What signs and superstitions exist about anthurium? About the dangers and benefits of indoor plants Male happiness, the flower is poisonous

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Anthurium (lat. Anthurium) - aroid family (Araceae) was brought to us from the regions of Central and South America

Anthuriums are poisonous (all parts of the plant are poisonous, although Anthurium fruits sometimes used in food), so place the plant so that it does not harm children and pets

Anthuriums are popular due to their “spreads” that resemble a huge petal and adhere to the inflorescences. The inflorescence forms a spadix that resembles a thick tail, which is reflected in the name of the plant from the ancient Greek words meaning "flower" and "tail" of Anthurium which means flowertail, sometimes called "flamingo flower"

Although they say that the plant is quite capricious, it is difficult to grow it at home, in fact, if you love flowers, it will not be difficult for you to grow and propagate it at home, for this you need a little knowledge and faith in your abilities and you will succeed !

Cut blossomed inflorescences last for 3-5 weeks; if the ear is underdeveloped, they wither within 2-3 days.

But in a terrarium you can grow almost all types

Anthurium scherzerianum Schott.

The most adapted to indoor conditions is anthurium. Scherzer (Anthurium scherzerianum Schott.)

It usually blooms in spring: the ear is usually light orange (to red), twisted in a spiral, reminiscent of a tail. The bedspread is bright orange-red (in some forms it is white and even mottled). The inflorescences usually rise above the plant. On strong plants at the same time there are from 3 to 5 inflorescences of varying degrees of maturity. Mature specimens usually have several stems

Anthurium has a positive effect on timid people who would rather step aside than demonstrate their skills, as well as on those whose mind prevails over feelings. Anthurium redistributes energy well in the room.

Also called Flamingo Flower.

Its natural habitat is Guatemala and Costa Rica. In appearance, it is very similar to the Andre anthurium, but the leaves are more elongated, the covering is usually more rounded, not so glossy, sometimes slightly inverted. And the main difference is the shape of the inflorescence: in A. Andre the spadix is ​​straight, in A. Scherzer it is spirally curved. Currently, many commercial cultivars have been obtained with different spathe colors, including even variegated ones.

Anthurium Andreanum (A. andreanum

Anthurium Andre (A. andreanum) is a large plant, up to 2 m, with large heart-shaped leathery leaves on long petioles, up to 1 m.

Numerous aerial roots are formed on the stems, which fully develop only at very high air humidity or when the stems are laid down on the substrate. Inflorescences form in the axils of the leaves all year round and stay on the plant for quite a long time. When flowers are pollinated, the inflorescence grows, and the spathe partially turns green and remains until the fruit ripens. The fruit is a yellow or orange color with two seeds. Due to their high decorative value, the inflorescences are widely used for cutting and can stand in water for 3-4 weeks or more. It is recommended to place the cut inflorescences immediately in warm water (about 40C) and leave overnight.

Anthurium climbing (A.scandens Engl.)

Very different from previous climbing anthurium (A.scandens Engl.) The name itself shows that it is a climbing semi-epiphytic plant with a long stem (about 1 m) and a large number of aerial roots.

The leaves are medium-sized, with dark dots on the underside. A pale green spathe surrounds a yellow-green spadix. Typically the plant is used for vertical gardening. Of the liana-shaped anthuriums, we mention the five-leaved one (A. pentaphyllum G. Don), which has palmate leaf blades, attached to a long petiole.

Anthurium is the personification of courage, originality, and passion. Anthurium is considered a predominantly male flower. A bouquet or composition with anthuriums will be an unforgettable gift for a husband or colleague, friend or boss... You can also give anthuriums to an extravagant lady: “You are unlike anyone else, and this delights me!”

All anthurium leaves are beautiful, but there is an anthurium with especially beautiful leaves– this is crystal anthurium (A. crystallinum), which is grown as an ornamental foliage plant. Anthurium crystal leaves are small, velvety and change color with age. U young plant the leaves are reddish, and in adults they are dark green. Each leaf has symmetrical silver veins, which are clearly visible on the leaves, which determines the decorative nature of this plant



Anthuriums love light, but do not tolerate direct light sun rays. The lighting should be bright but diffuse. At the same time, they are quite shade-tolerant and can be content with poor light conditions. But in this case, the anthuriums will not bloom.

