What date is the day of the angel Olga and Elena. When Olga’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar: exact dates. Who is Olga

In the Orthodox tradition, Angel Day is one of the most important holidays in the life of a Christian believer. It is associated with the heavenly patron, which is given to a person at baptism. During the sacrament of baptism, a person receives the name of the holy martyr, who is a kind of bridge between man and God. Let's look at when and how to celebrate Angel Olga's day according to the church calendar.

Olga is a church name that is very ancient. Blessed Princess Olga, revered in Orthodoxy, bore this name. Her entire life path was marked by many pious deeds, maintaining peace and tranquility in Kievan Rus, and spreading the Christian faith and the Orthodox Church.

The name Olga comes from the Scandinavian "Helga". It means "holy" or "sanctified." Girls who were named by this name are very energetic, cheerful and independent. They have enormous inner strength, determination and courage. They are often faithful friends and wives, caring mothers and loving sisters.

Olga has a very capricious and at the same time reasonable character. Often girls with a similar name are leaders in their circle of peers. In addition, among them there are many politicians, top managers and even military personnel. In world history there are many women with this name who sacrificed themselves for people or achieved unprecedented success.

How to celebrate angel day

Name days according to the church calendar are not celebrated in the same way as ordinary birthdays. This holiday should be dedicated to your heavenly patron, who intercedes for his ward before God.

The day should begin with prayer and attending the morning service in the nearest Orthodox church. It is advisable not only to stand for the service, but also to receive communion and confess to a clergyman.

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On Olga’s day, you should light a candle to your heavenly protector and read the following prayer:

“Pray to the Lord God for me, holy and blessed Olga. Protect me with your prayers and intercession from troubles and misfortunes, sorrows and sinful activities. Amen".

After prayer you should cross yourself 3 times. If it is not possible to visit church, then you can light a candle in front of the saint’s icon and pray at home.

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What should you give on Angel's Day?

The following birthday gifts named after Olga would be appropriate:

  • a beautiful congratulation in the form of a poem or a short story;
  • personalized icon and candles blessed in the church;
  • bouquet of fresh flowers;
  • elegant figurines and souvenirs;
  • books and various theological literature.

Important! The name day date is chosen to be closest to the day on which the girl was born. For example, if Olya was born on June 15, then Angel Day is celebrated on June 17 - the day of veneration of the martyr O. Romanova, daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

Name days in Orthodoxy

When do girls who were named with the feminine and very beautiful name Olya celebrate their name day?

According to the Orthodox calendar, Christians celebrate Angel Olga’s Day only twice a year. and these 2 times occur in the warm and sunny summer month:

  • 17.07 – martyr O. Romanova, who, like her entire family, was distinguished by her pious disposition and deep faith in Jesus Christ. The revolution of 1917 brought grief and difficult trials to the entire Romanov family. Nicholas II, along with his wife and children, was sent into exile, and later the entire family was shot.
  • July 24 is the day of veneration of the Russian princess Olga (baptized under the name Elena). She preached the Orthodox faith and led a pious lifestyle. With its help, several temples were erected, a large number of pagan idols were destroyed and many Orthodox crosses were erected.

According to the church calendar, Olga’s name day is usually celebrated 6 times a year.

In addition to the above dates, the following dates are honored in the Christian calendar:

  • 10.02 – New Martyr O. Evdokimova, who was born at the end of the 19th century. Since childhood, she has given her life to a devoted and deep faith in Jesus Christ. With the advent of Soviet power, like most pious nuns, she was accused of propaganda against Soviet power and sent to a camp for 10 years. The blessed nun died in the camp without seeing the long-awaited freedom.
  • 6.03 – New Martyr O. Kosheleva. She was a very religious woman who, despite having a husband and children, spent most of her time in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ryazan). For her amazing zeal for the Christian faith and devotion to Orthodoxy, the Soviet authorities ordered her arrest. Olga, by the grace of God, did not wait for the trial, dying prematurely in a hospital bed.
  • 14.03 – Venerable Martyr O. Zhiltsova, who devoted her entire adult life to devoted service to the Lord. In the dark 30s of the 20th century, when the church was subjected to merciless persecution by the Soviet authorities, Olga was arrested and then shot.
  • November 23 – New Martyr O. Maslennikova, who was a faithful parishioner of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (Kaluga). With the advent of Soviet power, she was unfairly accused of propaganda against the new government and sentenced to prison. She ended her difficult life path filled with many trials in prison, for which she was numbered among the holy new martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Note! On Olya’s name day, you need to not only celebrate the holiday and honor the memory of the heavenly patroness, but also try to cleanse your soul and body. The girl should strive to live the same righteous and faith-filled life as the holy martyr, in whose honor Olya received her blessed name.

