What types of ticks are dangerous to humans? Sizes of ticks and features of their behavior Classification of ticks

Despite popular belief, ticks are not insects; in fact, they are animals belonging to the class “arachnids”. Spiders and scorpions are considered their close relatives. Ticks are characterized by a stationary lifestyle; very often they move no more than 10 m.

Types of ticks

Modern science knows more than 50,000 subspecies of ticks, but most of them are not of interest to us in this article.

We will only consider dangerous species ticks for humans or domestic animals that are found in our latitudes. Below are descriptions of the types of ticks you may encounter.

In our region, this tick is one of the most common and poses a serious danger to people and animals, as it is a carrier of encephalitis infection. By the way, this is not a separate breed or subspecies of ticks; the disease can be carried by different representatives of the ixodid subspecies.

Encephalitis is a very dangerous disease that can be fatal if measures are not taken in time. Unfortunately, one cannot determine by “appearance” whether he is infected or not. Therefore, you should always be aware of the potential danger and do everything possible.

The Ixodid tick is also often called the hard tick. This name arose because of the special shell that covers its body. This tick can carry encephalitis infection; dog and taiga ticks are the most common representatives of this subspecies.


  • Mite size: can reach 25mm.
  • It begins to activate at a temperature of about 3-5 degrees Celsius.
  • It has a characteristic chitinous shell.

Ixodid ticks are also called forest ticks, which indicates their habitat. They love shady, damp areas, so when going for a walk in the forest, especially in the spring, do not forget about safety precautions.

This breed of mite is the causative agent of scabies. Previously, there were two versions of how such a tick changes its owner:

But scientists have found that ticks actually do this only in the first way.

Scabies mites can use not only humans, but also pets or livestock as hosts. If such a mite attacks a person, then the manifestations of scabies may be less pronounced and not so painful.


  • The female tick usually reaches no more than 0.5 mm in length.
  • To transmit a tick from one host to another, sufficiently prolonged physical contact is required. Usually a fertilized female moves to a new victim; for this migration she needs about half an hour, during which she manages to make a hole in the skin of the new host and gain a foothold there.
  • These ticks feed on lysate, a substance that is formed when their saliva interacts with the host’s skin secretions.

As the name implies, this type of tick lives in places very close to humans. It is attracted to accumulations of dust and fluff, so most often it can be found in bed, but it is also found in public places: cafes, hairdressers, hotels, theaters.

These ticks do not bite humans or use them as hosts. They feed on exfoliated epidermis. Although at first glance they seem less dangerous, this is not the case. The life span of such a tick reaches 4 months, during which time it manages to secrete great amount excrement, approximately 200 times its own weight. It is excrement that causes irritation and itching on the skin of people who come into contact with surfaces affected by dust mites. In fact, this is an allergic reaction and not the result of a bite.

Also bed mite leaves abundant offspring, the female gives birth to up to 300 new individuals.

Ear mite

Ear mites do not pose a great danger to humans since their main victims are pets. Such mites start different ways: An animal can pick it up on the street, or you can bring it into the house by petting someone else's animal.

These mites feed on earwax and sebum. The entire life cycle lasts no more than 2 months.

What is the danger of this tick? Ixodid ticks, which can carry encephalitis, are sometimes mistaken for ear ticks, which means that all necessary precautions are not taken. Therefore, it is very important to learn to distinguish between these two breeds, or better yet, contact a specialist.

Another subspecies of mites that does not pose a danger to humans, but can seriously harm plants. As a rule, it attaches itself to the lower part of the plant, begins to suck the juice out of it and weaves around it with cobwebs. As a result, such a plant literally dries out and can also become infected with gray rot.

The life cycle of such a tick ranges from a week to a month.

We hope that photos and names of tick varieties will help you navigate their diversity and learn to distinguish them.

How dangerous are ticks to humans?

The greatest danger to humans are ixodid ticks, which can be carriers of encephalitis and many other very dangerous diseases, including: Lyme disease, typhus. Each subspecies of these animals has its own characteristics of existence, but usually proximity to them does not bring anything good. Therefore, it is very important when ticks are detected to immediately begin taking action to neutralize them.

We looked at the most common types of insect mites and found out what their danger is. It is very important to understand this when you encounter them in order to take adequate measures.

True quantity various types The number of ticks discovered and described by zoologists is thousands of times greater than the number known to the average inhabitant of the planet. If you ask any person to name the types of mites known to him, then, most likely, he will remember only 2-3 names, at best - up to 5, and, more likely, he will name not specific species, but certain groups, varieties, corresponding to certain characteristics .

