How high mosquitoes and flies fly. Which floor is better to live on? At what altitude are there no mosquitoes?

The question of which floor mosquitoes reach is a source of much debate. An insect that has been familiar to everyone since childhood and is distributed almost throughout the entire globe has not yet been fully studied. It is not known exactly how high mosquitoes fly. According to some statements, they do not rise above the third floor of a multi-story building; eyewitnesses claim that they are able to fly to the 28th floor.

Aerodynamics features

Scientists from all over the world studied it. Japanese scientists managed to study the aerodynamics of flight. The filming was carried out in slow motion. Filmed in infrared radiation camera at a speed of 10 thousand frames per second. The results were published in journals in Japan and Great Britain.


During the research, it became known that during flight the wingspan is only 40 degrees. This is 2 times less than that of bees. With such physiological abilities, a small creature is not able to climb high level above the ground. However, the question of where mosquitoes cannot reach remains open.

Factors that increase flight altitude

The size of the insect is about 3 mm in length, - about 2 mg. With such dimensions, the trajectory of movement can easily be changed by the wind. The flight altitude of a mosquito directly depends on weather conditions.

  • In the absence of wind, pests rise no more than 15 m above the ground, which is approximately equal to the third floor of a multi-story building.
  • According to numerous reviews, they can easily rise to the height of a 9-story building. They were even found at 28. Movement over 15 m is facilitated by the wind, which picks up insects and lifts them upward. The number of pests decreases with each meter, but with a large number of bloodsuckers, even on the fifth floor you will need them on the windows to protect your home from annoying bloodsuckers.
  • Pests often live in damp basements of multi-story buildings, from there they calmly move up the ventilation shafts and through the elevator. At what height the insect will appear depends on the structure of the high-rise building. There is not much difference if there are shafts and an elevator.


Under the article, which contained information that it does not rise above the third floor, the maximum height is 15 m, numerous comments poured in. Eyewitnesses claimed that bloodsuckers haunted the 15th floor too. When asked, they claim that they do not enter the premises through ventilation grates, entrance, and from the side of the balcony, where they were often found on the glass from the outside.

Flying in the rain

The small creature never ceases to amaze with its abilities. Scientists have recently studied the flight of a mosquito during rain and the height of its movement.

A raindrop measures 8 mm and weighs up to 100 mg, which is several times the size of an insect.

  • Once on its paws, the drop slightly changes its trajectory, throws it to the side, and twists it.
  • If a drop falls on the body, it does not change its trajectory, carries the insect down several meters, and does not allow it to rise.
  • If a drop gets on the body of an insect when it is on a solid base, death occurs.

The experiment was carried out in a special container where rain was artificially created. They filmed what was happening with a camera, and then analyzed what was happening. During rain, bloodsuckers can fly, but their movements are not clearly coordinated; raindrops do not allow them to rise high; maximum flight is at a height of 1 m above the ground.

And the flies are different, they also differ in size, but they annoy humans in the same way. The latter are able to rise much higher, the wind helps to rise higher, and it has its own characteristics.

Children ask many questions that are very important in life. Adults sometimes simply don’t have time to even formulate them. For example, to which floor do mosquitoes reach? And is it possible to climb onto the roof of the tallest building without encountering insects? It’s easier for adults to buy a fumigator and not think about them at all.

Bloodsuckers flying

To find out how high mosquitoes fly, you first need to understand what they are. These insects belong to the Diptera family, a phylum of arthropods. And in fact, they have only two wings, and legs, or rather paws, of which there are 3 pairs, seem to consist of separate pieces. Interestingly, the paws end in claws.

Mosquitoes are terrible nuisances; they disturb people with their squeaks. The squeak is the sound of the wings working at a speed of almost 1000 beats per minute. Moreover, insects of both sexes emit a squeak, but the males, based on the difference in it, determine for themselves the best partner for mating. From buzzing if there are these insects in the room. And the answer to the question iswhich floor mosquitoes reach can be the most unpredictable.

Bloodsucker and victims

Mosquitoes are distributed throughout the planet, with the exception of the poles. And even then, if larvae brought with things appear in the homes of scientists working in the Arctic and Antarctica, then in a warm room they will hatch, grow into adults and begin to reproduce. Every person on the planet suffers from mosquitoes. Even those who live in the mountains are not immune from annoying squeaks and irritating bites.

