What beautiful things can you decorate your personal diary with? How to divide your diary into sections on different topics? How to create a personal diary

For many girls Personal diary- this is a real treasure. It contains all the secrets, dreams and desires. Any girl wants to make her personal diary the best, and for this she needs ideas. In this article ld personal diary ideas for a personal diary, we have collected for you several ideas for designing pages of a personal diary.

ld personal diary ideas

Start designing your ld from the cover - the cover is the face of the diary. We advise you to sew a beautiful cover from fabric, or carefully glue the cover beautiful pictures from magazines.

Next comes the first page of the ld. On the first page, many write about themselves and post their photo. Some post their details, such as name, phone number and email. For what? And if you lose your diary... how can we find you later?

By the way, if you don’t want strangers to read your diary, “READING IS PROHIBITED” is placed on the first page! Or they come up with all sorts of other “scares”.

If you don't want anyone to be able to open your diary without your knowledge, consider buying a notebook with a lock.

LD personal diary ideas: how to keep and design

What ideas are there for a personal diary and what can you write or draw in it? The answer is simple - whatever you like! After all, this is your business! Design and decorate exactly the way you like.

There's nothing complicated about it. There are three options.

Option 1. You can buy an ordinary thick notebook and write down your thoughts in it.

Option 2. You can download an app to your phone or tablet that allows you to take regular notes.

Option 3. Make a diary. Let's focus on this option, since the first two should not cause difficulties in implementation.

The diary consists of several main parts - this is the cover, the pages themselves and the clasp, which is made at your discretion.

The materials you need to prepare are white paper, cardboard, possibly fabric, ribbons. If you want the diary to be protected from prying eyes, you need to purchase a clasp or lock. Hardware departments may offer locks.

Stage 1

The first thing you need to do is create the cover. We'll tell you how to create a design with fabric. Using scissors, a rectangle is cut out of cardboard and folded in half - this is the cover. Take fabric - cotton, silk, linen and cut out a piece 2 cm larger than the prepared rectangle. If you see that the fabric is fraying, then grease the edges with PVA glue. Using thread and a needle, the fabric is sewn to the cardboard.

If you wish, you can decorate the cover with dried flowers, photographs, beads or embroidery.

Stage 2

Take notebooks or sheets for the printer. If they are larger in size than the cover, then use scissors to give them the required dimensions. Initially, the sheet should be 2 cm larger than the cover. You can decorate them with stickers or drawings. Using a laser printer, they can be “set” to the desired background. Each sheet needs to be folded 2 cm, and the fold point should be glued to the fold line of the cover. Another option for “setting” diary pages is to use thread and a needle.

Stage 3

If you purchased a fastener, then at this stage you need to install it. In most cases, the fastener can be attached with instant adhesive.

If you have a small lock and key, then you need to sew a braid onto the cover on both sides. The lock will be installed on this braid. Step back half the height from the top of the cover and use a hole punch to make a hole. Do the same with the back crust. Push the tape through. If you wish, you can not weigh the lock, but make a tie in the form of a ribbon.

A secluded place to store thoughts and ideas is ready!

When the desire to keep a personal diary comes, along with it comes the need to make it different from everyone else. Still, this is something very personal, internal, often hidden, so you really want the diary to bear your imprint. You still hope that some time will pass, you will take it out, leaf through it; You will read some entries carefully, smiling at how you once were, and you will think seriously about others. In general, no matter how you twist it, a personal diary is a serious thing. And since you only need to write in it what excites you, it means that you should approach the decoration with all responsibility.

You will need

  • - Notebook or notepad;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - pens;
  • - pencils;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors;
  • - pictures from magazines;
  • - photos.


