What coniferous plants? Coniferous plants for a personal plot. Tall species of conifers

The severity of the lines of coniferous trees is always appropriate in landscape design. In the warm season they harmonize perfectly with blooming flowers, emphasizing their beauty, in the cold - they themselves serve as decoration for the lifeless and gray personal plot, dressing him in bright green.

In addition, they help enrich the air with healing essential oils. Modern gardeners increasingly prefer to grow coniferous trees, the names of which are presented below. Choose according to the description of their characteristics, perhaps you will like some of them.


The tall and slender spruce looks very impressive both in single plantings and in groups. Some designers, planting them close to each other, create unique hedges.

Today, spruce trees no longer look like the mighty cone-shaped crops with dry lower branches that we are accustomed to seeing since childhood. The range of needle-shaped beauties is regularly updated with new decorative varieties. They plant in their garden plots these varieties:

Coniferous plants are leaders in the list of long-livers. Today, the oldest spruce tree from Switzerland, nicknamed Old Tikko, is recognized as being approximately 9.6 thousand years old. Another old-timer is the Methuselah pine, it is located in the USA and is 4846 years old. From this example it is clear that conifers live for thousands of years. There are 20 such trees known on our planet, and only one of them is deciduous - sacred ficus, dating back 2,217 years, it grows in Sri Lanka.


A coniferous plant from the Pine family with purple cones and flattened needles is called fir. Its needles are soft, shiny, dark green on top and have a white stripe underneath.

Seedlings take a long time to take root, grows for a long time, but by the age of 10 years of life there is an acceleration that persists until the end of life. Many people do not know the answer to the question: is fir or coniferous foliage plant. The most common decorative balsamic varieties are:


This breed is from coniferous plants leads in bactericidal properties. Juniper has been known since time immemorial. Today it is classified as a member of the Cypress family and classified into 70 species.

Among this breed there are giants, reaching 30 meters in height, and dwarfs, barely reaching the 15 cm mark. Each type has its own distinctive features, which apply not only to the shape of the crown and leaves, but also to the requirements for living conditions, as well as care. Juniper can decorate a garden by being in a rock garden, rock garden, or creating a hedge. The most popular varieties of common juniper in garden plots are:

It is better to plant juniper away from fruit trees, since they are carriers of a disease called rust. They are protected by tall plants planted in a group, the branches are periodically inspected for damage, and pruning is carried out as necessary. If affected areas appear on the plant, they are treated with fungicidal preparations.


Coniferous plants are planted in aristocratic English gardens. And most often there are cedars there. They are the frame of the entire garden landscape. Cedars are planted in front of the main entrance or on a vast lawn - this has already become a tradition. These trees give the house solemnity and at the same time comfort. Dwarf varieties are grown as bonsai everywhere.

IN wildlife Cedars rise on mountain ranges up to 3,000 meters above the sea and look like majestic giants. Some breeds reach 50 meters. This plant began to be studied more than 250 years ago, but there is still no consensus on the number of its species.

Some scientists claim that all adult plants belong to only one breed - Lebanese. Others classify additional:

  • Himalayan,
  • Atlas,
  • Short-coniferous.

The international project "Catalog of Life", which contains all known species of flora and fauna of the Earth, has everything in its database listed species, except short-coniferous.

Taking into account the experience of the project participants, who collected information about almost all life on the planet, we will adhere to their classification of conifers.

Everyone knows about benefits of pine nuts, but they don’t realize that this is not a cedar seed at all. The grains of real cedars cannot be eaten, as they are inedible. We must cedar pine, it is this that is called Siberian cedar.

Cedar has many spectacular decorative varieties; they differ in needle length, needle color and size:

These are coniferous trees from the genus Cypress. In nature they can grow up to 70 meters, very similar to cypress trees. Breeders are working to create more and more new varieties, satisfying the taste of the most demanding buyer.

Low-growing trees in landscape design are used as hedge, medium height trees are planted one at a time or in compositions; dwarf varieties decorate rock gardens and mixborders. The plant harmonizes well with other plantings in garden design ensembles, it has soft and fluffy needles. As you count the needles, you will feel a soft touch rather than prickly pricks.

The most popular among gardeners are dwarf varieties that do not exceed 360 cm. It is no coincidence that they are widespread, because they are universal and decorative coniferous creatures. The most popular today:

Dwarf trees: Minima, Minima aurea, Minima glauca, Gnom do not tolerate winter well. They do not freeze out under the snow, but they often damp out. Therefore, you need to monitor the snow cover.


