What does a broken heart flower look like? Broken heart (flower): planting and care, photo. When and for how long does a herbaceous plant bloom?

Exotic dicentra is very popular with many gardeners due to its spectacular appearance, unusual shape, as well as its subtle and delicate aroma. As a representative of herbaceous perennial plants, this heart-shaped flower is characterized by unpretentiousness and ease of care. In nature, there are more than two dozen varieties of dicentra, but only ten of them are cultivated. This unusual plant came to Europe from Japan in early XIX centuries. It is widespread in the Far East, North America, China and the Korean Peninsula.

Features of growing dicentra as a garden crop

Dicentra is rightfully one of the most popular and beautiful ornamental plants for the garden plot. It can grow with equal success both in dark areas near trees and in well-lit areas. Despite the fact that this is a representative of the exotic plant world, it is not at all difficult to care for. Having familiarized yourself with all the rules and recommendations, even a novice gardener can cope with this task without any problems.

Residents of Europe have been well acquainted with the dicentra since 1816. IN different countries this decorative flower is called differently: in France “Jeanette’s heart”, in Germany “heart flower”, and in Great Britain “lady in the bath”. Other names are also often found - “broken heart”, “crying heart”, “lyre flower”, “locks and keys”, “heart flower”, “double spur”, etc.

Role in landscape design and photos of application examples

Dicentra has become one of the favorites among plants used for landscape design thanks to its beauty and unpretentiousness. This herbaceous plant for open ground. It looks very impressive both in group and single plantings.

Dicentra in the garden goes well with conifers and tall crops A good solution would be to plant dicentra on a multi-level border flower bed. The Alpine slide looks original and fresh with a dicenter Ideally matched shades of dicenters in a wall flower bed

One of the most popular methods of using dicenters is arranging beautiful alpine slides, where she plays a leading role.

Dicentra fits perfectly with plants coniferous species, as well as with any tall seedlings. It can be successfully used to decorate flower beds, mixborders, as well as traditional flower beds.

What is the best way to plant - in open ground or in a tub?

Different varieties of dicentra have growing characteristics. Most species feel excellent when planted in open ground. However, some varieties are suitable for breeding in room conditions- therefore, tubs are used for these purposes.

In any case, the planting site must be selected in advance, focusing on the type and quality of the soil - it must be fertile and well-drained.

Planting should be done in the spring. Therefore, the previous fall, it is necessary to dig up the soil in the selected planting site and apply high-quality mineral fertilizer. Due to the fact that dicentra is characterized by a developed root system, the diameter and depth of the planting hole must reach at least one meter. The roots of the plant are sensitive to excess moisture in the soil, so drainage will be required.

When and for how long does a herbaceous plant bloom?

Different varieties have different flowering periods. Dicentra the Magnificent delights the eye with its flowers literally from the first days of May to mid-June. Dicentra Beautiful begins to bloom in early summer and ends in autumn. After the plants fade, their above-ground part remains in a state of hibernation until the next spring. True, in some cases, re-blooming is observed in August, which continues until the end of September.

The Spectabilis variety with its luxurious inflorescences is very thermophilic.

What climate is this flower suitable for?

Dicentra, being a heat-loving plant, prefers a subtropical climate. It also does well in temperate climates, but can only be grown as an annual plant.

Description and photos of popular varieties

There are several cultivated varieties that differ in color, shape, flowering periods, as well as some other parameters.


The most common variety with tall inflorescences

It is the most common variety, which is characterized by heart-shaped pink flowers, complemented by a white “droplet” and collected in brushes. This plant variety reaches a height of one meter in shady areas and 30 centimeters in sunny areas. Its flowering period is short - from May to June. The outer and back sides of the leaves have different shades.

Magnificent is the most capricious variety. It needs regular, but not too abundant watering. And when high level groundwater the flower will feel unwell.


This variety has bright red flowers and low-growing bushes

This variety is characterized by a pronounced red hue with an attractive white center. In appearance, Valentina’s bush is very compact and neat. This flower does equally well in shady areas. Caring for it involves regular watering and periodic fertilizing.

Spectabilis prefers shady areas of the garden

Spectabilis is another name for Dicentra splendid. This plant is native to China, Korea and Manchuria. Spectabilis grows best in moist and nutritious soils in semi-shaded areas. Summer drought and the presence of nearby groundwater are detrimental to this plant.


Dicentra Beautiful comes from America, it blooms all summer

A very delicate and beautiful plant with flowers of a pleasant lavender hue. North America became the birthplace of Dicentra Beautiful. The height of the bush usually reaches no more than 60 cm. It blooms throughout the whole summer until mid-autumn - from June to September. The flowers have a very refined and graceful, slightly elongated shape.

landscape designers love these white flowers, which fit harmoniously into alpine slides

Alba is one of the varieties of Dicentra Magnificent, which is impressively distinguished by its snow-white flowers that densely cover the bush. Average plant height is 100 cm. Period spring bloom- from May to June.

Aurora - a low-growing variety with a height of 25 cm

Aurora is a type of dicentra beautiful. The height of the bush reaches approximately 25–30 cm. The flowers have a characteristic heart-shaped shape and are white in color. This plant is unpretentious to soil quality, so both nutritious garden and poor sandy varieties are suitable for it. The flowering period lasts from late May to July.

Variety with large snow-white inflorescences

White dicentra is recognized as one of the most luxurious and solemn varieties of this ornamental plant. Its leaves are quite large, and delicate white flowers are collected in graceful racemes.

Low-growing hybrid variety, looks great in border flower beds

The name of this variety literally translates as “flaming hearts” due to the rich red hue of the flowers and their curly shape, reminiscent of flames. It's a hybrid fast growing variety, which is ideal for growing both in open ground and in tubs. It reaches a height of 30 centimeters.

Heart of Gold has bright yellow foliage and is used in alpine slides

The Gold Heart variety, or Golden Heart, differs from all previous varieties in its pronounced golden-yellow hue of leaves. The flowers of this plant are flat-shaped and pink in color with a white center. Flowering begins at the end of May or in the first days of June - it lasts about 30 days.

This variety blooms in areas with moderately moist soils.

The Love Hearts variety is characterized by soft white figured flowers with a pronounced purple center. For planting dicentra love hearts, it is recommended to select sunny or shaded areas with light, nutritious and moderately moist soils.

The heart-shaped flowers determine the name of the variety.

Broken Heart is another popular name for Dicentra splendor, given to it because of the characteristic shape of the flowers.

The golden dose blooms before frost and requires shelter for the winter.

It differs from other varieties in its bright yellow flowers, which delight the eye the longest - from the beginning of June until the onset of the first frost. The height of the stem can reach two meters. One inflorescence contains up to 14 flowers. During the first three years after planting, the plant requires reliable shelter. winter period. In the future, this need will no longer exist.

Hybrid with carmine-pink flowers loves shady, damp places

Luxuriant is a hybrid dicentra variety characterized by an attractive carmine pink hue. The flowering period of the hybrid lasts from May to September. Optimal conditions for it are shady areas and nutritious, moist soil.

Early variety, begins to bloom in May

Pink dicentra is distinguished by the rich pink hue of its flowers. It grows on moderately moist soils. The flowering period lasts from May to July.

Reproduction methods

For planting dicentras, both seeds and root cuttings can be used. The method using seedlings is not used in this case.

Seeds are also not suitable for these purposes. Despite all its laboriousness, the method is not reliable enough. This is due to the fact that the dicentra itself produces a small number of seeds. Some of the plant varieties are not at all capable of producing seeds in temperate latitudes. Therefore, in order to ensure good seedlings, it is preferable to use the following methods:

  • division by rhizome;
  • propagation by cuttings;
  • indoor forcing;

Division by rhizome

In order to prevent diseases, you need to:

  1. sprinkle a sufficient amount of wood ash on top.
  2. After the shoots have taken root well, they should be transplanted to a permanent place - a flower garden or flowerbed. The optimal frequency of this procedure is once every five or six years.

Dicentra must be replanted in the spring. It is very important to choose a moment while the shoots are still dormant or have just begun to grow.

Planting and caring for a plant in open ground involves several successive steps:

  1. dig small holes in the ground (a distance of 35 cm must be maintained between them);
  2. plant three or four parts of rhizomes in each hole;
  3. fill the holes with planting material with a sufficient layer of soil and compact them well;
  4. pour with slightly warm water

Planting cuttings in spring

Propagation by cuttings should be carried out in spring. This requires:

Within a month, the cuttings will take root. However, they need to be planted in a permanent place only after a year.

Indoor forcing

Simple, effective and in a reliable way is indoor forcing:

  1. in August, dig up the rhizomes and transplant them into special flowerpots or pots;
  2. expose plants to light;
  3. fulfill regular watering to protect the soil from drying out.

If you choose a method using seeds, you need to sow in September. Optimal temperature for seed germination is 18–20⁰С.

Garden care from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

Proper care at various stages will ensure beauty and health.

How to grow and care during growth and flowering: watering, fertilizing, pruning

An important step in caring for any variety is proper watering. In this case, the volume of liquid used is determined by the amount of precipitation and air temperature. During the summer heat, subject to a long absence of precipitation, the plant will require more intensive watering than in other seasons. But in order to prevent rotting of the roots, the soil must be protected from excess moisture.