First of all, think about the cover decoration. Of course, the essence of what you will write is also very important, but this is by default. The cover will help you choose the mood or, if you prefer, . Again, skeptics and moralists will say that everything is wrong, and first you need to decide on the style, then, dancing around it, design the cover. It’s easy for them to say, they may have written a lot of diaries in their time, but we will go our own way. So, to paraphrase the well-known saying, “they meet you by their cover,” arm yourself with a fairly thick notebook or notepad. The easiest option is to simply sign the diary. You can do this in the “as is” format by beautifully writing the word “Diary” and putting your first and last name in the genitive case. Or you can start decorating your personal diary with some tricky title that can fully reflect your essence. If you are secretive and do not strive to keep your life “in plain sight” - let the name be “Secret Hole”. If, on the contrary, you consider yourself an open person, that is, an extrovert, the diary can be called “Living Room”. For those who boldly admit that they are original and a little out of this world, the names “Cell No. 6”, “Combat Leaflet”, “Narrows of the Soul”, “Nest”, “Den”, etc. are suitable. That’s why it’s better to first decide on the name of your personal diary, and then start decorating. “The Living Room” and “The Secret Hole” cannot be designed in the same key - this would smack of inconsistency.

If you love other cute fluffies, stick at least one or a dozen on the cover. If your essence requires some kind of beautiful “chic” - let it be photographs of Paris, Milan, and other cities strongly associated with fashionable things and fashionable life. It is appropriate to cut out photographs of your favorite actors or singers, singers and groups from a magazine, maybe politicians– what if someone likes them too?! If you think this approach is formulaic, great, draw a caricature of a person you think about a lot (after all, he will probably appear in yours quite often). The main thing is that the notebook or notebook should not somehow turn up when the person is in a bad mood. If there is such a possibility, it is better not to risk it and place this cartoon at least on the second page. Draw a doorway on the cover, cut out the door from cardboard, coat the vertical stripe on the left with glue and carefully glue it to the opening. The laconic inscription “Door to the future” written on the cover speaks very eloquently of what you have in your hands. But what color you paint the space behind the doorway is purely a matter of character. If you are an optimist, then you will probably choose bright and life-affirming colors. Otherwise, think a hundred times, because remember Vrungel’s song: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” Embroider – decorate the diary cover with embroidery. If you are interested in decoupage – even more original! You can completely design it by turning its main page into a 3-D arena: the heroes of the “Game”, cool foreign cars or trucks, straight from the battlefield - show your imagination and easily achieve originality.

If you don’t rely on memory, write down your “call signs” on the first page. in social networks. Just don’t write passwords here, because if you don’t belong to others, the diary is not protected from unauthorized entry. By the way, you can also write down the names and addresses of your friends’ pages in a paper diary. If suddenly your page is hacked, you will not lose those with whom you pleasantly communicate on the Internet from time to time. Next, it is appropriate to write something that is most important to you, as if revealing your main character traits. This should be done not for others, we should always hope that strangers will never read our personal diary, but for ourselves, but only a little matured. In a year or two you will be very interested in reading such a post.

Of course, they greet you based on their clothes, but they send you off based on your mind. Therefore, take seriously both the notes and the decoration inside the diary. Write what you are really interested in or what excites you. Please format accordingly. Entries like “today is an ordinary day, nothing happened” are empty, they do not make any sense, because in a week you will have to strain your memory to extract at least some associations with “April 17” or “September 30”. And to decorate such records is sheer absurdity. Well, once or twice you can draw something like an infinity sign, symbolizing boredom, or glue a cut-out picture of a donut, circling its hole, but what’s the point? You won’t do this again and again every time the day seems gray and dull. It is probably better in such cases not to write anything at all. Although in fact we ourselves are to blame for the “wasted” time. Man is generally a very strange creature. At first he rushes the hand on the clock, then he regrets that everything has passed so quickly. All that was needed was to fill the empty days with something interesting, exciting, new. And then it would be interesting to write about this in, decorating the entry accordingly, and leave pleasant moments among other carefully stored diary-memories for many, many years.


Protect your diary from prying eyes. Unfortunately, there are people who won't mind looking through it.

Helpful advice

When decorating your personal diary, do not forget about the essence of what you write in it.

It’s easy to find hedgehogs and notebooks in stores different sizes, colors and even shapes. But a diary that is “dressed up” with your own hands will become your favorite. With such a diary it will be nice to share your innermost thoughts.

You will need

  • Notebook or diary, a piece of thick fabric, thick colored paper, stationery knife, glue, scissors, ruler.


First, remove the block of sheets from the cover. Use a utility knife: cut both endpapers, be careful not to damage the block. Set the block aside for now.

Place the cover on a piece of thick fabric. Trace the cover onto the fabric.

Now use scissors to cut out a rectangle for the covering, leaving an allowance of a couple of centimeters.

