How to grow an oleander from a cutting. Oleander (flower): description, types, planting and care. Characteristic features of oleander

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Oleander (Nerium) is classified in the Kutrov family (Apocynaceae), which includes numerous trees, shrubs, vines and herbs. For growth, the plant chooses territories around the globe where a subtropical climate prevails. The form of the plant is predominantly shrubby with leaf mass that never changes its green color. You can often find this bush in river beds that have begun to dry up. In the territories of the former CIS countries, oleander is actively grown on the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, and Central Asian southern regions. But in areas with harsher climates, the plant is usually grown indoors.

The name "Nerium" comes from a modification of the Greek word "nerion" - meaning wet, damp, since the plant, although it lives in hot climatic conditions, but requires a constant influx groundwater. Or perhaps the shrub began to be called that in honor of one of their sea nymphs, Nereids, and meant that “nerium” grows next to water arteries. The name "Oleander" is also meaningful. Two Greek components “oleo” - odorous and “Andros” - the name of one of the islands of Greece, where, according to legend, the Nereid could live.

The bush is distinguished by fairly strong branching of shoots, which are colored brown. Even indoors, the plant can reach 2 m in height. They are completely covered by rounded lentils. The leaf blades measure 10–15 cm in length and 3 cm in width. The arrangement may be opposite or whorled, with 3–4 leaves. The shape of the leaves can be lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, the edge is entire, the petioles are short in length. The surface of the leaf blade is bare, leathery, with a light vein running down the middle.

Flowering begins with the arrival of the summer months. The buds open into flowers with 5 petals, always in rich and bright colors. The inflorescences in which the flowers are collected have the shape of corymbs and are located at the tops of the stems. Most often, the flowers acquire white or pink shades, very rarely the buds of red or yellow flowers bloom. Today, through the efforts of breeders, varieties of oleanders with flowers of various shapes have been developed (for example, they can be double). After the flowering process, the plant bears fruit in leaflets from which numerous seeds are collected. Their length can reach 10 cm, and the seeds are distinguished by feathery tufts.

The plant is extremely poisonous, so this must be taken into account when caring for the bush or keeping it in rooms where there are pets or small children. A small contact of juice on the mucous membrane can cause severe poisoning.

The plant is actively used landscape designers for landscaping and decorating garden areas, you can also decorate rooms large areas. Oleander is very easy to care for and requires frequent crown pruning for indoor growing.

Oleander juice contains some cardiac glycosides, which are used for medicinal purposes. Flowers have so much strong aroma which can be caused by prolonged inhalation headache. Despite this, the leaf plates attract various toxins, helping to purify the air in the room and the entire human body.

Even doctors have noticed that in rooms where oleander began to grow, people have less slagging. There are opinions that the plant helps get rid of bad thoughts and negative emotions, thus bringing a sense of well-being to the owner's home. Oleander also has a positive effect on pets, their condition quickly improves and they become less painful. To the people in whose houses this “green friend” settles, he conveys his desire for heights, since he himself, like a real vine, always strives upward. If a person has negative habits (for example, smoking or drinking), then the plant will help break them immediately. In rooms where people work, it is able to increase productivity, because it absolutely cannot tolerate laziness. People have a desire to do something useful and strive to develop their potential. Therefore, it is believed that giving an oleander to a person or bringing it to a home or office means wishing well-being and prosperity.

Only one species of this shrub is grown in cultivation - common oleander (Nerium Oleandr). This plant can often be found under the names Fragrant Oleander (Nerium odorum) and Indian Oleander (Nerium indicum). Wild oleander is found throughout the Mediterranean, in Algeria, Italy and Andalusia. Italian areas are distinguished by the fact that on the banks of waterways there are entire thickets of wild oleander bushes. This plant was very popular to grow in gardens. Ancient Greece and Rome, as many frescoes show love for this symbol of well-being in bouquets and garlands of oleander flowers.

