How to grow a long peduncle on an orchid. Why fertilizing helps stimulate the growth of flower stalks. Do not change location during budding period

Oh, and our flower growers love all kinds of wonders! They breathe especially unevenly towards tropical plants. And no wonder, their flowers are original, bright, and the foliage also often attracts attention. But not everyone will dance with a tambourine around an exotic pet.

And then it begins... Why doesn’t the orchid bloom, but only leaves grow? How to make an orchid produce a flower stalk? What to do if the orchid does not bloom? And a bunch of other similar questions.

You can answer everything: proper care is the key to success. But let's look at all the reasons in detail.

Water, water, water all around...

Improper watering is the main reason why an orchid does not bloom and only leaves grow. Few people, when buying a beauty in a store, bother to read the care information. Tropics means damp. And every day they swell into the pot a large number of liquids. It turns out there are 2 options for the development of events:

  1. In a pot good drainage, And excess liquid flows safely through the holes into the pan. At the same time, it does not have time to wet the soil. It turns out that there was no watering as such. It's good if the plant is healthy. It will be able to exist for a long time tantalum torment. But there will be no flowering.
  2. Drainage holes are clogged with soil and roots. It turns out to be a swamp. This is where the unfortunate orchid will survive for the time being. Then the roots will safely rot and the plant will die.

How to water an orchid so that it blooms? Only by immersion method. It is useless to do this from above. Place the pot in a large container, pour water to the middle. They forget for 10-12 minutes. Then add liquid almost to the very top. And again they wait about 11-13 minutes. After the procedure, the container with the orchid is placed on a stand to drain excess water.

Now the plant can be returned to its usual habitat and wait for flowering. This watering procedure saturates the substrate quite well. There will be enough moisture for about 10-14 days. Then they repeat everything.

Advice. Focus on the color of the roots. A light green tint indicates sufficient fluid. Silver-white signals - it's time to give the beauty a drink.

The light from your window...

There is an opinion that tropical plants are very supportive of shade. Allegedly, they live calmly and develop well under the dense canopy of trees. This means that at home, a semi-dark place in the back of the room is quite suitable for them. Thanks to such conditions, more than one beautiful woman was killed. And you don’t even have to think about flowering.

Where to place an orchid so that it blooms? On the windowsill, of course! It is there that she will have enough lighting for normal height and development. After all, in natural conditions, tropics grow on the bark of trees in order to rise higher towards the sun.

Therefore, the room should be light. Don't have such a window sill? Immediately purchase a special lamp for additional illumination. Otherwise you will never see flowers.

Owners of southern and western window sills have a different problem. The harsh Russian summer often surprises. And the direct rays of the sun burn great sheet plates. But you shouldn’t drag the orchid pot to another window. It is enough to make a scattering screen. It can be white paper, thick tulle or even a piece of light fabric. There will be plenty of light, but it will not burn the tender leaves. Flowering will occur fairly quickly and will last a long time.

The earth in the porthole...

The wrong composition of the soil will not help your orchid produce a flower stalk. It might even get in the way. Some beginners are very afraid to replant a plant after purchasing it, especially if it is blooming. But the composition of the transport soil is designed for the normal existence of a tropical plant for about 3 months. In addition, it is stuffed with chemicals and stimulants.

Immediately after flowering, the orchid needs to be transplanted into a suitable substrate. You can buy it in the store, or you can assemble it yourself:

  • deciduous tree bark chips
  • small pieces of coal
  • good fat humus
  • high peat
  • coarse sand

All this is taken in equal quantities, then mixed thoroughly. This composition is ideal for planting orchids at home. After transplantation, no more than six months will pass before it blooms again. The plant will just need some time to acclimatize and grow new roots.

Advice. Use clear pots with plenty of drainage holes. An orchid blooms only when it is root system receives sufficient light and air. And it will be easier for you to control the condition of the roots.

Oh, my box is full!

Regular feeding very actively stimulates the maturation of flower stalks. And most gardeners simply ignore this rule. They believe that the orchid has enough microelements that are in the soil. This is a great misconception.

