How to choose a good electric jigsaw so you don’t regret it later? Jigsaw – which one to choose for your home? Household jigsaw

Previously, in order to assemble the entire set necessary tools it was necessary to acquire simple and primitive things. Today, without tools with an electric motor, it is impossible to organize repairs and construction. Good device For processing wood, drywall, tin and much more at home, there is an electric jigsaw. For those who don’t know what it is, let’s just say it’s a small electric saw with a drive. How to choose an electric jigsaw for your home?

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today we’ll talk about choosing a tool such as a jigsaw. It is practically irreplaceable in household and every owner should have it.

Nowadays there are a lot of different manufacturers offering such products, but how not to make a bad choice and not purchase a low-quality tool. To do this, you need to know at least a little about what a jigsaw is, what functions it has and what purposes it serves.

But you shouldn’t give up the right approach Choosing an electric jigsaw for your home is not difficult. I hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Which jigsaw to choose for your home, household or professional?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need this tool and how often you will use it. I understand that you need a jigsaw to cut, but you can cut in different ways.

Someone can choose a tool to cut plywood with a thickness of no more than 20mm, while someone else can saw a board with a thickness of 50mm or more; for these cases, completely different models are needed.

In the first case, any household model will do, but in the second, a serious professional tool is needed. So you need to clearly define the scope of work in order to choose the right jigsaw for your home.

To make it clearer, I’ll explain this: You don’t need a professional tool if you use it, roughly speaking, once a year, but I also don’t recommend that you take an amateur model if a lot of work will be done with a jigsaw. In principle, this rule applies to any instrument. It will be a bad investment of money that you will simply lose.

  • Household models designed for rare use, have a low power reserve and material cutting thickness. They also do not include additional functions, such as quick blade change, laser pointer and many other useful things. They have a fairly low price.
  • Professional models Designed for high and long-term loads, they have great power and cutting thickness. They have many additional functions. But along with all the advantages they have a high price.

In general, we won’t focus on what is a household jigsaw and what is a professional jigsaw, just make a choice based on your needs and the amount of work. Very often people write reviews saying that Chinese jigsaws are bad.

As I already wrote in the article, you should not pay attention to the country of the manufacturer, since now all famous companies have already moved their factories to China, but they monitor the quality of the products. As a matter of principle, do not buy Chinese because it is not made correctly. Let's move on to the characteristics of jigsaws.

Main characteristics of electric jigsaws

This is the most important thing; you should pay attention to these characteristics first. In most cases, they are the ones who determine the quality and class of the instrument. Let's look at all the characteristics separately.

Power and cutting thickness

The very first thing to do is look at the power of the tool; the higher it is, the thicker the material the jigsaw can cut. High-power jigsaws can withstand long-term high loads. The higher the power, the more the unit can withstand.

The power varies in the range from 400W to 1000W, perhaps a little more or a little less, but the picture roughly looks like this. A tool with a power of up to 500 W is considered household, and above 500 W a professional one.

The power of the jigsaw directly affects the thickness of the cut. The cutting thickness is a value indicating what material and what maximum thickness a given model can cut. Usually the thickness of the cut of wood and steel is indicated; as a rule, the cut of wood is always larger than steel.

With increasing power, the thickness of the cut also increases. On household jigsaws, the cutting thickness of wood reaches up to 70mm, and steel up to 5mm. In home life this is not a bad indicator. Professional jigsaws can cut wood up to 140mm thick and steel up to 10mm. If you cut softer metals (such as aluminum), the cutting thickness reaches up to 20mm.

When choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, think about what thickness of material you work with most often and purchase a jigsaw with slightly higher performance for a power reserve.

Pendulum mode

First you need to figure out what the function is. This function is that when sawing, the file not only moves up and down, but also pushes forward. This effect allows you to increase cutting speed and reduce saw wear. But there is also a downside to the coin: the cleanliness of the cut decreases significantly. Chips and burrs appear. Also, you cannot cut metal in this mode.

Almost all modern jigsaws are equipped with a pendulum function. You can find out whether it is present on the model or not by the presence of a switch on the side of the instrument.

Usually the function goes to 3 positions, the higher the number, the stronger the angle of the saw. But there are exceptions, and on some models there are from 4 to 8 positions, but this only happens on professional models.

This mode is only suitable for straight cutting. If you are planning to cut out complex shapes, then when choosing a jigsaw for your home, you should not pay attention to this function, since you will not need it.

Blade stroke frequency

The cutting speed of the jigsaw directly depends on this parameter. This value shows how many moves the saw makes per minute. The number of moves varies on different models.

Of course, when choosing a jigsaw for your home, it is better to choose medium or high values, since a low value of this parameter is an indicator of the low quality of the tool.

On household models, most often the saw stroke frequency is from 2000-2800 rpm. On professional jigsaws this figure reaches 3000-3200 rpm.

One more important parameter is the stroke length of the saw. This is the distance from the bottom dead center of the saw to the top dead center. The greater this distance, the longer the file will last you, and the better it will cut.

Handle shape

The shape of the handle on jigsaws also differs; there are two types: staple-shaped and mushroom-shaped. The first got its name because its shape resembles a staple. By the way, this is the most common type of handle, which is most often equipped with modern models. This form involves working with one hand.