By the way, only females bite these insects, and it is time for them to breed. In order for fertilized eggs to develop, the mosquito needs blood, from which it receives glucose and other substances important for the future offspring. Males and females, who have already laid eggs and are not yet ready for a new mating, feed on the nectar of flowers and pollen of plants.

Flies are no less annoying to humans than mosquitoes. These insects also live all over the world, and there are several hundred varieties of them. ButWhat floor can mosquitoes and flies reach, and is it possible to hide from them at least on the very top floor of the tallest building in the world?

Where to hide?

What is the maximum flight altitude of a mosquito? “Up to the ceiling” is the traditional humorous answer. Indeed, why should he strive upward if he can calmly have lunch or dinner nearby, if not with blood, then with nectar and pollen. And yet it’s just interesting - how high can this insect fly if it really needs to? Nature instills in them a sense of survival, and you can survive where it is warm and humid, where there are plants, and therefore food, and warm-blooded animals or humans, so that offspring can be raised.

There is evidence that mosquitoes have been spotted even in the Himalayas, at an altitude of more than 5,000 km above sea level. Perhaps the insects themselves would hardly have flown there; most likely, they got there together with people. No one will say whether they were larvae or adults, but the fact that they were able to survive there is a fact.

But high is not only in the mountains. On the top floors of multi-story buildings you can also hear a squeak and be bitten. These insects know how to use the elevator, fly in shafts and air ducts from apartment to apartment, from floor to floor. So the answer to the question is dwhich floor mosquitoes fly from is surprisingly simple - right down to the last detail. And even higher, if necessary, on the roof, where perhaps there are puddles of water where eggs can be laid so that new generations can hatch from them in the sun.

Mosquito "nursery"

Mosquitoes will feel good somewhere high in the mountains if they are warm, well fed, and have a place to breed. And offspring need water. It is she who becomes a nursery for the larvae. Therefore, any puddle, barrel of water, or indoor aquarium can become a breeding ground for squeaking pests.

How to defend yourself?

Mosquitoes are ordinary insects, human neighbors on the planet. But they are so annoying, like flies, that people have been dreaming of getting rid of them for centuries. They bite, causing itching, and some species also carry all sorts of diseases. Mosquito squeaks are very annoying, especially at night when you need to get some sleep. And even if you live on the first floor, even under the very roof of a high-rise building (to which floor mosquitoes fly is already clear - until the very last), you simply cannot hide from their annoyingness. Therefore, people learn to deal with these neighbors.

They help with this different ways. For example, geneticists tested genetically modified males, unable to fertilize a female, in the Cayman Islands. After such an experiment, the number of these insects in the test area decreased noticeably. But such an experiment is impossible on the entire planet, because mosquitoes are an integral part of the ecosystem.

According to some information obtained from studying the symbiosis of plants and insects, it became known that mosquitoes carry useful material that plants cannot obtain in any other way. So you can’t destroy these insects! In addition, some insectivorous animals also feed on them, which also benefit humans. The easiest way to get rid of bloodsuckers is in close proximity to people - in houses, in city squares and parks. This can be done by protecting windows and ventilation inlets and outlets with special nets, including fumigators and ultrasonic devices that can repel these annoying mosquitoes, as well as flies, using repellent agents while walking or working in summer cottages.

Mosquitoes and flies are part of nature, just like humans. But man is a rational being who understands his responsibility for this entire world. So completely destroying what nature has created is dangerous for humanity itself. And the phrase “Take care of nature!” will forever remain relevant.

Each of us thinks about which floor is better to live on. The solution to this issue depends not only on personal preference, but also on comfort and safety.

For example, the first floor is still in disgrace among the Russians. The discount on such apartments is very significant, in some cases even reaching 20 percent. However, the top floors are also sold at a reduced price, because few people want to face a roof leak or become a victim of a thief who can climb into the apartment directly from the roof. Although it is fair to note that all this is relevant exclusively for old high-rise buildings.

IN modern houses under the roof there is a technical floor, and in elite high-rise buildings the last floors are the most expensive (they are often used for penthouse equipment). In standard housing, the first apartments to go are those located from the fourth to the seventh floor.

How to choose your floor?

And yet, on which floor is it better to live? multi-storey building? Let's try to figure it out.

