How to replace a sewer riser between floors. Replacement of sewer pipes prices. Replacement of cast iron sewer: start of work

Today, many houses have old cast iron risers. This material does not last forever, and over time it will wear out and require replacement. Before starting this work, you must notify the neighbors with whom you share a common riser, and during the repair, turn off the supply of cold and hot water to the valves located in the basement.

Dismantling the old riser

Since the material of the old riser is cast iron, work on its dismantling must be carried out with extreme caution. Such a pipe is a rather fragile product, so the cast iron can crack and even split in the most inappropriate place due to blows from the tool. First of all, this applies to a site that is not located on its own territory, but in the overlap between floors. In that hard to reach place As a rule, a tee is installed, the material of which is also cast iron.

Note! To split cast iron, no effort is required. special effort. If this happens, you will have to invest and work much more than was expected before the renovation.

On initial stage dismantling, need to cut cast iron pipe a certain length. This work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. At a distance of 80 cm from the floor, using a grinder or hacksaw, an incision is made in the riser in the horizontal direction. It is advisable to make it along the entire diameter contour, but since the cast iron pipe is located against the wall, you need to make the largest possible cut.
  2. A similar cut on the riser is made in the ceiling area. The distance from the socket of the tee located in the upper ceiling to the cut should be about 15 cm.
  3. Then a hammer and chisel are used. The work begins with the bottom cut into which a sharp tool is inserted. The chisel should be gently tapped with a hammer, while the tool being struck should gradually move along the circle. As a result, the riser will burst exactly along the intended cut.
  4. After this, the turn comes to the top cut. Similar manipulations are performed with it. After the pipe bursts at the top, a section of the sewer riser is removed.

Now before you carry out installation work, you need to remove the remaining sections of the sewer pipe that stick out from the tees at the top and bottom. They are connected to the shaped parts by hammering the smooth end into a socket. It can sometimes be difficult to remove these sticky residues, especially if the compaction was done using sulfur. The work will go faster and easier if the chasing was done using a rope.

  • The first sealing option is using rope. With its help, stamping pipe joints is relatively simple and quick, while dismantling the pipe is also not very difficult. First, you need to loosen the remaining piece of the riser with your hands as much as possible and loosen the fastening. It is important not to overdo it and not to destroy a pipe that cannot be dismantled by your actions. The same result can be achieved using a hammer, with which you need to hit the segment from different sides, while this work must be carried out carefully so that the distribution tee does not burst. After this, use a screwdriver or other sharp object the end of the rope is hooked and the seal is pulled out from the docking point.
  • If the minting took place using sulfur, then dismantling a piece of sewer pipe cold water will take a relatively long time, and the working conditions will be quite difficult. The fixation of the smooth end in the socket in this version is quite strong and in order to remove a piece of the riser, you will need to soften the sulfur. To do this, it must be exposed to high temperature, for example, using a blowtorch. Work in which sulfur is present is considered quite dangerous. This fact was taken into account several decades ago and this type of fixation of cast iron joints was abandoned. sewer pipes. However, at one time this type of fastening was used quite widely, so now this type of coinage is often found. You need to burn the joint with a flame along the contour of the socket and loosen the pipe from time to time. When the fastening is loosened, you need to remove the piece of pipe, and the socket with inside clean with a chisel - all remaining seal must be removed. Make sure that pieces of sulfur do not fall inside the pipe, as they can completely block it. To do this, insert a gag of suitable diameter, made from available material, into it. You need to securely attach a rope to it, by pulling it, you can then remove it from it.

Note! Sulfur in a hardened state is not dangerous, but when high temperature, which appears under the influence of an open flame of a blowtorch on the pipe connection area, it emits toxic fumes. Therefore, you need to adhere to safety precautions - work with gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Installation of a new riser

After the old cast iron riser is dismantled, a new one can be installed. Since cast iron as a material has not been popular lately, plastic pipes are most often installed. These can be products made of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene. They pass both cold and hot water. If internal sewer network accepts waste from a washing machine or dishwasher, then plastic pipe will work as a hot water riser.

