What are the genres of the novel? What is a literary novel? Definition, characteristics and typology of the genre. Characteristic features of the novel

Inseparable, in the novel the life of the individual and social life appear as relatively independent; but the “private” inner life of the individual is revealed in him “epicly,” that is, with the revelation of its generally significant and social meaning. A typical novel situation is a clash in the hero of the moral and human (personal) with natural and social necessity. Since the novel develops in modern times, where the nature of the relationship between man and society is constantly changing, its form is essentially “open”: the main situation is each time filled with specific historical content and is embodied in various genre modifications. Historically, the first form is considered to be the picaresque novel. In the 18th century two main varieties are developing: the social novel (G. Fielding, T. Smollett) and the psychological novel (S. Richardson, J. J. Rousseau, L. Stern, I. V. Goethe). Romantics create a historical novel (W. Scott). In the 1830s. The classical era of the socio-psychological novel of critical realism of the 19th century begins. (Stendhal, O. Balzac, C. Dickens, W. Thackeray, G. Flaubert, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky). Among the world famous writers of the 20th century. novelists: R. Rolland, T. Mann, M. Proust, F. Kafka, J. Joyce, J. Galsworthy, W. Faulkner, García Márquez, V. V. Nabokov, M. A. Sholokhov, A. I. Solzhenitsyn . See also "New Novel".

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    Novel. History of the term. The problem of the novel. The emergence of the genre. From the history of the genre. Conclusions. The novel as a bourgeois epic. The fate of the theory of the novel. Specificity of the novel form. The birth of a novel. The novel's conquest of everyday reality... Literary encyclopedia

    A, husband. Report: Romanovich, Romanovna; decomposition Romanych.Derivatives: Romanka; Romakha; Chamomile; Romanya; Roma; Romasya; Romulus.Origin: (Lat. Romanus Roman; Roman.)Name days: January 18, February 11, February 16, March 2, March 29, May 15, June 5, June 13,... ... Dictionary of personal names

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"A novel is a literary genre, usually prose, which involves a detailed narrative about the life and personality development of the main character (heroes) during a crisis, non-standard period of his life https:// ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0 %D0%BE%D0%BC% D0%B0%D0%BD."

The name of the term arose in the middle of the 12th century along with the genre of chivalric romance as opposed to Latin works. Initially, the term "novel" was used only for poetic works. This genre retains its name in the 13th century, but for the prose romance of chivalry.

There is a point of view that the novel of the New Age as a genre arises as a result of the combination of various episodes, which were previously considered to be short stories. For example, Boccaccio's "Decameron", known as a collection of short stories, gradually developed the plot line and compositional structure, thereby increasing the narrative in volume and complicating the plot. "With closer convergence of short stories, the cycle can turn into a single work of art - a novel. On the threshold between the cycle and a single novel is Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", where all the short stories are united by the commonality of the hero, but at the same time do not lose their independent interest. Tomashevsky B .V. Narrative genres. Prose narration // Theory of literature. Poetics. -1931. - From 41." The picaresque novel arises as a transformation from the knightly novel, but there is no real reason to believe that the collection of short stories is a transitional form to them. However, having withstood many changes both in its structure and in its semantic load, the novel as a genre fiction has survived to this day, but is still developing.

Let's move on to the main types of novels. "The proposed classification does not pretend to be complete, which is difficult to achieve when dealing with such a genre... It allows us to combine some novels when comparing them in order to draw attention to similarities. Unlike the ancient epic, the medieval chivalric romance or, say, elegy, a novel is always was in constant conflict with existing literary conventions, constantly changing its methods of storytelling, the novel borrowed elements of style from drama, journalism, popular culture and cinema, never, however, losing the tradition of reportage coming from the 17th century http:// litkniga.ru/ viewpage. php?page_id=30".

1) The narrative of the social novel illustrates the types of behavior accepted in various strata of society. As a rule, a conflict is described between representatives of different social classes, their beliefs and worldviews.

2) A moral novel focuses on the smallest details and standards. human behavior(eg Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"). This is a kind of thorough investigation into the causes of human vices with the goal of eradicating and ridiculing them. Novels of this type can depict a society of drug addicts, alcoholics and people from low strata. The moral novel is directly related to satire.

3) In a psychological novel (for example, Stendhal's "Red and Black") the emphasis is on inner world hero. An abundance of monologues, symbolism, stream of consciousness are the main features of this type. There are two forms of a psychological novel of this type - a detailed portrait (the subject of study is a novel hero who is at a turning point, a crisis moment in life) and a novel of education (the protagonist is the main character, the main thing is actor. studies the world, suffers from its imperfections, but in the end resolves the problems or begins to look at them differently; in novels of this form, a positive attitude is noticeable because the goal pursued by the hero is spiritual growth).

4) The cultural-historical novel is manifested in interest in several generations, society, the main motive is the disclosure of the principles and characteristics of human behavior. The hero of a novel of this type learns the mechanism of social advancement and his place in general structure peace. For the study of society, the narration of a story from the life of one or more families, subject to change and revision of their principles and being in conflict situation(L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”).

