What spring work is done in the garden. First spring work in the garden. Sowing resistant crops in open ground

If the snow does not melt on the soil for a long period of time, and work on the summer cottage cannot be delayed, then we speed up the process - pour a thin layer of peat on the snow. If time allows, we wait. The soil on which the snow has melted is well moistened. If you leave the snow cover near the trees, the process of gradual wetting is prolonged.. This way you can retain a significant amount of moisture for quite a long time.

As the snow melts, work in the garden in the spring can begin with cleaning up last year's leaves (if this was not done in the fall). It can be burned or composted. Then remove the insulating film from the grapes, ornamental plants, open the strawberries. We pay special attention to the soil of the site: if necessary, then we remove excess moisture and perform loosening.

After that upper layer The soil should be mulched, that is, sprinkled with organic or inorganic material. The first is hay, nut shells, sawdust, humus, pine needles. The second is gravel, pebbles, and various covering materials. Mulching helps conserve water and loose soil, prevents soil erosion, reduces the number of weeds and promotes the formation of adventitious roots.

Spraying and whitewashing - don't forget about the trees

All work in the garden must be done before the buds begin to swell. First of all, this concerns pruning shrubs, fruit trees and grapes. Early pruning reduces Negative consequences, possible from shortening. It is also important to get rid of dry branches damaged by frost or disease and cut out excess growth.

If you decide to carry out, remove no more than a third of the branches in one year.

If the autumn whitewashing of trees was not carried out for some reason, then this must be done. Whitewash, which contains chalk and lime, protects the tree well from flightless insect pests that overwinter in the bark or fallen leaves. It is imperative to do the first spraying of trees and grapes before the buds open - many insects lay their eggs in the buds or buds.

Spring work in the garden – March-May

At the end of April - beginning of March, all fruit trees must be opened and the soil must be dug up in a circle, only carefully so as not to damage their roots. This is done both to destroy possible pests and infections, and to improve the quality of the soil. Also during this period, it is advisable to dig up the soil throughout the entire area and add mineral fertilizers or ash. Then use a rake to level the ground. When the weather is warm and sunny, early crops can be planted.

The beginning of May represents the time when spring work in the garden they require special attention and patience from the summer resident. During this period, a variety of decorative and vegetable crops. For example, potatoes, cucumbers, melons and others. Due to the fact that in May there are sometimes frosts, both on the soil and in the air, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in atmospheric temperatures. On frosty days, in extreme cases, you can light smoke fires in your summer cottage to prevent the flowers of fruit trees from freezing. On cool nights, seedlings should be covered with plastic or thick paper.

And gardening in the new season should begin with the arrival of warm days. Depending on the region, this is February or March. At this time, you need to have time, first of all, to do the work that is carried out before the buds bloom on the trees and shrubs.

About others early works You also shouldn’t forget and put it off until later, because hot days will come later, and there won’t be any time left for them. And before the main dacha chores associated with planting, sowing, digging beds, watering, and so on arrive, we are doing the first spring work in the garden.

Usually at this time there is still snow in many places on the site, which can be collected and filled with water containers in the garden. This melt water will be useful for watering plants during the first spring planting in greenhouses and beds.

It is important to carry out spring pruning plants.

Pruning shoots and fertilizing

In early spring, when the weather is warm, plants that have been insulated for the winter are opened. This should be done when night temperatures do not fall into the negative zone. If plants are left unopened in warm weather, they may become moldy and begin to rot.

Branches of trees and shrubs are carefully inspected and removed: frozen, old, damaged, diseased and dried. Damage on thick branches is cleaned and covered with garden varnish. Cut shoots are burned.

For rapid growth plants after hibernation and a good reserve for the future harvest are carried out spring feeding. If there is still snow around the plants, fertilizers can be placed directly on the snow. After the snow melts, the soil in tree trunk circle loosen and water so that fertilizers penetrate better into the soil.

Whitewashing trees

With the first rays spring sun the difference between day and night temperatures increases. This leads to the fact that cracks, so-called, may appear on the surface of the trees. To avoid this misfortune, it is advisable to whiten tree trunks in the fall or cover them from the sun on the south side.

