How to choose eco-friendly wallpaper. What to look for and what to avoid. How to choose eco-friendly wallpaper Eco-friendly wallpaper for children's rooms

When arranging a children's room, or making repairs in an apartment where small children will live, we try to purchase only the safest materials, including eco wallpaper for walls. Of course, it is advisable to use such trellises everywhere, but in the case of the younger generation, the importance of this task is difficult to overestimate.

Below we will tell you what is meant by the term “ecological wallpaper for walls”, as well as what types of materials are best to purchase.

Security Analysis

Selection Basics

When looking for information about which wallpapers are environmentally friendly, you can find a lot of information, and only some of it will be true.

There is a lot of focus on the issue of material purity a large number of myths, and therefore it is worth analyzing all the presented facts very meticulously:

  • The environmental friendliness of wallpaper means, first of all, its safety for a person who permanently lives in a finished room. In principle, almost all trellises that can be found on the market meet this requirement, but there are also nuances.
  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the base material. When deciding which wallpaper is the most environmentally friendly, you need to give preference to those with the least amount of synthetic substances.
  • It is also worth noting that sometimes the source of problems is not the base, but the pigment or protective layer. Most often, this drawback is typical for frankly cheap materials, in the manufacture of which low-quality (and therefore toxic) raw materials are used.

In most cases, the price is a direct indication of the environmental friendliness of the product: the use of good raw materials and production control require costs, which is necessarily reflected in the final cost.
There are exceptions, of course, but they are very few.

  • When analyzing the material, you should also pay attention to the markings and the presence of a certificate.. The information presented there will definitely tell you for which rooms the trellises are intended, what substances are included in their composition, etc.

Having analyzed the entire array of information, here are some tips:

  • 99% of the materials on the market can be safely used for home decoration. The exception is wallpaper for children's rooms, as well as materials that will be used in homes where allergy sufferers or people with hypersensitivity to certain substances live - they need to be selected specifically.
  • High-quality material is almost never cheap.

  • The presence of a certificate is the main requirement for the material. The instructions for the trellises must contain information about the composition.

Attractive green stickers "Eco", "100% natural product" etc. should not mislead you.
Their use is not regulated in any way by law, therefore they relate exclusively to packaging design.
If you want to know the true state of affairs, study the certificate!

  • If you plan to do the repairs yourself, then in addition to wallpaper, you should also choose glue. They usually do not contain toxins, but you can check the composition of the material to be on the safe side!

Guided by these simple tips, you can quickly determine which wallpapers are environmentally friendly and which ones are best used in public buildings. In the following sections of our article we will analyze the most popular types of materials and evaluate them from the point of view of health safety.

Range overview

Suitable options

When choosing ecological wallpaper for the bedroom, kitchen or living room, we find ourselves in a rather advantageous situation: we have more suitable options than varieties worth discarding.

  • The easiest way is to use ordinary paper trellises (single-layer or two-layer). High-quality varieties are made from natural cellulose with the addition of non-toxic pigments, and therefore do not contain chemically active substances.

In children's rooms there is Special attention pay attention to the composition of the paint used to apply the drawings.
The habit of drooling on the finger, rubbing beautiful picture and many children have the tendency to put all the “poop” into their mouths, so to prevent poisoning it is worth choosing specialized materials with persistent pigments.

  • Textile material (paper fabric with the addition of cotton, linen or viscose threads) is also quite acceptable. If we take into account the high hygroscopicity and are used only in dry rooms, then such wallpapers demonstrate enviable durability.

  • The environmental friendliness of non-woven wallpaper also deserves praise. If the absence of synthetics is important to you, then choose trellises made from natural non-woven fabric, which contains exclusively cellulose fibers. In addition to non-toxicity, such material is also characterized by high ventilation rates, so the risk of injury will also be minimal.

In a fairly common discussion about which wallpaper is more environmentally friendly - vinyl or non-woven, the second type confidently wins.
We will explain why this is so in the next section.

  • Fiberglass material contains virtually no organic matter. It is made from the same raw materials as ordinary glass, and is therefore chemically inert. Thanks to this, fiberglass wallpaper acquires high durability, and therefore does not in any way affect the room and the people in it.

As you can see, the main varieties finishing materials are quite safe from an environmental point of view. Of course, when purchasing trellises for painting, you need to pay attention to the composition of the pigments used for decoration. In this case, by the way, you should give preference acrylic paints or water-dispersed compositions based on liquid latex.

What to avoid

Now we need to figure out which wallpapers you shouldn’t buy if environmental friendliness is important to you. And here only vinyl trellises come under attack.

