What are the types of sewer pipes and fittings for external and internal sewerage (plastic, PVC, polypropylene), sizes and diameters of pipes. Types and features of sewer pipes Sewer pipe in section

Recently selected sewer pipes limited to products made of cast iron and steel. Today, their range has increased significantly - PVC pipes for sewerage, polyethylene, propylene products have appeared, from which it is very difficult to choose without specialized knowledge. Our article will come to the rescue.

The properties of wastewater disposal systems are largely determined by the material of the sewer pipes. On this basis they are divided into:

  • metal;
  • polymer;
  • ceramic;
  • concrete and asbestos-cement.

Metal pipes

These are ferrous metal products that are the best from an economic point of view:

  • they are highly durable;
  • can be operated in a wide temperature range;
  • easy to process.

But all these advantages are negated by their susceptibility to corrosion and significant weight. At the moment, metal types of pipes for sewerage are practically not used in everyday life. They are used only in industry for the removal of waste chemical liquids.

Cast iron pipes

Cast iron costs more than steel pipes for sewerage due to significantly greater mass, but it is less susceptible to corrosion. Cast iron products are sometimes used in everyday life for sewer risers and external outlets to the collector.

In addition to the advantages and disadvantages inherent in all ferrous metal products, cast iron sewer pipes:

  • They have a rough surface, which promotes the accumulation of dirt, which leads to a noticeable decrease in drainage capacity.
  • Inconvenient for installation - to ensure the tightness of the joints, special materials and certain experience of workers are required.

A modern version of cast iron is ductile iron pipes for sewerage, obtained by modifying plain cast iron with magnesium. As a result, the material became more durable and ductile, eliminating the risk of cracks and their propagation.

Ductile iron pipes combine:

  • Mechanical characteristics of steel: impact resistance, tensile strength, ductility, high elongation.
  • Corrosion resistance of cast iron.

Polymer (plastic) products for sewerage

Plastic pipes are used for laying internal and external sewerage. They are all flexible. Flexible pipes for sewerage - these are those that are not damaged when the deformation coefficient is more than 3%.

A common advantage for all types of polymer sewer pipes is maximum throughput, ensured by smooth walls. In such products, blockages almost never occur (they are possible only at sharp turns of the pipeline, which should be avoided or carried out as smoothly as possible).

Polymer pipes for sewerage are divided into 3 types based on material:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC);
  • polypropylene (PP);
  • polyethylene (PE).

Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC)

PVC pipes are used in gravity sewer systems (wastewater moves due to its own weight and the slope of the pipes). PVC pipes are UV resistant and durable. Used for internal and external sewer systems. But PVC sewer pipes have poor resistance to temperature changes and the effects of aggressive environments. When burned, they release poisonous phosgene gas.

According to the strength class of PVC sewer pipes, there are:

  • light SN 2 - used when the sewerage system lies at a shallow depth and does not cross roads;
  • medium SN 4 – can be laid under small roads;
  • heavy sewer pipes sn8 - used for laying under industrial enterprises and highways.

Products made from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC)

PVC-U pipes can be used in any sewerage system: pressure and non-pressure, external and internal. The disadvantages are the same as PVC: flammability and poor temperature resistance. PVC-U pipes for sewerage can be used when constantly filled with wastewater with a temperature of up to 60°C (a short-term increase to 100°C is possible).

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene sewer pipes are distinguished by a long service life (100 years) and resistance to high temperatures. These characteristics make it possible to use PP pipes for sewerage in internal wastewater disposal systems.

The use of PP pipes for external networks is not recommended, since they are characterized by increased softness, and therefore they can be easily deformed during operation or installation.

Advantages of polypropylene products:

  • Due to mechanical stress, the pipes are deformed without breaking.
  • High heat resistance (wastewater can have temperatures up to 100°C).
  • Resistance to alkalis and acids.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • High diffusion resistance.

Disadvantages of polypropylene products:

  • High elasticity, which requires thickening of the walls to lay them in the ground.
  • Low UV resistance.

Polyethylene pipes for sewerage have an operating temperature range from -40 to +40°C. Disadvantages include the presence of a high coefficient of linear expansion under the influence of temperature, as well as insufficient heat resistance. It is not recommended to use PE pipes for sewerage in systems into which hot water is drained.

HDPE sewer pipes

HDPE pipes are made from low-density polyethylene.

They have the following advantages:

  • Long service life.
  • No corrosion.
  • Resistant to aggressive environments.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • No expansion or elongation due to high temperatures.
  • Possibility of operation with low temperatures(up to -70°C).
  • Resistance to hydraulic shocks.
  • Light weight.

Disadvantages of HDPE products:

  • Low resistance to high temperatures, but cross-linked polyethylene can withstand up to +400°C.
  • Low mechanical strength.
  • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they lose their properties.

