How to measure humidity in an apartment. How to measure air humidity in an apartment: methods and instruments. Hair and film hygrometers

Do you often get colds in winter, do you regularly have dry mucous membranes, or can you see mold on the walls and ceiling in your apartment even in the hot summer? If you said “yes” at least once, then it’s time to think and measure the air humidity in the apartment. We will tell you in this article how to do this, what indicators are the norm and how to stabilize the situation.

No matter how it may seem, the humidity indicator really has an important impact on human health, and in general on the atmosphere and condition of the apartment. This issue is especially acute in winter, when there is a lot of heating season. Often the humidity in apartments is even lower than in the Sahara Desert! And this is not a joke, because dry air is the cause of frequent colds, constant drying of the mucous membranes, oxygen deficiency, and we’re not even touching on the topic of large accumulations of dust in the room.

However, it happens that the humidity in the room may be increased. This situation is most often observed in apartments with insufficient solar lighting or whose windows overlook north side. In this case, in addition to such serious diseases as asthma, chronic allergies and even oncology, you will have to deal with mold and mildew on the walls, ceilings and furniture.

We measure and evaluate the humidity indicator

Finding out the moisture level in an apartment is quite simple. You just need to get a special device for measuring air humidity, it is called a hygrometer and shows the amount of moisture as a percentage. However, if you suddenly do not have a hygrometer at hand, and you need to assess the situation urgently, then you can use some traditional methods. Yes, they won’t give accurate readings, but they can help at the right time. So, these methods include:

  • Humidity assessment using air temperature readings and Assmann's psychometric table. The indicators of the thermometer are recorded in its normal state and after its end is wrapped in a wet cloth, and then the corresponding indicator is found from the table;
  • moisture assessment from condensate. Take a glass of water, cool it to a temperature of 2-5 degrees, then place it in an apartment away from heating devices. If within five minutes the condensation on the glass has dried, then you are in a room with low humidity; if it remains, then the indicator is normal, and if the glass does not just fog up, but streams of water appear on it, then the air is too humid;
  • moisture assessment using a spruce cone. The lump is placed away from the batteries and observed. The air is dry if its scales are open and wet if they are pressed tightly to the base.

No matter how you find out about the amount of moisture in an apartment, it is important to know that the norm (recommended) humidity in an apartment is from 40 to 60 percent. The most optimal indicator is 45%.

Several ways to increase humidity

If, after taking measurements or experiments, you are convinced that the air in the apartment is too dry, do not be upset, this can be easily corrected in the following ways:

  • purchase a humidifier. This is the simplest and reliable way. Today, the household goods market offers a huge selection of humidifiers: from the most basic to technological innovations with many additional functions. When purchasing, pay attention to the power of the device; if you have high ceilings in the room, purchase a humidifier with a high power rating;
  • frequent ventilation. They are especially good in winter, the air is cold and more humid, open the window for about three minutes every hour and you can forget about dry air;
  • dry clothes in the room. Perhaps aesthetically this is not the most The best way, however, in case of urgent need, you can resort to it;
  • growing fresh flowers. Install several flowerpots with indoor plants in the room; they will not only saturate the air with oxygen, but will also tell you if the room becomes too dry (the leaves will wrinkle and turn yellow);
  • installing an aquarium will definitely help humidify the air, the main thing is to properly care for it.

Ways to dry the air

Most often, the air in apartments is dry, however, there are cases when, on the contrary, an excess of moisture becomes a problem. In this case, the following will help:

  • frequent ventilation, this is especially true for the kitchen, bathroom and rooms with a swimming pool, where evaporation occurs regularly and in large quantities;
  • sunshine and hot summer air, therefore, in the warm season, you should not close window openings;
  • moisture absorbers. These are special devices that have the opposite effect of a humidifier.
  • using air conditioning. As strange as it may sound, the air conditioner not only cools the air, but also dries it, so if necessary, it can also be used to dry the air.

There are many ways to regulate air humidity, so we advise you to monitor your health and not neglect simple rules. Perhaps you know other methods of how to normalize moisture in a room, share them with us in the comments, we will be very thankful!

We often take care of the comfort of our home: we select comfortable furniture, choose wallpaper that would not only fit into the environment, but would also give positive mood, we focus on maintaining a temperature that ensures a comfortable stay. But at the same time, we completely miss such a seemingly trifle as the humidity of the room. After all, increasing and decreasing air humidity also affects our well-being and health. Deviation from the norm can lead to the appearance of not only colds, but also quite serious allergic and chronic ones.