In a shady spot near the house, a broken heart grows best.

Being exotic flower, dicentra needs high-quality mineral fertilizer. The application of special complex fertilizers intended for flowering plants should be carried out along with watering 1–2 times throughout the season. Fertilizers with a significant nitrogen content have a beneficial effect on flowering plants.

In order to ensure proper growth and absence of diseases, it is necessary to promptly trim dried and wilted parts, yellowed leaves and stems.

Care after flowering. Does it hibernate and how to prepare for winter?

As soon as the flowering period ends, all stems must be carefully cut to the root.

After such pruning, the remaining small stumps should be covered with pine or spruce needles or covered with a 5–8 cm layer of peat. This procedure, called “mulching,” will help the plant to successfully overwinter. It is not recommended to make a thicker layer of cover, as this can lead to rotting of the rhizomes.

You can remove the shelter only after the onset of full spring. It is not recommended to do this in early spring, since night frosts can destroy the plant.

What problems do gardeners have with growing

Video about the features of dicentra and caring for it in the garden

Useful reviews about growing

Good day to all! This flower is not new to any gardener. This is already an old-timer in our flower beds and I have known him since childhood. Although my grandmother loved flowers, she called them all by popular names. So she called Ditsenra “Broken Heart.” This name still exists today and not many people know the botanical name of this beauty. I won’t describe much, there is plenty of information now, just some of my own own experience. What do you need to know if you decide to plant Dicenra? The very first thing is that this plant does not tolerate stagnant water and very wet soils. Its root is very fragile and watery, and with excess moisture in the soil it begins to rot during dormancy. And Dicentra has a lot of dormant periods, since this plant can be classified as a primrose. It blooms together with tulips, that is, very early, and by the beginning of summer it already goes into hibernation.


Today I want to talk about an unusual open ground flower called “Dyklitra” or “Dicentra”; it is also popularly called “Broken Heart” because the inflorescence of this extraordinary flower looks like a heart with a torn edge and an arrow stuck into it. The flower bush itself looks very fragile and delicate, does not grow high from 15 to 90 cm, depending on the type of flower. It belongs to the smoke family, native to North America; in nature there are only 19 species of this plant. By the way, it is known that the British call this flower “Bleeding Heart”. Diklitra has been growing in our front garden for several years, and every year it captivates with its beauty and unusualness.



I want to tell you about a flower that has the sad name “Broken Heart.” This is a perennial flower, grows up to a meter high, an excellent plant for the garden and personal plot. Not whimsical, it can be planted either near a tree or in an open clearing. Very beautiful flowers.. as if the heart is broken into two parts .. and bleeding ..



Dicentra is an amazingly beautiful plant with heart-shaped flowers. It will be an ideal garden decoration, taking its rightful place on an alpine hill or a large flower bed. Careful care will ensure the health and attractive appearance of lush and luxurious dicentra bushes.

The plant, which will be discussed below, dicenter— translated as “broken heart.” We are all accustomed to lush bushes roses, tall clumps of gladioli and even rows of marigolds and marigolds that are gorgeous but look traditional. Recently, more and more often you can find wonderful plants – dicentras – enlivening familiar country landscapes.
In early spring, the plant blooms its delicate flowers, and with heart-shaped buds it decorates the garden for half of the summer season. But for this it is necessary to correctly follow the rules for planting and caring for dicentra.
The plant belongs to the poppy species and blooms for a long time, starting in June and ending in August. Dicentra height is 15-40 cm, blooms with pink, purple, blue, peach flowers. It is a perennial, loves moisture and shaded places.

Broken heart or dicenter

These original flowering plants are rarely called dicentras, so it is more familiar by the name "broken heart", which comes from the flower's curious bud shape, which looks like little hearts.

The plant also has another name - double spur. The French, rich in legends, call the flower “Jeannette’s heart”, practical Germans - “heart flower”, inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and among Russian people the plant was called “broken heart”, characteristic of the favorite minor mode of our people.

Not all gardeners know that dicentra is not a European, but a Japanese plant that was brought to European countries in 1816. The beautiful appearance of the flower attracts attention due to its bright colors and interesting shape of the buds, and is a common inhabitant in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. The non-standard and exquisite dicentra is liked by many flower lovers, who gave its varieties “telling” names. They called the dicentra:

  1. Graceful;
  2. Beautiful;
  3. Magnificent;
  4. Excellent;
  5. Exceptional.

The choice of place for planting dicentra in flower beds and flower beds is influenced by its variety. The tall, magnificent dicentra is planted in the center of the composition, and for miniature stray or exceptional ones, places are allocated along the edges and along the borders.

How to prepare the soil for planting dicentra

The plant is not very capricious or picky. However, starting in the fall, in order to subsequently get better flowering, it is necessary to prepare the place for planting it - to properly cultivate the soil. Dicentra likes areas well lit by sunlight, and also likes to grow under the canopy of trees, in shaded areas, for this reason, setting up a flower garden will not be a difficult task.

In sunny areas, dicentra buds bloom a little earlier than in shaded areas.

When autumn comes, the flower bed chosen for planting dicenters is carefully dug up, and the digging depth should be 40 cm. Then the soil must be fertilized with humus, which is added about 3 kg per square meter of soil. In addition, it is necessary to carry out mineral feeding, which is a universal fertilizer for garden flowers, 15-20 grams of which must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Later, when the plant blooms, it is fed 3-4 more times per season so that it grows faster and blooms vigorously. After each watering (or rain), the soil near the dicentra bushes is loosened. This must be done as carefully as possible, since its roots are located almost on the surface of the earth.

Dicentras grow and bloom well in relatively light soil that allows moisture and air to pass through well. The plant does not take root in heavy and clayey soils, so they are improved with sand or peat, which prevent the roots from rotting. Some gardeners prepare a winter “pie”, which includes straw or reeds. They lay out straw in layers, alternating with layers of earth, in specially dug holes.

Methods of transplantation and propagation of dicentra

Dicentra reproduces in three traditional ways:

  1. Rhizome division;
  2. Ground sprouts;
  3. Seeds.

Since the plant produces few seeds, and some varieties, in particular the “Velikolepnaya” variety, do not have them at all, propagation by seeds is not advisable. In addition, growing seeds is also difficult, so the most optimal method of propagation is considered to be planting parts of rhizomes or shoots.

The optimal time for dividing plants is the end of summer - at this time above-ground shoots begin to die off. You should carefully dig up the roots, remove them from the soil and dry them, because their slightly sluggish state promotes elasticity and reduces the fragility of the roots.

After this, it is necessary to divide the rhizomes so that each part contains 3-4 buds capable of forming shoots. After this, each piece of root should be buried in the soil in dimly lit areas and watered generously with warm water. To protect the roots from pests, they are sprinkled with ash. When the root pieces take root, they are transplanted into flower beds and flower beds.

If an old bush of a plant is used for propagation, it is completely dug up, and then the rhizome is carefully disassembled into elements, dead pieces and thin shoots are removed.

Dicentra can be replanted in early spring. In this case, choose the time when the shoots either have not woken up or have just begun to grow. It is recommended to divide no more often and at least once every 5-6 years, since at this age the aging and death of plant roots begins.

Dicentra is planted in the following order:

  1. Dig shallow holes in the flowerbed. The distance between them depends on the size of the adult plant, and should be approximately 30-40 cm.
  2. Each hole is designed for 3-4 divisions - this way the dicenter will be more magnificent.
  3. The holes are filled with soil, which is slightly compacted.
  4. Warm water, heated by the sun, is poured over the top.

Propagation using ground cuttings is carried out in the spring. It is necessary to carefully rake the soil at the base of the bush, and then use a well-sharpened knife to cut off small parts of the plant that have the so-called “heel”. It is recommended to keep the cut cuttings in the stimulator for about a day so that roots appear faster, and then plant them in abundantly watered soil.

The top of the planted cuttings should be tightly covered with plastic wrap. The appearance of roots occurs after a month, but only after next year sprouts can be planted in their designated place in the flower bed.

In order for the beauty and originality of the dicentra to be noticed, plant it in flower pots, cache-pots or large ceramic flowerpots.

How to properly care for dicentra?

Proper cultivation of dicentra requires constant care, in which it is necessary to strictly observe lighting parameters, water the plants in a timely manner, weed and loosen the soil.

Plants bloom in sunny and shady areas, however, the degree of illumination affects the splendor and flowering period of the dicentra. Planted in open areas, the buds bloom faster and fade earlier, while the flower stalks are small and not lush. If you plant dicentra in a shaded area, it will slowly gain color, but the flowers themselves, with their brightness and large size, will delight you until mid-summer.

It is best to plant dicentra in sandy or rocky soil. The most successful places for its location may be a gentle slope along garden path lined with stones or bricks.

To create a drainage layer that is located below the upper fertile layer, you can use fine expanded clay, gravel or coarse river sand.

When caring for dicentra, follow the following advice from experienced gardeners:

  1. Feed plant roots with superphosphates. The first time is in the spring, and then 3-4 times during the season. The buds of the plant will be rich in color.
  2. Feed even a faded plant with nitrogen-containing fertilizers so that new buds form better.
  3. When the air temperature drops significantly, the plants are covered with any non-woven material.
  4. It is necessary to promptly remove faded buds in order to prolong the flowering of the plant.
  5. In autumn, the above-ground part of the plant should be removed, leaving 5 cm of stumps.