When HDPE pipes are used, the external sewage system must be located exclusively underground. With their help, it is possible to perform thermal insulation of pipelines.

Corrugated pipes

Such products are used only for external sewer networks, in cases where the strength requirements are particularly high. Corrugated sewer pipe can be laid in the ground to a depth of up to 15 meters.

These products consist of:

  • A smooth inner wall that ensures unhindered water flow.
  • Corrugated outer wall of larger diameter, made of thick polyethylene, ensuring its high strength.

Some manufacturers make double-layer sewer pipes from polypropylene, which makes them resistant to high temperatures. These products are typically used in facilities where resistance to high temperature industrial waste is required.

Ceramic sewer pipes

The characteristics of ceramic pipes make them suitable for use in particularly unfavorable conditions. It is advisable to use ceramic pipes for sewerage when high level groundwater which are characterized by high aggressiveness. The only possible option under such conditions is their resistance to corrosion.

Immunity to chemical influences makes it possible to use ceramic pipes for industrial sewage systems, where wastewater is characterized by a high content of chemically active elements. These products are resistant to static loads.

The thickness of the walls allows installation in areas with traffic. The diameter of ceramic pipes allows their use for the installation of sewer systems with high intensity of wastewater disposal.

Disadvantages of ceramic pipes:

  • The standard length of pipes is insignificant, which increases the complexity of their installation and reduces its speed.
  • Significant weight complicates transportation and installation.
  • Ceramic pipes are very fragile - they can easily be damaged by a careless impact. Delivery and installation must be done with great care.
  • Ceramics are frozen, unlike plastic pipes, does not tolerate - the products burst. In this regard, during installation it is necessary to observe certain laying depths, or carry out all the required thermal insulation measures.
  • It is difficult to cut to the required size, since the pipes are fragile.

Selection of pipeline cross-section and dimensions

The correct selection of elements and competent installation of the sewage system guarantees two main criteria for the functioning of the system: trouble-free permeability and tightness. In order to choose the right products, of which the range of sewer pipes contains many, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors.

Key points in selecting sewer pipes:

  1. Traditionally, the diameter of the pipes of the system providing normal drainage is 100 mm.
  2. In individual buildings intended for permanent residence a large number of people, pipe diameters are set by the designer.
  3. The types of sewer pipes and connections depend on the specific operating conditions of the system. Pipeline routing can be made from pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, in geometrically complex areas - from corrugated pipes connected to PVC channels. Their connection is carried out using special sockets. For products that do not have sockets, rubber or, less commonly, polymer couplings are used.
  4. Typically, the sewerage pipeline consists of products with a round cross-section. But in sections with high loads, which can be created by intense movement or the weight of the soil, it is permissible to use products with an ellipsoidal cross-section. In cases where the depth of the sewerage is insignificant (0.5-1 m), channels with a semicircular, trapezoidal or rectangular cross-section provide good throughput.
  5. Pipes for sewerage are selected depending on the purpose of the site:
    • from the riser to the plumbing equipment – ​​diameter 50-100 mm;
    • for risers – diameter 100-110 mm;
    • in the base or basement, in the case of a complex system with a large number of connections - diameter 110-150 mm;
    • external pipes that transmit wastewater into a cesspool, septic tank or centralized sewer network, must have a diameter no less than the diameter of the last pipe from the building.

In case of insufficient depth of the wrist section, equipment located in the freezing zone must be insulated to prevent pipe ruptures in winter time. Due to the stability of temperatures at depth, insulation of the network located below the freezing level is rarely done. But it is advisable to do thermal insulation of pipelines in any case to completely prevent the possibility emergency situations and subsequent repair work.

The flawless operation and duration of operation of sewer communications depends on the competent selection of pipes. Information about the advantages and disadvantages of various types of sewer pipes makes it possible to make right choice those wishing to carry out repairs or equip individual houses sewerage.

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Types of sewer pipes and connections and connections: from toilet to chemical plant

Dear reader, what types of sewer pipes and connections do you know? Probably only the following will come to mind in your memory: gray pipe made of PVC with an o-ring seal; those who have lived in old houses will remember cast-iron risers with sockets sealed... judging by their appearance, with rust and dirt.

In this article I will try to introduce you to the types of sewerage and methods of its installation in more detail.

Gray cast iron

Traditional material had no alternatives in the construction of domestic sewerage just four to five decades ago. The risers, beds (horizontal sewer branches), combs (intra-apartment wiring), outlets to the well and the entire external network, with the exception of collectors, were made of cast iron.

Now cast iron sewerage has been practically replaced by the ubiquitous plastic; When overhauling buildings, it is massively changed to PVC and polypropylene.

What's wrong with cast iron?