The second type of handle is less common, but still found on some models. As you may have guessed, it got its name because its shape is similar to a mushroom. They say that it is better to make curly cuts with this particular handle shape.

However, it still depends on your individual needs. Take one or the other type in the store, hold it and decide for yourself which will be more convenient.

What is a sole, what should it be like?

The sole is the platform of the jigsaw on which it stands when sawing. The quality of the cut depends on its type. Also, a high-quality platform allows you to make cuts at an angle. There are two types of soles: stamped and cast. Let's look at each type separately.


The cast sole is installed on expensive professional models. The presence of such a platform indicates the good quality of the tool. As the name implies, the sole is made by casting. It is thicker and more rigid than a stamped sole.


The stamped sole is installed on a cheaper tool of low quality. Made from thin sheet material by stamping. Often has insufficient rigidity, because of this the quality of the cut decreases (The cut often leads to the side).

If you are interested in high quality cutting, then choose a jigsaw with a cast sole, but if it is more important for you to save money, then with a stamped one.

Angle of the sole

Almost every jigsaw has this parameter. They differ only in the way they are tilted. For some models this is done inconveniently and for a long time. In the places where the sole comes into contact with the jigsaw, there are special screws that are loosened with a hexagon, the angle is set, and then all the screws are tightened again. Agree this is long and inconvenient.

In other models, tilting is much faster and easier. Using a special lever, you loosen the platform, set the tilt and set the lever to its original position. Note that all this is done without the help of a tool.

Again, think about how often you will use this function; if the answer is “not often,” then you don’t need a model with a fast tilt. If you do it often, then choose a jigsaw with a fast tilt, without hesitation, it will save you a lot of time and nerves.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are inserts and overlays on the soles. They are used for sawing fragile materials so that there are no scratches on them after cutting.

The cheaper version has plastic linings; the more expensive version has metal inserts.

Additional functions

I would like to talk separately about various additions to jigsaws. Although such functions are not necessary, they still facilitate the operation of the tool. Some may seem completely useless to you, but they still exist, which means there is a demand for them.

Keyless blade replacement

A very convenient and necessary function. Mostly professional jigsaws are equipped with it. Everything happens quickly and conveniently.

On conventional models, the blade is replaced by loosening special pins, and in a keyless replacement, this occurs by pressing a special lever. The principle is described as similar to the tilt of the sole. Choose an electric jigsaw for your home with this function and you won’t regret it.

Backlight and laser cut pointer

Another addition appears as a backlight. Helps in low or no light conditions. There is an LED on the front of the tool that illuminates the area at the front of the jigsaw. In most cases, of course, this function is not needed, but there are still cases where it is used.

Another addition could be a laser pointer that indicates the cutting line. It's positioned so it kind of projects the cut line onto the blade you're sawing, so you can see where the cut will be.

Speed ​​adjustment

Adjusting the speed essentially means adjusting the number of strokes of the saw. It is very easy to determine the presence of such a function by the presence of a wheel on which numbers are printed. You can increase or decrease engine speed by turning the wheel.

This function is useful when sawing plastic, metal and all such materials that need to be cut at low speeds. Typically this function is located on the top of the handle or on the side.

Stop for straight and circumferential cuts

emphasis for smooth cut Comes with almost every jigsaw. So, when choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, make sure that you have such a stop; it will most likely be useful to you.

This addition looks like a ruler with a perpendicular stop at the end. One side is clamped into the sole of the jigsaw on desired length, and a perpendicular stop to the edge of the workpiece. Thus, when cutting, a cutting line is obtained that is parallel (to the edge of the workpiece).

The same stop can be used in cutting a circle. But it needs to be fixed in the center of the circle, so that it can rotate around its axis. In general, for these purposes there are special stops that are well fixed in the center of the circle. There are also 2 in 1 stops.

Removing sawdust from the cutting site

This is quite a useful function, since during the sawing process very often the cutting line is covered with sawdust, and you cannot see where to cut. This is where sawdust removal will save you.

The blowing occurs in the front part, in front of the jigsaw, blowing sawdust in different directions, cleaning the cutting line. It happens that sawdust is sucked into a special pipeline running above the sole. At the end of this tube a special bag for sawdust is put on, or a special vacuum cleaner is connected.

Corded or cordless tool

Nowadays cordless tools are very popular, but this does not apply to jigsaws. Perhaps something will change in the near future, but for now everything is as it is.

First of all, cordless jigsaws have several disadvantages. One of them is the very high price of the tool and its consumables, such as spare batteries and chargers.

Another drawback is the short operating time without recharging, so the issue of autonomy has not been fully resolved. Also, the battery life is limited. The advantage is that you can use the tool without electricity. This is convenient in places where it is not possible to connect to the power grid.

In the network version of the jigsaw there is only one minus. It consists in the fact that you cannot use the tool without electricity. And the advantages are obvious, it works without recharging in any mode. No need to buy any batteries or chargers.

Well-known manufacturers of jigsaws

Let's look at the most popular manufacturers of jigsaws, both for home and professional models.

  • Black& Decker A US company founded in 1910. It produces professional jigsaws equipped with rich functionality.
  • BosWithh A German company that produces both professional and household jigsaws of excellent quality. Well, the price for such equipment is not small.
  • Makita, Dewalt,Fiolent– Companies producing high-quality products that can withstand increased loads.
  • Interskol— A Russian company also produces jigsaws reasonable price good quality, but with the relocation of factories to China, the quality has noticeably suffered.

