What flower is similar to a rose? Eustoma, hibiscus, begonia, buttercup (ranunculus): description and photo. In open ground. What does an eustoma root look like?

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Eustoma requires moderate watering as the soil dries out. This season I practically didn’t water it. For the first two weeks it was under a bottle cover, where the moisture is retained for a long time, and then it was watered by rains, which at times were too heavy. To protect against diseases, I had to spray the plants with foundationazole a couple of times.​

I sow eustoma seeds in disposable cups (50 g) with light, damp peat soil, to which I add sand or perlite to make it more loose and breathable. From purchased substrates, ready-made soil for Saintpaulias is suitable. I sow the seeds superficially and lightly press them into the soil; I put 3-5 seeds in each cup, since in a month or a month and a half I will still have to pick. After sowing, I put plastic bags on the cups to create a greenhouse effect and wait for the shoots to appear.​

Features of growing from seeds

​It has been noticed that with more late boarding, in March-April, the plants produce flower shoots earlier, but the rosette of leaves is less well formed and the bushes are less lush.​

  • If you want to grow eustoma as a houseplant, it is better to place it on an east or west window so that the scorching sun does not fall on it and try to move it closer to the glass to provide at least a small
  • ​. The leaves of the plant are gray-green, covered with a light waxy coating.​
  • The plant is light-loving, but diffused light is preferable. But for constant cultivation of lisianthus, you must choose soils that are rich in nutrients. In addition, do not forget about regular, approximately once every two weeks, feeding.
  • ​B last years Many varieties and hybrids have appeared, which are combined into separate variety series with different flower colors in each. In addition, lisianthus flowers can be double or non-double.​
  • ​Terry Rosie. The plant reaches a height of 25 cm. The petals are blue, white and pink;
  • ​When grown independently, planting takes place in February under film. In this case, the seedlings are kept in a warm place - the temperature should reach +20 degrees. It is better to choose light and sandy soil. Periodically spray with warm water. The seeds should not be deeply buried. You can plant eustoma in peat tablets. In this case, the transplant will be much easier. Care consists of providing the plant with long daylight hours and carrying out complex fertilizing.​
  • ​Eustoma is the main competitor of the roseEustoma (lat. Lisianthus) is a delicate plant. Its other name is lisianthus, which is the name given to all cultivated eustomas. The plant's homeland is Central America or Mexico. Cultivation occurs both by seeds and seedlings.​
  • Growing eustoma from seeds
  • ​Fertilizers​
  • ​Lighting and temperature​

The seedlings need to be ventilated about once a day. The soil must be kept moist by spraying.​

​difference between day and night temperatures​

​Also, depending on the variety, the plant can be large - up to 1.5 meters in height or miniature, from 12 cm, which is convenient for growing at home.​

Growing seedlings

Growing eustoma at home also has a number of rules. The most suitable for cultivation are eastern and shaded southern placement of pots with this plant. Lisianthus flowers feel best in warm, humid rooms, and therefore are successfully grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. For replanting, you should not use a large pot right away. A small container, approximately 5-6 cm in diameter, will be quite enough for a young plant.​

​Here are just some of the most famous variety series:​

Loyalty. Features a large number of spiral-shaped flowers white. In height - up to 20 cm;​

​"Irish Rose" is included in the Gentian family. It will certainly become a decoration of your garden. The flowers are double or funnel-shaped, big size, have a delicate color. The leaves are glaucous and waxy. When half-bloomed, the flowers resemble a rose. IN open form- poppies. The stems are strong, branching approximately from the middle. One independent plant resembles a real bouquet; up to 35 buds can be formed. Peduncles, regardless of the variety, are long. Cut eustoma remains fresh for a long time.​

How to properly care

Growing eustoma at home is a painstaking and time-consuming task. However, for those who master this process, it can become a very profitable business, since eustoma is becoming more and more popular and how garden flower, and as a potted crop. In this section we will talk about how to grow eustoma from seeds, and the main difficulty of this process is that eustoma seeds are too small: there are 23,000 of them in one gram! Purchased seeds undergo special treatment to increase germination, so out of a hundred such seeds, about sixty germinate.​

​Feeding of eustoma should begin after good rooting seedlings, about a month after planting. To do this, you can use high-quality mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, which completely dissolve in water. For example, the Plantafol series of fertilizers. First (in June) I take “Plantafol Growth” with a high nitrogen content, and then (in July, August) I take “Plantafol Budding” with a lower nitrogen content and with high content phosphorus. Feeding flowering plants with fertilizers promotes more luxuriant and longer flowering. If you don’t find “Plantafol”, then it is quite possible to use “Kemira” or “Kemira Lux” fertilizer; it dissolves well in water and is suitable for watering at the root. However, whatever fertilizer you choose, apply it in a lower concentration than indicated on packaging.​

​The first two months after sowing, eustoma seedlings need bright, diffused lighting so that they grow compactly and do not stretch out. Such lighting can only be created using fluorescent lamps. Since I grow various indoor flowers at home on racks with artificial lighting, my eustoma seedlings grow on racks for the first two months. And at the end of February I put them at the most sunny windowsill in the house, because sunlight is still better for eustoma than artificial light. As soon as the sun begins to warm up, the eustoma grows faster.​

​Sprouts that look like tiny dots appear in about 2 weeks. After this, watering is significantly reduced and, if possible, the plants are moved to a cool (14-17 degrees) place.

Eustoma blooms magnificently; about 20 flowers can form on one plant. Their size can be from 5 to 15 cm, and they bloom gradually as they bloom, so

Variety of varieties

Water the eustoma exclusively from above. The water should be at room temperature. At home, the plant especially needs regular feeding. During the period of growth and flowering, this is done every week.


  • ​"Mermaid" F1 (single-double flowers, color - white, blue, purple, soft pink, lilac-pink);​
  • ​Riddle. The flowers are pale blue, semi-double. Plant height - up to 20 cm;​
  • After 3 leaves are formed, the seedlings are placed in separate pots. Then the boarding takes place immediately at the chosen place. Plants are shaded and watered periodically. Care involves constant spraying, especially in dry areas. However, excess moisture should be avoided. Important! The air in the greenhouse must be fresh, otherwise eustoma will develop poorly.​

​Initially, eustoma was grown only at home. But now it is gradually being transferred to gardens. In Europe, the flower is very famous due to its high decorative qualities. So, in Holland it is actively used for cutting, and in Poland the plant is quite expensive.​

  • ​Selection and processing of material © Copyright: Alyona.Merletto® ™ If eustoma from seeds is grown for planting in the garden, then it should be sown in February or March, then it will bloom in July-August. The substrate is needed as for flower plants: sterilized, low nitrogen content, pH 6-7. After scattering the seeds, do not cover them with soil, just press lightly and cover the container with film or glass, leaving gaps for air circulation and providing additional illumination with fluorescent lamps for 10-12 hours a day. The temperature for seed germination should be at least +20ºС during the day and at least +14ºС at night. Instead of watering, spray the seeds from time to time, although you are unlikely to have to do this for the first two months: there will be an excess of evaporated moisture. If all conditions are met, seedlings should appear no later than two weeks, and as soon as this happens, you need to remove the coating and periodically spray the seedlings with a phytosporin solution. As soon as the seedlings have several pairs of leaves (this will happen in about a month and a half), plant them in pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm. After three months, the plant, together with a lump of earth, is planted in the ground.
  • ​Blooming​
  • ​If you don’t have a rack, it doesn’t matter. Buy a fluorescent lamp and hang it over some shelf - now you have a ready-made corner for growing eustoma seedlings.​
  • Then the seedlings grow slowly, only after 1.5 months, when 2-3 pairs of true leaves appear, can picking be carried out. In this case, the eustomas are placed in separate small pots. For good branching, the tops of the seedlings are pinched when 3-4 pairs of leaves form on them, and after 3 months they, along with a lump of earth, are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden or in a separate pot for home maintenance. Planting in the garden can be done after the last frost, in middle lane this is the end of May - beginning of June.​

Low growing varieties

  • ​Usually, at home, eustoma is grown as a “disposable” plant; after flowering, it is thrown away if the goal is not to preserve the plant for later planting in the garden.​
  • ​the flowerbed remains decorative for a long time
  • The secret of abundant and long-lasting flowering of eustoma is warm and moist fresh air in the room.
  • ​"Kyoto" F1 (non-double flowers, varieties "White", "Picot Blue", "Picot Wine Red", "Picot Pink");​

Eustoma involves cultivation in compliance with certain rules. So, in April the plant needs to be hardened off. To do this, it is taken out onto the balcony or veranda. IN open ground Eustoma can be transferred only after the threat of frost has passed. The distance between flowers should be 15 cm.​

  • ​Eustoma at home​
  • ​Eustoma flowering begins in mid-July and ends in October. First, the eustoma stem, approximately in the middle, begins to branch strongly, then many buds are formed - 20-35 on one branch, a kind of stem-bouquet with opening one after another beautiful flowers, which you can admire for quite a long time. One eustoma can bloom for two months if you don’t cut it and put it in a vase. And if you cut it, it will begin to grow back from the root and bloom again. Unfortunately, in our area it is not always possible to wait for eustoma to bloom again; it all depends on how warm the autumn will be. But in Crimea there will be no problems with this.​
  • Optimal temperature for germination of eustoma seeds 20-25°C, small shoots appear in 10-15 days, the first two months they develop slowly.​
  • ​The elegant flowers of double varieties of eustoma resemble rose flowers, so the “folk” names Irish, French, Japanese, Chinese, and Mexican rose are firmly attached to it.​

Combination with other plants

In general, the rules for growing eustoma in open and closed ground are almost the same.