  • Both the pipes and the fittings are very heavy. The fragility of the metal has to be compensated by the significant thickness of the walls. In order not to be unfounded, I will give a lot linear meter pipes of the most common sizes:

Sometimes plumbers say words that are not accepted in polite society. Transportation of cast iron pipes to the upper floors is on the list of leaders in the number of unflattering epithets.

  • Over time, cast iron becomes brittle. The reasons are corrosion and limited resistance to aggressive wastewater. After 30 - 40 years of operation, risers and beds gradually begin to crumble. The sockets undergoing significant loads are given first;

  • The price of pipes is far from budget. Let's say, a two-meter pipe with a diameter of 100 mm costs about 1,500 rubles. For comparison, a PVC product of the same size will cost 4-5 times less;
  • Finally, the main thing: both installation and dismantling of cast iron sewers is a long and difficult process. About it - in a separate subsection.


The socket of a cast iron sewer is usually sealed by chasing and then sealed cement mortar. The sealing material used is a heel - a material reminiscent of roughly twisted hemp rope impregnated with bitumen. Minting is done like this:

There are a few more things to know about joining cast iron pipes.

  • Homemade coinage can be made by flattening a thin steel tube at one end and bending it into a Z shape;
  • Instead of chasing, you can use a wide screwdriver;
  • If possible, it is better to replace the heel with a more durable graphite oil seal;
  • The solution for sealing the socket is prepared in the proportion of 1 part cement to 1 part sand. Pure cement can also be used;
  • In order to disassemble a socket joint, you must first destroy its seal. For this purpose I usually use a strong, wide screwdriver and a hammer;
  • Sometimes builders use molten sulfur to seal sockets. To disassemble such a bell, you will have to heat it with a hairdryer or blowtorch. A respirator is required for this work: the fumes are so caustic that they are quite capable of causing respiratory paralysis.

ductile iron


What is ductile iron?

Ductile graphite nodular cast iron is gray cast iron modified with magnesium.

As is known, cast iron differs from steel in its high carbon content (mainly in the form of graphite plates). During the modification process, these plates turn into miniature balls, which dramatically changes physical properties material: it acquires the characteristic ductility and toughness of steel, while maintaining high resistance to corrosion.

As a result, ductile iron pipes:

  • Not afraid of blows;
  • Do not crack under deforming loads;
  • They have a service life of 80 years or more.

The only manufacturer of ductile iron pipes in Russia is the Lipetsk plant “Svobodny Sokol”. Its pipes are provided with an external coating of zinc and bitumen mastic; Inside, protection is provided by a cement-sand coating. The products are used for external sewer networks, as well as for water, heat supply and the needs of the oil industry.


All products of the Svobodny Sokol plant are socket pipes with rubber ring seals. Installation does not require caulking or any other Additional materials: just insert the pipe into the socket and you can move on to the next connection.

Don’t rush to rejoice: the instructions for assembling the connection are simple, but its implementation is not so much. The fact is that with a sewer diameter of over 250 - 300 mm, the force required for joining can reach tens or even hundreds of kilograms. Obviously, it is impossible to assemble such a bell with your own hands.

In practice, when assembling pipelines, the following are used:

  • Clamps and levers that allow you to increase mechanical force many times over;
  • Loading equipment. Simply put, the excavator bucket forces the pipe into the socket through a wooden spacer.


The vast majority of sewer pipes and fittings currently produced and sold are made of plastics. The most popular are polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polyethylene.

General Features

Why are plastics so attractive?

  • All of them are dielectrics. You can forget about electrochemical corrosion;
  • All of the plastics listed are resistant to aggressive environments and biologically active wastewater. Solutions of acids and alkalis, household detergents and fecal water does not affect their service life;
  • By the way, about it: the service life is estimated at a vague “50+ years”. In practice, I have never seen a plastic sewer pipe with signs of aging. I have a strong suspicion that plastic sewer in my house will outlive all family members;
  • I have already mentioned the cost of pipes and fittings above: compared to cast iron products, it is ridiculous;

  • The inner surface of the pipes remains smooth throughout the entire period of operation, does not become overgrown with deposits and does not contribute to an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline. Hence - fewer blockages;
  • Most socket pipes are characterized by extremely simple installation. However, more about him a little later.

The main disadvantage of plastic is its acoustic characteristics: owners of a riser made from these pipes can schedule visits from all neighbors. The problem, however, is easily solved by constructing a box or any roll insulation.


Not all plastics are equally useful in different conditions: Each of them has its own characteristics.