From distant, even pre-Christian times, the name Olga came to Rus'. Regarding the origin, there are two main hypotheses. According to the first, it is derived from the ancient Slavic name Volga, which means “sorcerer”. Another version - Scandinavian - interprets it as the feminine form of the male name Oleg, or a derivative of Helga. In the first case, its meaning is interpreted as “holy”.

The first Orthodox ruler on the banks of the Dnieper

This name, widespread in pagan Rus', successfully overcame the period of Christianization and did not share the fate of many ancient Slavic names that disappeared forever from use. This happened due to the fact that it was worn by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, who first sanctified Ancient Rus' with the rays of Orthodoxy.

Let us remember in more detail about her, because in her memory the day of the angel Olga was established. The holy Equal-to-the-Apostles princess received the name Elena at holy baptism. She was born in 890, in a village not far from Pskov. According to legend, the still young Prince Igor met a girl in the forest who amazed him with her beauty and intelligence. Soon he married her, they were happy until his tragic death at the hands of the Drevlyans.

Left a widow, the young princess became the full-fledged ruler of Kievan Rus and carried out this mission with her inherent wisdom. Her life was marked by many glorious deeds, but the main merit is that she was the first to become a preacher of the faith of Christ on the banks of the Dnieper. Angel Olga's Day, according to the church calendar, is set on July 24 (NS) in memory of the blessed death of the Equal-to-the-Apostles princess, which occurred in 969.

Memory of the holy ruler of Rus'

With the adoption of the new faith, the practice was established of giving at baptism only the names mentioned in church name books. They always corresponded to some saint whose feast day was celebrated on that day. Thus, the birthday and name day of our ancestors always coincided. So the day of the angel Olga was celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint, who became the first Christian ruler in Rus'.

Thanks to her, this name not only did not disappear from everyday life, but also became one of the most revered. Suffice it to remember that it was part of the family “Name Book...” of the most ancient princely family of the Rurikovichs, and over time, members of the imperial house of Romanov also received it at baptism. For example, this was the name of one of the daughters of the last Russian Tsar.

Other dates for Olga’s name day

For a considerable time, this name was borne mainly by representatives of aristocratic circles, but subsequently it became widespread and became one of the most popular not only in Russia, but also in Belarus and Ukraine. It should also be noted that it is often found in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Finland and Germany.

According to the church calendar, Angel Olga’s Day is usually celebrated on July 24, which corresponds to the established date of commemoration of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles princess. But besides this, the calendar also mentions other saints of God and great martyrs, and especially the new Russian martyrs, who bore the same name. For this reason, Olga's angel day can also be celebrated on February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17 and November 23. Each owner of this name can choose any of the listed dates as her holiday. Usually the one closest to the birthday is preferred.

Angel Day Tradition

Angel Olga's Day, like all other name days, has been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times. All women and girls so named were congratulated and presented with gifts. Suffice it to recall the chapter from “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin, which describes the name day of Olga, Tatyana Larina’s sister. It describes in great detail how numerous guests - close and distant relatives, as well as just acquaintances - come to the landowner's estate.

This was the day when, during a gala dinner, toasts were made to the birthday girl, and upon its completion, dancing began to the sounds of a specially arrived military orchestra. Of course, not everyone and did not always have the opportunity to celebrate their name days so widely, but, nevertheless, at all times they tried to make the day of the angel Olga joyful and memorable.

Celebrations in honor of the namesake

And another interesting fact related to the name Olga. Orthodox people in Rus' began to celebrate name days quite late - only from the middle of the 17th century. The appearance of such a term as “namesake” dates back to this period - this was the name of the celebrations associated with the day of the angel of members of the reigning family. There were several representatives of the Romanov family who bore this name.

Among them, the most famous is Olga Nikolaevna, the daughter of Nicholas II, who tragically died along with her entire family in 1918. The most interesting memories remained about the celebration of her namesake, recorded already in exile by the famous writer D. Merezhkovsky. These celebrations were distinguished on a truly royal scale: balls, fireworks and congratulations in the form of poetic dedications.