Eustoma (video)


How to grow eustoma?

General information about the plant

​After the active flowering period ends, the plant needs rest. At this time, watering and fertilizing are reduced, and the air temperature is reduced to 10-15 degrees.​

​"Echo" F1 (double flowers, varieties "Champagne", "Blue Picoti", "White", "Pink", "Lavender", "Yellow");​

The place should be moderately lit, protected from the wind. There should be no quickly heating elements nearby that could burn the leaves of the flower. The soil should be nutritious, loose, well-drained, and consist of a mixture of sand and peat. If the soil is acidic, add ash or lime, otherwise the growth of eustoma will stop.

​Seeds are planted from February to August. Flowering occurs after 6 months. When growing at home, you can use any soil purchased in a store.​

​Planting eustoma. If you want to decorate your apartment with blooming eustoma winter time, sow from July to September. Fill a small container with a moist substrate consisting of sand and peat (1:1) and scatter the seeds over it. Place the container covered with film or glass in a warm (19-22ºС) and bright place, spray the seeds if necessary, and in two to three weeks you will see shoots. Selection and processing of material © Copyright: Alyona.Merletto® ™​

Collecting seeds

​Water the seedlings​

Popular varieties of eustoma

​Another name for it is “prairie bell”; in nature it grows in Mexico, the American states of Texas, Colorado, Nebraska and in the northern part of South America.​

​A lot of diffused light, from direct ones sun rays plants need to be shaded.

The best time to plant eustoma in the ground is

Eustoma flowers are also grown in a greenhouse. By the way, for industrial purposes, that is, for cutting, the agricultural technology of this plant is reminiscent of the agricultural technology of growing remontant carnations: after the first blossoming buds are cut off, new flower stalks grow from the roots, which bear a new batch of beautiful flowers.​

  • ​"Cinderella" F1 (wonderful terry mixture).​
  • ​Mirmaid. The leaves have a waxy coating and are bluish. The flowers are simple, the color is lilac, white, pink. The plant reaches a height of 12 cm. It is often grown at home due to its compactness;
  • When grown in pots, eustoma from seeds is placed in light containers that drain moisture well. It is better to take plastic pots rather than clay ones. If the varieties are tall, it is worth providing support, since the flowers are large and the thin stem is not able to support them. Watering is done only with warm water as the soil dries. During flowering, the amount of phosphorus and potash fertilizers increase, and nitrogen - reduce. If the buds have faded, they are removed. During early flowering, they can be left to produce seeds.​
  • ​Put the soil in a cup.​

Eustoma seedlings. As soon as the seedlings have the first pair of leaves, reduce the amount of moisture, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings. In the future, moisturize only in the morning, so that, in order to avoid the disease “black leg”, in the evening and at night the leaves are already dry. When the sprouts have two pairs of leaves, you can plant them in separate pots and wait for flowering, which should occur in January-February.

Planting eustoma: soil, sowing time

​Eustoma is easily pollinated and over time, boxes with many small seeds, with high germination. It is quite possible to collect seeds if you are growing hybrid eustoma F1. The second generation of eustoma is mainly similar to the parent plants, but separate ones may already appear. features. The third generation will have more severe cleavage. Therefore, I try not to grow third-generation seedlings - I collect seeds only from F1 queen cells.​

​For the first two months I practically don’t water the seedlings, because immediately after sowing I put plastic bags on the cups, and the moisture remains under the bags for a long time. Once every week and a half I take the bags off, turn them inside out and put them on again. This procedure is necessary to remove the condensation that forms, and at the same time check whether the seedlings need to be watered. If watering is necessary, I water it moderately along the edge of the cup, and then put the bag back on for one and a half to two weeks. Experience shows that eustoma seedlings growing in such greenhouse conditions need watering only once every 2-3 weeks, and even then not abundantly.​

​When grown in the garden, eustoma can tolerate heat and drought, although, of course, it looks better with regular watering. When grown in pots, overdrying can destroy the plant; moisture must always be present in the soil. At the same time, eustoma is afraid of waterlogging, so the next watering should be done only after it dries out. upper layer soil.​

​beginning of July​

Method of planting seeds, first shoots, picking

Not only the cultivation, but also the propagation of this plant has its own characteristics. Eustoma is propagated exclusively by seeds. Numerous attempts to divide an adult plant end with not a single part of the plant taking root.​

By the way, in nature the flower of this plant has only purple shades.

​Florida Blue. The flowers are blue, delicate, a large number of;​

​Compact and moisten with water.​

Caring for eustoma at home. Growing eustoma in pots is not an easy task, since it urgently needs fresh air and bright diffused light. The best way out from the position - a western or eastern window in the room with the ability to maintain the optimal temperature for the plant 19-22ºС with regular ventilation. In addition, caring for eustoma involves moderate watering with settled soft water as the top layer of soil dries. Try to avoid both waterlogging and drying out of the soil. There is no need to spray the plant, as this can lead to leaf diseases. During the period of intensive growth and during the formation of buds, the eustoma needs to be fed with liquid complex fertilizers in a consistency of 10-15 ml per 10 liters of water. And, of course, it is necessary to remove faded flowers in a timely manner. Try to comply with these conditions, and your eustoma will delight you with its flowering again in 90-100 days.

Growing eustoma in open and closed ground

​Diseases and pests​

​Prevention of seedling diseases​

​Among flower growers, this plant has several names (“Eustoma”, “Irish rose”, “Lisianthus”), and its external resemblance to a rose is striking. The flower belongs to the Gentian family; eustomas can be grown in the garden and at home. The flowers have many colors, the leaves are ellipsoidal. Depending on the variety, it can grow up to 70cm. Potted varieties (up to 30cm) are suitable for home use.

​When watering you need to be careful. Water the plant at the root and

​. They are planted with seedlings; it is better to use purchased ones, since growing your own is quite difficult (how to do this is described below). By the beginning of July, the seedlings acquire sufficiently developed shoots and roots and take root in the best way. Just at this time, the plants begin to bloom and continue to bloom almost until frost.​

​This happens because root system eustoma is extremely sensitive to any type of damage.​

The soil mixture for planting this plant should contain 1 part garden soil, 1 part perlite or coarse sand, 1 part humus, and also a little lime. If you intend to use ready mixture, then the one intended for Saintpaulias is suitable.

​The Little Mermaid. The petals resemble a spiral. Plant height - up to 15 cm. Petals are white, pink, pale blue;

Eustoma, which is grown as an annual, blooms from July to September. If there is a threat of frost, and the plant is planted in a pot, it is brought into the house. For the winter it is necessary to prune, leaving only a few internodes. Storage in winter is in a pot, the temperature should reach +15 degrees. Watering in winter is rare and fertilizing is not done. After the frost has passed, the eustoma is planted again in open ground.

Reproduction of eustoma: which method is more reliable?

​Take 5 seeds and lightly bury them in the soil using a toothpick.​​Eustoma in the garden - planting and care How to grow eustoma. Eustoma garden can be grown from seeds, sown in December or January for flowering in June or July. Fifty-milliliter cups are filled with soil mixture for violets and 3-5 seeds are laid out on top, lightly pressing them into the ground, and covered with film so that the eustoma grows as in a greenhouse. The film will have to be lifted every 10 days to remove condensation from it and allow the seedlings to breathe a little. The optimal temperature for emergence in two weeks is 20-25ºС. For the first couple of months, seedlings also need additional lighting, but even with all these necessary conditions, the seedlings will grow very slowly. At the end of February, the seedlings are placed on a sunny windowsill. To protect the eustoma from diseases during the growing process, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive spraying with fungicides. If the summer is rainy, spray the eustoma with foundationazol (or ridomil gold). This good prevention and treatment for gray rot, powdery mildew and fusarium wilt, which are especially dangerous for eustoma. You can spray 2-3 times with different preparations.​


Eustoma or Lisianthus. Planting, growing, care at home. Photo. | We grow plants!

