How to get a refund for an e-ticket. ✔ Departure has been rescheduled to an earlier or later date. Unexpected ticket refund

Every year the number of people who travel by plane is growing. Air transport is considered one of the most reliable types of transportation and attracts the attention of travelers. However, when using the services of airlines, it is worth knowing many secrets and rules for purchasing and returning air tickets. Hot topic Today it is considered “how to get money back for an air ticket with a non-refundable fare.”

What is a non-refundable air ticket?

Detailed interpretation this term can be found in the amendments to the Air Code dated July 6, 2016, when Russian airlines were first allowed to use non-refundable air tickets. Foreign airlines started using non-refundable air fares much earlier Russian companies. Today, this practice is very popular among those travelers who want to save on the price of their flight.

Non-refundable plane tickets are air tickets whose cost is significantly lower than regular tickets, which can be returned at any time. The most important thing is to return your refundable tickets before check-in for your flight closes in order to be able to get your money back or part of it. There are options when a non-refundable fare applies to business class tickets, the cost of which is higher.

Non-refundable tickets from Aeroflot

Aeroflot is a Russian airline that has one of the youngest fleets of aircraft in Europe. It was Aeroflot that became the first domestic airline to start using non-refundable tickets, which are now included in the following groups:

  • "Budget";
  • "Promo".

Non-refundable tickets from the above groups are designated by letters such as: R, Q, T, E, N. There are no special restrictions on the weight of luggage for passengers.

Worth remembering! Different airlines have their own rules and restrictions that must be taken into account. On Russian market A non-refundable plane ticket is a new product that has already won the trust of many travelers. This type of ticket is most often purchased from Aeroflot airline.

How to return non-refundable tickets

It is indeed possible and quite realistic to return an Aeroflot ticket at a non-refundable fare. However, you can refuse a flight if there is a compelling reason, one of which is the illness of the passenger, his family members or close relatives. This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. In this situation, it is necessary to have medical confirmation of the fact of illness or death, after which the airline will return the full amount paid for the ticket at a non-refundable fare.

Necessary documents for the procedure for returning an air ticket due to illness or death of a passenger or his relatives:

  1. Help with medical center or clinics;

Before returning non-refundable plane tickets, you should obtain a certificate from your attending physician confirming the presence of illness or death during the period of booking the flight. The notarized certificate must have a round seal or a special stamp. Airline managers accept medical certificates, both handwritten and printed. However, it is worth clarifying in advance all the nuances and standards of medical documents that must be provided.

  1. Removing armor;

To do this, you need to contact Aeroflot before check-in for the flight ends. This can be done by calling a call center or meeting in person.

  1. Copies of documents;

To return a purchased ticket, you must make copies of all necessary documents a passenger who owns a non-refundable ticket (photocopies of passport and international passport + have the original with you).

  1. Power of attorney;

Such a document is issued if the passenger is this moment is being treated in hospital and is not able to visit Aeroflot. The power of attorney must be drawn up in accordance with current legislation and certified by a notary. It is also mandatory to take documents that confirm your relationship with the passenger.

  1. Visit to Aeroflot.

The collected package of documents must be submitted to the airline for reimbursement of the full cost of the ticket. Only in case of illness or death, airline employees will refund up to 100% of the ticket price at a non-refundable rate.

It is worth remembering that the funds are returned to the exact bank card with which the passenger paid for the air ticket. The money arrives on the card within 7-10 business days. Penalties and fees are not charged in this situation.

Note! This scheme applies if the ticket was purchased on the Aeroflot website and nothing else. If non-refundable tickets were purchased through a travel agent, then you should contact him directly.

Other conditions for refunding air tickets

The return of tickets at a non-refundable rate can be either forced or voluntary. It is possible to return an air ticket to Aeroflot if:

  • Flight cancellation due to the fault of the airline;
  • The plane may be delayed for more than 4 hours, which disrupts planned plans;
  • If a relative or loved one has died, of which the airline was notified in advance;
  • Other circumstances arise that violate the concluded air carriage agreement.