Since there is a woman named Olga in our family, I wanted to find out more about when name days are celebrated. This name means a lot in Christianity; the fates of great women are associated with it, whose amazing lives are still an example for many people.

In honor of Princess Olga, a monument made of white stone was erected in the center of Kyiv, on Sophia Square. It symbolizes the purity, strength and holiness of this woman, who became great during her lifetime. Let's talk about the dates for celebrating Olga's name day, and why these dates are especially important in the Church Calendar.

What does the name Olga mean?

Every year, a woman bearing this name celebrates Angel Day 6 times. Below is a short calendar so that you can clearly see when to celebrate this holiday.

When is Olga’s name day in 2019 according to the Church Calendar?

  • February 10 - Olga Evdokimova. The day is dedicated to the saint, born in 1897 in the Moscow province. She was the mother of two children, served in the Church of John the Baptist, and actively participated in the life of the church. It was closed in 1937, and Olga Vasilievna was convicted (agitation and struggle against Soviet power) and sent to a camp, where she died in 1939. She spent 10 years in hard labor and was buried in a common grave. In 2000 she was canonized.
  • March 6 - Olga Kosheleva. She was an ordinary woman and lived in the Ryazan province. Had 2 children. In 1938 she was convicted and sent to prison. Olga was a parishioner of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin, went to services and glorified the Lord. In prison, the verdict was not announced, since Olga died. In 2005, the Holy Synod canonized the martyr.
  • March 14 - Olga Zhiltsova. This woman, who gave her life for her faith in the Lord, was also canonized as a holy new martyr in 2003. She did a lot for the prosperity of the Yavlensky Monastery. In 1939, the woman was accused of anti-Sovietism and church propaganda, and was shot on the 14th.
  • July 17 – Grand Duchess Olga Romanova. Everyone knows about the history of the Romanov family. On July 17, 1918, members of the family of the great Emperor Alexander II were shot, including children. Among them was also his daughter Olga, born in 1895.
  • July 24 - Grand Duchess Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga (baptized Elena). This woman left her mark on world history forever. She was the wife of Prince Igor, her baptism took place in Byzantium. She did a lot to promote the Christian faith and is revered by all Christians in the world.
  • November 23 – Olga Maslennikova. In 2000, this woman was also canonized as a saint. She was accused, like many religious people at that time, of counter-revolutionary propaganda, and then imprisoned. It was there that Olga died, having given years of service to God and the Church, and served in the Church of St. George the Victorious.

Princess Olga Romanova

Meaning and origin of the name

Olga is considered an Old Russian name, but it was borrowed from the Scandinavian languages. Derived from Helga or Helgda (from Varangian), which means “holy”, “sacred” and “fatal”.

According to another version, the name is considered Slavic, coming from Volga. The energy of the name is very strong, endowing the owner with very good and strong qualities. Olga goes very well with many Slavic names.

Most Olgas are sweet, sociable girls with a pleasant character. They are feminine, love and respect their family very much, but at the same time they often occupy good leadership positions and know how to find a common language with every person.

Who is she - Olga?

The name has long become a household name. But behind it lies the difficult fate of a great woman who had her own difficult mission on this earth - to glorify Christianity and lead the people.

A Brief History of the Life of Grand Duchess Olga

  1. The main date on which Angel Day is celebrated is still considered July 24th. This number is no coincidence: on this day, Princess Olga, the patroness of widows and Christians who had just converted to the faith, died.
  2. Olga made a very great contribution to the establishment of Christianity on our land, therefore she is equal to the apostles. She was baptized in Byzantium as an adult woman, and consciously died in 969. And only 19 years later, her grandson, Prince Vladimir, baptized Rus'.
  3. Her husband was Igor Rurikovich. Olga also had a son, who was named Svyatoslav. Reading “The Tale of Bygone Years,” written by the monk Nestor, you are convinced that this woman had amazing strength and was a fair ruler.
  4. Olga introduced many innovations and reforms in various areas of government, in particular in the taxation system. She was wise, intelligent, and did a lot for the good of the people: she strengthened the borders of Kievan Rus, she was the first to begin erecting stone buildings, among which was her residence.
  5. However, when her husband was destroyed by the Drevlyans, she showed cruelty and mercilessly took revenge - she burned the capital Iskorosten, having previously taken it by storm. Nevertheless, in modern Korosten there is a temple and monument dedicated to Olga.
  6. Olga was originally from Pskov, where she is revered. The embankment was named after her - Olginskaya, several monuments were erected, and a bridge was built.
  7. Saint Princess Olga is also revered in the Vatican, where you can admire her portrait in St. Peter's Basilica. In the Sea of ​​Japan, a strait is named after Olga.