​For the first two months I water (if necessary) the eustoma with foundationazole (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Fundazol prevents eustoma seedlings from getting sick, and they grow healthy. In order for the seedlings to develop well, you can spray them with epin or zircon at least once. The seedlings then become strong and grow quickly. These drugs also prevent the appearance of blackleg. Breeders from all over the world have worked to create new hybrids and varieties of eustoma, and as a result they have been able to develop various varietal series with a variety of flower colors. Among them:​ ​make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves​

When planting in the garden, eustoma is placed in partial shade; direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. The distance between plants is 15 cm from each other.​

Lisianthus cuttings cannot be rooted either. Therefore, another secret to success in breeding eustoma is propagation by seeds. This remains the most reliable way to obtain a beautiful flower.​

Subtleties of growing and using eustoma (lisianthus)

The main pests of eustoma are aphids, greenhouse whiteflies, and slugs. Against them I use the drugs Confidor, Actara, Fitoverm, Actellik.​ ​Picking seedlings​​"Kyoto" F1 - non-double series ("White", "Picot Wine Red", "Blue", "Pink"), "Twinkie" F1 - white, pink, yellow, light purple. "Mermaid" F1 (white, soft pink, lilac-pink, blue, violet). "Sapphire" F1 ("Blue Chip"), (terry variety "Double White"). “Echo” F1 - terry series (salmon-pink varieties “Champagne”, “Pink Picoti”, “Blue”, “White”, “Yellow”, “Pink with a rim”, “Lavender”, “Blue”). "Cinderella" F1.​

​, in cool weather this can provoke fungal diseases. For the same reason, eustoma is not sprayed.

​At the end of August, the shoots can be pruned, leaving two pairs of leaves on the stumps, then at the end of September - beginning of October​​Eustoma or lisianthus - beautiful flowering plant, which is grown both in the garden and at home. It began to gain wide popularity among flower growers relatively recently. There is In open ground, eustoma can be grown as an annual or biennial plant. This depends on the timing of planting seeds and the conditions for growing seedlings.​

Growing eustoma

Planting and caring for eustoma in the garden

​Eustoma is liked by both florists and gardeners. The plant looks great in mono bouquets and flower beds. Best neighbors for her there will be lilies, roses, tulips, chrysanthemums.​ There are many varieties of the plant. Let's look at the most popular ones.​​Every day it is necessary to ventilate; to do this, open the film slightly for a couple of minutes.​

​As a disease prevention, spray the seedlings with a solution of foundationazole at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water, and for more rapid growth- zircon or epin. A month and a half after the emergence of seedlings, when they already have a couple of leaves, plant the seedlings in pots of 3-5 pieces, immersing the lower leaves in the soil. Don't forget to water and cover each pot with a plastic bag for a greenhouse effect. In a week, the seedlings will double in size. At the end of February or beginning of March, transplant the seedlings into larger pots (diameter 8 cm) together with an earthen ball using the transfer method, having first placed a drainage layer in the pots. Now they will grow up, waiting to be planted in the ground.​

​Wintering of eustoma​​Small eustoma seedlings need to be planted in separate cups a month and a half after emergence. This is a jewelry procedure and I don’t really like it, but what can you do, it’s necessary for better and faster growth of eustoma. Therefore, I take a thin awl, pry the tiny plant with it and easily remove it from the peat soil. Eustoma will decorate your garden Eustoma is a very attractive plant with bluish, waxy leaves and large funnel-shaped simple or double flowers in delicate shades. The flowers of Eustoma grandiflora reach 7-8 cm in diameter. They come in a wide variety of colors - white, pink, lilac, violet, white with a colored border, etc. Half-opened flowers look like rosebuds, and when they open fully, they look like large poppies. The stems of eustoma are strong, 80-90 cm in height, branching strongly from about the middle, making one plant look like a whole bouquet. I once counted 35 buds on one plant. All varieties of tall eustoma produce long peduncles and are suitable for cutting. And cut flowers last a long time in a vase.​

Wintering eustoma or how to extend its life

The optimal temperature for growing lisianthus is 20-25 degrees during the day, and about 15 degrees at night. In winter, if possible, you need to move the plant to a room with a temperature of 10-12 degrees.​

​new flowering will begin great amount varieties of eustoma It should be taken into account that flowering occurs approximately 15-20 weeks (3-4 months) after germination. In order to see lisianthus flowers this season, sowing seeds must be planned for the winter months. If you sow later, you can only wait for flowers next season.​

Eustoma is the main competitor of roses. It can be grown both from seeds and seedlings. The plant has requirements for soil, light levels, watering and fertilizing. Due to the wide variety of varieties, each gardener has the opportunity to choose the type that will meet exactly his requirements. Flowers are grown both for cutting and for decorating the garden in flower beds.​​Wine red. The flowers are large, fragrant, and resemble bells. Ideal for cutting. The petals are red; Occasionally spray with warm water.

Growing eustoma in the garden. In mid-May, when the risk of frost is behind us, the seedlings are planted in open ground. Choose a place for eustoma that is protected from drafts, with good drainage, and light, but the light should be diffused. Planting is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather. The seedling is immersed in a well-moistened hole along with a lump of earth in which it grew in a pot. Eustoma grows as a bush, so it should be planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. After planting, cover the seedlings for the first 2-3 weeks with glass jars or cut-off plastic bottles, and during this time you may not water them. We have already written about watering, but let us clarify once again: eustoma is harmed by both increased soil moisture and lack of moisture.​

I read that eustoma can be transplanted into a pot in the fall and placed in a cool (10°C) and bright room, and in the spring it can be planted again in open ground. This information interested me, although how effective this method is is unknown, it needs to be checked. ★☆★☆★←Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ -★☆★☆★​

Eustoma as a houseplant

​B in a separate glass, I make a hole with a pencil or pen and insert the seedling there up to the very leaves, lightly pressing the previously moderately moistened soil on the sides. After transplanting, I put a plastic bag on the cup and leave the plant alone for one and a half to two weeks. Eustoma is gradually winning our hearts and gardens. Its high decorative qualities and long-term preservation of cut flowers contribute to the fact that eustoma quickly became popular in Europe. For example, in Holland, among cut flowers, it ranks in the top ten. And in Poland, at summer flower exhibitions, eustoma is valued quite dearly. Modern varieties and hybrids Every year more and more seeds of different varieties and hybrids of eustoma appear on sale. Seeds have now become available not only to professionals, but also to amateur gardeners. When buying eustoma seeds, you need to know that it can be tall and short (dwarf). Tall eustoma is grown in gardens, as well as for cutting, while low-growing eustoma is intended for planting in balcony boxes and growing as an indoor crop. Plants are usually not replanted because lisianthus has very fragile roots. If necessary, this can be done by transshipment, preserving the earthen ball, so as to disturb the roots as little as possible.​

​, differing in color, flower size and bush height.​

Basic rules for caring for eustoma


​To grow lisianthus for industrial purposes (in greenhouses), seeds are sown at different times, even year-round.​


​Eustoma - quite famous plant family gentian. For example, in a number of European countries this flower is one of the ten most popular “bouquet” plants. Like many flowering flowers, it has several names: lisianthus, Irish rose, and Texas bell. Eustoma is native to Central America.​

​Mariachi lime. The flowers resemble roses. The height of the peduncles reaches 100 cm. The color of the petals is light green; ​After 14 days, the seeds will hatch.​​When 6-8 leaves form on the stem, pinch the top so that the plant can branch better. About a month after planting, when the seedlings are already well rooted, they need to be fed with soluble mineral fertilizers. Plantafol is suitable for this purpose. In June, spray the eustoma with the drug "Plantafol growth" with a high nitrogen content, and in July and August - with the solution "Plantafol budding". You can use the drug "Kemira", it is dissolved in water and watered at the roots of the plants. Just try to use the drugs in a slightly lower concentration than the manufacturers suggest.​


​... and of course tenderness in floral...​


​It should be noted that I’m the only one who doesn’t like this procedure (every time I worry about damaging the thin roots), but eustoma really likes it, because the tiny seedlings take root well (which can’t be said about adult plants). A week after picking, the seedlings double in size and grow “right before our eyes.”​

Top dressing

​The second thing you need to pay attention to is that the bag of eustoma seeds says “annual” or “biennial”. Of course, choose an annual one, since only professional gardeners with greenhouses can grow biennial eustoma. It is not suitable for an amateur gardener, unless it is short enough to grow in an apartment.​


Feed the eustoma with complex fertilizer for the first time 10-14 days after planting in a permanent place, then, while active growth continues, 2 times a month, and also during the formation of buds and flowering with fertilizer for flowering plants. As mentioned above, eustoma usually grown as annual plant. However, if you want to save the eustoma bushes for next year, you can dig them up, transplant them into pots and take them home for the winter. Some gardeners initially plant plants in pots and dig them in in the garden in the summer, so that in the fall it is more convenient to take them indoors.​ ​Contents​

Growing eustoma from seeds at home

​For the successful development of eustoma seedlings, moderate heat is required: daytime temperatures are about 22-25 degrees, night temperatures are about 20 degrees.​

Eustoma is considered a large-flowered plant - the diameter of one flower reaches 7-8 cm.