Return a non-refundable ticket for no reason and get it back full cost will not work. It is best to return air tickets one day before check-in and departure of the plane, which will avoid a fine of 25% of the cost. However, in the Air Code of the Russian Federation there is a rule that allows passengers with non-refundable tickets to be refunded the amount of fees that are included in the ticket price. The airline does not refund the ticket fare amount.

Reasons for non-refund of tickets

Despite the above norm of the Air Code (Russia), non-refundable tickets are not accepted in full size are not reimbursed if:

  • The passenger changed his mind about flying;
  • The passenger does not feel well, but this does not interfere with the flight;
  • A companion (but not a close relative or family member) cannot fly;
  • The passenger was late for the flight;
  • A relative is unable to fly and you want to stay with him for the purpose of care;
  • Other reasons and force majeure situations that may arise before the flight.

Return of an electronic ticket

At its core, e-ticket is equivalent to paper, but it cannot be wrinkled, lost or damaged in any way, which is quite common in modern world. By purchasing an electronic ticket, you can significantly save time on issuing it. These types of air tickets are also refundable, but only via the Internet and through the official website. Full information about the refund amount Money can be seen only after going to the appropriate section on the Aeroflot website. Online refunds can be made in the currency in which the ticket was paid for.

Rebooking a non-refundable ticket

The rebooking service can only be provided if there is a compelling reason for this. To do new reservation, you should contact the airline by telephone or by mail, indicating the exact date, for which you want to change your ticket. In this case, the passenger may be charged a fine.

Important! Tickets purchased at promotional prices may not be refundable.

Cost of non-refundable air tickets

The price of non-refundable air tickets is determined based on fees and taxes provided for by current legislation and the airline's fare for the flight. Airport charges included in your ticket include insurance, fuel and service charges, which are subject to change. The cost of the fare depends on the length of the flight, seasonality and booking class.

To check the current fares for certain flights, look at the rules of transportation, namely:

  • If the ticket contains the phrase “TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE”, this means that the ticket cannot be returned without a special reason;
  • If there is a phrase “WHERE FARE IS NON - REFUNDABLE ANY TIME” or “IN THIS CASE YQ/YR SURCHARGES ARE ALSO NON-REFUNDABLE” in a non-refundable ticket, then fees may not be refunded;
  • If there is a phrase “CHANGES NOT PERMITTED”, tickets cannot be exchanged.

Where to contact

This summary can tell you how to find out about the rules for returning non-refundable tickets and where to go if force majeure situations arise that interfere with your flight. internal rules Aeroflot airlines. Instructions and recommendations “how to get your money back for non-refundable air ticket Aeroflot company" can be found online on the official website. It’s also worth calling the airline’s hotline and finding out how to return tickets at a non-refundable rate. Active in given time the procedure for returning air tickets to Aeroflot should not deviate from the generally accepted rules of air travel.

Where to complain

Quite often, situations arise when airlines do not want to refund the cost of a ticket or additional fees. This practice is considered widespread and is used to deduct passengers more money for a flight that did not take place for the person. All documents and correspondence confirming the fact that the airline has rejected a refund, as well as the application, should be submitted to Federal agency air transport. You can even leave a complaint on the official website.

Purchasing a non-refundable air ticket has many nuances that you should familiarize yourself with in advance. Aeroflot has complete information on its official website on how to purchase and where to return tickets. If force majeure situations arise, you should first contact the airline's employees, who will tell you what to do correctly. A returned air ticket can be rebooked for another date subject to payment of a fine.


Passengers should remember that the lower the ticket price, the stricter the airline's requirements for its use and refund procedure. Despite these conditions, non-refundable air tickets allow you to significantly save on flights. Before departure, it is worth preparing all documents, even those that may be needed for the procedure for returning air tickets in the event of unforeseen situations. When purchasing non-refundable tickets, you should be prepared for the fact that airlines may not refund their cost if you cancel the flight.

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to return an air ticket. This may be a voluntary decision of the passenger ( family circumstances, change of plans, etc.) or forced (flight cancellation). Refunds are carried out according to the airline's rules and the conditions should be discussed when purchasing a ticket. Please remember that some tickets cannot be returned.

What kind of air tickets can be returned?

Each company has its own details of exchange, return and payment of a fine when returning air tickets. But we can say with certainty that the most profitable terms return from premium class. Returning and exchanging such tickets is quite convenient and the fine is minimal and possible even after departure.