The bush has densely branched shoots that can reach 3–4 m in height. The leaves are located on short petioles. Their dimensions, like all plants of this species, reach approximately 15x3 cm (in length and width, respectively). Location sheet plates or opposite each other, or 3-4 pieces in a whorl. The upper surface of the leaf is leathery and colored in a rich emerald shade, while the lower surface is dominated by light green color. A bush with a leaf mass very reminiscent of willow thickets (the leaf shape is narrow, lanceolate-elongated), during flowering it is very densely covered with numerous racemose inflorescences. The flowers that make up the brushes have a very pleasant fragrant aroma and beautiful colors. In natural conditions, the corolla petals of flowers are slightly fused and have pink or red hues. Flowering extends from mid-summer to October.

Varieties of oleander with flowers much larger are grown in the gardens. larger diameter(approximately 6 cm), both simple and terry shapes and a variety of colors:

  • variety “Elegance” – large buds of apricot shade;
  • variety “Double Pink” – double petals, dark pink color with cream shades;
  • variety “Double White” - snow-white flowers with double petals.
  • Lighting. The plant loves good lighting and a sufficient amount of sun rays. You will also need to find a place where there will be a constant flow of fresh air. Naturally, windows with a southern, southeastern or southwestern exposure will appeal to the oleander. If the pot with the plant is located on a window facing north, then the bush may react to the low degree of illumination by shedding leaf plates and therefore, it will have to arrange additional lighting with special phytolamps. With the arrival of warm thermometer readings, it is recommended to take the pot with the vine out into the fresh air - a terrace, garden or balcony is suitable for this. But you need to choose a place with sufficient light flow and protect the bush from precipitation. If this is not possible, then you need to ventilate the room frequently. IN winter time oleander will still have to increase the duration of daylight hours; it needs to be increased to 10 hours a day. You can arrange phytolamps or fluorescent lamps above the bush at a distance of 60–80 cm. Ventilation should also be done, but make sure that the plant is not exposed to drafts.
  • Keeping temperature for oleander. When spring comes, until the end of summer you should stick to temperatures of 20–27 degrees and there should always be an influx of fresh air. As autumn temperatures drop, for oleander it is worth gradually reducing it so that it fluctuates between 15–18 degrees. As soon as winter comes, it is necessary to select for the plant unheated room with a cool winter of 8–15 degrees Celsius. But by the middle of the first spring month, the thermometer should not fall below 15 degrees. If the temperature is higher, then it is simply necessary to arrange ventilation for the oleander.
  • Air humidity. The plant prefers moderate humidity indoors. It doesn’t even need to be sprayed in the spring-summer period, if the readings do not exceed the limit of 27 degrees, otherwise in the heat it is necessary to spray the oleander crown. To increase moisture levels in the air, a pot with a plant can be placed in deep and wide trays filled with expanded clay or chopped sphagnum moss. Water is poured into them and, as it evaporates, it fills the dry air with moisture. With coming heating season the air in the room becomes significantly drier and then additional spraying of the leaf mass of the plant should be carried out. The water for this procedure is soft, free of hardness and salts. The temperature should not be below 20–23 degrees. When the air is dry, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out.
  • Watering the plant. IN summer time It is necessary to water the oleander bush very generously as soon as the soil in the pot has dried out from above. The water used for moisturizing is taken soft and left to stand for several days. Can also be used to remove stiffness tap water pass through a filter or boil. It is best, of course, to use water collected after rain or melted snow for irrigation. The water temperature should be room temperature (within 20–23 degrees). If streams of light constantly illuminate the bush, then it is necessary that water is always in the stand under the pot. But you need to make sure that the soil is not waterlogged, as this can cause root rot and the oleander will die. When the plant is at rest ( winter holidays, with lower temperatures), then soil moisture is reduced - you can water once every 10 days, the water temperature should not be cold. If the soil gets too dry, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.
  • Fertilizers for oleander. As soon as April arrives, the plant begins to actively grow and this period will last until the end of summer. At this time, it is necessary to fertilize the oleander. With a two-week regularity, it is necessary to apply special fertilizers with a complex of minerals intended for indoor plants. Oleander also really likes it when it is fed organic fertilizers(for example, mullein solution). It is necessary to fertilize the soil on days when the sun is obscured by clouds, but before that you should slightly moisten the soil in the pot.
  • Plant pruning. Oleander must be pruned regularly, as without this the bush does not bloom or its flowering is poor. After the end of the flowering process, it is necessary to cut off all branches by half or 2/3. The branches remaining after pruning are used to propagate the plant. If a vegetative shoot has formed under a flower bud, then it should be plucked out, since the oleander will be retarded in growth.
  • Selecting soil and replanting oleander. As soon as all the soil in the pot becomes entwined with the root system of the oleander, it is necessary to change the pot. This happens every 2–3 years. Best time To change containers and substrate, the end of spring and the beginning of summer days. When transplanting, it is recommended to shorten the overgrown root system and remove a little of the old soil. In this case, the cut roots must be powdered with crushed charcoal for disinfection. This will help further good flowering. If the bush has reached an impressive size and it becomes difficult to replant it, then the plant can simply be transferred to a new container or replaced upper layer substrate without disturbing the oleander. But the pot must have good drainage.
For replanting soil, it is important that the substrate has an acidity pH of 6 and has good air and water penetration. The soil mixture is made up of the following components:
  • turf soil, peat soil, humus (all parts are equal), you can add river sand and a little lime (approximately 10 grams per bucket of soil);
  • leaf soil, turf, humus soil, coarse sand, peat soil (in proportions 1:2:1:1:1).