In natural natural conditions the plant feeds on those minerals that settle on its aerial roots in the form of dust. Plus very fatty, but loose perennial humus in the cracks of the bark. Are you able to provide her with such conditions? No. So, go to the store for some fertilizer.

  • The words “for orchids” on a bag or box
  • Mandatory presence of phosphorus and potassium in the composition.
  • Minimum nitrogen.
  • Competent instructions for use with precise dosage and frequency of treatments.
  • Precautionary measures and hazard class.

After purchasing, you go home and reread everything again. And you begin to slowly feed your orchid. How often to fertilize? About once every 9-10 days, but with a dose reduced by half. Because an excess of microelements is just as destructive as their deficiency.

Advice. Try using tablet forms of fertilizer. Then there will be no need to accurately measure the dose, and the orchid itself will take as much food as it now needs.

Years don't matter to us...

Some gardeners buy young orchids and bring them home. They create there ideal conditions and are waiting for a miracle. But it doesn't happen. Why? Yes, because plants do not bloom until they reach a certain age.

When do orchids start blooming? It all depends on the variety. Before purchasing, take the time to find out all the features of the plant. And especially its age at the time of purchase. A normal adult well-developed orchid is ready to please its owners with flowers if it has at least 5 leaves.

In general, it is generally accepted that peduncles up to the 5th leaf must be removed. They greatly weaken the young seedling. But then, when the orchid reaches full strength and adulthood, it will bloom regularly and for a long time.

By the way, they say that for every new leaf the plant should produce one new peduncle. Nonsense. It doesn't owe anyone anything. It is the owners who must competently care for the orchid and create all the conditions for good growth and development. Then she will deign to give them her magnificent flowers.

Squad of my crazy thoughts...

Indeed, if an orchid refuses to bloom for a very long time, then the most crazy thoughts creep in. And the majority leads to the fact that the owner intends to fight with the plant! Only in the most dishonest way. What the “couch warriors” don’t recommend. There are garlic cloves stuffed into a pot. And pieces of ice laid out on the surface of the ground. And even overnight storage at a temperature of +10-12°C.

Sorry, but not every plant can withstand such torment. There’s no time for flowers here; I wouldn’t be able to peel back the last leaves myself.

Instead of war and bullying (there is no other word for such advice), it is better to give the Tropican a gentle shake-up. But not in the literal sense of shaking the pot, but figuratively. That is, create such conditions that the orchid is simply forced to bloom. Just be careful, don't overdo it. Otherwise, instead of admiring the charming butterflies bright colors, you will have to put the beauty in the infirmary and take a long time to treat the excessive consequences of the experiment.

How to give an orchid the right stress so that it blooms? This must be done correctly:

  • Water the orchid according to the principle - the soil has dried out plus another 5 days.
  • Hang the phytolamp at a height of approximately 37-39 cm.
  • Stop fertilizing, spraying and other care.
  • Once a week, sprinkle a weak solution of any biostimulant (zircon, epin, aloe juice) onto the leaves.
After about two months of such artificial stress, the orchid produces a peduncle. All this time it is very important to carefully monitor the condition of the pet. If it feels good, the leaves remain juicy, elastic and dense, then with the appearance of the arrow, the orchid’s living conditions are improved, gradually returning to the usual ones.

If even the slightest signs of oppression appear, or appearance the above-ground part shows dissatisfaction with the new regime, then immediately stop the execution. It is possible that your orchid is not yet ready for such stress. Try repeating the procedure after 3 months. Naturally, care should remain high level. During this time, the plant will become somewhat stronger and gain strength. And in the end it will show you and the world its peduncle.

Why doesn't the orchid bloom, but only leaves grow? Now you can consult anyone yourself on this issue. Just don’t forget that it’s not enough just to be aware. It is also necessary to competently apply knowledge in practice. Then this lovely tropical beauty will delight you for a long time with its fabulous butterfly flowers.

Video: how to get orchids to bloom

Orchid, a gentle beauty, but her favor must be earned. Why doesn’t an orchid bloom at home and how to create tropics in a separate apartment? The issues are difficult, but solvable. Otherwise, why does my neighbor’s orchid bloom for six months? This means you need to love the stubborn person and understand her.