  • HDPE sewer pipe(made of low pressure polyethylene) and LDPE (polyethylene high pressure, characterized by slightly lower mechanical strength) is elastic and has minimal heat resistance. Already at a temperature of 60C, polyethylene begins to deform. This is why polyethylene sewerage is not very popular;

All other properties of the material are worthy of all praise.
Polyethylene sewage perfectly tolerates freezing of drains: it only stretches a little and after the ice melts it returns to its previous size.
In addition, this plastic dampens noise to a great extent. better than PVC and polypropylene - both due to the greater wall thickness and due to its own elasticity.

  • PP sewer pipes(polypropylene), on the contrary, can withstand long-term heating up to 80C and short-term heating up to 95. Polypropylene has greater rigidity than other plastics with minimal weight: its specific density is only 0.91 g/cm3;
  • PVC is approximately in the middle in terms of its properties: moderately durable, moderately heat-resistant. The reason for its popularity is precisely that it provides an optimal balance between consumer properties and price.

In addition to the type of plastic, pipes for various purposes differ in color coding.

  1. The gray pipe is for internal sewerage. Typical wall thickness is 2.7 mm;
  2. Sewerage white- These are, as a rule, silent pipes. They are distinguished by increased wall thickness (3.4 mm) and a multilayer structure with a middle layer of increased density. The white pipe reduces the noise level by 30 - 50% relative to the gray one;

  1. The red sewer pipe is designed for outdoor installation. It is distinguished by increased annular rigidity, which allows it to withstand soil pressure.

A separate item worth mentioning is corrugated pipes for external sewerage. For their production, polyethylene and polypropylene are used; Corrugation again provides increased ring stiffness with minimal weight. It is curious that these products have a two-layer structure: the inner shell is made smooth, without corrugation, which ensures minimal hydraulic resistance and absence.


Bell pipes with rubber seals are assembled manually, without any additional accessories and materials. The procedure is as follows:

To cut PVC or polypropylene pipes and chamfer, I use a grinder with any abrasive wheel. Burrs are removed sharp knife. If the pipe does not fit into the socket, it is enough to soap its inner surface or the end of the pipe from the outside.

Polyethylene pipes can only be cut with a hacksaw. When abrasively cutting, polyethylene melts.

Corrugated outer pipes are connected using the same rubber seals: the ring is inserted into the second (for diameters up to 200 mm inclusive) or first cavity between the corrugation ribs. To facilitate assembly and ensure tightness, silicone grease is applied to the pipe. The connection is carried out using the same methods as in the case of ductile iron pipes.

When installing pressure sewer systems, along with rubber seals, adhesive joints are used. PVC adhesive is a solution of this polymer in tetrahydrofuran, dichloroethane, cyclohexanone or dimethylformamide. It is volatile and extremely toxic, so all work should be carried out with the windows open.

Pressure pipes for adhesive joints are mounted as follows:

  1. Glue is applied to the inner surface of the socket;
  2. The pipe is inserted into it and turned a quarter turn;
  3. The connection is fixed for 2 - 3 minutes.

Asbestos cement


Asbestos cement pipes are used exclusively for the installation of external sewerage. The asbestos fiber in them acts as reinforcement, making the material less brittle. However, asbestos cement still does not withstand shocks and displacements of soil layers.

Advantages of the material:

  • Resistance to domestic and moderately aggressive industrial wastewater;
  • Long service life (at least 50 years);
  • Cheapness. Despite the material consumption (a pipe measuring 100 mm x 3.95 m weighs 26.5 kg), the material is even cheaper than PVC: the wholesale price of this same four-meter pipe is only 280 rubles;
  • Possibility of laying pipelines with minor bends (up to 3 angular degrees per connection).

The main disadvantage is fragility. In my memory, pipe fractures occurred even under the sidewalk and lawns, not to mention the traffic zone of cars with their significant loads.


Modern asbestos-cement pipes are produced both with sockets and smooth, for connection with a coupling.

Bells and couplings are equipped with rubber sealing rings. Installation is no different from assembling a ductile iron pipeline.

Several decades earlier, other methods of sealing socket joints of gravity sewers were practiced:

  • A heel sealing the socket with cement or mastic;

  • Cement-sand mortar with the addition of liquid glass. Sodium or potassium liquid glass made the solution waterproof and accelerated its setting to 15 - 20 minutes.


Ceramic sewer pipes are made from raw and fireclay clay by extrusion, drying and subsequent firing at temperatures up to 1250 degrees. Nominal diameter- from 150 to 1400 mm (diameters over 600 mm are offered by manufacturers at the request of the consumer and are not available for free sale).


The material has all the properties characteristic of ceramics:

  • High ring rigidity;
  • Resistance to high temperatures and their differences over a significant range;
  • The ability to transport aggressive wastewater, including concentrated solutions of alkalis and acids, without harm.

Prices... the word “horse” cannot be called literary, but it exhaustively characterizes the situation. Here is a fragment of the price list for Steinzeug Keramo products.

