What types of paving slabs. Paving slabs and paving stones: what are they and how to choose? Common shapes and sizes

Paving slabs – perfect material for finishing personal plot. With it you can create beautiful landscape, spending a minimum of time and money. Experienced craftsmen They quickly complete the work, carefully putting together complex drawings. Moreover, they compare the types in advance, and also take into account the pros and cons in order to create a real masterpiece.

Paving slabs are divided into many types. Buyers are usually interested in shape and color, but this is not main characteristic when ordering. You should take the quality of the material seriously so that you do not encounter difficulties during installation and subsequent operation. What types are highlighted by manufacturers?

Each type has its own characteristics. In their production, special technologies and materials are used, which ensures remarkable results. If you consider the options in detail, you will be able to take your own choice more seriously.

Vibrocast paving slabs remains in demand due to its low cost. Professionals try to abandon it, but in cheap projects landscape design other types are unacceptable. The main one is the use of a vibrating table, which randomly agitates the solution in the mold to ensure high density. After which it hardens at high temperature and is supplied to the market.

The choice of this type is usually based only on low cost, but you also need to take into account a wide range of shapes and colors. This manufacturing process allows you to freely add any dyes to create unique design. It is only worth noting the short service life, low strength and instability to frost.

Vibropressed paving slabs are one of the most durable. It is made using complete

filling forms with concrete and then connecting to a vibrating mechanism. This allows you to create excess pressure throughout the entire volume to eliminate the need for subsequent heat treatment. Finishing material becomes reliable enough for instant styling.

The average cost of this type of paving slab and extended service life guarantee its popularity. The only problem remains the small selection of colors and shapes. Manufacturers are not expanding their own range, so designers are unable to use such finishes in projects where originality and variety are required.

Hyperpressed paving slabs are one of the the best materials for landscape design. Manufacturers apply maximum pressure, completely abandoning the use of a vibrator. At the same time, the density becomes maximum, so it is not necessary to use concrete for concrete. heat treatment. The manufacturing process is fully automated, so the cost is reduced.

Significant advantages have increased the attractiveness of this type of finish personal plots. Only a few shortcomings remain important, including the lack of a wide selection of shades and shapes. Such a trifle should not scare off buyers, because ordinary two-color paving stones are often used to create an elegant design.

Polymer sand paving slabs – absolutely the new kind, which became a winner compared to everyone the rest. Manufacturers have completely abandoned cement, preferring to replace it with polymer plasticizers. They are mixed with sifted sand, and then under high temperature harden in molds. If necessary, any dyes are added to the composition to guarantee a variety of shades.

The use of polymers creates a kind of film on the surface. It does not allow moisture to affect the material, and also eliminates rapid wear. If we also note the excellent resistance to temperature changes, we can agree with perfection. The only caveat is expansion in hot weather, which can reach 3 mm. Because of this, a gap between the elements should be about 4-5 mm.

Homemade paving slabs

If you need to save money, but don’t want to give up quality, you should think about homemade paving slabs. It has become an excellent alternative to manufacturers' supplies, possessing all the necessary indicators for long-term operation. This option will be of interest to many people who are accustomed to cope with various jobs without outside help.

The manufacturing process is not that complicated, although you will still have to spend some time on it. Materials are as available as shapes, so there is often no point in ordering ready-made elements. Much easier to use accessible instructions with detailed explanation. Moreover, the quality, if the specified actions are carried out accurately, will not be inferior to the factory one.

Step-by-step production of paving slabs

Making paving slabs at home will not create any problems if a person is willing to diligently follow the instructions. Each stage should be described in detail, providing explanations and clarifications to suggest how to achieve a phenomenal result.

  1. Purchase of material;
  2. Preparation of equipment;
  3. Preparing the mixture;
  4. Preparation of the form;
  5. Filling out the form;
  6. Removing tiles.

A short list will not allow you to understand the details, but it is in them that lies main secret High Quality. You should seriously consider the steps in order to see significant nuances in them, without which you will not be able to cope with the process freely.

Material purchase

Purchasing materials will take a minimum of time. Exist various options, but for simplicity you can use several available components:

  • Cement;
  • Sand;
  • Superplasticizer;
  • Fine gravel;
  • Dye.

The last 2 components are optional, the first one is selected for enhancement mechanical strength, and the second is for decorative beauty. If you're afraid of a superplasticizer that few people have encountered, don't worry. It is sold in many stores. After its addition, strength also increases and maximum density is ensured after hardening.

Equipment preparation

Preparing the equipment will allow you to create in advance Better conditions for work. The main problem
considered a vibrating table. It is used in small workshops where paving slabs are made. Through it, constant vibration is created for compaction and subsequent hardening.