In order to get a new plant, you can use the methods of cuttings, air layering or by planting seeds.

For propagation by cuttings, spring or autumn days are chosen. A cutting 10–15 cm long is cut from the top of the shoot. The cut is treated with crushed charcoal or activated carbon and slightly dried. Rooting of cuttings occurs in a substrate based on a mixture of sand and charcoal, fine expanded clay or perlite. Clean sand or pieces of coal are placed around the root collar for disinfection. Heat indicators are maintained within 18–20 degrees and sufficient lighting is necessary. The soil should not be too wet to prevent rotting of the cuttings. You can put the cut branches in water, where pieces of charcoal are first placed. The roots appear within 3–4 weeks and after that the cuttings are planted in separate pots with soil made from turf, leaf soil, humus, peat (all parts are equal) and a little sand.

To root air layering, you need moistened sand or a glass tube filled with water. The lower end of the tube must be plugged with a stopper consisting of 2 parts, in which an oleander branch is clamped. The shoot is lubricated with wax so that water cannot leak out of the tube. Two circular cuts are made on the branch, and a ring of bark 2–3 mm wide is removed. As soon as the roots are formed, the cuttings should be carefully separated from the mother plant and planted in a pot with substrate for further growth.

As soon as the seeds have been collected, they must be planted immediately, as their germination capacity decreases over time. The emergence of sprouts from seeds occurs unevenly. Before planting, seed material is soaked for 30–40 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a biological fungicide. Then, you should soak in a zircon solution for better germination. Planting occurs in a substrate based on sand, crushed charcoal and vermiculite. Seeds are placed in moist soil without deepening. The temperature for crop germination should be 32–35 degrees. Young plants will appear after 7–10 days. If the heat indicators are lower, then the entrances will have to wait longer and there is a possibility of their rotting. After the sprouts appear, illumination with phytolamps is recommended. As soon as the second pair of leaves develops, they can be transplanted into separate pots with soil for further growth. It is important to remember that with this method parental characteristics may disappear.

Oleander (Nerium) is a plant from the Kutrovaceae family. The flower received its second name “pink laurel” due to the similarity of the foliage to the leaves. The Greek name of the plant is associated with the legend of Oleander, the son ancient god. The young man sacrificed himself to save people from an erupting volcano. In memory of this feat, beautiful flower and received the name of the hero.


The perennial oleander shrub is common in the subtropical climate of our planet (in our country, extensive thickets of oleander can be seen on the Black Sea coast). Under natural conditions, oleander is capable of growing up to 3–4 m in height, forming lush flowering bushes. In areas with cold climates, the plant is cultivated as an indoor flower.