Analysis of orchid keeping conditions

When buying a flower, you need to ask a specialist for an explanation of what variety it is and the characteristics of its cultivation. , which tolerates light shading well. But there are orchids for which a south window is suitable, and even summer heat is tolerated well by them. An orchid does not bloom if the conditions of its maintenance are violated.

Next to the orchid you should always place a saucer with boiled water. Place a clove of garlic into the substrate.

If the flower was purchased in a store, and it was already blooming, and the arrow turned yellow, then the rest period can last up to a year. If the plant is grown from children, then it will take more than two years to wait for the first flowering. By this time, the root system will gain strength and the orchid will produce 5-6 leaves. Early flowering will weaken the beauty.

Why doesn’t an orchid bloom at home after transplantation? When should we expect the first arrow? The transplanted plant initially builds up its root mass within six months. Afterwards, aerial roots develop and leaves grow. Flower buds are formed in the axils. Initial period The development of the plant in favorable conditions contributes to the laying of a larger number of flower stalks.

Let us remind you how to properly maintain an orchid:

  1. The roots are well developed, green, some of them are located on the walls of the transparent pot, some are at the top, absorbing moisture from the air.
  2. The substrate does not contain fresh bark, sawdust or manure.
  3. It is better to keep the lighting diffused.
  4. The difference in day and night temperatures when planting flower stalks should be at least 5 degrees.
  5. Nitrogen-depleted fertilizing once every 10 days before shoot release.

The conditions for the formation of flower buds are listed, but the biological requirements for buds must be observed.

What to do if the orchid does not bloom or develop well? It will be necessary to provoke the release of the arrow. The aerial root and the arrow look the same at first. But the tip of the arrow is rounded, and at the root it is sharp, as in the photo.

How to make an orchid bloom

An orchid is a plant of the tropics that does not know what winter and summer are. But it distinguishes between the season of warm tropical rains and drought. Climate change can trigger flowering. The condition for stressful actions is the health of the plant. A weakened flower can be destroyed.

The use of stimulants in the form of Epin, succinic acid, daily morning spraying on the aboveground part and weekly watering with the addition of the drug can add energy, and the plant will shoot out an arrow.

If you water orchids from above, the water is filtered and removes excess salts. At the same time as water, oxygen is delivered to the roots.

Why doesn't the orchid bloom, but the leaves grow? This means that the diet was given excess nitrogen. A well-managed dry season can help. In a month or two, flower buds will appear if you create a lack of moisture, but the temperature should not exceed 30 0 C:

  1. Increase the time for keeping the roots dry between waterings to 4 days in warm conditions, up to a week if the room is cool.
  2. Do not spray, fertilize, fight like that!
  3. A peduncle will appear and resume, just avoid fertilizing watering.
  4. Organize correct lighting, in winter, additional lighting at a distance of no higher than 40 cm from the top of the head.
  5. If the “drought” is carried out correctly, the peduncle will grow and the lower leaves will become softer than usual.

What to do to make an orchid bloom after the “rainy season”? We use it for water procedures only water heated to 35 degrees. You can encourage an orchid to bloom in different ways.

Water for 3-4 days in a row, then allow the plant to dry out for two weeks. After this, care is carried out as usual.

Three times a day for a week from a spray bottle with warm water with Epin or succinic acid in a week.

In a warm, steamy room, water the plant from the shower with water at 35 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Let the bathroom cool down along with the flower so that the steamed plant does not catch a cold.

You can only use one of the methods to accelerate flowering.

The question of why an orchid does not bloom at home may have an unexpected answer. You smoke, but the flower cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Do you always have a bowl of fruit on your table? But the flower does not like the ethylene released by ripening fruits. When harvesting, do they move the flower from place to place? Can't wait to bloom. When purchasing a flower, you need to notice how it stood and, if possible, maintain your orientation.

On the windowsill of a city apartment it is difficult to create the conditions necessary for the regular and long-term flowering of tropical orchids. Dry air, improper watering or excess fertilizer lead to the fact that the fastidious phalaenopsis refuses to bloom and grow. To understand why an orchid does not bloom, analyze possible reasons Not proper care, correct errors in a timely manner.