If it is not possible to find expensive equipment, you can use an old rattling washing machine. It also creates a uniform vibration, which is good for performing necessary conditions. So there is no need to purchase extra devices.

Preparing the mixture

Preparing the mixture is the first stage of production. If a person has purchased everything necessary in advance, it will only take a few minutes. The total quantity is not that large, so you won't have to spend hours mixing concrete. What mixtures can be made at home?

  • The easiest way is to mix 5 kg of cement, 10 kg of sand and 30 g of superplasticizer. This will give classic version, which can be changed using dye;
  • If additional strength is required, you should take 2 kg of gravel, sand and cement, and then add 30 g of superplasticizer.

Using one of the compositions, you will be able to proceed to the next stage. Now you can get serious about the forms in order to get ready-made paving slabs in the near future.

Preparing the form

Preparing the form will take a minimum of time. In practice, this is limited to applying a special emulsion to the inner surface, but if you don’t want to spend extra money, you can use dishwashing detergent. It should only be smeared with a brush without any effort.

A thin layer is necessary for subsequent removal of the finished tile. Otherwise, the form may be damaged. Beginners usually forget about this, so the work goes wrong.

Filling out the form

Filling out the form occurs in 2 stages. First you need to place the finished mixture to half, and
then place the container on the vibrating table. When vibration begins, you can freely add cement to the brim.

After some time, the forms are covered with a film to allow the concrete to slowly harden and are transferred indoors. It is there that they will spend 2-3 days until they completely harden. After which you can freely remove the finished paving slabs.

The hardening time depends on many factors, so it is better not to rush.

Removing tiles

Removing the tiles from the mold is usually easy. This can be done with your bare hands, but if that doesn’t work, you can use hot water. In it, the tiles literally fly out without outside help.

If you place the mold in water at 80 degrees, it will expand. Ready material will come loose, so it can be easily removed. This technique is suitable for inexperienced beginners who cannot cope with other methods. Next, it remains to lay out the elements on wooden pallet and cover with film until completely dry.

Choosing the right shape for paving slabs

One of the stages is preparation for the start of work, but it indicates that the form has been purchased in advance. It’s time to figure out how to get such a valuable part, because without it production is not possible. Manufacturers offer 3 types, which are interesting in their own way:

Standard forms attract the attention of buyers with their designs. You can't do it yourself, so finished products remains indispensable. If you make a comparison between types, you will be able to identify different service life.

  • Rubber – 500 castings;
  • Plastic – 250 castings;
  • Polyurethane – 100 castings.

Average figures are indicated, but they clearly prove that soft rubber models are much more practical and profitable. Their purchase turns out to be a good investment if you have to seriously take care of your own yard in the future. Although you can make molds for paving slabs yourself if you use simple instructions.

Self-production of molds for paving slabs

If it is not possible to purchase ready-made forms for paving slabs, you can make them with my own hands. Few people decide to take such a step, but it is justified for various reasons. Today it is not always possible to quickly find suitable option among the presented models. What are the advantages of self-production:

  • Any shape and size;
  • Minimum costs;
  • Choice of material.

It is difficult to deny the correctness of these principles. People should seriously think about self-production forms for paving slabs, since standard types are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The most important point remains the enormous savings, but this is not the main issue.

Sizes and shapes are selected from catalogs, but even a large manufacturer is not able to fully predict the wishes of customers. As a result, a person has to give up his own fantastic idea. After that, all he has to do is agree to a boring a budget option, turning the yard into another semblance of a personal plot.

What are the molds made of?

The principles for making molds for paving slabs are different. Many people believe that they will have to deal with a lengthy search suitable material, but they are wrong. To create a pleasant landscape, use almost everything that comes to hand. The main thing is to rely on your own imagination and a little advice from professionals. What materials have become widespread?

  • Metal;
  • Tree;

This is far from full list possible options. Craftsmen manage to cast molds even from silicone, but without professional skills there is no need to do such work. It is enough to get acquainted with the indicated options to immediately get rid of purchasing finished products.


Metal is the most practical option, which is excellent for making paving slabs. You can create any shape from sheets of small width and thin reinforcement, but leave it without a bottom. This will make it easier to pull out the finished paving slabs.

The use of metal is justified for various reasons, but the main one remains durability. If necessary, you can lay the entire area in front of the house using a single form. It is often more profitable to do a little work in advance, so as not to waste time again and again later on repairing and restoring the structure.

You should also use dishwashing detergent before pouring.


Wood is used much more often. The finished form for paving slabs is more reminiscent of formwork for
concrete, remaining insufficiently reliable. This important point, as it limits the maximum number of uses. If the nuance doesn’t scare you, you should use this proven method.

