What paint to paint the outside of the house on plaster. Selection and application of facade paint on plaster. Acrylic washable paint

Plaster is a fairly common option for decorating the external surfaces of buildings. But to create a truly unique exterior, simply applying the solution is not enough. Therefore, after it dries for further finishing works façade paint is used on plaster.

Paint for external plaster work must have the following characteristics in order to stay on the surface longer:

  1. Resistant to mechanical stress, such as abrasion.
  2. Biological safety: fungi, mold and pathogens should not develop on finished coatings.
  3. The material must contain a special component that will protect the coating from exposure sun rays.
  4. Facade paints for plaster must be resistant to various chemically active substances.
  5. Components are added to such paints to increase fire safety.
  6. The material is elastic, so the coating will not crack when the building shrinks.

Facade paints must be very durable and resistant to external factors

On a note! Some compositions have an antistatic effect. They repel dust, which is very important for buildings located near large roads.

Types of facade paints

The modern construction market offers the buyer great amount facade paints for external plastering work. They are made on the basis of various materials and with the addition of various components, which determine their performance characteristics.

Based on liquid glass

This facade paint for plaster for exterior work also has another name - silicate. It is made on the basis of silicate glue, to which mineral pigments and fillers are added. The service life of such coatings reaches 20 years. This figure was achieved thanks to a high level of vapor permeability, so water does not accumulate under the coating. As a result, the plaster for painting will not absorb much moisture and will not fall off the wall. The main disadvantage of this material is its susceptibility to mechanical stress. In addition, the paint is not elastic, so it can crack very quickly after drying.

Lime based

Such paints for facades on plaster are made on the basis of slaked lime. The main advantage of this material is its low cost, but it is important to understand that by saving on the purchase of a coloring composition, in the future you will have to spend money annually on maintaining the facade in its normal form. The paint gets dirty and washes off with water, so after the spring rains you will have to repaint the house. It should also be said that slaked lime differs in bactericidal properties, as well as good level vapor permeability. The color range is usually limited to light ones pastel colors. You can additionally purchase colors and add bright colors, but such material will quickly fade in the sun.

Cement based

In some cases, paints based on cement based. The basis of this composition is Portland cement white, but you can add tint to get the desired color. Unlike limestone materials, such paint is not washed off by rain, but pathogenic organisms can develop on it. Price cement materials is also low, but they have not gained popularity among domestic buyers.

Based on acrylic resins

On this moment this finishing material is considered the most common because it has a good price-quality ratio. In addition, the paint has a good performance mechanical strength. But there is also a significant drawback - acrylic does not allow steam to pass through, as a result of which moisture will accumulate under the coating and can lead to its rapid deterioration. This material is divided into two types depending on the solvent used: water-based and organic-based. The latter are most often used for painting facades.

Silicone based

Such materials are considered the best for finishing plastered facades. They are slightly inferior to acrylic compounds in terms of elasticity, mechanical resistance and cost, so they are not widely used. The plaster layer after treatment does not absorb moisture, but at the same time has a high vapor permeability rate. Silicone paint characterized by low consumption, resistance to high and low temperatures, as well as their differences. The finished coating repels dust and is not affected by ultraviolet rays.

Silicone-based paint composition for exterior use

Other types of paints

There are several other types of facade paints that are quite rare on the market. For example, perchlorovinyl paint. The main advantage of this material is its low cost. In addition, the composition is produced in large quantities color scheme and can be applied to surfaces even with negative temperatures. Paint protects walls from weathering, corrosion, bacteria, fungi and mold. But at the same time, the service life of the coatings is only 4 years, and the presence of highly flammable components makes the material unsafe.

For external finishing work they are sometimes used structural compositions. In fact, such paints are more like decorative plaster mixtures. The advantages are plasticity and elasticity, making the material convenient to work with. Disadvantage: small quantity color solutions, high price, short service life finished surfaces. In some cases, latex is added to such compositions to increase the level of surface protection.

