Which battery is better for a screwdriver - lithium or cadmium? How to restore a screwdriver battery and its capacity? Is it possible to restore a screwdriver battery? What is the shelf life of lithium screwdriver batteries?

The ability to work with a tool such as a screwdriver without connecting it to an electrical outlet is convenient, practical and, most importantly, necessary. After all, you often have to perform some kind of work in places where it is almost impossible to reach the network cable. In shops construction tools We offer a wide selection of screwdrivers, including Bosch, as well as the popular Hitachi and Makita. But, unfortunately, the service life of the battery of any drill or similar tool is short - a maximum of 5 years. It happens that after a shorter period of time. Buy urgently new battery unprofitable. For the same amount you can buy a new screwdriver. Therefore, it is worth trying an option such as restoring the screwdriver battery yourself.

Types of batteries used in screwdrivers and their differences

As you know, the battery of any screwdriver includes several batteries that are connected in one chain in a certain sequence. There are (Ni-Cd), nickel-metal hydride () and elements.

Nickel-cadmium batteries, in this case, are the most popular and frequently used. Everyone's voltage individual element is 1.2 Volts and the capacity is 12000 mAh if we have a 12 Volt tool. It’s worth noting right away that, unlike lithium ones, they can be restored because they have the so-called “memory effect” in the form of a reversible loss of capacity.

As for batteries that contain lithium, it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore their capacity using the popular Imax B6 charger - due to the fact that lithium tends to decompose over time.

Restoring a screwdriver battery in a similar manner may also not be successful for cadmium batteries. Such a battery differs in that the electrolyte in them sometimes completely boils away. However, in the case of cadmium batteries, the chances of “reanimating” them are much greater. But at the same time, it is important not to rush and not to rashly use common methods of “quick recovery” of Ni Cd batteries.

How to restore a screwdriver battery

There is a a large number of videos that, for example, clearly show how to restore a Hitachi screwdriver battery using an Imax B6. It consists in “reanimating” nickel batteries by supplying high currents. Proponents of the express recovery method suggest reviving the battery using the simple settings of the Imax B6. The mode is set to nickel-cadmium, and the battery can be revived in this mode.

However, warming up with pulsed power and subsequent charging are rather risky methods for nickel-cadmium batteries. A broken connection in an element cannot be restored by high currents. In addition, if there is little or no electrolyte inside the battery, high currents will finally “kill” the battery. Therefore, in order to prevent irreversible damage to the batteries, it is recommended to first replenish their electrolyte supply with distilled water and only then charge them using Imax B6.

There is an extreme option for how to restore a nickel-cadmium battery in a screwdriver - you can “jerk” them with a high current. They will start charging, but not for long. Electronics enthusiasts who criticize this method claim that there has not been a single case where a pulsed current restored the battery capacity for a long time. As a rule, it will rise by a very a short time, and then, a few days later, the battery runs out again.

Whether it is possible to use the pulse current method is up to the owners of the batteries to decide. There are many videos on the Internet on how to restore a Ni Cd battery from a screwdriver. But there is an opinion that in reality quick ways They don't work very long. For example, if the electrolyte inside a battery has boiled away or dried out, the pulsed current will “kill” the element completely.

If possible, you can carefully disassemble each nickel-cadmium battery and see what condition the electrolyte is in. If it turns out to be dry, you can use the method of adding a small amount of distilled water through a syringe.

Restoration with water

In order to drill a neat hole in the battery, you will need a small drill. The hole should be made away from the center, preferably in the upper side of the element, where there is a small recess. Then fill the battery with distilled water using a syringe to the last.

After this, the battery can be fully charged Imax B6 and allowed to “settle”. The procedure is long. Restoring 8-, 12-, 14-battery “cans”, depending on the voltage, can take a long time. Ideally, you should not charge them immediately, but give the “jars” of water time to sit for a day. You cannot charge batteries one at a time; it is better to have at least three or four of them in a bunch to distribute the voltage evenly.

Short-term current pulses through a 40 Ohm resistance at 12 V should be applied after water has been poured into the element to be reanimated, and not “dry”, as is often done.

After the batteries have stood for a day, you can start charging them. Do not close the holes yet. Connect to Imax so that the device “sees” them. Charge and let it sit again if any one battery is not restored. Find the weak element in the bundle using a multimeter and add water to it again.