Let’s dwell on this number of manufacturers, since there are a lot of them, and I see no point in listing them all. Most are cheap copies of famous brands.

Well, this article is coming to an end, I hope you learned something useful and I helped you choose an electric jigsaw for your home. If you want to add something or disagree with something, write in the comments, I will be grateful for your opinion. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. I would like to add a video on choosing a jigsaw for your home. I guess that's all, thanks for your attention, good luck!

We continue to discuss the choice the right tool for construction and home. Let's look at several models of jigsaws, find their weak and strengths, let's look at the design features. Next, we will draw the necessary conclusions, and only then we can head to the store.

Ask any finishing craftsman to voice his personal TOP 5 of the most popular, frequently used tool, and you will hear a list that will definitely include a jigsaw. For example, for me it firmly occupies fourth place, after a hammer drill, a screwdriver and an angle grinder. The thing is that this is an incredibly functional, mobile, truly universal assistant. It, if necessary, although with some restrictions, can replace whole line other tools, which is especially important for the home craftsman. Working with an electric jigsaw is simple and interesting, everyone can do it. Even my wife, who is far from being involved in repair and construction equipment, can sometimes enjoy sawing something out.

When our team makes its first landing on a site, the jigsaw is always with us; there has never been a case where it was not useful. But his absence is sometimes acutely felt. Usually, at the very beginning, it is necessary to make scaffolding, shelving, and a primitive table from wood.

Most often, we use a jigsaw for figured and straight cutting of all kinds of sheet materials, such as plywood, plexiglass, OSB, chipboard, MDF, gypsum fiber board, gypsum board, thin cement boards and so on.

In the production of roofing and wooden frames we saw (often locally) a board, a batten, or a not very massive beam. In the absence of another tool, you can cut thick timber with a jigsaw - in two passes, because it is not necessary for the saw to go right through the wood.

When it comes to materials such as parquet, laminate, lining, there is nothing to talk about - a jigsaw is beyond competition.

Often, during tiling work, it is necessary to make a curved trim, go around a rounded column near which there will be no plinth, and line the box with a honeycomb exit sewer pipe. From time to time, designers throw us a fun project. A tiler's nightmare: radial or wave-shaped connection tiles, for example, to the parquet. Then it can be extremely difficult to solve the problem with grinders and tile cutters, a jigsaw comes to the rescue again - we put a file with diamond coating and millimeter by millimeter we move towards the intended goal, or rather, along the intended line.

It is no secret that a jigsaw can be used to cut profile metal workpieces, as well as sheet metal. Somehow this need never arose in my practice, but out of curiosity, I, of course, tried to do it. We install the metal saw, reduce the speed to minimum, remove the pendulum stroke and begin. Well, yes, it really is possible.

Unlike saber, disc, chain saw, the same router, the jigsaw is held and guided with one hand, which allows the second to fix the workpiece. Thanks to this, a fairly accurate cut is obtained at a significant speed of work, since there is no need to secure the object being processed each time, you just need markings and a steady hand of the operator. By using a saw table to mount a jigsaw, you can achieve even more impressive results regarding the accuracy and cleanliness of the cut. Then the file goes with its teeth down, and there are no chips on the front surface, and the workpiece is moved with both hands. In general, there are two problems when working with an electric jigsaw - the appearance of chips and the saw blade moving away from the vertical. In most cases, they are solved by selecting the right saw blade and choosing the operating mode (blade speed and pendulum stroke amplitude). The skill of the user and the design features of the jigsaw also play an important role.

Jigsaw device: 1 - power cord; 2 — power button; 3 - speed controller; 4 — brush assembly; 5 - electric motor; 6 — cooling fan; 7 - gearbox; 8 — eccentric hinge (reciprocating mechanism); 9 — pendulum mechanism; 10 — protective limiter; 11 — support roller for the file; 12 - air duct for removing sawdust

"Fiolent" PMZ-600 E

I have several jigsaws in my arsenal, each of which is focused on its own tasks. The main hard worker, whom we have been mercilessly exploiting for many years at the most complex work- this is the “Fiolent” PMZ-600 E. The engineers were able to create a very, very durable machine. It can be noted that the manufacturer from Simferopol is simply famous for its successful jigsaws, as well as grinders. PMZ-600 E is a powerful and productive device that quickly copes with any task.

Wood up to 85 mm thick, steel up to 10 mm, aluminum up to 20 mm - these are not just numbers from the passport, this is the very real thickness of the cut. The high-torque 600-watt motor moves the rod up to 2,600 times per minute at idle, generally speaking for power. Many of my colleagues have this model; no one had any problems with the anchor, brushes, or gearbox - all the filling was made with a safety margin. True, solid motor, steel counterweight, durable metal parts could not but affect the weight of the product, which is 2.4 kg, and this is quite a lot.

The jigsaw has a switchable pendulum stroke, which helps speed up work along a straight path, and while for thin materials the difference is not particularly noticeable, then for large thicknesses the performance improves significantly. This option can be completely disabled for curved cuts or for sawing metal and ceramics.

The button, power lock, and speed control function properly. The manufacturer claims that this rather vulnerable unit is made in Western Europe.