In nature, this coniferous species is trees or shrubs with a pyramidal or cone-shaped crown, a slender trunk under thick bark, foliage pressed to the branches and cones that ripen after a year. There are approximately 25 species of this coniferous species, of which approximately 10 are used in landscape design. Each has its own requirements for living conditions and care. The most common varieties are:


The title is deceiving. Because of this, many consider the tree to be a deciduous tree. However, he has something in common with the latter - Every year in the fall the plant sheds its needles. But it belongs to the Pine family and is a common species among coniferous crops. It's slim and tall tree resembles a Christmas tree.

The larch trunk is powerful; under favorable growing conditions it can reach 1 m in diameter and 50 meters in height. Larch has thick brown bark covered with blue grooves. The branches stretch upward in a chaotic manner at an angle, forming a cone-shaped crown. The needles are up to 4 cm long and soft, flat, bright green. Scientists distinguish 14 species. In landscape design The most popular varieties are:


There are only 115 species of pine. It has fragrant needles, arranged in bunches of 2-5 pieces. The type of pine is determined by their number.

Open air has a detrimental effect on the roots of the tree; they dry out after only 15 minutes. It is better to plant pine in April, May or mid-September.

For garden plantings, breeders have developed quite a few miniature varieties with slow growth. In the forested area you can often see giant natural views. On small area The low-growing pines around the house look impressive. These evergreen beauties will decorate a rock garden, lawn or mixed border.

Mountain pine varieties are in demand among gardeners. In the wild, it grows on Western European slopes, reaching a height of 12 meters:

Thus, choosing evergreen for your garden or adjoining plot you need to understand not only what types and varieties of coniferous plants there are, but also the characteristics of their development and growth. Otherwise, you can end up with a sprawling giant that will cast a shadow on all the green spaces around and prevent them from developing.

Conifers have long become an element landscape design areas, but, as a rule, are used most simple types: juniper, blue spruce, pine. On my site for a long time there was the same simple set of conifers, and the pine tree itself grew near the far fence.

I really wanted to plant cedar, so I went to a conifer nursery. The variety of species simply amazed me: weeping larches, spherical spruces, creeping junipers, pyramidal thujas, dwarf pines, even an unfamiliar conifer - Canadian hemlock.

Now I have 12 different coniferous plants on my plot.

The article will describe the most interesting and decorative types conifers, which can create exquisite and luxurious compositions on any site.

When planting coniferous trees and shrubs, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances:

  • They do not grow well in the vicinity of birch, bird cherry, linden
  • They are moisture-loving, therefore, other trees and plants cannot be planted next to them at a distance of up to 5 meters, since conifers will “take away” all the water from the soil
  • For people with hypertension, it is better to plant coniferous plants in small quantities, since the aroma of pine needles increases blood pressure;
  • Conifers, especially spruce trees, attract mosquitoes, so it is not recommended to plant them near recreation areas
  • You cannot plant coniferous trees close to the house, the roots can destroy the foundation and, in addition, this is a violation of fire safety rules

Coniferous plants are divided into 4 groups:

  • Spruce
  • Pine
  • Cypress
  • Yew.

Spruce conifers

Spruce conifers require free space, do not tolerate shaded places (needles fall off in the shade), do not require shelter or fertilizing.

Their wood contains a lot of resin, so in Russian villages spruce was never used for lining bathhouses.

Spruce needles are one of the most ancient natural medicines from many diseases. It was collected in winter, when it contains the largest number of useful components.

Prickly spruce (blue)

This type The spruce tree is distinguished by the unusual color of its needles - silver-blue or gray-green with a matte coating, the cones are reddish in color, turning brown when ripe, and the needles are prickly.

At first, the spruce grows slowly, but upon reaching 10 years of age, it begins to give an annual increase of up to 15-30 cm and grows up to 35-40 m. Life span is 500-600 years, tolerates cold winds well and low temperatures, but “does not like” digging up the soil near the tree.

Вialobok (Belobok)

One of the varieties of prickly spruce is the Belobok variety of Polish selection. It is distinguished by the color of the young growth of the branches; they have an unusual golden color. The variety is not tall, grows up to 2 meters during its entire life span, the crown has an asymmetrical shape.