Preparatory work before painting

The first step is to prepare the surface. To do this, you need to assess its condition. If the plaster is old, crumbling, stained and looks unsatisfactory, then you will have to completely remove it and apply a new one. If the plaster layer looks normal, then you need to tap the entire surface with a hammer to find weak spots. Fragments of plaster are removed, and the resulting holes are sealed with putty. At the end, the walls are washed and allowed to dry. Then a deep penetration primer is applied in two layers and also left to dry.

Stages of surface preparation for painting

Now you need to calculate the required amount of paint. First you need to calculate the area of ​​each outer wall and add the resulting numbers. Then multiply the result by the average material consumption - first for the first layer, then for the second. The fact is that most facade paints are applied in several layers, each of which requires various quantities material. This is done to improve the quality of the finished coating. If you try to save money and apply only one layer, then after drying a spot of a different color will appear.

At the very end, you need to prepare everything you need; to carry out the event you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Stepladder or scaffolding.
  • Roller or paint brush.
  • Dye.
  • Drill with mixer attachment.
  • Measuring container.
  • Paint container.
  • Protective clothing, glasses and gloves.

Instructions for applying paint to plaster

The first step is to install the scaffolding, after which the composition should be mixed. It can be done construction mixer, a drill with an appropriate attachment or a simple wooden strip. Then you need to measure out the exact amount of color and pour it into the paint, then mix it again.

You should know! Adding color is the most important step. It is important to be precise when carrying out this process so that the color of different surface fragments does not differ.

The paint must be poured into a special container, dip a roller or brush into it, then wring out the tool and apply the composition to the surface vertical movements, processing the coating from top to bottom.

After the first layer has dried, proceed to the second. Everything must be done exactly the same, but the movements must be horizontal. As a result, the strokes will intersect, which will provide denser, even coverage. It is recommended to work quickly and do not delay painting for a long time. Best time for the procedure – dry and warm period, for example, late spring.

Painting the facade is one of the most simple types finishing work that even an inexperienced person can handle House master. Thus, you can significantly save on painters’ services, and also create an exterior with your own hands. To obtain a high-quality result, it is enough to follow the above instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers.

A plaster facade is always stylish and neat. However, such a facade coating requires additional protection, since it is susceptible to destructive influences. environment.
Plaster facades are painted to obtain the desired shade and for additional protection of the wall surface.

What should the façade paint be?

The facade of any house is constantly exposed to a number of adverse influences. This includes precipitation, temperature changes, and exposure to direct sunlight.

One should not discount the wind load, which is always combined with the abrasive or polluting effect of transported sand and dust.

The facade is also susceptible to “biological attacks” - from mold and mildew to insects and small rodents.

It is this, far from complete, list negative factors and forms the requirements for. They can be divided into operational, technological and decorative.

Performance properties of facade paint

Resistance to conditions external environment. The paint should not lose its qualities from sudden and seasonal temperature changes, or from atmospheric moisture in any of its manifestations.

According to this indicator, paint and varnish materials are divided into weather-resistant and limitedly resistant.

For external facade works Only weather-resistant facade paints are suitable, which must be clarified when purchasing them.

Vapor permeability. A plastered wall must “breathe” - allow water vapor to escape into the atmosphere, otherwise the moisture accumulated under the paint film will immediately begin its destructive work.

This quality is determined by the porosity of the paint layer, which depends on the type of binder.

Resistant to sunlight. The ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight should not cause processes of paint decomposition into chemical components.

The lightfastness of the paint will protect the walls from fading for a long time, which will preserve the neat and attractive appearance of the entire structure.

High adhesion is another mandatory requirement for façade paint. This is, in essence, its “sticking” to the mineral components of the plaster, without the formation of peeling, swelling, or peeling.

Of course, in this matter, careful preparation of the base for painting and adherence to the technology for its implementation are very important.

Biosecurity - paint should not be a breeding ground for development various forms life, must be resistant to fungi, microorganisms, mold, etc.

Strength with respect to random mechanical influences - should not easily be chipped, scratched, or impacted.

