract the attention of inexperienced developers. Please take into account that, as a rule, only non-standard house designs are suitable for such areas, the development of which is much more expensive standard project cottage

  • give preference to flat correct form plot;
  • and also, purchase a plot of the required area without overpaying for hundreds of dollars for future use;
  • make sure there are communications.

It is forbidden:

  • plan your purchase in winter, because snow hides many surface imperfections;
  • purchase land with an existing foundation, since it can be built without following technology and is not designed for the required load. Its dismantling will require significant financial resources.

Stage two: a successful project is the key to success

Before starting construction, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. You need to calculate the usable area of ​​the cottage and not plan a house of impressive size, because the construction of additional squares will require a considerable amount.

  • Determine the purpose of housing: seasonal or permanent;
  • Consider the quantity and necessity of each room, its reasonable area.
  • Look for a suitable project among ready-made ones, because it is more profitable than creating it from scratch according to individual wishes.
  • Give preference standard solutions, which, in addition to being cheaper, are also time-tested, tested by operation, and do not contain errors or violations of construction technology.

Not worth it:

  • Select a house project that does not fully meet the required purpose and has few functional premises.
  • Select projects with a complex cascade roof for use. By simplifying the design to a classic gable roof, you can reduce the cost of roofing work by up to two times.

By giving up a couple of dozen square meters and architectural excesses, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a house.


Stage three: a solid foundation is the basis for peace of mind

The foundation is, of course, the most important part of the structure of the cottage, and it must be reliable. But taking large reserves of thickness and strength is not effective. It is worth considering a middle ground.

  • Conduct geological surveys in the spring;
  • Based on the data obtained, find out what type of foundation is suitable for a given type of soil and load.
  • The optimal solution for the main types of soil would be to install a strip foundation and avoid basements.

Not worth it:

implement the idea of ​​burying the base into the ground and constructing a basement. This will save money on foundation materials, drainage construction, and heating the basement.

Thus, preliminary soil studies and a well-calculated foundation can provide up to 20% savings on the cost of its construction.

Stage four: bargain purchases

A considerable part of the benefits can be obtained by purchasing the materials specified in the specifications for promotions, preferably in the off-season. It would be best to purchase everything from one supplier, because by placing a bulk order you can count on a discount and save on delivery.


  • Replace the main material of the box construction. So blocks made of foam and aerated concrete will be much cheaper than brick or timber. Projects of houses made of foam blocks can be found in our catalog. It is important to provide reliable waterproofing, since porous lightweight block materials have increased hygroscopicity.
  • Provide for the construction of partitions from blocks, regardless of the material of the external walls, the laying of wooden interfloor ceilings instead of reinforced concrete.

It is forbidden:

  • When replacing materials from the project specification with more economical ones, it is not recommended to choose cheap varieties of the same material. By holding back funds for good quality aerated concrete from a trusted manufacturer, you can significantly lose in the reliability of the entire structure. Projects of houses made of aerated concrete are designed for materials that have the best quality and technical indicators.

Stage five: planning delivery

As a rule, the cost of delivery of materials is up to 20% of the price of the order itself. You can save on such a significant issue by following these recommendations:

  • Choose a supplier located on minimum distance from the construction site, avoiding manufacturers operating in another region.
  • Try to plan purchases by ordering goods in large quantities in order to completely fill the volume of transport provided for delivery. This will reduce the number of trips and reduce costs.

Stage six: select a contractor

Professional builders and people with experience can build a house on their own. great experience in this matter. In all other cases, it is better to entrust this work to hired professionals.


  • Choose a company that provides a full range of services: it will provide a choice of designs for economical houses, carry out the necessary surveys, and carry out a range of construction and installation works from laying out the axes of the building to erecting the roof. This will help avoid defects and rework, and if they occur, it will speed up the process. In addition, ordering large volumes from the company provides for bonuses and discounts.
It is forbidden:
  • Hire different foremen for each type of construction and installation work. This will increase the risk of defects and allow employees to avoid liability.

Stage seven: ready-made standard units

When implementing projects of economy class houses, preference should be given to the installation of ready-made standard designs. Welding, assembly and production of components at construction site– this is a considerable labor effort that requires additional money.


  • For low-rise buildings, it is more profitable to make the roof structure from factory-made trusses than to assemble a conventional truss frame on site. In this case, customers will receive the following significant benefits:

1. Low need for materials, because it costs almost twice as much to make trusses less materials than for the production of a traditional attic-rafter system. Hence the more favorable cost of farms due to its low material consumption.

2. Reduced installation time for trusses, taking from two to three days. The result is savings on workers' wages.

3. A high-quality finished truss produced at the enterprise does not require modifications and is immediately ready for installation. At the same time, the manufacturer guarantees its reliability with quality certificates.

4. The ability to implement floors with a span of up to 12 meters, which is technologically impossible to implement using a rafter system.

If possible not worth it:

  • trusting the assembly of standard components to workers on site will cost more; moreover, they will not be able to guarantee the required quality of the design and will not provide a guarantee for the work performed.

