What name can you come up with for a musical? How to come up with an original username. Are you a user

How do chemical elements get their names?

Eight chemical elements, namely silver, gold, tin, copper, iron, lead, sulfur and mercury, have been known to man since prehistoric times, and received their names at the same time. The names of elements that were discovered in the 17th – 19th centuries, with rare exceptions, in European languages ​​have the same linguistic basis.

The names of chemical elements are formed in accordance with four principles.

The first principle of naming chemical elements is based on their characteristic properties. For example, actinium is active, barium is heavy, iodine is violet, xenon is alien, neon is new, radium and radon are emitting, rubidium is dark red, phosphorus is luminous, chromium is colored. Technetium should also be included here. The name of this element reflects its artificial production: in 1936, very small quantities of technetium were synthesized by irradiating molybdenum with deuterium nuclei in a cyclotron. The word "technos" is translated from Greek and means "artificial." This principle was first used in 1669 with the discovery of phosphorus.

The second principle is natural source. Beryllium gets its name from the mineral beryl, tungsten (on English language"tangsten") - from the metal of the same name, calcium and potassium - from the Arabic name for ash, lithium - from the word lithos, which has Greek origin, and meaning “stone”, nickel - from the name of the mineral of the same name, zirconium - from the mineral zircon.

The third principle is based on the names of celestial objects or the names of mythical heroes and ancient gods. Chemical elements that received their names in this way include helium, neptunium, plutonium, promethium, selenium, titanium, thorium, and uranium. The name cobalt comes from the name of the evil spirit of metallurgists and miners - Kobold. This principle, like the previous one, appeared about a hundred years after the application of the first, with the discovery of tungsten, nickel, and then uranium and tellurium.

The fourth principle is based on the name of the area where the element was discovered. These include americium, europium, germanium, francium, gallium, californium, strontium and others. This method of naming chemical elements owes its appearance to the discovery of yttrium in 1794. The largest number of such names is associated with Sweden, because it was here that 20 chemical elements were discovered. Four elements are named after the town of Ytterby, near which the mineral bastnäsite was discovered in 1788: ytterbium, yttrium, terbium and erbium. In addition, here you need to add holmium, whose name comes from the Latin name of Stockholm, as well as scandium, which got its name in honor of Scandinavia.

4 naming principles chemical element. Pictures with links.

Mimimitsin. An antibiotic from the anthracycline group, designed to destroy gram-positive bacteria. Belongs to a subgroup of so-called “bohemian” antibiotics - all 8 of its “members” were named by developers from the American city of Syracuse in honor of the characters from Puccini’s opera “La Bohème”. Mimimycin is named after Mimi, and the group also includes bohemamine, alcindoromycin, collenomycin, marcellomycin, musettamycin, rudolphomycin and shonardimycin.

Pikachurin. A protein found in the retina of the eye and first described in 2008 by Japanese biologist Shigeru Sato. Being a Pokemon fan, Sato named the substance he discovered after Pikachu, since the new protein seemed to him to be very fast and unpredictable in its reactions. Like a real Pikachu.

Ranasmurfin. A protein found in tree frog habitats in Southeast Asia. The protein, first described in 2008, was atypical for proteins of blue color, and the discoverers named it after the Smurfs, known for their bright blue skin.

Bastardan. A tricyclic bridged hydrocarbon, a close relative of adamantane. In fact, it is a modification of adamantane, which arose due to an atypical deviation from the principles of formation of hydrocarbons of its group, which is why it received the name “bastardane” from the word bastard, “illegitimate child.”

Draculin. A glycoprotein isolated from the saliva of vampire bats. It consists of 411 amino acid residues, works as an anticoagulant and is named, as you might guess, in honor of Count Dracula.

Olympiadan. One of the catenanes, molecules that, in addition to chemical bonds, have mechanical “fastenings” of repeating cycles. Olympiadan is a substance whose molecules are 5 independent but mechanically linked rings. Synthesized in 1994 and named after the Olympics.