Apply glue to the edge of the cover. Glue one side of the rectangle, then glue and the opposite side. If the spine of the cover turns out to be convex, then apply glue to it too.

All! It's decided! Today I start keeping a diary! And not just any diary, but the most beautiful, most unusual one. So that it wouldn’t be boring to read, and you’d want to flip through it again and again! But how? How to do all this? It looks like I can’t handle it... Such doubts are often encountered by those who are just about to start keeping a personal diary.

It would seem, what can we cope with here? It's so simple! Write down your thoughts, feelings and events, color with colored markers or pencils, and paste in beautiful stickers. But for some reason, not everyone manages to make their personal diary truly interesting. In this article we have collected for you the most cool ideas for ld, who will help you design it exactly the way you want!

Cool ideas for ld: diaries meet by clothes

People are greeted by their clothes - this rule also applies to personal diaries. The first impression, how pleasant it will be to hold your diary in your hands, depends on what your “clothes” will be. Have you guessed it yet? Of course we're talking about its cover! The life of the diary always begins with her, and it is she who needs to pay the greatest attention!

The simplest and at the same time creative way to decorate the cover of an ld- this is to wrap it in beautiful paper for gifts, securing it with inside decorative adhesive tape. You can spend a little more time and cover the entire cover with the same decorative ribbon different colors. And also - you can sew a beautiful cover from fabric! And then decorate it with satin ribbons, decorative flowers, beads or beads. True, this will require a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it! A diary cover, carefully sewn and decorated with your own hands, looks very impressive!

Creative page design ideas

The inside pages of the diary can also be designed in a special way. After all, in it you can not only record the events of the past day, but also talk about yourself, your hobbies, friends, desires, plans and goals.

Here are just some ld ideas you can use in your journal:
A page dedicated to your favorite book. Even if you don’t really like to read, you probably have a couple of favorite books. Color the page with drawings and illustrations for the book, write down quotes from the characters, come up with a continuation of your favorite story!

Tea or coffee drinking page. Tell us on the pages of your diary why you like tea more than coffee, and vice versa. Decorate it with coffee beans or a tea bag! Write down different recipes for making your favorite drink!

Secret page. Write down on it your most cherished desires, the most a big secret, dream or goal! Decorate your entry with beautiful stickers, drawings or printable pictures!

A page dedicated to your favorite pet. Do you have a cat or dog? Or maybe a small but nimble hamster? Take a photo or draw your pet, tell us about its habits, what it loves most. And why you love him so much!

The most terrible page. Well, of course, this page is dedicated to your fears! Are you afraid of snakes? On your scary page, draw a cute and cute snake that winks at you cheerfully. Or maybe you are afraid of mice or spiders? Then decorate the page with a funny white mouse or a big-eyed cartoon spider! Over time, this will help you be a lot less afraid!

Friendship page. To make it beautiful, you will need the help of your best friends! Ask them to write something to remember you, or draw it. In addition to inscriptions and drawings, you can decorate this page with postcards from friends or their photographs.

Hobby page. Probably not a single personal diary can do without this page! That’s right - what kind of diary is it if there’s not a word in it about your favorite hobbies? Be sure to write in your journal about all the things you love to do! And you can decorate your hobby pages with anything! Decorative tape, beautiful printouts, your own drawings, paper flowers, glitter, beautiful buttons... Whatever you want!

Of course, these ideas for ice are far from the only ones. In fact, there are many of them! New and new ideas are coming up almost every day! Perhaps you can also come up with something of your own, using our “pages” as a basis?

How to create a personal diary

A personal diary is the need of people to describe their feelings, emotions and thoughts on paper. For some it’s easier, for others they just need to talk it out. Nowadays, many teenagers, and even older people, keep personal diaries. But not many people know how to decorate them in an interesting way. We have prepared several for you beautiful options registration of personal diaries.

How to create a personal diary, photo

To design the first page of your personal diary, you can use any materials and available tools. In order to determine what exactly should be on the front side of your diary, imagine what evokes your warmest memories and feelings.

Personal diary: design ideas for a girl

For example, if you like boat trips, use shells, various pebbles, or photographs of the embankment or beach for decoration. This way, every time you pick up your diary, you will immediately feel warm and cozy.