Air temperature in summer is 20-25C, in winter 16-20C. Cold air, sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts are detrimental to anthurium.

Watering and air humidity

Anthuriums are very demanding proper watering and high air humidity. They do not tolerate either overdrying of the earthen clod or excessive waterlogging of the soil. Stagnation of water causes rotting of the roots and spots on the leaves, so some time after watering excess water the pan should be drained. Golden Rule: It’s better to slightly overfill than to overfill.

Do not water anthuriums with water containing lime and cold water- only soft, slightly warm water (the temperature should be 2-3 degrees above room temperature) is used for watering and spraying. Anthuriums need an acidic substrate, so if the water contains lime, their leaves turn yellow. To maintain high air humidity, you can spray the plants with the finest sprayer; By evening the leaves should dry out. When spraying, it is necessary to cover the buds and flowers so that there are no stains on them. Increased air humidity will help maintain a container with constantly evaporating water next to the pot. Periodic use of a humidifier is ideal for caring for anthuriums.

On the stem of Anthurium Andre a very a large number of aerial roots, which can be wrapped in moss, securing it with soft braid; the moss can also be moistened when sprayed. IN autumn-winter period When the room temperature drops, watering is reduced.

As a true tropical resident, anthurium needs high air humidity. Anthurium roots are located superficially, so it is much more useful to give preference to daily spraying and warm shower. Carry out these procedures according to your strength and time, but at least once a week.
It is especially important to maintain high air humidity when young leaves appear on anthuriums.

In addition, relatives tropical conditions You can recreate your favorite look by placing a pot of anthurium on wet expanded clay. The anthurium stem can be wrapped in damp moss.


Of the common ready-made soils, none are suitable. If you find a special substrate for epiphytes, it is better to use it. Otherwise, you need to cook it yourself. One of the the most important conditions Successful growing of anthuriums depends on the correct choice of substrate. It should hold the plant well, retain moisture and nutrients, dry easily and allow air to pass through. At the same time, it should not quickly decompose, cake or compact.

The container for planting must be selected sufficiently big size for free root growth. In nature, anthuriums actively grow aerial roots, which, upon reaching the substrate, take root in it and actively branch. In culture, their growth is usually limited, but when the stems are wrapped in moss, some of them develop and reach the substrate. The development of aerial roots is very important for providing plants with oxygen.

Most manuals recommend a substrate for growing anthuriums made up of 1 part coarse turf soil, 1 part coarse sand and 2-3 parts leaf humus with the addition of pieces of charcoal. However, such a substrate is far from optimal and requires annual replacement.

Mix acidic soil like "Azalea" with peat, expanded clay, sphagnum, and pine bark. The finished substrate should be loose, breathable, airy, and moisture-absorbing. Anthurium feels great in such a substrate. As a last resort, just use acidic soil plus expanded clay, but the result will be worse... in this case you will need to be very careful with watering.

A good substrate is pine bark with a piece size of 2 to 5 cm, but it is mainly applicable in greenhouse culture, provided regular feeding. From our point of view, the best results are obtained by a substrate composed of 2 parts of pumice (pieces 1 to 3 cm in size), 2 parts of pine bark (pieces 2-5 cm in size), 1 part of coarse fibrous peat and 1 part of half-rotted horse manure. This substrate is well aerated, quite moisture-intensive and retains nutrients well. For young plants, smaller fractions of its components are used. Good results can also be obtained by using a substrate composed of equal parts of large expanded clay (2-3 cm in diameter), coarse peat and pine bark (2-3 cm fraction). Some plant growers use glass wool or slag wool, crushed coconut shells, charcoal and even broken brick

U different types and varieties of anthurium, the shapes and sizes of the spathe and cob are different. The cob can be longer or shorter than the spathe, straight or curled in a spiral.

Anthurium cannot be called a very capricious plant, but just like the Tradescantia grass, it will not grow and bloom. It requires a special approach - special soil, moderate watering, good lighting.

What to plant anthurium in

One of the most important conditions for successfully growing anthuriums is the correct choice of substrate. It should hold the plant well, retain moisture and nutrients, dry easily and allow air to pass through. At the same time, it should not quickly decompose, cake or compact.