Features of the material and price policy manufacturers limit the use of ceramics to specific areas - transportation of high-temperature and aggressive wastewater. Pipes are widely used in metallurgy and the chemical industry.


Some time ago, when installing ceramic pipes, seals made of helix (“resin strand”) were used, sealed with asphalt mastic or (in case of special requirements for temperature conditions) with greasy crumpled clay - soap.

Currently, ceramics are installed mainly using coupling and socket joints with an elastic seal; the technology is already familiar to us - the pipe is pressed into the socket using a lever with clamps or loading equipment.

There are two types of butt joints. F joints involve the use of rubber seals inside the sockets. Joints C are sealed with a sealant on the sleeve; it can be rubber or polyurethane.

Reinforced concrete


Large mass reinforced concrete pipes limits their use to connections of wells (including storm sewers) and the construction of sewers. Service life is estimated at 30 - 50 years; The main problem is reinforcement corrosion. Loading equipment is used for installation.


Rubber seals are used to seal socket joints; to protect them, the sockets are sealed cement-sand mortar.

Installation procedure for reinforced concrete sewerage large diameter is exhaustively described in one of the manuals for SNiP 3.07.03-85:

  • The pipes are connected using a truck or crawler crane located as close as possible to the edge of the trench;

  • Before installation, an O-ring is installed in the groove of the socket. The bell must first be cleared of debris and free from chips and other visible defects;
  • The socket and sealing ring are pre-lubricated with graphite-glycerin grease or soap solution;
  • After assembly, the socket is sealed with cement-sand mortar. To prevent the lock from collapsing when installing the next pipe, the sockets are sealed with a delay (3-4 pipes from the installation site).

For home, for family

There are so many types of pipes... it's easy to get confused. Which ones are better for home sewerage?

I would advise not to reinvent the wheel and take advantage of the experience of thousands of house and apartment owners:

  • Orange PVC pipe is used for external installation (discharge to a well or septic tank, connection of wells, etc.);

  • Gray - also made of PVC - is used for internal networks. Everything else only entails increased costs without any tangible benefit.


I hope that my miniature review of the materials and solutions used in sewer installation was quite informative. As always, you can learn more by watching the video in this article. Please feel free to add your comments to it.

Good luck, comrades!

July 22, 2016

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Good operation of the sewer system depends not only on internal communications, but also on the external pipeline, which is operated in difficult conditions. Therefore, external sewer pipes must be wear-resistant, durable and able to withstand any temperature changes. Today, the building materials market offers sewage products made from a wide variety of materials. The consumer can only study their characteristics and choose the appropriate option for their home.

Characteristics of sewer pipes

When building a comfortable private house, the owner has to choose materials not only for the construction of walls and roof, but also for a complete sewer system. Every step needs to be thought through and choose quality materials so that the sewage system works properly and does not have to be repaired soon.

External sewer pipes must have the following characteristics:

good and long work sewer system depends not only on the quality of the pipes, but also on correctly performed installation using high-quality additional elements. Therefore, if the selected pipeline option is difficult to install or there are no suitable additional elements for it, then you should think about choosing a different type of pipe.

Cast iron pipes

Cast iron products are known to everyone and have been used for quite a long time. They can be installed both outside and inside the building. The advantages of cast iron include:

Installation of cast iron pipes does not require the use of special materials and tools. A simple cement mortar is suitable as a sealant.

Despite a large number of advantages, cast iron products have three disadvantages:

  1. High price.
  2. A rough inner surface, due to which growths form over time, the diameter of the passage narrows, the speed of flow of wastewater decreases, and blockages form in the sewer system.
  3. The large weight of the pipes makes their installation and installation a labor-intensive process.

But if the home owner installs external sewerage made of cast iron, it will serve him for about eighty years.

Ceramic pipeline

Ceramic sewer pipes have been produced and used for decades. This is explained by the large number of advantages of ceramic products. These include:

  1. Easy installation.
  2. Resistance to external temperatures and transported liquid.
  3. The inner surface has almost no roughness, due to which virtually no build-up is formed and the pipes do not become clogged.
  4. Resistant to chemicals, allowing for drainage ceramic drainage any liquids.

You should choose ceramic products carefully, as they are fragile and may have cracks and chips. Therefore, each pipe should be inspected. Also, due to the fragility of the products, they must be transported and installed carefully so as not to damage the parts.

Another disadvantage of ceramic pipes is the need to make a large number of joints during installation, since their length is short.

Ceramic pipes with socket and thread are sold. Their diameter can be from one hundred to six hundred millimeters.

Asbestos cement pipes

For external sewerage, you can use pipes made of asbestos fiber and Portland cement. Such products are lightweight, so their installation will not be difficult.