The woman was canonized in the 16th century. She was called Equal to the Apostles because only people who during their lifetime did a lot for the Christian Church and converted people to the faith have the right to bear this high rank. Together with her, only 6 women in the world received such an honor, among whom is also Mary Magdalene.

Meaning of the name

Even in childhood, little Olenkas show the strength of their character - they are stubborn and independent. But at the same time, they are vulnerable and secretive, rarely open up to the world, and never tell their secrets and secrets.

  • Olga studies diligently, but rarely achieves great success. She is stubborn and freedom-loving. Sociable and sociable. In adulthood, she often makes correct and thoughtful decisions and becomes independent early, but in childhood she really lacks the attention of her parents and friends.
  • In family life, she is a patient and wise wife and mother: she spends all her free time with her children and with her family. She remains faithful to her husband and often marries for love.
  • Olga is the leader in the family, runs the household competently and skillfully, loves order and neatness, and is a good cook. She almost always reacts calmly and balancedly to failures in her career or in everyday life, but if you get angry, then in anger Olga is scary and merciless.
  • In life, Olga is very focused, having a goal and the desire to achieve it, she boldly goes towards achievements and does not look at anyone. Intelligence and independence allow you to achieve significant success. However, Olga is often tormented by a feeling of loneliness even in her own family.


Olga will never cross the line of the law if she is from a prosperous family. She always tries to live according to established rules, protects and protects her family and home, is faithful, and quickly forgets insults. In difficult times he will always come to the rescue.

Among women with this name it is difficult to find a vile and two-faced person. Olya does not forgive or accept these traits in anyone. She will never be friends with greedy and selfish people. She also does not tolerate lying and cowardly men.

If Olga is your friend, then you are very lucky. You can rely on her and be sure that she will help in difficult times. Additional character traits also depend on the date of birth and the circumstances of a particular person’s life.

The name was often used before the Great Patriotic War, and today it has not lost its popularity.


  • Olga is one of the most iconic and powerful names in Christianity. At the moment, name days are celebrated 6 times a year, but the first and most important holiday is usually celebrated on July 24.
  • The Grand Duchess and Saint Olga are the image of a great ruler, a wonderful mother and a faithful wife. In Christianity, she is canonized as an Equal-to-the-Apostles saint.

Sacred, great,
And not at all faceless.
Serious, vulnerable,
And guarded by an angel.

On the day of bright Olga,
Despite all the troubles,
I wish you to be happy
Healthy and beautiful!

On a beautiful day of Princess Olga
All congratulations to you.
After all, the name Olga is pride,
Your angel sent from heaven!

Let him quietly guard the soul
From troubles and bitterness of loss!
And let him dry the tears of sadness,
Let love and happiness sparkle!

I wish that Saint Olga would lead you with her powerful and faithful hand only in the right and true paths. May she give you wisdom, patience and happiness. I wish your life to become more prosperous, successful and brighter. So that you can enjoy every new day, find pleasure in it and incentive to go to the next one. Happy Olga's Day!

Today, on Princess Olga's Day,
I wish you
So that you can be the mistress
Forever in your destiny.

Let your wishes come true
Dreams come true
All the men freeze
From such beauty.

You bring us light and joy,
And I want to wish.
Give you more rest
And get less tired.

Happy Olga's Day, I congratulate you
And I wish you happiness,
You are a saint by name
Great in destiny.

Your kindness is limitless
Help has no price
With your love without a trace
You share generously.

On Olga's day of love and kindness
I want to wish you
I am grateful to my fate,
That I was able to recognize you in life.

Today we congratulate Olga,
Happy angel's day.
We wish her a lot of love,
Let the evil dissipate like smoke.

May your guardian angel be nearby,
Always goes and takes care.
And, Olga, you always love,
And let your heart sing.