Possible mistakes of flower growers

The question of why orchids do not bloom is asked by beginners and experienced flower growers. First of all, you need to carefully examine the plant, check whether the root or fleshy stem has rotted. You should be wary if the leaves begin to turn yellow and become covered with brown spots. These signs indicate decay due to proper watering. Also causes of damage are bright sun rays, extreme cold at home, excess fertilizer or soil in the pot.

Lack of lighting

Lack of natural light leads to the fact that the plant does not bloom or drops its buds. Often this situation occurs if the pot is on a northern, northwestern window sill. On the dark side, the lighting is dim, insufficient for flowering even on long summer days. Shade-loving varieties include Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis; other hybrids require more light.

Cattleya, Oncidium or Dendrobium, in addition to natural sunlight, require additional lighting with special electric lamps. Moreover, in the summer they are grown in the garden, on the balcony. To flower, these hybrids need Fresh air. Leaves and blooming flowers are protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the plant will get burned. On a bright sunny day, it is recommended to slightly shade the window with a translucent curtain, creating diffused light in the room.

If the leaves have acquired a light green color, the flower is removed from a place that is too light for it. If they become dark, the pot is moved to sunny side, transferred to the southern windowsill.

Drying or rotting roots

If the flowers of an orchid fall off or it does not bloom, the cause is drying out roots. Not only the root receives moisture, but also the aerial shoots. They should be periodically sprayed with settled water. It is sometimes necessary to replant the flower, changing the old substrate. Weak roots will not allow the plant to release flower stalks or gain strength to fully open the buds.

Another reason is excess moisture. If you water the substrate every other day or even a couple of times a week, the roots will rot. Watering is carried out regularly, but moderately. There should be no water remaining in the pan. It is important to monitor the moisture content of the soil mixture during the winter dormancy period. It is not difficult to understand that leaves and pseudobulbs have enough moisture. Over time, they increase in size, and each leaf remains green, shiny, dense.

Weak shoots

Florists distinguish 2 types of orchids: monopodial and sympodial. Monopodials (Vanda, Phalaenopsis) are distinguished by one central stem, from which elongated leaves grow on both sides. In a year, 2 leaves of the same size usually grow, the next ones grow from the base below. For such plants to bloom, new leaves must appear regularly.

Sympodial varieties produce 2-3 peduncles at once. The stem-like shoots are called pseudobulbs. They grow in summer, requiring moderate watering, good lighting and fertilizer. If the shoots are weak, the pseudobulbs will not be able to produce several flower stalks.

Wrong season

Often a peduncle does not form due to the fact that the plant is not suitable temperature regime or room humidity. Each variety begins flowering at a certain time of the year, following its biological cycle. Most orchids bloom not in summer, but in autumn or winter, less often in spring. Flower shops They use special forcing, so a recently purchased flower at home can quickly wither and shed its buds and leaves.

In summer, the stem and pseudobulbs grow, gaining strength for the subsequent release of the peduncle. Young plant forms flowers only 6-7 months after transplantation. During this time, new roots are formed. Until 5-6 new leaves have appeared, you should not dream of blooming buds.

In order for the blossoming flowers to please the gardener with abundant blooms 2 times a year, you need to buy Oncidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya. The beautifully blooming Phalaenopsis blooms only once a year, but its buds do not fall off for 3-4 months. After this, dormancy sets in, requiring reduced watering and lighting.

Lack of fertilizers

Tropical orchids wither and stop blooming due to lack or excess of fertilizers. Under natural conditions, nutrients are supplied through the roots from the natural substrate, but at home you have to add concentrate from a bottle and dilute the granules with water. Incorrect application of fertilizers according to the calendar or once a week will result in the plant not blooming. Only leaves and roots will grow.

You can feed a flower only from the moment the peduncle appears until the first flower begins to open. After this, it is forbidden to fertilize the substrate, otherwise all the flowers will fall off before they have even opened.

In addition to these reasons, temperature changes in the room and the characteristics of each variety are taken into account. The Dendrobium species appears dried out and sheds its leaves before the flowering phase begins. When the phase ends, the stem again pleases the eye with lush greenery.

If an orchid does not bloom, recommendations from experienced amateur flower growers will tell you what to do. Sometimes it is enough just to rearrange the pot, increase the humidity in the room to achieve abundant flowering buds of your favorite phalaenopsis.