The reasons are as follows:

  • Firstly, synthetic substances are actively used to produce vinyl (or rather, polyvinyl chloride). This type of material is the least natural of all listed.
  • Secondly, the production technology itself is different high risk for staff.
  • Disposal of this material is also problematic: heavy metals and their salts, which are in a bound state, can lead to contamination of soil and groundwater.

  • Finally, it should be noted that for some time after gluing, PVC-based trellises may release phenolic volatile organic compounds. And if for high-quality finishing it is enough just to ventilate the room once, then cheap materials from unscrupulous manufacturers from China and the surrounding area can smell for quite a long time.


Finding environmentally friendly wallpaper for walls on sale is quite simple: just carefully study this article and follow its recommendations. But it is very important to understand where the use of absolutely natural material is justified, and where cheaper varieties can be used. The video in this article provides more information on these aspects finishing works, so it will be useful primarily for beginners!

The fashion for environmentally friendly wallpaper for walls has become a logical continuation of the craze for everything natural and organic. Manufacturers are raising prices for such safe products significantly - no one will save on the health of their family - but the editors of GuideOboev decided to look in more detail at how these same ECO wallpapers correspond to what they say in advertising.

What it is?

Already from the name you can understand that eco wallpaper is positioned as the safest for human health. Since they are environmentally friendly, only natural materials were used for their production, and this is an additional guarantee that you and your loved ones will be protected. Protected from what? How: from harmful chemical compounds, allergies, pathogenic mold in the end!

Which wallpapers are environmentally friendly? Let's go through the main materials that are currently used to create ECO wallpaper.

  • Good old paper. Not so long ago, paper wallpaper was treated with some disdain: there is interlining and vinyl! But now they are back in fashion, however, only because everything natural and environmentally friendly is in fashion.
  • Natural fabric and no synthetics! We target only cotton, linen, silk and other fabrics without the slightest polyester content. Yes, many people don’t choose their clothes so carefully, but here’s wall coverings.
  • Wood fibers. Jute, sisal or bamboo will give the room a touch of asian style, and cork sheets will become a rather non-trivial solution for finishing. True, these materials have minimal flexibility in terms of styles, so we advise you to think about the design of the entire room in advance.
  • Leather for lovers of luxury. We are afraid to imagine what one medium-sized room will be worth in terms of pig and cow souls. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid killing animals: faux leather clearly does not fit into the “safe wallpaper” category.
  • Wear-resistant fiberglass. Imagine the same fabric, but not from ordinary threads, but from glass, plus much stronger and denser. This is glass wallpaper. The attitude towards them is ambivalent (apparently the memories of glass wool are fresh), but they are still considered eco-wallpaper.

Sounds good, all that remains is to decide on the material, right? Do not hurry. Read the myth-busting section first and then make your decision.

Debunking myths

It is difficult to say which wallpaper is the best for interior decoration: each type has its own pros and cons that need to be analyzed when choosing a canvas for a specific room. But the manufacturers of ECO wallpaper want to assure us that their products are 100% a good investment. What exactly are they saying and is it true? Let's try to figure it out.

Such fabrics are in no way inferior in wear resistance to non-woven or vinyl

Eco wallpaper is absolutely natural

The naturalness of eco-friendly wallpaper for walls is a controversial issue and depends on what degree of unnaturalness you are willing to tolerate. In addition to the double layer, paper wallpaper is made durable by a special impregnation. Wood must be treated with various substances, otherwise the wallpaper would look sloppy and would not last long on the wall. You are unlikely to like the look and smell of completely natural leather, and the fabric goes through certain stages of processing and dyeing. Without this, eco wallpaper will have a mediocre appearance and low wear resistance, so you will have to come to terms with the fact that you cannot do without at least basic treatment. And remember about glue: you can’t do without it either, and its naturalness usually leaves much to be desired.

Natural materials breathe

Yes, vinyl does not allow air to pass through, but is breathable wallpaper really that critical? They say they prevent mold, but that's not true, as you probably know if you've lived in a humid climate with regular paper wallpaper. And with a good primer, there will be no mold on either paper or vinyl. Besides, why is it believed that walls themselves breathe? Slabs and bricks may be porous, but air is unlikely to pass through a layer of plaster, putty, primer and glue. Well, one more thing: when choosing breathable wallpaper, do you expect that some air will enter the room through the porous walls? Then you will have to make sure that the brick and concrete are also environmentally friendly: otherwise the wallpaper will be missed hazardous substances. The last question remains: is the air in your city really so good that you want to have breathing walls so badly?