The simplest and most accurate way to determine humidity is to measure it yourself without using any precise technical instruments. To do this you need to have alcohol or mercury thermometer to measure the temperature in the room, a small piece of clean gauze and water, which should preferably be distilled, filtered or clean, boiled and cooled in advance.

First, you need to bring a thermometer into the room and measure the temperature for 30 minutes. If the thermometer has recently been outside, where it is either cold or hot, then wait until it warms up or cools down to room temperature. Next, write down the thermometer reading on a piece of paper.

Now you need to take a piece of gauze and moisten it in clean water, squeeze out the water to give the fabric a damp state and wrap it around the tip of the thermometer, namely the metal part. Then wait 15 minutes and record the thermometer temperature again, which should be below the dry bulb temperature. Write it down on a piece of paper too. The difference in these temperatures determines the humidity of the air and the greater this difference, the more humidity in the room.

Next, use the table below to compare the readings of thermometers by first selecting the approximate value of the dry thermometer in the right column, and then in the found line running horizontally, find the readings of the wet thermometer. When you find a number approximately similar to the wet thermometer reading, go up and in the first line in blue numbers will be the value of the desired room humidity.

Air humidity from 40 to 60 percent is considered completely acceptable, but if the humidity is lower, then it is necessary to humidify the air, and if it is higher, then reduce the humidity.

Since it is quite easy to determine air humidity, you can measure the humidity in all rooms during the day, as well as find out the air humidity outside based on the weather forecast and draw appropriate conclusions.

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Indoor air humidity affects not only the condition of furniture, floors and walls - first of all, our health and well-being directly depend on it.

In addition to the usual state of comfort, indoor air humidity significantly affects the presence of certain diseases.

Excessive humidity can cause allergic rhinitis, asthma and rhinitis.

In dry air, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity dries out, due to which symptoms of sinusitis may appear, creating an “ideal” environment for exacerbations of sinusitis.

Insufficient humidity is a sure way to weakened immunity, increased fatigue, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes and rapid aging of the skin. Children are very sensitive to changes in humidity levels, and newborns are the most sensitive. Their sensitivity is the most high level Therefore, you should be very careful about the level of humidity in the children's room.

Dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in children contributes to the development of infections, allergies, and can cause a runny nose with blood in a child, and if a runny nose already exists, its treatment will simply be ineffective.

Indoor air humidity depends on weather and climatic conditions, time of year, availability and work household appliances and human life processes: washing, bathing, drying, ironing clothes, and so on.

The situation looks most critical during the heating season. Frosty air contains little moisture, so ventilation alone cannot achieve optimal humidity air in the apartment.

With constantly running central heating and heaters, the air dries out even more; during this period, the level of air humidity in the room can drop to 20-25%, while the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx critically perceives the figure as 35%, and in children - 50%. In summer, the air in the room and in the car is significantly dried by a running air conditioner.

How is humidity measured and what is its norm in a residential area? The unit of measurement for humidity is percent (%), which shows the proportion of the original mass or volumetric humidity.

What percentage of air humidity should be normal? It is generally accepted that the optimal air humidity in an apartment is 45%, while the established norm ranges from 30% to 60% depending on the purpose of the room:

  • dining room / living room - 40-60%;
  • adult bedroom - 40-50%;
  • children's room - 45-60%;
  • office / library - 30-40%;
  • kitchen / bathroom - 40-60%.

It is very difficult to maintain these indicators, in most cases modern apartments and homes for most of the year, air humidity is low, which leads to a decrease in performance and causes a feeling of drowsiness even in an absolutely healthy person. Those who wear contact lenses suffer especially: the mucous membrane of the eye also noticeably dries out.

It is worth noting

Dry air helps cool the body, as moisture evaporates from the skin, which cools the body.

Excessively dry air accumulates static electricity and easily raises household dust. Its suspended microparticles calmly settle in an environment with normal humidity, which leads to various kinds of everyday problems.

Particular attention should be paid to achieving the normal air humidity in an apartment where there is a child or newborn. To achieve normal, and therefore comfortable, levels, you must have a humidifier at home.

In order to achieve optimal air humidity in an apartment for a person, one should, firstly, monitor this indicator, and, secondly, take all possible measures to humidify or dry the atmosphere in living and working areas.

Methods of air humidification, monitoring and measuring humidity levels at home

We discussed above what air humidity is considered normal for an apartment as a whole and for each room in particular. If indicators deviate from the norm, then there must be ways to stabilize them, we will talk about them in this section.