The main essence of this meticulous method is to restore the connection of the battery plates with their contact-adapter buses (internal organization Ni-Cd is similar to the scheme by which they are manufactured solar panels). main reason When batteries stop working, the positive contact is separated from the inside of the battery.

Do not close the holes drilled in the batteries until the battery charge remains stable. Once the charge has stabilized, carefully seal the holes with silicone. Water can be added periodically at any time.

As has already become clear, this method is not intended for the lazy and for those who do not want to delve into the intricacies of electronics. However, the method with distilled water helps save a lot of money and is the answer to the question of how to restore a screwdriver battery using the most gentle method. Typically, a screwdriver comes with two batteries. One can be used, and the other can be gradually restored. This method, despite its duration, seems to be more humane and safe for batteries.

Battery restoration by replacing several elements

Restoring a screwdriver battery by replacing several elements can be successful for all types of batteries. It also does not pose any risk to them, as does manipulation with distilled water, provided that care is taken during soldering.

First, the output voltage of each “can” is measured using a multimeter, which in total should be 12-14 V. Accordingly, the voltage of one “can” should be 1.2-1.4 V. The U indicators are compared with each other, the most weak elements.

After this, the battery is inserted into the screwdriver and works until the moment when the power begins to noticeably decrease. The voltage readings are taken again, and those “banks” whose voltage difference is 0.5-0.7 V compared to the “stronger” ones should be removed and replaced with new ones, similar to the old ones, having previously ordered them from the online store.

It is recommended to solder the battery circuit spot welding, but if there is none, there is nothing left to do but use a regular soldering iron and do everything as quickly and accurately as possible, so as to, if possible, prevent the battery from overheating.

"Native" connection plates The batteries should not be lost; they must be soldered back without reversing the polarity. In addition, all elements of the chain must have the same capacity.

After soldering is completed, insert the battery back into the screwdriver and carry out 2-3 complete charge-discharge cycles to equalize the energy potential of all batteries. In order for the updated battery to last longer, it should carry out such training 2-3 times a month.

Restoring a screwdriver battery by purchasing new Ni-Cd cells

In this case we're talking about about complete and so-called “erasing of the memory effect” from new batteries in order to ensure their more productive operation. The memory effect is that the battery “remembers” all possible charging cycles that it could theoretically be subjected to in production before it falls into someone’s hands. The more such cycles in its “memory”, the more likely it becomes that the capacity will begin to decrease much earlier than expected. Also nickel- cadmium batteries They love such processes of “building up”. If they are carried out immediately before use, they will work much better.

The required number of batteries can be ordered online, for example, on Ali-Express. You need to keep in mind that they already have a certain factory charge, which it is advisable to “remove” in order to “save” the battery power during operation. This can be done using the same Imax B6 charger, the menu of which is easy to understand.

Let's say the battery of a screwdriver should consist of 10 elements with the following indicators: the output voltage of each is 1.2 V, and the capacity is 1200 mAh, which total amount is 12 V. Advantage complete replacement battery with the subsequent “erasing” of the factory “memory effect” is that in any online store you can order elements with higher capacity than the old ones. For example, 1800 mAh. And the battery will last an order of magnitude longer. Of course, such batteries will be more expensive. But their price always justifies itself.

First, the voltage on each “bank” is checked with a multimeter. This will immediately help determine what quality the new batteries have and whether there is dishonesty of sellers who could sell old elements instead of new ones. The voltage level on each battery should be approximately 1.3 V. When taking measurements, it is important not to confuse the terminals.

Next, “memory erasing” is carried out with each element in turn. The following charge parameters are set on the charger: if the capacity is 1800 mAh, it can be set a little more - 1900, with a little margin. Then you should switch to the charging mode for nickel-cadmium batteries. The charge parameters should be as follows: current indicator 0.9 A (half of the capacity of 1800).

Every new element undergoes training according to the “charge-discharge” principle in order to remove the factory settings. At a current of 1A, all batteries are discharged one by one to a voltage of 1 V (minimum permissible voltage, so as not to kill the battery).