Oleander is an evergreen shrub with brownish stems. The leaves are narrow, up to 15 cm long and 2–3 cm wide, leathery and shiny. Oleander blooms for a long time, open ground, from early summer to autumn. The flowers are bright, up to 5 cm in diameter: white, pink, red, yellow. Flowers are collected in clusters of several pieces. There are simple or double flower forms.

You can get acquainted with the oleander by looking at a photo of the flower.

Important! Oleander is poisonous! If you inhale the aroma of the flower for a long time, you can get a severe headache. Oleander juice that enters the body can cause severe intestinal poisoning or heart paralysis. The flower is prohibited from being placed in bedrooms and children's rooms.

  • “Rising Sun” with soft pink flowers, with abundant flowering (up to 40 open flowers at the same time);
  • “Salmon” - a variety with medium-sized simple flowers pastel shades with a yellow center;
  • "Variegata" is an oleander variety with variegated foliage and bright pink double flowers.

There are two more interesting varieties of oleander: Indian and fragrant. Indian oleander blooms large flowers different colors from June to October. The fragrant oleander reaches a height of only half a meter and has a pleasant aroma.

Optimal conditions for growing oleander

Before purchasing an oleander for a home greenhouse, you should evaluate whether the room conditions are suitable for such a difficult plant.

  1. Bright room. Oleander is a resident of the subtropics, where the duration sunny day is at least 10 hours. It is better if the plants are installed near the eastern or south-eastern window. You need to take care of the winter illumination of the plant with special lamps.
  2. Large room volume, with mandatory ventilation. The strong aroma of oleander, although pleasant to the senses, can cause severe headaches. For the same reason, the flower is not placed in bedrooms, children's rooms or other rooms where people spend a lot of time. It would be optimal to place a pot of oleander in a spacious, bright hall, winter garden, office.
  3. The room should be warm enough, without drafts. For oleander, the optimal temperature is considered to be no lower than +20 degrees. In a colder room, the plant stops blooming and may lose its leaves. For the winter, the plant enjoys a cool existence, with an air temperature of about +15 degrees.

In summer young plant It is useful to take oleander outside. Place it in the garden or on the balcony, in a sunny place. Mature plant too big and not transportable.

Planting oleander

The easiest way to propagate oleander is by cuttings. In spring or late autumn (before or after flowering), cuttings from young branches are taken from the plant.

Attention! You need to wear gloves when working with oleander! The sap of the plant can cause serious skin irritation.

The length of the cuttings is 12–14 cm. Cuts of the branches are dusted with crushed charcoal and allowed to dry a little. Next, the cuttings are immersed in a mixture of river sand or vermiculite and charcoal. The soil is kept moist until the roots of the plant grow. Another option for rooting oleander branches is to place them in a bottle of water in which a root formation stimulator (kornevin or heterouoxin) and several charcoal tablets are dissolved. The necks of the bottle are plugged with cotton wool. During the rooting period, cuttings should be kept in a warm and bright room. The roots of the cuttings grow within 30–40 days.

Spacious pots with a volume of at least 6–8 liters are prepared for seedlings. Oleander grows quickly, so immediately choose a large container. The oleander should be replanted into a larger container every 2 years until the volume of the container reaches 40 liters. For mature plants, the top layer of soil is replaced annually with fresh soil.
The soil for oleander is prepared from a mixture of turf humus, garden soil, sand and peat (2:2:1:1). You can use purchased soil for violets. Expanded clay or pebbles should be poured onto the bottom of the pot for drainage.

Seed propagation is rarely used due to the low germination of seeds and their slow growth. For successful germination of oleander seeds, take only fresh planting material. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin, then immersed in a solution of a growth simulator (epin, zircon) for a couple of hours. The best time to sow oleander seeds is March. Wet seeds are sown in a soil mixture consisting of perlite or sand, peat and humus. The temperature in the room with crops should be maintained at +30 degrees, and the soil should be constantly moistened. It is convenient to build a greenhouse made of film over the bowls with crops. Seeds germinate in about 2 weeks.