Technological requirements

The hiding power of paint (or, in other words, the consumption of façade paint per unit area) depends on its structural composition, the particle size of the dispersed solution, and the qualities of the pigment. Good hiding power allows you to minimize consumption while obtaining an evenly painted surface.

Painting qualities - the density of the paint and its uniformity must be balanced to facilitate high-quality painting work, without unnecessary drips and splashes.

In addition, the surface tension of a good paint layer allows it to self-level and spread evenly.

Drying time - the speed at which a layer of paint acquires its protective and decorative properties. The possibility of carrying out external finishing work during seasons with unstable weather largely depends on this.

These specifications façade paints play an important role in the choice of paint.

Decorative qualities

Susceptibility to pigmentation - the ability of paint to be tinted in various colors and shades.

The reflectivity of a material is the ability of a dried painted surface to reflect light rays. According to this criterion, paints are divided into glossy, semi-gloss and matte.

Glossy paints are the most durable, create the densest protective film, the surface gets dirty less and is easier to clean, but at the same time they have significantly lower vapor permeability.

In addition, surfaces painted with this paint give glare in the sun and are much more visible on them. possible defects walls

They are good for coloring decorative elements or wooden structures– doors or windows. Matte paints are used on large areas of façade walls.

Types of facade paints

Any paint consists of a binder that creates a colorful film layer, a solvent base, and pigment additives.

In addition, various manufacturers introduce into their composition the whole complex various additives that enhance technological and operational properties material.

The main difference between different types paints - the composition of the binder.

Acrylic paints

One of the most common and widely used in construction today are acrylic paints.

The binding elements in them are acrylic polymers, which create a durable, weather-resistant, elastic layer.

This material can be tinted very easily, which makes it possible to give it almost any color and shade.

Microbiological colonies do not take root on acrylates, but the paint is absolutely environmentally friendly.

Acrylic paints can be either organic based, when the solvent is, for example, white spirit, or water-dispersed.

Organic-based paint can be used for exterior work even in winter period in conditions of low temperatures.

In addition, it polymerizes much faster, creating a protective layer on a surface that is not even completely dry. It can have both a matte and glossy effect.

Water-dispersed façade acrylic paints do not have an unpleasant odor and have good adhesion to plastered surfaces, providing them with reliable protection.

Such paints, as a rule, with all their advantages, have a low price, and therefore are most in demand in the finishing industry.

Silicate paints

If you do not plan to have too bright tinting or a textured surface on the plastered facade, then an excellent solution would be to use silicate paint, the binders in which are “liquid glass”, calcium borate and alkali-resistant fillers.

Penetrating deeply into the surface of the plaster coating, they create a kind of reinforcement, literally gluing microcracks together and preventing them from developing. But at the same time, the vapor permeability of the walls does not suffer at all.

The use of such paints requires very careful preparation of the surface and special care during the application process.

Due to the features chemical composition they do not have a wide range of colors and shades.

Silicone paints

This is the most modern look paint and varnish materials, combining everything positive traits other types.

They are a water-emulsion solution of silicone resins, which create a durable waterproof film on the surface of the wall.

This type of paint has excellent adhesion and has good contact with any surface, including silicate materials.

The frozen layer has hydrophobic properties - water simply rolls over it, but at the same time, vapor permeability is no lower than that of silicate paints.

Silicone-based facade paint is very elastic, capable of healing fairly wide (up to 2 mm) cracks in plaster, while silicone resins are not thermoplastic, unlike acrylic or latex ones.

The paint is very easy to use - it has virtually no odor, it applies easily, and is not harmful to the skin of your hands. Its only significant drawback is its rather high price.

Silicone facade paints from the Finnish company Tikkurila are considered one of the best.

Perchlorovinyl facade paint (PV) is also used in the finishing of plastered walls.

Its main advantages are its low price, bright saturated colors, and the ability to carry out work in the cold season.

Has good anti-corrosion, water-repellent, mechanical properties, resistance to active chemicals.

Disadvantages - the presence of flammable volatile components in the base - xylene or solvent, which, in addition, have a toxic effect.

