How to choose timber and which profile is better? Tongue groove or comb, which is better? House made of profiled timber comb

You probably know that the ancestors of all possible types The profile of the timber was Finnish (with two tenons) and German (comb). But even despite the abundance of “intermediate” options, profiled “comb” timber and building materials with a Finnish profile continue to compete for the palm. In this article we will try to evaluate the strengths and weak sides solid timber with a German profile, as well as houses built from such material.

To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the beam profile we are considering, first let’s figure it out: for what purpose is it necessary to complicate something by changing the shape of the original beam? The main idea of ​​the technologist who came up with the “comb” profile was to reduce the thickness of the inter-crown seam as much as possible and eliminate the need to caulk the cracks between the beams. The shape of the comb was to ensure the tightest fit of the material when assembling the house. Ideally, walls built from such profiled timber should be almost monolithic.

Pros and cons of the “comb”

Let’s proceed as follows: as the advantages of the “comb”, let’s take the information that marketers use to lure potential buyers - and there are all advantages and not a word about possible misunderstandings. By the way, all the advantages of such profiled timber from solid wood really take place, provided that its quality is not just good, but excellent. The fly in the ointment will be information from former developers who at one time chose profiled “comb” timber for the construction of a house - who else, if not them, should know about all the shortcomings of this building material.


  • Blowing through the walls is eliminated, the house retains heat better, and moisture physically cannot enter the space between the crowns.
  • While living in a wooden house, you don’t have to worry about cracks appearing in the timber.
  • A house made of profiled timber does not require finishing work.
  • High speed of construction and simplicity of the process.


  • Wooden building materials are very capricious: they react to changes in humidity, the presence or absence of load. Therefore, it is impossible to fully predict their behavior. The timber can “turn out” when drying, there is a high probability of cracks appearing between the crowns. Therefore, when assembling a house from profiled timber, it is necessary to use dowels, studs, etc. (more details in a separate article) to ensure full lock connection bars
  • Unfortunately, practice shows the opposite. Any array gives cracks. The only question is what size.
  • If you intend to reside permanently in own home, then you will have to think about insulating its walls. Needless to say that after such work it will simply be impossible to neglect the finishing of the facade? And this is just one of the few reasons why in most cases finishing is carried out. Remember about the torsion of the timber due to its drying and the appearance of cracks between the crowns.
  • The described advantage is appropriate if the building materials are really high quality and the builders are professionals in their field. By the word “quality” we mean that this is dry timber, which was stored in optimal conditions, under the word “professional” - builders will follow the technology, leaving no blind spots.

What you really can’t argue with is the environmental friendliness of profiled solid timber, whether it has a Finnish or a German profile.

  • Manufacturer. Choose only major market players. This can be an intermediary represented by the supplier, or the manufacturer itself.
  • Humidity. Check the seller's words using a compact needle moisture meter. It is better to buy timber whose humidity does not exceed 20%. Make sure that the material is stored in appropriate conditions before and during construction.
  • There should be no cracks in the building material!


The cost of solid timber with a “comb” profile is slightly lower than for building materials with a Finnish lock. Material prices natural humidity start from 7500 rub. per cubic meter m., dry – from 11,000 rubles. per cubic meter m. Much depends on the type of drying, % humidity, size and type of wood.

The profile of the timber is determined by the manufacturer himself, taking into account the capabilities of his production. The level of sharpening equipment allows you to produce various types of profiles. The range of profiles is actually not large, but it is being improved every month. Many types of profiles came to us from Europe, where they have already proven themselves well. Manufacturers understand that the easiest to assemble and also the most popular profile is the “comb” profile. This type of profile began to be produced not only on large industries, and even in artisanal conditions.

Many factories produce the following main types of profiles:

  1. A type of timber with two tenons and grooves.
  2. A type of timber with more than three tenons - grooves - “comb” or “German”.
  3. Finnish profile.

The more ridges such a profile has, the better its thermal performance. But not many people know that if you deviate from the dimensions, the “comb” profile will crack when drying or glued along the lamellas. Even compliance complete technology will not give full guarantees, since when changing equipment or readjusting it, you can miss the size and an error of even half a millimeter will give such a disastrous result.