Soil for anthurium:

1. Mix acidic soil like "Azalea" with peat, expanded clay, sphagnum, and pine bark. The finished substrate should be loose, breathable, airy, and moisture-absorbing. Anthurium feels great in such a substrate.
If there is none, then the substrate is “begonia” + sphagnum + perlite. You can also add charcoal here.

2. Most manuals recommend a substrate for growing anthuriums, composed of 1 part of coarse turf soil, 1 part of coarse sand and 2-3 parts of leaf humus with the addition of pieces of charcoal. However, such a substrate is far from optimal and requires annual replacement.

A good substrate is pine bark with a piece size of 2 to 5 cm, but it is mainly applicable in greenhouse culture, subject to regular fertilizing. Best results gives a substrate composed of 2 parts pumice (pieces 1 to 3 cm in size), 2 parts pine bark (pieces 2-5 cm in size), 1 part coarse fibrous peat and 1 part rotted horse manure. This substrate is well aerated, quite moisture-intensive and retains nutrients well. For young plants, smaller fractions of its components are used. Good results can also be obtained by using a substrate composed of equal parts of large expanded clay (2-3 cm in diameter), coarse peat and pine bark (2-3 cm fraction). Some growers use glass wool or slag wool, crushed coconut shells, charcoal and even broken bricks to grow anthuriums.

3) Planting in clean moss

4) Transplanted into a substrate for bromeliads and orchids (or 1 part leaf, 1 part coniferous, 1 part peat soil and 0.5 parts sand

For Anthurium, I make the soil myself.
I take soil for violets or maybe another soil for indoor flowers or aroids, add a little perlite + vermiculite + pine bark + moss + husks from sunflower seeds.
I replant as needed. I take a pot that is not quite wide, but not deep either, 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

Anthurium lighting

Anthurium quickly adapts to room conditions, does not like direct sunlight at midday, but requires a lot of light, and morning or evening sun is welcome.
I also came across the following information in the literature: Anthuriums are shade-tolerant and can be content with rather poor light conditions.

Having grown Anthuriums for more than one year, I can say that yes, they can be content with poor light conditions, but then you will get an unattractive appearance and you won't see flowers. The cuttings become very long, sticking out in all directions like sticks, the leaves are small, and the flowers are even smaller, if any.
For Anthurium, any direction of windows except the south is suitable, of course you need to take into account the height of the floor, but if you really want to grow Anthurium on the south window, then you need to place it next to the window about 30-50 cm or on the windowsill, but then the window needs to be darkened.

If it's the other way around, north windows, or there is shading from the street, then in winter the anthurium will be dark, and when high temperature, this leads to degeneration of the plant, loss decorative look. Therefore, with such windows, from September to March, you need to turn on fluorescent lighting.


Watering during the period of active growth is moderate, but regular, with soft water, that is, as the top layer dries. I water and spray with boiled water, and sometimes I give it a shower.
There is an opinion that the soil should be constantly moist.
Most common mistake- this is waterlogging of the substrate; in a damp substrate, Anthurium's roots quickly rot, which can lead to the death of plants. Stagnation of water in the pan is unacceptable; it must be drained immediately after watering. The golden rule: it is better to slightly overfill than to overfill. The worst thing is that constant dampness in the pots causes fungus gnats (whose larvae gnaw at the roots), pathogenic fungi and bacteria develop, and various spots bloom on the plant.

Air humidity

Anthurium grows and blooms well in high humidity.
It is recommended to spray regularly (morning and evening) with water, because... anthuriums need very humid air. You can increase air humidity by spreading a layer of sphagnum moss around the leaves, but make sure that it does not create increased dampness in the ground and does not accumulate moisture on the stems. When spraying, use only soft boiled water, otherwise white streaks will remain on the leaves.

Anthurium fertilizer

From March to August, feed the plant with fertilizers once every two weeks. At the beginning of the growing season, anthurium is fertilized with a weak solution for decorative deciduous plants; after 2-3 feedings, you can apply fertilizers for decorative flowering plants (fertika-lux, agricola, unifloral bud, pocon for flowering plants, etc.). Calculate the dose of fertilizer to be 2 times less than recommended.

Anthurium propagation

By dividing adult specimens or separating rooted side shoots. To do this, the bush taken out of the pot must be carefully cut with a knife, cut off the necessary part with a piece of rhizome. Try not to disturb the bulk of the roots. Sprinkle all large sections with crushed coal or sulfur (sold in pet supplies) to close the gates to infection. Water the planted parts carefully during the first week. Try not to divide bushes and replant on the hottest summer days.

