How to cut 8 from cardboard. Openwork paper cutting: lace figure eight, master class. Simple card for mom

Once again we congratulate all the beautiful ladies on International Women's Day! And for the wonderful spring holiday of March 8, we offer to please your family and friends with an interesting and very delicate craft that you can quickly cut out with your own hands. Today's master class will be in the kirigami technique - that is, paper cutting. Shall we get started?

In order to do this interesting craft by March 8, you will need the following materials:

  • an openwork figure eight template printed on A4 sheet;
  • stapler;
  • sharp stationery knife or breadboard knife;
  • surface on which to cut (clean wooden plank, cutting mat, cardboard);
  • a little time and inspiration.

In general, the craft is very simple to perform, and you can easily do it even on March 8th.
So, first you need to print out the template of our figure eight on one side of A4 format (you can take larger paper).

So your simple white eight will sparkle with new bright facets. In this master class, beautiful textured rice paper was used.

Fold the sheet in half and fasten the two halves with a stapler to make cutting easier and easier, since you will have to do this on two layers of paper at once. That's almost all the preparations. All that remains is to carefully cut out small parts from the printed template using a knife. Straight lines that are located at the base of the craft can be cut using a ruler.

After you cut out all the parts, you have two identical eights with bases. It's time to assemble the craft. Fasten the parts at the base and top, and then flatten the craft a little so that the eights look voluminous. That's all - the wonderful paper eight is ready for the holiday!

Giving gifts is very nice. And they don’t necessarily have to be expensive in monetary terms. An original, hand-made, even a small souvenir can bring joy and convey your warmth. Such an unusual surprise for the holiday of March 8 could be this openwork number “eight” cut out of paper.

It can be given as a gift greeting card, decorate the interior or holiday table.

2. You can decorate our figure eight openwork butterflies. For example, like this.

3. You need to cut out two numbers of the same size. Carefully cut out the design first.

4. Then the internal contours.

5. And finally - via external lines. You get two parts.

6. To make butterflies, you need to print out their templates the right size on white paper. Then use a stapler to attach them to yellow and green half-cardboard. And cut.

7. We connect the two blanks together, mark the places for attaching the butterflies and glue them.

8. We decorate butterflies with half beads or rhinestones.

9. Side view.

10. The lower connection is fixed well, but the upper “hooks” are constantly coming apart. This can be avoided by gluing them together. Or secure the connection with a silk ribbon by tying a bow on the “top” of our figure eight.

11. If necessary, the lower clamps can be disconnected. In this form, the openwork gift can be easily transported.

An openwork beauty, cut out of paper, assembled and dressed up!

And ready to give joy! It turned out to be festive, feminine and a little mischievous.

These are the knives used for cutting paper:

1. An ordinary stationery knife. It is advisable to break off the blade after each work. The figure eight is not difficult - you can cut it out with this knife.

2. Knife for creative works. Very convenient, good for cutting out small parts. The blade is enough for 5-6 jobs. The cap covers the blade. There are different ones.

On the eve of the wonderful holiday of the Eighth of March, representatives of the stronger sex prepare unusual, pleasant gifts for their beloved women: mothers, sisters, girlfriends. And what could be better and more expensive than something created by yourself. From plain paper you can make an original openwork figure eight - a symbol of the approaching women's holiday.
To work you will need:
sheets of thick paper,
stationery or breadboard knife,
carbon paper or tracing paper (you can also use a printer),
First you need to print or redraw the blank for the future eight.
Using carbon paper or tracing paper, you need to transfer the template drawing onto a double-sided paper colored paper. But if you have a printer at your disposal, then it will be much easier to immediately use it and copy the figure eight.
You need to fasten the two sheets with a stapler, and then carefully cut out all the internal patterns. This is the most painstaking and difficult part of the work. This will require all your patience and perseverance. You can cut out patterns using a stationery or breadboard knife.
But if you do not yet have the skills to work with these tools, then it is better to use nail scissors, thanks to which it will be possible to quickly and easily complete this labor-intensive work. But you should remember, in order to avoid damage to the working surface, it is better to place something under the paper, for example, wood cutting board. All that remains is to cut out the outer contours
Now fasten the two parts together using the bottom and top clasps. This will give the figure eight stability and volume.
The craft is ready. This voluminous card can be given to a loved one or used as a holiday decoration for your interior.

Any woman is pleased to know that her holiday table is decorated with dignity. This openwork figure eight can be an excellent decoration for your dishes on March 8th.

Finally, our hands “reached” the openwork eight of Zulfiya Dadashova. If for some reason you still don’t have such a miracle among your paper creations, immediately start cutting it out. After all, a magnificent, airy and very feminine figure eight will be a wonderful decoration for any festive table. For almost two years I looked closely at her and sighed. Yes, there was no time. Besides, I'm not good at cutting with a knife. And this year I decided to give it a try.

Making decorations for March 8

To make such a decoration for March 8, you will need two A4 sheets of fairly thick paper of any color, a knife or scissors for cutting and patience.

You can download the full-size printable template by clicking on the thumbnail image below.

There is no need to spend too much time fiddling with the decoration. The author has already done this. We simply print out a template stencil and cut out the small parts first, and then the large ones.

There are two ways to make an openwork figure eight. Or print the figure eight twice and cut out each piece separately (which is what I did). This is, of course, a painstaking task and takes a lot of time. Or you can, as the author recommends, fasten two sheets together with paper clips and cut out two layers at the same time with an art knife. In the second case, you will actually spend less time, but only if you have a good command of the cutting technique. Inexperienced cutters are likely to encounter unexpected problems: upper layer is cut, and the lower one (especially small parts) is torn.

In my opinion, the process is not that important. The main thing is the result, and the result is two beautiful eights. The matter remains small. First, we connect the lower parts of the parts, inserting the pointed ends into the slots, and then we connect the upper hooks together. The openwork eight made of paper is ready! Of course, you can further decorate it with beads or small flowers. This is where your imagination runs wild. The main thing is not to “overload” it with decor, otherwise the decoration will lose its lightness.

Happy carving!

Openwork figure eight made of paper. Photo

International Women's Day, which is celebrated annually on March 8, is just around the corner. The constant components of the holiday are tulips, a sea of ​​gifts, hot air balloons, rich table. And I really want to add something unusual to them that would make this Day truly special!

We are offering to you original idea Banquet table decorations for March 8 - openwork figure eight made of paper. Such decor will undoubtedly contribute to creating an unforgettable atmosphere for a women's holiday.

To create a festive openwork figure eight you will need:

Template printed on a sheet of A4 paper;
- stationery/layout knife;
- thick cardboard/cutting mat,
- metal ruler, stapler.

Openwork eight from paper step by step:

To create a festive openwork figure eight, it is better to use light-weight paper, since the cutting will take place on two parts of the sheet at once. But if you want to create a more durable decoration, you will need to use paper of the highest density. However, in this case you need to cut it separately on each sheet. In this case, a breadboard knife was used for cutting, but you can also use a stationery knife or manicure scissors.

For holiday decor table for March 8, for cutting, you can choose rice paper with an unusual texture, the density of which is the same as that of simple office paper (Fig. 2).

Print the diagram so that the figure eight takes up about half of the entire sheet area.

Fold the sheet in half, as shown in Figure 3. Then staple the two halves of the sheet (Figure 4-5).

Start cutting with small parts (Figure 6-7). Then cut out the middle of the future openwork figure eight (Fig. 8).

Cut out all straight lines using a metal ruler (Figure 9). As a result, you should get two identical parts (Figure 10). After which they need to be connected together. Connect the locks first at the bottom (Figure 11-12).