It often flies off by spring or is washed away by autumn rains, so it needs to be restored as soon as possible. When whitewashing in autumn, so that it holds better, many gardeners add mortar different types glue.

In addition, updating the whitewash in the spring helps reduce the number of pests that wake up in the spring and rush up the tree trunk from the fallen leaves where they hibernated.

To reduce pests that climb up the tree trunk, sticky catching belts are also used. To do this, wrap the tree trunk in its lower part with some kind of Velcro, placing ordinary plastic film under it and covering it from the rain on top.

Treatment of garden plants from pests and diseases

Early spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed, is the time to treat trees and shrubs chemicals for the purpose of prevention and treatment of various diseases. Treatment of plants at this time has the most effective effect and causes least harm ecology and plants.

Which drugs to use against which diseases and pests usually shows the condition of the plants in the previous season. Chemical treatment of plants is carried out at an outside temperature of at least plus 5 degrees.


The beginning of spring is a great time to plant and replant trees and shrubs. It’s time to plant new plants in the holes prepared in advance in the fall. It is believed that young plants planted in spring take root more easily and grow faster.

In addition to early spring work in the garden, at the end of winter and early March you need to sow vegetable seedlings at home or in heated greenhouses: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, so that they can be planted in May open ground.

When sowing vegetables for seedlings, we use specially prepared vegetables in the fall or buy them in specialized stores.

Each farm may differ slightly from each other, the main thing is to use favorable conditions for caring for the site at this time. natural conditions when the plants are still dormant and the buds have not opened.

Video: First spring work in the garden

Competent work in the spring in the garden and vegetable garden are very important agrotechnical measures that allow correct landing and get the highest possible yield.

Spring work in the garden: when and where to start

It is imperative to check and prepare for the coming season.

It is also necessary to carry out a number of activities, including cleaning, pruning, removing shelters, prevention, preparation for grafting and planting. As a rule, in the southern regions you can begin to carry out such work as early as March. IN middle lane our country and northern regions The dates are pushed back by a couple of weeks.

Gardening in spring

It is necessary to begin the first spring work in the garden with the onset of the first warm days and after the bulk of the snow cover has disappeared.

Cleaning the garden after winter

Cleaning consists of removing all plant debris, as well as inspecting the soil and garden plantings at the dacha. Early spring is the period when the first weeds appear. Roots that are not yet sufficiently strong can be easily removed from wet soil. spring soil. The first warm spring days provoke active growth of shoots not only on the soil, but also on the surface garden paths, which should be thoroughly rinsed with a strong stream of water from a regular garden hose.

It should be remembered, that any spring activities related to water should be carried out only at above-zero temperatures, which will prevent the formation of ice. All planting containers, as well as flowerpots, flowerpots and flower pots, intended for growing plants in the coming season, also need revision, high-quality cleaning, and, if necessary, restoration of integrity.

Work in the garden in early spring (video)

Pruning fruit trees and shrubs

In the spring, in most cases, sanitary cleaning is carried out, as well as removing all old and unnecessary shoots and branches:

  • annual raspberry shoots need to be crowned by cutting off the top five buds, which allows stimulating the formation of new basal shoots. All frozen, weakened shoots must be removed;
  • Currant bushes are thinned out in the spring. On black currants, branches older than seven years are removed. On red and white currant bushes, you need to cut out branches older than ten years. You also need to cut off the excess root shoots and weakened shoots. All frozen tops are trimmed;
  • starting from the age of three, it is necessary to thin out the gooseberry bushes, as well as remove old branches and excess growth, which improves the illumination of the fruits and increases the yield;

  • Spring pruning of bushy cherry varieties must be done very carefully, removing thickening and old branches, taking into account fruiting on last year's peripheral branches. It is best to perform shortening in the summer, after fruiting;
  • The annual spring formation of fruit plantings allows maintaining the habit and improves insolation of the above-ground part. Any molding must be done with determination of the direction of growth processes of skeletal branches;
  • It is best to grow plums in a trunk, since bush-like forms thicken faster and become less fruitful. Formation begins almost immediately after planting the seedlings on permanent place, which will allow you to create a productive crown by four to five years.