Seed propagation is also possible. After cross-pollination (for this you must have two plants flowering at the same time), the seeds ripen within 8 weeks, after which they must be planted immediately, as they quickly lose their viability. The soil is light, a mixture of vermiculite and peat in equal parts. Vermiculite can be replaced with coarse sand. The soil can be covered with a thin layer of sphagnum moss, and seeds can be sown in it. Moisten the top evenly with a spray bottle and cover with film. Ventilate regularly to prevent mold from forming on the surface of the soil.

Pests and diseases of anthurium

Typically, anthuriums get sick a little and are little susceptible to pests. Most often these are scale insects and mealybugs. Sometimes - ticks. Particularly dangerous are scale insects, which multiply very quickly and require serious efforts to destroy them. Ticks are fought with means called acaricides (Apollo, Vermitec, Nissoran, etc.). The easiest way to combat scale insects, mealybugs and other pests, including soil-borne ones, is with systemic insecticides - actara or confidor. Visible pests should be removed with a cotton swab or cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

Plants also suffer greatly from overwatering and poor drainage, leading to rotting of the root system. Root and stem rots caused by waterlogging of the substrate and low temperatures, as well as anthracnose. With anthracnose, the leaf blades begin to dry out at the edges, and with severe damage, the plants become depleted and die. The fight against this disease requires persistence, and it must begin when the first signs appear. In large collections it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments fungicides, preferably systemic (fundazol).

Anthurium Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should you pay attention to when growing Anthurium?

Answer: Anthuriums are kept at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees in conditions high humidity air (daily spraying required). Photophilous. The soil temperature cannot be lower than environment, so it is better to use plastic rather than ceramic pots. Anthurium consumes a lot of water, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Anthurium Andre tolerates the sun better than Anthurium Scherzer, but it is better to darken it; it feels fine in bright light, but also without the sun, and better in a humid atmosphere. When spraying, try not to get large drops of water on the flowers - unsightly spots will remain.

Such spots appear from systematic overflow, and are very often a sign of infection.

2. How to divide anthurium?

Answer: Very carefully! When dividing, the roots must be carefully untangled or cut with a knife. You can spill a little epin or root.

3. The plant requires replanting, but it is recommended to replant only in the spring, what should I do?

Answer: It’s best to now transfer it into a pot a little larger than before, and carefully change upper layer soil, without exposing the roots, if possible. Required good drainage and very loose soil. If there are aerial roots, lightly sprinkle them with the same soil or cover them with damp moss.

4. They appeared on Anthurium yellow spots on the leaves. Why does this happen, from hard water or from overfeeding with fertilizers?

Answer: If the spots are large - evenly over the entire surface of the leaf, and the leaves themselves are either smaller than the previous ones or larger - then this is obvious signs unbalanced fertilizer. If the spots are small and visible in the light, then perhaps they are spider mites.

5. Is it possible to replant a flowering anthurium?

Answer: Blooming flowers do not need to be replanted, but only transshipped, i.e. without damaging the earthen clod, especially if the pot is small. And it’s better to place the flower in a bright place.

6. How deep can the roots be when replanting?

Answer: They can and should be buried when transplanting, but, of course, you shouldn’t be zealous. The roots definitely need to be covered. If you can’t deepen them, at least cover them with sphagnum. It is recommended to wrap even the aerial roots of anthuriums in damp sphagnum...

7. Anthurium does not bloom!

Answer: The path to success for anthuriums is this: in order for it to bloom, it must be at a temperature of at least 18 degrees around the clock, it does not like direct sunlight, it needs diffused light. Watering is moderate, it really does not like drafts. Its pot must be slightly larger than its root system, otherwise it will not bloom! And, of course, light fertilizer once a week.

The tropical beauty anthurium arrived on the European continent from South America. IN wildlife There are more than 800 varieties of this plant. They grow on plains, foothills and highlands. They belong to the aroid family.

Europeans first learned about the unusual exotic plant V late XIX century. Edouard Andre brought several specimens of anthurium from his expedition. The bright, showy flowers immediately appealed to European flower growers. They were demonstrated at the English exhibition of horticultural crops in 1865. They were used as the main “highlight” landscape design in the capital of France.