I heard about complaints about the quality of the rod - someone broke, and that it requires adjustment, modification, since it can be deployed, which is why the saw tends to deviate from the working line. Everything is fine with me, the rod did not break, it cuts smoothly. It has no serious play, the file is well stabilized in the transverse direction.

The stamped sole is made well, it is securely fixed exactly perpendicular to the canvas. It is possible to move it to a 45° position, but, to be honest, I don’t use this function at all. By the way, the set included a factory plastic sole plate, which prevents the appearance of black stripes from the metal and scratches on the front surfaces. Unfortunately, after laying the second hectare parquet board it was successfully erased.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the attachment of the file. Probably used here the best option— the lock that clamps the blade is fixed with one screw. Everything happens quickly, the file is firmly fixed, without distortions. The worst thing that can happen is that you don’t have a flathead screwdriver in your household. In addition, you can use blades of various thicknesses, which cannot be said about quick-clamping mechanisms.

So let's recap. “Fiolent” PMZ-600 E is an excellent jigsaw for any work on a construction site, it has been tested by time. If something happens, it is very easy to find spare parts for it, and they are inexpensive.

About a year ago, my partner was eager to acquire a high-end jigsaw; he really liked the Makita 4351 FCT. Well, a person loves a smart instrument. Of course, I did not deny myself the pleasure of giving this unit a good test drive.

The performance of this unit is simply stunning. I tried to cut the hundredth beam - no problem, the 75th metal corner with a thickness of 6 mm - normal, without strain. Everything works very quietly, there are no vibrations, you can clearly feel the power reserve (according to the passport, the maximum saw depth for wood is 135 mm, for steel - 10 mm). A 720 W motor seems to suggest this order of things, but in practice, not all manufacturers manage to successfully transfer the large energy of the power plant to the saw set. The blade stroke is 26 mm, the speed of its movement can be set within the range of 800-2800 translational movements per minute. These indicators are similar to those of the “Fiolent” PMZ-600 E, but there is already an electronic sawing speed control system that maintains the specified parameters regardless of the structure of the materials, including dissimilar ones. Naturally, we offer a pendulum motion at our service. The developers made it three-mode, although practice shows that it is enough to have two extreme positions: “on” and “off”. The jigsaw starts without a jerk, this triggers the starting current limiter - “ smooth start"(the function helps with ultra-precise operations).

The jigsaw is equipped with a very high-quality sole made of cast aluminum; it is clearly fixed in the zero position and at an angle of 45°. It has an anti-slip, protective plastic lining and an anti-splinter liner. By the way, in tight places the support platform can be moved back.

The blade can be replaced without keys or screwdrivers. It's a little worrying that the holding mechanism is operated by a plastic lever, but so far everything is fine. Interestingly, the cartridge seems to be “omnivorous” - I tried to insert the blades different thicknesses, he recorded everything reliably.

The work area is illuminated by a built-in lamp, which turns on when you press the “start” button - very convenient. The sawdust removal system works quite effectively.

Now about the unpleasant stuff. The jigsaw is heavy (2.4 kg) and quite large; it simply cannot fit into some places. Its length is 30 cm, plus 10 cm of the cord input casing protruding back. The body is thick, resembles a small grinder, I couldn’t grasp it properly, the device tends to fall out of my hands. Having a mushroom-shaped handle requires two-handed operation, which I really don't like. To disable the start button, which is necessarily locked, you need to grab it; you cannot reach it from the working position of your hands.

The Makita 4351 FCT is, of course, a powerful, reliable, functional tool. However, it is not suitable for construction and finishing, since you have to work a lot “on the spot”, sawing workpieces “on your knees” is not his element. A jigsaw will perform well in a workshop where the part can be securely fastened. With its help, a figured cut is perfectly performed; you can easily move the tool towards you, to the side, from below the workpiece.

The little green BOSCH PST 650 was developed by German engineers for the average home craftsman. I purchased it at a large construction supermarket as an addition to the monumental “Fiolent” PMZ-600 E. Again, I didn’t intend to save money, I’m just putting together a set of lightweight compact tools for special use in special conditions. Practice has shown that the household series of this manufacturer can also find application in the repair and construction business.

The jigsaw immediately fit into the hand, it is truly comfortable - the thin D-shaped handle has soft rubber pads, the switches are located in accessible, expected places, everything is perfectly balanced. A sensitive large button allows you to “push” a little. The weight of the device is only 1.6 kg, which is as much as 800 grams less than the PMZ-600 E or Makita 4351 FCT. The developers used a 500 W motor for it, but the working rod was accelerated to 3100 strokes per minute (the Fiolent PMZ-600 E, for example, has 2600 strokes per minute). In short, as in the case of other household tools, the Germans relied on speed. I can easily cut beams 50 mm thick, and this is clearly not the limit (the passport indicates 65 mm for wood, 4 mm for steel).

The assets of this jigsaw include a well-fixed steel platform, including an angle of 45°, adjustable sawdust blowing, an anti-vibration system, and good lateral stabilization of the blade.

The BOSCH PST 650 is equipped with a quick-release chuck, which has one drawback - not all files can be inserted there, due to the different thickness of the shanks. At the same time, the canvases that fit are fixed very securely.

For a year and a half, the PST 650 has been working without failures. finishing works, saws beams, boards, laminate, lining. An excellent ultra-light class tool, it has rightfully earned its place on the construction site. Concerning home use, then, taking into account the price/quality/performance ratio, this jigsaw will be beyond competition.

