What plants bloom in autumn. Autumn flowers in the garden that will delight you in the flowerbed (photos and names)

These perennial flowers and shrubs, blooming in autumn, will decorate your garden bright colors! Let's see which plants a spectacular September flower garden cannot do without.

In our latitudes, September is often a continuation of summer with its warm days and beautiful flowering plants. In early autumn, your garden will look especially impressive if you “settle” these graceful perennials in it.

Perennials blooming in September

The list of autumn flowers is quite wide, but we tried to select the most attractive plants that bloom in flower beds in the first month of autumn.


The name of this plant translates as “golden flower”. And thanks to the bright color of the buds, the chrysanthemum fits perfectly into the autumn flower garden. Terry shapes that resemble graceful pompoms look especially impressive.

Today there is a variety of varieties, the beautiful representatives of which differ in the colors of their petals. Flowers are white, cream, pink, bronze, yellow, fiery orange, copper-red, lilac... And how gorgeous chrysanthemums look in bouquets!


This unpretentious and incredibly beautiful flower also amazes with its diversity. Dahlias vary in bush height, shape, structure and doubleness of flowers. Nowadays in gardens you can find peony-shaped, anemone-shaped, needle-shaped, collared, spherical and nymphedal dahlias.

Unfortunately, these attractive flowers are heat-loving, so they die at the first frost. But if in September the weather is warm like summer, then dahlias will pamper you with their blooms in the fall.


This perfect plant for any flower garden. So, for the rock garden, alpine slide and borders, low awl-shaped phloxes are best suited, and for mixed borders and solitary plantings - paniculate ones (these are tall bushes with bright and juicy colors of delicate petals).

These sunny yellow, brick purple and fiery red flowers with bulbous centers attract bees to the garden. The lush bright corollas of helenium will not fade until frost.

Anemone or anemone

This delicate and light flower on a thin stem sways in the wind and seems to be about to wilt. But, despite its external fragility, anemone withstands the vagaries of autumn weather.

In summer and until mid-autumn, Japanese anemones (Anemone japonica), hybrid (Anemone hybrida), tomentosa (Anemone tomentosa), grape-leaved (Anemone vitifolia) and crown anemones (Anemone coronaria) bloom. By the way, the latter blooms at the beginning of summer.

Depending on the variety, the color of the flowers and their shape may vary. Bright red, pink, yellow and purple anemones are good in the fall flower garden.


Sunny rudbeckia illuminates the garden with its yellow ray petals throughout September. This absolutely unpretentious flower is also called the “golden umbrella” and “golden tower”.

Nowadays, flower beds most often display shiny rudbeckia (Rudbeckia fulgida) and glossy rudbeckia (Rudbeckia nitida), and previously not a single summer cottage could do without dissected rudbeckia (Rudbeckia laciniata), the second name of which is “Golden Balls”.

Colchicum, or Colchicum

This unusual flower is called colchicum because it blooms not like most bulbous flowers - in spring, but in autumn. Colchicum has its own special biorhythm: leaves appear in early spring, they die off in summer, and in autumn (sometimes even during the first snow) white or light purple flowers bloom.

This low plant looks good in ridges, borders, rocky gardens and near ponds. And thanks to its delicate and not at all autumnal color, the colchicum looks very advantageous among plants with golden and red flowers.

Crocus autumn

Autumn crocuses are often confused with colchicums, but this different plants, although they are really similar in appearance. Crocuses also have leaves in the spring, and bell-shaped flowers in the fall. The petals are blue-violet, whitish closer to the center, and yellow-orange stamens “peek out” from the core.

Autumn aster

Everyone knows this star flower! White and pink, red and lilac, raspberry and blue... Asters look great in any flower beds. The most popular perennial asters that bloom in the fall are New Belgian (Virginian) and New England (American).

Spectacular bushes strewn with small pink, purple and purple flowers, often called Septembers and Octobers. They are able to bloom even after overnight frosts.

White, red, yellow and pink zinnias are an excellent decoration for the fall flower garden. These graceful flowers from the Asteraceae family are undemanding in care, but in our latitudes they are most often grown as annuals, since they are not able to survive harsh winters.

Zinnia became the first plant to grow and bloom in zero gravity conditions aboard the ISS.

Shrubs blooming in September

Ornamental shrubs that decorate autumn garden, are smaller, but in terms of flowering efficiency they are not inferior to perennial herbaceous plants.

Hydrangeas different types(the most popular of them are tree-like and paniculate) bloom in the first half of summer and decorate the flower garden with their fluffy multi-colored “balls” and “panicles” until October. In early autumn, shrubs look especially impressive, with not only the inflorescences, but also the leaves shimmering in different shades. So, for example, in paniculata hydrangea Diamond Rouge green leaves turn orange by autumn, and the plant variety Kyushu– yellowish.

In honor of this delicate plant in some Slavic languages called the first month of autumn. Delicate white, pink, lilac and violet flowers continue to decorate the flower garden, even when snow falls. These low shrubs look best in rock gardens, rock gardens and rock gardens.

Buddleia of David, or changeable

This deciduous shrub, reaching a height of 2.5 m, is very decorative thanks to its small flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences up to 40 cm long. Depending on the variety, they can be pink, purple-blue, white, violet.