To install, you need to do the following:

  • You need to start with a tee, one end of which comes out of the ceiling. You need to put it on rubber cuff, specially designed for sealing pipe joints. Sealant must be applied to the joint itself.
  • A plastic adapter is pulled onto the cuff.
  • A similar cuff is installed on the lower end of the pipe.
  • Then a measurement is made of the plastic pipe that will be the new riser. First, it is mounted from below into the existing riser, after which the plastic pipe is attached to the adapter and a mark is made 5 cm above the edge of the socket.
  • After this, the pipe is cut along the mark and connected to top part designs. The joints must be treated with silicone sealant.
  • Upon completion, the new riser is fixed to the wall with clamps.

After installing the riser, the valves on the cold and hot water supply systems are opened, and water is released through the plumbing fixtures.

If the riser does not leak, then everything went well, the work is completed, and one everyday problem became less.

Video: how to make a sewer transition from cast iron to plastic:

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

In old houses, cast iron sewer pipes become unusable and require replacement. It is best to carry out this operation immediately at the beginning of repairs or when moving to new apartment. It must be remembered that work must be carried out with the obligatory approval of neighbors, depending on what floor you live on. Of course, replacing a sewer riser in an apartment with your own hands (the video can be found on this page) is a complex matter, requiring some qualifications and professional knowledge. Let's try to present the material in the form of instructions and series useful tips for the above-mentioned works.

Preparing for work

First of all, you need to select the day of the proposed work, determine its volume and time. Next, it is important to come to an agreement with your neighbors to prevent sewage from entering the apartment. This is especially true for those who live on the lower floors. It is extremely difficult to come to an agreement if it is a multi-storey building.

Next you need to collect necessary tool and materials. The following tool will be needed. Firstly, corner Grinder(Bulgarian) - probably better small size. Glasses for working with an angle grinder: never neglect safety measures. Several replacement disks for it. Bucket; You may need additional containers. Putty knife. Chisels. Screwdriver Set. Pipe wrench. Stepladder or sliding staircase. Rags.

Will be needed following materials. Firstly, you need to have plaster in the required volume (the above-mentioned additional containers will be needed here) and silicone sealant to eliminate cracks and gaps. Actually, the pipes themselves - you need to decide on their diameter, length and quantity in advance, using the simplest measuring instruments- for example, a flexible meter.

A tee or cross with the necessary connecting parameters; without it, it is impossible to replace the sewer riser. Cuff for sealing (at the junction of new plastic pipes with the old socket). Adapter (1 or 2), compensators (for quick and simple connection), several bends (to adjust the position of the riser). Of course, you will need steel clamps for fixation.

Dismantling and installation of sewer riser

First you need to understand whether such radical measures. The riser needs to be changed when cracks, splits are visible, there are leaks, or unpleasant odors. Cast iron is an incredibly durable material, but you need to understand that it also becomes unusable.

Dismantling is carried out as follows. Two cuts are made, one about a meter from the floor, the second 20 cm from the ceiling. A grinder is used for these purposes. Next, using a chisel and a hammer (sledgehammer), chips are made in the places of the cuts. It is important to ensure that the pipe breaks off evenly throughout its entire diameter.

Of course, replacing a sewer riser in an apartment with your own hands is a risky business - it is better to turn to professionals. In particular, chipping is a very important undertaking. It is also very important not to damage the lower bell. A tee is inserted into it, which must be removed or cut off. Often you cannot do this on your own.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Replacing a sewer riser is a very troublesome process that requires certain knowledge, without which it will turn into a waste of your nerves, as well as the patience of your neighbors. After all, this process cannot be done without their participation.

Very important when replacing sewer lines preparatory stage. It is necessary to measure, calculate and prepare the material in advance:

  • Plastic pipes - check for seals in joints and sockets. The diameter of the pipe must be at least 110 mm. This is the standard, but there are sewer risers with a diameter of 160 and even 200 mm. Based on this, all other elements are purchased;
  • . It depends on the water supply system in the apartment;
  • Adapter from cast iron to plastic and rubber cuff;
  • Silicone sealant;
  • Fastening pipes to walls.