You may ask the question, why was this type of timber even invented? Why was it necessary to design such a complex profile treatment? The designers based their idea on the task of reducing the inter-ventilation distance to a minimum and completely eliminating additional insulation. The shape of such a profile should have made it possible during construction to provide a more dense connection of the beams with each other. This means that subsequently, such walls should not only become the warmest, but also completely prevent the entry of moisture and wind into the house. This didn't actually happen, from here negative reviews about such buildings.

Pros and cons of the comb profile

The advantages of such profiled timber with the “Comb” profile declared by the manufacturers are:

  1. More rigid connection between each other.
  2. Increased thermal insulation.
  3. The comb, due to its design, does not allow rain and wind to penetrate.
  4. As the house dries and shrinks, the seams with a “comb” appearance adhere even more tightly and become practically airtight.
  5. Houses made from profiled “comb” timber do not require additional sanding or planing.
  6. A structure made from such material can be immediately coated with impregnations and painted.
  7. It is faster to build from such material.
Judging by customer reviews, many of the advantages are greatly overestimated. Houses built from dried profiled timber especially large section They take a long time to shrink. Over the course of 5 years, the shrinkage of one developer’s house has already reached 10 cm, and the house is still shrinking. Experts believe that even dried profiled timber with a “comb” design can be made without following many technologies, which means that it remains undried inside. In this case, during the first 3 years of its life, the house will begin to dry out, and this type of profile does not allow for high-quality additional caulking of the walls. In addition, when drying, the timber cracks in the same way, cracks form every day.

The manufacturer tells us only about the advantages of its product. This is justified by the fact that any material for him is just a commodity that needs to be sold profitably. But profiled timber “comb” also has many negative sides.

Production of the “Comb” profile

Technology of this profile requires additional equipment and availability special nozzles on the frieze. Moreover, such a profile cannot be made on any milling machine.

The technology for its manufacture came to us from the Germans. That is why this type of timber is also called German. It is made from ordinary material by milling. After the structure is ready, it must be cleaned of sawdust and dust and treated with special antiseptics. This is done to prevent it from rotting and becoming infected with fungi. Since such a profile will be difficult to process in the future.

Is there a difference between timber from the manufacturer?

Manufacturer differs from manufacturer. We have already said that the manufacture of a “comb” profile requires precision and special adherence to all the rules and stages of its manufacture. And this can only be accomplished by a manufacturer that values ​​its reputation. When purchasing timber of this profile, pay attention to how many years this manufacturer has been working on the market, read customer reviews. Many craftsmen have learned to make the “comb” profile in handicraft industries. They do not follow technology and are not responsible for the quality of their products. The price from such sellers will be lower, but you will not receive any guarantees. In the end, you will most likely just throw away money.

Profiled “comb” timber with a large cross-section is very difficult to dry. Buy a pocket moisture meter and don't trust what the salesman says. He will measure the moisture level of the material brought to you before paying the supplier.

High-quality materials of this profile must not only be properly made, but also stored in appropriate conditions. Fly-by-night companies cannot afford such an expensive pleasure. And this will certainly affect the quality of the product.

By purchasing profiled “comb” timber from the manufacturer, you can not only count on a guarantee, but also not spend your money in vain.

Price for profiled timber “comb”

The cost of profiled timber “comb” today depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the time of year and the price of wood, gasoline and labor. Great importance The grade and type of wood used also plays a role here.

The average price in Russia for profiled timber “comb”: natural moisture - from 7,500 thousand rubles per cubic meter, dry - from 11,000.

They say how many people there are, so many opinions. This can rightly be attributed to reviews of the profiled “comb” timber.

It is difficult to argue and agree with these reviews, since this construction material It hasn’t been tested yet and it takes time to draw any conclusions. But one should not take the European experience as an example, since the climate and ecology in Russia are completely different.

What are the differences between the types of profiled timber? Let's look into it and look at everything in more detail. To begin with, let's highlight the main types of profiles: Finnish, comb and Scandinavian.

Finnish is the simplest profile.