Pay special attention to the soil in which you plant the dicentra. If the soil is waterlogged, the plant's roots will rot, so try to place flower beds in raised areas. If you planted a plant in an area where the soil is regularly flooded, it is necessary to artificially raise the soil, as well as make a drainage layer and grooves to drain water.

If the air temperature is high, frequent and abundant watering of the dicentra is necessary. Its roots must not be allowed to dry out. To retain moisture and protect the plant from overheating, you can use peat or humus, placing it in a dense layer on the soil near the base of the flower.

The most common varieties of dicentra

There are some varieties of dicentra, the most common of which are the following:

Dicentra is magnificent- This plant is large and lush. Adult specimens are voluminous bushes covered with lacy foliage and strewn with flowering tassels. The most common colors are bright pink; more rarely, you can find the magnificent dicentra blooming with white flowers. White-flowered plants are shorter in stature, but they are just as lush and decorative.

To re-bloom the magnificent dicentra, which is possible at the end of summer, a small trick is used: when the plant fades, its brushes and flower stalks are carefully cut off.

Dicentra is beautiful is a 30 centimeter shrub that, when flowering, produces small but graceful flowers with flowers that range from soft white to bright purple. They bloom from early spring to late summer. Some varieties of this species have an unusual silvery color of the leaves, as if they were covered with a light fluff. Plants decorate borders and alpine slides.

The dicentra of this variety produces seeds because it blooms for a long time - until autumn, when the seed pods form.

Dicentra is exceptional- which is also called excellent. Plants of this variety are small in height - up to 25 cm. Their leaves are bluish-gray in color. Their shape resembles that of fern leaves, and the inflorescences are fragile, pink, purple or white. They bloom modestly, not profusely, for two months, and if the summer is cool, for the whole season.

Since the leaves of the exceptional dicentra are similar to the leaves of a fern, it effectively decorates alpine hills, rockeries or low coniferous plantings.

Dicentra curly(climbing) - appeared due to selective selection. It is an amazing plant, an annual, whose homeland is the Himalayas. The plant is not a usual bush, and looks like a vine, up to two meters long, on which beautiful yellow buds bloom.

It is difficult to grow such a plant, since the vines require special care and attention, as well as higher temperatures, since cold weather is contraindicated for them.

Dicentra vagabond It is small in size and has short roots. It does not grow more than 15-20 cm. It blooms with rare but large flowers of white, pink and red. The plant blooms later than its “relatives” - July-September. Suitable for temperate climates, it is not affected by cold weather.

The soil in which the plant is planted should not be too waterlogged. The soil should be sandy, gravelly or rocky. Therefore, dicentra vagrant is successfully used in decorating an alpine hill, scree or slope.

Dicentra is a universal plant that is perfect for single planting and for group flower gardens. Low varieties decorate lawns, alpine hills, rockeries and thickets of evergreen shrubs, and large varieties create lush multi-level flower beds around the house.

U unusual plant Dicentres have many popular names: broken heart, Žaneta's heart, Virgin Mary's slipper, bloody heart. This is because the flowers of this plant are shaped like hearts split in two. Legends associated with the flower speak of an unhappy but great love, personified by the dicentra.


Dicentra is a herbaceous perennial from the Dimyanaceae or Poppy family. In nature, the flower can be found in Asian countries (Japan, China, Korea), as well as in the USA and Canada. In our country, dicentra grows in forests in the Far East.


The plant is a herbaceous shrub, from 50 cm to a meter in height, there are varieties - lianas. The leaves are pinnate, strongly dissected into segments, from light green to dark green. Dicentra branches grow from the center of the bush, smoothly bending in a beautiful arc, on which large heart-shaped flowers are located. The color of the petals depends on the variety and can be red, pink, yellow, white, or pale blue. Inside the flower, a fruit-box with black seeds ripens.


Many varieties of “Broken Heart” have been developed that can be grown in the garden and at home.

  • Dicentra is great. A variety of garden plant, 50–60 cm high. The base of the bush is densely leafed with large, feathery, strongly dissected leaves. Flowers, 2.5 - 3 cm in size, densely cover the branch - peduncle. The flower is winter-hardy and unpretentious, suitable for cultivation even in the northern regions of our country.

  • The beautiful dicentra forms a bush 30 cm in height, with two-centimeter purple flowers. This variety is suitable for decorating rock gardens and the front tier of mixborders.

Having looked at the photo of the flower, you can be sure that the name “broken heart” was not given to it by chance.


Under natural conditions, dicentra grows on the edges of forests, under the shade of tree crowns. In an open sunny place it will be uncomfortable, the delicate petals will burn. In dense shade the plant feels good, but blooms poorly.

It is optimal for a flower to plant it next to large plants or openwork buildings so that light partial shade covers it during the day. It’s also not worth planting dicentra in the wind, the flower’s petals are too delicate.

At home, the dicentra is placed on north-eastern or eastern windows, shading during the midday hours.

The soil

Dicentra does not have any special requirements for soil. It is suitable for loose and fertile soils, without stagnant moisture. In low places where melt water stagnates, the flower is not planted.

When starting to plant dicentra, the soil is carefully dug up, removing all weed roots. For 1 sq. per meter of area, mineral fertilizer (superphosphate or ready-made mixture for flowers) is applied - 25 - 30 g, and well-rotted manure or compost - up to 5 kg.

If the soil contains a high percentage of clay, add sand, up to 7 - 8 kg per square. Drainage (expanded clay, crushed stone) is poured into the bottom of the planting hole. This will allow the water to drain away without stagnating in the root zone.


The crop needs regular watering, loosening the soil, and weeding. You can make this work easier by mulching the plantings with a layer of peat, tree bark or small pebbles. Mulch will prevent weed seeds from germinating, retain moisture in the soil, and protect the roots from overheating.

During the season, the “broken heart” is fed up to 5 times. Before flowering apply organic fertilizers(mullein infusion in a ratio of 1 to 10) or superphosphate 15 g per 1 sq. meter, during and after flowering - phosphorus-potassium. Fertilizing the plant is completed by August, so as not to provoke the bush to form new greenery.

After flowering, faded buds are removed from the bush so that it does not waste energy on producing seeds. In addition, drying flowers spoil the appearance of the dicentra.

In autumn (September - October), the above-ground part of the dicentra is cut to a height of 5 - 7 cm. The base of the bush is sprinkled with peat or sawdust to a height of 12 - 15 cm, covered with spruce branches or agro-fabric. When snow falls, you can throw a small snowdrift on top of the shelter. In spring, the insulation should be removed gradually, layer by layer, allowing the flower to get used to the fresh air.

Pests, diseases

A “broken heart” is rarely affected by disease, but you need to know why a flower can suffer. Dicentra can suffer from root and stem rot, ring spot and microplasma disease. Unfortunately, treatment of dicentra is not effective; diseased bushes are destroyed and the soil is disinfected with a formaldehyde solution.

It is better to prevent the occurrence of infection than to part with beautiful plants. To do this, follow all the rules for growing a flower, and the soil is spilled with antibacterial drugs before planting. Dicentra should not be flooded or planted too thickly, then the plants will be healthy.

You can plant low-growing varieties of “broken heart” in pots and admire the subtle beauty of the flower at home, on the balcony or terrace.

Blooming almost the entire summer season, “broken heart” is good in shady flower beds, among ferns,.

Large dicentra bushes look harmonious in single plantings. The shape of the bush is such that any neighbors seem superfluous.

Watch also the video

Curvy rose bushes, tall thickets of gladioli and even rows of marigolds and calendula near country houses look great, but quite traditional. Why not enliven the familiar landscape with such a wonderful plant as dicentra? From the earliest spring, the delicate flower will open its heart-shaped buds and will decorate your garden until mid-summer, if, of course, the rules for planting and caring for the dicentra are followed correctly.

Dicentra is a rarely used name; much more often we hear the more figurative version of “broken heart”. The flower received such a capacious name due to the curious shape of the buds, reminiscent of small hearts. Some people know this plant as double-spur, a literal translation of dis and kentron, meaning “double” and “spur.” Among the French, who are rich in legends, the flower received the name “Jeannette’s heart”, among the practical Germans - “heart flower”, among the inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and the Russian people dubbed it in their favorite minor key “broken heart”.

Although many consider this plant to be European, its homeland is Japan, from where it was brought to Europe only in 1816. Beautiful flower immediately attracted attention with its bright colors and interesting shape of buds, so it became a regular in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. Gardeners fell in love with the non-standard, exquisite dicentra so much that even the names of the varieties turned out to be “telling”: elegant, beautiful, magnificent, excellent, exceptional.

The place of the plant in a flower bed or flower garden is chosen depending on its variety. A tall, magnificent dicentra looks great in the center of the composition, miniature wandering or exceptional - along the edges or along the border

Although the plant is not capricious, for better flowering it is worth preparing the planting site and cultivating the soil in the fall. Dicentra feels great both in areas illuminated by the sun and in the shade of trees, so there should be no problems with setting up a flower garden. In shady areas, the buds bloom a little later.