Advantages of asbestos-cement products:

  1. Resistance to overgrowing of the internal space.
  2. Resistance to chemicals and other aggressive substances. Any liquid can be drained into a sewer made of such material.
  3. Long service life. A sewer system made of asbestos cement will last from fifty to one hundred years.
  4. Easy to install. There is no need to purchase special tools for cutting and joining products.

Just like ceramics, asbestos cement is fragile, so it should be transported and installed carefully. And when choosing pipes, they must be carefully inspected for chips and cracks. Special attention need to be given to the ends of the products.

Polypropylene products are very popular because they are suitable for creating sewers with various schemes, sizes and capacities. The advantages of polypropylene pipes include:

When purchasing polypropylene pipes for sewer production, it is recommended to choose corrugated products, which are more durable than simple ones. They consist of two layers:

  • the internal smooth layer allows drainage to pass unhindered;
  • The outer corrugated layer makes the parts more durable.

The pipeline can be laid to a depth of up to fifteen meters. Connect the products using " cold welding"or special rubber cuffs. Polypropylene has one drawback: it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

PVC pipes

Polyvinyl chloride has high performance and physical and technical characteristics. The modern construction market offers three types of PVC products:

  • Heavy pipes with large wall thickness. They can be laid to a depth of up to eight meters and used for laying industrial sewer networks.
  • Medium-hard elements are installed at a depth of two to six meters under roads with medium-intensity traffic.
  • Lightweight products are used for pipelines that are installed at shallow depths. They cannot be laid under the roadway.

Products made from polyvinyl chloride have many advantages:

Installation of polyvinyl chloride products does not require special skills and equipment.

Polypropylene sewer system

Polypropylene is a rather soft material, so it is not suitable for laying at great depths. Polypropylene products are used for external sewerage of private houses and installation of storm drains.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes:

Any type of plastic pipe has good wear resistance, can be easily cut with a hacksaw and does not lose its functionality for a long time. In any hardware store you can purchase fittings and other elements that will be needed for installing an external sewer system.

Do-it-yourself sewer installation

Installing an external pipeline first of all requires drawing up a project, which includes calculating the dimensions of the system, selecting materials, and counting connections. After this they prepare necessary tools and materials are purchased.

Stages of work:

If all the calculations and installation of the sewerage system were done correctly, then you will need to pump out wastewater no more than twice a year.

External sewer pipes should be selected taking into account the capabilities of the home owner and individual characteristics plot. Heavy cast iron products are very rarely used in private homes today. Many experts argue that the ideal option for creating a sewer system in a country house are pipes made of polyvinyl chloride.


Sewer pipes are an integral element of any sewerage system, and their role in the functioning of the systems cannot be underestimated. Pipes have been used for sewerage since very ancient times, but even today the situation has not changed much. Of course, with the advent modern materials It has become much easier to equip a sewer system, and it is easier to achieve higher quality, but the very principle of its operation remains the same.

Returning to sewer pipes, we can ask the question: what is generally required of sewer pipes? The main requirements for sewer pipes:

  1. Long service life. There is nothing more unpleasant for residents than constant sewer pipe breaks. Not only will the characteristic smell escape, but also the likelihood of environmental poisoning becomes much higher.
  2. High throughput. A pipeline break is an unpleasant event, but no one wants to clean out the sewer regularly either. To avoid possible blockages, the choice of pipes must be carried out wisely.
From these requirements the following can be deduced: specifications that sewer pipes must have:
  • high strength;
  • good wear resistance;
  • smooth inner surface;
  • ability to work in different temperature conditions;
  • ease of installation and low weight;
  • low cost.

Types of sewer systems

Sewage systems can be external and internal. Internal system- this is a set of pipelines that ensure the removal of wastewater from all plumbing fixtures and their delivery to the common exit from the building. As a rule, most owners install internal sewerage with their own hands - and all thanks to plastic elements that are very easy to install yourself.

An external sewer system takes wastewater from a building and carries it into the complex for storage or treatment, after which the illuminated water is discharged into a pond or other place intended for this purpose.

Exist different types sewer pipes, which especially applies to external systems: products may differ in diameter, material and even cross-sectional shape.

There are the following types of sewer pipes:

  • lightweight: suitable for sewers installed at shallow depths and not subject to serious physical activity. As a rule, domestic sewerage is made from such pipes;
  • medium: used on not very busy roads and under small buildings;
  • heavy: laid under highways and large houses.

Materials for sewer pipes

Sewer pipes are made from a variety of materials.

Today the market offers pipes made of the following materials:

  • ceramics;
  • cast iron;
  • concrete;
  • asbestos cement;
  • plastic.
Plastic pipes are considered the most popular due to their advantages - they weigh little, are quite cheap and easy to install. In addition, the sizes of plastic sewer pipes can be quite varied, which is very convenient. However, they also have their drawbacks.