It has two side teeth and an internal platform. To produce such material, you can use the most primitive equipment, even an electric planer. The “beauty” of such a profile is its cost and ease of installation; I rolled out the jute into one strip and everything was the same as during construction from ordinary timber or rounded logs. But later, during operation, unpleasant moments begin: the appearance of significant longitudinal cracks, the timber begins to twist. This happens due to the fact that when profiling the workpiece, the internal stresses of the wood are practically not relieved and proper stiffening ribs are not formed. Such timber can be well suited for the construction of households. buildings or baths.

The next profile is a comb with a large number of spikes.

Some manufacturers recommend just such a profile, noting that when installing this profiled timber, a structure is obtained that does not require inter-crown insulation. A large number of spikes ensures complete windproofness of such a structure. Savings are obvious - no need to purchase interventional insulation. However, there is one "but" here. If such a beam twists around an axis, then installation can become very complicated. And it can be twisted quite easily, remember about the stiffeners. The greater the number of studs per length, the smaller their size - it is the size and depth that are the main components in the formation of stiffeners. Moreover, as a result of this, the labyrinth seal (the junction of two combs) will lose its tightness. If there was insulation inside, between the crowns, it would fill all the empty space and eliminate the voids; if it is not there, then there is nothing to fill it with. This type of section is great for laminated veneer lumber, but it is unlikely to be suitable for profiled timber with natural moisture. And one more nuance, it may be inconvenient when drilling holes for dowels. The drill for drilling holes for dowels is mainly used with a diameter of 24-32 mm. If the workers have insufficient experience, it will be quite difficult to drill such a hole strictly vertically, since the drill will constantly scour the grooves due to small size thorns Therefore, the time for installing a house made of such timber can increase significantly.

Scandinavian profile. (OUR COMPANY PROFILE)

It is rather a subtype of profile - comb. It takes into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of profiles described above. The tenon area is quite wide and allows you to drill holes for the dowel without any problems. The jute is placed in two side grooves and therefore will not wrap around the drill while drilling. The spikes are quite high (12 mm), and in cross-section they have the shape of a trapezoid. This makes installation easier - the tongue-and-groove system works, the beams themselves align with each other, even if they have a slight bend. Along the edges, in the lower part, the profile has spikes that do not allow rainwater to get inside, which eliminates the appearance of areas of rotting.

Therefore, it is the Scandinavian profile that we recommend to our clients. The choice of our profile sizes is not accidental either. Timber with rectangular cross-section And large size width is significantly less susceptible to torsion and the appearance of longitudinal cracks.


How to choose timber for building a house

Many of those who live in stuffy apartments, and when they go outside find themselves in gray smog and deafened by the noise of cars, want to change their living environment. Live in a wooden house, breathe clean air and enjoy the silence. And those who decide to do this often wonder how to choose timber to build a beautiful and reliable home for their family.

Today the construction market presents the most different types timber, different geometric parameters, profile, variety, production method. Choosing the best one is not an easy task, especially if the buyer’s financial capabilities are not unlimited.

Timber is the most popular wood building material

From this article you will learn about all types of this material, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to save on your purchase without sacrificing quality.

Which timber is better

If you are not faced with the question of what to choose - timber or frame, if you have already decided what you will build wooden house, then the first thing you need to do is study the range of local construction markets and hypermarkets. As a rule, they offer three main types of timber: planed, profiled and glued.

Let's consider each type separately with all its disadvantages and advantages.

Planed timber

The material is obtained by cutting a log, during which a product is obtained that has a rectangular or square section. Main competitive advantage planed timber before glued and profiled timber – low price. Compared to a log, it is easier to assemble into a log house, and compared to brick, it requires less effort and costs to build a foundation for a house made of timber.

However, in addition to tangible advantages, this type of timber also has serious disadvantages that you need to be aware of and take into account if your goal is a strong, durable and warm home.

Planed timber is made from wood with natural moisture.