The needles sit tightly on the branches, which creates a lush effect. It grows slowly and does not tolerate stagnant water. In the shade it may lose its bright color. Suitable for growing in rock gardens.

Pine coniferous plants

Plants in this group require a lot of space. The growth of the tree can reach 50 meters, the crown is located high and has a “cap-shaped” shape. Pine grows quickly, especially in the first 150 years. The needles are needle-shaped, collected in bunches of several pieces, hard.

U different varieties the needles are of different lengths, they can be from 2 cm to 35 cm. When frost approaches, the needles become covered with a thin layer of waxy coating from frostbite and stop “breathing.”

Siberian cedar pine

This type of pine is also called Siberian cedar. A tree with a straight trunk, up to 45-50 meters high, with a dense crown. The needles are soft, up to 15 cm long, dark green. Cones Brown, ripen for a year and a half, so pine nuts are collected regularly every other year.

Each cone can contain up to 200 nuts, and up to 1,500 of them are collected from each tree. Fruiting occurs only at the 60th year of the tree’s life, the life period is 900-1000 years. It cannot grow in places with dry and hot climates.


It belongs to the pine family, but differs from all conifers: larch needles fall off every year before winter. The needles are soft, not prickly, the cones are brown. The weeping larch is especially beautiful. It is unpretentious and grows quickly, so in the spring, before growth begins, it requires pruning. The tree is a long-liver, the lifespan of a tree is up to 800 years.

Types of larches:

  • Siberian
  • European
  • Japanese
  • Western
  • Kamchatskaya
  • Primorskaya

Mountain pine Mugus

This variety is a shrubby spherical pine, but can also be shaped as a tree. The needles are dark green, short (3-4 cm), the branches are located close to the surface of the ground.

At the age of 6-7 years, small cones begin to ripen on the bush. This type of pine is not afraid of frost, drought, wind, has immunity against diseases, and its wood does not burn. Life expectancy is about 600-900 years. The most interesting for decorating areas are its dwarf varieties: Gnome, Benjamin and Pug.


The height of the bush is 1.5-1.6 meters, first the bush grows in width, then the branches grow vertically. The crown is spherical, the needles are dark green. Small cones, no more than 4 cm, form at the ends of the branches and ripen in the second year.

The variety is unpretentious, drought-resistant, tolerates frost well, is not afraid of winds, and can grow on almost any soil. Many gardeners plant it along the paths on the site.

Cypress coniferous plants

This subspecies of conifers feels good in sunny places, but does not tolerate scorching midday rays. This group includes cypresses, thujas and junipers. They are characterized by a different shape of needles, instead of needles there are scales on the branches. All of them have a unique specific smell.


The height of different varieties of juniper can be from 50 cm to 15-20 meters. The shape of the bush is also varied: columnar, creeping, pyramidal, weeping. The needles are soft, greenish-gray in color, the fruits look like lumpy berries, and in some varieties they are poisonous.

Best suited for them sunny areas. The plant is unpretentious, does not require regular watering, tolerates pruning well, and grows on any soil.

Juniper species:

  • Juniper Cossack
  • Common juniper
  • Juniper squamosus
  • Rock juniper
  • Chinese juniper

Thanks to the many varieties, you can choose any type of plant for your site, but large plants require a lot of free space.


The cypress subgroup includes up to 19 varieties, which are represented by both trees and shrubs. The height of the tree can reach 35 meters, the growth of shrubs does not exceed 2 meters. During the period of growth, the shape of the cypress needles changes: from needle-shaped to scaly. Cypress wood does not rot, is not affected by insects and mold.

Cypress varieties:

  • Arizonan
  • Italian
  • Mexican
  • Large-fruited


Thuja is another subgroup of the cypress family. Its shape is different: columnar, dwarf spherical, pyramidal. The color of the needles can be bright green, yellow, blue. The needles are soft, the seeds ripen in small cones already in the first year.

The plant is not afraid of frost or drought, but it must be protected from the winds. Most often used as a hedge.

There are several groups of thujas:

  • Folded
  • Eastern
  • Western
  • Japanese

Thuja Smaragd

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd is an evergreen tree that reaches a height of 5-6 meters. It has a cone shape, the branches are flexible and do not break under the weight of snow. The needles are green throughout the year, although in other thujas the needles take on a rusty tint in winter. It lends itself well to pruning; during drought, the crown thins out.