The coating cannot be called too durable - average term its service is about 4 years. The paint is not plastic, so it will crack at the slightest deformation of the facade.

To give the walls additional decorativeness, use structural facade paints, which are thicker in consistency due to the introduction of special plasticizers into their composition.

In essence, this paint is similar to decorative plaster, but differs favorably from it in price.

Having sufficient skills, you can use brushes, a roller, a spatula or a spray gun to give the facade walls an interesting textured surface.

The most “budget” options for painting a plastered facade are the use of lime or cement paints with the addition of the necessary pigment dyes.

As a rule, such compositions are sold in dry form; their dilution and tinting are the responsibility of the painter himself. Facades painted with such paints require periodic cosmetic repairs.

The variety of facade paints is quite large, and the choice should be made both taking into account the requirements for the building and realistically assessing your financial capabilities.

Facade paint on plaster for exterior use is an excellent solution for finishing a house. The variety of types, colors and textures allows you to bring any design idea to life.

About the types of facade paints

The modern market of materials for construction and repair is replete with assortment. The choice of façade paints is no exception. The most common types are:

  1. Acrylic, the main advantage of which is the creation of a fairly strong protective film after drying. The film protects the facade from negative environmental influences.
  2. Latex, used for both exterior and interior facade work. Thanks to water based have excellent adhesion. Latex paints wear-resistant and can withstand difficult weather.
  3. Silicate, used for painting surfaces containing lime. Equally well suited for working with brick, concrete and facades. The advantage of this wear-resistant and aggressive environment The material is durable.
  4. Textured, with the help of which all kinds of decorative coatings are created not only on the facades of buildings, but also on other structural elements. Serious loads textured paints cannot withstand, but they do not require a carefully prepared surface for application - chips at corners and cracks in walls will be an equally good basis.

It is worth noting that when choosing facade paints for plaster, it is important to take into account the type of plaster: if silicate plaster is assumed, then silicate paint should be chosen. Mineral façade paint is suitable for mineral plaster.

The best facade paints for plaster are acrylic and acrylate.

They form a unique vapor-permeable coating that is also resistant to moisture. But due to expensive components, the price of such materials is high. Therefore, the most common type is latex facade paint. These are practically the same acrylic compositions, but with the addition of a dispersion containing latex. Cheaper components of such paints lead to frequent repairs facades due to their low durability and not the highest performance properties - the coating begins to fade in the sun, crack and peel.

As for the division of facade paints for plaster according to structure, textured and smooth paints are distinguished. Of these two types best coverage, the most durable and resistant, form textured. They will also help hide cracks and chips (small defects on the plaster of walls and facades).

Facade preparation and subsequent painting

Painting facades is not such an easy task. You must first prepare the base. Preparing the facade for finishing is a more complex task than painting interior walls premises. The essence of the preparation is to protect surfaces that cannot be painted: dismantling removable parts and covering non-removable parts with a protective film. Before starting work, it is worth checking the weather forecast: strong wind, high temperatures or rain may interfere with the painting process.

Before starting work, the paint must be mixed thoroughly, and you should avoid painting plasters containing cement for at least 2 weeks. The alkaline environment of cement may not have the best effect on the color of façade paint.

The surface of the plaster for painting must be smooth, i.e., without visible defects in the form of dents, bumps or cracks. If the surface is affected by mold or fungus, then you need to use a brush or spatula to clean it. The cleaned facade is washed with water and allowed to dry.

The facade is painted with a spray gun, brush or roller. The shorter the pile on the roller, the smoother the surface will be. If using a gun, check the thickness of the paint and compare it with the instructions for the gun.

When working with a roller or brush, it is necessary to alternate vertical and horizontal movements to obtain maximum uniform coverage. After the time specified by the manufacturer, it is necessary to apply a second layer of facade paint. A break in work can only be done after the layer is completely ready.

Moisture and dust are not allowed to enter the freshly painted surface.

Caring for painted surfaces is simple and consists of wiping them with a damp sponge or cloth at least once a year.