For example, almost all residents of Eurasia are well aware of ixodid ticks - the very ones among which there are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, fatal dangerous disease. Many people also know about scabies (and not only those who themselves suffered from scabies), and gardeners and flower growers are well aware of spider mites. These species, as well as dust mites and red mites, perhaps represent the entire “set” known to the general public.

For example, the photo below shows the well-known dog tick, the main carrier of tick-borne encephalitis in the European part of Russia:

And this creature with a difficult-to-describe body shape is an itch itch (photo taken using a microscope):

Today, science has described more than 54 thousand species of mites, and their number is constantly increasing due to the discovery of new representatives of this group of arthropods, many of which are microscopically small in size. Scientists estimate that there are about a million different species of ticks on Earth, and they have yet to be named.

On a note

In terms of species diversity, mites surpass even the order of spiders - the latter number just over 42 thousand species.

Compared to the number of living species of ticks studied, not many fossil forms have been described - about 150. This is partly due to the fact that the remains of ticks that lived in previous eras are difficult to find and identify. In addition, there is a hypothesis that this group of arthropods is currently experiencing its heyday - living conditions on modern Earth are optimal for ticks, and this contributes to active speciation in many of their genera and families.

However, in reality, most ticks are completely harmless to people and animals. The most extensive groups in terms of the number of species are saprophagous mites, which live in the soil and feed on the decaying remains of dead plants and animals. These creatures are extremely useful for biocenoses, and not only do not harm, but also bring great benefits natural ecosystems and agriculture.

On a note

Mites (Acari) are grouped into a large subclass of the Arachnida class. It is interesting that the spiders themselves form an order in this class, and among mites, scientists have identified several different orders, and therefore a subclass had to be formed to unite them.

The diversity of mites is exceptional even for the phylum arthropods. Among them there are both microscopically small forms, distinguishable only under a microscope, and animals with a body size of up to 10 mm (especially after saturation). They have very varied colors, various shapes bodies and very effective and bizarre adaptations for their lifestyle. No wonder that general characteristics this subclass is not so easy to give.

The photo below shows the Argas mite:

Ticks live in a wide variety of biotopes - from dry steppes to tropical forests, from earthen bedding to apartment carpets. There are even known species that live under water. They inhabit the upper layers of the soil in huge numbers, where sometimes hundreds of individuals are found in 1 cm3 of soil.

A significant problem is the classification of all this diversity of species. As a rule, they are divided into groups according to anatomy, various physiological characteristics and lifestyle. Groups of the same order (taxa) are included in higher associations, as a result, orders and families are formed, each of which is characterized by certain characteristics of their representatives.

This division is very arbitrary. The taxonomy of the subclass is constantly being revised, and many experts offer their own options for dividing the group into subgroups. In particular, it is popular to distinguish harvest mites as a superorder for their very specific structure.

The photo below shows the harvest mite (Opilioacarus segmentatus):

This superorder is notable for the fact that it includes the most famous ticks among the people - the ixodid ticks, the same ones that urban residents of central Eurasia are terrified of because individual representatives of some of their species can be infected with the tick-borne encephalitis virus and, when bitten, can infect a person with it. . Since this disease is deadly, intensive care is required after infection, but reliable prevention of the disease is quite difficult.

Another interesting feature of this group is its very low representation in paleontological remains. The reason for this “gap” in the evolutionary record is not fully understood, but it is precisely this that makes it difficult to trace the developmental path of this group of mites. Some soil gamasid mites are considered to be the closest to the original forms, and the most highly developed are various predatory forms of the same group. Although it is not entirely correct to speak unequivocally about the evolutionary superiority of one group over another.

On a note

It is incorrect to talk about saprophytic mites. Saprophytes include only microorganisms - bacteria or single-celled fungi. Mites that feed on decaying organic matter are called saprophages. It is also incorrect to call mites saprotrophs - the fundamental difference between saprotrophs and saprophages is that saprotrophs do not leave behind solid waste products (excrement) after feeding, while saprophages do.

A remarkable group in this superorder is the uropod mites, which mainly inhabit the soil. Among them are:

This is interesting

The most epidemiologically significant species are:

Tick-borne encephalitis is carried by several other types of ticks: Ixodes pavlovskyi, Haemaphysalis concinna, Dermatocentor marginatus and others. There are only 14 species, outwardly quite similar to each other, and in some cases it is extremely difficult to identify them (especially when it comes to immature individuals). For this reason, it has become entrenched among the people common name- “encephalitis tick”, which sometimes also applies to those species of ixodids that do not carry the virus, but look similar to the true carriers.