How to make an orchid bloom

Lovers indoor floriculture people often wonder what to do if an orchid does not bloom with careful watering and good lighting. Every novice florist is not immune from possible errors, so it’s better to study all the rules of care in advance. Once the cause is identified, it is much easier to solve. To achieve abundant flowering at home, you will need to change watering, replant, move the pot to another window, or apply fertilizer.

How to care for a plant

Proper care of orchids depends on many factors. If these indoor flowers receive enough light, warmth, and nutrition, they delight their owners with beautiful buds for 2-3 months. However, there are some nuances of temperature and watering.

The natural habitat of phalaenopsis is tropical forests, in which prolonged drought is replaced by periods of prolonged rainfall. These natural changes stimulate long-term flowering, sometimes lasting up to 5-6 months. It is difficult to create such conditions at home, but still possible.

Care rules:

    The plant needs regular replanting with changing the root substrate. The soil should consist of charcoal, pine or spruce bark, moss, tree chips. There is no need to add peat, humus or sand to the mixture. It is recommended to replant the flower in a translucent narrow pot with a shallow tray. Phalaenopsis receives some of its nutrients through aerial roots in the light, so clay or ceramic pots are not suitable.

    The temperature of the house should not change much during the day, especially in autumn and winter. Strong temperature changes will cause the buds to quickly fade and be small and inconspicuous.

    Cannot be placed indoor flower into the shade, but bright rays are contraindicated for leaves. The best option there will be partial shade on the south or east window, shading of plants on open place in the garden.

    Flood upper layer substrate or socket is not allowed, this will cause rotting of the root system. Root damage is indicated by yellowing leaves, slower growth, and the appearance of brown spots at the base of the stem.

    The soil must be moistened correctly. A pot with holes in the bottom is placed in a container with lukewarm water and left to absorb the water for 15-20 minutes. The excess then drips off when the pot is lifted. The result of proper watering is to give the root a light green color.

    Fertilizer application is allowed only during leaf growth. When a bud of a future peduncle appears, you need to stop watering with a nitrogen solution. It is recommended to choose fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. If fertilizer is applied in excess, flowers will not appear.

    Lighting must be maintained for 8-9 hours a day. In the morning before dawn and late in the evening, you need to turn on artificially colored lamps for a couple of hours. Only in such conditions will flowers bloom annually.

How to provoke flowering

If phalaenopsis does not want to bloom for more than a year, there is no need to be upset. You can independently provoke the forcing of a peduncle at home in several ways. Experienced gardeners use such methods if an orchid with a healthy root system and a developed leaf rosette does not bloom for a long time. The plant must be forced to bloom late autumn or in winter, when his dormant period is over.

Effective ways:

A sharp drop in temperature. For 2-3 weeks, the room temperature should be maintained at 14-15 degrees instead of the usual 18-20. Such a cooling of 2-4 degrees will provoke subsequent flowering. It is recommended to take the pot to a cooler room, put it in a bathtub, or a closet with artificial lighting.

Creating arid desert conditions. For about 10-12 days, the substrate cannot be watered, simulating drought. Such deterioration of conditions will give impetus to subsequent flowering, especially if you then remove the plant to a cool room. Before doing this, you should check the condition of the leaves and make sure the integrity of the root system.

Improved lighting. Even in summer, natural sunlight is not enough to set buds and force flower stalks. You need to purchase halogen or fluorescent lamps, secure them on tripods or with clothespins. Conventional light bulbs get very hot and are not suitable for this purpose. The lamps should be turned on for 10-14 hours. 2 40 Watt bulbs are enough to provide the plants with light to force buds.

Hot shower for an orchid. Such a shock shake will force the plant to gain color, but 2 conditions must be met. The water should not be too hot, permissible temperature: 35-40 degrees. After dousing, water should not stagnate in the outlet or tray of the pot. Heavy overwatering will cause root rot.

If you follow the rules of care, watering and lighting, the orchid will delight you with its beautiful bright flowers for 2-3 months. The main thing is not to overwater the flower, apply the required amount of fertilizer, observe the temperature regime, requirements for humidity and replanting. Methods that limit watering and lower the room temperature will help provoke flowering.