Stage eight method: savings in operation

When choosing designs for inexpensive houses, it is important to consider their cost-effectiveness in future use, because the characteristics of our climate zone include severe winters and hot summers, and therefore expensive heating and the need for air conditioning.


  • Carefully select a project that involves effective system heating and energy saving technologies.
  • Choose the right thickness of insulation for external walls, taking into account the characteristics of the climate zone, so that the house is warmer in winter.
  • Install the following methods in your home to reduce energy consumption in your home:

1.Systems automatic regulation heating systems in the house, which, in order to maintain the specified parameters, choose methods of regulating operation.

2. Selection of efficient boiler equipment with the highest possible efficiency. Combination of heating and hot water supply circuits in one boiler.

3.Ways to save energy: a system for controlling the switching off of lighting devices based on signals from presence or motion sensors, as well as the use of energy-saving light bulbs.

Installation costs similar systems energy savings are fully paid off over time of use.

It is forbidden:

  • Let this issue take its course, since an incorrectly chosen heating system can become a big cost item.
  • Completely trust your home modern technology"zero house", a house that receives heat from natural sources: wind, sun, people indoors and household appliances. In our climatic conditions, such a zero-emission house will still be a little cold in winter; it will have to be supported by a traditional heating system.

Stage nine: saving time

The construction process is associated with the costs of paying workers and renting machinery. Increasing the lead time for work entails unjustified costs.

The best thing:

  • Draw up a schedule for completing construction and installation work and strictly adhere to it.

It is forbidden:

  • Allow delays in the supply of materials and downtime of the construction team. This entails additional cash expenses.

Stage ten: choosing the environment

As a rule, choosing equipment, furniture and interior items for the home is an expensive task associated with large financial investments and a significant investment of time. Not everyone enjoys spending hours shopping.


  • Use specialized online stores to order all the necessary furnishings for your home. This will help you save time and also buy goods at a reduced cost, since the seller does not include the cost of renting a showroom and paying for consultants in their price.

It is forbidden:

  • Order goods on the sites of little-known online stores. You should use only trusted sources that can issue all the necessary documents and the manufacturer’s warranty for the product.

Having considered the above methods of saving money, we can conclude that it is actually possible to realize your dream of building your own home. If you build a house according to all the rules of economy - build it on a flat, clean site according to a competent economical design with an adapted foundation, with energy-efficient systems provided in it, under the guidance of one foreman for the entire construction cycle; You can get a good quality home and considerable benefits by saving money!

Lately everything less people wants to live in a cramped and stuffy city, preferring to move to his own country house. It would seem, what problems? You just need to sell your apartment and buy real estate outside the city. But this property, alas, costs several times more than the largest apartment.

Don’t despair, there is a way out - to build a house on your own. If you look at it, there is nothing complicated in building a house; the main thing is to draw up an action plan and strictly follow it.

The problem of cheap housing is becoming more and more urgent. Many scientists have worked on it, and some have achieved some success. Among them, it is worth noting Berok Khoshnevis, a professor from the United States who developed a 3D printer. This device can build a house in a day with total area at 300 m². Agree, not even the most experienced team is able to invest in such a time frame.

But a 3D printer (in fact, as well as its operation) is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, during construction, it is more advisable to use a less expensive way to save money - use cheap building materials.

Cheap house with your own hands: where to start?

Let’s immediately make a reservation that unauthorized construction must be legalized and you need to register it as property. To do this as quickly as possible, follow all state standards. First of all, draw up a competent plan of the site and the future house (it is better to entrust this matter to a qualified architect). In this regard, they are distributed engineering Communication, the method of pouring the foundation is selected and Construction Materials. Having a plan in hand, you can easily bring your inexpensive home project to life.

In addition, when preparatory work determine the order of construction. It will look something like this:

  • pouring the foundation;
  • construction of a “box” of a house;
  • carrying out all necessary communications;
  • laying the floor;
  • roof construction (preferably in autumn or spring).

By following simple technology, you can easily build a cozy, inexpensive home.

Stage one: foundation of the house

Step 1. First of all, decide what type of foundation is suitable for the soil in your area. Dig a meter-long hole; if the soil is sandy, clay or rocky, and there is no water at the bottom, then you can safely build strip foundation approximately 70-80 cm deep. But if there is still water, then the depth of the base should exceed 1 m.

Step 2: Then remove upper layer ground and mark the perimeter. Based on the markings, dig a trench of the required depth and fill the bottom with a sand cushion.

Step 3. Build formwork using boards or plywood. Then mix the foundation mortar using cement, crushed stone and coarse sand. In this case, the thicker the solution, the stronger base(ideally, the consistency should be like thick sour cream). Make the width of the foundation 20 cm larger than the width of the walls. Be sure to reinforce it with metal reinforcement.

Step 4. Install a waterproofing layer - this will prevent the formation of cracks on the foundation and, therefore, increase its service life. Use roofing felt for this, laying it in two layers at ground level. After this, build the base to the required height.

Step 5. After the insulating layer, lay the foundation with concrete blocks or bricks. Make ventilation holes in two walls opposite each other to prevent increased humidity in the floor. Then give the structure a little time to dry and lay waterproofing (here you can use any available material).