Caring for seedlings consists of providing the plants with light for 10–12 hours, regular watering warm water and spraying. Temperature environment maintained at +20 +25 degrees. At the age of 3 – 5 true leaves, the oleander is transplanted into separate spacious containers.


Oleander is demanding not only of light and heat, but also of moisture. It is best to water the plant through a tray with soft water. room temperature. In summer, watering can be daily; the earthen ball should be moderately moist. 2 – 3 times a week, in evening time, the oleander crown is sprayed with warm water.

In winter, watering is reduced, the soil is flower pot should be slightly damp. Spraying is not carried out in winter. But, if the tips of the oleander leaves begin to dry out due to too dry air in the room, you can place bowls of water around the plant to increase air humidity.

From April to September, every 2 weeks, the oleander is fed with complex mineral fertilizer for flowers (Rainbow, Kemira Lux, Agricola). It is correct to fertilize the flower only in moist soil, an hour after watering with plain water.

An important point of care indoor oleander is correct pruning plants. Once every 2–3 years, in the month of March, some shoots are shortened to half their length. This operation promotes better branching of the oleander and makes the bush more luxuriant. Sanitary pruning is carried out annually, removing weak and thickened branches.

Attention! All trimmed parts of the plant are thrown away, packed in plastic bags. Branches should not be burned; burning produces toxic smoke. After working with oleander, all tools are thoroughly washed.

After flowering, remove all faded buds to preserve the decorative appearance of the flower.

At home, oleander can be affected by common pests of indoor plants: spider mite and mealybug. To get rid of scale insects, wipe the leaves and stem with a sponge soap solution(you can use laundry or special green soap). In case of severe infection, spray the crown of the plant with Actellik at a dosage of 2 ml per liter of water.

You can also get rid of oleander from scale insects by bathing the plant in a hot shower (water temperature 50 - 55 degrees). Then, spray with an insecticide.

The best prevention of pests on indoor plants– strict quarantine and preventive treatment chemicals all purchased plants.

Despite the toxicity of oleander, the flower is considered a plant that brings happiness to the home. Since ancient times, it has been believed that pink laurel removes bad energy from a room, purifies the air and improves the health of the atmosphere. Yes and simply lush flowering The shrub pleases the eye and improves the mood.

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(Nerium) – grateful ornamental shrub, main decorative quality are fragrant pink or white flowers. Proper pruning has a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of oleander, and helps maintain a compact habit.

When and how to prune?

In autumn, remove faded oleander flowers. Formative pruning is carried out only in early spring when the winter dormancy period ends. The buds are set on annual shoots, only part of them is deleted. Cut off the tops of young shoots to stimulate growth. We repeat the procedure during the first 2-3 years of life. Flowering will come later, but will be abundant.

Cut off the tops of the shoots with a clean and sharp blade. Taking care of hygiene is important because contaminated instruments promote the development of difficult-to-treat fungal and viral infections. Cuttings are used to propagate oleander. It is enough to place the cuttings in a container filled with soil for seedlings, cover with perforated film and place in a shaded place.

Rejuvenation of old plants

Once every 3-4 years, remove old oleander shoots, it promotes the germination of young shoots, where old branches took away space and light. Remove old, bare, leafless plant fragments in February. Simultaneously execute radical pruning young shoots - cut above the buds located directly above the ground. However, by performing the procedure, we will lose flowering.

Every year, shoots that grow disharmoniously and prevent the formation of a good plant habit are pruned. Shoots, leaves and flowers on which lesions are visible are removed as soon as alarming symptoms are noticed.

Precautionary measures

Oleander is a highly poisonous plant; special care should be taken when pruning. Before starting the procedures, wear gloves, the juice may cause skin irritation. When working, avoid touching your face, especially around the eyes. After completing pruning, wash your hands and tools thoroughly.