Olga, dear, congratulations!
Live to be the envy of everyone, be gentle and strong!
Always be happy, free, beautiful!
And may your angel protect you!
Only the best friends will be with you!

I cordially congratulate you on Olga’s Day,
I wish you to vigorously pursue your dreams.
So that everything works out in your life,
Your heart is filled with happiness.
Smiles, kindness, love and good luck,
Health and strength for sure!

Olya, dear Olechka,
On this day I wish you
To be loved and to love,
And be considered a beauty!

To be in feminine charm
You had no equal
So that you are the brightest
And happy on Earth!

Let Olga bring the saint
Wisdom, strength and luck!
Let every dream come true
With God's blessing!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Mutual love and prosperity,
Just good, good
And in life there is harmony and order!

Like a chamomile field
Let your life blossom.
Congratulations, Olya!
Happiness at your every sunrise!

May luck surround you
And success preserves your path,
Everything will come true, what you need
And health is not naughty!

In ancient times, many peoples considered a name a talisman. Great attention is always paid to his choice. Particular interest is shown in patron saints. Let's focus on the name.

There is a folk sign associated with this day. If you hear dull thunder, you should expect quiet rain. Loud rumbles herald a downpour.

In addition to this date, the Orthodox calendar contains:

  • February 10 - Martyr Evdokimova;
  • March 6 - Martyr Kosheleva;
  • March 14 – Venerable Martyr Zhiltsova;
  • July 17 - Grand Duchess Romanova;
  • November 23 – Martyr Maslennikova.

The connection between name and destiny

Back in ancient times, the Greek philosopher Plutarch developed a theory about the influence of a name on a person’s destiny. By finding out his name, you can get certain information about him.

Let's take a closer look at Olga's character. To please her with congratulations on Angel's Day, it doesn't hurt to study her preferences.

From childhood, the girl exhibits the following traits:

  • self-sufficiency;
  • waywardness;
  • prudence.

Olya is distinguished by excessive sensitivity and vulnerability.

Those who decide to congratulate Olga on Angel’s Day should pay attention to the poems. Her delicate nature will appreciate the congratulations.

Negative trait: stubbornness.

The letter O at the beginning of a name leaves its mark on the character. A woman adheres to moral and spiritual rules. She can competently form a family budget, manage money wisely or make profitable investments.

Work, business

Persistence, hard work, and a sense of responsibility allow her to achieve success in her career. She can be a good doctor, leader, public or political figure, or athlete. There are a lot of female artists. Areas of application of her talent:

  • culture;
  • trade;
  • business.

Home, family

She gives leadership in the family to her husband. Doesn't like it if he interferes in women's affairs. Olya cooks deliciously.

Very feminine. Pays attention to appearance even when he is busy.

Happily married to Victor, Anatoly, Stepan, Ruslan, Vladislav, Zakhar, Semyon. Remains faithful to her husband.

They will not bring her family well-being.

Tales of the Saints

The lives of the saints are examples for many women to follow.

Equal to the Apostles Princess Olga

Thanks to Princess Olga's contribution to the development of Christianity in Rus', the church made her a saint.

She is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. Monk Nestor calls her a wise ruler.

Born into a princely family. Despite the pagan environment, already in her youth she was characterized by:

  • deep mind;
  • chastity;
  • moral purity.

The princess was widowed early. She had to take care of the political and economic arrangement of a large state.

I am remembered for my good deeds:

  • contributed to the formation of the Orthodox Church;
  • was engaged in the construction and strengthening of cities;
  • under her, the taxation system changed.

She is revered as the patroness of widows.

Grand Duchess Romanova

The princess was distinguished by her virtue, modesty, warmth, kindness and affection. She did not boast of her high position. She preferred a solitary life. She spent her free time reading books.

During the First World War she became a sister of mercy. She treated the wounded simply and delicately.

Holy Martyrs Olga

Holy Martyr Evdokimova suffered for the Orthodox faith during times of political repression. She was arrested along with the priests of the Church of John the Baptist in 1937. After refusing to testify about the anti-Soviet actions of church ministers, Olga was sent to a forced labor camp. There she soon died.

Other martyrs had similar fates. They suffered for their religious beliefs:

  • Kosheleva died in Taganskaya prison.
  • Zhiltsov shot.
  • Maslennikova died in a concentration camp.

Don't forget about your patron saints. Remember them on the day of the angel. And they will help protect your life from adversity and sorrow.