In the fall, you need to carefully dig up the flowerbed chosen for planting to a depth of 40 cm and make it more fertile by adding humus (about 3 kg per m²). For mineral replenishment, a universal fertilizer for garden flowers is suitable in a volume of 15-20 g per 10 liters of water. In the future, when the plant gives color, it should be fed 3-4 more times - this guarantees fast growth and lush flowering. After rain or watering, the soil around the bushes should be loosened, but very carefully, since the roots of the plants are close to the surface.

For weeding and loosening the soil, it is better to use a tool that resembles a small pitchfork - the soil treatment will be gentle, and the fragile roots will not be damaged

The soil should be relatively light and allow moisture and air well. If the soil is heavy or clayey, it must be diluted with river sand or peat so as not to cause root rot. Many gardeners make a “pie” for the winter from dry straw or reeds, laying them out in layers and alternating them with soil in a specially dug hole.

The best methods of propagation and transplantation

There are three ways to propagate dicentra - by dividing the rhizome, above-ground shoots and seeds. We immediately dismiss the last path - the plant usually produces a small number of seeds, and some varieties (for example, “Magnificent”) in temperate latitudes do not produce them at all. Difficulties also arise with growing seeds, so the most optimal method of propagation is by planting parts of the rhizome or shoots.

It is better to divide the plant at the end of summer, when the above-ground shoots die off. The roots are very carefully dug up, removed from the soil and dried - in a slightly flaccid state they become more elastic and break less. Then the rhizomes are carefully divided into parts so that 3-4 buds remain on each segment for the formation of shoots. Pieces of root are buried in the ground in a dimly lit area and watered generously with warm water. To protect the cuts, you can sprinkle them with ash. When the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into a flower bed.

To divide an old bush, part of the plant is not suitable; you need to dig up the entire plant. The rhizome should be carefully disassembled into elements, removing dead fragments and thin shoots

Early spring is also suitable for transplanting dicentra. It is necessary to choose the moment when the shoots are still “sleeping” or have just begun to grow. It is better to divide once every 5-6 years, but not less often, as the roots begin to age and die.

The disembarkation order is as follows:

  • dig small holes in the flowerbed, the distance between which is 30-40 cm (the larger the adult plant, the greater the distance);
  • put 3-4 divisions in each hole - for splendor;
  • fill the holes with earth, tamp lightly;
  • pour water heated in the sun.

Propagation by ground cuttings is carried out in the spring. Carefully rake the soil at the base of the bush and cut it sharp knife small parts of the plant with a “heel”. Then the cuttings are kept in a stimulator for about a day for rapid emergence of roots and planted in well-watered soil, finally covering tightly greenhouse film. In about a month, roots will appear. Sprouts are planted in a permanent place of flowering only after a year.

If it is important to show the beauty and originality of the plant, it is necessary to plant it individually in flower pot, flowerpot or large ceramic flowerpot

Features of caring for this plant

Proper cultivation of dicentra involves constant care, during which it is necessary to monitor lighting, timely watering, weeding and loosening.

The plant blooms equally well in the shade and in the sun, but the splendor and timing of its flowering directly depend on the degree of illumination. In open areas, the buds bloom and fade early, and the flower stalks are not particularly large or lush. In shaded areas, color develops more slowly, but the “hearts” turn out bright, large and do not disappear until mid-summer.

Dicentra simply loves sandy and rocky soils. therefore, one of the best places for its location is gentle slopes along paths lined with stone or brick

For the installation of a drainage layer located under the upper fertile layer, fine expanded clay, as well as gravel or coarse river sand, are suitable

Some tips for caring for your dicentra:

  • The rich color of the buds is ensured if you feed the roots with superphosphate in the spring, and then apply 3-4 more feedings during the growth process.
  • Even after the plant has flowered, it is necessary to fertilize it with nitrogen for better formation of new buds.
  • During a strong drop in temperature, it is better to cover the plant using non-woven material.
  • Faded brushes must be removed in time, then the flowering period of other branches will be extended.
  • With the arrival of autumn, the above-ground part is removed, leaving stumps no higher than 5 cm.

The soil requires special attention. When overmoistened, the dicentra roots begin to rot, so it is better to choose raised areas for placing flower beds. If the plant has already been planted, and the soil is regularly flooded, you should artificially raise the soil and equip a flower garden drainage layer and grooves for water drainage. At high temperatures, watering must be done more often and more abundantly so that the roots do not dry out. To retain moisture and protect against overheating, peat or humus is used, which is spread in a dense layer around the base of the plant.

The most common varieties of dicentra

Dicentra splendid received its name due to its size - it is the largest and most lush plant. An adult specimen looks like a voluminous bush covered with lacy foliage and densely strewn with flowering tassels. The most common shade range is bright pink; plants with white flowers are much less common. White-flowered forms are shorter in stature, but no less lush and decorative.

In order for the magnificent dicentra to bloom again towards the end of summer, you need to use a little trick: after flowering, carefully cut off the brushes with peduncles

Dicentra beautiful is a miniature shrub, reaching a height of no more than 30 cm. It blooms with small but graceful flowers from soft white to bright purple. The flowering period is quite long - from early spring to late summer. Some varieties have unusual silver color leaves, as if covered with light fluff. The plant is suitable for decorating borders and alpine slides.

Dicentra beautiful is one of the plants that manages to produce seeds. This is explained by its long flowering, until autumn, when the seed pods are fully formed.

Dicentra exceptional (excellent) is distinguished by its small growth - no more than 25 cm. Against the background of bluish-gray leaves, reminiscent in shape of fern leaves, fragile pink, purple or white inflorescences flaunt. It blooms modestly, not very profusely, for 2 months, and in cool summer - throughout the entire season. This plant is easy to winterize.

Due to the similarity of the leaves to ferns, dicentra exceptional is ideal for spectacular decoration of alpine slides, rockeries or low coniferous plantings

The result of selective selection was dicentra climbing (climbing) - an amazing variety, an annual, the birthplace of which is considered to be the Himalayas. It does not look like an ordinary bush, but rather a long enough vine, up to 2 m, that blooms with beautiful yellow buds.

Growing climbing dicentra is more difficult than its relatives. Lianas require special care and attention, more high temperature and absolutely cannot stand the cold

Dicentra vagrant is distinguished by its small size - no higher than 15-20 cm and short roots. The flowers are rare, but large, and are white, pink and red in color. Has more late date flowering - from July to September. Feels good in temperate climates and easily tolerates cold weather.

Dicentra vagabond prefers not waterlogged soil. Loves sandy, gravelly or rocky soil, so it should be used to decorate alpine hills, screes and slopes

Dicentra is a universal flower, equally suitable for single plantings and for decorating group flower beds. Low varieties are used to decorate lawns, alpine hills, rockeries and thickets of evergreen shrubs, large ones are used to create lush multi-level flower beds around the house.

Dicentra is a flower from the herbaceous family. Belongs to the Poppy family, subfamily – Dymyankovye. The plant can be annual or perennial. Many gardeners fell in love with it for its cute heart-shaped flowers. Many gardeners call the flower Broken Heart. They are different colors: from red-pink to yellow and white.

Behind unusual shape The French called the flower dicentra the heart of Jeannette. They still believe in the legend that she grew up where the poor girl's heart broke. Here she learned that her hero-savior was marrying someone else. For the British, the flower evokes other associations. They nicknamed him "the lady in the bathtub." If you translate the Latin name, it means “flower with two spurs.”

The homeland of the plant is Japan. From there it came to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Over time, interest in him disappeared. But today “Zhanetta’s heart” beat with renewed vigor. In gardens and parks you can often see arrows with original inflorescences hanging in droplets.

Botanical description of dicentra

The genus Dicentra consists of 20 species. Under natural conditions, it is found in the Far East, eastern China, and also in North America. Externally, the plant looks very beautiful:

  • Height – from 30 cm to 1 m.
  • The flowers are heart-shaped, with two spurs. Their diameter is 2 cm. The shape is slightly flattened, the tones are different. They are located in the form of inflorescences-tassels on a long stem.
  • The leaves are green, with a slight blue-gray tint.
  • The root is powerful and grows deep.
  • The fruit is a small capsule, 3.5 cm long. It contains from 2 to 8 oblong black seeds. They are suitable for planting for 2 years. But it is quite difficult to germinate.

Planting dicentra in the garden - terms and rules

Dicentra is planted in the garden in spring or autumn. If it is planted with the arrival of spring, then it is better to do this in the last days of April - the first week of May. September is the optimal time for autumn planting. The main condition is that the seedling must take root and take root before the first serious frost.

Dicentra is not too demanding on the site. It will grow even on infertile lands. Will not die in the shadows. But it is better to follow a few rules. Then she will definitely delight you with lush inflorescences.

  1. It is better to plant in an area with good sunlight. The plant thrives in shaded flower beds. But in the sun it will bloom much faster.
  2. It is advisable to select soil that is nutritious and light. The undemanding flower grows in areas with different soils. Loose, not too heavy soil - ideal condition for lush flowering. The soil must be saturated useful elements. This will also improve the formation of buds.
  3. Well-drained area too important condition. Where water stagnates, healthy and beautiful flowers may not be expected.

How to prepare the soil for planting a broken heart flower?