Buddleia flowers emit a sweet aroma that attracts butterflies and bees to the garden. The panicle inflorescences look similar to lilacs, which is why buddleia is often called autumn lilac.

As you can see, the onset of autumn is not a reason to be sad, because at least there’s still a whole month left beautiful flowering plants They won't let us mope! What flowers and shrubs make your autumn garden fun?

Summer flew by quickly, autumn is in full swing, almost all the flowers have faded, the flower beds are empty, and the soul demands “the continuation of the banquet.” To prevent your flower beds from appearing empty, plant autumn flowers. Against the background of withered grass and fallen leaves autumn flowers shine with bright colors and delicate tones, which is especially noticeable on the eve of the inexorably approaching cold weather.

What autumn flowers can you plant to fully enjoy all the colors of autumn? By the way, re-flowering shrubs, such as weigela, can also keep autumn flowers company.

Or simply “September” - a real find for any garden. In September, when the flowering of summer flowers is already waning, perennial asters are just beginning to bloom. Perennial asters are real stars of the autumn garden; they can be called a “classic” of autumn flowers. Asters have remained popular for a very long time, despite the emergence of various new wonders.

The popularity of perennial asters has not subsided due to their undemanding nature and ease of care. They are graceful and beautiful with a kind of ordinary touching beauty that does not irritate and at the same time does not leave anyone around indifferent.

Garden perennial asters can be divided into two types: New Belgian aster and New England aster.

It grows up to one and a half to two meters in height with flowers up to four cm in diameter. Three or four stems of New England aster form a whole cloud of flowers up to one and a half meters in diameter. If you plant such asters along the perimeter of the fence, by autumn a continuous flowering hedge will form. Also looks beautiful in prefabricated flower beds. The flowers themselves can be white, pink, blue, purple.

Aster novobelgica- more compact, growing up to half a meter in height, with flowers slightly smaller than those of the New England aster. By autumn, the New Belgian aster turns into real living flowering balls, abundantly decorated with bright flowers. The color of the flowers is the same as that of the New England aster. Borders and ridges made from New Belgian asters look gorgeous. And if New Belgian asters are planted at the foot of New England asters, you can get a continuous two-meter flowering wall. The autumn garden looks gorgeous with these asters.

These asters grow in almost any type of soil, with minimal watering. As they say, I planted it and forgot about it.

Alpine aster also refers to perennial asters. Alpine asters are very small in size - only 10 to 30 cm in height; flower diameter is up to 6 cm. Alpine asters are used mainly for planting in rockeries and alpine slides.

Taking into account the late flowering period, it is best to propagate all perennial asters in the spring by dividing the rhizomes. The New England aster needs to be constantly limited; it spreads across the area quite quickly. And the shoots that emerge in the spring need to be thinned out. If this is not done, then with strong thickening there is a possibility of powdery mildew, especially on the lower leaves, which is why Bottom part bushes with withered dry leaves do not look “ice”. To avoid the appearance of powdery mildew on the leaves, in the summer you need to spray the asters with fungicides: phytosporin, Maxim, foundationazol, Bordeaux mixture or any others available in the retail chain.

The New Belgian aster is not as creeping as the New England aster, but in three to four years it forms a fairly large curtain.

Helenium autumn

The main advantage of helenium is its late and very abundant flowering. Its heap of golden orange and dark red daisies fills the heart with the last joy before a series of dank rainy autumn days of the approaching pre-winter.

Helenium It looks very impressive both as a single soloist plant and in group plantings. Helenium bushes have a beautiful columnar shape with strong stems reaching a height of up to one and a half meters. Therefore, it is better to plant helenium in the background of the flower garden, but always in a sunny place. Helenium flowers are real sunbeams, and the plant itself is sunny, it loves the sun very much, but only suffers in the shade or partial shade.

When growing helenium, you need to remember its biological feature: every autumn the main one, the mother rhizome, is replaced by many new, daughter rhizomes, because of this, renewal buds develop on the soil surface, which threatens helenium with freezing in cold winters. Therefore, for the winter, helenium rhizomes need to be sprinkled with dry peat or sawdust and covered with copper basin, under which there will be dry air space. It is best to transplant and divide the bush in the spring.

Korean chrysanthemums

Indian chrysanthemums have the largest and most beautiful flowers, but in our country they can only be grown in a greenhouse. IN open ground They bloom very late and are exposed to frost; the roots of these chrysanthemums have low frost resistance and very often freeze out.

And here korean chrysanthemums, although they do not look as lush and sublime as the Indian ones, they winter quite safely in middle lane Russia. By autumn, Korean chrysanthemums grow into powerful branched bushes, covered with many inflorescences, which do not lose their attractiveness even with a lot of rain. Korean chrysanthemums are very winter-hardy; the flowers freeze only during fairly significant frosts. And in terms of variety of colors, Korean chrysanthemums are not in last place.