There are so-called “fully rented” air tickets. The amount is fully refundable, except for the booking fee. Air tickets returned with a fine can be returned with a deduction of about 25% of the fare amount. The rate for unreturned tickets is non-refundable.

Penalties for ticket refunds

In the event of a forced return due to the fault of the airline, or in the event of the sudden death of a passenger, no fine is paid. For an economy class ticket, you will need to pay a fine upon return, the amount of which depends on the company you choose and varies from 900 rubles to 1,500 rubles, foreign flights - from 40 euros to 300 euros. And some airlines do not impose penalties.

Fines are paid if a passenger refuses a ticket less than three hours before departure, as well as if the passenger fails to show up for the flight.

Refund of air tickets purchased online

Even if you ordered an air ticket online, it is possible to return or exchange it - however, with the same monetary losses as agreed by the airline. The funds will be returned to the card you used to pay for the ticket. The refund process may take up to 3 months.

Some online ticket offices allow you to easily exchange or return a ticket. You can also reserve and order by low prices tickets without leaving home. A simple design and user-friendly interface will make it easy to find a flight to anywhere in the world.

The editors of the site note that it is advisable to plan your trips in advance and familiarize yourself with the refund conditions when purchasing tickets - this will help to avoid unpleasant situations.
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Recently, most travelers buy tickets and book their accommodation via the Internet. This is very convenient and practical - you don’t need to stand at the ticket office, waste time and money moving around the city. But sometimes it happens that an air ticket purchased online is no longer needed and the trip has to be canceled or rescheduled. How to return a plane ticket purchased online?

In most cases, a ticket purchased online is returned in the same way as a regular one. But only if you bought it without the “Non Ref” mark (non refundable). Most often, tickets with this mark are sold on low-cost airlines or are among the cheapest, even in economy class. If it says Non Ref, then your money will not be returned..

If you have a full ticket, a refund is possible. Conditions may vary between airlines - look for them on the carriers' official websites. But everyone has one principle - the sooner you apply for a refund, the easier the process will be.

Note: Usually, the more expensive the air ticket, the easier it is to return it. That is, in 95% of cases you will not have any problems returning business class. Fines for this procedure may either be absent altogether or be several times less than when returning a low-cost airline.

Tickets purchased through promotions, sales or special rates are non-refundable. But you will most likely be allowed to exchange it for another flight. Some carriers generally accept returns on the day of sale. If you are late, then only transfer the flight to another date. Therefore, carefully study the conditions before purchasing.

When is the best time to return a ticket?

The sooner you decide to return your electronic plane ticket, the better.

  1. If you rent it out a day or more in advance, you can expect a 100% refund of the cost (only the commission is not refundable). Some carriers may fine customers for this procedure and charge them various fees.
  2. By returning your ticket less than 24 hours in advance, you will receive 75% of the cost, minus all of the above.
  3. If you change your mind about flying on the last day, try to submit your application four hours before registration begins. In this case, you will be refunded according to the second point of this list. If you are late, the fines will increase.

Note: If you purchased a full ticket and missed your flight (or were not allowed through by security), you can return it after the plane departs. Often, pay a fine and reschedule your flight to new date It turns out to be more profitable than returning a ticket and buying a new one.

Who will return the money?

We found out whether it is possible to return air tickets, now we will tell you about the return procedure itself. You must apply for a refund to the place where you purchased the ticket (travel agency, ticket office, carrier). The statement states:

  • flight number;
  • number of ticket;
  • booking number;
  • departure date;
  • departure time.

This information is provided in the email that arrives when purchasing a ticket. Do not make mistakes when filling out, because if something is incorrect, you will have to write a second application, and the first one will be canceled (accordingly, it will be considered that you ordered a return later).

Return procedure

  1. Since you bought your ticket online, you don’t need to go to the ticket office to return it. Everything is done on the airline’s (or travel agency’s) website. You will need to fill out an application on the portal in the appropriate section and attach a photo of your passport (the one for which you purchased the ticket). In some cases, scans are sent by email.
  2. You can also always personally contact representatives of the airline or travel agency with a request for a refund or rescheduling of the flight date. Don't worry or be embarrassed - this is standard procedure, it doesn't take much time. Hundreds of passengers return tickets every day.
  3. If you purchased a ticket through a travel agency, the refund will be made first to their account, and only then to yours. An application for a refund can only be submitted by the person who purchased the ticket, or anyone else who has a notarized power of attorney from the “owner”.