On a note

Notable among them, for example, are the myrmecophilous mites Antennophoridae, which live in anthills, attach to the lower part of the ants' heads and feed on food debris remaining on the ants' jaws. The photo below shows a corresponding example:

Gamasid saprophagous mites in huge numbers inhabit the corpses of animals and insects, excrement, and other organic remains. It is noteworthy that these species settle on various carrion insects. For example, if you lightly tap a dried crust of manure with a stick, simulating the touch of a fly or rat, hundreds of macrochelys or califora mites instantly appear on the surface of the crust, ready to grab onto the insect and then “fly” with it to a new food substrate.

The photo shows a scarab beetle covered in mites:

The tracing name of this group from Latin is thyroglyphoid mites. The group received its Russian-language name because its representatives very often settle and reproduce in huge quantities in storage facilities for agricultural products. Here different types They feed on grain, husks, molds, and animal products.

This is interesting

The most notable among barn mites are the following:

  • Flour mite, damaging flour, starch, bran, various grain processing products;
  • Cheese mite, which is often found in long-stored cheeses;
  • Sugar mite, which damages sugar and the raw materials for its production;
  • Wine mite that settles on the surface of wine if the container with it is not hermetically sealed;
  • Bulb mite, a pest of onion, potato, garlic, and beet stocks.

All of them lead to damage and deterioration in the quality of stored products.


This is interesting

The passages of scabies can sometimes be seen under the skin with the naked eye - they look like a mesh of lines.

The larvae emerging from the eggs feed for some time on the epidermis in the maternal passages, turn into nymphs, crawl to the surface of the skin, where the males turn into adults and mate with immature females. After this, the females bite into the skin and begin to make their own passages.

The vital activity of scabies causes severe itching in a person - the disease itself is called scabies. Likewise, mange can occur in cats, dogs, rats and many other animals.


Ironweeds are very specific mites. At least according to appearance They are very different from other ticks because they have an elongated back part of the body, similar to a tail. Moreover, their length together with such a “tail” is no more than 0.3-0.4 mm.

These mites are most interesting because they constantly live on the human body. Of these, the two most common types are:

  1. Demodex folliculorum - lives most of the time in hair follicles;
  2. Demodex brevis - inhabits the sebaceous glands, the secretion of which is excreted into the hair follicles.

Both species feed on gland secretions and normally do not harm humans. However, when they multiply profusely, they can cause demodicosis - a dermatological disease in which the skin peels off, foci of inflammation develop and itching occurs.

According to research, these ticks are widespread - almost 100% of the planet's population is infected with them. And precisely due to the fact that infestation by them practically does not manifest itself in any way, most people do not even know about such infection, just as they do not know about the existence of the ironworts themselves.

The so-called dust mites (Dermatophagoides sp.)

This group includes several species of very small mites that have adapted to living in human housing and feeding on exfoliating skin particles present in household dust.

It is known that each person loses approximately 1.5 g of dry dead epidermis per day - this is what these creatures consume as food. Moreover, this amount of “food” is quite enough for the existence of an entire population indoors.

This is interesting

Today, the ability of dust mites to feed, including mold fungi, has been discovered.

Due to their microscopic size, dust mites can settle inside mattresses and upholstery upholstered furniture, from where it is almost impossible to expel them. They inhabit carpets, crevices behind baseboards, and dust in the corners of rooms in large quantities, and therefore fighting them in most cases is a difficult task.

The photo below shows a Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus dust mite in a carpet:

At the same time, dust mites can cause severe allergies. It is believed that most cases of asthma develop in response to constant inhalation of air that contains dust from the excrement and chitinous coverings of these creatures. Excrement contains specific digestive proteins that cause sensitization in humans.

Types of spider mites that harm agriculture

Perhaps, of all the mites that are pests Agriculture, arachnids are the most famous.

Firstly, they are diverse and there are more than 1200 known species. Secondly, they are very versatile in nutrition. The type species of this family, the common spider mite, is distributed throughout the world and affects at least about 200 plant species. Moreover, these 200 species are only those that are known to scientists. Perhaps the diet of this tick is even more varied. It is capable of hitting most garden crops grown in middle lane Russia, but most of all it affects cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, bell pepper and strawberries.

Its relatives are less versatile, but no less harmful. Garden, hawthorn, citrus and other mites of this group are considered a real disaster in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Finally, spider mites cause serious damage to plants, significantly reducing the yield of fields and gardens. In addition, mites infect flowers and trees in natural habitats.

On a note

This group of pests got its name because, when infecting plants, mites entangle their habitat with a thick web, in which, as if in a shelter, they feed and reproduce.

It is not surprising that spider mites are actively being fought, and the most effective and rational way to destroy them is to involve other mites in this...

Enemies of spider mites - phytoseiulus

Phytoseiulus is the largest family of gamasid mites. There are more than 2,000 species, the vast majority of which are voracious predators that destroy many small invertebrates.