Oleander is a perennial evergreen shrub with elongated leathery leaves, brownish stems and bright fragrant flowers. The plant's homeland is West Side China, Morocco and tropical areas of Portugal. It is not recommended to keep African plants indoors, as they emit harmful fumes that cause dizziness and headaches.

The flower adapted for indoor conditions was grown in southern Europe. Caring for such an oleander is quite simple, but requires following certain recommendations.

Oleander or pink laurel - description, photo

The oleander is called pink laurel because its brown stems are strewn with the same dark green, leathery, pointed leaves as those of laurel.

In nature, a tree grows up to four meters. At home, an oleander bush can grow up to two meters. That is why it is recommended to keep it in spacious rooms with good lighting.

Beautiful fragrant flowers pink laurel are collected in raceme inflorescences and can be simple or double. In the photo in our gallery you can see plants that have yellow, red, pink and white flowers.

When growing oleander, you should be aware that the plant contains poisonous sap. Therefore, you should take care of it very carefully. It is not recommended to place the flower in the bedroom, in a room where children and pets will live, and when pruning a bush It is recommended to wear gloves, and cover your face.

But oleander can also be very useful. Experts noted that in the house where this beautiful flower has settled there is significantly less waste and toxins.

Types of oleander - photo

The plant is divided into three types:

  1. Common oleander.
  2. Indian.
  3. Fragrant.

In turn, the common oleander has many varieties with different flower colors. Classic plant varieties have white, yellow, red and pink color. Flowers hybrid varieties can be huge snow-white and lush crimson, plain and variegated.

Indian and fragrant oleanders cannot boast of such a variety of varieties, however, this does not mean that there is nothing interesting in them.

For example, the Indian oleander blooms with large five-petalled flowers from June to October, bright colors with a sweet smell, which can be yellow, red, pink, white. The fragrant oleander grows to only 50 centimeters and has a wonderful smell.

Oleander - care and cultivation

Pink laurel is an unpretentious plant, which even a novice gardener can grow at home.

In order for a plant to grow well and bloom luxuriantly, it needs good lighting. Windows facing southeast are best suited for this. When placing a flower with north side or in the depths of the room, the lack of light can be compensated for by artificial lighting.

In summer, it is recommended to take the oleander outside or into the loggia. In this case, the plant must be protected from precipitation and direct sunlight. In the winter season, a flower backlight required fluorescent lamps. Daylight should last eight hours, and the lamps should be located no closer than seventy centimeters from the bush.

Optimal conditions for growing oleander

Pink laurel loves wet air, stable temperature conditions and well-fertilized soil. Therefore, when caring for it at home, it is necessary follow some rules.

Transplanting and pruning oleander

Immediately after purchasing a plant, it is required from peat transplant into fertile substrate, which can be of several types:

  • a mixture of garden soil, manure and peat;
  • a mixture of humus and clay.

Young plants are replanted every spring, and adults - every two or three years.

For proper transplantation you need:

  1. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, which can be gravel, expanded clay or small pebbles.
  2. Sprinkle a small amount of soil mixture in the second layer.
  3. Carefully remove the flower from the old container and place it on the substrate.
  4. Add the required amount of soil around the roots of the plant and at the same time press it against the roots.

After the bush is planted, it must be watered abundantly.

In order for the oleander to bloom profusely, when caring for it, do not forget that the plant requires regular pruning. This procedure is carried out immediately after flowering, and the branches should be cut to half their entire length.

Wilted petals must be removed carefully without damaging the inflorescences, which may produce repeat flowers.

Possible problems when growing oleander

Growing any plant at home, including oleander, will not always be problem-free. A flower can be destroyed by improper care or maintenance, diseases, or pests.

Therefore it is necessary study the main problems, which gardeners most often encounter when caring for indoor oleander:

With proper care and proper humidity and temperature conditions, such problems should not arise.

Oleander propagation methods

Propagate oleander at home there are three ways:

  • air layering;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Reproduction by layering

Propagation by air layering is quite simple and effective way. For roots to appear, you need to cut the branch, remove the bark and lower the allotted area in a container of water or into wet sand.