Conclusion on the topic

Facade paint applied to plaster not only preserves, but also improves its performance properties. The protective layer formed by the material allows the plaster to breathe and remove moisture, since it does not close its pores.

All types of modern facade paints are created taking into account the materials to which they will be applied. When developing new types finishing materials The difficult weather conditions in which structures with this type of surface coating will be used are also taken into account.

After treatment, the surface of the facade acquires an attractive appearance.

It is worth noting: most façade paints are water-based, which almost completely eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors during application, makes work easier. Layers of facade paints not only provide long-term protection of the coating, but also hide its minor defects.

Every person wants his home to look attractive, and if you chose plaster as the facade cladding, then you probably want to dilute the dull gray color at least a little, adding brightness. To fulfill your desires, manufacturers offer a wide variety of paints designed specifically for the facade.

What should the façade paint be?

Why should you choose facade paint for plaster? Why not go to the store and just buy a can of material in your favorite color?

All because for coloring external walls at home you need a material that, firstly, will extend the life of the main finish, in our case plaster, and secondly, will itself last for a long time without the need for repairs.

Coloring material intended for interior works, simply will not withstand the aggressive influence of the environment, unlike façade. The pigments included in the mixture for outdoor use protect against fading in the sun.

The material is elastic, so it is not afraid of sudden temperature changes typical of our latitudes. In addition, it must have high abrasion resistance.

Paint for plaster should not only protect the main coating from moisture, the formation of fungi and other microorganisms, but also increase the quality of the undoubted advantages of the plaster layer. It is known that it has excellent vapor permeability, which means finishing must have this quality and not block the pores, so that the water vapor accumulated in the bases of the walls can easily come out.

Applying a finish that does not have this effect may cause the coating to peel off.

Properties of facade mixture, types and requirements for them

Based on the composition, original properties and price, you can easily choose the one that suits you.

Silicate for external use it contains silicate glue, natural pigments and synthetic filler. It has a long service life, good vapor permeability, has a durable color, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. True, it is not resistant to temperature changes. Due to low elasticity, the surface is covered with a thin web of cracks.

Facade for lime-based plaster, it is environmentally friendly and safe, does not emit harmful substances. Reliably protects the surface from mold, the coating is “breathable” and does not retain moisture in the cladding layers. A significant disadvantage is the low level of durability. They quickly wear out, get dirty, and are washed off even when it rains. Bright walls You won’t be able to achieve this type of finish: the color palette is poor, only light shades are presented.

Video - façade with lotus effect (repels liquids):

Cement based- the sister of lime coating. Cement differs only in that it has a slightly greater resistance to precipitation and does not protect against the development of fungi and microorganisms.

The most popular today - acrylic. They combine a low price, a wide palette, a long service life, and practically do not wear out. They are often used on walls with old plaster coating; they perfectly hide small flaws. The downside is considered to be lower vapor permeability than silicate paints. But acrylic paints do not absorb moisture from the environment.

Silicone facade- the most versatile, but also the most expensive. She has high level vapor permeability, absolute resistance to fading and any climatic changes. It is easily applied to any surface, has a dirt-repellent effect, and does not absorb water. Inferior to acrylic or silicate only in two parameters: elasticity and cost.

Performance properties of façade mixture

In order for façade plaster paints to serve for many years without the need for touch-ups and repairs, they must have the following qualities:

  • color preservation. Must contain pigments that protect color from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • resistance to environmental influences. Must withstand any climatic changes without loss: precipitation, wind or temperature changes;
  • Dirt-repellent abilities. Ideally, the surface should be stain-resistant. Does not electrify and does not attract dust, does not require frequent washing. This factor will have a positive effect on service life;
  • hiding power. This factor depends on the density of the material; it allows you to give the desired color to the walls with fewer layers. This is directly related to material consumption;
  • ease of use. This includes ease of application, speed of drying, elimination of smudges, etc.

Decorative qualities

Color fastness and brightness are the main requirements for decorative qualities. The coating must have the ability to reflect light.