Anthurium Andre is most often grown at home. The name of the culture characterizes its appearance: anthos means “flower”, oura means “tail”. "Flowertail » - a fairly accurate definition for the inflorescence of a plant. It looks like a small cob surrounded by a large bright bract ( « bedspreads » ). The cob has different shapes- cone-shaped, spherical, spiral. It can be straight or curved.

The bract in natural conditions is usually bright red. As a result of breeding work, varieties with blankets were developed various shades: black, white, cream, lilac, green.

Anthurium flowering lasts 1–1.5 months. Fruits form in place of dried and fallen bracts. They are red or yellow in color. 2 seeds are placed inside.

In addition to amazing flowers, anthurium has beautiful decorative leaves. They are distinguished by their significant sizes (length up to 35 cm, width up to 20 cm). They have an oval, heart-shaped or dissected plate shape. The leaves of the plant have the unusual ability to turn after the sun, just like the inflorescence of a sunflower does.

Due to its exceptional attractiveness, anthurium has long been popular among gardeners.

Advantages and disadvantages of the plant

Many years of practice have shown that Andre's anthurium has noticeable advantages. It is a powerful air purifier. Well captures toxic compounds (toluene, xylene).

Anthurium is useful for people with poor health. It helps restore strength and get out of depression. Under certain conditions, this representative of the aroids can cause harm to health. The plant contains toxic substances. You need to handle it carefully:

  • Take precautions during agrotechnical manipulations.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Avoid contact of juice with skin and mucous membranes.
  • Keep out of reach of children and animals.
  • The scent of flowers can cause allergic reaction. When the first signs of an allergy appear, the plant should be removed from living quarters.

Aphrodisiac flower

Cut anthurium flowers are actively used by florists to create wedding bouquets and compositions. In the countries of Latin America, the plant’s homeland, its flowers are an obligatory attribute of the bride’s bouquet. It is believed that they will bring happiness, wealth and true love to the young family. An ancient Indian legend is cited to confirm this:

“A long time ago, in a village there lived a beautiful girl. A brave young hunter fell in love with her passionately. But the evil old leader of another tribe wanted to take the beauty to himself. His warriors treacherously attacked the village and killed all the men. The girl mourned the fate of her lover, and then put on her most beautiful outfit and threw herself into the fire. When the flame burned out, a wondrous flower grew in the place of the ashes.”

The legend about the origin of anthurium has crossed the ocean. The plant began to be revered as a powerful aphrodisiac and received the symbolic epithet “male happiness.” It is believed that it attracts male energy and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive functions of men. Therefore, unmarried girls and young married couples try to acquire anthurium.

The plant helps create an atmosphere of stability, well-being, and harmony in the house. Helps to tune in to the positive, increases tone, revives faded feelings, encourages you to achieve goals. The best zones for the location of the container with “male happiness” there will be bedrooms and living rooms. Optimal orientation in the southeast direction.

It should be taken into account that anthurium is sensitive to the state of energy in the house. If negative thoughts predominate, the flower begins to hurt.

It is not a plant purchased independently, but a gift that is considered to work effectively. Esotericism experts recommend keeping “female happiness” (spathiphyllum) and “male happiness” (anthurium) indoors at the same time. In this case, the plants will mutually complement and enhance each other’s work.

The anthurium flower has not been spared signs and superstitions, since they are an important component of the cultural traditions of any nation. The Slavic peoples treated with special trepidation flora, therefore, a great many beliefs associated with indoor plants have survived to our times. Some flowers, according to our ancestors, should not be kept at home, since they not only will not bring happiness, but can even cause harm. However, there are also plants that have truly magical properties; in ancient times they were sure to decorate their homes with them to attract good luck, happiness and prosperity. One of these beautiful flowers is the anthurium, which we will talk about today.

Anthurium needs bright light in winter, shade in summer, and a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.

Anthurium in the house

Anthurium is a very beautiful large plant with glossy, wax-soaked green leaves.

Anthurium in the house: signs and superstitions, the magical aura of the flower for others

It blooms with luxurious red or white flowers. His appearance alone fascinates and makes an indelible impression. And if you remember what signs and superstitions are associated with this indoor plant, then everyone who dreams of success, happiness and well-being will want to try to tame this capricious plant. We invite you to find out what legends and beliefs are associated with anthurium.