The Einhell BPS 600E jigsaw came to us by accident and left us very quickly. It seems that he had everything for success: a pendulum stroke with three modes, a 600-watt motor, a speed controller, good frequency, traditional design, German name... But the quality of workmanship fails the manufacturer irrevocably. The button broke, the rubber peeled off the handle, the rod began to play, the sole bent, the block holding the saw broke, the very rigid cord began to crack... Only the motor continues its life. This is an example of how not to make jigsaws, it is a complete failure. There is no point in buying such a tool, no matter how cheap it is.

Let's summarize. To choose the right jigsaw, you need to take into account a number of nuances. Based on the practical experience of professional builders, we can formulate some general recommendations:

  1. Determine in advance what type of work the jigsaw will be used for. In most cases, including for construction, household or semi-professional tools in the mid-price range are suitable.
  2. High power necessarily affects the weight of the product. Think about whether you need it.
  3. A jigsaw with a mushroom handle is better suited for work in a workshop environment. A two-handed grip involves fixing the workpiece. This tool is very convenient for making complex curved cuts.
  4. D-shaped machines can be operated with one hand and are good for use in " field conditions", "local". This option is preferable for a construction site and for a home.
  5. The presence of a pendulum stroke significantly increases productivity.
  6. To work with a variety of different materials a change in the stroke rate will be required - it’s good when there is a step speed regulator.
  7. For delicate sawing, the function of electronic stabilization of the set speed and soft start will not be superfluous.
  8. The sole must be securely fixed perpendicular to cutting blade. A big plus would be the presence of a plastic lining.
  9. The less play there is in the working rod and support roller, the cleaner and more accurate the cut will be.
  10. Quick-release fastening of the blade may have a limitation on the thickness of the shanks (not all files are suitable). The most unreliable option is a block with a slot and two screws. The key/screwdriver lock is the most versatile.
  11. Directional airflow and illumination of the work area are very useful options.
  12. Each model has its own unique ergonomics; before purchasing, be sure to shake the jigsaw in your hands and choose what suits you personally.
  13. Many authorized sales centers allow the buyer to test the tool in operation; take advantage of this right.

Electric jigsaw – indispensable tool, which every home craftsman needs along with a drill. The versatility of this device allows you to use it for or as a hacksaw for wood and even metal. Taking into account the versatility, it becomes clear that when choosing such equipment, it will not hurt to be careful. Today we will look at the characteristics that a high-quality product should have and present the TOP 10 best jigsaws according to consumer reviews.

An electric jigsaw is a device with which shaped blanks are cut from wood, chipboard, and even metal for various purposes. Applicable similar equipment in furniture production, production of figured decorations, for household purposes (as auxiliary tool). After all, if you have an even piece of wood, you can ideally cut boards, PVC or NDF panels. The angle of inclination is also adjustable, which allows you to chamfer or unravel the fiberboard lengthwise at the desired angle. He can even do garden work like removing dried tree branches.

Design features of an electric jigsaw

Every home craftsman knows what a jigsaw looks like. But it makes sense to understand how it works. The basis of this equipment is an electric motor, which rotates an eccentric wheel (a roller with an offset center) through a gearbox. It is the eccentric that transmits reciprocating movements to the canvas.

An electric jigsaw for wood or metal is equipped with an electronic rheostat to regulate speed. This is necessary - the same speed will not work for different materials. Some models of household jigsaws are equipped with a bag to illuminate the cutting area, as well as a bag for collecting sawdust that appears during work.

Classification of electric jigsaws by power and application

Despite the fact that today the line between professional and household tools has noticeably blurred, this has not affected the classification of jigsaws. Let's look at what groups such equipment is divided into. The main ones can be called:

  • Professional corded jigsaws;
  • Professional rechargeable;
  • Household network;
  • Household battery equipment;
  • Industrial devices.

You need to understand what the difference is between these groups.

Corded and cordless professional jigsaws and their features

Network equipment is more powerful than battery equipment. After all, if you imagine the power of the battery, comparable to the electrical network, then it will be heavy and bulky. A logical question arises: “Why such a battery then?” The only disadvantage of network equipment is its “attachment” to . If you need to do work outside, you will have to pull an extension cord, and this is not always convenient.

Professional equipment is distinguished by expanded functionality, settings for the position of blades (files), power and endurance (the ability to work in aggressive environments and hard rhythm).

Good to know! If you need a jigsaw for the home and will not use it often, you should not purchase professional equipment, the cost of which is several times higher.

Household electric jigsaws of mains and battery type

Household equipment has less power. But it is enough for housework. Research has confirmed that such equipment with a power of 350 W is capable of sawing boards 70 mm thick. And household jigsaws offered by the manufacturer today consume 600÷700 W. Draw conclusions.

A household jigsaw, despite having sufficient power, is only suitable for short-term work. A home workshop, where the owner works with wood “for the soul,” is their element. But if you plan, a household jigsaw will not work. Here you need a professional device capable of working 7–8 hours a day.

Industrial jigsaws: differences from professional ones

Industrial devices are stationary. They represent . The wood on them is sawed differently than with an industrial jigsaw - it is not the device that moves, but the material.

Such machines are installed in workshops and rarely move. They are used in the furniture industry and can work up to 24 hours a day. A home craftsman, regardless of whether he is involved in woodworking, has no need for such units - their cost is significant.