Korean chrysanthemums are not as picky about the soil as they are about choosing a location. When planting chrysanthemums, find a sunny, wind-protected, elevated location. Chrysanthemums are afraid of flood waters. If the area where you want to plant chrysanthemums is low, it is best to make a bulk row (20-25 cm higher than the rest of the area). During planting, humus or compost is added to the soil, but fresh manure cannot be applied to chrysanthemums.

plant chrysanthemums preferably in spring, over the summer they will take root well and will bloom by autumn. Watering is important for chrysanthemums; it should be timely and moderate. Severe waterlogging of the soil leads to root rot, and lack of water affects the upper part of the plant: chrysanthemum stems begin to become coarse ahead of time, the number of shoots is reduced, which, first of all, will affect flowering; it will no longer be so lush.

Chrysanthemums also have one feature that I would like to remind you of. During flowering, you need to cut several stems of Korean chrysanthemum for a bouquet, leaving about a third of the stem with green leaves (namely green, this is important). Cutting stems with flowers stimulates the formation of new shoots, and the green leaves remaining on the stems contain the necessary supply of nutrients necessary for the formation of new root rosettes. We can say that it is these green leaves remaining on the cut stems that work to form new chrysanthemum shoots, which grow around the bush in the fall in the form of basal rosettes.

In Korean chrysanthemum bushes with unpruned stems, all nutrients are spent on the formation of buds and flowers; sometimes unpruned chrysanthemums do not have time to establish root rosettes and may die over the winter.

If the area where Korean chrysanthemums grow is elevated, then no winter shelter is required. Even completely frozen rosettes of Korean chrysanthemums begin to develop normally into the spring ice crust that forms on the soil when the snow melts.

The main danger for Korean chrysanthemums is damping off during winter thaws and spring snow melting. Therefore, if the area where chrysanthemums grow is flooded in the spring with flood waters, it makes sense to cover the chrysanthemum rosettes using an air-dry method, for example, like roses or grapes.

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Even the names of autumn flowers, blooming all summer until late autumn, charm and surprise, not to mention their appearance. It is in autumn that you can appreciate all the beauty and brightness of nature’s gifts. The mother-of-pearl of the leaves, orange, yellow, and red flowers is mesmerizing, and the beauty of the flower beds attracts the eye and fills with energy and inspiration. The period of active flowering of summer plants stops with the arrival of the first autumn days, and already empty areas look dull and sad if there are no autumn flowers on them.

If we consider the flowering process from scientific point From the perspective, it can be noted that autumn flowers, despite their diversity, are similar in their need for a short day of light during the period of bud formation.

Perennial from the genus Colchicum. Also called colchicum or autumn plant. This species is rich in shoots. Throughout the spring, these shoots grow in size and develop their structure. But with the arrival of summer they may die off completely. The colchicum bulb has a dark brown color; it contributes to the formation of a long tube for feeding the entire part of the autumn forest. Part of the colchicum blooms in spring period. The emerging sprouts are funnel-shaped. The size of such a plant can exceed 20 cm. The fruit part resembles a nest round shape. If you become the owner of this type of flower, know that it is poisonous. Moreover, the poison can be in any part of the crocus, and not in its individual parts. Therefore, if your site is visited by small children who may try bright flower taste, it is better to decorate the flowerbed with something else.

Some spring species of colchicum take a long time to grow. If you properly care for the shoots, they will certainly bloom, but it will take about 7 years. You will have to be patient and wait until the bulb gets stronger and is ready to bloom. The rest of the autumn trees are not so capricious. To plant seeds, you will need prepared, well-moistened soil with a loose structure. This requirement will allow the plant to be saturated with substances. Only ripe seeds are suitable for planting, that is, they need to be immersed in the soil almost immediately after collection. You just need to soak them in water for a while before planting. Choose a small depth, as colchicum germinates well and quickly. If for some reason you did not sow the seeds after collection, you should not throw them away. Place the seeds in the refrigerator, and instead of soaking, wrap the fruits in a cloth and secure them in the toilet tank. Thanks to this action, you will provide the seeds with constant washing, and this will help them sprout faster.

A perennial plant otherwise called fudge. In appearance, these are spike-shaped inflorescences with beautiful funnel-shaped flowers. They look very impressive when cut. Hybrids of large varieties can have the most extraordinary colors. It is a monocotyledonous plant, the flowers are divided into six simple perianth leaves. Sturdy stem and delicate flower look harmonious. The inflorescence is located above the sword-shaped leaves located along the length of the stem.

Gladioli are unusually fragile plants that are susceptible to various diseases. Mole crickets and wireworm larvae are dangerous for the swordfish. They destroy the flower at the root. Gardeners use poison baits as protection. Aphids, thrips and leafhoppers attack the stem part of the plant. Soil with high acidity and alkali is also contraindicated for gladioli. Not excluded viral diseases, one might even say that they are the main ailment of the swordfish. If the leaves of your flower have begun to turn yellow, this is most likely the reason. If you want to get the most out of planting gladiolus, do not use an area where bulbous plants have previously sprouted.

Knowledge distinctive features autumn flowering plants will help you break it down correctly garden beds and create unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to color scheme or flowering period. To properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants and the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Autumn perennial flowers

If you're good at autumn colors, you'll easily be able to garden plots into conditionally compositional zones. Create a color palette for your flower bed to suit your taste. Take into account the height of the flower, its individual characteristics. It is logical to plant flowers in such a way that tall plants did not obscure the view of the lower ones.