Each sewer pipe material requires detailed consideration. Knowledge of the characteristics of types of pipes will allow you to select the most appropriate products for a particular case: length, width, thickness, performance characteristics and indicators of pipes may vary depending on the material.

Ceramic and cast iron pipes for sewerage

  1. Ceramic pipes. To make such pipes, clay with small admixtures of kaolin or fireclay is used. The products themselves are produced by firing, which gives them good mechanical strength. The pipes are coated with a special glaze on top, which provides resistance to aggressive chemicals, a certain water resistance and creates a smooth surface. Both sides of the pipe are treated with polyester resins, which make it possible to connect parts without using sealant. The disadvantages of ceramic pipes include heavy weight and high cost. In addition, transportation and installation of products will be difficult due to their fragility.
  2. Cast iron pipes. Cast iron pipes are durable, high strength and resistant to temperature changes. The problem is the high weight of the products and their susceptibility to corrosion (more details: ""). Also, one cannot fail to mention the high cost of cast iron pipes. The inner walls are not smooth, so the products will become clogged quite quickly. Installation is also very problematic due to the weight and complex sealing.

Concrete and asbestos-cement pipes

  1. Concrete pipes. The disadvantages of concrete pipes are obvious: heavy weight and, as a result, very inconvenient installation. Most often, concrete pipes are installed in external sewer systems. If you need to increase the strength of the product, you can find a reinforced concrete type of pipe.
  2. Asbestos cement pipes. The arsenal of advantages of such products includes: high chemical resistance, the ability to work at different temperatures, complete resistance to corrosion, low weight and low cost. The working surface of the pipes is not very smooth, and the fragility of asbestos-cement products speaks for itself. In addition, this sewer pipe material has a very bad effect on environment, so if alternatives are available, it is better to use them.

Plastic and fiberglass pipes

  1. Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC). The products are easy to install, transport without problems, and withstand exposure chemical substances contained in sewage drains. In addition, the surface of all types of plastic pipes is absolutely smooth, which indicates their maximum bandwidth. The disadvantage of PVC pipes is the inability to operate at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. The marking of PVC sewer pipes is as follows: pipes for internal sewerage are marked in gray, and for external sewerage - orange.
  2. Polypropylene pipes (PP). They have all the advantages described above, but can operate at high temperatures - up to 80 degrees, so they are often used to connect washing and dishwashers. Marked in grey. In addition to ordinary pipes, corrugated two-layer products are made from polypropylene, used in the construction of external sewer networks.
  3. Polyethylene pipes (PVP). Made from polyethylene. Advantages: high strength, low weight, good flexibility, easy installation. In terms of ability to work at high temperatures, they are between PP and PVC pipes. To equip external systems, two-layer and corrugated products are manufactured.
  4. Fiberglass pipes. The main material for production is polyester resin, fiberglass reinforced. Positive traits fiberglass pipes: high mechanical strength, easy installation, ability to withstand temperature changes, resistance to chemicals, ease of transportation. The disadvantages of these products include very high cost and considerable weight.
When selecting pipes for the sewer system, you must immediately pay attention to thermal insulation materials: internal sewer pipes sometimes require insulation, not to mention external ones, which are always recommended to be insulated. The installation process will largely depend on experience, but if you really want to, you can install sewer pipes yourself (you can find out more in the article on installing sewer pipes).


From this article you could find out what sewer pipes are made of. It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which sewer pipes are better, since each situation requires a completely different type of material. Only one thing can be said for sure: the characteristics of products are mainly influenced by the material of sewer pipes.

What were you doing before you started reading this article? Perhaps you washed your hands or watched someone in your family wash the dishes. At this moment, you probably wondered where all the water went. And this is so - we are used to treating this as something ordinary. In fact sewer systems have existed for thousands of years. It all started with stone channels through which wastewater was collected into settling tanks. What do we use today?

The beginning of time

In order to understand the materials from which sewer pipes are made, it is important to consider that they come in two main types: external and internal. For outdoor work, the following types of products were and are often used:

  • ceramic;
  • cast iron;
  • cement;
  • asbestos.

Ceramic pipes are made from clay, then fired in ovens, covered with glaze, and the joints are sealed with resins. This approach guarantees their almost eternal service. But their disadvantage is fragility and very heavy weight. Before installing them, it is necessary to inspect the joints very carefully to ensure that there are no cavities or cracks, because... subsequently water will seep through them. Experienced builders can determine the quality by sound; when tapping with a hammer, no unnecessary rattling should be heard.