​Flamenco. Early flowering variety. The color of the petals ranges from pale blue to pale yellow. Stems reach 70 cm. Petals are satin;

​After they grow, the film is removed.​

​Selection and processing of material © Copyright: Alyona.Merletto® ™​

​At the end of February - beginning of March, I transplant young plants that have already grown up using the transshipment method, without destroying the earthen ball, into pots with a diameter of 8 cm. At the bottom of the pots I always pour a thin layer of drainage made of expanded clay, zeolite or just finely chopped polystyrene foam. I place the transplanted plants on a well-lit windowsill and gradually, by removing the bags and accustoming them to the sun, I adapt the seedlings to film-free conditions. So eustoma grows in these pots until the seedlings are planted in the garden. ★☆★☆★←Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ -★☆★☆★​

​Eustoma flowers can be simple or double. Eustoma with double flowers is, of course, more beautiful than with simple ones. As for the color, you can take any: they are all very beautiful.​

Vegetative propagation of eustoma

However, the process of establishment of plants from open ground indoors does not go smoothly,

​Interesting facts​


Growing eustoma

​Eustoma seeds are quite small, and therefore, for convenience, they are most often sold in pilled form.​

​Attractive in appearance, eustoma is successfully grown not only by professionals, but also by amateur flower growers. But at the same time, cultivation has its secrets.

Watering is done as the soil dries.

The beginning of eustoma flowering depends on when you sowed the seeds. If sowing took place at the end of November or beginning of December, then the eustoma will begin to bloom in early or mid-July - it also depends on what kind of spring it will be. If you sow the seeds in mid-January, flowering will most likely begin in August. After flowering begins, this process does not stop until the end of October: some buds fade, others bloom, and so on. Blooming eustoma is not frightened by early frosts, and only with frost of -10ºС and snowfall can the flowering of eustoma stop. If your eustoma has bloomed early, cut off the faded flowers, and, quite possibly, the eustoma will bloom again in six weeks.

​...in wedding emotions...​

​The seeds of eustoma are small, so they are sold mainly in coated form. This way they are clearly visible and convenient to sow.​

​almost impossible​

​Adaptation to a new place can take up to 1 month​

​1. The varieties of the “Echo” or “ABC” series are best suited for growing in the garden. And in pot culture it is convenient to grow compact varieties of the “Florida” or “Mermaid” series.​

​The seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, then covered with glass or film.​

​In different phases of flowering, a lisianthus flower resembles either a half-blooming rose or a poppy that has opened in full force. At the same time, eustoma is considered a large-flowered plant: the diameter of one flower reaches 7-8 cm. The leaves have a bluish color with a waxy coating, and a fully grown plant looks like a highly branched bush on a fairly strong stem. Lisianthus reaches a height of 90 cm. One such plant can have up to 35 buds!​

​Echo Pink Picoti. The petals have a white pink. The height of the stems is up to 70 cm. Early variety;
Mineral supplements are added.

Among the pests of eustoma, aphids, slugs, whiteflies and spider mites are dangerous. To protect against insects, you should use Actara, Fitoverm, Actellik or Confidor. Powdery mildew, fusarium or gray mold, from which it can be protected by preventive spraying with foundationazole or the use of the drug “Ridomir Gold”. Selection and processing of material © Copyright: Alyona.Merletto® ™​

​Growing in the garden In mid-May I plant seedlings in a flower bed. Eustoma is ready for transplantation when it has formed 4-8 true leaves. This year my seedlings were much smaller than last year's, but nevertheless they bloomed earlier. I noticed that as soon as you plant the eustoma in open ground, it immediately begins to grow. So in a month she will no longer be recognizable.​

​I really like the ABC F1 terry variety series: varieties Misty Pink, Misty Blue, Purple, Blue Rim and the Echo F1 terry variety series: Champagne, Deep Blue, Rose Picoti varieties and others. The eustoma of these series is distinguished by early flowering, strong shoots 80-90 cm high, on which beautiful large double flowers seem to be planted. Growing eustoma seedlings at home Reproduction

​. Cuttings do not form roots, and when dividing a bush, the plants will most likely not be able to take root, because roots are easily injured.​
​. With a sharp change in temperature from cool outside to warm room, as well as a decrease in lighting, plants begin to weaken and wither. Therefore, you need to start moving them indoors early, in late August - early September, when the temperature outside and at home is approximately the same. It is also advisable to place the plants first on closed loggia, and only after some time into the room to give the eustoma time to get used to the lack of light. In addition to this, you need to limit the watering regime until the plant gets used to the new conditions; it will not be able to absorb large amounts of water.​

​2. Eustomas bought in a store can also be tall varieties, but they are treated with special substances - retardants that suppress growth, so they remain low.
If you sow lisianthus directly into the ground, then the seeds are also placed on the surface of the soil, maintaining a distance between future plants of 15 to 30 cm.

​There are also low-growing varieties lisianthus, up to 30 cm in height.​
​Twinkie. Petal color is light purple, white, pink or yellow. The peduncle reaches a height of 50 cm. The flowers resemble unopened roses;

Eustoma after flowering

​Planting seedlings​
Unfortunately, eustoma does not reproduce by dividing the bush - this, as a rule, ends in failure. Since adult lisianthus does not tolerate disruption of the root system, all resulting cuttings may die. Cut eustoma cuttings do not take root either. Therefore, the main and most reliable way propagation of this beautiful flowering plant by seeds.

You can grow lisianthus yourself from purchased seeds. It is unlikely that you will be able to collect your own, since, as a rule, hybrids that do not produce seeds after flowering are sold.
Some flower growers practice cutting the bushes almost to the root before replanting them in a pot and sending them to winter in this form. Often after such pruning on a plant

​3. In open ground, the plant is usually cultivated as an annual, although by nature it is perennial. In temperate climates, eustoma does not always overwinter well.​
​The first shoots appear after about 1.5 - 2 weeks. Further growth of seedlings is quite slow. For successful development, they require moderate warmth: daytime temperatures are about 22-25 degrees, night temperatures are about 20 degrees.​

​Tall varieties of eustoma are used for cutting. Grown in industrial conditions, they retain their original appearance for quite a long time. But the low-growing ones are good as border and potted plants.​
​Cinderella. Height up to 50 cm. Flowers pale pink or yellow;

​After a month, the eustoma is transplanted into plastic pots. In May you can put them on the veranda.​
​Home eustoma. The stems of faded potted eustoma are cut so that 2-3 internodes remain on them, and they are transferred for storage to a room with a temperature of +10-15ºС. Watering during the dormant period is rare; there is no need to feed the plant. In the spring, when you see new shoots, carefully replant it along with the earthen ball into new soil and resume watering and normal care.​

​★☆★☆★←Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ -★☆★☆★​
I try to plant eustoma in the evening. I carefully remove each plant with a lump of earth from the pot and lower it into a well-watered hole, filling the cavities with earth. It is necessary to plant eustoma no deeper than it grew in the pot. After planting, I cover each plant with half a plastic bottle. Such a shelter protects against night frosts and prevents moisture from quickly evaporating, which is simply necessary for young plants in the first three weeks. Then I remove the bottles.​

​There is an opinion that growing eustoma from seeds is not easy, and in cultivation it requires special skills and knowledge. But it is not so. On personal experience I was convinced that growing eustoma is easy, only the first two months are difficult, when it is necessary to create certain conditions for the seedlings
​Independently growing eustoma from seeds is a long and labor-intensive process, but many gardeners successfully cope with it.​

​basal shoots are formed
​4. Eustoma flowers remain fresh for a long time (up to three weeks) when cut. Therefore, it is often used when making bouquets and is actively grown in industrial scale for sale.​

​When the plants grow a little, namely after the appearance of the third permanent leaf, the eustoma can be pricked. This must be done extremely carefully, since the root system of the plant is very sensitive to damage. By the time of diving, the plants reach the age of 6-8 weeks. Further cultivation of lisianthus comes down to proper care of the plant.

​Eustoma flowers are grown both in open ground and at home, as well as in greenhouses.​
​Echo. The most popular variety. Petals light pink, yellow, white or lilac color. Stems up to 70 cm. Flower diameter - 6 cm.​

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it must be covered and sprayed during the hot period. Liquid fertilizers are applied weekly.
​Garden eustoma. Selection and processing of material © Copyright: Alyona.Merletto® ™​
​Location, soil type​
​Seed sowing dates​
Lisianthus seeds are small, so they are sold in the form of granules. In addition, the special composition from which the granules are made improves germination. In general, eustoma seeds do not germinate very well. A germination rate of 60% is considered good.