First floor

  1. Pros: In the event of a collapse, fire or any other emergency, it will be easiest to leave the first floor, at least if the windows are not tightly barred.
  2. Cons: apartments located on the ground floor most often become victims of robbers. They have the highest noise level, dirty air, basement dampness, and mosquitoes in the summer.

Second floor

  1. Pros: quite safe. Well suited for older people and young families with children.
  2. Cons: the same as for apartments on the ground floor, perhaps to a lesser extent.

Third floor

  1. Pros: in old five-story buildings it has always been considered optimal.
  2. Cons: if the elevator breaks down, the first inconveniences will begin. It is not catastrophic to overcome this distance on your own, but lifting the furniture will be quite difficult.

From the fourth to the sixth floor

  1. Pros: from an environmental point of view, they are the safest.
  2. Cons: if the elevator breaks down, you will need a good physical form to get into your own apartment.

Seventh floor

  1. Pros: standard high-rise buildings are the golden mean. The noise level is low, the air is cleaner, and the fear of heights is not yet felt.
  2. Cons: it is better not to live higher for people with an unbalanced psyche, as well as those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

From the eighth to the sixteenth floor

  1. Pros: the most bright apartments are located on these floors. Even more tall trees turn out to be lower.
  2. Cons: if there are smoking pipes nearby, alas, their negative impact on these floors will be most noticeable.

Seventeenth floor and above

  1. Pros: wonderful panoramic view, clean air. Heat, as you know, rises, so these apartments are also the warmest.
  2. Cons: during a fire, the greatest danger lurks here. In addition, toxic products also tend to spread from the bottom up.

Top floor

  1. Pros: In the event of a fire, assistance can be provided from the roof. On the top floor you can install a fireplace or attach part of the attic.
  2. Cons: very high risk of robbery. If the house is old, the water pressure will be weak and leaks may occur frequently.

Thus, the central part of the house is the most favorable for living. Therefore, if you are wondering which floor is better to live on in a 17-story building, then pay attention to the eighth and ninth floors.

Where can you breathe more comfortably and freely?

The state of our health is directly dependent on our living conditions. It is clear that the cleanest and freshest air is outside the city, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford a luxurious mansion. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to know which floor to choose.

First of all, let's talk about the characteristics of air. What air is considered clean and what is dirty? Let's conduct a comparative study:

  1. Clean air contains 21 percent oxygen, polluted air contains only 15.
  2. The nitrogen content in clean air is 77 percent, in polluted air it is 71 percent.
  3. Clean air contains 0.03 percent carbon dioxide, polluted air contains 0.108.
  4. The percentage of impurities from dust, soot, xenon and neon in clean air is 1.97, and in dirty air – 13.9.

It is worth noting that in cities the air is not always so polluted, but the proximity of a motorway, for example, will make big picture depressing.

Why is dirty air dangerous?

Polluted air causes whole line diseases:

  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (allergic rhinitis).
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases respiratory tract (bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis).
  • Alveolitis (inflammatory processes in the lungs of a non-infectious nature).
  • Bronchial asthma.

As you can see, the list of potential threats is quite impressive. Now let's talk directly about the floors and their air properties.

As the floor goes up, the air gets better

  1. First – fourth floors. There is an accumulation of exhaust gases, whose maximum concentration is at the level of the third floor. However, there are trees outside the windows. But the grass in their shade grows so poorly that often the lawn under the windows is not an aesthetically and environmentally attractive object, but only a dusty surface.
  2. Fifth – seventh floors. Exhaust gases do not reach the fifth floor, but from the seventh and above, harmful substances accumulate from the pipes of enterprises.

Seventeenth floor and above. There is constant electromagnetic radiation here. Since the house is reinforced concrete structure, electric waves are not transmitted, but circulate throughout the apartment, while part of the background extends to higher floors. The intensity of the overall background depends precisely on the height of the floor, which is why the upper residents more often suffer from bad mood and headaches.

Thus, optimal choice From the point of view of air purity, apartments located from the fifth to seventh floors will become cleaner. However, others should not panic-buy gas masks, because in compliance with certain rules sanitation, you can significantly improve the air quality in your apartment.