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The magical properties of anthurium

Since ancient times, anthurium has been considered a male flower. That is why girls who have problems in personal life, it is recommended to start it at home. The flower will attract you there masculine energy, and the problem will resolve itself.

Varieties of anthurium.

What family doesn't have quarrels and misunderstandings? Every couple faces them, but everyone would not mind stopping such scenes. Anthurium will help well in this, as it brings stability, harmony and mutual understanding to the relationship between spouses. But remember that he cannot cope alone; he needs to pair it with spathiphyllum, which is considered an exclusively female flower. They are called accordingly: female and male happiness. And one more nuance: each of the spouses must take care of their “happiness”, then harmony and a favorable atmosphere will forever settle in the house.

The flower has a powerful healing effect; it will help people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Anthurium can also solve purely male sexual problems, because it helps strengthen men's health and strength.

If the family is in an unstable financial situation, get several plants at once and, most importantly, carefully care for them. Healthy, clean and well-groomed plants will attract the energy of money into the house, and the situation will improve.

People with poor health and those who regularly feel a loss of strength, are susceptible to illness and depression, should definitely get an anthurium.

Anthurium will be useful for people with various heart diseases.

It has strong energy, helps to quickly restore the body’s strength and not give in to despondency.

The most powerful properties are those of a plant that you received as a gift and did not buy yourself, so it is customary to present it to males so that it makes its owner even braver, stronger and more successful.

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Anthurium care at home

In order to activate magical properties For a plant to bring you maximum benefit, you need to create a suitable microclimate in which the flower would be healthy and feel comfortable.

Care is of great importance, so it is important to follow all its rules. Anthurium is a very capricious flower, it comes from South America. It is not easy to create comfortable conditions for it, since it prefers moderate watering, and at the same time you need to manage not to dry it out or overwater it at the same time. It is important to spray the leaves regularly, avoiding contact with the flowers. It is best to allocate a place for anthurium in partial shade.

The plant takes root well when room temperature, the main thing is that drafts do not reach it.

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Video: Anthurium Legend of Flowers

I spent the whole day impressed by my purchase. Most of all, of course, I am pleased with the anthuriums. For me, the aroid family is probably the most beautiful and mysterious. They are all so different, but they also have something in common - the magnetism with which they attract people to themselves.

So I thought about what exactly anthuriums are? The solution came in the legend of its origin. If you don't mind, I'll share it with you.

This legend has its roots in India. All the events took place at that time, when there were still tribes and leaders, and as a rule, cruel and heartless. And one such selfish leader wanted to get married. He chose as his wife a young beautiful girl living in a neighboring tribe, but the beauty did not like him. And then he went to war against this tribe. He enslaved everyone and forced the girl to marry him.

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According to tradition, they lit a fire on their wedding day. But the girl was so upset by all this and, burning with hatred for the cruel leader, she decided to die rather than fall to him. And she threw herself into the fire in her red wedding dress. But the gods, seeing the beauty and mental anguish of this girl, took pity on her and did not allow her to die in a blazing fire. They turned her into a delightful red anthurium flower that was as captivating and vibrant as she was. And the village itself where the ceremony took place turned into a dense, impenetrable and mysterious tropical forest.

Residents of the tropical forests of Colombia consider this flower a symbol of happiness and prosperity, so it is customary for them to decorate their homes with it. According to tradition, bouquets of anthurium flowers should last the entire first month of the newlyweds’ life.

Such a beautiful and sad legend tells us about the appearance of this unusual flower. The name anthurium comes from two Latin words oura - tail and anthos - flower, this can be translated as flower tail. The very name of the aroid family comes from biblical history. It tells about the shepherd Aron, who was the brother of one prophet, and he walked everywhere with a thick stick, and at the end there was an oblong knob. And the inflorescence exactly resembles this stick, which is where the name of the family comes from.

Video: Anthurium male dignity

And they also have a feature that I think not many people know about. The aroma of the inflorescence and the color of the cover of different anthuriums are associated with the method of pollination and those who are directly involved in it.

Video: Legends of flowers

Bees prefer a sweetish smell and light-colored covers, and flies are quite bad smell and dark color, i.e. all red shades. But in both cases, the males, wrapped in this smell, become very attractive to the females.