After the roots appear, the branch is cut off from the main plant and planted in a prepared earth mixture.

Oleander cuttings

The plant propagates using cuttings in spring or autumn. To do this, shoots are cut from the bush, the length of which should be about 15 centimeters. For rooting, you can use cuttings left after trimming the oleander.

Cutting locations are needed treat with coal powder, and place the cuttings in a mixture of sand, perlite and charcoal.

The container with the planted cuttings should be placed in a well-lit room with stable temperature conditions. To prevent the cuttings from rotting, watering should be moderate.

After about a month, the shoots will give roots, and they can be transplanted into a mixture with equal proportions of peat soil, turf, sand and humus.

Propagation by seeds

Oleander seeds have low germination rate, so it is recommended to sow them immediately after collection.

Before planting, the seed material is soaked for thirty minutes in a weak solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. After this, they should be kept for an hour in Heteroauxin solution or Zircon.

Seeds should be sown superficially in the same soil mixture in which the oleander grows. The temperature in the room where the seeds will germinate should be between 30-35C. If the temperature is lower, the seeds may rot or the emergence of seedlings will be delayed for a long time. Under favorable conditions, seedlings germinate in 10-12 days.

Caring for emerging seedlings includes:

After 4-5 true leaves appear, young oleander sprouts are planted in separate pots.

Growing and even propagating oleander at home is not at all difficult. This unpretentious plant, with proper care, will delight and surprise for a long time with its beautiful, bright and lush flowering.

evergreen shrub of the Kutrov family. On long shoots there are narrow, leathery leaves of a dark green color. It grows naturally in Southern Europe, Japan, and North Africa.

Garden varieties of oleander differ in the color of their flowers, the palette of which is represented by white, red, pink, and yellow. Terry and simple flowers thin out the delicate aroma.

IN room conditions one species is grown - Common oleander. tall plant, reaching 2 meters in height. Growing oleander requires a spacious room.

Oleander is a poisonous plant. The flowers weaken the strong aroma, so the flower cannot be grown in the bedroom or in a small apartment, as the strong smell causes severe headaches.

Caring for oleander at home

A beautiful spreading, profusely flowering oleander bush can only be grown if certain conditions are met:

  1. Choosing a location.
  2. Correct lighting.
  3. Watering and spraying.
  4. Air humidity.
  5. Fertilizer application.
  6. Prevention of diseases.

1. Location

During the growth period, the oleander needs to create conditions so that the temperature is kept at + 20-25 ºC. In summer, you can take the plant out into the garden, closer to a pond, or take it to the country house.

Winter care is quite difficult. After all, the plant requires temperatures from +2 ºC to +12 ºC. At such low temperatures, sufficient illumination must be maintained. In winter, the flower enters a dormant period, and if the maintenance conditions are not met, it will shed its foliage and not bloom.

2. Humidity

Especially in dry and hot times, the plant will have to be sprayed or the foliage wiped with a wet cloth. To increase air humidity, you can place a container of water next to the oleander.

3. Lighting

The exotic flower loves bright, diffused light. If a pot with a plant is in the corner of the room, the leaves change color and the tips begin to dry. If there is insufficient lighting, flower buds will not be able to form.

4. Watering and spraying

Oleander prefers to grow in moderately moist soil. Watering should be done with settled warm water, the temperature of which should be 2º higher than room temperature.

In summer, water 2-3 times a week, in winter – 1 time.

During the heating season and hot summers, the soil in the pot dries out quickly, so to find out whether the plant needs watering, you need to look at the condition of the soil.

You should also spray the oleander leaves with settled water so that after the droplets dry, no white stains remain.

5. How to choose soil

The plant prefers soil with neutral acidity.

To prepare soil at home you will need:

  1. 40% turf land.
  2. 20% baking powder - perlite or coarse sand.
  3. 40% leaf humus or high peat.
  4. 10 g of lime per 10 liters of mixture.

When purchasing ready-made soil, river sand should be added to it.