​5. Lisianthus can be grown indoors throughout the year if it is provided with comfortable lighting conditions and the correct temperature conditions. Part of the stem with a flower is cut off, leaving two or more pairs of leaves on the lower part; after a while (about a month) they produce new shoots with flowers.​
If you plan to plant lisianthus seedlings in open ground, then this should not be done before the threat of frost has passed. It must be remembered that this plant is tropical and cannot tolerate significant drops in temperature.​
​What do you need to know to successfully grow eustoma?​

​Tenderness. Petals are satin and pink. Peduncles are low - up to 20 cm;

​Eustoma has been cultivated recently - since the 1980s. At first it was only a houseplant, but then gardeners became interested in it and gradually moved it to their plots.​

​You can extend the flowering period of your garden eustoma by replanting it together with garden soil in a pot and moving it to a balcony or windowsill. In the house, with normal care, it will delight you with flowering for some time. But a period of rest occurs in all plants. After the flowers have withered and the leaves have yellowed, the garden eustoma is treated in the same way as the indoor one: the stem is cut at a height of 2-3 internodes and transferred to a cool, well-ventilated room, almost stopping watering. There she will wait for spring.​

​★☆★☆★←Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ -★☆★☆★​

​Eustoma prefers sunny places where it fully reveals its beauty, so I plant it in the sunniest place in the garden. As for the soil, it grows very well on our black soil. I have no information about other soils.​

Amateur flower growers begin sowing eustoma seeds in winter (December - January). This is due to the fact that eustoma blooms in the 15-20th week after germination, so when spring sowing it just doesn't have time to bloom. I sow eustoma seeds from the end of November to the first days of February. There is no point in sowing later, I was convinced of this when my first eustomas with buds were covered with snow. We didn’t manage to admire their blossoms.​
​Seed sowing is carried out from January to March in light soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well. You can prepare it at home from garden soil, peat or vermiculite and sand in equal quantities. The soil is well soaked, the seeds are poured on top without covering. Press it in a little and spray it with a spray bottle. Covering transparent film(in a package) and place in a warm (20-25 degrees) and bright place.​

​When taking plants from the garden, it is advisable to treat them against possible diseases and pests, so as not to infect indoor flowers.​
​The most spectacular, and therefore widespread among gardeners, is eustoma grandiflora or Russell's lisianthus. Her beautiful lush flowers-skirts on long peduncles are very good both in flower beds and in bouquets. The colors are very diverse: soft white with lilac edges, blue, pink, lilac, purple-red, violet, beige, light yellow. And this is far from full list! Depending on the variety, flowers can be

​The most suitable for growing at home are eastern and shaded southern placement of pots.​
​Eustoma flowers can grow both indoors and outdoors.​

​Florida Pink. Petals are lilac, white or pink. The variety is excellent for growing in pots;
​In June you can buy ready-made plants in stores. They are immediately planted in the garden. In this case, planting is done first in containers. The flowering of the plant lasts until frost.
​...SOURCE here...​
​...from other sources...​
​Details about sowing​
​If sowing is done in January-February, additional lighting will not be amiss, ideally when the seeds receive light for 12-14 hours a day. It is also good if it is possible to transfer the container with the planted seeds to a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 degrees overnight. These are the recommendations of experts, but often, sharing their experience, flower growers say that they are able to grow eustoma seedlings without additional lighting and nighttime temperature drops.​

​But even with long-term cultivation, after 4-5 years you have to part with the plants; by this time, fewer and fewer flowers begin to form on the lisianthus, the flowers themselves become smaller, and sometimes the plants die completely, despite good care.​
​terry and non-double
​When planting plants, you need to maintain a distance of 15 to 30 cm between them.

​As with any plant, growing lisianthus begins with choosing seeds.​

Eustoma grandiflorum, lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) or Japanese indoor rose, is a herbaceous plant of the Gentian family. The southern part of the USA is considered the birthplace of the flower. This is where roses grow naturally in lowlands or on river slopes. The height of the plant reaches an average of 30 cm, and sometimes it can stretch up to 90 cm in height. The stem is branched, the leaf is green with a grayish tint, the color of the inflorescence in the natural environment is purple or blue. In appearance, the Japanese one is similar to On one bush, up to 20 buds can develop, and they do not bloom immediately, but one by one.

Variety of eustoma

Breeders have created many varieties of eustoma: with white inflorescences, apricot, pink, yellow and even greenish shades. There are also varieties that combine several representatives of the color spectrum. The selection of this plant is very relevant in countries such as the USA and Japan. It was here that the Japanese rose (photo below) with a double flower was bred. Its inflorescence no longer resembles a bell or poppy. Thanks to this, the plant is experiencing its second renaissance. It is very popular in European countries, Australia, America and Japan.

The natural color of the plant does not shine with variety. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, today there are a huge number of varieties that are characterized by a variety of not only colors, but also flower shapes.

Varieties by growing method

The natural variety of the plant is very capricious; breeders have managed to develop hybrids with fewer care requirements, for example:

  • Tall bushes that are used in garden design. These are the varieties “Aurora”, “Echo”, “Flamenco” and others.
  • Short. Grown at home, in pots: LittleBell, “fidelity”, FloridaPink, Mermaid and others.

According to the duration of the growing season

  • Annuals. They are easier to grow, since this Japanese rose does not require special care, so these varieties are most suitable for amateur gardeners.
  • Biennials. They are more demanding in terms of care, so they are most often dealt with by professionals.
  • Perennials. They simply do not exist in nature; they are grown only decoratively in pots.

By flower type

  • The Kioto variety is characterized by a large but non-double inflorescence. Color palette: red, white and pink. It grows quickly and pleases with its rapid flowering. It has amazing petal color.
  • "Echo". Japanese rose of this variety blooms profusely. A very tenacious plant, double petals of different colors.
  • "Cinderella". pleasant colors - lilac, snow-white and purple. The variety belongs to the terry variety. It gets along well at home - in a pot and in the garden.
  • A variety with medium-sized flowers, funnel-shaped and simple. The color range is extensive. Small in height, which makes it possible to cultivate plants in pots.

Japanese rose - plant care

Beginning amateur gardeners cultivate eustoma as an annual. In order to achieve re-blooming, you need to remove faded buds and properly care for the plant. We will describe exactly how below.


As for lighting, the plant prefers diffused light. When directly exposed to sunlight, brown spots may form on it - this is a burn, and they can also be observed on the bud or leaf itself. If you plant a Japanese plant, the area for it should be located in a semi-dark area. If you grow it in an apartment, in a pot, then the room must be sufficiently moist and well ventilated, otherwise the Japanese rose will simply die.


With decent and proper care, eustoma survives well winter period. In the spring it must be replanted if the bush has grown very large. The soil should be of normal acidity, nutritious and fairly light. Important condition during transplantation - this good drainage. And in order for the rose to feel more comfortable, it is recommended to add a small amount of fine sand to the soil.

Watering and fertilizing

IN natural environment Japanese rose (eustoma) most often grows on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. But this does not mean that she likes high humidity. When grown in room conditions should be avoided frequent watering. The basis should be based on the degree of drying of the soil between the previous and current watering. The water temperature should be room temperature; it is strictly forbidden to water with cold water.

The plant should be fertilized liquid mixtures and only in

Possible problems during cultivation

Problems in caring for and growing plants can arise when the rose is exposed to pests and diseases. The flower of the plant may be affected spider mite, whitefly or thrips. You can get rid of lesions by treating the bush with insecticides. As for diseases, the most common are fusarium, mycosis and gray rot.

Reproduction of Japanese rose

The plant reproduces exclusively by seeds, since it cannot tolerate violations of the integrity of the root. Therefore, dividing the bush is excluded. Cuttings do not produce sprouts or roots at all. The seeds themselves can be purchased at specialized flower shops or collect them from your own plants if they grow in a garden or apartment. It is recommended to collect them from November to February. The Japanese rose blooms only in the 20th week, maybe a little earlier, after germination. Therefore, if you plant a plant in the spring, then in this year it will have time to bloom, delighting with the beauty and charm of the blossoming buds.

A rose should be planted in open ground no earlier than 4-8 strong and healthy leaves have formed. The procedure is performed in the evening. After planting, it is recommended to cover the top of the seedling with cellophane or a plastic bottle (cut off at the bottom) for about 3 weeks. The distance between each sprout should be at least 15 cm. To achieve better branching, stronger canes should be pinched.

At first glance, caring for a Japanese rose seems labor-intensive, but it is worth it. After all, the blooming bud itself is in no way inferior in beauty to the traditional rose for most amateur gardeners. In a bouquet, eustoma looks amazingly beautiful, albeit a little unusual.

Eustoma grandiflora ( Eustoma grandiflorum). Another name for eustoma is lisianthus ( Lisianthus).

This close relative of gentians (family Gentianaceae) comes from the arid regions of America and northern Mexico. The botanist Salisbury registered the genus Eustoma in 1806, but scientists Patrick Brown, Linnaeus and Hooker were able to provide more accurate information about the plant. Introduced into culture in the late 1880s.

Presumably, the first seeds were brought to Europe from Japan in 1931. Serious supplies of seeds began to be carried out by Sakata in 1977. Since then, the assortment has changed a lot - double, bicolor, cut and even indoor plants have appeared.

Eustoma description

Eustoma is a biennial plant. In the middle zone it is grown as an annual crop; it does not overwinter in open ground.