Let's look at the main reasons why an orchid does not send out a flower stalk; they depend on what variety lives in your apartment. The flowering of beautiful plants is always a joyful event for any housewife. But often new orchid lovers make mistakes when growing their flowers. Ignorance of the rules for caring for a specific type of tropical plant leads to a lack of flowering. What is good for phalaenopsis and dendrobium will be irrelevant for vanda, cymbidium, and cattleya. First of all, orchids are divided into sympoidal and monopoidal. The latter have only one growth point, the bush does not divide, it has no dormant period: vandas, phalaenopsis, ascocendes. sympoidal ones need a period of rest, which should be properly ensured.

Main reasons

Some require a difference in temperature between night and day, others are heat-loving, others love coolness, and the orchid does not send out a flower stalk if the conditions for another variety are met. There are plants from the tropics that are less demanding of light and humidity: phalaenopsis, dendrobium, as well as those that require long-term daily lighting: cymbidium, paphiopedilum, cattleya.


When planting buds, even the most moisture-loving exotics are afraid of waterlogging. Otherwise, future inflorescences may turn yellow and crumble. While there is no stem yet, humidity plays a big role. Then it may be a little less. For vandas to flower, an air humidity of 70-80% during the day and 60% at night is required. Due to the absence of this factor, the orchid does not produce a peduncle, but dendrobiums and phalaenopsis are less susceptible, 30-40% is enough for them, 40-50% for cattleyas. Humidity decreases when the room temperature decreases, otherwise the flower may get sick or become hypothermic.


Phalaenopsis and dendrobiums require 8-10 hours of light daily; this can be achieved by moving the flower to a brighter window in winter. But cymbidium (12 hours), vanda (14 hours), paphiopedilum (14 hours), cattleya (12 hours) cannot fully exist without additional lighting. To do this, purchase phytolamps by constructing racks. Lack of light affects the lack of buds.


As soon as the last new leaf of the phalaenopsis orchid emerges, expect a flower stalk to follow soon. They are usually released by plants after the growing season ends. You should immediately reduce watering slightly. This is most important for sympoids: cattleyas, paphiopedilums, cymbidiums, cambrians. After the development of new bulbs, watering stops completely. Now there is peace, they are waiting for the covers and flower stalks to develop. Until they bloom, the flower is moistened only by spraying. This reduction in watering is necessary during the plant's resting period for subsequent flowering.


If you don’t understand what to do when an orchid does not produce a peduncle, pay attention to the air temperature. Heat-loving phalaenopsis blooms at a temperature of 16-24 degrees. Dendrobium – 14-26 degrees. Cattleya, cymbidium, paphiopedilum, and vanda require differences in night and day temperatures by 5-10 degrees in order to create some stress to stimulate the appearance of flower stalks. Without it tropical beauty deprived of flowering. Such changes are necessary during the laying of cases with buds after the growing season. For cattleya, for example, from the end of April until June. This is ensured by moving to a balcony, loggia, or street. How do you understand what to do when an orchid has not produced a peduncle for a year or more? Provide a little stress: reduce watering, temperature changes, and in a month you will see buds!

Thanks to the efforts of breeders and the skills of gardeners, a modern apartment often turns into a kind of greenhouse with various types tropical plants and flowers. Recently, the fashion has taken root among indoor gardeners to grow phalaenopsis orchids at home. These are unpretentious crops that, with proper care, allow you to create literally blooming bouquets all year round. And against the backdrop of all this, questions are constantly asked about why the phalaenopsis orchid does not bloom and how to make the plant bloom its amazing flowers in the form of an exotic butterfly. Let's try to figure out what to do if an orchid does not bloom for a long time, throughout the year. Perhaps the answer will be given in the material itself. If you do not find the information you need or you special case- ask your questions in the comment form.

How and when does the phalaenopsis orchid bloom?

So, first we need to understand one botanical feature of the development of our tropical guest. When does a phalaenopsis orchid bloom - the answer to this question hides the accompanying answers to all possible questions of inexperienced gardeners regarding why the orchid does not bloom for a long time. So, the phalaenopsis orchid blooms for the first time no earlier than 2 years from the moment of its planting. Therefore, if a flower is planted with the help of a child, then you should wait for at least 6 full-fledged leaves to form and then sound the alarm.