How long does it take for the money to be returned?

This question is quite complicated - it all depends on when you decided to return the Aeroflot tickets purchased online, on the deadline for submitting the application and on the method of payment. Money can be returned in the following ways:

  1. Cash.
  2. On online wallet.
  3. To a current account.
  4. To a bank card.

In order for funds to be returned to your account or card as quickly as possible, you must indicate:

  1. Identification code.
  2. Full name of the bank and client's current account.
  3. Bank identification code and correspondent account.

If the purchase was paid through an electronic wallet, then provide:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient (exactly the one for whom the ticket was purchased).
  2. Wallet number.
  3. Type of system (Yandex money, WebMoney, LiqPay, RBK Money, etc.).

Note: immediately after submitting an application for a refund, you will lose your seats and they will be purchased by other participants in the system. It is no longer possible to change your mind and withdraw your application. Typically this procedure takes from 10 to 90 days.

Is it possible to change the departure date?

It all depends on the air carrier and the cost of the ticket. In most cases, you can change the date by paying a small fine. There is no change fee for business class or annual fare tickets.

That's all you need to know about how to return an electronic plane ticket purchased online. We wish you pleasant flights!

New items in the country's air legislation. Practical examples refund for air tickets. Requirements of carriers and promises of intermediaries.

The relationship between the air carrier and the passenger is regulated by the Air Code of the Russian Federation, and more specifically by Articles 103 and 108 of this document. In fact, it all depends on the integrity of the airline and the demands of the client. And, of course, let’s not discount some agreements, thanks to which transport services protected themselves from the risks of refunds for unused tickets.

How does the state regulate the issue of refunds for air tickets?

According to Article 103 of the VC, the passenger has the full right to a refund of the amount for the “carriage fee”, which is specified in the contract. The money must be returned at the time of termination of the agreement. The law states that the carrier is obliged to notify about the conditions for receiving money for the ticket before concluding the contract. It turns out that the airline can still set some rules - to please itself, of course.

Now about Article 108 of the VK, point by point:

  1. The passenger must notify the carrier of termination of the contract no later than one day before the end of check-in for the flight.
  2. The refund amount is calculated as the cost of the ticket minus the costs incurred by the carrier.
  3. If the passenger notified the airline less than 24 hours before the end of check-in, the refund amount is reduced by 25% (for example: from 10 thousand rubles to 7.5 thousand rubles).
  4. The carrier has the right not to pay money if the client decides to terminate the contract of carriage after check-in for the flight has ended. It turns out that if you are late for the plane, you will be refunded exactly 0 rubles for your ticket. 0 kopecks.
  5. The agreement may be concluded with the condition of non-refund of the amount paid for the ticket. We are talking here about 100% non-refund of funds spent.

Of course, the state has provided for the option of forced refusal to transport by air due to the death of a close relative. But there are also “buts” here - you will have to notify the carrier 24 hours before departure, and the fact of death will still need to be documented. This exception applies to both refundable and non-refundable tickets.

How to return the cost of an air ticket purchased from Aeroflot

In June 2014, Aeroflot announced the introduction of non-refundable tickets on Budget and Promo fares. The message was made immediately after the corresponding changes in the RF CC.

The innovation also affected the “Optimum” tariff. A fixed penalty for returns was established (instead of the old 25%). At the same time, the company clarified that a warning about refusal of transportation less than 40 minutes before the established limit automatically transfers the ticket to “non-refundable” status.

The Aeroflot website lists the option of returning tickets on-line, that is, without visiting offices. To do this you will have to call the Information and Reservation Service by phone 8-800-444-5555.

The principle of working with clients is similar for each airline. To find out more details on how to return the money paid for your carrier’s ticket, please study the corresponding section on the company’s website.

Sales intermediaries: will they return the money you spent on an air ticket?