Having summarized the information presented, we will answer the question of which is better to buy a jigsaw for the home like this: if there are no plans for construction, and a jigsaw is only needed periodically, the option with a household tool will do. For construction or small furniture production - professional.

The best jigsaw blades: selection criteria

Before purchasing a blade, you need to clarify which shank will fit your model of electric jigsaw. There are only 4 options, and now we will look at them:

Photo Shank designation Explanations

T-shapedThe first manufacturer to introduce such a shank was BOSH. Today, giants such as Makita, Metabo, Hitachi, Skil, AEG, DeWalt, Sparky, and Interskol have switched to such blade shanks.

U-shapedShank for block and screw clamps. Installed on old models “Skil”, “DeWalt”, “Wolf”, “Ryobi”, “Stayer”, “Black&Decker”.

Makita shankOld Makita models only

It is impossible to say which of them is better. If it is not a Chinese fake, then the quality is not in dispute. The main thing is that the shank fits the tool seat. The length of the canvas varies in the range of 40÷250 mm. But when purchasing saws, it is worth taking into account the capabilities of the tool and its power.

Which jigsaw to choose and what to look for when buying

Before choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, in addition to power, you should pay attention to:

  • maximum stroke frequency of the rod - a frequency of 3,000÷3,200 strokes per minute will be sufficient for operation;
  • cutting depth - this parameter determines the thickness of the material that the tool can cut;
  • additional functions - this can be adjusting the angle of the sole, soft start, maintaining speed under load, blowing off chips, backlight or laser pointer cut.

When purchasing electrical equipment, you must be sure to read the certificate of conformity for the product and check the terms and conditions of warranty service with your sales consultant. The device must be in perfect condition, without chips, cracks or scratches. High-quality equipment is supplied by the manufacturer in plastic cases.

After checking the functionality of the instrument in the store, the seller is obliged to fill out a warranty card in front of the buyer, affixing the date of sale and stamp. If even one of these conditions is not met, it is better to refuse the purchase. After all, even inexpensive model It can ruin your mood if it stops working on the second day.

TOP 10 best jigsaws 2017-2018

In the rating of electric jigsaws, we will consider the brands and models of household appliances that became the most purchased at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. We won’t give the cost, we’ll talk about it later. Our task now will be to understand which models are the most popular and for what reasons.

10th place – jigsaw AEG PST 500 X 428260

Despite the fact that this tool is in tenth place, it cannot be called bad - others did not make it into the TOP 10 at all. It’s not just the power that let this jigsaw down (only 440 W). The power button, located inconveniently (at the top of the handle), often fails (according to customer reviews). There is no speed regulator, as well as cutting line control.

Jigsaw "AEG PST 500 X 428260" - tenth place, but it is in the TOP

9th place – network Bort BPS-800-Q

The Bort BPS-800-Q jigsaw could compete for a higher position, but with a power of 800 W and a cutting depth of only 80 mm on wood, this is impossible. Although he takes 10 mm steel. The tool weighs 2.6 kg. Buyers note strangeness in the work. When cutting wood thicker than 50 mm, the blade moves to the side. The advantage is that it blows away sawdust from the cut.

Jigsaw “Bort BPS-800-Q” - problems with cutting wood thicker than 50 mm

8th place – electric jigsaw Interskol MP-100E

Powerful unit of 705 W. The cutting depth for wood is 100 mm, for steel – 10 mm. Weight about 3 kg. Among the disadvantages, owners note strong vibration (which will subsequently lead to loose parts) and the fact that on long cuts the tool does not hold a given strip well.

7th place – stylish and ergonomic Ruobi CJS 180L

The 18 V battery allows you to work only with wood 40 mm thick, which is a rather mediocre indicator. Blade stroke frequency – up to 2,100 units/min. The gearbox is rather weak and consists of plastic gears. This means that if the permissible thickness of the material is exceeded, the teeth can be “licked off”. The plus is the laser cut pointer and smooth, soft operation. Seventh place in today's ranking.

6th place – features of Metabo STEB 65 Quick

With a power of 450 W, the cutting depth for wood is only 65 mm, for soft metals – 6 mm. Quite modest characteristics for network equipment. The weight is also small - less than 2 kg. Supports an instant blade change system, no backlight. Those who have purchased this tool complain that the blade holder is not adjustable enough.

5th place – Dewalt DCS331 cordless jigsaw

The stroke rate of this electric jigsaw is higher – 3000 units/min. The cutting depth for wood is 135 mm, for soft metals – 10 mm. There is no illumination of the work area, which is disappointing. There is also no connection to a vacuum cleaner or dust collector; instead, it blows away sawdust. Weight more than three kg. Fifth place.

4th place – jigsaw with a powerful battery AEG BST 18X

The battery of this model is 18 V, but the cutting thickness is small. It is 40 mm for wood and 10 mm for soft metals. The speed of the blade is 2050 movements per minute, weight is 3.5 kg. With such a powerful battery and significant weight, the performance could have been better, and therefore fourth place.

3rd place – famous Makita JV0600K

Powerful device of 650 W. The possible cutting thickness for wood is 90 mm, for soft metals – 20 mm, for steel – 10 mm. A maximum speed limit rheostat is installed (wheel behind the handle). Weight – 2.4 kg. Instant change of blades, ability to connect to . The disadvantage is the lack of illumination of the cutting area and the third place in the rating.