You should not plant the flower directly into the ground. Prepare the soil before planting. If a spring transplant is planned, then the soil is prepared in the fall. If you have chosen the autumn planting option, prepare the site in the spring. What needs to be done for this?

  1. The earth is carefully dug up. Depth - spade bayonet.
  2. When digging, organic fertilizers are added - humus (3-4 kg per 1m2).
  3. Then the soil is spilled with water and mineral fertilizers (20 g/10 l of water).

Rules for planting seedlings of the broken heart flower

If the soil is ready for planting, you need to make holes. Their depth and diameter are the same - 40 cm. A distance of about 0.5 m is left between them. After this, drainage is laid at the bottom of the hole. This could be pebbles, broken bricks, small stones, crushed stone or expanded clay. A layer of earth is sprinkled on top - garden soil, mixed with compost. Then a seedling is placed in the hole. You need to make sure that the roots do not get crushed. They should be evenly distributed throughout the hole. Garden soil and compost are again poured on top.

Advice. If the soil is too heavy, regular sand will help loosen it. It is advisable to take river, coarse-grained. Just add it to the soil and mix well. You can dilute the soil with limestone chips. It will help improve chemical composition soil, and will also provide additional drainage.

How to care for dicentra

The flower is not difficult to care for and does not require a “special approach.” But to know about its features means to get beautiful plant in your flowerbed. To do this, you must follow three main rules for caring for a heart flower.

  • Watering should be moderate. Flooding of roots can cause rot. The plant may die.
  • The soil must be constantly loosened, while removing weeds. Good air exchange is the key to the health and beauty of a flower.
  • Spring shelter. On spring days, the threat of frost remains. At that time tender shoots need thermal protection. It is better to cover them at night. Perfect option– nonwoven materials.
  • Water for irrigation should be soft. It is pre-defended. If the summer is too hot, then you need to water more often than usual. It is important to ensure that excessive moisture does not destroy the roots.

How to feed the dicentra

A little attention - and the plant will give you luxurious long-lasting flowering and lush green leaves:

  • At the beginning of spring, nitrogen fertilizing is carried out.
  • During flowering, superphosphate “nutrition” is required.
  • In autumn, in preparation for winter, fermented cow dung, diluted in water 1:20. They water the plant around the root and then cover it with mulch.

Pruning or how to enhance flowering

Another important point– it is necessary to constantly cut off the corollas that have already bloomed. This way you can make flowering not only more attractive, but also longer.

When and how to plant a broken heart flower?

How to divide a dicentra bush

The most common varieties of dicentra are perennials. They live in one place for a long time. They are replanted no more often than once every 5-6 years. After this, it is better to change your “place of residence”. But once every year or two the flower needs to be replanted. Otherwise, the roots will destroy themselves. Root system will send out too many shoots. They will either dry out or rot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to divide the bush and transplant new shares to other areas. This is done simply:

This plant is propagated in several ways:

  • root division;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The first of them has already been discussed in the previous section. But there is another option - propagation by seeds. This technique is more complex. Requires skill and experience. It is not popular among amateurs. Such breeding can be done by professional gardeners. But if you wish, you can master this breeding technique.

Growing dicentra from seeds

Dicentra seeds photo

Growing seedlings begins at the end of February. Even a lazy gardener can master dicentra propagation by seeds:

  1. Seeds are planted one at a time in cups, watered and covered with film. Shoots appear only after a month. It is important to maintain a constant temperature – 18-20°C.
  2. You can also sow in a common container, maintaining a distance of 2-3 cm between seedlings.
  3. After two true leaves appear on the stems, the seedlings will need to be planted into separate containers.
  4. Caring for growing seedlings is simple: you need moderate regular watering and good lighting.

Dicentra seedlings photo

In late autumn, the seedlings are covered for the winter. For these purposes, a piece of polyethylene is used.

Seedlings grow from seeds for a very long time. The plant will bloom its first buds only in the third year.

Propagation of dicentra by cuttings

Cuttings are another method of propagation. Held in early spring. Cuttings 15 cm long are cut. Young shoots are selected for this. Old or damaged branches will not work. Then the cuttings are dipped into a container with a root formation stimulator. Good growth accelerators:

  • "Kornerost".
  • "Zircon".
  • "Kornevin".
  • "Heteroauxin".

Advice. It is a good idea to add vitamin C or vitamin B1 to the root growth accelerator solution. Then the plant will sprout roots and shoots faster.

The cuttings are left in the solution for 24 hours. Then they are planted in flower pots. Cover the top with a jar and remove it after a couple of weeks. But rooted cuttings can be transplanted into the garden no sooner than after a year.

How to treat dicentra? Diseases and pests

Dicentra rarely gets sick, since by nature it is endowed with resistance to viruses. But she also has several enemies:

  • Ring spot. Light green spots or rings begin to appear on the leaves.
  • Tobacco mosaic. “Colors” the leaves with light spots.
  • Mycoplasma disease. This disease deforms the shoots with buds, reduces the growth rate of the flower, and colors the flowers yellow or green.

Prevention will help you avoid such troubles. The flower needs to be watered correctly. Excessive watering reduces the plant’s immunity, making it vulnerable to disease. A wonderful remedy for the “seven ailments” of the flower is formaldehyde. With its help, the area should be treated a month before planting. Solution concentration - 5%.

Pests also rarely attack this flower. But no one is safe from aphid invasion. If this happens, then it’s easy to overcome them with Biotlin and Antitlin.

Caring for a broken heart flower after blooming

After mass flowering, seeds appear in place of the flowers. There is no need to collect them. They germinate very poorly. Caring for seedlings is a complex and unproductive process. For the middle zone, this method of breeding is most often generally unsuitable due to poor seed ripening. It is better to use root division for propagation. But if you decide to try collecting the seeds, wait until the pods turn brown and only then remove them from the bush. The pods are peeled, the seeds are separated and dried in the shade for several days. Before sowing, they will need stratification to increase germination.

How to collect dicentra seeds photo

Preparing dicentra for winter

  • The first step is to cut top part– stems. Almost the entire stem is cut off. Only small columns, 3-5 cm long, are left.
  • The second step is to mulch the ground around. Dicentra is a cold-resistant plant, but without mulch it can disappear in severe cold. There is no need to make a layer more than 5-8 cm. The roots may be damaged if sawdust or leaves begin to rot.

Varieties and types of dicentra with photos and descriptions

There are 8 known plant species in the world. The most popular varieties:

Dicentra magnificent Dicentra Spectabilis

Dicentra magnificent Dicentra Spectabilis photo

Tall, up to 50-60 cm in height, spreading bushes of the plant have many shoots with large dissected leaves. The peduncles are long, deflected down, crowned with a row of large flowers hanging from the inflorescence like fairy-tale lanterns.

Dicentra excellent or exceptional Dicentra eximia

Dicentra exceptional Dicentra eximia photo

It was brought to us from North American latitudes. perennial flower with thickened, long stems. Their height reaches 20 cm. There are no leaves on the shoots themselves; they grow in a rosette at the root. The inflorescences are formed from pink flowers. Each of them is 2.5 cm in diameter. They are collected in brushes in the shape of an arc. They reach a length of 15 cm. The flowering period is late May - August. Tolerates even the most very coldy– down to -35°C, but needs to be covered with mulch.

Dicentra beautiful Dicentra formosa

Dicentra beautiful Dicentra formosa photo

Her homeland is British Columbia. The height of the plant is 30 cm. It forms leaves in a “bunch” near the root. The leaves are pinnate, carved, located on high petioles. Their color is green Bottom part- with a bluish coating. The arrow forms long (15 cm) inflorescences. The flowers are violet-pink, their diameter is 2 cm. Flowering is long-lasting (last days of May - end of August).

This species includes many different varieties. Most of all, flower growers liked two of them:

  • King of Hearts - the flowers are bright pink, the petals are curved outward, like a bell. The leaves are feathery, bluish-green.
  • Aurora - its flowers are painted in two tones: white at the bottom, creamy pink at the top, near the peduncle.

Dicentra cuccularia

Dicentra cuccularia photo

Her natural environment Habitats: Oregon and Washington. The plant reaches a height of 30 cm. The flowers are white, with elongated spurs. The leaf rosette is lush, dark green, with a gray tint. This type of flower is often grown as a potted plant.

This species includes the Pittsburgh variety. Its flowers are pink, with long spurs. Their shape resembles a bunny's ears.

Dicentra chrysantha

Dicentra chrysantha photo

Found naturally in Mexico and the Californian hills. It differs from previous varieties in its high “growth” - from 45 cm to 1.5 m. Its flowers are golden yellow. Two petals are curved outward. At home, the plant is capricious and requires careful care. In his native places he likes to settle on lands damaged by fires.

Dicentra uniflora

Dicentra uniflora photo

This species does not have lush inflorescences. Only individual pale pink flowers on stems. This is also an alien from North American lands. In its homeland, the flower was nicknamed “ox’s head” because of its shape. The two curved petals resemble the ears of a bull, and the flower itself resembles its head. Flowering begins in February and ends in July. Its originality requires sacrifice - it is a very difficult species to grow.