Little Giant

One of popular varieties thuja occidentalis - dwarf variety Little Giant.

An evergreen spherical shrub no more than 70-80 cm high with bright green needles. It can even grow marshy soil, loves sunny places. Often used for Japanese style decoration.

Yew conifers

Prefer fertile soil with good breathability, a must regular watering. Yew trees are not demanding of light and grow well in shaded areas.

Wood (mahogany) is a valuable material, but its use in industrial scale prohibited as yew is an endangered species.

There are several varieties of yew:

  • Berry
  • Golden
  • Canadian
  • Shortleaf
  • Far Eastern

Yew berry

It grows slowly, is a long-living tree, reaching an age of 4000 years. The needles fade in the sun, so light partial shade is preferable. The seeds are in a red berry. The berry is deadly to humans and causes respiratory arrest. Yew is not suitable for acidic soils.

Of the yew berry varieties, the David variety is especially attractive, from which various garden figures are formed with the help of pruning.

Main conclusions

  1. Coniferous plants are divided into 4 groups: spruce, pine, cypress and yew. For site design, you can use both large-sized and dwarf varieties.
  2. For planting, you need to choose 3-4 year old seedlings; they take root better.
  3. When choosing a place for tall conifers, it is necessary to take into account that they grow slowly and it is necessary to provide free space for them.
  4. Coniferous plants are unpretentious, grow on any soil, and tolerate unfavorable conditions well. weather, resistant to various diseases.
  5. They create a healthy microclimate: reduce noise levels, absorb harmful emissions, and disinfect the air.

Gardening is a beautiful art. On a par with fine arts, architecture and music, it brings a feeling of beauty, gives happiness and harmony in the soul. And, it would seem, everything has already been said about gardens: which plants should be planted in the shade, which in the sun, which can be combined with each other, and which cannot. But there is always something surprising that I haven’t tried to work with before - for example, pine cones! Try using coniferous plants with cones in your garden design different color– and you will be surprised at the result!

Inspiration for the gardener
Did you know that conifer cones come in absolutely stunning colors and shades? They will become a real source of inspiration and creativity for the gardener! The leaves will fall, the flowers will fade, the lawn will wither, but the pine needles and cones will decorate your garden all year round, even from under the snow.

We are, of course, talking only about those trees that have a life form no more than 2–4 m high (why do we need cones that we will not see or will see in the litter)?

I’ll tell you about the most beautiful pine cones - year-round garden decorations.

Prickly spruce
Spruce cones appear in at different ages, while in the forest and in dense plantings much later, and at open spaces- earlier. The color of the cone changes during the ripening process. Spruce cones always hang down and fall off entirely.

The most decorative varieties Prickly spruce are presented below.

The Push spruce variety has the most charming cones of a soft pink color, which over time changes to raspberry-purple, and the ripe cones become red-violet-brown. Cones appear at the ends of young shoots at 6–9 years of age.
Photo: El Push

The height of the plant at the age of 10 years is only 0.5 m, the maximum height is 1 m. Prickly spruce of the Push variety is often grafted onto a standard. In this case, the height depends on the height of the trunk, and such a tree no longer grows.

The Akrona variety has exceptionally beautiful large cones, which are located in groups or individually at the ends of the shoots. The shape is cylindrical. The color of the cones is red and bright purple; ripe cones are light brown.

The height of this conical asymmetrical spruce is 2.5–3 m and it grows slowly. Often the branches lie on the ground.

What is especially good about the Akrona variety is that cones appear even on young plants.

Lucky Strike
The prickly spruce variety Lucky Strike amazes with the beauty and size of its cones: at first lilac-red, over time they become light brown, 10–15 cm long.

The height of an adult plant does not exceed 1–2 m. At 10 years of age, its height does not exceed 1.2 m, and its diameter does not exceed 1.5 m.

The cones of the Belobok spruce variety are very attractive: male cones are brownish-brown, and female cones are red. When ripe they turn green and then turn brown. The length of the cone is 5–10 cm.

The height of an adult blue spruce is 1–2 m.

Korean fir
Fir cones are very different from spruce. While still sitting on the branch, they lose their scales, and, in the end, all that remains of them is a charming rod. In addition, very young plant specimens are covered with cones. Fir cones always stick vertically upward.

The most decorative varieties of Korean fir are presented below.

Blauer Pfiff
Small charming buds of the Blauer Pfief variety will not leave anyone indifferent. They have a blue-violet color and a “barrel” shape. The plant reaches a height of 1–2 m.