Note! The final drying and shrinkage of the foundation will occur only a few months after construction, so do not rush to build the walls.

Stage two: walls

There are two ways to build walls.

  1. A more reliable and, accordingly, more expensive method is to build reinforced columns in the corners of the future house. Collect the reinforcement rods into a “bundle”, install them in the corners and fill them with concrete. In this case, you first need to build wooden formwork and after that start pouring.
  2. If you cannot use the first method for one reason or another, then when building walls, simply strengthen them with reinforcement.

For walls, use one of the following materials:

  • foam concrete;
  • brick;
  • shell rock;
  • adobe;
  • clay and glass bottles.

The cheapest of them is foam concrete, but it will not allow the walls to “breathe”. Shell rock is more expensive, but it is what experts recommend when building inexpensive houses. In this case, window and door openings will need strengthening, so equip them with metal corners.

The already finished “box” needs to be insulated. Use glass wool and brick for this. Lay the brick with outside“boxes” so that there is a small gap between it and the shell rock. Fill this gap with glass wool - such material will not only insulate the house, but also protect it from the penetration of insects and rodents.

Note! Not all partitions can use drywall or brick. In the central part of the house there should always be load-bearing walls, built taking into account the running communications (that is, with space left for them).

For load-bearing partitions, use metal profiles - install them, cover them with plasterboard and plaster them.

Stage three: communications

Any house, even the cheapest one, needs water supply, heating and other communications. In this case, all communications must be carried out in advance by agreeing with specialists - this will guarantee the safety and correctness of installation.


As thermal generator use a gas boiler. This will significantly reduce heating costs, especially in winter. And due to the fact that the cold comes mainly from the ground, give preference to a “warm floor” - make it from plastic pipes and fill with concrete screed. This way you will heat the entire house, but if this does not seem enough, then install the main heating system.

Another heating option is alternative, based on the use of solar and wind energy. Built with your own hands solar battery, you will not freeze in your home even in winter.

Water supply, sewer system

Lay both communications before finishing and pouring the floor. Decide in advance on the location of rooms and household appliances that need drainage, and lay the pipes in accordance with the plan.

If central sewerage and water supply are not available, you should think about building a small septic tank, for example, from Eurocubes or concrete rings, as well as water supply. You can build a well or drill a well as a source of water. However, the second option will hit your pocket hard.

Stage four: floor

Upon completion of installation of communications, fill the floor with concrete screed. Then cover with any suitable material– linoleum, tiles, laminate, etc. However, it is recommended to use tiles as the most practical and damage-resistant material. It is easy to clean, and when using “warm floors” it will never be cold. Moreover, you can choose the cheapest tiles and cover them with cozy paths.

Stage five: roof and ceiling

At this stage of work, build a concrete belt around the walls to secure the beams. Then, after laying the beams, fill the bottom with boards. During construction two-story house It is better to use concrete slabs for flooring.

For the roof, first assemble the facing grid - this is necessary in any case, regardless of what you choose roofing material. The lattices can differ only in the different spacing of the beams. It is recommended to use one of the following materials (due to financial considerations):

  • ondulin;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • slate.

Eco-friendly materials include wood, straw, and reeds.

Whatever material you choose, the roof must be insulated. Use glass wool for this - this is the most affordable and easiest to install material.

Completion of construction. Interior arrangement

Construction of the roof is the last stage of building a house. Next you can start interior decoration. There are a lot of technologies and methods for interior arrangement; almost all existing design projects can be implemented with your own hands at low cost.

In a word, everything depends only on the richness of your imagination. A great option I can be stretch ceiling– having a relatively low cost, they will visually expand free space with its glossy finish. They perfectly reflect light, creating an extraordinary effect.

Arches and openings also look good in the interior (they can be easily mounted from plasterboard and metal profiles, or use wood and clay). Cover the walls textured wallpaper(paintable wallpaper, as they are also called), which you can make yourself. Various plasters are quite cheap. Decorating a house with wood looks great.

If you approach the matter competently and with soul, then building and arranging your own family nest will not cost much. The main thing is to clearly know what you can save on and what it is better not to do.

What you can't save on

  1. Don't skimp on technical supervision. Read at least a thousand articles on construction, but without experience you will still not be able to control the quality and understand the essence construction work. Hire an engineer or experienced builder- in general, someone you would trust.
  2. Don't skimp on communications. Heating, water supply, access to the yard, etc. are necessary elements comfortable life. Don't neglect any of the systems!
  3. Do not skimp on the project - it must be drawn up by a specialist, taking into account climatic conditions your area. Be sure to link the project to specific construction conditions. Thus, it often happens that the developer did not want to pay the designers for tying the foundation, having listened to the advice of the contractor (who the more expensive, the better), as a result of which the foundation was created with too large a margin of safety. Binding will minimize the cost of building the foundation of the house.

We also note that construction and design should be carried out different people with different opinions and interests. This will allow you to accept correct solution and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Video - How to build a house inexpensively