The stems are about 50-70 cm high, up to a meter in cut varieties. The shoots branch starting from the middle of the trunk. Eustoma blooms in a bouquet type - one plant can have about 15-20 flowers and buds. The flowers are large bell-shaped, about 5 cm in diameter. Color: white, yellowish, apricot, pink and reddish, blue, lilac, purple. There are two-color options. The leaves are 5-8 cm long, elliptical, bluish-green, with noticeable veins and a waxy protective layer.

Excellent plants for the foreground of flower beds and container culture. At home, low-growing forms of eustoma are grown as indoor plants.

Conditions for growing eustoma

Lighting: Bright diffused light, protection from direct sunlight. Shading is necessary on southern windows; it is advisable to choose western or eastern ones.

Landing place: Raised flower beds with well-drained soil and low level groundwater, away from buildings from which it may flow rainwater. In open ground, try to avoid proximity to objects that reflect the sun's rays. Because of this proximity, eustoma leaves can burn.

The soil: When growing eustoma in the garden, sandy loam, light or medium loamy, well-drained soil with a neutral reaction (pH 6.5-7.0) is preferred. When grown at home, the composition of the soil mixture is high peat and in equal parts, it is possible to add fine pine bark.

Temperature: Blooms better and plants the buds in a cool, ventilated room at +16...+20°C. When growing in container culture, pots should be light in color to prevent the plants from overheating. Sensitive to fresh air.

Types and varieties of eustoma

The original view is e. Russell (E. russellinum), or grandiflora eustoma (E. grandiflorum). Height 60-90 cm, blooms with blue or purple flowers with a diameter of 5 cm in July-September.

Mainly a series of F1 hybrids are grown: " Yodel", "Echo" (usually tall or cutting), " Marmaid Blue"(dwarf), " Matador"(low).

When purchasing, choose hybrids with early flowering. In the middle zone, plants with late flowering will not bloom.

Eustoma: reproduction

Eustoma propagates by seeds. In warm climates - self-seeding. In the first year it forms a rosette of leaves, and if wintering is favorable, it blooms the following summer. In the middle zone it is grown by seedlings. Seedlings are sown indoors at the end of January-February, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground at the end of May.

Propagation of eustoma by cuttings is impossible - eustoma cuttings do not root.

Eustoma: propagation by root and planting of bulbs. Beware of unscrupulous sellers. Eustoma cannot be sold in the form of bulbs - it does not form bulbs. Sometimes the roots of perennial plants are sold by type of eustoma. Lisianthus does not reproduce by dividing the bush. If you're lucky, you'll get an unpretentious perennial, such as phlox or hosta. Eustoma sections die after transplantation. Eustoma is not a perennial plant; its root system is very poorly restored and does not take root. The only reliable way to get lisianthus is to sow seeds.

Growing eustoma for cutting

Spectacular single or double flowers last a long time when cut. They are often used by florists for wedding bouquets and celebration decorations.

Every year, Japanese breeders present more and more exotic cut varieties of eustomes at flower exhibitions. Eustomas are grown for cutting in greenhouses. There artificially create favorable conditions that allow the plant to be cultivated throughout the year. First, seedlings of mother plants of tall varieties are grown using the seedling method. After cutting the first flower stalks, mother plants cut, kept for some time in a dormant state at a temperature not exceeding +10°C. Then watering and fertilizing are resumed, and after 3-4 months re-blooming occurs.

Eustoma at home

Potted, or indoor, home eustomas appeared in the 90s. Pots go on sale during the flowering period. Indoor specimens have single-double flowers of blue, purple, mauve or white color. It does not tolerate winter in an apartment well, requires maintenance at low temperatures and has special requirements for watering. It is part of the group of so-called “bouquet” plants, which are usually replaced with new specimens after flowering. When purchasing, try to choose specimens with colored but not open buds.

Diseases and pests

Little damage is caused by pests. When signs of diseases and pests appear, the eustoma is treated with appropriate medications.

Pests: aphids, whiteflies, miners, fungus gnats, slugs.

Common diseases: gray rot, fusarium, downy mildew, root rot, late blight, tobacco mosaic virus. It is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the soil and protect the seedlings from dripping moisture. Seedlings are very sensitive to blackleg.

Growing eustoma from seeds

The development process from sowing to the onset of the flowering phase lasts about three months. For seedlings in February, seeds are sown superficially under film or glass. Typically, eustoma seeds are sold in granules. They are offered by the following companies: Prestige, "Sakata", "Kitano", Gavrish. top scores grows seedlings from pelleted seeds in Jiffy-type peat tablets. This facilitates subsequent eustoma transplantation.

For sowing, use light sandy soil with a neutral reaction (pH 6.5-7.0). The seeds are lightly pressed into the soil with a damp toothpick and sprayed with a spray bottle. The technology for germinating eustoma seeds is similar to growing from seeds.

Seeds germinate for 10-14 days in a bright place at a temperature of +21...+24°C, then it is advisable to lower the temperature to +15°C.

The crops are periodically sprayed, ventilated once a day, and drops of condensation are removed from the film (glass, lid). If the seed shell is difficult to separate, you can drop a little warm water from a pipette onto the seedling cap. After the first cotyledon leaves appear, usually after two weeks, the film is removed.

Eustoma seedlings are very sensitive to light. Eustoma is kept until March with additional artificial lighting fluorescent lamps, providing additional illumination for about 16 hours during the day, turning off the lamp at night. The distance from plants to lamps is 34 - 36 cm.

Before two pairs of true leaves have formed, the shoots are sensitive to rosette. Rosettes, similar to cabbage heads, retard and suppress the growth of stems. Such specimens die in open ground. To avoid the appearance of sockets, the temperature during the day should not exceed +24ºC, and at night should not fall below +16ºC. At the sprout stage, seedlings develop very slowly, building up a powerful root system. Avoid overwatering to prevent rot and blackleg.

After 3 true leaves appear (usually after 10 weeks of cultivation), the eustoma is planted in separate deep containers. A 200ml tray is best for maintaining a balance between small sprouts and deep root systems. When transplanting, try not to disturb the roots; take seedlings with a clod of earth. After transplantation, the temperature is temporarily reduced to +16 °C. High temperatures stimulate the formation of rosettes and lead to growth arrest.

The seedlings are watered as the top layer of soil dries, excess water is drained from the trays, preventing the soil from becoming waterlogged. At the first signs of lodging of seedlings and to prevent the disease “black leg”, the seedlings must be treated with “Fitosporin”, and the interval between waterings must be shortened.

After picking, fertilize with a solution of calcium nitrate (20 g per 10 l) or fertilizer for seedlings, for example, Plantafol (NPK 30:10:10) according to the instructions. If you do not start feeding the seedlings, rosette development of plants is also possible. Then the seedlings are fed weekly with complex fertilizer for flower seedlings according to the manufacturer's instructions. For better branching, pinch the ends of the shoots.

In April, when the temperature approaches +15°C, the seedlings begin to gradually harden, taking them out onto the balcony for a while. Planted in open ground after the threat of frost has passed.

Caring for eustoma in open ground

Plants are planted in pre-prepared and fertilized holes at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other. When plantings are dense, fungal diseases can quickly spread. It is important to ensure good drainage since eustoma comes from dry areas. Keep the soil loose and weed-free throughout the year. Mulching makes it much easier to grow eustoma.

In the garden, eustoma blooms from July to September. A tall and thin peduncle cannot support multiple large flowers, so it is better to immediately install a support. In rainy weather, the buds get wet and may rot. It is advisable to immediately tear off soured and unopened flowers and faded buds to prolong flowering.

IN rainy summer To prevent fungal diseases in dry weather, treat the plantings with Fitosporin according to the instructions or with foundationazole (1 g per 1 liter of water).

Plants prefer drip irrigation as the soil dries out. Twice a month, watering is combined with fertilizing with a complex of fertilizers. During flowering, watering increases, reduces the amount of nitrogen and increases the content of potassium and phosphorus.

In dry and long hot summers, it is possible to ripen and collect its seeds. They are dried and used for sowing next year. The exception is F1 hybrids. Their seeds do not transmit parental properties, so there is no need to collect your seeds from hybrid plants.

In warm areas, when growing eustomas in container culture, you can save the rhizome and replant it the following spring. When there is a threat of autumn frosts, container eustomas are brought into the house, where their modest, but still flowering continues. For winter, the stems of eustoma are cut off, leaving 2-3 internodes. In winter, store in a pot at a temperature of +10°C in a cool, dry room, water rarely to slightly wet the soil, and do not feed. Watering is resumed as new shoots grow with the onset of bright days - at the end of February. In the second half of June, when the threat of frost has passed, the plant is planted in open ground. Flowering next year will be very weak.

The plant is grown by seedlings.

It is important to ensure good drainage since eustoma comes from dry areas. Watering - as the top layer of soil dries.

The beautiful eustoma or “Irish rose” is one of the most exquisite and incredible beautiful plants. A plant of the gentian family native to central America, eustoma is also widespread in Mexico, South America where a warm and humid climate prevails.