During cold winters, your heating system can make the air in your home too dry, making it uncomfortable for you.

It can also cause cracks in woodwork and drywall.

To improve the moisture content of the air, you can install a humidifier in the room you spend the most time in or throughout your home.

IN summer time When the room is not heated, depending on the climate in your area, there may be either too much or too little moisture in the house.

The following measures are required to control humidity.

  • Ventilate the room regularly. However, despite its simplicity, this method is not the most effective. In summer, the air is not very saturated with moisture, and ventilation does not help to humidify the air. But in winter, opening the windows for 5-10 minutes will allow you to achieve a comfortable level of humidity for a person. The wider the windows are open, the faster the room will be ventilated; in addition, during this time the air will have time to renew itself with minimal heat loss, unlike a window left open in the room for a long time.
  • Increase quantity indoor plants , which have a beneficial effect on air humidification, and are also a kind of natural “device” that can be used to measure air humidity: wrinkled and dried leaves are an indicator of a dry atmosphere. Plants perfectly ionize the air, and some of them, in addition to moisture, are capable of releasing organic substances that clean and disinfect the space.
  • Availability of an aquarium in the room also helps maintain normal humidity levels, you just need to regularly add evaporating water.
  • Do wet cleaning , ideal - morning and evening.
  • Place vessels with water in the apartment, it is best to do this on window sills, near central heating radiators.

Evaporating water is good remedy air humidification. Unfortunately, this is far from hygienic and, in most cases, not at all aesthetic.

How to determine the air humidity in an apartment yourself, to understand whether there is a need to dehumidify or humidify the air? You should systematically monitor the microclimate and humidity level of your home.

How to measure air humidity at home:

Mainly used for these purposes special device to measure indoor air humidity - hygrometer. Today there are several types of hygrometers based on different operating principles. They can look like a small wall or table clock, have a mechanical or electronic display, and can be combined with thermometers to measure room temperature. For a hygrometer, the accuracy of the readings is primarily important. The maximum deviation in measurements should not exceed 1%; today's electronic hygrometers are quite accurate, but the device must be installed away from drafts.

In the absence of a special device that measures air humidity, you can find out this indicator using a simple glass beaker and water. To do this you need to put in a glass cold water and put in the refrigerator until the temperature of the water in the container cools down to 3-5°C.

Place the cooled glass in a room away from a heating source and observe:

  • if the condensation has completely dried after 5-10 minutes, the air in the room is very dry;
  • if after 5-10 minutes condensation has collected in large drops on the walls of the glass and flows off them in streams, the air in the room is excessively humid;
  • normal humidity in the room if after 5-10 minutes the condensation has not dried, but has not flowed either.

Thus, the glass and water turn into a DIY hygrometer.

Ordinary mercury thermometer - this is what else is used to measure air humidity at home without a hygrometer, but this process is quite labor-intensive.

It is done in 2 stages:

  • The temperature in the room is measured and the thermometer readings are recorded.
  • The thermometer head is carefully wrapped in wet cotton wool or gauze, left for 10 minutes, then the temperature is measured again.
  • Find the difference between “dry” and “wet” temperatures and use a special table to determine the air humidity in the room.

The easiest way to humidify the air today is to purchase a special device, some of which are additionally equipped with a humidity meter.

Types of humidifiers for the home, an air conditioner with an air purification and humidification system as a more powerful and advanced device

Maintaining a dry-moisture balance in your home with a home humidifier is important for your well-being, and while reducing moisture levels can be beneficial, too high level Humidity is hazardous to your health.

Below is a complete list of tasks that a special humidifier can handle:

  • leads to the “golden mean” relative humidity in the premises;
  • eliminates electrostatic charges;
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in an apartment or house;
  • prevent the development of respiratory tract diseases;
  • have a beneficial effect on the skin, preventing its aging process.

You can buy a humidifier for your home at any store. household appliances or online store.