The advantage of wood is the freedom to manufacture structures of any size and shape. People do not have to limit their own imagination, because they independently assemble a small frame into which they subsequently pour ready mix. This option is convenient, but short-lived, although it turns out to be indispensable for small courtyards.

To make it easier to remove the tiles, it is worth covering the surface of the wood with varnish.

Plastic is a short-lived material, but its use simplifies the work with molds for paving slabs. Many people have probably thought about this option, because it seems to be the most feasible. You just have to work hard when choosing the right raw materials.

The easiest way to use plastic containers. They are in almost every home, but people are confused small sizes. No worries. Paving stones are also small, although they are extremely popular. It’s better to safely select several suitable containers and start pouring the mixture.

PVC as a material for molds is a little less common. Usually paving slabs require more
reliability, but if there is no choice, you can use this material. It turns out to be quite diverse if you figure out where to get the raw materials from.

A simple folk trick - old plastic pipes. After installing them, there are always unnecessary residues. These are the ones that should be used as a form, although the variety will only affect the sizes. After making a sufficient number of tiles, you will have to begin creating a complex pattern that will emphasize the correct choice.

Laying paving slabs with your own hands

Laying paving slabs is carried out using several in simple ways. The simplest is the best
describe in practice so that when performing it a person does not miss important details. After getting acquainted with it, you can freely begin work without fear of mistakes and violation of current requirements.

Having chosen or made suitable paving slabs, a person can begin laying. Although before starting work it is necessary to seriously evaluate the drawing being performed. This is often forgotten by beginners who are ready to immediately wake up and start posting individual elements.

It is most useful to draw a complete ornament in advance, accurately in color. After this, the process will go several times faster. A person will only have to clarify which shade should match the next tile. Moreover, it will not be possible to visually evaluate the installation, so without a drawing, errors usually appear.

Preparation of material and tools

Next, you need to prepare everything you need for work. When styling alone, it’s better to do it right away
bring more paving slabs. Once you start, you won't want to waste time replenishing supplies.

The tool is main problem, since many people believe that craftsmen use special equipment in practice. Yes, it exists, but most often it turns out to be profitable only for large areas. They also lay small courtyards by hand.

Before starting installation, you will also have to work with the area. The main markings are made on it, which will subsequently allow you to withstand required sizes and level. Refusal to this is possible, but subject to complete filling of a large area and preliminary preparation of an absolutely flat and hard surface.

Marking involves placing columns and stretching thread between them. You need to work on it if you want to endure established dimensions sites. So, when laying a path, be sure to tighten the rope on both sides of it, which simplifies subsequent work.

Laying of paving slabs is carried out on a finished base. To do this, you will first have to remove the top
layer of turf, and then carefully remove stones, roots and other debris. This will make it possible to create a platform that matches the height of the surrounding landscape.

Drainage, such as gravel or crushed stone, is laid at the bottom. Its thickness is usually 15-20 cm, which is enough to withstand heavy loads. Sand is applied to its surface in a layer of 5 centimeters. This is enough, but if you want to protect yourself as much as possible from destruction due to melt water, you can also use geofabric.

The main task is to install curbs. They are a kind of limiters that mark out the area for subsequent installation. They also play the role of connecting links, preventing the elements from spreading. For this reason, you should take a closer look at this stage.

When installing curbs, their height and evenness must be taken into account. The entire site is subsequently laid from them, so mistakes should be eliminated at this stage.

Base for paving slabs

The finished borders indicate that it’s time to move on to the base. It can be placed on the completed drainage without any problems, but first you need to do right choice. The most common option is cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1:4. The only condition in this case is preliminary sprinkling with sand 3 cm thick.

Professionals also lay the material directly on the sand. This method is simpler and more profitable, but has a number of limitations. First, a 5 cm layer of sand is laid, and then a complete pattern is applied on top of it. A vibrating plate must be used only to ensure the necessary strength.

Having prepared the base, you should tighten the cord. It will become a horizontal line that will indicate the correct way
put individual elements. After the first row, all the others are gradually laid, but after every 2-3 rows, the horizontal line should be pulled again to make sure that the course is correct.

When laying, you need to withstand general level, which is checked by different means. Also, a gap of 2-3 mm is left between the tiles, which allows all the water accumulating on the surface to flow freely. When working with material, you often have to deal with failure. In this case, it is enough to add sand or a mixture under the tiles, and then rubber mallet bring it to the desired level.

Moving from row to row, you should carefully check the evenness of the laying. Moreover, we must not forget about the slight bias to the side storm sewer. Otherwise, water will accumulate on the surface and between parts. Yes, it will be absorbed into the base, but up to a certain point, when the soil begins to erode. It is more useful to take this point into account in advance when drawing up a project in order to ensure the longevity of the landscape.