Air purification methods

  1. Don't smoke in the apartment.
  2. Clean your hoods regularly. As a rule, due to accumulated dust and dirt, they do not allow air to pass through at all.
  3. Get rid of excess carpet. Not only are they a relic of the Soviet past, but they are also real dust collectors, which are very difficult to thoroughly clean.
  4. Plant several plants about half a meter high. The gold medal for oxygen production belongs to Sansevieria (other names: pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue). Also remember that moistened leaves absorb carbon dioxide much better than dry ones.
  5. Ventilate your apartment often, even if the house is located directly adjacent to the road. This will significantly reduce the concentration harmful substances in the air.
  6. Conduct regularly wet cleaning in the house.
  7. Wash curtains and curtains periodically, because they accumulate a lot of dust, especially if they are made of synthetics.
  8. Put plastic windows. Due to good insulation, they allow much less dust and dirt to pass through.
  9. Buy special air purifiers.

Feng Shui says so

I wonder what Chinese teaching will tell us? How will the chosen floor affect the harmony of your life? We suggest finding out which floor is better to live on for health according to Feng Shui.

So, let’s remember, houses with how many floors are the most favorable from an energy point of view:

  1. Three-story.
  2. Five-story.
  3. Seven-story.
  4. Nine-story.
  5. Twelve-story.

The following buildings are unfavorable:

  1. Four-story.
  2. Eight-story.
  3. Thirteen storeys and above.

In high-rise buildings with more than twelve floors, you will feel uncomfortable, since your energy will not be enough to fully explore the space. There may be a feeling of restlessness and instability, as if you were suspended in the air.

A person does not always choose his own floor - often karma does this for him. Living on one floor or another, you can solve your life-changing problems. Thus, behind any floor there is a special karmic lesson.

Which floor is good to live on?

Which floor is better to live in the city? Let's look at each floor separately:

  1. Living on the ground floor, you can find the key to solving many problems in your life and get rid of negative emotions. By destroying destructive attitudes, you will step on the path of renewal and progress.
  2. On the second floor you won’t be able to escape problems – you will have to solve them, proving your importance and capacity every day. Talk less, work more.
  3. Residents of the third floor will have to learn independence, become faster, taller, stronger. Learn to overcome obstacles and you can strengthen your will.
  4. Those who live on the fourth floor will need the ability to listen and hear those around them, to establish friendships or at least just good neighborly relations. Uncommunicative or, on the contrary, overly aggressive and conflict-ridden individuals will be forced to reconsider their communication policy.
  5. If you want to improve your destiny, then, living on the fifth floor, you should not focus exclusively on home and family - social activities are shown. And then you will understand what the harmony of life is.
  6. Living on the sixth floor, learn to get rid of various kinds of addictions and try to earn your own living.
  7. The seven-story workers face a difficult path of spiritual self-development. You need to try to harmonize your own energy, which will certainly lead to improved circumstances.
  8. The residents of the eighth floor can only be congratulated: they have no serious karmic problems. There's only one bad habitnegative thinking. Learn to have a positive outlook on current events, and then everything will be fine.
  9. Nine-story people often have the gift of a fortuneteller: it is important to develop it in order to comprehend the laws of the universe.
  10. The tenth floor is simply created for leaders. If you show passivity, unrealized energy will inevitably lead to illness. The only caveat: despite your authoritative position, do not turn on the tyrant - lead people behind you gently and from the heart.
  11. On the eleventh floor you need to stimulate your brain activity. You don’t have to study science, but you must train your mind.
  12. Residents of the twelfth floor can achieve a lot if they take control of their irrepressible temperament. Become the master of your own life and choose the right path.

If we talk about the length of the house, then it is best to choose medium entrances. Corner apartments contain the least amount of total energy in the house.

Thus, according to Feng Shui, a house is a living organism, the energy of which accumulates inside and dissipates on the sides. But whether this energy will have a plus or minus sign depends only on you.

Well, now you know which floor is better to live on in a high-rise building. However, do not forget that when constructing new houses, everything was taken into account modern tendencies And building codes, which means that many of the problems we discussed in this article simply will not exist. Therefore, we advise you to rely on your own taste. Happy Staying!

When a person buys an apartment, he doesn’t really think about what floor he will live on. If only there was enough money and the area was good and shops were within walking distance, etc. Only later, when the housewarming has already been celebrated and the euphoria of the first month of living in a new house has subsided, can a disgusting thought appear: “What have I done, you fool!”