In this group the largest economic importance has Phytoseiulus persimilis, which is used in the biological control of spider mites. One adult of this predator eats up to 20 adult spider mites, their eggs and larvae per day, and the more intensively it feeds, the more eggs it lays and the more equally voracious larvae and nymphs are then born.

On a note

Phytoseiulus feed not only on spider mites, but also thrips, nematodes and some other harmful invertebrates. Therefore, their use in biological control is considered an integrated method of plant protection.

Today in Europe there are already nurseries for growing phytoseiulus, which are sold in batches to greenhouses and garden farms. Here they are released onto plants, and within a few weeks their numbers grow rapidly due to a decrease in the number of spider mites. This is possible without insecticides and other chemicals protect the harvest.

Red mites and other predatory species

Perhaps every person has seen these ticks. They are found in large numbers in spring and early summer under stones in the forest or in vegetable gardens, where they move smoothly, as if “swimming” along the ground in search of their victims - small insects and other mites.

In Japan and on the islands Pacific Ocean These ticks carry the causative agent of tsutsugamushi fever.

Representatives of this group are of great economic importance because they can cause serious illnesses poultry.

Normally, these mites are commensals and do not lead to serious consequences for birds. They settle in feather stumps and feed on their walls. Each feather forms its own colony, from which mites can move to neighboring feathers.

Wild birds usually carry out some hygienic procedures to help control the number of these mites, and a significant part of these “hosts” die during molting. However, when birds are kept in cramped enclosures, mites multiply here in huge numbers, cause itching, inflammation, and breaking off feathers, which is why the birds do not gain the required weight and even die.

Oribatid ticks as carriers of helminth infections

Oribatids for the most part are considered useful mites involved in the formation of soils. Millions of them can live in one cubic decimeter of forest soil - they constantly eat the remains of plants and animals and turn them into a substrate assimilated by plants.

The ability of oribatids to spread helminth eggs is important. Thus, some species of this group of mites eat the eggs of tapeworms of the Anoplocephalata family, after which the larvae hatch from the eggs in their bodies, and then the mites themselves and the plants are eaten by cattle. Already in the digestive tract of the animal, the ticks die, and the helminth larvae are released and burrow into the intestinal epithelium, causing monieziosis. This disease leads to a slowdown in the growth of young cows, sheep, goats, a decrease in milk yield and sometimes even to the death of animals.

The photo shows a winged tick of the family Galumnidae, a carrier of helminth infections in cattle:

In conclusion, we note that even the main groups of mites are difficult to examine even briefly. However, the above information is already enough to roughly imagine the diversity and huge number of varieties of ticks, as well as their significance for ecosystems and human life.

Ticks are a large subclass of arthropods, which includes more than 54 thousand species. These are mainly creatures up to 5 millimeters in size with six pairs of appendages and characteristic mouthparts. What are the types of ticks that pose a danger to humans?

Harmful representatives are distinguished by a variety of forms with a relatively small number of species. Greatest harm Ticks do not cause harm through their bites, but through their consequences. The oral apparatus of these arthropods carries a large number of dangerous diseases - encephalitis, Lyme disease, plague, typhus, hemorrhagic fever and Q fever. Other species are provocateurs of skin diseases - scabies, demodicosis.

Dermancetoids can be distinguished from other mites by their characteristic coloring with brown stripes on the back.

If you find a large tick that has already drunk blood, it is recommended to carefully remove it and take it for analysis to any sanitary unit. This precaution will help you recognize diseases that may come with a bite in time.

In the literature you can find another name - the armored mite, so named for its strong chitinous coverings.

The arthropod is active in the spring and summer. It is rarely possible to avoid ixodid tick bites, so doctors recommend using special vaccines against encephalitis. You should worry about using it in advance - immunity appears only two weeks after the injection. But such a small precaution can protect you and your loved ones from a fatal disease.

Morphologically, several varieties of ixodid ticks are distinguished. The black mite loves dark, damp places. The characteristic color of its covers, as well as small size distinguishes it from other arthropods of this group.

The white ixodid tick has a creamy, whitish abdomen. The closely related gray ixodid tick is best recognized. This is the type of tick that people most often find on themselves.



In the literature it is found under the name demodex. Demodex is a normal inhabitant of human skin. Problems begin when it multiplies excessively due to a weakened immune system, poor nutrition, or taking antibiotics. Uncontrolled reproduction of mites manifests itself in the form of demodicosis. This is an acute inflammatory process on the integument, accompanied by severe itching, acne, large areas of redness of the affected skin. Dermatologists treat subcutaneous mites.



It is extremely rare in humans. The main hosts of this arthropod are cats and dogs. In them, this arthropod causes acute inflammation of the middle and outer ear, which without treatment can develop into otitis media or even meningitis.