6. Feeding and fertilizers

In early spring, after the end of the dormant period, it is recommended to feed the plants once every 3 weeks, in the summer - once every 2 weeks.

The following can be used as fertilizers:

  1. "Ideal".
  2. "Rainbow".
  3. Mullein infusion.


Before adding organic or mineral fertilizers, the soil in the pot needs to be thoroughly moistened. It is recommended to dilute all purchased fertilizers in accordance with the instructions.

7. Diseases and pests

Spider mite. In case of severe damage, it is necessary to treat the plants with Actellik, preparing the solution strictly according to the instructions. If insects have just settled on the plant, you can wipe the leaves with a damp sponge and laundry soap, and then arrange a shower for the oleander. The water temperature should be +45 ºC.

Shield. It is very difficult to fight, since insects multiply very quickly and live not only on plant stems, but also in the soil itself. First you need to apply foam to the leaves and stems of the plant using a sponge. laundry soap and leave for 2 hours.

Then wipe with a clean sponge, remove the remaining scale insects and wait until the plant dries. After this, it is recommended to apply Actellik 3 times with an interval of 7 days between sprayings.

To combat insects use:

  1. "Aktellik".
  2. "Fitoverm".
  3. "Decis".
  4. "Spark".
  5. "Fufanol."

Of the diseases, the most common are fungal infections, which should be combated with the help of special drugs designed to combat a specific type of fungal infection.

8. Transplant

It is recommended to replant the plant in early spring, when active shoot growth begins. You need to place drainage at the bottom of the pot, followed by fertile soil. After planting, the flower needs to be watered and the pot placed in a dark place so that the damaged roots adapt to the new place.

After 3 days, the oleander is transferred to a bright room, shading the leaves from the sun's rays at lunchtime.

On a note!

In order to injure the root system less during replanting, it is recommended to transfer the plant to a larger pot.

9. Trimming

Good growth of green mass and abundant flowering depends on the correct pruning. The crown needs to be formed annually. After flowering, the shoots need to be shortened by one third of the length. It should be noted that new inflorescences will form only on young shoots formed after cutting.

On a note!

If the oleander bush looks sparse and the shoots stick out individually in different directions, you will need to carry out radical pruning to form a compact crown. The shoots need to be cut above the bud and only at an oblique angle.


To obtain new copies and to replenish your collection, use several methods:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Reproduction by layering.
  3. Sowing seeds.

The most common method is propagation by cuttings, especially since after pruning you can choose strong and healthy material for rooting. Rooting occurs in water. Before putting the cutting into a glass of water, you need to add a little charcoal.

After a few weeks, you can notice how the root system is forming on the cut of the cutting: first, white dots and callus appear, then real cuttings. The finished shoots are planted in separate pots and the plants are placed in a bright place.

At seed propagation you'll have to tinker. Before sowing, the seeds are immersed for 0.5 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then transferred to water with zircon dissolved in it.

After disinfection, they are sown in prepared containers with fertile soil, covered with glass and placed in a well-lit place. Picking is carried out as 2 true leaves appear.

To propagate by air layering, you will need to select a healthy, well-developed shoot, make a ring-shaped shallow cut on it, approximately 3 mm wide. All bark that falls behind the shoot must be removed.

Wet moss is applied to the cut site, wrapped in polyethylene and secured with thread. When roots appear, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant and transplanted into a new pot.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why do the leaves fall off and the plant becomes “naked”?

If the oleander shoots stretch out and the leaves fall off, it means that the plant does not have enough natural light.

How poisonous is the plant?

Exotic shoots secrete poisonous juice, but smelling the flowers is not only possible, but also beneficial for health. But when pruning and during transplantation, it is recommended to protect your hands with gloves.

What are the benefits of oleander?

For interior decoration in modern houses are used Decoration Materials, the quality of which is sometimes questioned. Oleander absorbs all toxins in the room and purifies the air.

By following the rules for growing oleander indoors, you can get a magnificent plant that is not an ounce inferior to its tropical counterparts in the beauty of its foliage and the splendor of its flowering.