When I was choosing an apartment myself, taking into account my previous experience, I was very careful in choosing the “right” floor. Now, looking from the windows of my home at the huge shining sunset, I can’t stop congratulating myself on the fact that the floor was chosen well. Would you like to tell me why I think so?

This is my 24th apartment!

During my not very long life - 44 years - I changed 24 apartments. How is this possible? Maybe I'm super rich and change apartments like gloves? In fact, everything is much more prosaic. It’s just that I grew up in a military family, and as you know, they don’t stay in one place for long. So most of the places of residence were changed during puppyhood. When I grew up and became “big”, the opportunity arose to choose where to live. At first it was the apartment of my wife’s parents, then a rented one, and finally, the first own apartment in a new house, which my wife and I bought when I was already 35 years old.

It is not difficult to guess that the experience of living on different floors, including those where there was a minus sign in front of the number, allows me to speak knowledgeably about which floor is better to live in?, where is the best place to buy an apartment?, what is the significance view from the window etc.

Of course, what you read here, if you choose to read it at all, will be my purely subjective opinion. I admit that in some situations, my ideas can be easily criticized or even regarded as utopian. However... let me meditate on a given topic, write a kind of essay. I would be glad if, when choosing your next apartment, you suddenly remember this text and make a more reasonable choice.

Which floor is better to live on?

Imagine that you are standing in front of the entrance to a high-rise building. It so happens that you have the opportunity to be the very first buyers there. All apartments are ready to move in and are still available. Which floor will you choose?

Do not hurry. First, let's look at what the pros and cons of lower, middle and upper floors are. I'm willing to bet that I will write things that would never even occur to a person without experience. And they actually have great value. So, let's go.

The apartment is on the first floor. Get ready for battle!

Let's start with the fact that when I was born, my family lived on the first floor. Such houses are popularly called “Stalinist”. That is, it was built in time immemorial and then, probably, was considered “elite housing”, if this concept existed at that time.

Of course you can object. A new, just built house and a “Stalinist” house from the 40s of the last century are far from the same thing. It is believed that they have now “learned how to build” and that in a new house you can live on the ground floor. Agree. Can. But here's what awaits you if you agree to this.

Problems with the elevator on the first floor

Surprised? No need to be surprised. Despite the fact that you will never need an elevator, you will nevertheless be required to regularly pay for it every month, exactly the same as what those living upstairs pay. That's the way it is. I remember what passions flared up when the residents of the first and second floors declared that they did not intend to pay for the elevator, since they did not use it (this happened later, not in this Stalinist building).

Advantages of apartments on the ground floor

But you can look at the problem from the other side. After all, if you live on the ground floor, then you get from the apartment to the street and back much faster. IN ordinary life this may not be so important. But if a fire suddenly happens in the house, then you will be very glad that you don’t have to trudge up the stairs from the very top floor, carrying the most expensive thing in your arms, but just go outside, and then still have time to return for the second batch of the most expensive, then for the third etc. Moreover, it is quite possible to leave the apartment through the window.

And it’s convenient to buy large-sized items, since delivery to the entrance is usually free, and then you can somehow strain yourself and drag the coveted new piece of wood into the apartment on your own.

Again, if the apartment is on the ground floor, it is more convenient to keep an eye on your car left near the house. If something happens, you can quickly go out into the street and “hang lulya” on young hooligans who tried to break off something necessary from it, for example, a brand name.

Also, residents of the first floors sometimes even have a small “own” area in the front garden, where they can plant some gladioli and begonias.

And it’s really great if from your apartment, located on the ground floor, you can exit through a separate exit into a fenced mini garden. This way you can put a bench, create flower beds, or put up a swing for a child. A sort of plot of land attached to a city apartment. Such projects of multi-storey buildings are very rare, but they still occur.

If it happens that some of your water pipe, then you will not “flood your neighbors” and you will not have to make repairs to them if it is proven that the flood is your fault. On the other hand, if the upper neighbors decide to thoroughly flood someone, then you are unlikely to be able to avoid their flows.

And (I almost forgot) children can run on the floor until they are blue in the face. No one will come to make a fuss from the ground floor for not having it. And finally: the walls on the first floors are usually thicker than on the upper floors, so audibility will be less (although panel houses this rule does not apply).

Yes! Somehow there are only advantages. It's time to pour tar.