The higher this indicator, the more resistant to fading the application is.

There are three types of paints: matte, glossy or semi-gloss.

  1. Glossy they shine in the sun, they are easy to apply, durable, attract less dust, and do not require complex care. It is enough to carry out periodically wet cleaning, which the coating is not afraid of. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that it does not allow the walls to “breathe”, and on a clear day it can “hurt the eyes”, reflecting in the sun. In addition, the shiny surface will highlight any unevenness on the surface.
  2. Semi-gloss less shiny, it can add gloss if it is applied not to the entire facade, but to some details.
  3. Matte do not shine, have a more “breathable” surface, and hide small imperfections on the walls.

Video about SUPERFACADE mixtures:

Paint consumption

In case of a complex form, it is calculated as several simple ones geometric shapes(rectangle) and then they all add up.

Material consumption depends on the hiding power, as well as the thickness and number of layers, and the level of surface smoothness. Manufacturers usually indicate on the packaging the approximate coating consumption per layer.

Result– this is the size of the area that needs painting. This way you measure each wall and simply add up the results.

Existing door and window openings also need to be measured. Then the resulting number must be subtracted from the total area of ​​the facade.

If the building has more complex shape than a quadrangle, then the area is calculated by visually dividing the surface into several rectangles. The area of ​​each is measured, then these indicators are added up.

The result obtained must be multiplied by the paint consumption indicated on the package, then double this number; if you are going to paint the walls in two layers, now add 15-20% to this number. You have received the required amount of paint.

Facade painting

Before painting, the facade needs preliminary preparation. If the wall has been previously painted and the surface looks smooth, you can apply a new layer only if you are sure of the identity of the paint compositions. Unrelated paints may swell, crack, or peel.

Oil paint must be removed. This can be done with a spatula, but this process is long and labor-intensive. The most simple option To remove such a coating, use a hair dryer.

The plastered surface must be cleaned of dirt, dust and stains, and treated with a penetrating primer. This provides reliable adhesion and strengthens the plaster layer.

After this you can start painting. If you have one, then, of course, it is best to use it as the main tool. This device applies a thin and even layer of paint, reducing material consumption. You can also paint with a roller. IN hard to reach places you need to use a brush.

Before starting work, the paint must be thoroughly mixed, then part of it is poured into a ditch, and then applied to the surface with a roller. For greater uniformity of the coating, you need to paint, moving alternately in different planes: vertically, diagonally and horizontally. Typically the coating is applied in two layers. Each of them must dry thoroughly.

Video - :

A properly selected coating will last a long time, maintaining the brightness of the color. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about painting a facade, and anyone can do the job. Professional painters estimate the cost of work quite high, so why pay a decent amount? to strangers if you and your family can paint the house yourself?

Any building facade needs not only decorative cladding, but also protection from mechanical, atmospheric and climatic influences. Facade paint can give a house a unique look, set a unified style for the entire yard and at the same time protect the base from various biological formations, as well as changes in temperature, humidity, and sunlight. There are many varieties, but each has individual characteristics And operational parameters. What will help you choose? Study of the main types and TOP paints for facade work.


Price, l/rub.

Brief characteristics

Used for facades and plinths. Can be painted down to -20°C. Dries quickly.

Acrylic weatherproof. No smell. Can be applied inside and outside. Suitable for all surfaces.

Alkyd enamel for wood and metal. Gives dense coverage from just 1 coat.

New system tree protection. Retains color for 10 years. Prevents mold and blue stains from developing. Suitable even for plinths.

Water-dispersive, for external work on durable cement-lime plaster, concrete, putty, and other mineral coatings.

Eliminates minor defects. Good covering ability. It takes a long time to dry. Use no lower than +20°C.

Super white textured plaster. 1.5 kg/m² for single application. It takes a long time to dry, but the layer is very dense.

Frost-resistant acrylic. Consumption 0.2-0.3 kg/sq.m. On average it lasts 7 years.

Forms a glossy transparent coating that is resistant to temperature changes from minus 12°C to 60°C.