They come in several types:

  • Cold steam humidifiers or traditional ones: humidification occurs due to the evaporation of cold water, which is poured into the tank, from where a fan drives it through special filters. The water for such a humidifier must be well purified, or better yet, distilled, since otherwise the filter quickly becomes clogged and fails. The main advantage of the traditional model is that, depending on the level of humidity in the room, the device can independently regulate the rate of water evaporation.
  • Steam humidifiers: they humidify the air due to steam evaporation, the steam temperature is 50-60 ° C, if the water boils away completely, the device turns off automatically. Such humidifiers are not recommended for children or house plants.
  • Ultrasonic humidifier for home- today this is the most popular and advanced model. In addition to the fact that such a humidifier is suitable for any type of room, it is very effective, silent, compact and safe, and also consumes little electricity. However, its use requires demineralization of water, for which special cartridges with ion-exchange resin are used, or only distilled water is poured into them. If these measures are not taken, after drying, tiny droplets of water with salts dissolved in it may form on furniture and other surfaces. white coating. Operating principle ultrasonic humidifier for the home is based on the vibration of a membrane, upon contact with which water is sprayed.
  • Air washer: combines the functions of humidification and air purification. The operating principle of such a device can be compared to a vacuum cleaner that performs wet-mechanical air purification. Inside the device there is an ionizing silver rod that purifies the air from dust, pollen and other allergenic particles. It is easy to use. For all its advantages it has significant drawback: air humidification can be increased to no more than 60%.

It is important to know

The humidifier must be designed for the size of the room. Otherwise, you may add too much moisture to the air.

A humidifier with adjustable humidity control will help with moisture balance.. Most humidifiers have a recommended room size on their packaging. So before purchasing a humidifier, take a quick measurement of your room.

An air conditioner with humidification and air purification is a kind of “climate control” for an apartment, capable of bringing all the main “air” indicators to ideal: temperature, degree of air purity and humidity.

Such a system condenses moisture from the street atmospheric air and directs it into the room, so there is no need to constantly add water to the device, which must also be purified.

The high intensity of operation of this air conditioner allows you to quickly and evenly humidify the air in large areas entering outside air passes through two cleaning blocks. Powerful ventilation system, built into air conditioners with humidification and air purification, contributes to the constant renewal of the atmosphere in the room.

The only one negative side Such models of air conditioners are their high price. However, today it is the best remedy to normalize the climate in any home.

As a result, in order to control the air humidity in a room, you need not only to take into account its size, but also set clear goals for yourself: you need to create comfortable atmosphere in the house or prevent the development of diseases and allergies in the baby. As we see, modern technologies easily ready to cope with any problem.

Indoor air humidity is one of the most important indicators that determine the microclimate in the house. If temperature and speed air flow You can approximately determine by personal feelings, then you can’t say how much water in the volume of the room “by eye”. How to determine air humidity? To do this, use either a device for measuring indoor air humidity or improvised means.

They all have individual precision and order of use.

Humidity is the content of water vapor in the air. The comfortable existence of living organisms, the possibility of the development of living nature, and the safety of materials are possible only with certain values ​​of this parameter.

It happens:

  • absolute;
  • relative.

Absolute shows the amount of water vapor in a certain volume. Most often measured in g/m3. It has no practical significance, since it is impossible to determine whether the humidity is normal or not, knowing that the amount of water vapor is 10 g/m3.

The maximum values ​​vary depending on the air temperature. At – 30 o C this parameter is equal to 0.29 g/m 3 , at 0 o C – 4.8 g/m 3 , at + 30 o C – 30.4 g/m 3 . The maximum value is reached at a temperature of 100 o C (boiling point of water) and is equal to 598 g/m 3.

Relative is determined by dividing the current humidity value by the maximum possible at a certain temperature, multiplied by 100. Humidity is measured as a percentage. It is widely used in weather forecasts, the composition of food products, and the characteristics of industrial, warehouse and residential premises.

What are the dangers of insufficient and excess moisture?

It's flowing through the windows

Excessive moisture in the air literally has a deplorable effect on the condition of the objects around us. The inner surface of the windows becomes covered with drops of moisture, which flows onto the windowsill. Bed linen, clothing, fur products are purchased bad smell dampness, they are inconvenient and unpleasant to use.

Food spoils and is impossible to eat. Enclosing structures and finishing become covered with mold. Its spores spread through the air and can cause allergic reactions and a sharp decrease in immunity. A person gets sick more often, and the recovery process takes longer.

Like in the desert

Lack of moisture in the air at low temperatures leads to hypothermia and dehydration due to increased sweating.

In such air, the level of static electricity increases and the amount of dust increases. The mucous surfaces of the human body dry out. There is a sore throat, dryness in the nasal cavity, and burning in the eyes.

We use devices

The easiest way to measure air humidity is with a device. It's called a hygrometer. According to the principle of action it happens:

  • by weight;
  • hair;
  • film;
  • electrolytic;
  • ceramic;
  • condensation;
  • electronic;
  • psychrometric.

IN living conditions psychrometric, hair, and electronic hygrometers are used. To obtain reliable results, know how they measure air humidity.