Disadvantages of apartments on the ground floor

The very first drawback is the proximity of the basement. If you are buying an apartment in a new building, then this is not so bad. But in old houses (which are 20-40 years old), the basement really becomes a source of problems. Firstly: it is smell and dampness. You know, in an ordinary average basement there is always something leaking. Either the sewer will break, or hot water... All this rises through the cracks into the apartment on the first floor (and sometimes on the second or third).

As an example, I can cite this fact. My parents live in a house built according to a German design. There are really good apartments there, BUT! Every time I enter the entrance, I involuntarily hold my breath and try to leave the first floor without breathing. Why? I just don’t want to inhale the stench that comes from the basement and the garbage chute (there will be a separate discussion about that). This smell practically does not reach the third floor, but in apartments on the first floors there is no escape from it. I asked the residents - they were not happy.

Secondly: the already mentioned garbage chute. You know, for some reason it’s not so fragrant on the upper floors. But below, closer to the garbage chamber, wow! Especially in the summer, in the heat, when all this sewage begins to rot and exude... One consolation is that winter is coming, then the smell is not so noticeable. Continuing the topic: sometimes there are garbage cans right under the windows of houses. They also, you know, do not ozone the air. I don’t know about you, but I still would like to breathe clean air as much as possible in the city.

The basement and garbage chute are not only sources unpleasant odor, but also the proximity to restless inhabitants, such as cockroaches, mice, and even rats. In the apartment where I lived after birth, there was more than enough of this goodness. The matter was aggravated by the fact that the apartment was communal and none of the neighbors did anything special effort for rodent control. They felt almost like masters in the apartment. Just think about the fight between two rats in the built-in closet - one of the most vivid impressions of childhood! I still remember the squealing sound, and the roar was as if it were not rats, but two rhinoceroses engaged in a mortal fight.

And at night it was better not to leave the room. Rats could easily attack in the corridor and bite your leg. Brrr!

Now this probably doesn’t exist anymore, but still, the first floor is a potential neighborhood with dangerous creatures. Not now, but over time.

There is another unpleasant thing about living on the ground floor. Because of the fear of burglary, people have to decorate their windows with bars. No matter how curly and beautiful they are, they will still be grilles. If there is a fire in the house, and the bars are installed properly, then you won’t be able to just jump out of the window. Not everything is as simple as I wrote a few paragraphs earlier.

And finally - a constantly spit-stained entrance, since crowds of people will constantly walk past your doors. This is noise, because they cannot walk in silence - they must definitely shout at the entire entrance. It's the smell of smoke. These are some guys looking into the windows from the street. Yes, a lot more. And God forbid there will be a bench near the entrance under your window. On warm summer nights you won't be able to sleep - guess why.

Maybe over time I’ll remember something else and add it.

Apartment on the top floor - pros and cons

Most high floor the one I've ever lived on is the fifteenth. I still live here. I’m sitting here, writing this text and at the same time looking at the sunset outside the window:

Sometimes like this beautiful sunsets It happens, it’s just a miracle! Sit in front of the window and take pictures!

Even though my floor is not the top, I still have some idea of ​​the problems that my neighbors who live two floors above face.

The first problem is a hot roof in the summer. Even if the house has a technical floor, the roof of the house still warms up during the day so that it becomes impossible to breathe in the apartments on the top floor. The air conditioner, of course, is a good thing, but he, the dog, eats electricity with large spoons. So either fry or pay.

Another problem is that if the pumps are not powerful enough, then interruptions in water supply occur. Especially during peak hours, when all residents begin to take baths at the same time. We don’t have this problem at home, but in the neighboring neighborhood we do. They were less fortunate.

Thin walls - excellent audibility. The fact is that in high-rise buildings the walls on different floors actually have different thickness. At the bottom they are thicker, the higher they are, the thinner the walls become. This is done to facilitate the construction of the upper floors, so that you can save on the foundation and building materials in general.

I remember when we first moved in new apartment, in the neighboring for a long time no one lived. It was quiet and calm. And then suddenly they started doing renovations there. And then the neighbor himself moved in and started making noise at night. No, he didn’t shout, didn’t turn on the music. He and his wife just sat in their room and talked. And not to say that it was so loud. And we lay behind the wall in our bedroom and could not sleep, because we clearly heard every word. So audibility on the upper floors is a price to pay beautiful view from the window. But, living on the very top floor, you will never be disturbed by noise from neighbors above.