5) In the novel of ideas, the main place is occupied by theories, opinions, conclusions in relation to society and the world around us. The main difference between this type of novel and a psychological one is that its heroes are depicted as bearers of intellectual theories (F.M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”). The novel of ideas is also called a "philosophical" novel.

6) An adventure novel, a novel with intrigue, a novel of searches provides for a complicated storyline. The events described in the novel change quickly, each episode is a vivid picture, intrigue and adventure. On the path of the main character to his goal, trials and humiliation await, the result of which will be either the achievement of the goal and the fulfillment of desires, or failure and disappointment (F.S. Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”).

7) An experimental novel is often difficult to read, because its main feature is the author’s conscious use of various literary techniques- destruction of the plot narrative, the unusualness of the plot, which can be considered as its complete absence, understatement, fragmentation, obscurity (F.M. Dostoevsky “Notes from the Underground”). Play on words is also welcome - with its use, the author amuses the reader, and sometimes makes him think out the meaning of what is written.

The novel will be popular at all times due to its scale and relevance of the problems. And no matter what year or century it was created, the topics described in it will interest and excite readers. Through the novel we get to know the world around us, society and its mechanisms, motives and reasons for certain actions and often find answers to our own questions, thereby learning and developing ourselves.

Let's turn to one of the founders of Russian literary criticism- V.G. Belinsky, who wrote in the first half of the 19th century: “... now our literature has turned into a novel and a story (...) What books are most read and sold out? Novels and stories. (...) What books do all our writers write, called and uncalled (...)? Novels and stories. (...) what books expound human life, and the rules of morality, and philosophical systems, and, in a word, all sciences? In novels and stories."

The 19th century is called the “golden age of the Russian novel”: A. Pushkin and F. Dostoevsky, N. Gogol and I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy and N. Leskov, A. Herzen and M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. Chernyshevsky and A. K. Tolstoy worked fruitfully in this large form of epic. Even A. Chekhov dreamed of writing a novel about love...

A novel, in contrast to a short story and a novella, can be called an “extensive” type of literature, since it requires a wide coverage of artistic material.

The novel is characterized by the following features:

  • branching plot, multiple storylines; often the central characters of the novel have “their own” storylines, the author tells their story in detail (the story of Oblomov, the story of Stolz, the story of Olga Ilyinskaya, the story of Agafya Matveena in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”);
  • diversity of characters (by age, social groups, personalities, types, views, etc.);
  • global themes and issues;
  • a large scope of artistic time (the action of L. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” fits into one and a half decades);
  • a well-developed historical background, correlation of the heroes’ destinies with the characteristics of the era, etc.

The end of the 19th century somewhat weakened the interest of writers in large epic forms, and small genres came to the fore - short stories and tales. But since the 20s of the twentieth century, the novel has again become relevant: A. Tolstoy writes “Walking through the Torment” and “Peter I”, A. Fadeev - “Destruction”, I. Babel - “Cavalry”, M. Sholokhov - " Quiet Don" and "Virgin Soil Upturned", N. Ostrovsky - "Born of the Revolution" and "How the Steel Was Tempered", M. Bulgakov - "The White Guard" and "The Master and Margarita" ...

There are many varieties (genres) of the novel: historical, fantastic, gothic (or horror novel), psychological, philosophical, social, novel of morals (or everyday novel), utopian or dystopian novel, parable novel, anecdote novel, adventure (or adventure) novel, detective novel etc. A special genre can be attributed ideological a novel in which the author’s main task is to convey to the reader a certain ideology, a system of views on what society should be like. The novels by N. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”, M. Gorky “Mother”, N. Ostrovsky “How the Steel Was Tempered”, M. Sholokhov “Virgin Soil Upturned”, etc. can be considered ideological.

  • Historical the novel is interested in major, turning points historical events and determines the fate of a person in a particular era by the features of the depicted time;
  • fantastic the novel tells about fantastic events that go beyond the usual material world scientifically known by man;
  • psychological the novel tells about the characteristics and motives of human behavior in certain circumstances, about the manifestation internal properties and qualities of human nature, personal, individual characteristics person, often considering different psychological types of people;
  • philosophical the novel reveals the writer’s system of philosophical ideas about the world and man;
  • social the novel comprehends the laws of social organization, studies the influence of these laws on human destinies; depicts the state of individual social groups and explains it artistically;
  • novel of manners or everyday life-descriptive the novel depicts the everyday side of human existence, its peculiarities Everyday life, reflects his habits, moral standards, perhaps some ethnographic details;
  • in the center adventurous a novel, of course, the adventures of the hero; at the same time, the characteristics of the characters, historical truth and historical details are not always interesting to the author and are often in the background, or even in the third place;
  • utopian novel depicts the wonderful future of a person or the ideal structure of a state, from the author’s point of view; dystopian novel on the contrary, it depicts the world and society as, in the author’s opinion, they should not be, but can become due to the fault of man.
  • The largest epic genre is epic novel, in which each of the above features is globally developed and developed by the writer; the epic creates a broad canvas of human existence. Epic is usually not enough of one human fate; it is interested in the stories of entire families, dynasties in a long time context, against a broad historical background, making a person an important part of a huge and eternal world.