The most reliable

Determining air humidity using a psychrometer (from Greek - cold) does not amount to special labor. The operation of the device is based on the fact that the presence of moisture lowers the temperature. The panel is equipped with 2 thermometers and a psychrometric table. The first thermometer is dry, the second is wet. To measure, you need to find the difference in temperature readings. The table shows the air temperature measured by a dry thermometer vertically and the difference in readings horizontally. The intersection of these two lines shows the relative air humidity as a percentage.

The psychrometer is a reliable, fairly simple device for determining humidity, providing accurate information. Requires constant monitoring for the presence of water in the wet thermometer container. Allows you to simultaneously monitor air temperature and humidity.


The most ancient and a simple device A hair hygrometer is used to measure humidity. How to find out air humidity using it?

Just look at the arrow, under which there is a scale with divisions every 1%. The operating principle is based on change linear dimensions objects depending on their moisture saturation. For such an item, ordinary fat-free hair is used. This is where the name of the device “hair” comes from.

The disadvantage is the large measurement error (about 10%). The advantages are:

  • high sensitivity;
  • quick response to changes in humidity;
  • large measurement range - from 30 to 100%.

Used to determine the relative air humidity in residential areas. Often it is a beautifully designed piece of furniture.

Most modern

How is humidity measured in interiors? modern classics and hi-tech? Modern design requires modern devices. One of these is a digital (electronic) hygrometer. It is based on resistance measurement electric current when the electrolyte humidity changes.

The disadvantage of this air humidity detector is the need to connect to an electrical network or use batteries.

The liquid crystal display also displays time and temperature. There is a backlight for use at night. The update rate of readings is from 10 to 20 seconds. The error in measuring indoor air humidity is 5%.

Themselves with a mustache

How to measure humidity if there is no device, and there is no need to buy it due to rare use? Ingenuity and experience of generations will come to the rescue, simple objects, which are in every home.

Burn, burn my candle

Introducing old-fashioned way How to determine the humidity in a room. To do this, it is enough to make a moisture meter from a simple candle and a match. Before measuring air humidity:

  • close the doors leading to adjacent rooms;
  • ensure there are no drafts;
  • light a candle;
  • watch the flame.

If the flame sways and the halo has a crimson color, there is a lot of water vapor in the air. If the combustion is evenly vertical and the flame is orange-yellow, the presence of water vapor is normal.

Water, glass, refrigerator

This method makes it possible to measure air humidity at home. This device has only three moisture readings:

  • redundant;
  • normal;
  • insufficient.

Before checking the humidity in the apartment, pour plain cold tap water into a glass glass. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. The water temperature should be 6 o C.

You can measure either using an outdoor thermometer or a bathroom thermometer. Then place the glass on the table in the room, 1 meter away from the windows and walls. After 10 minutes, evaluate the result:

  • condensation on the outer walls of the glass has concentrated into drops that flow onto the table - excess;
  • the physical state of the condensate has not changed - normal;
  • the condensate has evaporated or it has become significantly less - insufficient.

Make your own psychrometer

To determine air humidity, you can use an ordinary room mercury thermometer. It can be used to measure air humidity using a psychrometric method. Before measuring the humidity in the room, prepare an ordinary rag and water.

The procedure for checking the presence of water vapor in the air volume with your own hands is as follows:

  • measure the air temperature in the room and record it;
  • wrap the mercury flask of the thermometer with a damp cloth;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • take and record thermometer readings;
  • calculate the difference between dry and wet measurements;
  • download the psychrometric table;
  • find the humidity level in the room.

Such an air humidity meter does not take up much space, does not require additional costs, and provides the necessary measurement accuracy.

Normal indicators

It is not enough to determine the air humidity in the room. It is also necessary to know whether the data obtained is normal. The optimal and most comfortable value is 45%. In this case, the acceptable range of changes in air humidity in the apartment is 30 – 60%. In different ways functional purpose indoors it is recommended to maintain different quantities water vapor:

  • hall, dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom – 40-60%;
  • bedroom for adults and teenagers – 40-50%;
  • children's room - 45-60%;
  • office - library - 30-40%.

Achieve different indicators of moisture availability even in small spaces quite troublesome. First of all, you need to ensure the humidity level. Most modern living spaces lack it due to large quantity heating and electrical appliances.

This makes you feel worse and reduces your performance. Children suffer the most from this.