Then you should switch to the “charge-discharge” cycle mode and start it with the “start” button.
After discharging and removing the factory memory, put the batteries back into the block, focusing on how the old ones were placed there before. Therefore, when disassembling the plastic case, you need to remember how the batteries were stored before.

Thus, there are many ways to restore a screwdriver battery with your own hands. Each of them has certain nuances, disadvantages and advantages that should be considered depending on how you restore capacity. Sometimes you should try to purchase a particular tool or necessary ingredient (for example, distilled water) in order for the restoration to be as successful as possible. But this is exactly what will help you avoid additional costs in connection with the purchase of a new screwdriver or a completely finished battery.

Battery-powered power tools are now in unprecedented demand, as they make it possible to work autonomously from the power supply for quite a long time. During operation, such equipment does not require additional installation of power extension cords and network filters throughout the room, which constantly interfere with the work process.

Many people wonder which batteries are best for cordless tools. You can answer this only by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of battery.

Types of batteries

A screwdriver battery (battery) is an element of a device that accumulates the energy reserve necessary for its operation. Right choice this important component affects future operational and technical properties equipment.

Today, battery products are used everywhere: from children's toys and hygiene devices to laptops and cars.

Batteries come in various types and subtypes, but only the following are widely used in power tool configurations:

  • nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd);
  • nickel metal hydride cells (Ni-MH);
  • lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion);
  • lithium-polymer storage cells (Li-Pol).

Each of these types of batteries has its own negative and positive aspects, based on which you need to choose a power tool.

Important! During first use and during subsequent use, important specifications The battery voltage can be measured with a universal device - a multimeter.

Nickel-cadmium storage cells

Nickel-cadmium batteries are the most popular look Battery in screwdrivers, developed more than a century ago. It is widely used due to its sufficient energy capacity and high reliability at a low price.

Nickel-cadmium batteries for screwdrivers stand out from other types with the following advantages:

  1. Correct operation of the battery allows you to increase its service life to 3-4 years;
  2. The Ni-Cd battery can be operated at low temperatures without significant loss of its charge, which makes it possible to work with the tool at outdoors in winter;
  3. Unpretentiousness even to the most extreme working conditions, reliability;
  4. The battery can be discharged and recharged up to 1000 times;
  5. Excellent load capacity;
  6. Failed components can be reanimated using a whole range of measures;
  7. Such a battery can quite for a long time be in a discharged state without losing its basic properties. A tool with such a battery can be used until it is completely discharged and only then can it be recharged - the battery capacity will not change downwards.

Having in stock a lot positive aspects, nickel-cadmium batteries are not deprived and weak points, namely:

  • high toxicity of the substances that fill the battery components (jars), which causes problems with the disposal of used cells;
  • Quite heavy weight compared to other types of batteries;
  • high rate of self-discharge, which leads to loss of capacitive properties and a general decrease in voltage;
  • memory effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a battery cell is incompletely discharged, when the battery remembers this value when plugged into the network for charging and during further operation will turn off exactly at this mark, and not until it is completely discharged.

Due to the memory effect in nickel-cadmium batteries, it is necessary to regularly carry out resuscitation measures to eliminate it, which are called “memory flashing”.

The essence of this event is to influence the storage components high voltage more than the nominal value. Such procedures make it possible to correct the memory effect and increase the lost battery capacity.

Interesting to know. Many European countries have banned the use of nickel-cadmium batteries in various equipment and devices in order to maintain the environment in their territories.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries

Ni-MH batteries were created to eliminate significant shortcomings nickel-cadmium batteries and have the following advantages:

  • weak memory effect;
  • practically non-toxic;
  • high capacitive properties;
  • low weight and dimensions;
  • battery components are amenable to restoration procedures;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage.

However, along with many advantages, there are also significant disadvantages Nickel-metal hydride energy storage elements:

  • long charge to full mark;
  • Tools with such batteries are not recommended to be used at sub-zero temperatures environment;
  • quite high price;
  • reduced number of charging cycles (about 500-600);
  • lower service life compared to other types of batteries for screwdrivers;
  • can discharge quickly;
  • The battery must not be completely discharged.

Based on a comparison of batteries of this type with nickel-cadmium batteries, we can conclude that operational characteristics the latter are much better.