The representative is not harmful to humans and animals. Plants, including cultivated ones, suffer most from it. In plants, mites not only damage the integument and suck out nutritious juices from the roots, but are also carriers of extremely dangerous diseases.


It is a very large arachnid arthropod that feeds on ticks. It is common where there are large numbers of dust mites. It is absolutely safe and even useful for humans. The predatory mite is a natural controller of populations of other microscopic arthropods.


Also found as flour or bread mites. Getting into the granary along with unprocessed grain or the remains of cereal crops, it feeds on both flour and already finished products. The presence of eggs or adults in food can lead to allergic reactions and digestive disorders.

We have been scared of ticks since childhood. As soon as the corresponding season begins, the incidence of Lyme disease immediately increases and tick-borne encephalitis. So the fear is justified.

In this article we will take a detailed look at who ticks are, why they are dangerous, what these animals look like, where you can catch them and how to protect yourself from them. Let's look at others important topics, which you could not even suspect. Let's begin.

Are ticks insects or not?

There is a common misconception that a tick is an insect. But nothing like that. As a child, our parents could tell us that they were not insects. So, ticks are relatives of spiders; they belong to the class of arachnids.

How are they different from insects:

  1. Four pairs of paws. Each mite has eight legs, while insects have only six.
  2. Lack of antennae. Insects have them.
  3. Two parts of the body (or, as biologists say, segments). Insects have three segments - head, thorax and abdomen. In ticks, two segments are combined into one and are called the cephalothorax.

It is worth noting that arachnids, from an evolutionary point of view, are more primitive and ancient than insects. What do insects and mites have in common? The fact that both of them belong to the class of arthropods.

What types of ticks are there?

In turn, ticks do not come in one type. There are a huge number of them.

They differ in literally everything: lifestyle, size and degree of danger to humans. Some mites are completely harmless, while others can cause allergies (dust mites). Well, there is a species that can kill a person with one bite.

There are these types of ticks:

Types of ticks in humans

People may have the following mites:

Ticks on dogs and cats

Ear mites, which we have already discussed above, also live on dogs and cats. All species can live on both humans and animals.

What ticks are found in Russia?

In Russia you can most often find the following ticks:

  1. Ixodes. We've already talked enough about him. They can be found throughout Russia, but not everywhere they are carriers of encephalitis. Residents of Barnaul and Krasnoyarsk are most likely to get this terrible disease. A little less - Omsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk. But if you live in Yakutsk, Moscow, Murmansk and other similar cities, then the probability is very low. However, if suddenly a tick bites you, it is better to consult a doctor. Most of all, ixodid ticks love places where the climate is temperate and spring is quite warm. The chances of catching an ixodid tick are highest in crowded places. They have a great sense of where they can feast on fresh blood.
  2. Pasture mite. We haven't talked about him yet. Well, we need to improve. He lives in the steppes of Russia, in the European part of our country. They can also be found in abundance in Western Siberia. The pasture tick likes to live in humid, warm regions where the climate is temperate. Animals can be caught by both livestock and humans. It is activated in summer time. Nevertheless, he does not like excessive solar activity, like his other brothers.
  3. Brown dog tick. It can be found on the Black Sea coast. His favorite foods are pets and people. It does not spread encephalitis, but it can infect Marseilles fever. You can get infected from it through dogs. Most often, it is picked up by the owners of these pets.

What color are ticks?

The color of mites is standard for all arachnids.

Most often, this animal can be one of the following colors:

  1. Brown.
  2. Orangeish.
  3. White.
  4. Brownish grey.

No matter what color they are, they can be potentially dangerous.

Do ticks have wings?

Contrary to popular belief, ticks have never flown. Many people simply confuse ticks and deer bloodsucker. Although in fact, the latter is closer to flies than to ticks. Actually, it's an insect. Here he has wings.

Another common misconception is that ticks can jump. Also a myth. They, like any other arachnids, crawl.

They hunt people or animals in the following way:

  1. The tick lives in places where there is tall grass. They do not know how to climb high and therefore guard at a relatively low altitude. With this we debunk another myth that ticks seem to live on trees.
  2. Ticks have a very good sense of smell. Consequently, they hear the smell of the victim's blood and begin to run towards it quite quickly.
  3. A tick can climb and search for a long time a good place to suck on. Sometimes searches can last several hours.

So we see that There are no ticks with wings. But they are quite good sprinters. Well, what can you do if you need to attach yourself to prey that moves quite quickly?

What size are the pliers?

We have already realized that ticks can be of different sizes.

This topic cannot be fully discussed in a nutshell. The reason is that the life expectancy of ticks is influenced not only by the type of animal, but also by its living conditions.