This wallpaper is hypoallergenic

Allergies can happen to almost everything, but it is certainly not detected more often with PVC than with other materials. And if your goal is to abandon PVC for your apartment because of its imaginary danger, then you will have to install wooden frames with glass, discard suspended ceilings, put parquet instead of laminate or linoleum and you will also have to choose furniture from wood. And if the natural materials in the room are reduced to eco-friendly wallpaper, the environmental friendliness of the room will become questionable.

Some people claim that rooms with vinyl actually make them feel worse. What is it: high sensitivity or self-suggestion - it’s difficult to say, but through tiles or plastic panels the walls also don’t “breathe”, and few people talk about this. So we lean towards the second option.

It’s easy to force a person to buy something, appealing to the health and safety of the family, but, as you see, right choice wallpaper for residential premises, even if they are the most environmentally friendly in the world, is not a panacea at all and is unlikely to be able to dramatically change the degree of environmental friendliness of the room.

When burning vinyl wallpapers emit substances hazardous to health - this is true. The rest of the time they are absolutely safe for residents.

Natural wallpapers are by no means bad: they often look very unusual, creating the most non-trivial solutions in the interior. The problem is that, given their high price, such a choice is not always justified. Especially if the decision to purchase them is dictated by safety and health concerns. In the end, any high-quality wallpaper, including vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, has eco certification, and if they were so dangerous to health, they would simply be banned from production. So choose what you like in appearance and fits your budget, and don’t worry unnecessarily.

Every day, natural wallpapers are increasingly used for walls, which can easily give your home the mood you need. As a rule, they are used when decorating a room in the East, Scandinavian style, however, they are excellent for modern design trends. Today it is a real luxury item, because the manufacturing process of such coatings involves the use of manual labor.

Where to find eco-friendly wallpaper for walls in Moscow?

The embodiment of natural beauty is reflected in the wall coverings offered by Artique. You will be pleased with wallpapers made from natural ingredients:

  • excellent quality;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • ability to pass air;
  • hypoallergenic.

The catalog presents the following varieties:

  • bamboo;
  • jute;
  • reed;
  • cork;
  • from veneer.

You can always buy natural wallpaper in the online store of our company, which offers only high-quality products from leading manufacturers in this field.

How are coatings made from natural materials used in the interior? Popular solutions include:

  • combination with other canvases according to the type of panels;
  • creating accent walls;
  • complete covering of the room when decorating interiors in certain styles.

Wallpaper made from natural materials breathe life into the interior and make it special. Quite practical, easy to clean, wash, do not fade or fade. They combine perfectly with other natural materials that are used to decorate the room, and with colors such as:

  • green;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • sand.

The special price for environmentally friendly wallpaper for walls is determined by the manufacturing technology and the raw materials used.

Ecology of consumption. Home: In the modern world home design environmentally friendly wallpaper for walls is not the least important. Now such canvases have even received a separate name “ECO wallpaper”, which reflects their environmental friendliness and safety for humans.

In the world of modern home design, eco-friendly wallpaper for walls is far from the last position. Now such canvases have even received a separate name “ECO wallpaper”, which reflects their environmental friendliness and safety for humans. In addition, these canvases consist of natural and natural components, which reflects the desire of people to be closer to nature.

ECO wallpaper has really come into fashion, and not by chance. Search for clean and safe materials dictated by the increase in people's education and the deterioration of the general environmental situation. Today chemistry surrounds us on all sides. It is clear that our compatriots want to add a natural, natural atmosphere to the atmosphere of their homes. Moreover, the variety of choices of environmentally friendly wallpaper is quite large.

Since the topic of ECO wallpaper is likely to arouse interest among readers, several articles will be published on the website There is so much information about environmentally friendly wallpaper that it is impossible to fit it into one small text. In addition, we will provide each of our articles with a lot of relevant photographs of finished works.

Characteristics and features of environmentally friendly wallpaper

First, you need to understand that the category of ECO canvases can include various finishing materials that contain natural elements. However, it is also necessary to mention here relatively natural wallpapers, which contain only a small proportion of harmless artificial components (such as paints and adhesives).

In any case, environmentally friendly canvases will have a lot of positive qualities that other types of finishing do not have. This:

1. Harmlessness. Natural natural elements do not emit harmful particles that can in any way harm a person or living creature. Often, such components, on the contrary, act as antiseptics, “healing” the atmosphere of a residential building.

2. Comfort. Natural materials Ecological wallpaper easily allows steam and air to pass through, making being in the room a natural comfort. Air exchange with such finishing of walls or ceilings does not suffer in any way; air flows move normally. This means that the room is well ventilated, ventilated, and easy to breathe.