Eustoma (lisianthus) is a favorite of florists; it is used to create chic bouquets that last in water for up to three weeks. Its delicate large inflorescences of silky texture are very similar to the queen of flowers, the rose, and when fully opened, they are more reminiscent of a poppy.

The color range of flowers is simply amazing in its diversity: snow-white (used in bouquets for brides), soft pink, lilac, lilac, yellow, blue, coral, two-color. There are many different varieties eustomas, which differ in the color and size of the flower, and the height of the bush. Perennial eustoma grows remarkably well both in gardens, greenhouses, and at home - in a pot where its dwarf varieties are grown.

Eustoma (lisianthus) is an ornamental perennial plant with bluish matte leaves and funnel-shaped flowers (double or non-double). Externally, lisianthus resembles a rose bush, but its main advantage and difference from a rose is the absence of thorns on the stem. Despite its tenderness and touching nature, eustoma has a fairly strong trunk, with numerous branches that diverge from the middle of the trunk. Due to the fact that there are several buds on each stem, just one branch of eustoma looks like a huge luxurious bouquet. The height of the plant can reach up to 90 cm. Tall varieties are grown in gardens and greenhouses for cutting.

The peculiarity of this plant is the preservation of freshness in bouquets and compositions for quite a long period. Eustoma begins to bloom from July to mid-autumn, decorating garden plots and flower beds. The flowers are large, reaching up to 8 cm in diameter.

Popular varieties and types

Eustoma grandiflora (Russell's lisianthus)

One of the most spectacular types of lisianthus. The species is distributed in central America. The shrub has a straight stem, large lush flowers are collected in a bunch on long peduncles and look like an open poppy. Flowers can be double or single, all of them are incredibly attractive and look luxurious both in the garden and in a flowerpot in bouquets. The colors of eustoma grandiflora can be different: blue, beige, purple, mauve, white, original two-color flowers with an unusual combination of colors. The leaves have a light waxy coating and are gray-green in color.

The most common variety for growing as cut flowers. The variety is characterized by spreading stems up to 70 cm with many large buds with early flowering, which open alternately and do not wither for up to 2 weeks. There are 11 colors (single and two-color) flowers.

An early flowering variety with a stem height of 0.9 to 1.2 meters with charming double flowers (blue, pink, white). The variety is suitable for breeding in winter.

An excellent cut variety with a long, strong stem up to 1.2 meters. The flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter. Requires minimal care, in comparison with other varieties, are quite unpretentious. The colors of the flowers are varied: white, red, dark blue and two-tone.

A plant up to 90 cm with simple flowers, but abundant flowering with a huge range of colors - up to 15 flowers.

The variety is excellent for growing in a pot. The height of the plant is small - up to 15 cm. The stem is branched, the flowers reach a diameter of up to 5 cm. The variety comes in a variety of colors: white, blue, pink, purple.

Quite simple funnel-shaped flowers add charm to the variety; the plant is small, up to 20 cm, and has a variety of delicate colors. Suitable for growing in a pot.


Perennial with tender pink flowers with branched stems.


Eustoma perennial growing from seeds

Most often, eustoma is grown from seeds, which can be bought in flower shops. The growing process is quite long and labor-intensive; patience and a special approach are required. Since the seeds are very small, they are sold in the form of granules, processed special composition, improving their germination. Germination is considered high if about 60 percent of seedlings have appeared.

Sow seeds in early February - March in light soil, which allows moisture and air to pass through well. Suitable for garden soil with the addition of peat and sand (1:1). The soil for planting should be well moistened, the seeds are sown on top and not compacted, you can only press them lightly. Then they are moistened with a spray bottle.

The container with seeds must be covered with a film that allows light to pass through and placed in a bright and warm place indoors, with a moderate air temperature of 20-25 degrees. Since daylight is not enough to illuminate the seeds, they need to be provided with additional illumination with daylight lamps. If possible, take the seed containers to a cooler place overnight. It is recommended to ventilate the seedlings once a day, lifting the film, and constantly moisten the soil by spraying. If you follow all the rules, within a couple of weeks the first very small sprouts will appear. After the seedlings have appeared, the film should be removed. Watering is reduced, the container should be moved to a cooler place with a temperature of 14 to 17 degrees.

The seedlings grow quite slowly. When the first leaves appear (after about 1.5 months), it is time to transplant the eustoma into separate small containers, such as cups. To ensure that the plant branches well, pinch the tops of the sprouts when the seedlings have 3-4 pairs of leaves. After only 3 months, the eustoma can be transplanted to a permanent place on the site or a pot, using the method of transshipment along with a lump of soil. It is better to choose the time for transplantation at the end of May, when spring frosts are excluded.

Seedlings in peat tablets

One of the convenient and simple ways growing lisianthus is growing seeds in peat tablets, in which the seeds germinate better and picking seedlings is more convenient. To grow eustoma seeds you will need tablets with a diameter of 5 cm, which are placed in a container. The tablets must be well moistened with cold water so that they swell, and the remaining water is removed from the container. Using tweezers, place a granulated lisianthus seed into each tablet and press it lightly. We moisten the seed from a spray bottle on top. The container is covered with glass and a transparent lid and placed in a warm, well-lit place. The temperature of the room where the seedlings will be grown should be from 20 to 25 degrees and additionally illuminated with lamps. Watering the seedlings is carried out moderately, as needed.

When the first leaves appear on the seedlings, transfer the tablet with the sprout to a glass. Make sure that the roots of neighboring sprouts do not intertwine with each other. Further care is carried out in the same way as for seedlings grown in the ground.

Landing in the ground

To plant a plant in the ground, choose a bright place on the site, cleared of winds and drafts. Eustoma transplantation is recommended in cloudy weather or in the evening using the transshipment method. Maintain a distance between shoots of approximately 20 cm. For several weeks after planting in the ground, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight, so cover it with a plastic bottle or jar during the day. Eustoma begins to bloom depending on when the seeds were sown. The first tender buds can be seen already in July.

Eustoma perennial root planting

Eustoma has a delicate and fragile root system that is easily injured. Any careless action can lead to the subsequent death of the plant. Therefore, it cannot be propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings. Eustoma is perennial, the roots of which often do not take root; it is best grown by seedlings or by purchasing seedlings. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers, under the guise of eustoma, sell the roots of perennials such as phlox or hosta, or even offer bulbs (eustoma does not form bulbs).

Eustoma - indoor plant

Eustoma looks luxurious on the windowsill. Dwarf varieties are used for growing it in pots. The plant feels better on a western or eastern window. The plant needs bright, diffused light. It is advisable to create shading on the south window, especially at noon. In a northern window, lisianthus may not have enough sunlight for full growth and development. When purchasing a ready-made plant, it is not recommended to immediately expose it to a window in direct sunlight in the first days; eustoma leaves may burn; accustom it to the sun gradually.

Eustoma care

Lighting and humidity

Eustoma is capricious and needs shading, diffused and at the same time bright light. If these conditions are met, the flowers will be large and bloom profusely. It is better if the eustoma is planted on the eastern or western side of the site. The Irish rose came to us from a humid climate, so for healthy growth and abundant flowering it needs fresh and moist air.


Although eustoma loves humidity, it cannot tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, watering the plant is done only after the top layer of soil has dried. Drought and heat are also extremely undesirable for the capricious beauty; she needs regular watering. When watering lisianthus, try not to pour water on the leaves, avoid getting moisture on them, so as not to provoke the appearance of fungus and gray mold, which will lead to the death of the plant. The water used for watering eustoma is soft and settled. If the air temperature is low, watering is reduced so as not to over-moisten the soil. Eustoma does not need spraying.


For breeding eustoma, the optimal daytime temperature is from 20 to 25 and night temperature is 15 degrees. In the cold season, if possible, the plant should be moved to a cool room of 10-12 degrees.


Due to the tenderness and fragility of the root, lisianthus is not transplanted. In cases of extreme necessity, the plant can be replanted using the earthen lump method.

Top dressing

The first feeding of eustoma is carried out with complex fertilizer 2 weeks after planting in the ground. Subsequent feeding is carried out 2 times a month during the period of formation of inflorescences and active growth, using fertilizer for flowering plants.

Eustoma perennial wintering

In the fall, the plant is transplanted into a pot using the transshipment method and sent to spend the winter on a loggia or balcony. The stems are trimmed so that there are 3 internodes on each stem. The temperature of the cool room should be from 10 to 15 degrees. If there is a lack of sunlight, it is recommended to turn on additional lighting. If you move a flower pot to a warm place dry room Without sufficient air circulation, the plant may die. During dormancy, watering and fertilizing stop. In the spring, the bush is transferred to the substrate, while the old soil is preserved; under no circumstances should the fragile root be disturbed.