A fairly common occurrence: buying a ticket through an online intermediary, for example, Ozon Travel. Note that Ozon, like other similar companies, offer to buy a seat not only on Russian, but also on foreign flights.

We are asked to log into our personal account and click on the “Return and Exchange” button located directly opposite the order. There you will need to fill out an application, based on the points of which seats on the plane will be canceled and the refund amount will be calculated.

Ozon notifies that:

  1. Foreign carriers most often enter into non-refundable contracts.
  2. The sooner you submit your application, the greater your chances of avoiding maximum losses.
  3. Some airlines may refund money for an air ticket if a passenger is officially denied a visa.

The intermediary, as well as the airline, will transfer the refund to the account from which payment for the flight was made.

Nowadays, due to convenience and saving time, most people make purchases online, including booking airline tickets. Therefore, to purchase them it is not at all necessary to go to the air ticket office or contact tourist agency. On airline websites you can choose and book the most suitable option.

Important! Air tickets purchased online are no different from those purchased in the usual way.

Often, having seen a favorable fare for a planned flight, promotions, discounts, tourists are not interested in the terms of its return and exchange if necessary. Don't worry, you can almost always get back the money you spent or part of it. Let's figure out how to return an air ticket with the least financial loss.

Electronic ticket and fare

First of all, pay attention to the fare specified by the air carrier.

Print out your e-ticket; it will contain all the information you need:

  • point of departure (airport) and destination;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the passenger;
  • number of your passport or other identification documents;
  • airline code;
  • flight number;
  • booking class;
  • type of tariff;
  • departure date and time;
  • fare set by the airline;
  • air ticket price and number;
  • date of its registration and validity period.

Non-refundable tariff

It is worth making sure that the air ticket purchased via the Internet does not have a note in the fare: “Non Ref” or “non refundable”. This word translated means “irrevocable”. At this rate, the cheapest tickets are purchased, on special promotions and on low-cost airlines. Such non-refundable budget fares may be called differently for different airlines.

For example, for Aeroflot PJSC these are economy class tickets: budget (saver) and promo (promo). In this case, it will be difficult to return the money. It is usually allowed to postpone the departure date with an additional payment by making changes to the issued transportation.

Sometimes this is an easier way out of the situation. According to Federal Law from 04/20/2014 No. 79-FZ “On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation”, air carriers have the right to sell two types of air tickets. Some of them provide for the conditions for the return of freight charges upon termination of the contract of carriage, others do not.

It is important to know! You can get a refund for a ticket purchased at a non-refundable fare in case of illness or violation of the contract of carriage by the airline. In case of voluntary cancellation of the flight, the passenger will lose the previously paid amount of the carriage charge.

Return procedure

Let's look at how to return a plane ticket purchased at a regular fare via the Internet.

Important! Rule number one - apply for a refund to the place where you purchased your ticket.

Since the purchase was made online, you don’t have to go anywhere. You need to find the appropriate form on the website where you booked the ticket and fill it out. Carefully fill in all the required information:

  • flight number, ticket number and booking code;
  • exact date and time of departure.

Please attach to the relevant application:

  • scanned passport (page with photo);
  • payment receipt or bank statement.

If a certain shape There is no application on the site, it is possible to fill it out arbitrarily, call the specified contact numbers or write to the specified email address. You can call the airline's hotline or use the support services on the website.

It is important to keep in mind when handing over an air ticket that a refund application can only be submitted by the person who purchased it. Another person does not have the right to return it without the appropriate power of attorney.

Please pay Special attention to ensure that all ticket and personal information is filled out correctly. Indeed, in case of errors, the application will not be accepted for consideration and a new one will have to be written. You may miss the most favorable deadlines for submitting documents.

When is the best time to return an air ticket?

When thinking about the question of how to return a plane ticket, first of all, you need to remember two main things:

  1. If a passenger voluntarily cancels a flight, it is best to notify the air carrier one day before the specified check-in time for the flight in order to receive back the amount paid for the ticket without paying a penalty. This applies to refundable tariffs;
  2. Refund conditions may vary between airlines. You need to read them on official websites. But, as a rule, the more expensive the ticket, the less problems there will be with returning it;

Why is application deadline important? The sooner you return your ticket, the less fines or commissions you will pay to the air carrier. According to the Federal Law dated April 20, 2014. No. 79 “On amendments to the Air Code Russian Federation", airlines have an obligation to return all money (fare) paid for a ticket purchased at a refundable fare, subject to notification of cancellation of the flight 24 hours or more before the end of check-in for the flight.