Tools you will need:

  • Rotary hammer, impact drill;
  • Chisel, crowbar;
  • Sledgehammer;
  • A grinder or other electric tool that will allow you to cut cast iron pipes relatively evenly;
  • Chisel, screwdriver;
  • Safety glasses for safe work with power tools;
  • Roulette;
  • Rags. Needed to remove contamination and plug pipes.

All of the above should be ready by the time the replacement of the sewer riser in the apartment begins, since everything will have to be done as quickly as possible.

An important preparation stage

Before replacing the sewer system, it is necessary to turn off the cold and hot water throughout the riser. After this, it is necessary to warn the neighbors above so that they do not drain the water or flush the toilet. The more floors above the apartment, the more indignation you will hear, especially about the blocked water, but this is necessary, otherwise the work of replacing pipes will turn into a living hell.

First you need to turn off the water, and then warn your neighbors, there are good reasons for this:

  • If people are notified in advance, they will be able to stock up on water, which is not advisable;
  • It is 100% guaranteed that someone will start washing dishes, flushing the toilet or taking a shower, even if they are warned that on the lower floors replacement in progress sewerage. It must be remembered that neighbors are often very far from each other’s problems and they are indifferent to the difficulties of others. You should not rely on their prudence.

If a wall or other communications prevents you from making a circular cut, you need to cut the pipe in an accessible place, then place a chisel in the cut and carefully use a hammer to break the pipe from the riser.

Attention! It is necessary to first make cuts in the upper and lower parts of the riser, and only then begin to remove the section of pipe to be replaced. In the lower part, the notch is made at a height of at least 1 meter above the tee. It is necessary to leave about 8 cm of pipe in the upper part in order to subsequently install an adapter from cast iron to plastic.

If you were unable to come to an agreement with your neighbors, you will have to cut off the sewer riser under the ceiling and dig out the tee.

A cast iron pipe in the ceiling is not critical, but it can cause problems, since in the event of a leak, everything will flow down, and the neighbors will not care much about it. In this case, everything depends on the people and neighbors.

This can be quite difficult, not counting those options when it is secured in the old way with a rope and a heel. In this case, you need to gently tap the tee and pull it out of the socket. But if it is filled with sulfur, you will have to try hard to get it out.

Here you will need a cutting torch or a blowtorch. With their help, it is necessary to heat the joint of the pipe and the tee in a circle, the sulfur will soften and it will be possible to remove the tee.

Attention! Sulfur is dangerous Chemical substance and when it is heated, toxic fumes that are hazardous to health will be released, so it is advisable to tap the tee in a respirator, then create a draft and ventilate the room well.

All work related to the dismantling of the old cast iron riser must be carried out extremely carefully, as you can get injured. Sharp shards of cast iron cause deep cuts, and working with power tools is also dangerous.

Now that the old cast iron tubes have been removed, you can assemble a new plastic riser.

Installation of a new riser

It's a pretty simple process. It is necessary to put a rubber cuff on the cast iron pipe under the ceiling, and install a plastic adapter on it. To make it easier to install the cuff, it can be lubricated soap solution, and better silicone sealant. The same operation is carried out with a tee.

Very important! Before installing the rubber cuffs, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the pipes of dirt and old sealant (applies to the socket where the tee will be installed). Additionally, you need to lubricate them with silicone.

After the bases are installed, the rest is installed. The principle of their connection is very simple; you need to insert the pipes into the socket. First you need to check for the presence of a rubber seal there and lubricate it all around with sealant. Also, special glue for PVC pipes can be used for these purposes.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Siphons for bathroom sinks: device, types, installation

It is very important that the riser is assembled level, at a right angle to the floor and parallel to the wall.

You will need

  • - pipe PVC diameter 110 mm;
  • - two adapters-transitions with PVC pipes for cast iron;
  • - compensator coupling;
  • - a set of fittings for the drainage pipe;
  • - hammer drill, angle grinder, metalworking tool.


