How to visually increase the space of a small room. Wallpaper for a small room visually increases the space The room is visually more spacious

Who among us has not dreamed of a cozy cottage or an old estate like those where the heroines of Jane Austen’s novels live? Alas, the reality is harsh: many have to be content with modest one-room apartment V panel house. But if we are unable to change the footage, then filling our home with light and at least visually making it more spacious is accessible to everyone.

Choosing wallpaper

With the help of correctly selected wallpaper, you can transform any room beyond recognition and even make a miniature room visually spacious.

You can increase the space of a room by covering the walls light wallpaper soft cool shades - blue, silver-gray, mint, ash-pink.

It is better if they are plain, with a small, discreet pattern or embossing. Wallpaper with large roses or wide stripes will create the opposite effect - it will turn an already cramped room into a box.

A square-shaped room will gain the missing depth if the wall farthest from the entrance is covered with photo wallpaper with a calm landscape.

A room with a low ceiling will become visually taller if you take wallpaper with vertical stripes. But there is a small nuance in their use. To achieve the desired effect, such wallpaper is used to cover the walls up to the ceiling, laying a narrow line along the contour. laconic design, white ceiling plinth. Resist the temptation to run a strip cut from the same wallpaper along the top edge. This will make the ceiling in your room even lower.

Also, in a small room, it is undesirable to use wallpaper of two colors that are very different from one another, and to cover the junction with a noticeable border.
But almost the same technique will help increase the height of the ceiling if you take wallpaper of the same color, but for the upper part - plain, and for panels - with a pattern, or bottom part Make the walls plain, and the top and ceiling striped.

And one more trick: if you want the rooms to appear higher, during renovation, before painting the walls or gluing wallpaper, round the joints between the ceiling and the walls. Then you won’t have to resort to various tricks so often.

Laying the right floor

If you want the room to seem more spacious, opt for light floor shades: ceramic tiles– for the bathroom and toilet, laminate or parquet – for the bedroom or living room.

Pay attention to how the tiles or parquet blocks will be laid. Placed longitudinally, they will help make the room elongate, and if you lay them diagonally, the room will appear much larger than its actual size.

When choosing a carpet or rug, give preference to plain models in pastel shades. Catchy, with a contrasting pattern, visually reduces the already small space.

If you decide to visually expand the space, remember that longitudinal stripes look very elegant. By choosing this type of flooring, you certainly can’t go wrong.

Don't skimp on mirrors

With the help of mirrors you can create a real miracle, because the space reflected in them doubles! Of course, you shouldn’t turn an entire wall into a solid mirror, otherwise the room will look like a ballet class.

A low room will be made more spacious by a tall (from ceiling to floor) but not too wide mirror. You will immediately feel that the room has become different.

Do you want your living room to look not only fresh, but also balanced? Place the mirror so that your favorite plants are reflected in it: three or four flowerpots will turn a cramped room into a real greenhouse.

You can also visually enlarge the bathroom with the help of a mirror, which, according to the good old tradition, is hung above the sink. It is not only practical, but also beautiful. Light monochromatic tiles will enhance the effect.

Hanging curtains

In a small apartment, “clothing for windows” must comply with the same requirements - be plain or with a discreet pattern and, if possible, translucent. Curtains that are too voluminous, with heavy folds and a complex lambrequin will make an already small room even cramped.

When decorating windows, try to avoid multi-layering. Transparent tulle with light curtains can be successfully replaced with a denser material without supplementing it with anything.

If you feel too uncomfortable open space, you can limit yourself to only Roman blinds or textile roller blinds. By the way, it is not at all necessary to complement them with ordinary curtains, and tulle will be completely unnecessary.

Do you consider curtains an indispensable attribute? window decor? Well, your right! Just try to use it wisely. In a room with low ceilings, window curtains should be attached just below the ceiling, allowing the lush folds to fall freely to the floor.