After finishing laying the paving slabs, grouting of the joints will be required. To do this, sifted sand is first scattered on top, which ensures solid foundation, and then either sand or a mixture is applied on top in a 1:1 ratio, which depends on the base. This happens right to the surface, carefully distributed with an ordinary brush.

Next, you need to completely fill the site. You should use a spray bottle to prevent the powder from washing away. Moreover, the process ends only with the appearance of the first puddles. They will show that the base is completely saturated, which means that the surface will no longer sag.

A serious mistake for beginners is concreting the first row. They simply pour cement along the curbs, but in its place there should be a mixture of the base. The reason for this is thermal expansion. Even if its indicators are minimal, concrete will increase them several times. As a result, after winter, a damaged site will appear before a person’s eyes.

Paving slabs are an ideal material for finishing a personal plot. By using it, you can achieve fantastic beauty, incomparable to any other material. You can work with it without vocational training, carefully moving from row to row. This option is simple and straightforward, although it’s easier to use detailed instructions or watch the process on video. In this case, you will be able to see the important subtleties noted by the masters. After which even a beginner will not make mistakes.

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People began paving streets, roads and squares with natural stone many centuries ago. Modern industry and technologies make it possible to produce paving stones of many types and sizes, both from natural stone, and from artificial materials, satisfying any volume needs.

Let's look at the types of paving slabs produced today and their areas of application.

The stone path looks aesthetically pleasing

Based on the material used, paving slabs are divided into:

  • Paving stones made of natural stone (granite, sandstone).
  • Concrete tiles.
  • Clay products.

Natural stone paving stones

Natural paving stones are made from two types of stone - granite and sandstone. Granite tiles are beautiful and extremely durable, which makes the manufacturing process energy-intensive and increases the cost of the material.

According to GOST 32018-2012 “Road construction products made of natural stone” and GOST 23668-79 “Paving stones for road surfaces”, the dimensions of produced natural paving stones (length x width x thickness) vary from 50x50x50 mm to 200x100x80 mm, including all multiples of ten in between values ​​in millimeters.

According to the production method, natural paving stones divided into chopped and sawn. Chopped paving stones are distinguished by some angularity of the surface, while the ends, corners and front surface of sawn tiles are subject to additional processing.

Granite can be gray, pink, greenish and even white. Areas paved with colored granite using artistic compositions from it give the impression of good quality and well-groomed.

Sandstone is a layered material, so its strength and, accordingly, price are several times lower than the corresponding characteristics of granite. However, it is precisely its moderate strength that makes it possible to make paving stones from sandstone not only for strict geometric shapes, but also complex oval configurations. Sandstone can be gray, green, red, yellow and brown, and heat treatment produces an unusual pink stone.

Sandstone paving stones are not used to pave surfaces with intensive operating conditions, but for paths around a private house it will serve as a beautiful and durable coating, meeting the requirements<ГОСТ 32018-2012 «Изделия строительно-дорожные из природного камня».

Artificial paving slabs

Paving slabs are an artificial analogue of paving stones, made from concrete or clay. The thickness of the paving stones can range from 20 to 80 mm. Thin tiles are used to pave paths where vehicles do not travel. And material with a thickness of 60-80 mm is used for paving roads.

Concrete tiles

The starting material for the production of artificial stone paving stones is concrete, which is poured into special molds of a given size. A prerequisite for the production of this type of finishing material is that the finished product meets the requirements of GOST 17608-91 “Paving slabs”.

Methods for making stone paving stones:

  • vibration casting;
  • vibration pressing.

Vibro-cast stone paving stones

The vibration casting method consists of pouring special molds in two stages with concrete consisting of cement-sand mortar and mineral chips of natural origin. First, a solution is poured into the molds to form a front layer 1-3 cm thick, which includes a dye. After compaction by vibration on a vibrating table, the forms are filled flush with the edges with concrete from the base layer and compacted again.

This method, even at home, makes it possible to produce a durable coating of a given size with excellent quality of the front surface, which is why vibrocast paving stones are preferred by individual developers.

Vibropressed stone paving stones

Vibropressing is a technology for producing paving slabs by pressing a concrete mixture while simultaneously being exposed to vibration. The duration of the vibration pressing process is only 3-5 seconds, then the tiles are removed from the molds and subjected to steam treatment, after which the material must also meet the requirements of GOST 17608-91 “Paving slabs”. The surface of vibropressed paving stones is rough, which is less aesthetically pleasing, but makes covering streets with this type of tile safe for pedestrians in bad weather.

Paving stones "Brick"

This type of tile is universal, therefore it is used both in summer cottages and in large areas. The “Brick” coating is resistant to wear, remains in its original form without damage for many years and meets the requirements of GOST 17608-91 “Paving slabs”.

The standard format of “brick” paving stones is 210x105x60 mm, but other sizes are also available.

1 square (50 pieces) of paving stones weighs 120 kg.

Many other varieties are produced, the paving of which is more difficult, but their use is justified by the aesthetics of the final result:

  • "turtle";
  • "honeycombs" etc.

Paving slabs “Turtle”

Material "Turtle", despite its visual appeal and ease of maintenance, it is only suitable for finishing solid concrete bases - steps of staircases, porches, terraces.

Due to its low strength, “Turtle” is rarely used for paving walkways; this type of tile cannot be installed in areas with high traffic. Such tiles are not suitable for paving parking lots or areas with traffic.

The dimensions of the “Turtle” tile are 30x30x3 cm, 1 square (11 products) weighs 70 kg. The color design can be any, the cheapest option is the basic gray color.

Paving slabs "Honeycombs"

The “Honeycomb” material, which is produced both by vibration casting and vibrocompression, is a composition of four hexagonal figures, the paving with which looks equally stylish on any surface. “Honeycomb” paving stones are durable, ideal for platforms, paths and design solutions in the design of the adjacent territory of an organization, a private house, or a country cottage.

Dimensions of paving slabs: 260x140x60 mm, 1 square of material (38 pieces) weighs 120 kg.

Clay paving slabs (clinker bricks)

Clinker bricks in accordance with GOST 32311-2012 “Ceramic clinker bricks for paving” are produced from a special grade of clay, which is subjected to a high degree of purification from foreign impurities. After molding, the bricks are fired at a temperature of at least 1100° C, resulting in a dense and durable material with low water absorption and, accordingly, high frost resistance.

Clinker bricks are produced in more than sixty colors, and the variety of clinker colors is achieved by mixing different types of clay. Clinker, no matter how much it is used, will retain its original natural color of natural clay without changes.

Clinker brick is a natural product made from clay

The texture of clinker brick is smooth, rough, and structured. Bricks with imitation signs of aging are also produced. The clinker format can be square, rectangle, oval or wedge. If necessary, the surface paved with clinker can be disassembled and the dismantled material can be used to construct another base as many times as desired. Clinker tiles are used to decorate paths, platforms, parking lots, and decorate terraces and flower beds.

Paving clinker is available in the following sizes:

  • 240×118×52 mm;
  • 200×100×52 mm;
  • 200×150×52 mm.

Choosing the size of paving slabs

Surfaces paved with small paving stones are stronger and look more aesthetically pleasing than coatings made from large fragments. Therefore, if the area of ​​the base planned for paving is several squares, preference should be given to small paving stones, since the time spent on laying it will be justified by the result obtained.

It is considered one of the most popular materials. This is not surprising, because compared to asphalt pavement it looks much more attractive and reliable. It is also very important that with its help anyone can independently pave beautiful and durable paths in their garden plot or on the territory of a country cottage. All you need for this is a handy tool and the paving stone itself. The sizes and types of modern tiles can be very diverse, so before you go shopping, you need to decide on the design and correctly calculate the amount of material needed. How to do this and what parameters paving stones can have, we will consider in our article.

Types of paving slabs

Modern technologies allow manufacturers to produce paving stones of various shapes, sizes and colors. It can be made of natural stones or artificial materials, and in both cases the product looks very aesthetically pleasing.

Today on the market you can find the following types of paving slabs:

  • paving stones made from natural materials;
  • tiles made from artificial raw materials;
  • concrete products;
  • vibro-cast stone slabs;
  • vibro-pressed stone paving stones;
  • coating called “Brick”;
  • “Turtle” tile;
  • hexagonal paving stones “Honeycomb”;
  • clay tiles.

The scope of application and (paving stones) are different in each case, so let's look at all the options separately.

Tiles made from natural and artificial materials

The basis for the production of natural paving stones is granite or sandstone. Granite products are extremely durable and have an impressive appearance. The manufacturing process of this variety is quite labor-intensive, which is why the final cost of the product is slightly higher compared to analogues.

Natural paving stones (the dimensions of which are strictly determined by GOSTs) come in the form of a square (the minimum dimensions of which are 50 x 50 x 50) or a rectangle (with maximum parameters of 200 x 100 x 80). The width, height and thickness of products can vary between minimum and maximum parameters, and each indicator will always be a multiple of 10 mm.

Sandstone is characterized by lower strength than granite, which does not allow its use in conditions of intensive use. However, it is precisely this quality that makes it possible to produce tiles not only in square, but also in round shapes. These paving stones are produced in grey, green, red, brown, yellow and pink tones.

Artificial analogues of natural paving stones are made from clay or concrete. The thickness of such plates ranges from 20 to 80 mm. Thin elements are used to pave the road surface in places where there is no traffic, and thick products are used for laying roads.

Vibro-cast and vibro-pressed paving stones

Artificial paving stones are made from concrete, which is poured into special molds. This coating is obtained in two ways:

  • using vibration casting;
  • vibrocompression.

Vibro-cast paving stones consist of a base concrete layer and a decorative coating with the addition of natural stone chips and dye. These tiles are characterized by a wide range of colors and smoothness. Most often it is used for arranging local areas (in areas of medium load).

In the second option, paving stones are made using pressing and simultaneous vibration. The finished product is rougher, which ensures the safety of pedestrians in icy conditions. This type of paving stone is used in parking lots, park alleys and sidewalks. The dimensions of both types are 200 x 100 x 40 and 200 x 100 x 60 mm.

To lay 1 square meter of such covering, you will need about 50 bricks, the total weight of which will be from 85 to 100 kg.

Paving stones “Brick” and “Turtle”

The tile called “Brick” is especially popular, as it is considered more universal. It can be used for paving both small and large areas. The coating is very resistant to wear and does not lose its original appearance for many years.

GOST sets a clear size for “Brick” paving stones - 210 x 105 x 60 mm, however, some manufacturers produce tiles with non-standard parameters.

Turtle tiles are characterized by the presence of patterns and an unlimited range of colors, but they are suitable for laying only on a solid and even concrete base. Its size is 30 x 30 x 3cm. To lay 1 m² of cladding you will need 11 elements, the total weight of which will be 70 kg.

“Honeycomb” paving stones and clay products

“Honeycomb” tiles are produced using vibration casting or vibration pressing. It is presented in the form of a hexagon, which is laid in rows. This material is suitable for any surface, very durable and beautiful. Multi-colored hexagonal pavers (the dimensions of which are 260 x 140 x 60) are often used in landscape design.

In other words, clay tiles are called clinker bricks. It is available in more than 60 colors, which are obtained by mixing different types of clay. The texture of products can be smooth, rough and structured. The most common shapes are square, rectangular, oval and wedge-shaped tiles.

Today on construction sites you can find the following sizes of paving stones (rectangular):

24 x 11.8 x 5.2 cm;

20 x 10 x 5.2 cm;

20 x 15 x 5.2 cm.

Cost of paving stones

In conclusion, I would like to pay attention to the cost of different types of paving stones.

Gray vibro-pressed concrete tiles (3 cm thick) will cost the buyer from 300 rubles per m². Products of maximum thickness will cost from 600 rubles for the same volume.

The price also depends on its thickness. The thinnest tiles cost about 1,500 rubles per m². The price tag for thick clay paving stones is twice as high.

Granite products will cost the consumer from 1,600 per m².

When choosing tiles, you should take into account that painted paving stones cost twice as much as natural-colored products.

In this article we looked at what types of paving stones there are. Dimensions, price and scope of application differ in each case, therefore, before purchasing one or another option, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its performance characteristics. Good luck with your shopping and accurate calculations!

The main components of the success of using paving slabs in a private home are reliability, ease of installation and dismantling, as well as high aesthetic qualities. Thanks to the unique characteristics of the material, an architectural ensemble can be created that will amaze with its beauty and individuality.

Why paving slabs?

When choosing a building material, it is necessary to take a balanced approach to the main characteristics. Correctly assessing the positive and negative qualities of paving slabs has far-reaching consequences.

The benefits include the following.


The price of the material, even when compared with traditional asphalt pavement, is at an affordable level. The difference in cost is such that it is quite possible to purchase tiles in reserve for repairs to the canvas in the future.

Frost resistance

Low temperatures do not have a negative impact on the performance characteristics of the tiles. This sets it apart from other materials that have a similar purpose, since any of them lose their qualities and are destroyed in frost conditions.

High technology

Laying tiles does not require the use of special equipment or appropriately qualified specialists. It is possible to carry out local repairs to the coating and replace damaged areas. Installation and dismantling is simple and carried out in a short time.

Installation is not difficult


The high level of ability of paving slabs to resist abrasion is the key to long-term operation of such a coating. When exposed to sunlight, the material does not fade for a long time.

Aesthetic qualities

The variety of colors and shapes does not limit the imagination of home owners, and gives the opportunity to fully express their individuality. In addition, the material harmonizes well with the surrounding landscape and architecture.

Environmental friendliness

The material is safe for the environment and humans. When heated, it does not emit toxic or harmful substances.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • increased requirements when performing tile laying work. In general, the technology is not complicated, but requires careful implementation of regulations. For example, tiles should not be displaced or layers deformed;
  • the need to care for the surface of the tiles in winter. This is due to an increased risk of injury to the coating when ice or snow falls.

Methods for producing paving slabs

The main components necessary for the production of this material are cement and sand.

Special additives are introduced to obtain the required performance properties. Also, in the manufacture of colored tiles, various pigments are used, which make it possible to obtain a wide range of colors of products.

Currently, the following types of technological processes for the production of paving slabs have become widespread.

Vibration pressing

The matrix is ​​located on a frame that can vibrate. After loading the prepared mixture into the matrix, force is applied to it using a vibrating punch. Pressure is applied until the mixture reaches the required density. At the end of this process, the punch and die are raised, and the finished product remains on the bed. High process automation increases equipment productivity and product quality. The durability of tiles produced using this method reaches more than 25 years.

Paving slabs (vibrocompression)


This type of production involves removing vibration from the technological process and replacing it with high pressure. High quality of the resulting products is achieved by obtaining a homogeneous mixture composition. The process is fully automated and has a high production speed.


Compared to pressing, this technology is simpler, but time-consuming. The plastic form is installed on a vibrating table. The mixture fed into the mold has a fairly liquid consistency. Under the influence of vibration, milk appears on the surface of the mixture. In this state, the forms are covered with film and moved to racks with a horizontal surface. The product is ready within 24 hours, and the concrete gains full strength within a month.

Paving slabs (vibration casting)

Due to low energy costs for production and low automation, the process has become widespread.

Paving slabs. Photos and characteristics


Clover tile shape

The starting material is concrete, into which granite crushed stone is added. Thanks to the smooth surface, contamination during use is minimal. The clover-like shape fits harmoniously with any design solution and will enhance the yard of the house.

English cobblestones

This type of coating is produced through the process of vibratory casting of a concrete mixture, the appearance of which is similar to natural stone. A simple and strict form with a brown or gray tint will add some simplicity and style to the architectural ensemble.

English cobblestones


The shape of the tiles in the form of a wave increases the manufacturability of the product, since the likelihood of the tiles moving is reduced, which increases the reliability and service life of the structure.

Wave tiles


The product replicates a brick in miniature. The shape of the tile ensures maximum strength and reliability.

Brick in miniature


This tile is characterized by the presence of rounded corners. The strength of such products is not high, but the structure assembled from them looks beautiful, has individuality and charm.

Rounded tile corners

How to lay paving slabs?


The importance of this stage lies in the fact that when drawing up a drawing, the laying scheme, ornament and color scheme of the mosaic are worked out. The dimensions of the land plot are plotted on it on a scale, which makes it possible to determine the need for tiles and materials for the construction of the foundation.


In accordance with the drawn up project, the territory is marked. To do this, you need a construction tape measure, pegs, cord or twine. After completing this type of work, it is recommended to check the correctness of the choice made. For this purpose, it is enough to walk around the site to determine how convenient and rational the project is. If deficiencies are found, corrections should be made.

Foundation construction

A properly prepared base determines the quality and durability of the entire structure.

If there is old coating, it should be removed. If the covering is laid again, then the turf layer is removed to a depth of 150-200 mm. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no remains of plant roots or their seeds.

How to do it right

Next, you need to organize water drainage. For heavily clayey soils, it is recommended to do drainage. To create a direction for water flow, slopes are provided in the transverse and longitudinal directions.
The base of the structure is always made by creating a cushion of crushed stone or sand. To strengthen it, if necessary, a concrete screed is installed.

Work begins with filling and compacting the pillow material so that its height is the same. The base obtained by compaction is covered with sand, the layer of which in the compacted state has a height of 30-50 mm. To ensure free penetration of water between layers of sand and crushed stone, it is recommended to place geotextiles. With free movement of water, the sand will not have the opportunity to spill, which will provide additional strength and increase the service life of the base.

To create a laying layer, both ready-made mixtures are used, and they are prepared on their own from cement and sand. This mixture is poured in such a way that a layer of 30-40 mm is formed. In order to create a layer of material with the same thickness, tubes are used as guides.

A rake is used to distribute the mixture evenly. To obtain a flat surface of the screed, a channel is used.

To ensure that the prepared base is not deformed, choose the direction of work from yourself.

It is recommended to lay each subsequent tile diagonally in relation to the previous one with the minimum possible gap. The width of the seam is about two millimeters enough so that it can be filled with compaction (sand, dry mixtures). When laying, each element of the coating is compacted with a mallet. If the tiles are laid offset, they should be covered with sand and compacted again.

Having completed the process of laying tiles, all areas where there are protrusions are leveled using a rubber hammer. The progress of these works is controlled by the construction level.

Laying tiles

If the design involves curvilinear shapes or the use of shaped elements, then the need arises for cutting tiles. It is necessary to understand that these actions must be started after the installation of entire tiles has been completed. The tile material is cut using a special knife or a grinder equipped with a disc for working with concrete. Before making a cut, it is applied to the place where it is placed and the cutting line is outlined.


To create a coating with the correct geometric shapes, as well as to fill unfinished areas with cut tiles, curbs are installed. Their installation is carried out in a special trench with concrete mortar poured.

After laying the tiles is completed, the resulting surface is checked for horizontalness. If there are defects, they are eliminated and the seams are sprinkled with a mixture based on cement and sand. By removing the excess amount of the mixture, the material in the cracks is abundantly moistened. If there is subsidence of the mixture in the gaps, then it is necessary to add a portion of it. Correct distribution of the mixture ensures the reliability and rigidity of the coating.

Drawing of laying paving slabs

The main paving options are as follows.


Suitable for creating coverage in areas with a rectangular shape. It is a classic method when the tiles are laid in pairs. Place two tiles sideways around the perimeter, then the next two at right angles to them. The following pairs repeat the arrangement of the previous ones.


In this case, track paving is used, that is, the tiles are laid sideways along their length. In this case, the difference in the visual perception of the coating should be taken into account. The horizontal arrangement of tiles makes the path wider, and the vertical arrangement makes the path longer.


The tiles are laid at an angle of 45° or 90°. The method has gained wide popularity due to the increased load-bearing characteristics of the structure.

Circular pattern

As a rule, it is used when decorating sites with small dimensions. To implement this paving method, it is necessary to use wedge-shaped tiles.

Random Mix

To create a coating, a combination of tile shapes and colors is used. They are arranged in random order. Most often, all the material has a shade of one primary color.

Types of tile laying

Options for laying paving slabs. Photos of original solutions

Original flowerbed design
Interesting solution
In the form of stars
Decoration of stairs with tiles

Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house: photo of the architectural ensemble

The walkway enhances the beauty of the house
You can combine different types of styling
Decorating a swimming pool with tiles

There are many companies on the market that sell building materials and offer about a hundred types of paving slabs. This material is very popular among consumers due to its decorative qualities. It can be either smooth or embossed, with or without a pattern. If you decide to lay paving slabs yourself, then this article will help you decide on the choice of tiles.

Their further description will help you understand the wide range of paving slabs, which have a wide variety of colors and shapes. Based on the results, you can compare this information with the description of the products in the building materials store.

Due to the fact that the stones do not touch each other, the image of pavements in tsarist times is created. A beautiful pattern can be obtained by using tiles of three or four colors.

The same pattern with a figured image of different sizes is applied to the tile. As a result, one element is limited to four small ones.

Classic (rough and smooth)

The pattern looks like this: one tile contains four segments separated by stripes.

Paving slabs “Tuchka” are a winding pattern reminiscent of the image of the earth’s surface. An unusual texture with bulges, creating roughness and giving the “Clouds” a matte appearance.

Clover (rough and smooth)

The intricate shape of the tiles gives the impression of some kind of structure. It is convenient to work with and retains its attractive appearance for a long time.

This type of tile has rich colors and plant patterns, thanks to which you can create real flowers.

Kaso tiles are cut at an angle during installation. The result is a design in the Gothic style. The basis is an ornament in the form of woven rings.

The paving slabs are shaped like a maple leaf.


Very simple, no riot of colors. Suitable for balanced people who do not accept pretentiousness.

Parquet tiles have a ribbed surface, which makes them non-slip in winter. It looks like toffee when covered in brown.

The tile is made in the shape of a hexagon, so why wouldn't the bees confuse this tile with a honeycomb? Installation will take a lot of time, but it's worth it because... has a wonderful appearance.

So named because the shape of the tile has a carved surface and is similar to slate.

Clover (embossed and smooth)

Embossed “Clover” has the shape of squares with corners cut into a circle and round parts. Smooth “Clover” comes in a variety of shapes and is structurally complex.

Abstract pattern with smooth contours. You can use it to create stained glass and mosaics if you use tiles of several shades.

The pattern is made in the form of fish scales, creating a volume effect.

The spectacular pattern of cobwebs on the tiles allows the buyer’s imagination to run wild.

Different colors are used, but the shape is the same - a grid in the form of squares. Taking care of her will not be difficult.

These tiles are very similar to spools of thread. For people who like a comfortable atmosphere and manual labor, “Katushka” is an ideal finishing option.


Look at the variety of paving slabs presented in this story.