Bonsai Blue
The Bonsai Blue variety, already at a young age, is abundantly sprinkled with expressive blue-violet cones. Plant height 0.5 m.

Charming purple candle cones of the Molly variety sticking up will become a real decoration of your garden. Their length is 5 cm. The height of the plant in adulthood is 3–4 m.

Blue Magic
Korean fir variety Blue Magic from the very early age strewn with elliptical shaped cones. The cones, which shoot vertically upward, are blue-violet and purple-violet in color before ripening, but then become brown with a slight purple tint.

Plant height is 0.8–1 m, maximum in adulthood is 2.5 m.

Win-win partners for coniferous plants, capable of highlighting the beauty of their cones and not causing trouble with care, are barberry, Japanese spirea, hosta and sedum.

Features of care
Conifer cones do not require special care or care.

The plants themselves should be fed (in the spring with melted snow), watered in extreme heat, pinched for splendor and “silhouette,” and protected from the scorching rays of the sun in the spring.

Make even the most small garden Coniferous plants will help you to be spectacular and very beautiful. They look great both individually and in a composition. With the help of a coniferous tree or shrub, you can highlight a specific place on the site. Even a person who has never done landscape design before will be able to place accents.

In addition, conifers have undeniable advantage- they look great all year round. This means that the garden will look attractive not only in summer, during the flowering period deciduous trees, but also in winter, when the ground is covered with a layer of snow.

To create beautiful composition, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the properties of different coniferous plants, their differences and characteristics.

Coniferous plants for the garden: names of varieties and descriptions of species⬆

Not all types of coniferous plants are suitable for landscaping. Landscape designers have long identified specimens that not only take root well, but also create excellent combinations with other trees and shrubs. Each group has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. It is worth noting that you can combine plants of different types.


The main representative of this species is the yew. This is an evergreen plant may be monoecious, and dioecious. The leaves of all representatives of the species are needle-shaped. They are arranged asymmetrically or double-row.

This is a family in total has about twenty representatives. Since plants are demanding on air humidity and soil composition, they usually grow in the Northern Hemisphere. Big root system allows them to receive the right amount of necessary substances, and drained soil provides the opportunity for active growth.

Yew trees will not grow in wetlands or on soil with high level acidity. The best thing place them in a dark area, where other plants will not be able to function normally due to lack of light. We recommend that you plant yew trees in places that are well protected from the wind. This arrangement will have a beneficial effect on the color of the plant.


The difficulty of working with this group is that everyone 12 types require special treatment and conditions. Among the cypress meet as thermophilic, and frost-resistant plants. Most members of the family are trees, but there are also shrubs.

All evergreen cypress easy to grow from seeds. They do not require additional care. The spectacular appearance of trees has made them a favorite of landscape designers.

It is best to plant plants with dark green needles in shaded areas where the sun will not burn the crowns. But the yellow color indicates planting in a sunny area.


Plants of this family are common in Asia and Europe, they are very common in the wild, but are not always suitable for garden decoration. The reason is that such trees are usually reach a height of 50 meters. Therefore, when choosing a plant, you must first clarify its expected size. On small area pine in most cases will look ridiculous. And yet you can choose a copy that fits well into the composition.

It is also worth considering the fact that representatives of this family powerful root system, which is actively growing. This means that you need to allocate it in advance great place on site, without forcing different plants compete for access to vital resources.

The big plus of pine trees is that they are equally tolerates frost and heat well, do not require special care and delight with their rich needle color all year round.

Tall coniferous plants for the garden⬆

Such giants will look great in large areas, where you can appreciate their beauty without raising your head. Conifers are considered tall, whose size exceeds 2 meters. They can become either a central part of the composition or a background for other plants.

The following are in particular demand:

  • western thuja Brabant,
  • single-color fir,
  • European cedar pine,
  • spiny spruce Hoopsii and others.

A small plot is not a reason to refuse a forest beauty. Thick needles at the bottom will become the basis of the composition. For example, the Scots pine Watereri, which reaches a height of 3 meters by the age of thirty, will look great in the garden small size.

Conifers of medium height⬆

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful composition without medium-sized coniferous plants. They complement perfectly small flower beds, maintaining an attractive appearance flower beds in winter. They are usually the ones planted along the path and around front door , creating a symmetrical design of the site.