Eschscholzia or California poppy


Enough small size This plant requires a sunny place to grow. Drained soil and sandy terrain are preferred. Avoid dampness; eschscholzia will not grow in such conditions. Subject to minimum requirements this plant will fully open, its bright petals will give you pleasure for a long period of time.

This is a very common species among gardeners. Few of us have not seen its beautiful bloom. Unlike the above species, it does not like the sun, and it is better to place it in a humid place. Begonia loves shade, ideally if planted where rays of diffused sunlight shine through. In some cases, the soil is mulched with sawdust, straw, and bark. But do not allow water to stagnate when watering.

Bulbous flower plants boast a huge variety. You will undoubtedly find your favorite among them.

Their splendor has no boundaries, fragile creatures of nature, the pearl of any flower bed. Their structure includes 3 stamens and petals, pointed in shape. The crocus belongs to a subspecies of the most expensive spice - saffron. This is a sophisticated plant of a cool blue-lilac hue, no more than 15 centimeters high. Its flowering begins only in mid-autumn.

In order to achieve the effect of constant flowering in both spring and autumn, it is necessary to clearly select plants according to their types and classes. Bulbous plants form beautiful flower beds, and annual flowers create a worthy background and perfectly complement the entire composition.


Freesias of small bulbous varieties are quite popular flowers. Small in shape, bell-shaped, fragrant. They bloom throughout summer and autumn depending on the weather conditions. Perfectly placed in any flower bed in a group of perennial flowers. Some types of freesia, such as Asian and Korean, need to be tightly wrapped for the winter.

The star of the autumn garden is considered to be the incomparable aster. Perennial plant, unpretentious in care. It is optimal to plant in soil that is neutral in acidity. Planting near gladioli is not recommended, as these plants do not coexist well with each other. Resort to compliance optimal temperature air, choose a sunny place and drainage soil. The aster inflorescence of muted colors cannot but delight the owners of these beautiful plants. Its astringent aroma will hover in the flowerbed almost until winter. Unique plant, does not require watering or special care. The aster, known and loved since childhood, is the queen of the autumn garden.

Autumn types of flowers are considered the most unpretentious plants. They have enough of both dim sun and heavy rains. They are persistent and undemanding in their structure, unlike delicate spring species. Temperature changes are also not a detrimental phenomenon for the autumn garden. Both the cultivation and storage of such plants are simple and inexpensive.

There are species of this plant that date back to the forties. It is able to reproduce very quickly by self-sowing. But, despite its lack of demand, this plant still belongs to the category of flowers. Spike-shaped, paniculate, umbrella-shaped forms vary according to the degree of their development. It is unpretentious in care, easily tolerates high humidity and sunlight, but it does not like a shadow curtain.

Probably the most favorite plant every autumn garden. According to its varieties, chrysanthemum can be of different colors: white, lilac, burgundy, yellow, red or orange. In addition, they also differ in size. Bloom early varieties August-October, later - until the autumn frosts.

A subspecies of the aster family. It has large flowers, the color of the petals is red-purple. Rudbeckia, as it is also called, is also easy to care for. There is no need to control the flowering process. But long flowering guaranteed until the real winter. It is not recommended to cut Echinacea; it is only used to decorate the garden.

Autumn magic of September flowers
September is an amazing month. It does not come, but imperceptibly seeps with a yellow glow into the blue of summer, little by little scattering drizzling clouds and whitish fogs. He allows summer to slowly say goodbye to us, leaving us for another warm earth autumn flowers, as evidence of your love and sadness from parting. Maybe that’s why September flowers are so touching and achingly beautiful...

Let's walk through the early autumn garden and look at the gifts of the just-gone summer.

Chrysanthemums in autumn flower beds are so good that they permanently occupy the very top of the flower charts. The variety of colors never ceases to amaze and delight: white and cream, pink and bronze, yellow and orange, copper-red and lilac... they alone are able to decorate the whole world, without repeating themselves and without boring with monotony.

The name "chrysanthemum" translates as "golden flower". It is truly revered in the East as an extraordinary value. From the depths of centuries, a belief has come that the chrysanthemum flower is endowed with truly magical powers on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year, and if you pick it on this day, the flower will be a protective talisman all year round, will ward off misfortune and protect from the evil eye and diseases.
Try it!
Chrysanthemums are short-day flowers, so they begin to bloom when the days are waning. There are many varieties of these wonderful plants that will brighten up any fall garden. True, large-flowered plants are quite difficult to grow in our conditions, but many magnificent smaller forms are pleasing to the eye. Many flower growers today have given their hearts to unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums, abundantly strewn with joyful flowers. Just like this small-flowered one terry chrysanthemum Mishal. Well, is it really a miracle?

You can learn a lot of new and interesting things from the publications of our summer residents on the website:
Chrysanthemums - planting, growing, care,
6 most beautiful chrysanthemums,
The story of the Japanese love for chrysanthemums,
Modest small-flowered chrysanthemums,
Chinese chrysanthemums - the charm of antiquity,
Two-color chrysanthemums of the autumn ball,
Chrysanthemums of the autumn ball

One of the most beautiful and unpretentious flowers. About 20,000 species of these flowers are known. They differ in the height of the bushes, in the shape and structure of the inflorescences, in the size and doubleness of the flowers. Our flower growers equally love peony and anemoid dahlias, needle-shaped and collared, spherical and nymphal.