Have you had the dubious “luck” of living in a house with narrow windows? There is nothing you can do about it from the outside, but inside you can combine two of these windows with a common cornice, and use translucent thick tulle as decoration. The room will look much more harmonious. But you should not use this technique if you have windows standard size: this is impractical; washing and ironing such huge curtains is very inconvenient, and hanging them up is a real pain. In addition, a long horizontal strip of fabric draping the entire wall does not decorate the interior at all.

Arranging furniture

Owners of small apartments need to pay attention great attention the choice of material from which the furniture is made. Coffee tables tabletops of the same size and shape, the tabletops of which are made of glass and wood, look completely different: wooden - solid and heavy, glass (although often heavier) - almost weightless.

Glass shelves seem just as light and airy. The feeling of spaciousness will become even stronger if you place a white pot with a climbing plant (for example, cissus or Sprenger asparagus) on such a shelf and attach it to the wall large mirror in a discreet frame or without it at all.

Glass objects – a win-win: they visually enlarge small room. A well-kept aquarium in the living room, beautiful glasses or original form glasses in the kitchen, elegant photo frames in the bedroom are just a small part of where glass can be used.

Lifehacks for expanding space for different types of premises

And finally, one more piece of advice: without neglecting the words of professionals, listen to your own feelings. The designers' recommendations are general, but only you can make your home, even small, cozy and unique.

IN small apartments oh, and even in spacious houses there are always rooms, the smallest in size, which are suitable for living, but extremely uncomfortable due to their dimensions. Naturally, in order to expand the space of the room, a lot of work will be required. For example, develop a special project, take into account the preferences of those who use the room, as well as the basic rules for creating an interior. On this moment exists great amount ways to visually expand the area, and one of the popular ones is the choice of a certain type of wallpaper.

The color of the wallpaper is the most important when choosing this finishing material. To be more precise, you can enlarge a room by choosing colors and shades.

A competent approach to choosing colors makes it possible to create a cozy and comfortable interior.

Warm shades are usually used for living rooms and halls as they help to relax. Juicy and bright help cope with depression, fatigue and replenish energy.

What wallpaper makes a room bigger: style solutions

Visually increasing the space in the interior of a small room is not only the color of the wallpaper, but also its appearance and ornament. Designers allow the use of pastel shades and the presence of small drawing, since large images are not allowed.

Color palette: wallpaper for a small room

Wallpaper expanding narrow room choosing is not so easy, since you need to take into account many features, as well as details in the form of furniture and accessories.

Making your choice is not easy, but it is possible, and you can make a room with the smallest dimensions voluminous and at the same time stylish.

Living in a cozy and comfortable room is much more pleasant than experiencing discomfort from staying in it.

What wallpaper is suitable for enlarging a room? The most diverse, if combined correctly, in accordance with the rules of design. In such rooms you can only use wallpaper light color, and without drawings, but as a last resort, vertical stripes and a not too large print are allowed.

Such rules can not only upset you, but also limit the choice of materials for finishing the room. What to do if you want to use your imagination and decorate the room in a stylish and modern way? You need to pay attention to wallpapers that contain a combination of contrasting shades, images of different sizes and even their appearance, for example, vertical or horizontal.

You may also find it useful: right choice wallpaper colors for kitchen

Basic rules in choosing shades

  1. Best for small room Not very dark shades are suitable, as they hide up to 45% of the illumination.
  2. Optimal colors are pink, peach, green, bluish and cream.
  3. A good option for decorating a small room would be to choose textured wallpaper that has slight relief. Exactly embossed wallpaper help create differences, play of shades and colors.
  4. If there is glitter on the wallpaper, this is one of the the best ways expand the space.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the lighting of the room, and to be more precise, its appearance. You should not choose fluorescent lamps with a cold tone, as this will only aggravate the situation.

In addition to the color of the wallpaper and light, you should pay attention to the choice of furniture colors, since it is the so-called main accent of the room.

Decor rules: types of wallpaper for a small room

Naturally, each person has his own preferences regarding shades, colors, and the type of wallpaper.