Until recently, the main material for waste pipes was cast iron. There was a lot of metal, it had to be put somewhere - so they poured it from it (although today it remains hot topic). The main advantage of using products of this type is noiselessness during the passage of water and sufficient durability (up to 80 years). Otherwise, they are quite heavy, inconvenient to install, bulky, and the rough surface traps waste, which leads to blockages.

Note! Over time, the metal corrodes and residents of many apartments have to dismantle cast iron pipes and replace them with plastic ones. The problem is the issue of their disposal.

If pipes of this type are planned to be used for external sewerage, then it is very important to take into account the type of soil, because in salt licks they quickly become unusable.

On a par with cast iron pipes Concrete and asbestos are used. They have large dimensions and significant weight. To transport them, you need to hire special vehicles. Products of this type are used on highways, make it possible to make wells, etc. Being resistant to chemical influences, blockages, and thermal changes, they can last a long time without the need for replacement or repair. They are also easy to install, because... no special connecting products are required. But these materials are being replaced by lighter, more reliable and easier to assemble materials.

Lighter, taller, stronger

Metal is becoming more and more expensive, you want to make installation easier, and reduce the cost of production. Plastic is suitable for all these purposes. But here everything is not so simple, so you will have to choose from the following types for specific conditions:

  • polyethylene pipes;
  • fiberglass pipes.

Most likely, you have seen gray pipes in new buildings, and perhaps you have already installed them at home. They are made of PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. This material is very easy to obtain by recycling bottles or other products. These pipes have many advantages, but they also have their disadvantages. Their low weight does not require special transport for transportation, and they are also easy to lift to a great height for installation. Chemicals do not pose a danger to this type of pipe. The inner surface is very smooth, so there is nothing to trap waste and create congestion. The shape of the pipes is designed so that one person can easily install them.

Note! The downside of these products is their high noise level when the flow of water rushes down. They do not tolerate high temperatures well, so they are not suitable for laundries or boiler rooms.

Pipes for external use are painted in Orange color, while increasing resistance to negative temperatures. When choosing for this type of installation, it is worth considering whether the transport will exert pressure on the surface under which they will be located. If the movement is intense, then it is worth choosing products that have increased strength.

If there is a need to organize a constant drain of hot water, then polypropylene pipes are perfect here. They have all the advantages of the previous ones, except rigidity. This material has high ductility, which, however, can be used as an advantage. They can withstand temperatures up to 100°C without deformation or sagging.

Note! To install some types of PP pipes, it is necessary to use special fittings and a soldering iron; others are twisted manually using threaded connectors. The advantage of this class is their long service life, resistance to corrosion and chemicals.

Used for main sewers polyethylene pipes. They are made corrugated and can be two-layer. Their diameter can reach 20–80 cm. This design makes it possible to withstand high pressure. This material tolerates various soils well without being affected by them. Installation does not cause any special problems; it is performed using cuffs or cold welding. However, it is not recommended to use this type of product where there is a constant flow of hot water, because... it can lead to deformation and failure. If the line runs under the road, it is laid in concrete boxes to prevent the impact of subsidence.

A whole system of pipes has been developed for PVC and fiberglass pipes, which are very easy to install and assemble in single design. It is worth considering that they are various diameters, so it is important not to make a mistake in choosing.

Note! Plugs are used for end connections so that there is always access for cleaning and inspection. Tees make it possible to decouple. There are also many adapters for different sizes.

Certain inconsistencies can be smoothed out by expansion couplings, which can move freely to connect the two pipes. It is especially worth highlighting check valve, which allows drainage in only one direction, this makes it possible to prevent flooding in the house. Each fitting is equipped with a rubber seal that ensures tightness. To make it easier to connect all the elements, they can be pre-moistened.

If you are going to install external sewerage yourself, there are several useful nuances that will allow you to do this in the best way:

Here are some more interesting applications of this kind of pipes:

  • use them to organize stormwater systems;
  • to make a gutter, simply cut the pipe into two parts;
  • use standard clamps for fastening;
  • The pipes can be used for watering various plants; to do this, they are buried in the ground and filled with water and fertilizers.

Instead of output

Time does not stand still, new materials are becoming more widespread and there is no point in being a conservative. Many contractors and firms have long abandoned cast iron, concrete and asbestos pipes. Plastic is becoming popular. It stands out noticeably with such advantages as light weight, ease of installation and the absence of the need to hire heavy equipment, unless, of course, we are talking about designing highways. Now there is no uniform standard for all possible options. There is a wide choice.

If you calculate everything correctly and correctly, determine what the load will be, what the temperature of the liquid that will be discharged, whether it will be an external or internal structure, then you can choose exactly what you need, and not what they want to sell. PVC, PP and other varieties plastic pipes They are practically unaffected by chemicals, they do not interact with water and do not deteriorate from wet soil, which means that their service life can exceed 100 years or more.