But we will try to highlight certain points:

  1. The average lifespan of an ixodid tick is about 2 years. Although here it is necessary to take into account not only the features environment, but also what stages of development are taken into account. The maximum lifespan of an ixodid tick, including the early stages of development, is eight years, the minimum is six months. Although sometimes you come across individuals that are able to live much longer.
  2. Bed mites live for four months in favorable conditions. If the apartment is regularly held high-quality cleaning, then their life expectancy is reduced many times over.
  3. The lifespan of a scabies mite depends on many factors, and human immunity is important. In air they die in just a few hours. In addition, the life expectancy of animals is affected by how quickly a person sees a doctor and appropriate treatment is started. you will find here.

Where do ticks live?

As already mentioned, ticks can live all over the globe, and everywhere there are places favorable for their existence.

For an animal to develop, it is enough good conditions, which are:

  1. High humidity. Therefore, there are a lot of them in places where plants do not allow moisture to leave the habitat of animals. This is why so many ticks can be picked up in forests, parks and other places with actively developing vegetation.
  2. Availability of grass. As already mentioned, the main habitat of ticks is tall grass. This is where they can be found.

Contrary to popular belief, ticks can also be picked up in the city, as confirmed by numerous dog owners. Moreover, it is quite possible to catch borreliosis or encephalitis in the city, so you need to take precautions.

What does a tick bite look like?

Here, too, everything can be different depending on what kind of tick bit, whether it managed to detach itself, and whether it is infectious.

Pay attention to the following points:

  1. The tick bite is painless. Therefore, a person can already see round redness and slight allergic reaction of a local nature.
  2. If a person has contracted Lyme disease, then the bite resembles the planet Saturn. There is a round redness in the center, and around it at a distance there is a red ring, which becomes larger over time. If Lyme disease progresses further, a scar appears at the site of the bite, and the central area becomes white or bluish.

How to protect yourself from tick bites?

To protect yourself from a tick bite, be sure to follow these instructions:

And remember that if you suddenly find an attached tick or a bite that looks approximately as described above, be sure to consult a doctor.


So, we figured out what types of ticks are, why they are dangerous, what diseases they cause, where they live, which areas are safer to live in, which are less so, what to do to protect yourself from bites, what to do if this suddenly happens, how long do they live? ticks and many other questions.

I hope you found this article helpful. There is no need to be afraid of ticks, but in any case, God protects those who are careful. Take precautions and be careful.

The onset of spring brings not only excellent weather, outdoor picnics and walks, but also such an unpleasant phenomenon as the activation of ticks. Ticks are small arthropods from the order of arachnids that have lived on the planet for several million years. Since they live mainly in the soil, the period of their activity occurs when it warms up to +5 degrees. Many of the representatives of this subclass are carriers of severe diseases such as tick-borne typhus, encephalitis and borreliosis. The number of mite species is amazing and is recorded at approximately 50 thousand, but researchers divide the subclass itself into three groups: harvest mites, parisitoform mites and acarimorph mites.

For many, “ticks” are only those that live in the forest and bite animals and people. But in nature there are a huge number of ticks, divided into species and differing in diet and lifestyle. We will now look at some types of mites. The classification of mites distinguishes three independent orders.

In addition to the three main and collective groups into which scientists classify ticks, there are many other species. Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. in most cases they are carriers of encephalitis. Particular activity occurs in May-July; insects live in grass or bushes and it is from the vegetation that they fall on humans. Moving from below, the tick looks for appropriate place with thin skin, most often the wrists, neck, head.
  2. Argasid mites differ from other species in that they hunt all year round. They live in dark and hard to reach places such as nests, caves and various cracks. If there is a lack of blood intake, argasid mites hibernate. However, it only takes them half an hour to be completely saturated with blood, and only a minute to infect a victim with a serious disease.
  3. Subcutaneous mites live under human skin, as their name suggests. They develop and live under the skin quite for a long time until they are hatched by feeding on dead cells. Acne, itching and severe redness occur at the affected areas. Infection occurs from carriers of the disease through towels, touches and personal hygiene items.
  4. Scabies mites capable of moving from animal to person, causing a disease such as scabies. Infection from other people through household items, especially bedding and combs, is also common.
  5. live in pillows, blankets and mattresses, feeding on dust and exfoliated particles of dead epidermis. They do not feed on human blood and are not capable of biting. It is impossible to see dust mites with the naked eye; they are microscopic. Very often they are confused with those that feed on human blood.
  6. Spider mites They live on plants, feed on their sap and entangle them in their web. Plants wither and die if measures are not taken in time.

What does a tick look like?

All these types of ticks look different. Only a few small individuals reach a size of 4 mm, but mostly they average value 0.1-0.5 mm. The body is of two types: an fused head and chest, turning into the abdomen, and a body with a hard shell.