Anthurium includes from 400 to 800 epiphytes, common in South America and being the largest of the araceae family. The name of the genus comes from the combination of two Latin words: oura - tail, anthos - color. In fact, the shape of the inflorescence in some species resembles a tail curled like a pig's. IN room conditions Anthuriums of the Andre, Khrustalny and Scherzer varieties are most often grown. These plants fit perfectly into the interior of the room.

  • What does the name of the flower, anthurium, mean?
  • Anthurium - a symbol of male happiness
  • How to properly care for anthurium
  • How to propagate and replant anthurium
  • Anthurium transplantation at home
  • Reviews and comments

What does the name of the flower, anthurium, mean?

For your unusual look the flower received "interesting" names such as "tail" or "flamingo". The shape of the flower is similar to a heart, and therefore it is also called the flower of love.

An inflorescence with a vertical direction is also distinguished - this is a symbol of masculinity, and for this reason anthurium is considered a passion flower.

Small flowers are collected in inflorescences-cobs. Their colors are white, yellow, cream, red and green. The inflorescence is surrounded by blankets of various shades - from soft pink to red.

Inflorescences form in the axils of the leaves every year. The plant blooms for a very long time - up to 1.5 months. As soon as the attachment of flowers in the inflorescence grows, the spathe turns green. The fruits of the flower are orange or yellow berries with two seeds.

Anthurium - a symbol of male happiness

Since the plant is recognized as male happiness, it is customary to give it to men. It represents courage, strength, freedom and passion for a woman. There is a belief that in a house where a flower grows, happiness and love always reign.

Legend of origin. Homeland of the flower - South America. The local population considers him to be an enchanted girl about whom there is a legend. It says that one day the leader of an Indian tribe with a tough character decided to marry beautiful girl from the village.

The poor thing didn't want a wedding because she loved someone else. And in order not to enter into an alliance with the tyrant, the beauty committed suicide by jumping into the fire. But a miracle happened, and the girl turned into magnificent red flowers - anthurium.

How to properly care for anthurium

During the flowering period, the flower does not tolerate any bright light very well. If it is not removed in time in the summer, the leaves of the plant will receive a burn, which will manifest itself as yellowing of the leaves, and will dry out. However, the flower should be placed in a well-lit area so that it can gain strength before blooming.

The air humidity should be high and the temperature low - from 18 to 20 degrees, not higher. Greens love moisture very much, so spray them daily with a spray bottle, but so that the drops fall only on the leaves.

Watering the plant should not be done very often. In winter, do it once a week, in summer every 1-4 days. If you are excessively fond of watering, you need to stop the access of moisture and then dry the soil. In this case, the flower can still be saved.

But this must be done as soon as the tips of the leaves begin to dry. To keep the plant always beautiful and strong, feed it properly. mineral fertilizers every month.

How to propagate and replant anthurium

Propagation by seeds. Get beautiful flower from seeds is not difficult, but it is better not to carry out this process at home. It is complex in itself and does not always live up to expectations. If you decide to take the risk, pollinate the flowers first. To do this, take a brush or a piece of cotton wool, which you will use to wipe the cob several times a day. It is better to have several plants for cross-pollination.

Carry out the process for 3 days. If the result is positive, inflorescences should form, which will produce seeds in the future. As soon as the seeds ripen, they must be planted immediately, otherwise they may not sprout.

Planting is done as follows:

  • Peel the seeds from the pulp and place them on the prepared soil. Do not sprinkle them with soil, just moisten them with a spray bottle;

  • Place the pots with seeds in a warm room, and after two weeks the first shoots will appear;
  • Plants obtained using this method will bloom 3 years after sowing.

Vegetative propagation method. This option is much simpler and more convenient.

There are several ways you can do this:

  • Reproduction using apical cuttings.

    The best time for reproduction is spring or summer. At this time, the flower takes root well, and further propagation occurs without problems. To propagate anthurium, cut top part flower, which should have several internodes, and place it in a container of water. The ideal length of the seedling is 5 cm; trim with a knife. The temperature in the room during planting should be 25 degrees above 0. If the process is carried out correctly, within a month the roots of the plants will reach 3 cm, then they can be placed in a pot.

  • Planting by dividing the bush. This method allows you to rejuvenate aged plants. The process time is spring. To plant, the plant must be removed from the pot and the roots freed from the ground.