The crown of fruit trees can be formed in a tiered-sparse, horizontal or saucer-shaped, as well as vertical or palmette version.

Rules and terms for removing winter shelters

or special structures must be inspected, thoroughly cleaned and rinsed.

After the winter shelters have dried, they can be stored until the autumn cold. From the garden area, be sure to remove old branches and branches cut off during the spring formation process, fallen leaves and withered grass, as well as any other debris of plant and non-vegetable origin.

March at the dacha: protecting plants from sunburn in early spring

In the first ten days of March, the illumination increases, so during the daytime the stem part and branches of garden plantings can warm up significantly, so during night frosts the heated wood dies off. Sunburned areas show darkening, peeling, and cracking.

Whitewashing the trunk and branches of skeletal branches can effectively reduce the heating of the bark. It is best to whiten garden plantings in the fall or in the last ten days of February, choosing a dry and sunny day for this purpose. Before you begin processing, you need to inspect the plants and, if necessary, carry out preventive or therapeutic measures. Whitewashing can be done with acrylic water-dispersion paint"VD-AK 0508" or "Dekoprof" products. It is also allowed to tie the stem part with white parchment.

How to treat trees in spring (video)

How and how to treat trees against pests in spring

Treatment times vary depending on the type of plant and the composition of the solutions used for spraying:

  • prevention of fungal diseases, damage by mosses and lichens before bud break, copper sulfate, diluted at the rate of 100-150 g per bucket of water;
  • spraying the vine and the soil around it until the buds open bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis and anthracnose with iron sulfate at the rate of 200 g per bucket of water;
  • mandatory treatment of garden plantings before flowering against California scale insects, copperheads, mites, weevils and flower beetles with Iskra-M, Fufanon, Iskra-double effect, Karbofos, Aliot or Biotlin;
  • treatment of currants with “Commander”, “Bison”, “Tanrek”, “Iskra Zolotoy” or “Inta-Vir” on the blossoming buds and first leaves;
  • treatment of gooseberries with “Topaz” or “Skor” before flowering.

You should also spray peach, apricot and cherry with “Horus”, “Kuprolux”, “Abiga-Pik” or “Ordan” after flowering to protect against maniliosis, curl and klyasterosporiosis.

Grafting and planting trees

As a rule, by the first ten days of May, the planting of fruit and berry trees and shrubs has already finished, and the time has come for grafting. It is best to carry out this activity when the buds on the selected rootstocks swell and begin to open slightly. Spring vaccination can be performed in several ways:

  • Copulation;
  • Butt;
  • Split;
  • Saddle;
  • In the side cut.

Regardless of the method used, prerequisite to obtain a good result is to use quality instrument and a special grafting tape.

What to do in the garden in spring

In spring it's time for the main preparatory activities in the garden and in greenhouses. During this period, you need to pay attention to winter crops, perennial crops, as well as prepare ridges in open ground and in greenhouses for planting and sowing work.

Main events

The garden is cleared of debris and plant debris. It is also necessary to remove all the shelters that were used to cover the winter period winter crops and the least cold-resistant garden crops.

As soon as the greenhouse soil warms up, you need to dig it up with one shovel. At the same time, it is necessary to apply basic fertilizers:

  • applied to cucumber beds for each square meter about 5–6 kg of high-quality humus, with the addition of 50 g of any complex fertilizer and a couple of glasses wood ash;
  • on beds prepared for growing tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, the dose of humus will need to be halved;
  • when preparing “warm beds”, the top 15 cm of soil should be removed, then the biomass should be laid and sprinkled with a layer of fertile soil.

During the same period, film garden structures should be prepared. The time for stretching the film cover over the greenhouses must be calculated in such a way that in the last ten days of April it is possible to sow the most cold-resistant and early-ripening plants. garden crops.