Animal ticks do not have eyes, but are endowed with a sharp sensory apparatus that allows them to perfectly navigate in any space. It is important to note that, like other representatives of arthropods, ticks do not have wings, so they are not able to fly or jump.

Tick ​​habitats

In almost every corner of the world, with the exception of the most northern latitudes. Ground ticks prefer high humidity, so most often they live near water, in bushes, mosses, animal burrows or grass and fallen leaves.

There is an opinion that ticks live in trees and can fall on top of their prey at any moment. This is not true, because ticks are not able to climb to a height of more than a meter, so they prefer to hunt from the grass, from the branches of low bushes, such as blueberries, or from fallen leaves. This is why you should be wary of “halts” while hiking.

Most often, ticks wait for their prey in paths on the grass or near a forest road. But in a pine forest, where the humidity is much lower than deciduous and mixed forests, it is almost impossible to encounter ticks. The preference of ticks for a warm place of residence is also proven by their distribution in barns with bakery products or grain, flats and even deep layers of human skin.

Can ticks jump and fly?

None of the tick species can fly, so there is no need to fear an attack from the air. Can ticks jump from tree branches and bushes? No, they are not capable of jumping. Their main way of attacking a victim is to cling to it. Ticks do not prefer to climb to a height above one and a half meters, but this is quite enough for them. In the event of a threat, such as a fire, the ticks simply detach from a branch or blade of grass and simply fall down. Some might call it a jump, but it's just an uncontrolled fall down.

How do ticks reproduce and lay eggs?

Reproduction of forest ticks occurs after full saturation. After fertilization, the female must feed on blood for about 10 days to produce offspring. At one time, she is capable of laying 5,000 eggs, which in the first stages after birth are located on low plants. Then, after the larvae emerge, they need to find a host - a vertebrate animal that will supply them with blood. This is what will allow the larvae to turn into nymphs (more adult individuals).

Mouthparts and feeding habits of ticks

Helps ticks absorb food special devices: chelicerae, or claws, which crush food, and pedipalps, which serve for chewing food. In arthropods that feed on blood and plant juices, the limbs are modified: the pedipalps are fused and perform the function of piercing the skin or outer shells of plants, and the chelicerae form a proboscis with serrations for reliable attachment. All this is a piercing-sucking oral apparatus.

Ticks that feed on solid food (flour, seeds) have gnawing mouthparts. The chelicerae are transformed into claws, and the pedipalps perform their original function of chewing.

According to their feeding method, ticks are divided into two types:

  • Saprophages- individuals that feed on the remains of organic matter. This includes plant sap, rotting organic remains, millet, flour, particles of exfoliated human epidermis, as well as subcutaneous fat;
  • Predators– ticks attach themselves to vertebrates and feed on their blood. They can live up to 3 years without food, but still constantly lie in wait for the victim and wait for an opportune moment.

How does a tick attach itself and where does it bite most often?

The process of ixodid tick attachment to a victim is divided into two categories: passive and active. The first involves the tick living in grass, bushes or near paths, where many people or animals accumulate. Without wasting any effort, the tick, having found its future owner, attaches itself to it. But this only happens in cases where a person’s legs are open, because the tick attacks from below. However, clothes are not a hindrance for him - the tick makes its way up it, finding open area bodies.

The second method of attack is active. It is built on an instinctive level, since the tick senses its victim and makes its way to it in all possible ways. Following his incredibly acute senses, he makes his way closer to the grass, crawling onto it, and waits for the approach of a person or animal. When the victim approaches optimal distance, the tick, spreading its two front legs with claws forward, clings to fur, skin or clothing. If the target is lost, but the tick, driven by hunger and instinct, continues to pursue it.

The picture shows the most favorite places where ticks bite.

The places with the thinnest and most delicate skin seem to be the most attractive for ticks to bite. As already mentioned, these include the neck and head. But also great attention It is worth paying attention to examining the groin area, armpits, chest and abdomen, because most ticks keenly sense the smell of sweat, which is very attractive to them.

Tick-borne diseases

Having suffered from it is impossible to say exactly what severe consequences there will be no more. The thing is that many representatives of this species are carriers of diseases that are terrible for humans. The most serious include encephalitis, Lyme disease, and ehrlichiosis. Relapsing tick-borne fever, tularemia, babesiosis, and spotted fever are also common. All entail an extremely serious condition, often ending in disability and an extremely long rehabilitation period, and sometimes death.

Lyme disease - symptoms, consequences, treatment

It is provoked by the bite of a tick, which carries a spirochete and is called ixodic. Infection occurs when saliva from an infected arachnid enters a wound on the skin. There are also cases when a person himself, while scratching his skin, rubs in an infection from a crushed tick. The main symptom after injury is a red spot, the surface of which rises above other areas of the skin, with a white center, which then turns into a crust and a scar.