It gradually decreases as the tree dries, and this can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Deformation. You can buy a perfectly smooth, beautiful timber, but after a while amazing metamorphoses will begin to happen to it: it can bend or even turn out like a “helicopter”;
  • Cracks. This is the most common defect that worsens not only the appearance of the material, but also its performance properties;

The photo clearly shows deep cracks - the result of wood shrinkage

  • Rot, blue, mold. If raw timber is stored in improper conditions - in poorly ventilated areas or in stacks close to each other, such manifestations are inevitable;
  • Shrinkage. When building a house with your own hands, it is important to remember that over time the timber will dry out and it will geometric dimensions will decrease. As a result, the entire structure will shrink, which depends on the initial moisture content of the material and environmental conditions.

Note. If we were talking only about the loss of a few centimeters in height, this trouble could not be paid attention to.
But as a result of shrinkage, window and door openings can be deformed, the outer and interior decoration walls
Therefore, the log house must be allowed to settle for several months, preferably under the roof, before continuing construction.

  • Crevices. Conventional planed timber often suffers from inaccurate dimensions, so when building walls it is difficult to avoid gaps between the crowns. They also increase as the wood dries. They must be sealed: lay sealing materials between the crowns, caulk the walls to prevent the penetration of cold and moisture.

Log house made of planed timber with insulated seams

The planed timber itself is not distinguished by its ideal shape and surface, and when the described defects are applied, it is completely inferior in appearance to profiled and glued timber. Therefore, it needs additional external finishing.

Profiled timber

You can avoid some of the problems listed above if you purchase profiled timber. It differs from planed wood in the shape of its cross-section: its front sides are smooth, and the working surfaces are made of a tenon-groove or comb type.

Which timber profile to choose depends not so much on personal preferences as on the moisture content of the material.

  • The tongue-and-groove connection involves the use of insulation laid between the crowns in the grooves. Even if the timber shrinks with the formation of gaps when drying, the insulation for the timber will prevent blowing.

  • The protrusions of the “comb” profile fit each other very precisely and do not require the use of insulation. But if the moisture content of the wood changes, the comb parameters may change. Therefore, when choosing such a profile, you need to be sure that the timber is dry and will not shrink significantly.

For reference. The advantage of profiled timber is that before milling on a four-sided machine, the wood is dried until its moisture content reaches no more than 22%, otherwise the quality of processing will be low.
Therefore, it shrinks less than planed wood.

Many woodworking enterprises produce profiled timber to size, according to the customer’s design, immediately cutting into it “cups” for joints and corner connections. You no longer have to think about how to choose a groove in the timber - the log house is assembled like a children's construction set.

But this material, nevertheless, is not without such disadvantages as the appearance of cracks and shrinkage, which requires a technological break in construction.

Glued laminated timber

This type of timber is distinguished by the best performance characteristics, but also the highest cost. Its main advantage is low humidity and, accordingly, the absence of all those negative aspects that arise during drying of the material and shrinkage of the finished log house. You can build a house from it in one season, without waiting for natural shrinkage.

Such timber consists of well-dried and defect-free lamellas glued together.

You will learn about how laminated veneer lumber is produced from other articles in this resource. We note that the technology of its production allows us to obtain a high-quality product, practically devoid of the disadvantages of raw wood, but possessing all its useful natural qualities. In addition, it is impregnated against rotting and fire and does not require additional finishing.

As in the case of profiled timber, laminated timber can be made to order in accordance with the chosen house project. And some manufacturers offer ready-made kits, which come with assembly instructions.

Note. Not long ago, a new product appeared on the market - D-shaped laminated veneer lumber, the convex front surface of which imitates a rounded log.

How to save money on timber construction

The budget deficit for building a house does not always allow you to choose expensive and quality materials. But, if you know how to choose the right timber - ordinary, not subjected to special treatment, and how to prepare it for work, you can save a lot and get a good-quality and beautiful structure. Our tips will help you with this.

So, what to look for when buying?

  • Evenness of timber. Determined visually and practically. The product must be placed on a flat surface with all its edges in turn and make sure that it is not bent or twisted by a “propeller”.
  • Distances between annual rings, visible at the end of the beam, must be the same. If they narrow or widen on one side, this indicates that over time the beam will “lead” and it will bend.
  • The surface of the wood must be uniform in color everywhere. A visually noticeable color contrast at the ends or side edges indicates the presence of layers with different internal stresses, which will also lead to deformation.