Pests and diseases

The Irish rose, as a rule, is not afraid of pests that annoy others garden plants. Since eustoma is from the Gentian family of plants and is called the “bitter flower,” aphids, whiteflies, slugs and other insects avoid it. If pests do appear, the plant should be treated with insecticides (confidor, fitoverm)
Due to improper care, non-compliance with optimal conditions for its growth: insufficient lighting, high humidity, the plant may stop blooming, and the stems become fragile and tender. Eustoma is susceptible to gray rot and fusarium wilt, and powdery mildew may appear on it. These diseases can be controlled by spraying the plant with Ridomil. For prophylaxis, a solution of foundationazole is used.

  1. Lisianthus is sensitive to overwatering. With poor drainage and stagnant moisture, the plant may die. You should be careful with watering;
  2. Some tall varieties lisianthus produce rather long stems, which over time will need support, since under their own weight they can bend towards the ground. Therefore, it is advisable to install a decorative support for the plant;
  3. To make the seeds germinate faster, you can pierce the granule, thereby facilitating the emergence of sprouts;
  4. Experienced gardeners recommend watering seedlings boiled water room temperature;
  5. During active growth, eustoma needs fertilizing with fertilizers that contain more organic matter and nitrogen, and when buds and buds are forming, it needs increased phosphorus and potassium content;
  6. For the density and splendor of the bush, the plant at the seedling stage needs to be pinched. It should be taken into account that the time of first flowering shifts by 2 weeks;
  7. Eustoma should not be planted near metal or brick fences, walls. When heated by the sun, they can cause burns to delicate plants.

Pruning eustoma

Regular pruning of old buds gives impetus to the growth and formation of new inflorescences, with abundant and long flowering. After pollination and wilting of the flower, seed pods with seeds appear on the stem, which can be used for sowing next year. For potted eustoma, it is recommended to pinch the top at the seedling stage of the plant.

Cutting for bouquets

Eustoma is grown for cutting and looks great in bouquets. Pruning promotes something new abundant flowering, eustoma blooms again after 4-6 weeks. Thus, it is possible to stimulate the flowering of eustoma with scanty and short flowering.

The perennial flower eustoma is incredibly touching and sensual. When you see it, it is impossible to remain indifferent to such beauty. It is capricious and demanding to care for, but by creating all the conditions for its growth and development, it will delight you with charming and luxurious flowering all summer long. Thanks to the lush branching of the plant, up to 30 inflorescences can form on each branch, which live up to 2 months; even after cutting, a branch of eustoma will delight the eye for more than 3 weeks; it is enough just to occasionally change the water in the flowerpot. Eustoma goes well in bouquets with other flowers. The huge variety and splendor of varieties allow you to decorate a garden, flower bed, country cottage area and even the windowsill, make it bright and attractive.

Eustoma photo

Eustoma (Irish rose) belongs to the Gentian family of plants. Its homeland is Central America, where all year round Warm and humid conditions are observed.

Widely distributed in Mexico and the Isthmus of Panama. This fact should also be taken into account if you grow this flower in your own garden.

Description of the plant

Eustoma attracts attention thanks to its bluish, waxy leaves and large delicate flowers. In the large-flowered species they can reach up to 8-9 cm in diameter. The color has a wide color scheme: white, lilac, violet, with a colored border, as well as other colors and ornaments.

Strong stems grow up to 0.9-1 m and actively branch from the middle. This structure is ideal for creating bouquets that can be made from one plant. Almost all varieties of Eustoma have long peduncle, allowing it to be successfully cut.

The plant is quickly gaining popularity due to its decorative qualities and good preservation of cut flowers. So in Holland she is in the top ten when arranging bouquets. In Poland, at annual flower exhibitions, these flowers are valued quite expensively.

Main varieties

If previously the seeds of these flowers were in limited access, now they can be found on the open market. Before purchasing, you should know that the plant can be short or tall. It is better to sow tall Eustoma for its further cultivation in the garden or for cutting (bouquets), while low-growing varieties are designed for indoor keeping.

The seed packet will indicate its type (one-year or two-year). If you are a professional gardener who has a greenhouse, or Eustoma will be grown at home, then it is better to choose perennial varieties. Beginners prefer to use annual plants.

You will find all the information about growing Orbieta from seeds.

The seeds are quite small, so for better sowing they are sold in the form of pills. Popular varieties:

  • Echo. Spreading Eustoma with large one- or two-color flowers. Characterized by early flowering. The height of the stems is about 70 cm.
  • Aurora. An early flowering variety with double flowers. Grows up to 1.2 m in height. Flowers come in pink, white, blue and its shades.
  • Heidi. It grows up to 0.9 m in height and blooms profusely. The variety has 15 color solutions. Can be grown at home.
  • FloridaPink. A perennial plant with soft pink flowers.
  • Little Bell. Compact variety, grows up to 15-20 cm in height. Simple flowers are funnel-shaped and come in a variety of colors. Ideal for growing in flower pots.
  • Mermaid. A branched variety of Eustoma, reaching about 15 cm in height. Moreover, the diameter of the flowers themselves is 5 cm. The color range is represented by purple, blue, white and pink colors.
  • Flamenko. It has a strong and tall stem (about 1.2 m) and large flowers.

Reproduction methods

The process of growing an Eustoma flower begins with the acquisition of seeds. They have small sizes, therefore, for convenience, it is better to use granulated seed material. In the future, you can independently collect seeds for subsequent sowing. This applies to all varieties, except for some hybrids that are not able to transmit parental properties.

There is a method of propagation by dividing the bush. However, this plant is extremely difficult to tolerate disturbances in the root system. Attempts to carry out this kind of propagation can lead to the death of the plant itself and its cuttings.

Planting Eustoma seeds for seedlings can be done in peat tablets or sterile soil. They are placed on the surface of the soil and lightly compacted to prevent them from moving during watering. The containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. To ventilate and eliminate accumulated condensation, it is recommended to open the film 1-2 times a day.

Read also about planting and caring for Eustoma flowers.

Sowing time

The flowering period begins 15-20 weeks after planting. Therefore, it is better to start planting seeds in early to mid-winter. When planted in spring, the plant does not have time to bloom before the onset of frost.

Convenient to use disposable cups. Use peat soil mixed with sand or perlite as a substrate. Plant 3-4 seeds in each container.

Optimal conditions

To grow Eustoma, it is necessary for the seeds to create optimal conditions. They will need a warm place with indirect light to avoid overstretching the seedlings. Such conditions can be created using fluorescent lamps. In subsequent months, the plants are placed on the windowsill with sunny side. Natural light has a beneficial effect on shoot growth. Seeds germinate best at just 20-25°C. Active growth begins in the second month.


Since in the first 1-1.5 months the containers in the seedlings are covered with polyethylene, watering is carried out as the soil dries out (usually once every 2-3 weeks). Regular supply of moisture occurs through condensation.

Disease Prevention

good prophylactic against many diseases is “Fundazol”. A solution is prepared, where 1 tsp. This substance is diluted with 1 liter of water. It can be used instead of watering.

In order for the sprouts to develop successfully, they are sprayed with “Epin” or “Zircon”. Thanks to these substances, the seedlings rapidly gain growth and strength. Also, these drugs protect Eustoma from black night.

Features of planting in open ground

When the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, they can be replanted. To do this, you need to carefully handle the root system and immerse it in the ground when planting up to the lower leaves. It is better to carry out transplantation using the transshipment method. When the fourth leaf appears, it is recommended to pinch the top. This procedure will make the plant more branchy.

Fertilizers can be applied 2 weeks after picking the seedlings. In open ground, planting is carried out after warm weather sets in without the threat of frost.

To grow and care in the garden, Eustoma is planted in a bright place that is protected from drafts. It is better to replant the plant in the dark or in cloudy weather using the transshipment method. The distance between flowers should be at least 20 cm and for several weeks after planting the plant should be protected from direct sunlight. To organize this, each flower is covered during the daytime sun activity. glass jar(you can use a plastic bottle).

Once a week, seedlings are treated with a Fitosporin solution. Such preventive measures help minimize the risk of developing blackleg. For better growth You can use specially designed stimulants.

The plant begins to bloom depending on the sowing planting material. If this procedure was performed in December, you can see the first flowers in early July.
In the fall, before frost sets in, the plant is carefully dug up and brought into a warm room. Until the beginning of spring, it is grown at home at a temperature of about 10-13°C. This temperature regime is available in glazed loggias, gardens and other premises.

Disease and pest control

In order to reduce the risk of developing diseases, you should spray your flowers regularly. For these purposes, any fungicides can be used. If there is a large amount of precipitation in the summer months, it is recommended to spray the flowers with Ridomil Gold or Fundazol. Thus, preventive measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of gray rot, fusarium wilt, powdery mildew and other diseases. You can spray with several preparations 2-3 times.

The main pests to which Eustoma is susceptible are: slugs, aphids and whiteflies. To combat them, you can use the following drugs: “Aktara”, “Aktellik” and “Confidor”.


For more details on the secrets of growing perennial Eustoma, see the video below.


Eustoma is becoming increasingly popular in our country. And this is understandable: beautiful flowers, bright colors and the ability to use when forming bouquets. Taking into account simple recommendations for its cultivation and care, you can create an unforgettably beautiful flower garden.