We bring it to normal

To provide comfortable stay It is necessary to regulate the relative humidity of the air. To do this you need:

  1. Ventilate the premises regularly, at least twice a day. It is best to do this after waking up and before going to bed. In winter, it is better to carry out short-term ventilation with wide open window to prevent cooling of walls and floors. In summer, when the amount of moisture outside is insufficient, you can open the windows not widely for a long time.
  2. Increase the number of indoor plants. Moistening occurs due to the evaporation of moisture from the soil surface. Wrinkled, drooping, dried leaves will indicate a lack of air moisture.
  3. Set up an aquarium. The evaporation of water from its surface greatly humidifies the air. This is noticeable even without measurements. If you don’t want to get involved in aquarium farming, you can place water containers in your apartment. Not so aesthetically pleasing, but very practical.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning regularly. The absence of dust will allow more moisture to be suspended.
  5. Buy a special device for humidifying the air. This is especially true if there are infants and young children.
  6. Spray water using a spray bottle for watering plants or ironing clothes.


Whether you choose one method or use a set of measures does not matter. The main thing is that the temperature and humidity indicators are within normal limits.

We need the right humidity, humidity is very important to us. This main conclusion can be drawn by reading the article. Maintain the air humidity in the apartment within normal limits and take care of your own health.

Good day, my dear readers! Do you know how to check the air humidity in an apartment? Today I want to tell you how to do this. Comfortable temperature and humidity is very important for both babies and adults.

Low and high humidity: what is the danger

Dry air negatively affects our well-being. Constant discomfort bad dream, fatigue, decreased immunity - this whole “bouquet” can be caused by insufficient humidity. Have you noticed how the condition worsens when the heating season begins?

Moreover, it is believed that low humidity prematurely ages the skin and adds extra years.

This is actually why in winter we women need even more careful self-care than in the warm season.

And if you have a feeling of dryness in your eyes (the so-called “sand”), then you probably need to increase the humidity in your home.

High humidity also has a negative effect on well-being: firstly, sores such as rhinitis or allergies can worsen. But its worst companion is fungus and mold. And in order to get rid of them later, you will have to puff pretty hard. Therefore, let's strive for the golden mean.

The ideal humidity level in an apartment ranges from 40 to 60 percent. This is exactly what a healthy microclimate is, in which you will feel as comfortable as possible.

How to check humidity

It is very easy to check humidity, now you will see for yourself. Moreover, this can be done in different ways.

First of all I want to say about special device for this. It's called a hygrometer. Manufacturers produce them in such a wide range that you can easily choose them even to suit your interior.

There is also great option- humidifier. A number of models have a built-in hygrometer. With this device you can achieve an ideal microclimate in the room.

But it is quite possible to do without a device and check the humidity level using improvised means. I want to tell you about the main methods. I think you will find something suitable for yourself.

Method number 1. Glass of water

This is perhaps the simplest option for measuring humidity levels at home. You will need a glass. Fill it halfway with water and chill in the refrigerator for several hours.

For the correct effect, the water temperature should be only 3-5 degrees. When your " homemade hygrometer"has reached the desired condition, place it in a room away from the battery. After 5-10 minutes, it will be possible to draw some conclusions based on the reaction:

  1. if the condensation on the walls has completely dried, then the air is very dry;
  2. if condensation forms droplets and flows down the walls of the glass, then the air is too humid;
  3. Well, if nothing described above happened (it didn’t leak or dry out), then you have a normal level of humidity in the room.

Method number 2. Thermometer and cotton pad

This method is a little more complicated, but it will help determine even the approximate percentage of humidity, and therefore is more accurate. You will need a room thermometer and a cotton pad, a piece of cotton wool or a bandage.

First, measure the air temperature in the room, remember it or write it down. Then soak the cotton wool, bandage or disk in water and wrap it around the base of the thermometer column.

Wait a while and look at the resulting numbers. Check the Assmann table for the difference between dry and wet temperatures. It will tell you the humidity level.

Method 3. Fir cone

The only difficulty here is to find a fir cone if you live in a metropolis)

You need to bring the bud home and see how it behaves. At low humidity, its scales will open, and at high humidity, they will press tightly against each other.

Method 4. Look around

Well, the fastest option is to listen to yourself and your home.

If you have a feeling of tightness in your skin, dry nose and eyes, a constantly dry throat, problems sleeping and discomfort, then your air is probably dry.

And don’t forget about your faithful helpers – plants. Dull leaves indicate insufficient moisture. But the presence of mold or mildew will tell you otherwise.

I hope that the information was useful to you. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!


Anastasia Smolinets