Musical.ly - social network new generation for creative users. What distinguishes it from the legendary ones, for example, Facebook and VKontakte, is a not entirely standard set of functions. Namely, this resource provides the registered user with the opportunity to create a video from 15 to 60 seconds long on the phone through a proprietary application, add music (popular tracks) to it and immediately upload it to his personal profile. The created video can also be further edited without resorting to third-party video editors: change the playback speed, apply filters and effects to the video. Plus, Musical.ly supports a hashtag system and has unlimited access to popular videos, audio tracks and sound effects.

This article will tell you about the history of the creation of the social network, how you can register with Music.ly different ways.

From the first steps to the ascent to the Olympus of popularity

Two best friends Alex Zhu and Louis Yang worked hard to create a learning portal called Cicada. As planned, this service was supposed to provide short educational videos of approximately 3-5 minutes in length on various subjects and sciences. About six months later, with the participation of investors, the friends finished work on Cicada. However, the newly created online platform has not received due recognition on the Internet.

However, Alex and Louis did not become discouraged and began to look for new ideas, since they still had some money left Money received from investors. In their second attempt to create a social web project, the developers decided to “tread the trail” in the field of Internet entertainment, aimed primarily at a teenage audience.

Having studied the American market of online hobbies of teenagers, Zhu and Yang decided to implement a platform that would combine audio and video content on the principle of a social network, and would also be equipped with the option of clip making without the use of third-party software. We thought about it and did it. In August 2014, the developers presented the first version of musical.ly to the Internet community. The debut of their creation was a success. In 2015, the popularity of the innovative social platform rapidly multiplied. As a result, in the summer of the same year, the social network reached the first position in the TOP of the AppStore.

The advantages of the service have been appreciated in more than 30 countries around the world. In mid-summer 2016, the musical.ly app reached over 90 million downloads. At that time, about 12 million videos were published on the social network every day.

You can register with musical.ly in various ways - via Facebook or Instagram, via phone number, e-mail. Let's consider step by step the registration option using a mobile number and a Facebook account.

Attention! You can use the social network application and register in it only on mobile phones. Android devices and iPhone. To download the program for using the social network, go to the offsite and select the appropriate link (on Google Play, App Store).

Method number 1: mobile number

1. On the home screen mobile device Tap the musical.ly app icon.

2. From the Welcome panel, select Register.

3. In the list, select the account creation mode - “phone number”.

4. In the first field, in the drop-down list, select the country in which you live (this must be done to indicate the international phone code).

5. Dial your phone number (without the international code). Tap your finger on the “Send code...” button.

6. Enter the 6-digit verification code received via SMS in the new panel that opens. Tap the “Send code” command.

7. Enter your username and strong password (come up with a complex combination of numbers and Latin letters). This data is required for authorization on the social network.

Click Continue.

8. Upload your avatar, enter full name. And tap the “Continue” button again.

All! Account created. Now you can find friends on social networks through your phone's contact book.

Or by added profiles in your Facebook account.

Method number 2: via Facebook

1. Launch the application, go to the registration section, select the “Facebook” mode.

2. In the window that opens, enter your username and password for your personal Facebook profile. Click "Login".

3. Follow the service instructions to complete the account creation.

Profile Settings

After successfully creating an account, you will immediately have access to all platform resources.

IN personal page statistics are displayed (number of likes, subscribers, fans). There is also a button to switch to editing mode - editing, changing personal data (all interface options are in Russian!).

In the top control panel there are sections “Subscribe” (for making subscriptions), “Selected”, “For you”.

In people search mode, you can find many interesting profiles and follow them.

To create your own clip you need to do the following:

  • through the search, find a suitable song (that you like and for which you want to create a video);
  • Having selected a track, activate the “Make video” command;
  • in the editor, turn on the “Record” mode;
  • Use the button bar to edit the video, re-record, rewind and change the playback speed of the audio track.

Join the creative community on the Musical.ly platform! According to statistics for May 2017, more than 200 million people use the social network.