2nd place – electric jigsaw Hitachi CJ 14 DSL

Battery device with 14.4 V power supply. Cutting depth – 135 mm for wood and 10 mm for soft metal. It is possible to connect a vacuum cleaner to collect sawdust. Replacing the blades is simple - you just need to press two buttons on the sides and the lock is removed. Equipped with cutting strips. Weight 2.6 kg (with battery). Deserved second place in today's ranking of jigsaws for 2017-2018.

1st place – as always, German quality is ahead – Bosch GST 65B

Wood, plastic and aluminum are no problem for this tool. A properly selected canvas can easily handle these materials. During testing, this jigsaw, although with difficulty, coped with corrugated sheets and 3 mm metal, which already says a lot. The possible thickness of non-ferrous (soft) metals is up to 12 mm, and wood – up to 65 mm.

The power of the Bosch GST 65B electric jigsaw is only 400 W at a rotor speed of 3,100 rpm. Convenient tool, durable in operation, deserved first place in the rating.

An electric jigsaw will perform well during repairs. It becomes useful surprisingly often. The use of different types of saws allows you to cut metal, wood, plywood, particle boards, materials made from plastic or epoxy resin. According to statistics, this is the second most commonly used tool after a screwdriver.

How to choose a jigsaw for your home, what brand, what to look for, what additional equipment may be required? Is it necessary to purchase high-tech equipment for home needs? price category Or is a simple model enough?

The principle of operation of a jigsaw

A jigsaw is necessary in every workshop and is useful for some household work and repairs.

The tool can cut:

  • wood,
  • soft metal,
  • plastic.

It can perform different cutting lines:

  • straight line
  • curves,
  • zigzags,
  • holes are round, rectangular, irregular in shape.

When working, the sole of the jigsaw should be evenly pressed against the material. The tool should not be allowed to change position uncontrollably during operation - this can lead to breakage of the saw. It is better to cut hard materials in the lowest gear, that is, with a low saw feed speed.

Wood cutting

An electric jigsaw can be used to cut irregularly shaped wood. It is advisable to buy a special compass that allows you to cut in a circle. Sometimes manufacturers sell compasses complete with the tool. At one end of the device there is a spike that can be moved along the rod, allowing you to increase or decrease the radius of the circle. The jigsaw cannot make a 90 degree turn. To cut a rectangular block in wood, you need to make 4 cuts shown in the figure:

To start cutting not from the edge, but from the center of the board, you need to use a drill with a large diameter or a cutter. Draw the outline of the hole to be cut on the board. Using a drill, holes are drilled in the corners of the contour. You can then place the file in the hole and start cutting along the drawn line. You will get a hole with rounded corners. To obtain right angles, you must then cut off the rounded edges with a saw.

Miter cutting

The tool can cut wood not only at an angle of 90 degrees. The minimum cutting angle relative to the material surface is 45 degrees.

Jigsaws usually have 2 cutting angles - 0° and 45°, but professional models have much more options with different angle adjustment increments, for example: 0°, 9°, 15°, 22°, 5°, 25°, 30°, 45°.

The angle is set by adjusting the inclination of the sole. To make corner cuts, you need to attach the clamps to the table. Along the cut line, you can attach metal strips - tires. During operation, the sole will slide on the guide rail.

Working with metal and plastic

Working with these materials is similar to cutting wood, with the exception of some nuances:

  • Before cutting mild steel, the blade should be lubricated with industrial oil;
  • cutting aluminum will be easier if you lubricate the blade with technical oil mixed with denatured alcohol;
  • cutting PVC, acrylic, and other similar materials will be easier when the blade is wetted with water.

How to choose the right electric jigsaw?

What jigsaw would be better suited to perform specific tasks, and which one will be more universal - it is advisable to consider these questions before purchasing. This section provides information that allows you to understand the features of the device, helping you make the right choice of an electric jigsaw.

Types of jigsaws

According to the type of power supply, jigsaws are divided into 2 types:

  1. Mains powered jigsaws– devices more high power. The disadvantage of the model is the cable, which makes work less convenient and safe.
  2. Cordless jigsaws- certainly the most big advantage is the mobility of such a solution. They do not have a cable, which must be handled carefully during operation. However, you have to charge the batteries, and if long work use additional batteries. Over time, the capacity of power supplies decreases, which leads to the need to replace them and additional costs.

Tool Options

When choosing a jigsaw, it is advisable to carefully study its parameters that affect the operation of the device. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Power. The higher the power of the jigsaw, the better the device performs heavy work. Power can indirectly affect the maximum cutting depth. This setting allows for longer operation without stopping the engine. For different models, the power varies from 400 to 1000 W.
  • Cutting depth– indicated in relation to a specific material, differs for wood and metal.
  • Rod strokes per minute affects the speed of work. The higher the frequency, the better the cut. Optimal value The stroke frequency of the rod depends on the type of material. It is convenient when the tool has the ability to adjust the frequency, which allows you to work effectively with different materials - for soft materials a higher frequency is applicable, for hard materials, for example, metal, the frequency should be reduced.
  • Weight, dimensions. A lightweight device is more convenient to work with. Ideally, the design should be compact. Small dimensions and weight ensure comfortable work, convenient storage tool.