Lithium-ion batteries

Batteries whose cells contain such chemical element, like lithium, are called lithium-ion. This type of battery has a huge amount advantages over other types of batteries.

Pros of Li-Ion batteries:

  • charge quickly;
  • there is practically no memory effect;
  • almost zero self-discharge;
  • do not lose the capacity indicator during the charging process at any stage of battery discharge;
  • do not contain toxic substances and their impurities;
  • good service life - 4-7 years;
  • small size and weight.

Disadvantages of lithium-ion batteries:

  • low resistance to mechanical damage (possible explosion from a strong impact);
  • quite high cost;
  • quickly fails when deeply discharged;
  • Over time, the process of lithium decomposition occurs, which leads to the failure of some components battery system;
  • are not subject to resuscitation measures - if any element fails, it can only be replaced with a new one;
  • fast discharge at negative temperatures.

Important! Lithium-ion batteries are various types, differing from each other in dimensions, capacity and other characteristics. Due to their excellent capacity performance, 18650 lithium-ion batteries are widely used, which are most often used when converting Ni Cd batteries into lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium polymer batteries

Li-Pol batteries are the latest generation batteries developed on the basis of lithium-ion technology. The main difference between such batteries and lithium-ion batteries is the replacement of the liquid electrolyte with a polymer gel-like substance. As a result, the manufacturer of such batteries was able to significantly increase their capacitance characteristics, reduce weight and dimensions, thereby creating ultra-thin batteries.

It is also worth noting that such Li-Pol storage products have become less explosive than their predecessors.

The obvious disadvantages of lithium-polymer batteries for screwdrivers are:

  • low service life - only 2-3 years;
  • small number of charge-discharge cycles - only 500;
  • high cost;
  • high demands on working conditions.

Note! Drills and screwdrivers powered by lithium polymer batteries are quite rare due to the cost of this technology. As a rule, they can be introduced by manufacturers into their premium line of power tools.

Comparative battery rating

If you compare all types of batteries with each other according to their main characteristics, giving ratings from 1 to 5, you will get the following rating table.

Comparison table of batteries by type for 12V

ParameterNickel-cadmiumLithium-ionLithium polymerNickel metal hydride
Price5 2 1 3
Fear of negative temperatures4 2 5 2
Capacity2 4 5 3
Element memory effect1 5 5 3
Self-discharge2 4 5 3
Number of discharge-charge cycles3 4 2 1
Toxicity1 5 5 3
Fear of deep discharge5 2 3 3
Dimensions1 4 5 3
Total points24 32 36 24

It is impossible to get a definite answer to the question of which battery is best for a screwdriver, since each type of battery has its own distinctive features and is suitable for various operating conditions.

Thus, nickel-cadmium batteries in a screwdriver, due to their unpretentiousness, can be used at any ambient temperature, and due to their low cost and the ability to remain for a long time without charging, this version of the power tool is ideal for infrequent use at home.

Professionals choose a screwdriver based on lithium-ion batteries, since such batteries have a high capacity, charge quickly, and do not self-discharge, which makes it possible to operate it for a long time without long charges.

Important! It is possible to convert one type of battery into another if you follow certain rules and instructions, for example, you can make a lithium-ion battery from a nickel-cadmium battery by purchasing the necessary components, a new charger and other materials.

Choosing a screwdriver, drill and battery for it is not an easy matter, but important, since it is this element that determines whether the tool will cope with the tasks assigned to it. It is recommended to make your choice based on the purpose of using the devices, as well as an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of battery.


Modern screwdrivers use Various types batteries: nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride or lithium-ion. Each type of battery has its own rules for use; following them will ensure long-lasting and effective work tool.

Review and recommendations for operating various types of screwdriver batteries

Nickel-cadmium Ni-Cd. In a nickel-cadmium battery, the positive electrode is made of nickel, and the negative electrode is made of cadmium. Such batteries, with relatively low cost, ensure long operating time of the tool and are not afraid of low temperatures.

A significant drawback of the battery is the so-called memory effect. If you start charging the battery before it is completely discharged, its service life will be reduced. This is due to the fact that the charged substance becomes denser during subsequent additional charging and subsequently ceases to interact with the electrolyte.