But, despite the wishes, there are rules for decorating the room:

  1. If you stick it in a too small room dark wallpaper, then it is quite possible that soon your favorite dark blue or bright scarlet color may become not your favorite, but aggressive and annoying. That is why, when choosing a material, you need to be guided not by your wishes, but by the recommendations of the designers.
  2. There is no need to choose purely light walls or only those wallpapers that contain the same pattern.
  3. It is much better to combine using moldings, which will ensure the creation perfect interior able to expand the room, increase the height of the walls, and also make it attractive.

In small rooms, the main thing is not to forget about installing additional lighting in the form of spotlights, sconces, and floor lamps, but choosing a chandelier that is too large and massive will only reduce the height and narrow the area.

Photo wallpaper in a small room: expanding the space wisely

For those who are faced with the problem of increasing space, there is an excellent modern solution- and this is photo wallpaper. Such modern products allow you to create an optical illusion, visual expansion of space, as well as its significant increase.

At the moment, there is a huge selection of photo wallpapers in colors, finishes and varieties, and most importantly, they are different in size and you can choose a picture with open window to a meadow where a pony grazes, or a picture in the form underwater world. The choice of wallpaper directly depends on the owner of the room or the designer.

To enhance the effect visual expansion It is worth placing in the room only low pieces of furniture that will not clutter the room, but on the contrary will make it more airy and unusual.

In addition, photo wallpaper is original way decorate the room, as you can choose the most unimaginable designs at will. Among the assortment there is the opportunity to choose a print for children, for adults, as well as three-dimensional pictures that will become an elegant addition to the interior.

Wallpaper that expands the space in the interior

When combining wallpaper, materials and their colors, you need to make your choice as carefully as possible, because a little carelessness and all the work will go in vain. If you confuse a large pattern with a small one and make too many large ones and don’t use the small ones at all, then the room will narrow and lower.

Some people believe that if you paint a room in one tone, it will be larger, but this is far from true, because monotony is a symbol of boredom and routine, as well as a narrowing of space.

Precisely because, most the best option To choose wallpaper that expands space, you need to buy a material that already combines patterns, tones, colors and even different shapes.

How to arrange a small room (video)

In conclusion, we add that in dark rooms that are located on the poorly lit side of the house, it is advisable to glue wallpaper with vegetation, for example, with a bamboo print or with palm trees, and also add Spotlights around the entire perimeter. Thus, you can expand the room, make it more lively and bright, which is what was initially required.

Examples of wallpaper for a small room (photo)

Many apartments in Russia and neighboring countries are designed in such a way that one or several rooms are quite small, we can talk about rooms measuring 10-15 square meters. The natural question of the owners of such dwellings about how to visually enlarge a small room becomes very relevant.

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In this article we will look at how you can increase the space of a room.

Color scheme in the room

Designers claim that the right color can visually enlarge the space. Rule one: you need to choose a single shade for the walls and ceiling in the room, as well as for curtains and furniture. Rule two: it is necessary to give preference to light, calm tones, since dark tones optically reduce the available space.

Preferred colors and their shades: light green, blue, blue, white and gray. Light pink or peach tones also work well.

Drawing on wallpaper or walls

Modern designers often resort to the following solution: one wall is covered with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, while the remaining walls are painted in a neutral color. This results in the so-called “optical illusion” effect, when the human eye perceives the available space in an enlarged form.


The pattern on the wallpaper can be in the form of horizontal stripes, then the ceiling height will visually increase.

Summing up how to visually enlarge a room with the help, it is necessary to emphasize the following: wallpaper should be light in texture, with a medium, discreet pattern or geometric pattern.

Furniture in the room

When choosing furniture for a small room, you should choose one that is more functional and small in size. This category includes a sofa bed, wardrobe bed, chair bed, folding tables, etc.

Preferred materials: glass, light wood, rattan. Color solution furniture depends on the color of the selected wallpaper; the furniture should be several tones darker than the main part of the room. Arrangement: along the perimeter of the walls.

Windows and curtains in the room

There is no need to give preference to “heavy” frames made in dark colors. The best decision- white frames that will visually enlarge the room. Other colors “hide” part of the space.

Curtains should be chosen in light shades, the fabrics should be light and transparent. Decorative elements for decorating curtains, such as lambrequins or pendants, are not recommended.