All these genres of the novel - except, perhaps, the Gothic or horror novel, which did not take root in Russia - are widely represented in Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Each era prefers certain genres of the novel. Thus, Russian literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century gave preference to a realistic novel with socio-philosophical and everyday-writing content. The twentieth century demanded a variety of novel content, and all genres of the novel received powerful development at that time.

Literary (from the French genre genus, type), historically developing type of literary work (novel, poem, ballad, etc.); the theoretical concept of painting generalizes the features characteristic of a more or less extensive group of works... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

The gallant novel (also the noble novel) is a genre of French and German literature from the mid-17th century. A precise, gallantly heroic novel is, on the one hand, the fruit of the transformation of a chivalric romance, and on the other, the result of the influence... ... Wikipedia

Novel. History of the term. The problem of the novel. The emergence of the genre. From the history of the genre. Conclusions. The novel as a bourgeois epic. The fate of the theory of the novel. Specificity of the novel form. The birth of a novel. The novel's conquest of everyday reality... Literary encyclopedia

NOVEL (French roman, German Roman; English novel/romance; Spanish novela, Italian romanzo), the central genre (see GENRE) of European literature of the New Time (see NEW TIME (in history)), fictional, in difference from the neighboring genre of the story (see... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A; m. [French] genre] 1. A historically established type of art or literature, characterized by certain plot, compositional, stylistic and other features; individual species of this genus. Musical and literary genres... encyclopedic Dictionary

A novel in verse is a literary genre that combines the properties of composition, chronotope and character system inherent in the novel with poetic form. Although certain analogies are possible between a novel in verse and a poetic epic, especially in its... ... Wikipedia

Novel- THE NOVEL is one of the freest literary forms, suggesting a huge number of modifications and embracing several main branches of the narrative genre. In new European literature, this term is usually used to describe some... ... Dictionary of literary terms

It is almost impossible to give an accurate and absolutely complete classification of such a genre as the novel, since basically such works are always in conflict with accepted literary conventions. In this literary genre, at all stages of its development, elements of modern drama, journalism, and cinema are always closely intertwined. The only constant element of the novel remains the method of narration in the form of reportage. Thanks to this, the main types of the novel can still be identified and described.

Initially, in the 12th-13th centuries, the word roman meant any written text in Old French, and only in the second half of the 17th century. partially acquired its modern semantic content.

Social novel

The basis of such works is various options behavior accepted in a particular society, and the actions of heroes that contradict or correspond to these values. The social novel has 2 varieties: cultural-historical and moral-descriptive.

A moral novel is an intimate social narrative focused on the standards and moral nuances of behavior in society. A striking example of a work of this type is Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice.

A cultural-historical novel, as a rule, describes the history of a family against the backdrop of the cultural and moral standards of its time. Unlike the moral novel, this type of novel touches on history, subjects individuals to in-depth study, and offers its own social psychology. A classic example of a cultural-historical novel is Tolstoy's War and Peace. It is noteworthy that this form of the novel is very often imitated by so-called blockbusters. For example, the work by M. Mitchell “ gone With the Wind", at first glance, has all the signs of a cultural-historical novel. But the abundance of melodramatic episodes, stereotypical characters and superficial social psychology suggests that this novel is just an imitation of a serious work.

Psychological novel

In this form, all the reader’s attention is focused on the inner world of a person. The work in the genre of psychological novel is full of internal monologues, stream of consciousness of the main character, analytical comments and symbolism. "Great Expectations" by Dickens, "Notes from Underground" by Dostoevsky - prominent representatives psychological form of the novel.

A novel of ideas

The novel of ideas or "philosophical" novel uses its characters as carriers of various intellectual theories. In works of this type, a lot of space is always devoted to various kinds of ideas and opinions regarding everything in the world, from moral values society to space. An example of such a novel is the work famous philosopher Plato's "Dialogues", in which the participants and heroes are the mouthpiece of Plato himself.

Adventure novel

A quest novel, a novel with intrigue, a chivalric novel, and a spy thriller also belong to this type of novel. As a rule, such works are full of action, plot intricacies, brave and strong heroes, love and passion. The main purpose of adventure novels is to entertain the reader, comparable, for example, to cinema.

The longest novel, Men of Good Will, by Louis Henri Jean Farigouille, aka Jules Romain (France), was published in 27 volumes in 1932-1946. The novel has 4,959 pages and approximately 2,070,000 words (not including the 100-page index).

Experimental novel

The main thing about experimental novels is that they are quite difficult to read. Unlike classical types novel, in these works the logic of cause and effect breaks down. In an experimental novel, for example, there may be no plot as such, no one knows who the main character, also optional, all attention is paid to style, structure and form of reproduction.