Dicentra peregrina

Dicentra peregrina photo

Small dissected leaves, reminiscent of wormwood, with the same bluish-gray tint, are collected in a lush basal rosette. The plant is low-growing, up to 15-20 cm in height. On tall bare peduncles there are paniculate inflorescences with 5-7 heart-shaped flowers. The petals are voluminous at the top, narrowed at the bottom and twisted outward.

Dicentra canadensis

Dicentra canadensis photo

Dicentra canadiana pleases with delicate inflorescences of pure white color; they look very noble, adding special romance to any composition in garden design.

Dicentra whitish-yellow Dicentra ochroleuca

Dicentra whitish-yellow Dicentra ochroleuca

The species is distinguished by dense massive inflorescences with many elongated flowers. The white petals have a dirty yellow tint and are slightly tinged with purple at the edges.

Dicentra pauciflora

Dicentra pauciflora photo

The low-growing bushes of the few-flowered dicentra are very elegant: delicate inflorescences of voluminous flowers, painted in light pink with a crimson hue, seem to float above the sparse openwork leaves.

We are used to seeing the original heart-shaped flowers of this plant in flower beds, but it is also perfect for forcing indoors. If planting and caring for a broken heart are carried out correctly, already in February the windowsill will be decorated with delicate dicentra flowers.

Types and varieties of plants

The flower's homeland is North America and the mountainous regions of Asia. It appeared in Europe in the 18th century. It was described by the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus, and very quickly captivated flower growers with the decorativeness of its carved leaves and the originality of its flowers. Many wild species, about 20 of them, have given rise to beautiful garden varieties. Most often in culture you can find dicentra magnificent, beautiful, wandering, excellent and climbing.

Dicentra is great.

It fully justifies its name with powerful bushes and abundant flowering, which occurs in late spring and early summer. It fills the gap between the flowering of spring bulbs and bright summer flowers. If you trim off faded inflorescences, the plant may re-bloom in late summer - early autumn. The height of the bush of this species can reach 1.5 m, the flowers are large: pink, red and white.

The most interesting varieties:

  • Valentine – has purple flowers decorated with a white center;
  • Pearl Drops, which means pearl drops. The variety blooms with delicate flowers of a creamy pink hue, the foliage has a beautiful bluish tint;
  • Alba is a low bush with snow-white flowers;
  • Gold Heart and White Gold. What these varieties have in common is the yellow color of the leaves, the Golden Heart is brighter; it blooms with bright pink flowers, while the second variety has white flowers.

Dicentra is beautiful.

The bushes are more compact than those of Dicentra superb, and the flowers have an original elongated shape. This species blooms for a longer period – June-September.

The most decorative varieties:

  • Spring Magic with unusual silvery hairy leaves and white flowers.
  • Bacchanal is a real bacchanalia of crimson flowers and gray-green leaves.
  • King of Hearts has attractive and vibrant purple flowers and beautiful carved green leaves with a bluish tint.

Dicentra vagrant or foreign.

Grows wild in the foothills of Altai and Tibet. It spreads along the ground and resembles a vine. In the Russian climate it cannot survive the winter, so it is grown as an annual. But in the room there is a chance to preserve the plant until the next season. The most famous varieties: Rudolph with pastel pink flowers, Hien with purple-cherry flowers with a white edge and Alba with white inflorescences.

Her bushes are compact, convenient for growing on a windowsill. Species forms are unstable and die quickly. Thanks to the work of Japanese breeders, who crossed this species with exceptional dicentra, more resistant hybrid varieties Love hearts, Candy hearts, Dragon hearts.

Dicentra excellent or exceptional.

It has a height of only 25 cm. It pleases with its flowering almost the entire growing season - from May until frost. The color palette is limited to pink and white. The plant is frost-resistant and heat-resistant.

Dicentra climbing.

Liana climbing to a height of up to 2 meters. Its leaves also have a shape uncharacteristic for this flower: they are petiolate, trifoliate and not dissected. This species is sensitive to frost, therefore in our climate it is an annual, but it reproduces well by seeds. The most popular variety is with yellow flowers- Golden vine.

All these plants are rhizomatous. There are also tuberous dicentras: capillary, canadian, few-flowered and single-flowered. Their tubers contain the poison bicuculline, which is dangerous to humans and animals.

Broken heart flower: growing features

Wherever a flower is grown, in a flower garden or a room, for its comfortable existence certain conditions must be observed:

  • loose, well-aerated and fertile soil;
  • an area without stagnant water or high-quality drainage in indoor culture;
  • timely, but not excessive watering;
  • semi-shaded position;
  • fertilizing with organic matter or mineral fertilizers in accordance with the different stages of the plant's growing season.

Soil preparation, timing and rules of planting

Plants are planted in the garden both in autumn and spring. Suitable for indoor forcing only autumn planting. We choose rhizomatous varieties so as not to expose people and pets to the risk of poisoning. To grow indoors, rhizomes are dug up after the end of the growing season, as evidenced by the browning and dying of leaves. Choose the strongest plant. Shake off the soil from the rhizome and let it dry slightly. After 3-4 hours it will be less brittle and will not break into pieces when divided. Divide the rhizome into several parts at least 10 cm long, each of which should have 2-3 dormant buds.

Prepare the soil for planting by mixing the following components:

  • 2 parts of garden soil;
  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part sand.

To make the soil looser and prevent root rot, you can add a little charcoal to the mixture.

You need a large pot - with a diameter of at least 30 cm. Drainage from small pebbles is placed at its bottom. Pour the planting mixture and plant 1-2 divisions in each container to a depth of about 12 cm.

Dicentra: home care

In order for the flower to rest before flowering, it requires a period of winter dormancy. By driving plants out of the room, this period is reduced by almost 3 months. Care during an artificial winter and during the active growing season is very different.

Optimal conditions

At rest, the plant does not require light. The temperature is maintained at a level of 1 to 3 degrees. At the beginning of January they begin to raise it, preparing for awakening. Place in a bright room with a temperature of about 10 degrees. When sprouts appear, it is gradually increased to optimal value at 20 degrees. You need to keep the dicentra on a light windowsill, but without straight lines. sun rays at noon. In bright sun, the flowering period is much shorter.

Watering a flower

During the winter dormancy period, water extremely rarely, just so that the roots do not dry out completely. As temperatures rise, watering is carried out regularly to stimulate germination. Dicentra loves moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water, so excess water must be poured out of the pan.

Feeding and fertilizer

As soon as the first shoots appear, they begin feeding. They are carried out regularly at intervals of 14 days. Any fertilizer mixture for flowering indoor plants will do.

Loosening and weeding

As a rule, weeding is not required indoors, but loosening is required. Dicentra roots are very sensitive to lack of oxygen, so the soil is loosened shallowly the next day after each watering.

Replanting and pruning

When flowering is finished, the plant is taken out into a cool place. dark room, where they are kept until it warms up. The flower can be planted in the garden or transplanted into a larger pot. He will feel good on a balcony or loggia until the fall, when he will again need to be sent for the winter.

During the growing season, dried leaves and faded flowers are removed. After flowering, cut off all dried flower stalks, leaving only small stumps.

How to care for autumn and winter?

After the end of the growing season, the flower is pruned in the fall. In open ground, plants are mulched with peat, pine litter or pine spruce branches. Dicentra in pots does not require this. You just need to reduce watering to a minimum and completely remove fertilizing. After the end of the growing season, the flower pots are put away cold basement or a cellar for wintering.

Dicentra reproduction

In our climate, varietal plants rarely set seeds, and they ripen even less often. Some species forms cope well with this and sometimes even reproduce by self-seeding. If you are lucky and managed to collect your own seeds or buy them in a store, it is advisable to sow them in the same season in the fall so that they undergo natural stratification.

The seeds of a broken heart lose their germination after 1-2 years.

When sown at the end of February in moderately moist soil, seedlings will appear after 3-4 weeks when kept on a lighted windowsill and a temperature of about 20 degrees. Young seedlings need picking at the stage of 1-2 true leaves. Plants are planted in the garden after the end of spring frosts. They will delight you with flowering only in the third year.

But the main methods of propagation are dividing bushes and cuttings.

Adult plants are usually divided after 3-4 years. This procedure is mandatory when the bushes reach five years of age. In a plant that is too thick, the central part of the roots begins to rot and after a year or two the undivided bush will simply die. Division is combined with transplantation; it is carried out either in early spring or autumn. You can simply separate part of the plant. But it is easier to divide the dug up plant. Then each division is guaranteed to have 3 to 4 shoots or dormant buds and well-developed roots.

Cuttings from a broken heart are taken only in the spring before flowering begins. To do this, cut off a young twig from the bush with a piece of rhizome and root. The length of the cutting is about 15 cm. It is rooted in a pot with light soil or in a cuttings. After rooting, the plant is carefully planted in a permanent place.

The main problems when growing a flower

When forcing a room, the main problems are related to improper care. You can’t overwater a flower, as this can cause the roots to rot. If there is insufficient feeding, flowering will be sparse, and if the lighting is too bright, it will be abundant, but will end quickly.

Plant pests and diseases

The main pests are dicentra - slugs and mole crickets - in indoor conditions they do not bother her. But aphids can also appear during the process of forcing a flower. They escape from it by giving the plant a shower. Wash the cut leaves soap solution problematic, but spraying them with an infusion of onion peels, garlic or tobacco dust is quite possible. If this measure does not have any effect, resort to insecticides.