Natives of distant Mexico and Guatemala, dahlias have remained lovers of heat, and the slightest frost is destructive for them. In the meantime, while the September sun is warming, the wonderful heads of dahlias delight summer residents, decorating every corner of the garden.

Our flower growers have also already talked about these flowers on the website:
Dahlias - planting and growing,
Dahlias are aerial ballerinas,
Dahlias - decoration of an autumn flower bed,
And in the next video, Oleg Krivoshein shares the beauty of dahlias grown on his plot, admire it too

Someone quite rightly said: if only phloxes remained on Earth from flowers, then the planet would still be beautiful - the world of these flowers is so rich and diverse the most beautiful flowers. In September, paniculata phlox (Phlox paniculata) blooms luxuriantly - bushy, tall, with bright juicy colors of delicate quivering petals.

Breeders have tried very hard, and today gardeners can decorate flower beds with paniculate phlox of a wide variety of colors - pink, scarlet and carmine, burgundy and crimson, lilac, purple and even striped!

In September the garden is decorated with phloxes late date flowering - "Vladimir", "Cloud", "Andre" and "Creme de Mente"; The snow-white “Anna”, the light salmon “Bornimer Nachsrmmera”, the blue-and-white Novelty and the tri-colored Margry are flowering... and these are the very last flowering representatives of this year.

In the language of flowers, phlox means “the flame of your lips,” so it turns out that September phloxes give us the farewell kiss of the past summer..

You can read about phlox:
Phloxes are so simple and so beautiful,
Phlox - early spring planting and care,
Phloxes. Filings.,
Phloxes are welcome guests for any flower garden

Helenium autumn
Helenium is a real gift of autumn. Its flowers are so numerous and beautiful that a fully bloomed bush looks like a festive fireworks display of sunny yellow, brick-crimson or orange-red splash droplets. Tall helenium bushes resemble the shape of a large compact bouquet and invariably become autumn decoration any summer cottage.

One of the legends says that bright sunny flower Helenium is named after the beautiful wife of Menelaus Helen, whose abduction by her lover Paris caused the Trojan War. They say that the unusual vibrant color of helenium resembles the gold of Elena’s hair... anything is possible, although the assumption that the flower is called “a drop of the Sun” is also no worse.

Our summer residents most often use hybrid forms with inflorescences different shades- pure yellow, red-orange and terracotta. Varieties with double flowers are also favorite.

Helenium will accompany us until the frosts, collecting bees from all over the area and attracting glances with its joyful sunny blooms.
The following video offers an excursion into the wonderful world of Helenium

Rudbeckia looks like a bright yellow daisy with a dark velvety center; it will delight us with its sunny blooms throughout September. A native of the prairies of North America, she found her second home in our flower beds, took root perfectly and was loved by everyone. Previously, dissected rudbeckia (Rudbeckia laciniata) grew on almost every personal plot, in every front garden and everyone was known as the “Golden Balls”. Many people still have warm memories of her as a flower of childhood.

Today, other species are more often found on sites - shiny rudbeckia (Rudbeckia fulgida) and glossy rudbeckia (Rudbeckia nitida). Now other names are in use - “Golden Umbrella”, “Golden Tower”... But look how interesting: everywhere it is golden)

Regardless of the type and variety, rudbeckia is unpretentious, not capricious and always stunningly beautiful.

If you are interested in this flower, you can find out more about it in the materials
Sunny rudbeckia And Rudbeckia sun in the garden. -

These cute, touching flowers are reminiscent of spring primroses. Delicate and light, they captivate with their defenselessness on the eve of winter, and the more striking is the contrast between the warm purity of the petals and the cold signs of nature's withering.

The name “anemone” (anemone) is of Greek origin; its philosophical interpretation means something like this: “Gusts of wind that open a flower will eventually also carry away the withered petals.” But, despite their visual fragility and inevitable cold, anemones show amazing resilience and are very unpretentious in care.

Autumn anemones entering September bloom include Japanese anemone (Anemone japonica), tomentosa anemone (Anemone tomentosa) and grape anemone (Anemone vitifolia).

On summer cottages Hybrid anemones, Japanese and felt, are most often grown; grape-leaved is less spectacular, so it is rarely cultivated.
The following video invites you to admire this miracle - the Japanese anemone

You can read more about anemones in the materials Secrets of growing sissy anemones And Wood anemone blooms again in October

Colchicum, or crocus, is still considered one of the most mysterious plants of our nature. Its development cycle and chemical composition unusual and arouse genuine interest. This flower was called Colchicum because, contrary to its “bulbous” nature, it begins to bloom not “when it’s supposed to,” but without any regard for time - almost before the first snow. But purely humanly one can understand him: here she is, autumn nature, many colors have already faded, the grass is fading, the leaves are drying up - and here I am, fresh, tender and luxurious like spring!

Indeed, colchicum makes a charming impression during flowering. Its main advantages are the unexpectedness of the “spring” color among the yellow shades of autumn and its unpretentiousness in flowering. Such advantages make colchicum a welcome guest in the autumn flower arrangements.

This autumn beauty is a classic of the genre in any autumn flower bed. A huge variety of shapes and colors for the autumn period is simply a gift from nature! The one who planted asters on his plot, one might say, “rented” the summer for another two months. And throughout September they will definitely be ablaze with all the shades of the just-gone summer: white and pink, red and purple, crimson and blue!