First of all, you need to coordinate the work with the neighbors on the riser. Residents of apartments located above and below the one where it is planned to change the sewer riser should agree on repair work. During the replacement process, a large amount of debris, dust and dirt may appear, which means that the neighbor’s home will have to be cleaned. In apartments located higher up the riser, sewerage should not be used during repair work. If you cannot meet with your upstairs neighbors, you can shut off the water riser the day before the replacement.

It is better to prepare the work site the day before replacing the riser. The first thing that needs to be ensured is the free passage of the pipe through the ceilings. To do this you will need to make a notch cement-sand mortar, which sealed the gap between the ceiling body and the pipe. To avoid large-scale destruction, it is better to make several holes with a drill around the perimeter of the pipe, thus limiting the size of the future hole.

Dismantling must begin in the morning. Using an angle grinder and a cutting disc for metal, you need to cut a section of pipe 40-50 centimeters long in the neighbor’s apartment from above at a distance of about a meter from the floor. After this, the pipe is sawn in half in own apartment and the upper segment of the old riser is removed. In the neighbor's apartment below, you need to cut off the pipe at a distance of about a meter from the ceiling and remove the second segment. It is assumed that at the time of replacing the riser in the apartment, all old branches have already been removed drainage channel. Pipe joints must be cleaned of paint and deposits, after which installation can begin. new pipe.

Installation of a new riser is carried out from the bottom up. To do this, an adapter-transition is put on the lower joint of the cast iron pipe, to which a piece of pipe of a certain size is attached. A fitting-splitter is inserted into the pipe socket, which should be at the floor level of the apartment in which the riser is being replaced. You need to insert another piece of pipe into the socket of the fitting, the end of which should be at a level acceptable for installing a second splitter in the apartment of the neighbors above. You need to attach another piece of pipe to the fitting, the end of which should not reach the upper cut of the cast iron riser by 35-40 centimeters. You need to put an adapter on the cast iron pipe and connect it to the new riser using a compensator coupling. After the new riser is installed, you can seal the holes in the interfloor ceilings.

The need to replace the sewer riser in an apartment arises as the pipes wear out. This is easier to do in your own home, since you don’t need to ask your neighbors for their consent. When replacing the riser, you must keep ventilation pipe overlooking the roof. If this condition is violated, the water seals in the house will begin to work incorrectly, which will cause bad smell sewerage.

Determining the need to replace the riser

If there are cracks and fistulas in the riser or the horizontal pipeline is lowered, it must be replaced. The new riser requires tees to allow internal wiring. Pipes located horizontally in the screed and the tee can be lowered to the ceiling and pipes, which can be up to 10 cm.

Replacing the sewer riser in an apartment is the responsibility of the housing and communal services, however, if you live on the top floor or in your own house, you can try to carry out this operation yourself, but you must strictly follow the instructions.

Sewer riser installation

In order to replace the riser, you need to understand its structure. The internal sewage system is arranged quite simply. The installation of a sewer riser in an apartment has the following features. The pipe at the point of receiving sewage is placed at a higher level compared to the place where it drains. The slope along the length of the pipe being laid must be uniform. The lowest point of the drain pipe is inserted into the common riser near interfloor covering. The height of the pipe start is calculated taking this point into account. For pipes, it is necessary to provide a slope within 2% for a diameter of 80-100 cm and 3% for a diameter of 40-50 cm. Exceeding this slope will lead to the fact that only pure water, and impurities will accumulate in them. At a lower slope, fats and water will enter the riser.

The riser must include ventilation device, which should be present both in the apartment and in the house. It helps eliminate unpleasant odors, as well as compensate for pressure inside the riser. Ventilation installation is carried out either fun boner, leading to the roof, or ventilation valve, which forms unventilated sewer risers. The latter is installed in the part of the riser located above the appliances and plumbing products connected to it. It is better to entrust replacement of a cast iron riser to the appropriate specialists. If you do not want to contact them, then you must follow the instructions below for replacing the sewer riser in your apartment.