Of the diseases, the plant is most often affected by viruses and mycoplasmas. They cause ring spot and tobacco mosaic. When infected with mycoplasma, the flowers become green in color. Unfortunately, in the case of these diseases, it will not be possible to help the flower - there are no radical ways to combat them. It is necessary to destroy aphids, which are carriers of infection.

Do you dream of planting something unusual and very beautiful in your garden? Yes, plus the fact that caring for him would not be burdensome? Then broken heart flowers are exactly what you need. These amazing plants will not only create an exclusive and original design, but will also give you many pleasant moments caring for them, and perhaps even help solve some personal problems.

Story of a Broken Heart

It must be said that scientifically the plant is called dicentra, translated from Hellenic it is “double-spurted”. The ancient Greeks saw two spurs in this fragile and delicate flower, and named it that way. In other countries, the same flower is known as the lady in the bath (if the flower is turned upside down, it looks like it), the slipper of the Mother of God, Jeannette's heart, the lyre.

It has such unusual names as bloody heart and even Dutch pants. In Russia, the name of the plant is mysterious and a little intriguing - broken heart flowers. This is based on appearance flowers. They look like hearts split in half. The French even have a legend about the unfortunate girl Jeannette, who fell in love with one beautiful young man, and he married another. Jeannette's heart broke from grief, and a beautiful flower grew in the place where she died. They say that now broken heart flowers help all lovers find their happiness. This plant comes from Southeast Asia (Far East, Korea, China). Some varieties can be found in Canada and Japan. The beautiful dicentra conquered Europe three times. At the end of the 18th century, its specimen was described by Carl Linnaeus; at the beginning of the 19th century, it was brought for flower gardens, but the flower went unnoticed. Another 50 years later, it fell into the hands of an amateur gardener, thanks to whom it finally took its rightful place among the leading plants in garden floriculture.


Broken heart flowers, or dicentra splendid, are the only plant species in the genus Lambrocapnos (in Latin Lamprocapnos), which means “brilliant, shining smoke.” Plant family - Poppy. IN separate species this flower was isolated only in 1997, after visual and molecular studies. It is a herbaceous shrub, perennial by type of vegetation. There are 20 types of broken hearts, 9 of which are garden ones. The height of some is only 12-15 cm, others grow up to 2 meters. The average height of the plant is 1 meter. The stems are erect or arcuately inclined to the ground, the leaves are carved, gray-smoky below, green above, reaching up to 12 cm long (with petiole). The flowers of a broken heart are incredibly beautiful. Outwardly, they resemble heart pendants on strings. In some countries, the plant is called a lady's pendant. Their color is pink, crimson, red, less often purple and white. Nature has collected flowers of a broken heart from four petals - two bright outer ones, slightly flattened, wide at the base and narrowed, deviating in different directions at the end, and two inner ones - not bright, often white, narrow, elongated, as if protruding from the outer ones. They grow in clusters of inflorescences. Their fruits are oblong capsules with 2-8 round black seeds inside.

Propagation by seeds

A broken heart is a flower that can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, or dividing the bush. Each method has its pros and cons.

It is difficult to propagate this plant from seeds, but it is possible. Sometimes there is no other choice at all, for example, when there is nowhere to get a cutting of the desired rare species. If you collect the seeds yourself, there is a risk that they will not have time to ripen before frost. Although in the southern regions of Russia, dicenters even self-sow. The germination of a broken heart is unimportant. To get results, you need to follow these rules:

1. All seeds - both collected independently and purchased - must undergo stratification, for which they must be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. After this, they can be sown in open ground in April-May (depending on the region). How to prepare a garden bed will be discussed below. You can sow seeds directly into the ground in the fall (in regions where there are no harsh winters). Then they will undergo natural stratification on their own. But it is best to sow seeds in containers and germinate them at home. The room temperature is not lower than +15 and not higher than +20 degrees, the soil humidity in the containers is moderate, but the soil should not dry out. You will have to wait about a month for germination. The seedlings are transplanted into the ground in the spring, when warm weather has established itself. Their care is normal. It is advisable to cover fragile plants for the winter. Flowering will delight you in the third year.

Propagation by cuttings

The perennial flower broken heart can be taken from cuttings in spring and until mid-summer. If you do this later, there is a risk that the young shoot will not have time to take root and grow stronger before frost. Cuttings are prepared with a sharp knife, cutting off shoots with thickenings near the rhizome itself. You can keep them for a day in water with honey (1 teaspoon per glass) or in another rooting agent (according to the instructions), or you can immediately place them in the ground, burying them to a depth of 10 cm. The planting site should be sufficiently moist. Cover the top with film or press down with glass. It is also advisable to cover the cuttings from direct sunlight. Roots should appear in a month. For the winter young plant you need to cover it with leaves or spruce branches, but with the first warm days, be sure to remove the cover so that the plants do not get blocked.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

What needs to be done to ensure that the eyes of the hostess are always pleased with the flowers of a broken heart? Caring for this plant is not very difficult. One of its stages is the rejuvenation of a green pet every 3-5 years. This is a good reason to propagate dicentra by dividing the bush. If necessary, this “operation” can be carried out more often, but do not bring the bush to complete exhaustion. It is reasonable to divide the rhizomes before or after the flowering of the dicentra, that is, either in the spring or by the end of summer - beginning of autumn. They are dug out of the ground carefully, keeping in mind the toxicity of the plant and the fragility of the roots. To make them more elastic, the dug out bush can be left in the air for a short time. Divide the rhizomes so that each segment has at least 4 living buds (shoots). It is advisable to treat the “wounds” with some kind of antiseptic, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The cuttings are placed in holes, sprinkled with earth, and watered. You can additionally sprinkle ash on top. It will bloom next year.

Preparing for landing

Broken heart is a flower that can be planted in any corner of the garden where water does not stagnate. The plant blooms more luxuriantly and longer in partial shade, for example, in places shaded by foliage. tall trees. But if the shadow from them is thick, the dicentra will bloom rather poorly and for a short time. The same is true in bright sunshine. No, the plant will develop, but it will not give lush color. Dicentra varieties with beautiful carved foliage are planted in sunny meadows and in the shade. In the chosen place, it is advisable to dig up the soil in advance and apply fertilizers (mineral - 20 g per square, organic - 2-3 kg per meter). The holes are made with a diameter and depth of half a meter. Drainage made of fine crushed stone is laid at the bottom. Such holes can be prepared in the fall for spring planting. It must be taken into account that the dicenters of many species grow greatly. In order not to turn the plantings into thickets, holes are dug no closer than 50 cm from one another.


A broken heart is a flower that is quite simple to plant and care for. After placing the plant in the prepared hole, it must be watered, but there is no need to overdo it so that the roots do not rot. In order not to make mistakes with moisture, the soil around the bushes is mulched. To obtain more luxuriant flowering at the beginning of spring, the broken heart can be fed with superphosphate fertilizers, and during the season - a couple more times with mineral fertilizers. In the fall, it is useful to add nitrogen to the plant's diet to encourage new buds to form. During the summer, in addition to watering, you need to weed out the weeds, trim off the faded brushes, and in the fall cut off the dry stems, leaving stumps up to 5 cm high sticking out of the ground. It is very good to sprinkle them on top with peat.


Broken heart flowers are beautiful and exclusive. Cultivation in gardens is carried out in group plantings or single ones. Depending on the type, dicentras are used in alpine slides, to create borders, as single spectacular plants in the center of flower beds. We must not forget that a broken heart, as it fades, loses its foliage, so it is advisable to plant flowers next to it that can replace it. Corydalis, aquilegia, heuchera, and astilbe look good next to the dicentra. In spring, scillas and daffodils create a beautiful contrast. A broken heart does not mind the proximity of linden trees, apple trees, and bird cherry trees. This flower is also suitable for cutting, but we must not forget that all its parts are poisonous.

In the garden or at home in a vase, a delicate flower, a broken heart, will create a special lyrical mood. The signs associated with him may not be serious, but they are interesting. For example, the Germans believe that girls who put such a living “heart” in their bosom will meet their betrothed on the same day, and guys who pick a flower will meet their bride.

Dicentra is magnificent and beautiful

Dicentra magnificent, or broken heart, is a flower that is never difficult to plant and care for, and is very popular among gardeners. The varieties that are planted most often are Alba (white flowers) and Gold Heart (pale pink or red flowers and golden foliage). Relatively recently released new variety Valentine with showy cherry hearts on dark stems. In addition to these species, beautiful dicentra is often planted, which is slightly lower than magnificent (up to 30 cm), and its flowers, accordingly, are slightly smaller. But it is easily propagated by seeds. Varieties: Aurora (white flowers), Spring Gold (leaves change color from green to golden), King of Hearts (silver foliage), Ivory Hearts (cream flowers), Luxuriant, Bacchanal (cherry hearts). The beautiful dicentra is valued for its long flowering and decorative foliage.

Broken Heart Fringed and others

This is what they call the exceptional dicentra. Due to its miniature size (up to 20 cm), it is mainly used to decorate borders, rockeries, and alpine slides. It blooms for the longest time - from May until frost. The peculiarity of the flower is its creeping root, which should be taken into account when planning plantings. The flowers of this species are mostly white and pink. The plant has the property of intoxicating, for which it is also called connecting rod grass.