Features and types

Facade paint differs from traditional paint in its increased wear resistance, as well as its resistance to temperature changes, frost, and humid or too dry environments. In addition, the composition of such products includes many protective components against the formation of mold, mildew and other biological growths. Thus, the façade of the building will retain its operational properties and attractive appearance for a long time.

The material is found on the market in four interpretations based on the following components:

  • lime- used, as a rule, for restoration work, when painting of architectural structures with limestone cladding is required;
  • acrylic- acrylic facade paint is applied to a cement-limestone base in the form of plaster on concrete base or brickwork;
  • silicone- silicone paint is intended for cladding sand-lime brick or bases pre-treated with organic dyes;
  • drying oil- oily components are used for painting wood materials, they are able to protect the base from destructive atmospheric and climatic influences.

Separately, it should be noted that silicone facade paint and acrylic can be tinted in any desired color, which is very convenient when creating a single landscape design. To do right choice, in favor of quality products, use dye ratings based on real reviews consumers and specialists with construction industry.

High-quality facade paint should have an ultraviolet filter, maintain an integral structure during temperature changes and not chip at the edges. On average, the shelf life of the coating is 5-7 years, after which the base needs to be re-coated.


This is a fairly budget option that is sold in Leroy Merlin. A container weighing 14 kg and volume 10 liters costs about 1,350 rubles. The product is made from environmentally friendly components and does not change its structure under various climatic influences. Used for wall cladding outside.

Creates a smooth, even coverage. The second layer can be applied after the first after 1-2 hours, but it takes 2-4 hours for complete drying. The product is applied using a roller or brush. Consumption varies within 10 m2/l.

  • dries very quickly - touch-sensitive within an hour, completely - 4 hours;
  • You can paint even in cold weather (not lower than -20°C), and it is applied in an even layer.
  • very pungent unpleasant odor;
  • The aroma does not dissipate for a long time - even during outdoor work it is very distinct.


Exterior paint Expert creates a uniform layer with a matte surface. White dye can be used both outside and inside. Recommended for painting the following substrates: concrete, brick, chipboard or fibreboard, plaster.

It has no pungent odor. Apply to a well-dried and cleaned surface. Price for 3 kg - 200 rubles.

  • for all types of surfaces - plastered walls made of concrete, cement, brick, asbestos-cement and plasterboards, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, etc.;
  • strong and durable frost-resistant “breathable” coating;
  • Ideal for kitchens and dining rooms.
  • after 3-4 it begins to peel off;
  • If defects in the base surface are not eliminated, it will take a long time to dry and will be stained.

Wood, although a popular building material, requires some care. If it is chosen for finishing the facade or the walls are entirely made of beams, it is recommended to cover them with facade paint. The main task of paintwork is to protect against fungi and mold, excess moisture, at the same time it is necessary that the decorative function be fulfilled.

Tex PF-115

Tex façade paint is used for cladding wood, plasterboard, fiberboard, and particle boards. The product fits perfectly on any surface, while creating excellent adhesion. The result is a smooth coating with a glossy sheen.

Tex PF-115

The advantages of the material are in the following aspects:

  • moisture resistance;
  • good adhesion to the base;
  • weather resistance;
  • ease of operation;
  • resistance to moisture.

The paint and varnish product is packaged in 900 ml containers. The price of alkyd products in Leroy Merlin is 200 rubles.

A new wood protection system that protects the outer part of the walls from sunlight and climatic precipitation. It is noteworthy that it saves bright color within 10 years.

Consumption depends on quality preliminary preparation. On average per 1 sq.m. the surface takes about 100 g. On bare walls this figure increases to 120-140 g. per square. Diluted with water, easy to apply. On average you need 2-3 layers.

Price 2.7 l - 950 rub.

  • does not drip;
  • no smell;
  • adhesion is very high;
  • The layers are dense, covering even small defects.
  • consumption is more than stated.

The use of such compositions increases the external attractiveness of structures and increases their service life. The advantages are increased strength, resistance to mechanical damage and sunlight.