3. Thermal insulation. Thermal insulation properties natural materials are time-tested. Of course, the degree of thermal insulation for different ECO wallpapers will be different, but it will be there! And that's twice as good. Firstly, the heat of the room will be retained inside. Secondly, external temperatures will have a lesser impact on the atmosphere of the house.

4. Versatility. As you might guess, wallpaper for walls made from environmentally friendly materials is applicable anywhere and everywhere. This type of decoration is especially relevant in rooms where residents spend most of their time. For example, ECO wallpaper is good in bedrooms, relaxation areas, children's rooms, offices and even nurseries.

5. Durability, practicality. Individual groups ECO fabrics are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture resistance. As clear example You can consider cork and bamboo canvases, consisting of dense and durable natural material. This type of finish will serve you for decades, which is very profitable and practical.

Cons of eco-friendly wallpaper

Obviously, such luxury cannot be cheap. The greater the safety margin the materials have, the fewer artificial components they contain, the more exotic they are, the more significant the price will be. Among the most expensive types of finishing I would like to name:

Palm leaf;
- reed stalk;
- high-quality textiles;
- exclusive wood fiber;
- special plant fiber;
- cork sheets.

In addition, the natural elements of ECO wallpaper can absorb strong odors. For example, if you cover a kitchen with such sheets, very soon the finish will have to be changed. This is the second negative point, which can be easily blocked by the same finishing varnish or wax impregnation.

By protecting the outer surface of ECO canvas, you significantly increase their service life, but varnishes will have to be selected especially carefully! Cheap and low-quality finishing coatings can negate all the advantages of environmental wallpaper. published

Ecological wallpaper is a new word in interior decoration

The desire of every person to make the surrounding space beautiful and comfortable is absolutely understandable. Wherein great importance has the safety of finishing materials, including wallpaper, because you will have to be in contact with them for many months and even years. Ecological wallpaper for walls was created especially for people who want to create a healthy space.

What is unique about environmentally friendly wallpaper?

First of all, such wallpaper allows you to harmonize the space, create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, which is very important for people prone to stress. Eco-friendly wallpaper is also indispensable for people suffering from allergies. The fact is that they do not contain harmful impurities, and some varieties do not attract dust and are easy to clean. Experts recommend buying environmentally friendly wallpaper for those who are furnishing a nursery, because the child’s body is very vulnerable to the effects of harmful substances.

Types of environmentally friendly wallpaper and their characteristics

The modern finishing materials industry provides big choice ecological wallpaper for walls, which differ from each other not only in the materials used, but also technical characteristics, the method of pasting and compatibility with other decorative elements.

The main classification of eco-wallpaper is based on the type of material used for its production. So, they can be:

  • paper,
  • textile,
  • vegetable,
  • cork,
  • fiberglass,
  • leather.

Traditionally, environmentally friendly paper wallpaper is used for wall decoration. Modern paper wallpaper consists of several layers and is covered protective composition, preventing moisture absorption, dust settling and fading. For their manufacture, wood processing products are used, sometimes cotton fibers or other fibers are added. natural materials. The main advantages of environmentally friendly paper wallpaper: ability to maintain air exchange in a room. And the most unpleasant disadvantage is the absorption of odors. Buying environmentally friendly wallpaper made from paper will not be difficult, and the prices, variety of patterns and colors will allow you to realize any idea.

Textile environmental wallpapers for walls, which consist of paper and woven layers, have similar characteristics. Upper layer made from cotton, linen threads or artificial fibers. Textile wallpaper does not require selection of a pattern, protects the room from noise and improves the health of the space, but it is very inconvenient to apply and care for, and is quite expensive.

But cork wallpaper is very convenient to use. Cork covering easy to clean, practically not electrified, resistant to fading. The finishing materials market offers consumers two types of cork wallpaper: with or without a base. Baseless wallpaper consists of compressed cork oak bark with various decorative additives. In another case, a thin layer of cork is applied to paper base. When pasting this environmentally friendly wallpaper, you should use a special glue.

Particularly discerning designers will be impressed by the wide selection of eco-friendly wallpapers for luxury and original interiors. Plant, glass or leather wallpapers are often used to create themed areas or as decorative elements.

On the Internet, and in most hardware stores, you can buy environmentally friendly wallpaper made from bamboo, jute, corn, sedge and even agave, which are easy to apply and care for, durable, and also retain heat. Leather and glass wallpapers have been used in interiors relatively recently and are positioned as ergonomic, strong and durable, which should be taken into account when choosing them, because... changing such a finish “to suit your mood” will be problematic.

In conclusion, we note that no matter what eco-friendly wallpaper you choose, paper, vegetable or leather, it must correspond to the purpose and mood of the room.