Within 1.5 months, disorders of the nervous system, cardiac apparatus and joints appear. Paralysis, insomnia, depression, and hearing loss are common. The outcome of this disease is usually not fatal, but the effects on the heart can be serious. To treat Lyme disease, experts prescribe antibiotics (from 2 weeks); in more severe cases, they are administered intravenously.

Encephalitis - symptoms, consequences, treatment

Encephalitis is one of the most serious diseases, which is an acute disorder in the brain. Its cause lies in the immune system, which mistakenly attacks its own tissues. Encephalitis ticks live in many forests in Europe and Russia, but refusing to visit them is not guaranteed to save you from the disease - ticks are often hidden in branches and wool.

Surprisingly, even after drinking the milk of an infected cow or goat, a weak body can become infected with encephalitis. The virus spreads within 1.5 weeks, affecting the gray matter of the brain, accompanied by convulsions, paralysis of either certain muscles or entire limbs. After damage to the entire brain, severe headaches, vomiting, and loss of consciousness are observed. The consequences are very serious - disability and, in frequent cases, death. To treat encephalitis, doctors prescribe intravenous immunoglobulin, and for prevention it is mandatory antiviral drugs.

How to protect yourself from ticks?

There are a few simple rules Tips that everyone can follow to avoid tick bites:

  • clothing that securely covers all parts of the body, especially arms and legs;
  • headdress;
  • closed and high shoes, or trousers tucked into them;
  • Light-colored clothing, which makes it easier to see ticks;
  • treatment open areas skin repellent;
  • examining yourself and loved ones every half hour;
  • refusal to collect flowers, branches and plants.


Repellent is a type of tick repellent. The spray can be sprayed not only on clothes, but also on the skin, but you need to make sure that it does not erode and repeat the procedure again. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the areas of the armpits, abdomen, neck and wrists - most often ticks choose them to bite. Of course, this remedy is not an exact guarantee that all ticks will bypass a person, but still, the use of repellents significantly reduces the likelihood of being bitten.


These remedies are the most powerful and effective. The substance used in the spray affects nervous system tick due to which its limbs go numb. But we must remember that acaricidal agents are extremely harmful to the skin and, moreover, they should not be inhaled. Adults are advised to treat their clothes, but never wear them, wait a while for everything to dry completely, and only then put them on. One spraying with such an acaricidal spray gives an effect for about two weeks.

Insecticidal and repellent agents

This type It is considered the most convenient and reliable, because it combines two products together, which means it not only repels ticks, but also paralyzes them. The convenience is that the product can be applied to skin and clothing. In addition, the drugs fight not only ticks, but also other blood-sucking insects, which also has its own benefits - mosquitoes will not bother you.


The most severe disease carried by ticks is produced so that the human immune system can recognize the virus and begin to fight it. First, you need to contact a therapist who will tell you where it is best to perform this procedure.

It is important to note that this can only be done in hospitals that are licensed to provide this type of vaccination. If the drug is stored incorrectly, the vaccine is useless and sometimes dangerous. In Russia, drugs of domestic, German and Austrian origin are used. The advantage of foreign vaccines is that they have much fewer contraindications and side effects.

What should I do if bitten by a tick?

If there is no hospital nearby, then you need to, following all the rules, remove the tick yourself. The animal is on the skin for half an hour to two hours, so during this time it can be detected and removed. Under no circumstances should a tick be crushed or pulled out; only twisting it will help get rid of it.

How to remove a tick?

The most effective methods to remove a tick:

  • Using ordinary tweezers or a clamp, you can remove the tick from the skin by twisting it, but without squeezing it too much;
  • with a strong thread - you need to tie it in a knot as close as possible to the tick’s proboscis, and then, shaking and pulling upward, remove the animal;
  • clean fingers.

After removing the animal, the wound must be disinfected with iodine or brilliant green, and the hands must be washed again with soap.

Should you go to the doctor after a tick bite?

Definitely yes. If possible, you should immediately contact a specialist to remove the tick from the skin and then examine it. Any emergency room, on-duty surgeon or infectious disease specialist will do, who will perform the procedure and also reliably disinfect the bite site.

Where can I submit a tick for analysis?

If the victim managed to remove the tick in the hospital, the animal must be sent to the laboratory to be tested for infection. If the tick is removed at home, it is necessary to place it in a small jar along with a moistened piece of gauze or cotton wool so that it does not dry out. It is definitely worth considering that the tick must be alive, this is the only way the study will be carried out.

Usually, all tests can be carried out at the sanitary and epidemiological station or special epidemiology centers, the addresses of which can be precisely clarified with the ambulance. We have compiled a list of other cities in Russia.