How to beautifully design a personal diary

Newspaper clippings, homemade bows, crocheted flowers, and beads will look very original on the first page. You can also paint title page paints or pencils. In general, give free rein to your imagination and feel free to create.

Personal diary: design inside

Designing a diary can be no less interesting than writing it itself. Here are a few useful tips for those who decide to make a paper friend:

How to beautifully design your personal diary, video

You can decorate your diary beautifully not only with the help of multi-colored stickers or colored pens. Use various materials: dried flowers and leaves, candy wrappers and fabric scraps, sparkles and sequins. Alternatively, you can use paper clips various colors and sizes, so you can mark the pages that are most important to you. You can also make colorful bookmarks or corners for unusual ideas and thoughts. If you want to see how to design a personal diary for a girl, watch this video:

Don't be afraid to experiment. A personal diary is exactly the place where you can realize any of your fantasies and inventions. No one here will evaluate your calligraphy, artistic abilities or ability to make appliqués.

We wrote to you about the most popular ways registration of personal diaries. You can use any of them or come up with your own original methods for decorating your diary. The main thing is that you like what you do, and then you will definitely succeed.

Do you have many innermost thoughts and secrets? Not any of them can be told to someone; there is a personal diary for such information. It won’t be difficult to purchase a ready-made one, but a self-designed diary is like your home; it’s better to do everything in it with your own hands, with love. How can you design your personal diary beautifully?

Ideas for designing a personal diary

Be sure to let your imagination run wild in creating an idea for a personal diary with your own hands. Beautiful and neatly made, it will become for you best friend, which keeps your secrets and thoughts. How to make pages for your personal diary original:

  1. Decide on color scheme notebooks and select according to it required amount sheets. These can be multi-colored leaves, a rainbow design of 7 colors, pastel shades, imitation of stale leaves. Don’t avoid dark colors: on such pages you can attach envelopes, stickers, pictures, or use them to separate periods of writing.
  2. Pages can be cut out figuratively along the edges, giving them an interesting shape: lace, rounded corners.
  3. Select two cover sheets (front and back) and place them on the top and bottom of the stack.
  4. Take a hole punch and punch all the pages so that each has two holes on the left side for stitching the pages together. Take 2 rings, taking into account the thickness of the diary, thread them to connect the sheets into a finished diary.
  5. If you wish, you can buy a beautiful notebook and think only about its internal design.

As for the question of how to design a personal diary for girls, it is important not only to paint, but also to carefully consider the contents of the notebook. You can make sections for:

  • motivational quotes, thoughts;
  • plans and desires for the future;
  • achievements and failures in life;
  • fixing important events, dates;
  • records of what happened during the day;
  • good memories;
  • useful reminders;
  • photographs;
  • clippings from magazines and newspapers.

It’s interesting to make secret pockets easily by attaching a piece cut out of transparent plastic or gluing an envelope to any of the pages. This way you will hide a photo or information that is dear to you “not for prying eyes.” Another idea for a personal diary with your own hands is a topic: about the life of your family, yours personally, your child, career goals, achievements.

What to draw

If you are wondering how to decorate a personal diary with drawings, then it all depends on your artistic skills. Beautiful frames The pages are made from small leaves, flowers or simply using a gradient line. You can highlight individual pages, draw a portrait, favorite cartoon characters, landscape, still life. It will be beautiful if you decorate each page with drawn fruits, berries, bright vegetables, butterflies, ladybugs.

If this is a diary about a child’s achievements, then use a version of the drawing made by your child yourself. If you have good artistic inclinations, you can create your own coloring book, pencil sketches, decorate sheets with patterns, and attach small drawings on stickers. The mysterious silhouette of an elegant lady, a hero from a movie - draw what you love, what motivates you.

How to decorate a personal diary

In the world of creativity there are a lot of ideas for a personal diary with your own hands - these are origami, scrapbooking, appliqués:

  1. A bright applique in LD can be made from buttons, colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, sticks, all kinds of ribbons, and sparkles.
  2. Cuttings from newspapers and magazines can easily be made into the shape of a TV screen or cargo carried by small airplanes.
  3. There are many variations in the origami technique: birds, flowers, butterflies, small bows, envelopes.