In addition to this species, there are also low and rare in our gardens dicentra canadensis, cape, and few-flowered ones. They bloom very luxuriantly, adapt well to the sun, but have very poisonous tubers.

In contrast to the dwarf varieties, there is a giant dicentra, growing more than 2 meters in height. Its flowers are yellow, which is why it is called yellow broken heart. This species blooms from May until frost. The plant looks impressive near the walls of buildings, near fences, and in arched structures. It is advisable to cover it for the winter; there are no other difficulties in caring for it.

  • Type: poppy
  • Flowering period: June, July, August
  • Height: 15-40cm
  • Color: Pink, White, Purple, Persian Blue
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Shade-loving
  • Moisture-loving

Lush rose bushes, tall thickets of gladioli and even rows of marigolds and calendulas near country houses look great, but quite traditional. Why not enliven the familiar landscape with such a wonderful plant as dicentra? From the earliest spring, the delicate flower will open its heart-shaped buds and will decorate your garden until mid-summer, if, of course, the rules for planting and caring for the dicentra are followed correctly.

Dicentra is a rarely used name; much more often we hear the more figurative version of “broken heart”. The flower received such a capacious name due to the curious shape of the buds, reminiscent of small hearts. Some people know this plant as double-spur, a literal translation of dis and kentron, meaning “double” and “spur.” Among the French, who are rich in legends, the flower received the name “Jeannette’s heart”, among the practical Germans - “heart flower”, among the inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and the Russian people dubbed it in their favorite minor key “broken heart”.

Although many consider this plant to be European, its homeland is Japan, from where it was brought to Europe only in 1816. The beautiful flower immediately attracted attention with its bright colors and interesting shape of buds, so it became a regular in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. Gardeners fell in love with the non-standard, exquisite dicentra so much that even the names of the varieties turned out to be “telling”: elegant, beautiful, magnificent, excellent, exceptional.

The place of the plant in a flower bed or flower garden is chosen depending on its variety. A tall, magnificent dicentra looks great in the center of the composition, miniature wandering or exceptional - along the edges or along the border

Preparing the soil for planting a flower

Although the plant is not capricious, for better flowering it is worth preparing the planting site and cultivating the soil in the fall. Dicentra feels great both in areas illuminated by the sun and in the shade of trees, so there should be no problems with setting up a flower garden. In shady areas, the buds bloom a little later.

In the fall, you need to carefully dig up the flowerbed chosen for planting to a depth of 40 cm and make it more fertile by adding humus (about 3 kg per m²). For mineral replenishment, a universal fertilizer for garden flowers is suitable in a volume of 15-20 g per 10 liters of water. In the future, when the plant gives color, it should be fed 3-4 more times - this guarantees rapid growth and abundant flowering. After rain or watering, the soil around the bushes should be loosened, but very carefully, since the roots of the plants are close to the surface.

For weeding and loosening the soil, it is better to use a tool that resembles a small pitchfork - the soil treatment will be gentle, and the fragile roots will not be damaged

The soil should be relatively light and allow moisture and air well. If the soil is heavy or clayey, it must be diluted with river sand or peat so as not to cause root rot. Many gardeners make a “pie” for the winter from dry straw or reeds, laying them out in layers and alternating them with soil in a specially dug hole.

The best methods of propagation and transplantation

There are three ways to propagate dicentra - by dividing the rhizome, above-ground shoots and seeds. We immediately dismiss the last path - the plant usually produces a small number of seeds, and some varieties (for example, “Magnificent”) in temperate latitudes do not produce them at all. Difficulties also arise with growing seeds, so the most optimal method of propagation is by planting parts of the rhizome or shoots.

It is better to divide the plant at the end of summer, when the above-ground shoots die off. The roots are very carefully dug up, removed from the soil and dried - in a slightly flaccid state they become more elastic and break less. Then the rhizomes are carefully divided into parts so that 3-4 buds remain on each segment for the formation of shoots. Pieces of root are buried in the ground in a dimly lit area and watered generously with warm water. To protect the cuts, you can sprinkle them with ash. When the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into a flower bed.

To divide an old bush, part of the plant is not suitable; you need to dig up the entire plant. The rhizome should be carefully disassembled into elements, removing dead fragments and thin shoots

Early spring is also suitable for transplanting dicentra. It is necessary to choose the moment when the shoots are still “sleeping” or have just begun to grow. It is better to divide once every 5-6 years, but not less often, as the roots begin to age and die.

The disembarkation order is as follows:

  • dig small holes in the flowerbed, the distance between which is 30-40 cm (the larger the adult plant, the greater the distance);
  • put 3-4 divisions in each hole - for splendor;
  • fill the holes with earth, tamp lightly;
  • pour water heated in the sun.

Propagation by ground cuttings is carried out in the spring. Carefully rake the soil at the base of the bush and cut off small parts of the plant with a “heel” with a sharp knife. Then the cuttings are kept in a stimulator for about a day for rapid emergence of roots and planted in well-watered soil, finally covered tightly with greenhouse film. In about a month, roots will appear. Sprouts are planted in a permanent place of flowering only after a year.

If it is important to show the beauty and originality of a plant, it is necessary to plant it individually in a flower pot, cache-pot or large ceramic flowerpot.

Features of caring for this plant

Proper cultivation of dicentra involves constant care, during which it is necessary to monitor lighting, timely watering, weeding and loosening.

The plant blooms equally well in the shade and in the sun, but the splendor and timing of its flowering directly depend on the degree of illumination. In open areas, the buds bloom and fade early, and the flower stalks are not particularly large or lush. In shaded areas, color develops more slowly, but the “hearts” turn out bright, large and do not disappear until mid-summer.

Dicentra simply loves sandy and rocky soils. therefore, one of the best places for its location is gentle slopes along paths lined with stone or brick

For the installation of a drainage layer located under the upper fertile layer, fine expanded clay, as well as gravel or coarse river sand, are suitable

Some tips for caring for your dicentra:

  • The rich color of the buds is ensured if you feed the roots with superphosphate in the spring, and then apply 3-4 more feedings during the growth process.
  • Even after the plant has flowered, it is necessary to fertilize it with nitrogen for better formation of new buds.
  • During a strong drop in temperature, it is better to cover the plant using non-woven material.
  • Faded brushes must be removed in time, then the flowering period of other branches will be extended.
  • With the arrival of autumn, the above-ground part is removed, leaving stumps no higher than 5 cm.

The soil requires special attention. When overmoistened, the dicentra roots begin to rot, so it is better to choose raised areas for placing flower beds. If the plant has already been planted, and the soil is regularly flooded, you should artificially raise the soil and equip the flower garden with a drainage layer and grooves for water outflow. At high temperatures, watering must be done more often and more abundantly so that the roots do not dry out. To retain moisture and protect against overheating, peat or humus is used, which is spread in a dense layer around the base of the plant.

The most common varieties of dicentra

Dicentra splendid received its name due to its size - it is the largest and most lush plant. An adult specimen looks like a voluminous bush covered with lacy foliage and densely strewn with flowering tassels. The most common shade range is bright pink; plants with white flowers are much less common. White-flowered forms are shorter in stature, but no less lush and decorative.

In order for the magnificent dicentra to bloom again towards the end of summer, you need to use a little trick: after flowering, carefully cut off the brushes with peduncles

Dicentra beautiful is a miniature shrub, reaching a height of no more than 30 cm. It blooms with small but graceful flowers from soft white to bright purple. The flowering period is quite long - from early spring to late summer. Some varieties have an unusual silver color of the leaves, as if covered with a light fluff. The plant is suitable for decorating borders and alpine slides.

Dicentra beautiful is one of the plants that manages to produce seeds. This is explained by its long flowering, until autumn, when the seed pods are fully formed.

Dicentra exceptional (excellent) is distinguished by its small growth - no more than 25 cm. Against the background of bluish-gray leaves, reminiscent in shape of fern leaves, fragile pink, purple or white inflorescences flaunt. It blooms modestly, not very profusely, for 2 months, and in cool summer - throughout the entire season. This plant is easy to winterize.

Due to the similarity of the leaves to ferns, dicentra exceptional is ideal for spectacular decoration of alpine slides, rockeries or low coniferous plantings

The result of selective selection was dicentra climbing (climbing) - an amazing variety, an annual, the birthplace of which is considered to be the Himalayas. It does not look like an ordinary bush, but rather a long enough vine, up to 2 m, that blooms with beautiful yellow buds.

Growing climbing dicentra is more difficult than its relatives. Lianas require special care and attention, higher temperatures and absolutely cannot tolerate cold

Dicentra vagrant is distinguished by its small size - no higher than 15-20 cm and short roots. The flowers are rare, but large, and are white, pink and red in color. It has a later flowering period - from July to September. Feels good in temperate climates and easily tolerates cold weather.

Dicentra vagabond prefers not waterlogged soil. Loves sandy, gravelly or rocky soil, so it should be used to decorate alpine hills, screes and slopes

Dicentra is a universal flower, equally suitable for single plantings and for decorating group flower beds. Low varieties are used to decorate lawns, alpine hills, rockeries and thickets of evergreen shrubs, large ones are used to create lush multi-level flower beds around the house.