Asters can be planted anywhere: in the middle of a flower bed or at the end vegetable bed, along a path or a hedge - this wonderful flower will look beautiful everywhere.

By the way, it will surprise some, but the flower that we are used to calling the garden aster does not belong to the genus Astra, but to the genus Callistephus (although many gardeners, out of habit, call Callistephus annual aster).

The most famous perennial asters that bloom in the fall are New Belgian (Virginian) and New England (American). In our country, these luxurious bushes with pink, lilac and violet flowers are often called September or October flowers.

Small-flowered asters are easy to care for, they do not need a garter to a support and are not afraid of even night frosts. You can learn more about asters by reading the materials on our website:
Asters - planting and care,
15 flower crops

Elegant zinnia is one of the most beloved ornamental plants by gardeners. beautiful flowering annuals. By the way, many people know zinnia under the common name “majors” or “majoriki”. These bright, cheerful flowers, truly standing at attention like soldiers on their straight stems, will color the autumn flowerbed with all sorts of shades and will delight the whole of September with rich, stable flowering.

Thanks to its stability and unpretentiousness, zinnia is always a welcome guest at any summer cottage, and butterflies and birds love it! The language of flowers has endowed zinnia with its own meaningful symbols:
white zinnias are a good attitude
- red - constancy,
- yellow - longing and thirst for meeting,
- pink - a symbol of memory of someone who is not around now

If you haven't had zinnias in your garden yet, be sure to plant them! She is modest and undemanding, and with the appearance of these joyful multi-colored majors, your site will immediately be filled with buzz, cheerful, completely summer bustle and positivity.

This native of South Africa intrigues from the first minutes of acquaintance - as soon as it turns out that he has not one name, but four. In addition to the scientific Crocosmium, there is an outdated, but still used Montbrezia, a lesser known one - Tritonia and a fourth, popular one - Japanese gladiolus. And this mysterious plant, belonging to the iris family, also looks like an iris)

Crocosmia is a very decorative and exquisite plant. It decorates the September garden with lush thickets of linear leaves and bright orange, intense red or yellow flowers. Once dry, the flowers begin to smell like saffron, hence the scientific name (from the Greek “krokos” - “crocus, saffron” and “osme” - “smell”).

Crocosmia is still an infrequent visitor to our summer cottages, but it will definitely win the hearts of gardeners with its beauty and unpretentiousness. Moreover, dug up in the fall before frost and transplanted into a flowerpot, this orange beauty can continue to bloom on the balcony in a city apartment for another month!

Well, we ran through the autumn September flower beds and took a closer look at nine autumn plants who decorated them. There are still many beautiful autumn trees left behind the scenes - these are roses and physalis Franchet, gladioli and gerberas, goldenrod and marigolds, lilies and yarrow... Our nature is inexhaustible, and, thank God, there is something to decorate the Earth in summer, autumn, and even winter .

Today's flower journey has ended, but autumn is just beginning, and we will have many more reasons to meet at autumn summer cottages)

Since ancient times, flowers have occupied important place In human life. The reason for the emergence of various legends and beliefs were their some features. Flowers have been cultivated for centuries, and people love to tell beautiful stories about them. Let's talk about the plants of autumn flower beds that decorate gardens and delight the eye until frost. Typical fall flowers include crops that bloom from September to November.

Some features

Exactly short days, when the sun is not so hot, and fog creeps in in the morning and dew appears, are considered the most suitable period for many flowering plants. The bright and rich colors of plants in autumn flower beds evoke only positive emotions and help cope with autumn depression. Crops grown during this period easily tolerate temperature changes, are not capricious and are not afraid of light frosts. And, for example, ornamental cabbage generally grows almost throughout November.

Plants of autumn flower beds and their names

The queen of autumn flowers is called the chrysanthemum, which has many varieties, flower shapes and a riot of colors. The inflorescences are held on spreading and lush bushes almost to frost. Late varieties of roses with shades of cream, soft pink, tea and lemon color especially popular with gardeners. Helenium bushes, completely strewn with bright orange or brick-brown flowers with delicate greenery, add originality to the flowerbed. September flowers and asters are many favorite autumn flower garden plants. The first - with classic tones petals are white or red, and the second - with bright purple and heavenly shades. Awesome late varieties tall dahlias. They look especially impressive in single plantings, causing delight with large flowers of various colors. Red or orange crocosmia with sword-shaped leaves fits perfectly into the border of flower beds with violet or lilac asters. Zinnia does not fade until frost and attracts attention with its elegant orange, white and red-raspberry shades. Lilac, white and blue arrows of delphinium, which delights with rich and bright colors, look good in autumn flower beds. Adds charm to a shaded area Japanese anemone and tricyrtis. Shrubs with bright balls of hydrangea and crimson heather look incomparable. The list of autumn flowers is endless. Every gardener can experiment and choose the most suitable options from several plants for an autumn flower garden.

Flower garden design from asters and chrysanthemums

It is preferable to use tall classic chrysanthemums as a background; they have a lot of greenery and dense flowers. Plant asters on the front edge, best of all New England or New Belgian with a small bush height. Special attention should pay attention to the color palette. For example, tall flowers are pink, and low flowers are burgundy, white or scarlet. In addition, several cereal crops should be included in the composition.