Use asymmetrical stripes on the walls

Correct lighting

Owners of small apartments will ask how to visually enlarge a room with the help of lighting. The answer is very simple, you need to illuminate the room as much as possible, Special attention At the same time, pay attention to the lower corners of the room. It is not recommended to hang massive chandeliers; give preference to ceiling lamps, which are best placed around the perimeter of the room. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that light directed towards the opposite wall visually enlarges the available space.

It is necessary to remember what is right organized lighting can visually increase the space by thirty percent.

Mirrors and glass in a small room

Mirrors and glass will be a good helper for increasing a small space in a room. It is clear that a mirror that reflects a room visually doubles it. However, there are some secrets to the correct placement of mirrors:

  1. It is not recommended to use mirrored ceilings. In small rooms, mirrors placed on the ceiling reduce the comfort of the room.
  2. You should give preference to mirrored furniture; these could be wardrobes, dressing tables, etc.
  3. Mirrors placed on the walls create depth in the room and visually make it lighter and brighter.

Don't neglect glass and glass surfaces. Perfect glass furniture: tables, chairs. Stained glass windows on the walls will not only decorate the room, but also visually increase the space. It is good to use doors with glass inserts, small ones glass elements decor. Such devices will not only increase the space, but also make the room more airy and light.

Textiles in the room

Properly selected textiles create a visual enlargement of the room. The curtain rods in the room should hang as high as possible, the length of the curtains should be to the floor. Fabrics, as we noted above, are recommended to choose light, transparent ones. It is advisable to make folds on the curtain or tulle; such an effect will make the room more comfortable.

It is not recommended to cover tables with tablecloths: a table without cloth looks more attractive. Colorful carpets visually make the room smaller. Preference should be given to plain carpets, which occupy 2⁄3 of the floor space.

Visual increase in ceiling height

There are some design solutions that will help visually increase the height of the ceiling:

  1. There is no need to make a boundary between the walls and ceiling.
  2. It is better to choose a vertical pattern on the walls.
  3. A glossy ceiling will help make the room larger and the space wider.
  4. It is recommended to use cornice lighting.
  5. Mirror surfaces on the walls visually make the ceiling higher.

Can be done bright accent on one wall

Other techniques for increasing space

Owners of small apartments, in order to visually enlarge the available space, need to decorate the room in the style of “minimalism”, it is better to use as much as possible less furniture, which should be small in size. You also need to get rid of unnecessary things and junk.

If we talk about what color enhances the room, then it is necessary to highlight white separately, as well as all bright hues. If possible, use a single light range. A small room should have as much natural light as possible; you should not cover the windows with heavy, dark curtains.

There is no need to fill the space of a small room with figurines, photo frames and large paintings. You should also get rid of massive shelves with books; they “steal” space.


On open shelves you can place several similar medium-sized decorative elements.

A great idea on how to increase space is to use. You should give preference to wallpaper depicting natural landscapes; it could be a green forest, snowy mountain peaks, a sunset, a warm seashore or an alpine meadow. Recently, photo wallpapers in 3D volume have become popular, which will not only visually enlarge the room, but also create a spatial effect. What wallpaper color makes a room look bigger? Of course, these are white, gray, green and blue.

The floor is best done in warm light shades. If selected floor covering is a laminate, it is recommended to lay it diagonally, as a result of which the room will not only visually increase, but also hide the imperfections of the walls.

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Visually enlarging rooms is a fairly common technique that helps you live in comfortable conditions while spending a minimum of money.

Properly selected photo wallpapers help visually enlarge the space

Having a small space in your apartment may be the result of poor planning, but it can all be fixed. In this article we will introduce everyone to how to visually enlarge a room and turn it into a comfortable, functional living space.

First, let's talk about how to visually enlarge a small room and arrange it.

In this case, you need to follow these tips:

  1. choose the right color: the space visually increases if correct selection the color scheme of the walls and ceiling, which should be light shades;
  2. skillfully place curtains. If available large windows in a small room, it is recommended to hang them along the edges, since then the window openings will appear even larger. Curtains should have the same color scheme, as the walls;
  3. use multifunctional furniture. This cannot be taken literally to mean that a necessarily purchased bed, when raised, must turn into beautiful wall. The most common way to save space is a sofa bed, which is comfortable to sleep on, and during the day – pleasant for guests to sit on;
  4. use a large number of transparent surfaces.