Tools and materials for replacing a sewer riser

You need to stock up on a grinder or pipe cutter, a chisel and a screwdriver to remove the cut material (the first one removes larger metal pieces, the second one removes smaller ones). You will also need a hammer (for the purpose of loosening the desired area pipes), a nail puller and a crowbar (to remove elements clogging the system). In addition, you should get a hammer drill (to remove cement at joints), a piece of polyethylene (to isolate potential holes), grinder(to prepare the surviving parts of the pipes for supplying the mounted riser), gloves and goggles.

Pipe caulking

The first operation when dismantling an old riser is caulking the pipes. The fact is that the pipes at the junctions are attached to each other with sulfur, which needs to be removed. To do this, you need to carefully hit the socket with a hammer (hitting with all your might can lead to replacing the entire riser, which will cost a pretty penny for the apartment owner or installer). If there is visible wobbling of the area, it must be continued to be shaken in different directions. If loosening occurs over a short period of time, this most likely indicates that the connection was made not with the help of sulfur, but with the help of a rope that needs to be hooked and pulled out without stopping the swaying.

If you do not get any results when tapping with a hammer, you must take the torch or blowtorch and heat the wedging area in a circle. Don't forget to wear a gas mask or respirator. When burning, the wedging area is tapped with a hammer. When the bell begins to move, you need to loosen it with an adjustable wrench, while pulling it towards you. Once the bell is removed, the place where it was previously attached is cleaned with a pry bar, chisel or chisel. This will allow you to stand up correctly sealing rubber, which is treated with silicone, is inserted into the socket and a tee or mounted plastic pipe is supplied.

Replacement of pipes during dismantling

Replacing a sewer riser in an apartment involves replacing pipes old system, which can be carried out by dismantling and installing elements located between the floor and ceiling, as well as their parts located between floors. The first option is the most common, since the second requires the consent of the neighbors.

Before dismantling, the water in the riser is shut off with a warning to neighbors. At a distance of 80 cm from the tee and 10 cm from the ceiling, with a grinder, cuts are made in a horizontal plane along half the diameter of the pipe. It is better to insert a chisel into the cuts. They are hit with a hammer, as a result of which the pipe splits and its middle is dismantled. The remaining part under the ceiling is covered with film and they begin to disassemble the lower part using a nail puller and a crowbar to loosen the tee fastening, as well as a hammer drill to crush the cement at the joints. The old tee is dismantled and pieces of cement are removed with a chisel and a screwdriver. The ends of old pipes are cleaned of dirt and treated with a grinding machine. In the room in which the sewer riser in the apartment is being replaced, active ventilation must be provided.

Preparing for installation of a new riser

To replace a sewer riser in an apartment with your own hands, you need to have the following items available:

  • plastic pipes having a diameter of 110 cm;
  • bends with tees;
  • rubber bands to prevent leakage at the junction of old and new pipes;
  • clamps for fastenings;
  • liquid soap to ensure the pipe enters the connecting parts;
  • level vertical-horizontal or vertical.


Installation when replacing a sewer riser in an apartment is carried out in a certain sequence:

  • On top old pipe put on a rubber cuff and treat the joint with sealant.
  • An additional adapter is inserted into the tee.
  • To measure a pipe with an expansion joint inserted into the tee, it is necessary to place it in the position in which it will always be. The section is cut, retreating up to 5 cm above the socket, accurate measurements are taken and the individual parts are connected into a single whole.
  • The new plastic riser is attached to the wall using clamps, which will not allow it to move down and tear the structure.
  • When replacing a tee, a compensator is installed on it. If two pipes are used to construct a riser, the compensator is placed at the place where they are fixed.

The connection point is always treated with sealant.


Thus, replacing a sewer riser in an apartment is not so difficult, but any task requires a certain skill. If you are not confident in your capabilities, it is better to turn to specialists. Before installing a new riser, you need to dismantle the old one, which is perhaps a more labor-intensive operation compared to installing a new system.