Now that the main pros and cons are listed, let me go through the most common myths that are often taken for granted when buying apartments.

To what floor do mosquitoes fly?

It is believed that the higher the floor your apartment is on, the fewer mosquitoes there are. And somewhere up there there is a point, a boundary beyond which mosquitoes cannot penetrate.

When I bought an apartment on the 15th floor, I secretly hoped that I would no longer need the good old fumitox. And really, can mosquitoes really fly to such a high floor? As it turns out, they quite can. And not just a few, the most daring and powerful specimens! No! There are no fewer of them here than on the lower floors. Costs summer evening open the window and turn on the light, and after a few minutes you will hear a nasty thin squeak in your ear.

It is very difficult for me to judge higher floors, but I think that mosquitoes will also be able to reach the 25th and 37th floors. True, there they will already be disturbed by the wind, which the higher it is, the more intense it becomes. There is probably still some kind of limit above which mosquitoes do not rise, but most likely it is very floating. Its height depends on many factors. For example, on a warm, windless day, mosquitoes can easily rise to the top of a 25-story building (I recently took photographs from the roof of such a skyscraper and was bitten by a mosquito there :).

In windy weather the border runs lower. However, in any case, prepare nets, fumitox or something like that. No matter how high you climb, mosquitoes can fly even higher.

It only remains to add that on the ground floor mosquitoes can be present in apartments in winter. They can easily breed in the basement if it is warm enough and there is water.

Which floor has cleaner air?

Again, which way to look at it? For example, living on the high 15th floor, we really almost never smell exhaust gases. And this despite the fact that the house is located at a busy intersection. So exhaust gases don't bother us.

Smog is a completely different matter. You know, sometimes in the morning I go out onto the balcony and find this picture there:

If you live in big city, then smog cannot be avoided on any floor. The same can be said about the smell of tobacco. With the entry into force of the anti-tobacco law, smokers adapted to smoke on balconies. Sometimes you go out onto the balcony to get some fresh air, open the window, and the sharp smell of tobacco hits your face, as if you had looked into a soldier’s smoking room. We have to close it and wait for the Majesty to pray. Then another majesty goes out onto the balcony and... this stinking marathon continues constantly, with a break only for a night's sleep and for the time when all the neighbors go to work.

Here I would like to mention the situation when there is a store on the ground floor of your house. This means that goods will be constantly delivered there and unloaded. Therefore, you need to prepare for noise, dust and exhaust fumes.

This is true, but this is only true for the lower floors. For example, in our house there is a Magnit grocery store - quite large. There is an unloading zone under our window, but this does not bother us at all, since neither dust, nor smoke from cars, nor odors from stale food simply do not reach the 15th floor. True, it is still a bit noisy, but the noise from the street is worth talking about separately.

The upper floors are not so noisy

I’ll say right away that this is not true. Of course, you won’t hear the old ladies talking on the bench at the entrance like you would on the first floor, but all other sounds will be perfectly audible.

When we moved into the apartment on the 15th floor, there was a timid hope that it would be much quieter than downstairs. However, the noise of cars at the intersection and the scream of football players sports ground, and music from the summer cafe - all this can be heard just as well as on the ground floor.

Moreover, you will be haunted by sounds that do not really bother the lower neighbors. For example, the whistle of the wind in the windows. I couldn’t even imagine before that because of strong wind You can't sleep at night - it's so noisy (especially if the apartment has 7 windows). The sound of a diesel locomotive railway three kilometers from the house, a plane taking off, the squeal of tires of some car passing even unknown where, the buzzing of lawn mowers on the lawn behind the lake...

On the lower floors, some of these sounds simply go out, passing through the foliage of trees and other natural obstacles. And on the upper floors there are no obstacles. So get ready, as they say, hear the world from a bird's eye view.

Apartments on the middle floors

The concept of "middle floor" is very relative. In some houses it will be the 8-10th floor, in others - the second. I couldn't help but mention this option, although there's not much to write about it.

I choose

Now let me express my point of view on the problem of choosing a floor to live on. If we are not talking about a private house, then when choosing an apartment I would prefer the top, or at least a fairly high floor. Main reasons - good views from windows and cleaner air.