It is much more difficult to determine the moisture content of the material. But even if you see that the timber is completely fresh, but good quality, you can independently bring it to the desired condition. True, this will take time.

Place the purchased material in stacks, placing even veins under each layer every 1-1.5 meters. Leave a distance of 2-3 cm between the beams in a row so that they are blown with air from all sides. Also place veins on top and cover the top of the stack.

Storing timber for drying

To avoid drying too quickly and causing cracks, position the timber so that Sun rays were not directed to the ends. And whiten the ends themselves.

Construction can begin when the moisture content of the material is less than 20%. In this case, you can count on uniform shrinkage and the absence of deep cracks. And it will be easier to work with him.

Advice. Before choosing a groove in a beam for its corner or longitudinal connection, study the relevant articles on our website.


It is difficult to say which type of timber is better - glued, profiled or regular. Everyone has their own requirements for materials. Adherents of everything natural may not like the fact that laminated veneer lumber contains foreign polymer substances. And for those who don’t want to wait a long time for a housewarming party, planed or profiled timber is not suitable.

In this article you will see additional information on this topic, which will help you make a balanced and only correct choice in your case.

During construction wooden houses timber with various types profiles: several teeth, comb or “Finnish” profile. What are these types of materials, why are they good and how do they differ from laminated veneer lumber? Let's try to clarify all these questions.

About glued and profiled timber

    Glued laminated timber is made from a set of boards glued to each other, and profiled timber is a monolithic log.

    The timber with the profile dries for about a year. The glued version is sold dried.

    The sound and heat insulation properties of laminated veneer lumber are lower than those of profiled timber. The glue between the boards can sometimes dry out, and this reduces the thermal insulation of the wall.

    Profiled material is cheaper.

    Laying profiled timber requires a certain level of professionalism from installers.

Properties of various types of profiled material


    A “comb” shaped beam is a product with a large number of cut teeth.

    Their presence is a big plus, since there is no need for insulation. The tight contact of the teeth prevents cold air from penetrating through the walls.

    The disadvantage of such materials is the complexity of the connection. With changes in temperature and humidity, the original shape is lost. Logs sometimes have to be fastened together using a sledgehammer, which can compromise their integrity.

    If the “combs” are connected correctly, you will get very warm walls.

    Best type for cold northern regions.

Finnish type profile

    In terms of installation, this is a more convenient connection. The profiled beam has two tenons along the edges, which greatly simplifies the assembly process. Walls with this profile are practically not subject to shrinkage.

    Proper connection requires experienced professionals.

    In order for the profile to have good thermal insulation, insulation should be laid between the logs.

    More suitable for regions where the climate is not very harsh.

Beam with three to four teeth

    More universal option with wide spikes. They practically do not deform during storage.

    Collecting such a profile is much easier.

Each type of profiled timber has its own pros and cons.

Advantages of profile beams

    This is a 100% solid wood monolith.

    Profile basis - tree species from pine, spruce.

    Products are processed using high-precision equipment.

    The grooves are connected without gaps to the tenons of the opposite beams.

    The purchase of various fasteners is excluded.

    There is no adhesive in the timber. Therefore, it is durable even after time. There are no emissions harmful to human health. Therefore, the indoor microclimate, due to the absence of artificial layers, is quite comfortable.

    Houses made of profile material are cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.

    Walls made of profiled timber reduce the cost of maintaining heat during the cold season.

    It is not necessary to finish the walls. They already have an original natural look.

    Profile timber is not processed during construction protective compounds. This procedure is performed in a factory autoclave, which is much more efficient than manual coating.

There are also some disadvantages.

Disadvantages of profiled timber

    Finishing of the house should be done only after it has settled. And this is about one year.

    Dried logs may develop cracks.

    Appearance buildings do not claim to modern style. Log walls look natural. Houses made from profiled timber are chosen by developers who give preference to naturalness and environmental friendliness.

One way or another, the pros of the profiled material are much greater than the cons. Depending on certain conditions, it is successfully used in construction.