Its homeland is Northern Asia. Aster is a plant of autumn flower beds. Beliefs and legends associated with it are passed down from generation to generation. Here are some of them.

Five centuries ago, a botanist from France came across the seeds of an unknown plant. He sowed them, and a wonderful red flower with a yellow center blossomed. It was similar in appearance to a daisy, only larger. That's what they called him - "Queen of Daisies". Gardeners began breeding new varieties, and, after some time, they got a beautiful flower with double petals. One of the nerds shouted: “Aster!” Translated from Greek it means "star". This is how the flower got its name “aster”. Annuals are especially popular among gardeners thanks to the efforts of breeders from France.

According to another belief, the flower received this name due to its thin petals reminiscent of star rays. If you go out into the garden where asters grow at midnight and stand between them, you can hear their quiet whispering. This is how they communicate with the stars. The constellation Virgo is always associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love. According to ancient Greek legend, when the Virgin cried and looked at the earth, an aster was formed from fine cosmic dust. This flower is considered a symbol of the fair sex, who were born under the sign of Virgo. For the ancient Greeks, it means a wonderful feeling - love. Charm, elegance, modesty, beauty and precision are in China. In Hungary, the aster is the rose of the golden season and an ideal plant for the autumn flower garden. The belief about her is as follows. Several centuries ago, people believed that smoke from a fire into which aster petals were thrown would drive away snakes.

Chrysanthemum flower garden

The main emphasis, of course, is given to the autumn “queen” of burgundy and bronze shades. Golden rudbeckia will go well with it, and pink sedum should be planted along the edge of the flowerbed. Many gardeners call her the queen for her abundant and long flowering V autumn period. This beautiful plant has been cultivated in China since ancient times. Magic flower it is recognized not only in this country, but also in Japan.

There is even a special ritual dedicated to its presentation. Since the second half of the eighteenth century this amazing flower became known to Europeans. To date, more than 600 varieties and varieties have been bred, which differ in flowering time, shape and size of petals, length of pedicels, and color. This plant is unpretentious for autumn flower beds, but prefers well-lit places and does not like stagnant water. You can propagate in several ways, using cuttings, seeds or dividing the bush. To form large flowers, the side shoots are removed, leaving no more than three buds.

Flowerbed of dahlias

Dahlias look great on their own. To enhance their beauty, needle-like dark red and bright yellow hues are best paired with white or crimson nymphal dahlias. All varieties of this plant in the autumn flower garden (photo below) are simply magnificent. These luxurious flowers were brought from America to Europe in the sixteenth century by settlers from Spain, where they were grown for the consumption of tubers.

After some time, breeders paid attention to beautiful flowers. The ancestor of all modern diversity is the dahlia variable. The plant is heat-loving, despite its late flowering. It is demanding on the soil and prefers well-fertilized soil with drainage and regular watering. They reproduce by dividing tubers.


One of the most famous and many beloved crops among gardeners around the world. This name was given to it by K. Linnaeus in honor of Professor Zinn, who headed the botanical garden in Gotting. This flower was first discovered in the gardens of the Aztec ruler Montezuma by the Spaniards. Stem at different varieties differs in height and can reach one meter. Blooms until frost. Sunny places are preferable for growing. It has a huge variety of colors - almost all shades, with the exception of blue. In the USA, zinnia is the national flower.


Africa is considered the birthplace of the flower; in this country it symbolizes happiness. In Rome and Ancient Greece- This is a symbol of gladiators, as it is shaped like a sword. Magic properties He was attributed to healers and shamans. Gladiolus is an autumn flower garden plant. Beliefs and legends say that in ancient times in South Africa, when wars were commonplace, invaders descended on a small village. The elder disappeared, hiding all the values ​​of the community from enemies. But they captured his daughter and tortured her, trying to find out where her father was hiding. The girl did not utter a word, and then the strangers decided to execute her in front of the entire community. As soon as the sword touched the girl’s neck, it suddenly turned into a flower with blood-red buds. The enemies got scared and decided that it was the gods who were condemning them, and quickly ran away, saving the young girl’s life.

There are other legends about the origin of this wonderful flower. Here is one of the beliefs. An autumn flower garden plant, gladiolus roots, hung on a warrior’s chest as an amulet, will save him from death and help him win a battle. In the Middle Ages, German infantrymen believed in the magical power of bulbs and wore them as amulets.

Gladiolus requires fertile soil, abundant infrequent watering and a lot of light. After flowering, the green part of the plant is cut off, and the bulb is left to ripen for up to two weeks. Then it is dug up, dried and stored in the refrigerator until spring. Thrips are the main enemies. They hide in the bulbs; to combat them during the growing season, the plant is sprayed with fungicidal agents. They reproduce by daughter bulbs, or they are also called babies.


The Latin name of this plant is Tagetes, so it was named in honor of Tagetus - the grandson of Jupiter and the son of Genius. He became famous for his ability to predict the future. The boy possessed high intelligence and a unique gift of foresight. He appeared to people in the form of a baby who was found in a furrow by a plowman. The kid taught people to tell fortunes using the insides of animals, and also told them what would happen next in the world. He disappeared just as he appeared, completely suddenly. His predictions were recorded in prophetic books and passed on to their descendants.