The owner of a screwdriver with a nickel-cadmium battery should follow a simple rule: be sure to completely discharge the battery before charging. Otherwise, the operating time of the tool after each charge will be less and less. There is special equipment that allows you to restore the capacity of a nickel-cadmium battery, but the restoration effect is not guaranteed.

Nickel-cadmium batteries at correct operation can be charged about one and a half thousand times. Over time, irreversible damage to the electrolyte and working substance occurs in the battery; this damage is not associated with the memory effect, but also reduces its operating time. The more intensively the tool is used, the faster the battery ages. To reduce the rate of wear and increase the service life of the battery, you should:

  • protect the battery from overheating;
  • follow the recommendations of the operating instructions regarding the charging and discharging time of the tool;
  • use branded chargers;
  • keep the battery completely discharged.

Nickel metal hydride Ni-MH . The operating rules for a nickel-metal hydride battery differ significantly from the above recommendations for a nickel-cadmium battery, this is due to its properties.

Firstly, it has no memory effect, so you can start additional charging at any time, regardless of the charge level. Secondly, such a battery does not need to be discharged before storage; on the contrary, it must be stored in a charged state, recharging from time to time. Third, chemical substances batteries do not like heat, the battery discharges when high temperature shortens its service life.

In order for the battery to serve for a long time, it is important to charge it correctly: overheating or overcharging is unacceptable. To charge, you must use branded accessories, and after charging, promptly disconnect the batteries from the charger.

Lithium-ion Li-Ion . The main advantage of a lithium-ion battery is its high capacity at small size. Excessive discharge, overcharging and overheating can significantly reduce the life of this type of battery. Deep discharge is especially saved: you should not leave a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery on long-term storage completely discharged.

Lithium-ion batteries are especially effective rechargeable batteries in tools that work practically in industrial scale, and not on one-time jobs. Regular use of the battery, followed by charging it, significantly slows down the aging of the battery.

After purchasing a new battery, you must fully charge and discharge it, repeating this process up to three times. In other cases, it is optimal to charge a lithium-ion battery when about 20% of the charge remains. It is worth remembering that overcharging is harmful, so it is better to complete the charge at 95%. Another important rule charging: you cannot charge such a battery in the cold.

The optimal temperature for operating a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery is from -18 to +25. Overheating leads to rapid aging, so you should not leave the tool in the sun, and in hot weather it is better to work in the shade.


How to extend the life of a screwdriver battery

A specific screwdriver model has its own type of battery: magnesium, lithium or nickel. It is necessary to follow the operating rules so that the screwdriver lasts as long as possible.

Nickel-cadmium type

This is the most old version batteries that use positive electrodes made of nickel and negative electrodes made of cadmium. The first such battery was invented in 1899. However, there was a dangerous side effect during operation: the accumulated oxygen while the battery was being recharged could lead to an explosion. Therefore, an improved battery was released almost 50 years later. The problem with side effect were able to solve this by increasing the capacitance of the electrode, namely the negative one. It is more stable than positive, which is capable of self-discharge. A low charge level in the battery leads to slow self-discharge processes. Therefore, you need to know: if the tool is not used for a long time, then its battery must be stored in a completely discharged state.

Positive attribute nickel cadmium battery is that it has a high capacity, can withstand high currents, and is operated at sub-zero temperatures. However, there are also disadvantages.

The concept of “memory effect” is a decrease in battery capacity if charging is carried out with incomplete discharge. This happens because the charge remains in the substance, compacting it and preventing further contact with electrolytes. To ensure the battery lasts longer, only charge a completely discharged battery.

But there are also natural irreversible changes in the battery due to its long service life. All chemical and physical processes proceed much faster when heated. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the battery from overheating. Need to use charger suitable for this battery model. It is also recommended to maintain the time interval specified in the instructions when charging.

This type of battery was invented after 1950 for space applications. During production, a material capable of absorbing hydrogen was used, which helped reduce the size and weight of the battery. It does not have a “memory effect” and can be stored in a charged state for a long time. Charging is carried out once every 2-3 months.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries can only be used in a certain temperature range: from -10 to +40. You must use only a branded charger. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries should be stored at temperatures from 0 to +18.