Also, you should try to maintain order in the room so as not to place unnecessary things here.

Use multifunctional furniture and reflective surfaces in your interior

Plus, remember that the space visually expands with the help large quantity natural and artificial light.

How to visually enlarge a room with color?

With the help of optical illusion, we ourselves will be able to enlarge the space of even the smallest rooms and give a comprehensive answer to the question: “How to visually enlarge a room with the help of color?”

To do this you need to remember that:

  1. a bright home will become visually wider and taller if it has a colored floor;
  2. needs to be painted bright color ceiling, then the room will seem wider, but a little lower;
  3. It is advisable to give the back wall and ceiling the same color, then the home will expand, but its depth will decrease;
  4. if you highlight only the back wall with color, then the side ones will also move apart;
  5. when paint is applied only to the side walls, the width of the room will decrease and the depth will increase;
  6. if there is a problem with low ceilings, then you need to paint the back and side walls, which will significantly reduce the width of the home.

To enlarge the space, use white, beige, bluish, light green colors. For painting ceilings, for example, they use white paint or the same color tension structure. By the way, you need to know what color visually enhances the bathroom, kitchen, nursery and other rooms. The conclusion is obvious: it is best to use a white shade.

How to visually enlarge a room with curtains?

If you choose the right curtains, they will visually expand the area of ​​a small room, raise the ceiling, and distract attention from other possible design flaws.

Therefore, curtains that visually enlarge the room should be:

  1. plain, since the absence of patterns and ornaments does not attract attention;
  2. simple in form. The fact is that complex structures the area is “eaten up”;
  3. with horizontal or diagonal stripes. Thanks to this decorative element, the room visually becomes wider.

It is better that the curtains are plain and match the color of the walls

In addition, there are things that are undesirable to use in a small room.

So, the curtains cannot be different:

  • large or too variegated pattern, complex ornament. Such decorative elements take up a lot of space because they are constantly in the spotlight;
  • a large number of folds, since such a load on small windows will make them even smaller;
  • vertical stripes, because this decorative element will make a small home even narrower;
  • multi-layering, since this not only reduces total area, but the room becomes even darker and smaller.

How to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper?

Now we will tell you how to visually enlarge a room using wallpaper. Today, they are increasingly used to decorate walls and ceilings in residential premises. They not only decorate the interior, but also visually enlarge the home.

To do this, use wallpaper in light shades. The presence and the very meaning of the picture also has a great influence on the overall perception: large images make the space narrower, and small ones increase the volume.

Please note that thanks to:

  1. large drawing, the surface gets closer, which ultimately makes the home smaller;
  2. a small pattern against a background of light colors creates an optical illusion of increasing the area of ​​the room;
  3. vertical stripes, the ceiling height increases significantly.

Transverse stripes move the walls apart, and the ceiling becomes lower

How to visually enlarge a narrow room?

So, for this you must:

  • Whenever possible, do not use bright and contrasting colors. To make a narrow room seem larger area, you need to use paints, curtains, wallpaper in pastel (light green, light blue, cream, apricot) and white colors;
  • According to the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, also select furniture. Please note that the presence of contrast between furniture, for example, and walls, reduces the space;
  • try to add as much light as possible, since lighting is key point when opening up space, making it clear and large;

To expand the room, use pastel and cool colors

  • throw away unnecessary things that create the effect of limited volume. Golden Rule: less things – more space;
  • use mirrors and mirror tiles, which contributes to the enlargement of volume;
  • place an object that will attract the attention of those entering in the farthest corner. In this case, the eye will immediately fall on this thing, for example, a beautiful floor lamp, which will help create a sense of perspective.

By following these little tricks, you will not only know how to visually increase the size of a room, but at the same time your home will be filled with air and become much more spacious.

What is the best way to place furniture in a small room?