Important check the condition of the above-ground part of garden berry gardens and replace the old mulch layer. It is best to use organic matter as mulch, represented by:

  • sawdust;
  • compost;
  • tree bark and wood chips;
  • straw;
  • rotted leaves.

Good result allows the use of mulching covering fabric. In March or April, the garden soil is fertilized with complex universal fertilizers “Nitroammofoska” or “Azofoska”.

When to start planting at the dacha

Sowing and planting cold-resistant garden crops must be done while the soil is still in a soft and plastic state. During this period, the soil is already sufficiently warmed up and contains the optimal amount of moisture for the growth and development of crops.

It is recommended to dig up the soil immediately before sowing or planting, which will not allow moisture to evaporate. If necessary, all dug up ridges, in order to preserve moisture, must be covered with plastic film before sowing, which is fixed with stones.

How to prune berry bushes in spring (video)

The harvest will depend on how correctly and timely the entire volume of spring work in gardens and vegetable gardens is carried out. That is why spring period– the most important time for everyone involved in private gardening and vegetable growing.

The snow has melted, the first Sun rays the earth begins to warm up, and all the gardeners and gardeners are already at the dacha. Many will ask the question: What can you do in the garden at this time, since there may still be frost? Experienced gardeners will answer that the season garden work ends when they come very coldy and it starts as soon as the thermometer shows plus. We will talk about mandatory spring work at the dacha below.

  • Trampling snow around trees. In this way, you can damage the roots of trees. The snow will take longer to melt, the roots will not be able to feed useful substances, as well as the soil takes longer to warm up.
  • It is better to scatter fertilizers, manure, peat, ash over the snow - this is best done in the fall, then the nutrients will fall into the fertile layer, and not go deeper with the water or evaporate.
  • Beating snow and ice off the branches, this method will only damage them and may leave them without a harvest.
  • Early boarding young, awakened seedlings.

Before moving on to any work in the garden, they draw up a checklist in which they consistently outline the work plan, taking into account weather conditions.

TOP 10 spring jobs

Cleaning up old leaves and branches

It is better to start the first work in the garden by clearing away the remains of personal plot. During the fall, a lot of foliage can fall, and the winds can blow up various branches and grass. Therefore, cleaning is carried out with a rake with fine teeth, which removes all plant debris, leaves and even possible pests hibernating in them. If the garden has not been dug up for the winter, then removing debris with a rake will make it possible to do additional loosening of the compacted soil after snow.

Sowing green manure and applying fertilizers

Every year when planting different cultures the soil becomes poorer, so to fill it with nutrients, many use different types fertilizing and sowing green manure.

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts and all the debris has been removed from the site, frost-resistant green manure is sown. The soil is dug up shallowly, harrowed, made soft and fluffy so that the film that forms after the snow melts disappears. It was also convenient to sow green manure. Harrowing will increase the air and water permeability of the soil.

Most often, gardeners choose green manures that sow late autumn or in early spring:

  • rye;
  • rape;
  • mustard;
  • oats;
  • phacelia;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes (peas, beans, vetch plant)

Green manure can be sown in regular rows or scattered randomly throughout the area. Green manure seedlings are mowed down before they bloom, when they reach 8-12 cm. Afterwards, they are evenly scattered around the site and the beds are dug up for sowing. Plant the first crops after mowing in 20-45 days, so that the green manure has time to rot.

Before digging up the garden, instead of green manure, other types of fertilizers are applied, namely: rotted manure, litter, peat, leaf or turf soil, compost, urea, saltpeter.

Pruning trees and bushes

Early flowering and early bloomers are pruned first. early varieties trees, shrubs:

  • apricot;
  • plum;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • gooseberry;
  • currant;
  • pear;
  • Apple tree;
  • peach.

Ornamental perennials are also pruned. conifers.
Pruning of old, frozen, cracked trunks and shoots is carried out. In the spring you will need to carry out not only sanitary pruning, but also formative pruning. So gooseberry, currant, and yoshta bushes are pruned every 3-5 years. In pear and apple trees, first cut off large branches and shoots growing inward. Then, on annuals, the third part of the shoot above the bud is cut off, and fruit-bearing branches are formed.

Pruning is carried out before sap flow begins. IN different regions deadlines may change. Weather that is stable to warming of at least +5 degrees should form.

Before pruning, prepare a garden varnish, which will need to be used to cover the cut areas, as well as sharpen the tool (saw, pruning shears) and treat it with a disinfectant. It is not worth pruning the same trees every year, otherwise this will lead to its weakening and death.

Spraying against pests

For spring experienced gardeners Spraying is carried out 3-4 times, this can significantly reduce the number of pests on the site.

Spraying is carried out starting in March, at above-zero temperatures during the daytime, so that the preparations dry on the branches and suddenly frost at night does not damage them. The difference between procedures should be at least 7 days and no more than 14.

  • The first spraying, as soon as the snow melted, was with Karbofos, Aktelik, Bordeaux mixture, and copper sulfate.
  • Second, when the kidneys are swollen - Nitrofen, Hom.
  • Third, when the buds began to bloom and leaves were already forming - Aktara, Bazudin, Chlorophos.
  • The fourth complete blooming of leaves and flowers - Inta-Vir, Bordeaux mixture, Fitoverm.

In the spring, not only the trees themselves are sprayed, but also the soil around them: many pests live in the soil. After spraying against a number of diseases and pests, gardeners spill the soil with various disinfectants: a solution of manganese, iodine, fluff, but only if frost is not expected.

This treatment will reduce the population of awakened pests and protect plants from damage and diseases: aphids, weevils, sawflies, whiteflies, cherry and iris flies, chafer, bronze mite, leaf roller, spider and fruit mite.

Whitewashing trunks

In the middle zone and southern regions, whitewashing is carried out until the first days of March, in colder regions - until April. Before the procedure, first clean the bark of dirt and dried parts with a brush. Whitening the trunks slaked lime, adding complex preparations from pests and diseases. The age of shrubs and trees is taken into account, so it is better to whiten young plants with smooth bark up to 3-5 years old with special paints, because the fluff will leave a burn. Spring whitewashing should be larger, as a backup for autumn.

What can you do to whiten it, besides fluff:

  • Concord-East;
  • Arbo-Flex;
  • Gardener;
  • paint Luck;
  • Michurinka-2;
  • Green Square.

Some new types of paints, especially acrylics, protect trees better and last longer. When whitening trees, avoid covering the cut areas; they are covered with garden varnish. They also do not cover the dormant buds, but paint them with whitewash around them using a thin brush.

Preparing a greenhouse and picking seedlings

Preparatory work in greenhouses begins at the end of February:

  • Inspect the structure and containers for seedlings for damage, heating, and rot. If defects are found, they are eliminated, holes are closed, boards, oilcloth, and containers are replaced.
  • The room is cleaned with disinfectants, glass and film are cleaned, the soil is spilled with manganese, bleach or fumigated with sulfur vapor.
  • Partial soil replacement. The top layer of 5–8 cm is removed, and nutrient mixtures of peat, leaf soil, turf soil, black soil, peat, vermicompost, compost, rotted manure and litter are added on top.
  • After that, the soil in the greenhouse is dug up and the boulders are finely crushed.
  • The prepared soil is treated with boiling water to thaw the bottom layer of soil and kill the remaining pests.

After preparing the greenhouse, they are sown in a few days. planting material or pick seedlings that were grown in room conditions. Picking is carried out for different crops. To do this, the tip of the root is cut off to stimulate the growth of laterals and form a strong stem. Seedlings are picked when the first 2-3 leaves appear. Before manipulation, the seedlings are watered so that the soil is soaked and it is easier to get the seedlings out of it. After picking for 7–10 days, the growth of seedlings stops: the root mass increases. After the rise large quantity lateral roots, the plant begins to grow sharply, and the stem becomes stronger.

Sowing resistant crops in open ground

In the warm southern regions, sowing is carried out from February, in the middle zone, in the Moscow region - from March, in cold regions - from April to early May.

What to sow? Which crops will not freeze if there is a temperature difference? Such questions concern many novice gardeners.

They will respond most favorably to early sowing and well-moistened soil after snow:

  • sorrel;
  • nigella onion, sets;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • garlic;
  • celery;
  • fennel;
  • basil;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • parsnip;
  • potato;
  • spinach.

The optimal time for planting these crops is when the soil warms up to +5...7 degrees. At this time, it is better to monitor the weather forecast in order to have time to cover the soil with oilcloth overnight if there is any frost on the soil.

Grafting work

Work on grafting trees and shrubs is carried out from March to early June. Scion (cuttings) are prepared in the fall. The main condition is that the buds have not yet bloomed. Before grafting work, prepare garden pitch, electrical tape, oilcloth, sharp knives and pruning shears treated with alcohol or other disinfectant, and decide on the grafting method. Stone fruit tree species are grafted from the beginning of March, especially early varieties. Pome-bearing species from April, starting with early varieties, and closer to June - late varieties.

Methods spring vaccination:

  • budding;
  • improved copulation;
  • into the cleft;
  • for the bark;
  • in an oblique side cut;
  • ablation.

Spring grafting will quickly show whether it was done correctly or not; often such plants are stronger and bear fruit in the second year.

Removing covers

The offensive is stable warm temperature, excluding night frosts and sudden changes, from April they begin to remove shelters from fruit bushes and various ornamental shrubs and flowers. After the shelter has been removed, the bushes are inspected for the presence of pests, diseases and damaged shoots.

Sanitary and formative pruning is carried out, after which they are sprayed with fungicide and insecticide. After treatment overnight, the bushes are again covered with burlap or film. Over the course of several days, remove the cover and cover it again at night. This way the plant is stimulated to awaken its buds. When they sprout, the shelter is completely removed, the soil around the bush is spilled with a phytocomplex against pests and fungi.

Renewing flower beds and lawns

in spring Special attention given to broken flower beds, especially if early varieties of flowers (primroses) were planted there.

  • Last year's foliage is carefully removed from the flower beds. It is better to carry out this procedure manually so as not to catch the emerging shoots with a rake.
  • Use a small rake to loosen the soil around the sprouts and mulch with compost or rotted manure.
  • If roots or bulbs are exposed, sprinkle with soil and compact.
  • For climbing plants put up supports.

They also plant new flower beds or sow flower seeds. Open earthed irises, peonies, hydrangeas, roses, hostas, chrysanthemums, roses. You can sow hardy flowers from the end of March: nasturtium, calendula, marigolds, forget-me-nots, eschscholzia, poppy, cosmos.

There is always more work with the lawn in the spring; usually, after the snow melts, faded bald spots and yellowed spots form on it. Required:

  1. Make a drain for melt water.
  2. Level and roll the lawn. After the snow melts, bumps may appear in some places.
  3. Comb out dead parts and caked dried grass and leaves.
  4. Prick the lawn in different places for additional air and nutrients.
  5. In this way, the lawn is aerated, which solves the problem of further damping off of pieces of lawn.
  6. Overseeding new lawn to fill bald spots.

After the lawn has been reanimated, it is watered with warm water with fertilizers or pest protection products.

When all preparatory work carried out, they move on to the main ones: planting and sowing the remaining more heat-loving crops, ornamental plants, flowers, and also planting seedlings of shrubs and trees.

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What to feed garden blueberries for a good harvest

Spring is the period of nature's rebirth from winter hibernation. Everyone is looking forward to her arrival, the appearance of the first emerald greenery on the sun-warmed earth, trees and bushes, the fresh aromas of foliage and the first flowers. For summer residents, this is also the need to prepare their land plots for planting, so it is wrong to say that there is less work in the garden in the spring than in the fall. Now you can see this for yourself.

Stages of spring gardening

This article is a small approximate instruction for the step-by-step implementation of spring activities that guarantee favorable conditions for plant life in the garden. Adapt it to specific situation in your region, and you will be able to exploit your land most efficiently.

The start date for spring work depends on climate zone, in which it is located country cottage area with an eye to weather current season.


Work in the garden in early spring, this is the time when the snow begins to melt.

At this stage, the main tasks of the gardener are:

  • Try to slow down the flow of melt water from a sloped area as much as possible.. To do this, it is necessary to arrange windrows and furrows located along the slopes along the entire height.
  • In low-lying areas opposite, we clean existing drainage ditches and organize new ones.
  • It is better to free young trees from snow that has dusted their crowns, since when melting, the resulting crust can harm them.
  • Crusts of snow under are loosened using a fork or sprinkled with peat, which speeds up the melting.

For your information!
Many people mistakenly believe that slowing down the melting of snow crust under trees improves the situation.
Not at all, this can only do harm, since the tree crowns, heated by the sun, wake up and require moisture and nutrition from the root system.
But this is difficult, since the ground is still frozen.

In March, you need to make sure how well the trees overwintered. This can be checked in areas that appear visually damaged by making a shallow longitudinal incision. If no blackness is found at the cut site, its shade is close to light green, then everything is in order, wintering was successful.

At the very beginning of spring there is a danger for trees to get sunburn on the trunks and at the base of the branches. This phenomenon is possible due to the sharp difference between day and night temperatures at this time; whitewashing the trunks and forks of branches will help to avoid such damage.

March ends with pest control by spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.


Basic gardening work In the spring this month the following should be done to bud swelling:

  • Dry, inanimate branches are pruned on all sides. The bark around the kidneys is removed.

  • Cleaning of the soil surface in the garden continues. All excess is raked from the dried earth and burned.
  • Next, cleansing and treatment work is performed:
    • If trees or bushes in the garden were previously susceptible to aphids, mites, psyllids or copperheads, they are sprayed with nitrophen just before the buds swell.
    • If there are gnawed areas, hollows and wounds on the trunks and branches of plants, they must first be cleared, then disinfected and covered with petrolatum (garden pitch).
    • Detected egg-laying ringed silkworms are removed along with the branches.

After the completion of preventive pest control measures, it is time to feed the plants:

  • To stimulate active growth and development of shoots on pome trees 1/2 annual rate nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied in April.
  • After fertilizing the soil under the trees at the end of April with organic, phosphorus and potassium-containing fertilizers, it is dug up.
    Estimated fertilizer consumption per 1 m2 of soil:
    • 1/2 cup superphosphate.
    • 1/2 cup of potassium sulfate or 1/5 cup of potassium chloride (can be replaced with 2-3 cups of wood ash).
    • One bucket organic fertilizers(when using peat or humus, you don’t have to dig up the soil and leave it on the surface as mulch).

    • Young and fruiting bushes in last days April are also fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, loosening the soil underneath to retain moisture and incorporate fertilizing.

Remember that fertilization of mature trees is carried out locally in the area of ​​​​the vertical projection of the plant crown onto the ground with a spades of no more than 50-100 cm.

At the end of April, you can start planting gooseberry and blackcurrant seedlings. In areas prepared in the fall for shrubs, plants are planted, followed by watering and mulching the soil under them. Shrubs planted in the fall are heavily pruned, leaving 2 to 4 well-developed buds on the shoots.

During the same period, they take care of the fruit-bearing trees and plant young raspberry bushes:

  • Pure, healthy seedlings are placed in clean, even grooves with the base of the stem immersed by 2-3 cm. Areas for raspberry seedlings must be properly prepared in the fall and generously fertilized.
  • The soil around the plants is watered and mulched with peat.
  • Then the bushes are pruned, leaving a height of 40 cm.
  • Overwintered raspberry shoots are lifted, untied and cut back to the first living bud untouched by frost.
  • Damaged, diseased, poorly developed, as well as excess shoots should be removed, viable shoots should be tied to a trellis.


Perhaps the most important period for every gardener who grows and cares for plants with his own hands is rightfully considered May.