Optional equipment

It is necessary to purchase additional equipment for the jigsaw: files, guides, and other elements.

Jigsaw files

Saw blades are made from carbon tool steel (HCS) or (HSS), suitably processed and shaped. The files consist of:

  • shank for fastening,
  • housings,
  • cloves

The teeth are made of a stronger material than the body itself. Saw blades vary in design depending on the type of material they are designed to cut.

Electric jigsaw files are designed for the following materials:

System for changing and fastening files

It is worth paying attention to:

  • installation of files,
  • fastening system,
  • ease of replacement.

At different types work will require frequent changes of files; this operation should be carried out easily. Important question– Is it possible to install the blade without tools? This feature significantly affects the ease of use of the jigsaw. There are several mechanisms for attaching a saw blade:

  • Shoe mechanism - the blade is attached using a block, allows you to use different kinds files The mechanism is used in inexpensive instruments.
  • Screw mechanism - fastening occurs using a screw.
  • The quick clamp is the most convenient mechanism; its drawback is that it is not suitable for all types of blades.

Taking into account the shape of the shanks, the following common types of saws can be distinguished:

  1. with T-shank (European);
  2. with 2T shank;
  3. universal, 1/4″ with U-shaped tail (American);
  4. Makita.

T-shank files (European)

The most popular and common on the market are files with a T-shank. With a jigsaw designed for type T files, there will be no problems with the purchase Supplies. Most manufacturers of power tools on sale use European-style fasteners. The reason for the widespread use of the T-shank standard is high reliability of fastening, which is an important condition for efficient, safe operation. Important Features designs:

  • easy fastening,
  • easy removal of the canvas,
  • the ability to use keyless clamps, which greatly facilitate and speed up tool maintenance.

Fast assembly and disassembly is a major requirement among professional users. During intensive work, especially when cutting difficult-to-cut materials, the cutting part wears out quickly, which results in their frequent replacement. Therefore, the speed of saw blade replacement is important for productivity.

File material

  • HCS files are designed for cutting soft materials - wood, fiberboards, plastics;
  • HSS files – for steel, aluminum, ferrous metal;
  • Bimetallic files (BiM) are produced by electronically welding a strip of HSS teeth with a body of HCS steel. This results in a flexible, durable combination of the highest strength. Depending on the design, the teeth can be rectangular or curved.

Bimetal files are especially recommended for use in jobs that require high flexibility. It is worth noting that the service life of bimetallic files is 2-10 times longer compared to HCS and HSS files (the lifespan depends on the hardness of the materials being processed).

HM/TC blades are bimetallic, since their body is made of HCS steel, and the working part, which directly cuts the material, is made of tungsten carbide alloy. These blades are designed primarily for very hard, difficult-to-cut abrasive materials such as tiles, ceramic tiles, bricks, cast iron, glass, etc. It is worth noting that HM/TC files are not suitable for wood.

Like the HM/TC tools, the carbide saw blades have a body made of HCS steel. These tools are used to cut reinforced plastic.

Guide rails for jigsaws

Guides allow cutting at an angle and bevel. Using additional modules will help with cutting ceramic tiles. Using the guide, even under normal conditions, allows for more accurate and convenient cutting.

Guide bar, photo

Blowing away dust and chips

This device allows you to work more conveniently. For those who often use a jigsaw, it is advisable to consider purchasing a jigsaw with dust blower; working with it is more comfortable and efficient.

Backlight, laser beam

Illumination allows you to make the cut line more visible. The laser beam speeds up work and eliminates the need to mark the material.

File store, suitcase

Some jigsaws have space in the body to store several additional saws. This is a convenient solution, we do not need to carry additional bags for accessories. A convenient suitcase for storing a jigsaw and necessary accessories.

Models, prices and manufacturers

  • Cheap models can be bought for 750-1000 rubles, they have a power of 350-500 W.
  • For 1800 rubles you can buy manual jigsaw Skil power 500 W, speed 800-3000 strokes/min.
  • The BLACK DECKER KS501 tool with a power of 400 W and a speed of 3000 strokes/min will cost 2000 rubles.
  • A Bosch PST 650 jigsaw with a power of 500 W, having a speed of 3100 strokes/min, a quick-release fastening of the file costs 4200-4400 rubles.
  • Black & Decker and Bosch jigsaws at this price certainly represent the basic models.

Expensive tools will cost 30,000 rubles, for example:

  • Metabo STA 18 LTX 140 5.2Ah x2,
  • Bosch GSG 300,
  • Bosch GST 18 V-LI 4.0Ah x2 L-BOXX.

For this amount we will get a professional device, made of materials designed to last, durable, with a lot of extras.

The most popular manufacturers of jigsaws:

  • Bosch;
  • Black&Decker;
  • Makita;
  • Metabo;
  • DeWalt;
  • Festool;
  • Skil.

Rating of jigsaws for home

How to choose an electric jigsaw for your home - video

Let's sum it up

Which jigsaw is better to buy for your home and garden? We need to answer the question of how often we will use the tool. It depends on whether we choose a jigsaw for home use or equipment for professional work. We should also think about what accessories are necessary for us. Guides, removable sole, dust blower, other devices – interesting solutions, but they raise the purchase price. Having adequately analyzed your own needs, you can choose the best jigsaw in terms of price-quality ratio.