Among coniferous plants of medium height, the following are popular:

  • globular thuja Globosa,
  • golden yew,
  • El Konika and others.

Dwarf coniferous plants for the garden⬆

First of all, it is worth clarifying that dwarf coniferous plants are not always small in size. Everything in this world is relative, so a dwarf spruce can reach two meters in height. What are the miracles of selection? The size of the original plant exceeds 50 meters.

But still in most cases dwarf plants do not move more than a meter from the ground. They look great in combination with stones and ornamental grasses.

It is worth highlighting:

  • El Lombers,
  • Hampi mountain pine,
  • Korean Piccolo fir.

Rules for the composition of coniferous plants in the garden⬆

First of all, you need to remember that coniferous plants can greatly increase in size. Growth takes a lot of time. But in order not to discover after 5-7 years that the composition has merged into a continuous canvas, you need to take into account the expected dimensions before planting.

You also need to understand which plants will grow a lot and which will remain small. Only in this case can you avoid the unpleasant situation when noticeably grown specimens cover the entire composition.

The ideal background for coniferous plants is a lawn. But he must be well-groomed. A combination of trees and bushes will go well with the bright green color of young grass.

Coniferous plants can be freely arranged into a whole composition, including both dwarf trees, and tall plants. They will not “blend together” and will look impressive thanks to different sizes needle-like leaves, as well as different shades pine needles


A complex composition that pleases the eye both in winter and summer is a mixborder. Such a specific flower garden combines several types of plants at once that bloom in different time. Conifers are included in the mixborder so that winter period it continued to attract attention and looked fresh and interesting. To create such a composition, designers recommend taking several plants of different heights. Coniferous trees and tall bushes are located at the very edge of the designated area, at the farthest part from the viewing point. Afterwards, plants of medium height are planted, and the last level is followed by creeping shrubs and dwarf conifers.


Another common way of distributing coniferous plants on a site is planting along paths or around the perimeter of the garden. Moreover, such a fence can consist of several “layers”. Trees are planted in a staggered pattern to leave room for a strong root system. But shrubs can form a continuous line.

Features of caring for coniferous plants for the garden⬆

The unpretentiousness of coniferous plants is their undeniable advantage, but even they still need care. It is especially important to monitor young seedlings; their future fate depends on the care they take in the first year of “life” on the site.

It is worth remembering that each plant has its own special needs. For example, some trees need watering once every two weeks, while others need watering once a month. At the same time, everything seedlings must be watered at least once a week. After they take root, they can be switched to the standard regime for this species.

Additional feeding desirable, but not critical. Since coniferous plants do not need to spend energy every year on forming foliage, useful material are consumed more slowly. Best used for feeding complex mineral fertilizers.

Not all conifers are frost-resistant, so some plants need to be covered for the winter. Also, in hot weather, you should monitor the condition of the needles; you may need protection from sunlight.

Regular pruning of branches, giving the desired shape and getting rid of weeds and diseased plants is the key to a beautiful and prosperous garden.

Conifers are mostly evergreen plants, woody or shrubby, with needle-like leaves. The needles are needle-shaped, scaly or linear leaves. Conifers belong to the class gymnosperms. In total, coniferous plants number about 600 species. It is difficult to list the names of all coniferous trees, but you can imagine a list of coniferous trees that are the most famous and widespread in our region.

Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree that grows everywhere throughout Russia, characterized by long needles and unpretentiousness to natural conditions. Sunny pine groves are a real natural sanatorium.

- coniferous decorative tree From the cypress family, many varieties of thuja are widely cultivated for landscaping parks and private farms.

- grows in the wild in the tropical zone, and is also successfully grown as an ornamental tree or shrub, the foliage differs from all previous conifers, the leaves on upward-directed shoots are arranged spirally, on horizontal shoots they are linear. Yew is very poisonous; only its seedless berries are edible.

coniferous shrub of the cypress family, used for ornamental gardening.

- a mighty tree of the North Ocean coast of America of the cypress family. Long-lived trees of this genus live for several thousand years.

is a beautiful coniferous tree that grows wild in the mountains of China.

The above list of conifers describes plants, each of which has many species - these are just the most common conifers.

In addition to those listed, to coniferous species include: cypress, hemlock, ginkgo, araucaria, Libocedrus, pseudo-hemlock, cunningamia, cryptomeria, sciadopitis, sequoiadendron and many others.