    Handsome anthurium or flower Male happiness

    Separate the young shoots from the vine. To transplant an anthurium, a separate pot with prepared soil, drainage and mineral fertilizers is used for each plant.

Anthurium transplantation at home

In this way, the flower is transplanted only in case of emergency due to the great fragility of the roots and leaves. If you find roots coming out of the pot holes, replant them without fail, otherwise the roots of the anthuriums will rot.

Do the same when you appear white plaque on the soil surface - this means depletion of the substrate. Only young plants need to be replanted every year.

How to prepare soil for replanting. To do this, take turf and leaf soil, swamp moss. The main thing is that the soil is loose. Then amend the soil charcoal, crushed pumice, coconut fiber. Before planting, the anthurium needs to be watered thoroughly, and after transplantation, do not water it for a couple of days.

How to replant anthurium after purchase. Planting should be done within three days after purchase. This is explained by the fact that in flower shop contains substrates that are not suitable for long-term maintenance of plants.

If anthurium is propagated at home in compliance with all the rules, then the exotic beauties will become a real decoration in the house.

Anthurium red, Latin name Anthúrium, is a representative of the aroid family. The plant is found in South and Central America, Colombia and Ecuador.

The first species of this flower was described by the Belgian scientist J. Linden, who gave it the name in honor of the French naturalist Edouard Andre. The plant came to Russia in 1886.

People call it:

Anthurim red is considered the flower of family happiness, as it creates harmony and stability in relationships. It is called a symbol of male happiness because it is considered capable of attracting male energy into the home of unmarried women. With manifestation male power compare the petals in the shape of a heart with a tail sticking out in the middle.

This is a fast growing perennial has hard petiolate leaves. The surface is:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • leathery.

The edges of the leaves are lobed or entire. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, the base of which is decorated with a bract different sizes. The flower has a curious feature - the leaves turn to follow the sun.

Is it possible to keep him at home?

Red anthurium should be placed high in the house so that children and animals cannot reach it. The point is the toxic substances contained in the leaves, which, if you don’t try them, are not dangerous. Otherwise, they may cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

People who are allergic to odors should choose a non-smelling type. The roots can also cause allergies.

There is no more danger from anthurium, there are only benefits, since the plant:

  • absorbs odors that come from plastic;
  • humidifies the air;
  • looks great in a bouquet.

Species with names and photos of Anthurium


One of the famous red species is (Anthurium Andre) with heart-shaped leaves and a bright red bract. Can bloom for more than 3 months.

Scherzer (scherzerianum Schott)

How to care at home?

For good development the flower needs proper care at home.


You can propagate red anthurium:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • division;
  • shoots.

It is very difficult to propagate a flower by seeds, the easiest way is by division. in spring sharp knife Carefully separate several shoots along with the roots, not forgetting to treat the cut area with crushed coal. Then they are planted in another pot. For the cutting method, the top of the stem is cut off, which is then rooted in water, but you can also immediately plant it in a pot. Roots appear quickly.

Diseases and pests

Anthurium red can get sick:

  • gray rot;
  • septoria;
  • root rot.

Anthracnose is considered the most destructive disease. The flower can be affected by:

  1. scale insect;
  2. thrips.

Calla lilies and Spathiphyllium are very similar to red anthurium, which have beautiful green leaves during flowering. white. The modest, delicate spathiphyllum and its picturesque antipode, anthurium, look great together.

Anthurium Amaretti has a white inflorescence with red spots. The blanket contains different colors:

  • red;
  • green;
  • orange;
  • yellow.

The compact Anthurium Andrianum Edison has wide, rich green, heart-shaped leaves. It has tall peduncles that rise above the bush. A round leathery blanket surrounds a yellow or white cob.

Low Anthurium Nano Red forms a spreading bush with small growing points. It has pointed dark green leaves. The peduncle is straight, rising above the bush. The upright cob has a reddish-orange hue. The color of the small heart-shaped blanket ranges from reddish-green to crimson.

Useful video

Anthurium red is one of the favorite flowers of florists. It is valued for its ability to last for 21-30 days when cut. This indoor flower makes the atmosphere in the house cleaner. Its dense leaves absorb harmful substances. High humidity, which is necessary for the plant, also benefits.

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