As you can see, you can visually increase the space of a room different ways, including with the help of furniture. At the same time, it is very important to place it correctly.

It is necessary to take into account that:

  • it is best to use furniture with elements of mirrors or glass: transparent glass table, coffee table;
  • you need to select options so that some elements are open type, which will facilitate the free penetration of air and light into the home;

Place furniture along the walls to make the space seem larger

  • It is best to store things and clothes in vertical cabinets;
  • you need to use lower furniture - stools, stands, ottomans;
  • It would be nice if the furniture was placed in the corners, which will help free up space in the center of the room.

The space-saving furniture and visual tricks in this article will help you make any room in your home look bigger. You'll learn how to save space, visually expand the area, raise ceilings and make a small room as light and bright as possible. We bring to your attention 7 secrets on how to visually enlarge a room!

1. How to save space in a small room: smart furniture

When buying furniture for a small room, you can save a lot of space by choosing shallower cabinet depths (especially for the kitchen, bathroom and hallway), narrow armrests and thin legs. The latter will help not only visually enlarge the room, but also simplify the cleaning process, while furniture without legs will look much more massive and accumulate dust underneath.

  1. Sliding or folding table, which can be expanded when guests visit. Just stock up on extra folding chairs that can be hidden against the wall or in the closet. Choose a table model with wheels to make it easier to move.
  2. Bar counter, which can also act as a narrow dining table, kitchen island, window sill or even a partition between the kitchen and living room.
  3. Sofa with lifting mechanism and storage space. It is convenient to hide bed linen, bedspreads and various old things. The armrests can be equipped with additional shelves for decor and accessories.
  4. A folding bed-wardrobe that solves the problem of decorating small single- or two-room apartments along with .
  5. Banquettes and ottomans with a hinged lid and a cavity inside.

Finally, built-in and corner furniture allow you to make maximum use of the available space. Corner hallways, a reading chair in the living room, a built-in wardrobe above the head of the bed and similar solutions will make the interior of your home more comfortable and interesting.

2. Optical illusion: transparent and mirrored interior items

3. How to visually expand a room: horizontal lines

Choose wallpaper with horizontal lines or cover the walls wooden planks to visually expand a narrow room. A striped runner will play the same role in a hallway or hallway. In general, in small rooms it is better to avoid using carpets, as they visually break up the space and make it narrower.

4. We increase the space with lighting

Lighting up every dark corner and avoiding massive pendant lamps- another way to visually enlarge a small room. Use oversized ceiling lamps, behind the sofa and armchairs, sconces above the tables, built-in spotlights and LED lighting that will not steal your free space.

5. Which color expands the space of the room: choosing wallpaper for the walls

What wall color is best for a small room? And how to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper? We offer some ideas with photos!

For a free and fresh atmosphere, choose light, natural and pastel shades beige, gray, green and blue tones. Fashionable olive and mint tones would be an excellent choice. Combine them with white and different textures that will make the design more expressive. Please note that it is better to choose medium and large wallpaper for walls, but not small patterns which can make a small room look crowded.

A good option is to decorate the walls and furniture in the same color. The interior will look cohesive and spacious, and colorful accents can be introduced with vases, indoor plants, sofa cushions and other accessories.

Tall shelves, racks and ceiling-high cabinets will help you make the most of your space and also make it look taller. Just as horizontal stripes expand a room, vertical accents help to “raise” the ceiling. Therefore, instead of one wide wardrobe in the living room, it is better to put two narrow but tall ones. Two tall display cases for decoration, kitchen cabinets under the ceiling and shelving with open shelves are also suitable for fulfilling this role.

7. How to visually enlarge a room with curtains

A small room needs something good natural light. Therefore, the curtains here should emphasize the windows, leaving them open. Regular long curtains are good for this, they can make the room look taller if they are decorated in a bright color (like vertical stripes). On the other hand, for a small room you can safely choose curtains that match the wallpaper, stripes and transparent tulles of a simple cut. From lush French curtains It would be better to refuse, as well as any decor on the window sills.

Thank you for your attention!

Small space: how to visually enlarge a room? updated: December 5, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko