How to choose and safely use mosquito repellent outdoors. Deta sprays and aerosols against mosquitoes and ticks

DEET repellent products have been familiar to our consumers for a long time. They have been produced since 1969, and more than one generation of people have been convinced of their effectiveness. The modern line of DEET repellents has a wide variety of products that are adapted for different categories people and situations. In this article we will look at sprays and aerosols from this company.

Main line

In this line of aerosols you can find several protection options:

  • DEET mosquito repellent aerosol for home and garden. This is a basic indoor repellent that provides protection against mosquitoes, midges, midges, etc. in the natural human habitat.
  • DEET mosquito repellent spray that provides protection without skin contact. The product should be sprayed onto parts of clothing that are adjacent to exposed parts of the body. This substance repels mosquitoes and camouflages a person for them.
  • Aerosol DEET against ticks. A convenient aerosol that provides protection against ticks for 15 days. It is not the body that needs to be treated with the aerosol, but the clothes. The drug contains alphacypermethrin and fir oil.

Aqua sprays and aerosols

One of the latest developments of this company was AQUA aerosols and sprays for water based for protection against mosquitoes.

  • They differ in the following characteristics:
    No alcohol.
  • Do not dry out the skin, carefully caring for it.
  • Does not leave marks on clothes.
  • They have a pleasant smell.

This line has a wide range of products, which includes the following products for adults:

The most important difference between DETA children's products is the presence of another active ingredient in the repellents. If for adult products diethyltoluamide, abbreviated as DEET, is used, which gave the name to this company, then in children's preparations it is replaced by the substance IR 3535, which is currently recognized as the safest repellent and can be used for children from one year old.

  • DETA BABY is a children's AQUA spray against mosquitoes, which is designed for children from one year old. For this drug, a softer and safer repellent IR3535 is used, and the drug also contains aloe vera extract. The product provides protection for 2 hours, does not contain alcohol, and also helps relieve irritation after a bite.
  • DETA BABY - children's AQUA aerosol against mosquitoes, suitable for babies from 1 year. Has a composition and duration of action similar to the spray, but would be better suited for treating strollers and children's clothing, thanks to a more uniform and fine spray.

In this review, we tried to collect the most commonly used products in modern everyday life. personal protection from mosquitoes. We will talk about commercial drugs that are produced not only by the Russian, but also by the foreign chemical industry.

Let's consider the composition of each of these products, objectively evaluate the positive and negative qualities, on which not only beneficial effectiveness depends, but safety for the health of people using them. The information in this article will be useful to absolutely everyone who suffers from the invasion blood-sucking insects in the summer and tries to somehow protect itself from them.

general information

Any mosquito repellent usually contains chemicals that not only repel insects, but also cause their death. No matter what many sources say, each such drug is a toxin for a person if it is regularly introduced into his body. high concentrations these substances.

We are relatively safe only because the concentration of poison that is lethal for a small mosquito is almost insensitive to our immunity. However, in any case, all this chemistry tends to accumulate in the human body, most of all in the liver, which sooner or later can affect general condition health.

Regardless of the brand of commercial product, it may contain the same chemicals, so knowing them, you can save a lot by purchasing cheaper, but no less effective ones. In the next paragraph we will present a list of the most commonly used chemical industry, but for now we note that the concentration of these substances is of considerable importance in terms of effectiveness and toxicity for humans.

By the way, these two characteristics have an inverse correlation - the higher the concentration, the better efficiency, but also has a stronger toxic effect. And the lower the concentration of the chemical, the lower, accordingly, the effectiveness and safer for humans. The effectiveness of the product is understood as the immediate effect of repelling mosquitoes and the duration of exposure of the product.

  • Concentrations of active chemicals greater than 40% can be very dangerous to human health. Therefore, such drugs are not used in children, as well as in adults on unprotected skin. Processing is only possible outerwear. Effectiveness - several hours.
  • A concentration of 20-30% allows such products to be used on the bare skin of adults. Also not recommended for children.
  • The chemical concentration of 10-15% makes the products ineffective with a duration of exposure, usually no more than 2 hours, combined with a weak repellent effect. It can be used for children, since even if a certain amount of the substance accidentally gets onto their mucous membranes or into the digestive tract, the toxic effect will be insignificant. In addition, such products can be used by pregnant women.

It is worth emphasizing that the action of practically repellents is aimed at masking human body odors, which are very attractive to mosquitoes. Having treated the body or clothing with such substances, a person becomes virtually invisible to insects, and even if they land on clothing or body, then for them it is no more useful as a blood carrier than a tree.

Chemicals used in the production of mosquito repellents

We present a list of the most commonly used chemicals that are used in industrial production mosquito repellents.

DEET (diethyltoluamide)

DEET is one of the most used and effective insect repellents. The product was developed in 1944, in the Department Agriculture United States for use in the country's army. After testing the effectiveness of DEET during World War II, after the war ended, it was tested as a pesticide on farmers' fields.

It was no longer used for military purposes in 1946, when the formula became generally known, but official application for civilian purposes it became possible only in 1957. DEET was later actively used during the fighting in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. In the Soviet Union, the drug appeared in the early 80s and was positioned as a “mosquito repellent”.

IN pure form DEET is a yellow, oily liquid, but is rarely sold in this form. More often the product can be found in the form of a spray or lotion in concentrations of up to 40%. Some research results conducted in the field of safety of this product for human health have found a direct correlation between the concentration of the drug and the duration of protection against insect bites.

For example, 100% DEET can provide up to 12 hours of protection, while several lower concentration formulations (20-34%) can provide about 3-6 hours of protection.

As a precaution, manufacturers advise not to use the drug under clothing or on broken skin. In addition, everyone should know that the drug is very difficult to wash off after use. Among other things, DEET can act as an irritant - in rare cases, this can lead to serious epidermal reactions and degenerative changes in the liver.

Picaridin (Icaridin, Saltidin)

A chemical substance with a pronounced repellent effect, the formula of which was collected in France in 2001. This substance is second in effectiveness, after DEET, although many authoritative sources put them on the same line. Picaradin is famous for its duration of action, regardless of its concentration. For example, a commercial substance with 15% picaridin content will repel mosquitoes with a certain quality for 8 hours, and 30% will repel mosquitoes better, but also for 8 hours. That is, over time, the effectiveness is the same and does not decrease. Picaridin is the main ingredient in repellents produced abroad, particularly in the United States.

Carboxide (Digexamethyleneurea)

This one is complicated Chemical substance actively used in the production of insect repellents. Biologically, the carboxide is low toxic, but if it gets into digestive system even in small concentrations, can have a pathological effect on nervous system, I cause her strong excitement, followed by inhibition, even to the point of fainting. For these reasons, repellents containing this chemical are not recommended for use in protecting children from mosquitoes.


In the mid-90s, veterinary oxamate was purchased in barrels, bottled and pumped into aerosol cans. Since then, the tradition of using this drug has taken root well in Russia, and now many official brands use it to produce their products. But in many developed countries, oxamate is not used in this kind of amateur activity.

Products that can be purchased from us

Today, only sprays and anti-mosquito bracelets can be found on sale. Creams and gels are almost never sold, since the demand for them is falling due to the inconvenience of use.

Most often found on the shelves of Russian stores the following means, most of which, to our deepest regret, do not correspond to reality in terms of their effectiveness as described by the manufacturer. Nevertheless, it is still possible to escape from attacking mosquitoes.

  • Aerosol Off. Polish product containing 15-16% DEET as the main working substance. Instead of the claimed 5 hours of repelling, it firmly provides only a couple of hours of active protection against mosquitoes, which, it can be noted, is quite good.
  • Spray Mosquitoll. Means Russian production with a meager 9% DEET content. The packaging indicates three-hour protection, however, it is worth noting that even treatment with this product did not withstand even one hour of active mosquito violence. Perhaps this is one of the worst remedies among all that can be found.
  • Mosquito protection spray - Komarex. A Russian product that provides very little protection against attacking insects even during the first hour, although the manufacturer promises four-hour protection. Midges do not seem to react to this remedy at all. Among other things, Komarex has a very unpleasant chemical smell that did not disappear from clothes, even after the first wash. It contains a rich set of chemistry; DEET is positioned as a working substance, but its concentration is unknown.
  • Spray Picnic Super. Russian product containing DEET - 15%. It does not last even one hour against mosquitoes, but the smell is absolutely neutral.
  • Gardex Baby bracelet. A Chinese product that has a very pungent odor that repels not only mosquitoes and midges, but also people sitting nearby. The duration of the effect could not be verified - it is quite long-lasting. The composition describes exclusively herbal repellents, which is good news, however, what is actually “stuffed up” there remains a big question.

Products you can buy from them

In contrast to the drugs that are sold in Russia, we suggest comparing similar mosquito repellents that are produced in the USA. It is worth emphasizing right away that even the same brands that are sold both here and in America differ greatly in quality. Therefore, if it is possible to purchase a spray or lotion to protect against mosquito bites in America, for example, through online sales points, then it is better to do just that.

When the average American asks himself the question of how to avoid a mosquito bite, he goes to his American supermarket and buys one of the following products:

  • Sawyer was named by Americans as one of the three most effective repellents. This spray will repel mosquitoes for a full eight hours.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for human and pet health, Repel spray in bottles with hand sprayer contains lemon eucalyptus oil and is effective for seven hours. No chemicals are used here at all.
  • Repel Aerosol contains 15% DEET and is supplied in pressurized cans. Despite its rather low percentage of chemicals, the product easily withstands the manufacturer’s promised load of 3-4 hours, and even more.
  • The active product in the form of an aerosol, Natrapel, contains 20% picaridin, which provides a high effect for about 8 hours. This is one of the three most effective repellents, along with the Sawyer formula, which, by the way, are issued to forest workers and other services that have direct and prolonged contact with environment, rich in mosquitoes.
  • The same Polish dry aerosol Off, which for some reason does not work well against Russian mosquitoes. In America, this is also the most effective remedy, which is often used by residents of this country. It also contains DEET.

DEET(diethyltoluamide) is the active ingredient in most repellents. DEET-based repellents are used throughout the world. DEET was developed for the needs of the American army in the 40s of the 20th century. Registered as a repellent in 1957. DEET has been used for over 50 years and has been proven effective and safe (when used correctly).

Repellents based on DEET protect against bites of mosquitoes, midges, midges, horse flies, ticks.

IMPORTANT! When applied only to the skin, the repellent does not protect against ticks. To protect against ticks, the product is also applied to clothing, combined with acaricides.

How does DEET work?

Repellents repel, rather than kill, insects. Therefore, mosquitoes can fly close to the skin, but not bite.

What to look for when choosing a repellent?

When choosing a repellent, pay attention to:

  1. DEET concentration
  2. release form (aerosol, lotion, cream).

The concentration determines the duration of protection. Higher concentrations of DEET (from 20%) are required to protect against ticks. Lower concentrations are effective against mosquitoes, but not against ticks. Increasing the concentration above 50% does not increase protection. The higher the concentration, the higher the risk of skin irritation. In addition to the concentration, the duration of protection depends on the accompanying components. There are long-release DEET repellents. The maximum protection period is indicated on the packaging. In a real situation, the duration of action of the repellent depends on the type of insect, temperature, humidity, and sweating.

Choose a repellent with the desired concentration of DEET. If protection against mosquitoes is required for a short period of time (1 - 1.5 hours), then use repellents with low concentrations (7 - 10%). For long lasting protection and protection against ticks- with DEET concentration from 20%.

For application to the skin, it is more convenient to use creams and lotions, since it is difficult to control the spraying of the aerosol.

For repellents to be effective and safe, they must be used correctly.

  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. The repellent is applied to the palms and spread evenly over the body in a thin layer.
  • Increasing the amount of repellent does not improve protection, but increases the risk of side effects.
  • Uniform application is important. A mosquito can bite into an untreated area of ​​skin the size of a coin.
  1. Do not apply repellent to cuts, wounds, irritated skin, lips, or around the eyes.
  2. Do not apply the spray directly to your face.
  3. Do not apply repellent to the skin under clothing; if the clothing is bitten, treat the clothing.
  4. Remember that DEET dissolves some plastics and synthetics.
  5. Wash with soap when the need for protection passes.
  6. Do not use more often than directed on the label.
  7. When using sunscreen, apply the cream first, then the repellent.
  8. Do not spray aerosols indoors.
  9. Do not use repellents containing DEET on animals. They may lick the fur, which will cause the repellent to get inside. There are special drugs to protect animals.

If you have a reaction to the repellent, wash it off immediately with soap and water and consult a doctor. People with sensitive skin may want to apply repellent to small area skin and watch the reaction.

Using repellents with DEET to protect children

Pay attention to the age at which the use of repellent is permitted. Apply repellent to your hands and treat your child's body. Do not spray on the hands of small children, as children may lick their fingers. Also, do not treat the eye or mouth area. Do not allow children to apply repellents themselves. Do not spray repellents near your child to prevent them from inhaling them.

If you use repellents with lower concentrations of DEET to protect children, remember that their protection will last less and will require more frequent applications. Yes, and repellents with low concentrations of DEET do not protect against ticks.

Use of repellents containing DEET in pregnant women

Pregnant women can use repellents containing DEET when high risk bites dangerous insects. Before using repellent, pregnant women should consult a doctor.

If you are intolerant to DEET, you can use repellents based on icaridin.

Summer is a time when people try to spend as much time as possible in nature, stocking up on pleasant memories that remain after the end of the season. But the impression of a vacation can be spoiled by the bites of blood-sucking insects - mosquitoes, midges and ticks, which literally swarm in the grass and in the air.

And although there are many folk ways, helping to scare away midges, the most effective means There were and remain repellents that can be purchased at any store at this time of year. But since the cost of mosquito repellents is quite high, and the protection period is limited, you always want to find a product that combines price and quality most optimally. For this reason, preference is often given to proven means, which is the Deta spray, known since Soviet times, which protects against bites of mosquitoes, midges and ticks.

History of appearance

Insect bites always cause discomfort and leave behind itchy swelling. And if in ordinary life people can somehow cope with negative consequences, the military has a much more difficult time. They do not have the ability to casually brush off annoying insects and avoid areas with tall grass where ticks are known to live. This is especially true in places where it lives a large number of insects

To protect the military, in 1946 the US Army developed the substance diethyltoluamide, an organic chemical compound that has a repellent effect. After the product proved its effectiveness, diethyltoluamide was approved for use by the civilian population in 1956. However, it entered the market for free use only in 1965.

Diethyltoluamide has become the main component of the repellent composition “Deta”, which effectively protects against bites of mosquitoes, midges and ticks. And since it was originally produced in a semi-liquid paste-like consistency, in the USSR this repellent was sold mainly in tubes and glass vessels. And although this composition was positioned as a mosquito repellent, practice has shown that it is also effective against the bites of other insects, including midges, ticks, mosquitoes, horseflies and midges.

After the collapse of the “unbreakable” Union, a number of “Deta” products appeared, produced in the following forms;

  • emulsion;
  • aerosol;
  • cream;
  • balm stick;
  • gel.

Operating principle

Repellents made on the basis of diethyltoluamide have been used for half a century, and therefore have managed to prove themselves on the most positive side. Spray, balm, as well as other forms of products are used to protect against blood-sucking insects - mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, ticks and midges. But since their effect is exclusively repellent, they are not capable of destroying insects.

However, this factor also has positive side, as it indicates the relative safety of the drugs. Mosquitoes, midges and other insects belonging to the midge complex can fly nearby, but do not land on the skin. This is ensured not only by the content of diethyltoluamide in Deta preparations, but also by the addition of special additives, the smell of which is not tolerated by blood-sucking insects.

Important! If a repellent is applied exclusively to the skin, it will not provide effective protection from ticks. Therefore, when going outdoors, the aerosol should also be sprayed on clothes.

You should also take care not only of protection from insect bites, but also of means that will help you painlessly endure their consequences. And here the balm-stick, present in the Deta product line, will come to the rescue.

How to choose the right repellents

Mosquitoes, ticks, midges in the country house, garden, vegetable garden and how to deal with them

All Deta preparations, including the spray, contain different concentrations of the active substance, which can provide varying degrees of protection against bloodsuckers. Therefore, when choosing a repellent, you need to follow certain rules.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the concentration of diethyltoluamide.
  • Pay attention to the release form of the repellent. Each person is individual, and if one person is more comfortable using an aerosol, another will prefer a cream, balm or lotion.

What does the Deta concentration mean?

The duration of protection provided by the drugs directly depends on the concentration of diethyltoluamide. For example, repellents with a Deta concentration above 20% are considered the most effective and are used to repel ticks. If ticks do not cause danger, and you only need to provide protection from mosquito or midge bites, then you should choose a repellent with a lower concentration of the active substance.

Important! There is no need to play it safe and purchase repellents with a Deta concentration higher than 50%. As practice shows, they not only do not provide an increased degree of protection against mosquito bites, but also cause irritation on the skin.

What determines the duration of Deth's protection?

Although the concentration of the active substance that a spray or other form of Deta products contains determines not only the degree of protection, but also its duration, this parameter is also influenced by other factors:

  • related components;
  • type of insect;
  • air temperature and humidity;
  • sweating

Extended-release formulations of Deta are available on the market. But you should be guided by the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging.

How to use repellents effectively and safely

It is very important to choose a product not with the maximum concentration of the active substance, but with the desired one. If you plan to go to places where mosquitoes and midges accumulate for 1-1.5 hours, then you should use an aerosol or cream with a diethyltoluamide concentration of 7-10%. If longer-term protection is required, or there is a risk of tick bites, then you need to apply a spray with an active substance concentration of 20% or more to your skin and clothing.

And since the aerosol is not very convenient to apply to the skin due to the difficulty of controlling the splashing, it is advisable to use a cream or lotion for the skin.

To prevent the impression of your vacation from being spoiled by endless scratching and swelling that appears in unprotected places (for example, on the face or hands), you should always have with you an after-bite balm from the Deta product line. It will not only effectively eliminate itching, but also relieve swelling.

Basic rules for using repellents

  • The aerosol should be applied to the skin only after carefully studying the instructions.
  • If you apply the spray to the skin in larger quantities than indicated in the instructions, you will achieve better protection It won’t work, but the likelihood of side effects will increase.
  • To eliminate the possibility of mosquito or midge bites, you need to spray the aerosol evenly over the body, without missing a single centimeter.
  • The repellent should not be applied to the face or to damaged or irritated skin.
  • The spray is applied to areas of the skin not covered by clothing. If insects bite through clothing, then it should be treated.

Using Deta balm

Deta balm-gel can be used in combination with repellents from the product line, or as an independent remedy to help relieve side effects that occur after mosquito and midge bites.

The balm is made in the form of a pencil with a gel-like consistency, and therefore is very convenient to use.

After applying it, the itching goes away instantly, and after a while the swelling subsides.

If you follow these simple rules for using protective equipment against midges, outdoor recreation will bring maximum pleasure.

Video: Insect bites - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Repellents include compounds of natural and synthetic origin. They are used to protect people and animals from insects and ticks. This is the simplest and affordable way protect yourself and children from bites of mosquitoes and other blood-sucking arthropods. When using products, take into account the concentration of the active substance. The percentage of the active component should not exceed the safe limit. Safe and effective repellents You don’t have to buy mosquito repellents from the store; you can make them yourself.

Composition and types of chemical repellents

The names of compounds used to protect against insects come from Latin word repellens - repellent, repulsive. These substances are available in various forms:

According to the mechanism of action, drugs are divided into two types:

  1. Volatile substances that act at a distance. They have the smell of a male mosquito, which is unpleasant to fertilized females.
  2. Compositions that act upon contact of an insect with a treated surface.

Based on their origin, protective equipment is divided into synthetic and natural. Chemical compounds are more effective, but exhibit moderate toxicity to humans. Natural remedies made from essential oils. Their aroma is extremely unpleasant for mosquitoes. Candles and spiral bracelets are made from natural ingredients. Commonly used oils are citronella, cloves, eucalyptus, anise, geranium, and tea tree.

The active ingredient in most chemical repellents is diethyltoluamide (DEET). Chemical compound, which repels blood-sucking insects, was developed about 80 years ago. Unlike insecticides, it does not kill mosquitoes, but only forces them to stay away from people. The substance belongs to hazard class II.

Attention. DEET-based products make up 60% of products that protect against blood-sucking insects. Various manufacturers only change the composition of additional components - fragrances, stabilizers, etc.

Diethyltoluamide is a toxic substance, its concentration is strictly limited:

  • 40-50% - the composition is intended for application to clothing, shoes, ;
  • 25-30% - the product can be used by adults for application to the skin and hair, the action period is up to three hours;
  • 10-15% - drugs are suitable for adolescents and people with poor health;
  • 5-7% is the concentration permitted for children.

DEET is not the only one chemical composition for repellents. They are made on the basis of carboxite, oxamate, isopranol.

Review of popular protective equipment


A professional product designed to protect people in for a long time in the forest or near water bodies. A high concentration of the active substance (30%) repels midges, mosquitoes, horse flies and ticks for a long time. When treating clothing, the protective effect lasts for 30 days. Aerosol "DETA-prof" is recommended for fishermen, hunters, and law enforcement officers.


The Gardex company offers a wide range of protective equipment. (10%) will create an invisible barrier for mosquitoes for 3 hours. The “Gardex extreme” series is a mosquito and tick repellent that lasts up to 8 hours. After treatment with an aerosol, protection on clothing remains for a month (if not washed). To ensure a long-term effect, the concentration of the active substance is increased to 31%.

The Gardex children's series uses propylene glycol. The product in the form of a spray is recommended from 1 year. For kids, we offer colorful stickers on clothes impregnated with natural lemongrass extract. One of the options for preventing bites is a children's plastic bracelet with replaceable cartridges.


The company's products have a repellent effect for a long period. After treatment with Mosquitall aerosol open areas blood-sucking insects do not approach the skin for 4 hours. The DEET concentration is 18%; in products intended for children, it is reduced to 7.5%. People with sensitive skin have many chemicals cause allergies. For them, Mosquitoll offers an aerosol with non-toxic repellent IR3535. Aerosol “Professional Protection” contains a large amount of active substance and repels insects for up to 8 hours.

Mosquitoll children's repellents are available in the form of milk and cream. They contain bio-repellent IR3535. Children from two years old can choose a bracelet with a mixture natural oils(citronella, lavender, geranium).

Attention. As DEET concentration increases, not only does the repellent's effectiveness increase, but so does the health risk.


OFF drugs are offered in any form. OFF “Extreme” products are applied to clothing, skin, curtains, tents, Mosquito nets and furniture. They create an invisible barrier for 8 hours. On clothing, the composition repels ticks for 5 days. Mosquito and tick repellents in aerosol form have several advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • nice smell;
  • do not leave stains on clothes.

Spray the aerosol onto things until lightly moistened, use after drying. Apply a thin layer on the skin, avoid contact with water.

In protective creams for adults and children, the amount of active ingredient does not exceed 7.5%. Aloe vera extract is added to cosmetic products to moisturize the skin. It is convenient to take the tube with you for reapplication after 2 hours.


The Russian company Taiga produces effective and available funds against blood-sucking insects. Active substance– diethyltoluamide. Repellents are available in the form of a spray, cream for application to open areas. The “Taiga-Ultra” emulsion is applied to the body and acts for 1 hour. Creams and lotions contain clove oil, a natural insect repellent.

DIY natural repellents

You can make effective mosquito repellents that are not harmful to your health. They are made in the form of a spray, scented candle or cream. For personal protection, use an oil mixture or aromatic one.

To make the oil mixture you will need:

  • base – olive or massage oil (50-100 ml);
  • essential oils - cloves, eucalyptus, rosemary, geranium and others (10 drops).

Aromatic oil is added to the base, then the mixture is applied to the skin. Use the composition carefully; it leaves stains on clothes.

Attention. To avoid allergic reaction, it is necessary to check the portability of the used essential oil. To do this, a drop of the product is applied to the elbow. If there is no reaction, it can be used as a repellent.

For children, you can mix it yourself protective agent based on baby cream. Lavender oil is added to the cosmetic product at the rate of:

  • children under two years old – 2 drops per 30 ml;
  • over two years – 3 drops per 30 ml.

Before use, you should consult with your pediatrician and make sure that your baby is not allergic to the formulations used.

One way to repel mosquitoes is with a scented spray. It includes:

  • 100 ml water;
  • 10 ml alcohol;
  • 5 ml essential oil (citronella, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus).

Mix all the ingredients to create a spray that can be used to treat clothes and skin. An aromatic candle will be a repellent to repel blood-sucking insects in an apartment or country house. To make it you will need wax or paraffin. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil to the melted base. When you light a candle, an aroma will spread into the room that is unpleasant for mosquitoes.

A huge range of repellents allows you to choose a reliable and convenient product for children and adults. Repellent compounds will make outdoor recreation enjoyable and safe.