If a ticket is returned less than a day before the end of check-in for a flight, but no later than the specified time for its completion, the penalty is 25% of the carriage charge and other expenses actually incurred by the air carrier. This rule applies to refundable tariffs.

So, how can you get a full refund of the money spent on purchasing a ticket and how much refund can a passenger expect? The airline may reduce the amount of the above penalty. It is recommended to read the rules for applying your fare on the carrier’s official website. All conditions for the return of a specific air ticket are described in detail there.

Forced and voluntary ticket return

It is necessary to distinguish between a forced refusal to fly and a voluntary one. For example, hospitalization, illness of family members and other force majeure circumstances beyond a person’s control can change his plans. In this case, along with your passport, you must present a document that is the reason for refusing the flight. For example, a certificate of hospitalization.

It is important! If an involuntary refusal is recognized, the airline will return 100% of the fare previously paid by the passenger.

How to return a child's air ticket

We figured out how to get money back for a returned adult air ticket. With children, a similar procedure occurs. Only in addition to your documents, you must provide documents for the child (birth certificate or passport, that is, the document with which the ticket was purchased).

What to do if your flight is canceled

The following question may also arise: “How to return an electronic plane ticket when a flight is canceled or rescheduled indefinitely?” In this situation, you will need the owner’s passport, air ticket or receipt (certificate) of its purchase (in case of electronic booking).

Note! The passenger's money must be returned in full if the flight is cancelled.

How will the airline return the money?

After submitting an application for a ticket refund, the average processing time is 7 days, but can last up to a month. It depends on the air carrier.

Money is returned to the tourist in the following ways:

  • cash;
  • transfer to an electronic wallet;
  • transfer to a current account;
  • transfer to a bank card.

Most often, the same method of transferring funds for the returned ticket is chosen as it was paid for when booking.

It is important to provide the necessary additional information to speed up the return procedure:

  • bank details, current account;
  • Name electronic system for transfers, for example, Webmoney;
  • e-wallet number.

It all depends on how the funds will be transferred.

Note! If within 90 days there is no response to the refund application from the airline, then the passenger has the right to go to court.

In some cases, it is more profitable to change the date and time of departure rather than cancel the flight. For some business class fares, a refund of the carriage fee is possible even if you are notified of flight cancellation after the end of the specified check-in time for the flight.

How to return a plane ticket and not lose money

Having considered the question that is relevant for many passengers, how to return an air ticket, it is important to remember the following rules:

  1. The procedure for handing over electronic and regular tickets is practically no different. By purchasing it online, passengers save their time. In case of a ticket return, filling out and submitting documents takes place on the same resource where the reservation was made;
  2. If a passenger voluntarily cancels a flight, it is important to submit an application for a ticket refund at least one day before check-in. If this condition is met, you can get up to 100% of the original cost back;
  3. It is easiest to return business class tickets, but more difficult to return for budget fares. In some cases, it is recommended to agree to change the previously scheduled departure date, so the passenger will lose less money;
  4. In the event of a forced return due to circumstances beyond the control of passengers, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the reason for canceling the flight. In this case, the passenger will not be charged any fines or fees even if the ticket was returned in less than 24 hours;
  5. If a flight is canceled due to the fault of the airline or is postponed indefinitely, the client has the right to receive 100% of the original ticket price when returning it.

Answering the question of how to return a ticket with the least financial losses and analyzing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Before booking a flight online, carefully study all contracts and instructions provided on the airline’s website;
  2. If circumstances arise that force one to cancel the flight, the passenger must return air tickets purchased via the Internet as quickly as possible by filling out an application for their return;
  3. Fill out all necessary documents carefully and without errors;
  4. Save your time by booking and returning air tickets on the websites of reliable airlines;
  5. Don’t be afraid to buy them in advance, having found a suitable option on the Internet, because the procedure for returning an air ticket is simple, and the prices are early booking cheaper.


Happy flights to all passengers!