Façade Deluxe Scanmix

Facade paint Deluxe is used for cladding concrete bases, cement-limestone surfaces, putty. It is produced in traditional white color, but the manufacturer allows the product to be tinted in the required shade.

Façade Deluxe Scanmix

Creates a matte, even finish. Water is used as a solvent in a volume of up to 10%. The density of the material is 1.56 kg/l. After applying the first layer, wait up to 4 hours to create the second. When creating one layer, the consumption is 0.10-0.16 l/m2. Facade dye for concrete for exterior work costs 250 rubles per 1 liter.

  • good adhesion;
  • high covering power;
  • Suitable for cement and gypsum bases, sand-lime and ceramic bricks, concrete.
  • The manufacturer does not tint - to give the desired shade you need to buy pigments separately.

Protects walls from moisture, heat loss and minor mechanical damage. Since plaster itself is unattractive, you should choose a high-quality coating to decorate it.

CAPAROL AmphiSilan-Plus

Silicone-based facade paint for plaster creates a reliable water-repellent layer. Can be applied over silicate or matte dispersion dyes. The product provides a high level of diffusion, but is considered vapor permeable.

CAPAROL AmphiSilan-Plus

In addition, facade paint for plaster has good covering ability, it is resistant to external factors and aggressive components. Does not create a film, dries quickly and can be diluted with water. The price of façade dye for 10 liters is 6,100 rubles.

VGT facade paint has excellent adhesion to wood, brick and plastered substrates. After drying, it creates an even coating with a matte shine. The product is resistant to solar radiation and atmospheric influences.

As a result of using the snow-white composition, a “breathable” layer is formed. When working with paint on exterior plaster, use a brush, sprayer or roller. The product is diluted with water in a volume of 5%. The price for domestic universal cladding 15 kg is 1100 rubles.

Brick itself is a dense, durable material that is resistant to both freezing and the sun. But at the same time, the treated surface is more resistant to seasonal changes in humidity and temperature, and external attractiveness is also important.


Brick dye for exterior use belongs to the category of all-season coatings, as it tolerates temperature changes well. In addition, the coating is resistant to high humidity, but at the same time differs in vapor permeability.


The product is not subject to ultraviolet radiation, but does not change the structure and shade. Frost-resistant acrylic facade paint for exterior work can be applied manually and mechanical method. A container of 12 kg costs 2800 rubles, and 25 kg - 4100 rubles.

Important! If the brick is highly porous, the base should be pre-primed with Akrial-Grunt to reduce absorption and increase strength.


Lakra white latex facade paint is used for cladding mineral surfaces, the outside of building walls or for indoor work. Creates a monolithic matte coating that is resistant to precipitation and climatic temperature changes. The layer can be easily washed frequently without abrasion or deformation of the structure. Dries quickly. Average consumption 6-7 m2/kg depending on absorbency

Can be applied to concrete, brick base or plaster. Water is used as a diluent. The work uses a brush, roller or a special sprayer. Allow 2 hours to dry between coats. A product weighing 14 kg costs 1,200 rubles.

Facade paint - how to dilute, how to paint

Each dye has an individual composition. Because of this, it needs to be diluted with different solvents - white spirit, acetone or plain water. This information must be indicated on the original packaging of the material.

Most concrete paints for exterior use belong to the water-based category, which allows them to be diluted using regular clean water. Moreover, after hardening, such a dye cannot be washed off upon contact with moisture. The proportions of the consistencies directly depend on how liquid the material should end up being. As a rule, the figure does not exceed 15% of the total volume.

Water-based dye, according to the majority of specialists from the construction industry, is the most suitable option for cladding a building by home craftsmen with little experience in painting work. It is easy to apply and is not subject to abrasion, weathering, or humidity.

A brush, roller or spray gun is used as working tools. The latter device is most convenient for large-scale work. The material is applied in one layer, then the time specified by the manufacturer is waited for “setting” and covered a second time, and if necessary or if the manufacturer allows, the base is coated a third time.

VIDEO: What is the difference between expensive and cheap facade paint