Lithium-ion type

This battery was first developed by Japanese scientists who used carbon as the electrolyte. The battery was small in size, but had enough high performance capacity and voltage. However, it was necessary to create some electronic protection against overheating and excessive discharge and overcharging. If the battery is not used for a long time, it should be stored at low temperatures (from 0 to +10). The main disadvantage is the aging process, which consists in the destruction of the electrodes and the appearance of “empty” areas. This process can be delayed by properly discharging and charging the battery.

A new battery needs to be discharged and only then charged. It is not recommended to completely discharge a used battery. It is put on recharge already at 10-20% and charged up to 90-95%. The battery must be used constantly. Operation is possible with low temperatures, but not higher than +30.

If you have a need for batteries, then don’t wait, go straight to the Levsha stores.

Since the screwdriver has become a tool that can be found in the arsenal of not only a professional builder, but also home handyman, the question of choosing this equipment is becoming increasingly relevant. This device can be mains-powered or battery-powered. The latter variety is popular in cases where you often have to work in a place where there is no way to connect to electricity.

Pros of a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery

This equipment is good because the battery in it does not have a memory effect. This indicates that you can charge a battery that is not yet completely dead, and its capacity will not change. In practice, this means that lithium-ion batteries can be recharged whenever you want; there is no need to wait until the device completely loses its functionality.

The main feature of operation is that there is no need to reset the battery to zero. Totally shouldn't. Quite often, consumers compare equipment of this type with devices equipped with nickel-cadmium batteries. The first ones have one important advantage, which is expressed in the absence of self-discharge effect.

Additional benefits

Leaving a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery and not using it for some time will prevent it from running out of charge. Here you have the opportunity to take advantage of quite simple principle, which means that the equipment can be charged and stored, and, if necessary, taken out again to start using immediately.

Without losing charge, such a screwdriver can last for six months or more. However, it should be remembered that these should not be stored at subzero temperatures.

Disadvantages of screwdrivers with lithium-ion batteries

A screwdriver, the pros and cons of which you should study before purchasing a product, is a piece of equipment that can perform many tasks. However, batteries age over time, and each equipment requires the use of only the original charger.

The third disadvantage is the rather low resistance to operation in conditions with low temperatures. There is no way to carry out repairs on your own. In addition, many consumers refuse to purchase similar equipment for the reason that its cost is relatively high.

Description of the Metabo PowerMaxx BS Basic screwdriver

If you want to choose a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery, then you can pay attention to the model that was mentioned above. Its cost is 6800 rubles. The equipment has a built-in backlight, which helps when working in poor lighting. The presence of a bracket allows you to carry the device on a belt. The model comes in a case, which solves the issue of transportation and storage. The operator will be able to quickly replace the equipment; this possibility is ensured by the presence of a quick-release chuck.

The user will have the opportunity to set 1 of 20 torque options on the tool. Depending on the task being performed, you can also use the drilling mode. This screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery has a short instruction manual that describes the features of use. The equipment has a spindle with an internal hexagon, this guarantees operation without a screwdriver. The power indicator is quite practical; with its help you can monitor the battery charge level. The manufacturer supplied the device modern technology Ultra-M, which provides the highest possible power, optimal use energy, gentle charging and long service life.

Model specifications

The screwdriver model described above has a battery voltage of 10.8 V. You can make 10 mm holes in metal, while 22 mm in wood. The device operates using a brush motor. You should take into account that the equipment does not have a shock function, but it does have a reverse function.

The kit comes with two batteries and has a motor brake and spindle lock function. The maximum torque is 34 Nm. In addition, the operator will be able to work in one of two speeds. The number of torque stages is 20. The device weighs only 0.8 kg, which is very convenient for long-term operation.

Description of the DeWALT DCD 790 P2 drill/driver

If you are interested in a drill/driver with a lithium-ion battery, then you should consider the features and characteristics of the DeWALT DCD 790 P2 model, which costs 21,000 rubles. This equipment has an impressive increase in service life. The backlight allows you to work in poor lighting or at night.

The equipment is compact in size, so you can use the tool in limited space. A secure grip and comfortable work are ensured by a comfortable ergonomic handle with rubber coating. You can carry the device and store it in a special suitcase that comes included. The tool is lightweight and compact. For long-term operation, the kit includes two batteries.