Immediately after planting, the plant begins to build up its root mass. Depending on planting conditions, this may take at least 6 months. And only after this the development of aerial roots and leaf mass begins. This is a very important time, since flower buds of future flower stalks are laid in the axils of new leaves. Therefore, as soon as the tops of new leaves begin to appear, you should begin actively feeding with mineral complexes. But be careful. It is best to exclude nitrogen from fertilizers or buy formulations where it is contained in the lowest ratio. Phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are needed to lay future flower stalks.

Another important point, which addresses the question of when orchids bloom. This tropical plant has no concept of changing seasons. In principle, it does not know that here, in our latitudes, there is winter and the time has come to shed the leaves and stop flowering. The phalaenopsis orchid is not particularly sensitive to the length of daylight hours, since under natural conditions it grows under the cover of dense foliage. tropical forest. Therefore, the phalaenopsis orchid can bloom without interruption for up to 10 - 11 months. The time when it throws out a peduncle depends entirely on the skill and experience of the grower.

If the orchid does not bloom: what to do, what to do?

Everything written above sounds attractive, doesn't it? But, as they say, “it was smooth on paper, but we encountered ravines.” So it is in floriculture. It's nice to read advice and look at colorful pictures on the pages of portals flowering plants. But it’s worth listening to the advice and understanding for yourself what to do if orchids don’t bloom for a year or even longer. This situation is no longer normal and signals that something is wrong with your beauty. But what exactly is worth figuring out.

First, remember that in order for orchids to bloom, they need to create the appropriate conditions:

  • the root system must be able to provide complete photosynthesis; for this, part of the roots must be above the pot to absorb excess lag from the surrounding air, and the lower roots are placed on the sides of a special substrate in a transparent plastic or glass pot;
  • the soil should not contain fresh sawdust, fresh bark or, God forbid, fresh manure - all these substances make it impossible to plant and release a peduncle;
  • lighting should be diffused - under direct sun rays the root system dies and dries out;
  • the ambient temperature should have a daily difference of 5 degrees Celsius - at night it is necessary to move the pot with the plant to a cooler place (in winter you can get out of this position by moving the orchid to the radiator central heating and away from it, but constant spraying with warm water is necessary);
  • fertilizing should be carried out at least once every 10 days.

Everything seems to be done, but the orchid still doesn’t bloom: what to do in this case? You may need to apply some tricks that professional flower growers use. We'll talk about this further. In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt to learn about...

Secret tricks on how to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom

There are several professional techniques that can stimulate the flowering of any ornamental plant. First of all, spraying with a growth stimulator is carried out. This could be Epin or any other proven drug. Spraying is carried out in the morning every day. Once a week, watering is carried out with the addition of 3 - 5 drops of “Epin” per glass of water.
The second technique is to imitate drought, which often occurs in the natural growing conditions of an orchid. In this way, you can make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom even if the plant has frankly become “fat” with abundant nitrogen fertilizing. If the root system is depleted and there is no dense foliage turgor, this technique should never be used. The plant will die.
A similar technique is imitation of the rainy season. Just keep in mind that the temperature of the water in which the pot is immersed must be at least 35 degrees Celsius. Watering should be carried out for 3 - 4 days in a row, and after that, stop the water supply for 2 weeks and then start watering again as usual.

Another way to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom is to regularly spray the foliage with warm water from a spray bottle. It is advisable to add a growth stimulator to this water. It should be sprayed at least 3 times a day. Only in this case will the desired effect be obtained.

Try to arrange warm shower: first you need to let steam in the bathroom, then bring the orchid in there and start pouring water from the shower abundantly with water at a temperature of about 35 degrees Celsius. This technique awakens flower buds and stimulates the growth of the root system. Watering takes approximately 15 - 20 minutes. After this, leave the flower in the bath until the air temperature stabilizes. Do not immediately place it in a draft - the orchid may get sick.

These are all the basic secret tricks on how to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom. If you know anything else, write about it in the comments. Your knowledge will definitely be useful to someone.