A story about an autumn flower garden plant (grade 2)

IN old times grew up in a poor family a little boy. He was weak and sick. That's what his name was - Zamorysh. However, with age, this child learned to heal and learned all the subtleties and secrets of medicinal herbs. People came to him for help from various surrounding settlements. One day an old man appeared who was jealous of Zamorysh’s fame and decided to destroy him. On one of the holidays, he presented him with wine to which poison had been added. After drinking it, Zamorysh realized that he was dying. He called people and asked them to take a marigold from his left hand after his death and bury it under the poisoner’s window. His request was fulfilled. And in the place where the nail was buried, golden flowers grew, which cure many diseases. And they were named after this boy - marigolds. Here is a short story about one of the plants in the autumn flower garden.


People call it marigold because unusual shape fruits Catholic Christians decorated the statue of the Mother of the Savior with calendula and called it “Mary’s Gold”. The flower of “ten thousand years” is how it is called in China, where it symbolizes long life. In ancient India, garlands were woven from this plant and decorated with statues of saints.

Another name for the flower is “bride of summer” because of its ability to turn after the sun. The petals bloom in the light and gather in the shade. Because of this property, the ancient Romans called calendula “the master's dial.” They believed that in this way the plant gives notice of the onset of day and night. Another name is “calendar”. Currently, the double varieties with large inflorescences that have been bred have lost the ability to close at night, but this name remains.


This flower came to Europe in the mid-eighteenth century, and is considered its homeland North America. Translated from Greek it is “flame”. Tall wild flowers resembled flames in color and shape, hence the name that C. Linnaeus gave them. Phlox is very often used together with other plants for the autumn flower garden. Beliefs and legends about them say that when Odysseus and his comrades emerged from the kingdom of Hades, they threw their torches to the ground. Soon they sprouted and turned into wonderful flowers - phlox. According to another legend, in ancient times there lived a girl who loved to sew. She was a skilled craftswoman. She had a lover and they were going to get married. However, the groom was taken into the army. Since then, the girl cried all the time from melancholy and sewed different outfits for people. One day she accidentally pricked her finger because her eyes were blurred with tears. From a drop of blood, a fiery flower suddenly grew, similar to her love, and red like her blood.

They bloom for a long period, starting in April and ending with the first frost. This is one of the plants of the autumn flower garden. The beliefs and legends associated with pansies are very beautiful. Here are some of them. In ancient times, there lived a beauty named Anyuta. One seducer broke the heart of a trusting girl who loved him with all her soul. From sadness and melancholy she sunbathed and died. Flowers grew on her grave, which were painted in three colors. They symbolize the feelings that the girl Anyuta experienced:

  • surprise at injustice and insult;
  • sadness associated with unrequited love;
  • hope that reciprocity will arise.

The ancient Greeks considered three colors of pansies to be a sign of a love triangle. According to another legend, Zeus liked the daughter of King Io of Aragon. And his wife turned her into an animal - a cow. After long wanderings, she returned to her human form. Zeus grew violets as a gift to the girl. These flowers have always been a symbol of fidelity and love. Some peoples have customs associated with this plant. In England, they were presented to lovers on Valentine's Day, calling them “heart delight.” As a sign of love and fidelity, they were given to a lover in Poland when he was leaving for a long period. They were called “flowers for memory” in France. According to Roman mythology, they are associated with the image of Venus. The ancient Romans believed that the gods turned into pansies men who sneaked a peek at how the goddess of love bathed.

Autumn cereal crops

Let's look at several plants of autumn flower beds and their names:

  • Acute-flowered reed grass. A perennial bush about one and a half meters high with hard, narrow leaves. In July, panicle inflorescences appear and last until the cold weather. The plant is unpretentious, but prefers sunny and dry places. In spring, leaves and flower stalks must be cut off, leaving three centimeters from the ground.
  • Blue molinia. Grows up to 60 cm, forming a loose, spherical bush. Panicle inflorescences appear in August and last until frost. In autumn, narrow long leaves dress in a bright yellow outfit.

These plants are successfully used to decorate flower beds; they retain their beauty in winter time.

Work before wintering

Overgrown bushes should be replanted. Inspect carefully root system and bulbs, removing weak and diseased parts. Dry the rhizomes and bulbs of gladioli, peonies and dahlias and store in a cool place. Apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium to plants that do not require replanting. The ground under the bushes needs to be dug up. Carefully trim and cover the roses. In early September, plant tulips and daffodils. Collect seed material for the next season from annuals. Cover climbing perennials with your own shoots. Sprinkle the soil around the peonies with sand and ash, and cut off the greenery. You can cover it when frost starts.


What plants to use for autumn flower beds? There is room for your imagination. Hanging flower beds with small climbing flowers look intricate. And plants in flowerpots or baskets look spectacular on rainy days. Gladioli in bright colors, planted singly or in groups along a garden alley along with foxgloves, will lift your spirits.

If you use different design ideas, your garden will sparkle with bright colors in the autumn. After reading the article, you have become familiar with some interesting facts about the origin of the names and plants of autumn flower beds (photo above).