How to lay large paving slabs. Laying paving slabs with your own hands, step-by-step instructions, video. Laying garden tiles

Recently, many private mini-productions have opened to produce paving slabs. Thanks to this, this material has become available to the vast majority of private developers. With the help of these products you can inexpensively, quickly and efficiently decorate your yard, make beautiful neat garden paths, and lay a blind area around the house. To carry out all the work yourself and without loss of quality, you should know how to properly lay paving slabs. To do this, you need to use the tips outlined in this article.

The most popular today is rectangular paving slabs - paving stones. By combining different ways of laying it, you can create a beautiful pattern even from slabs of the same color. Most often, paving stones are laid in a herringbone pattern, similar to brickwork, and "in a column". Surface construction using paving stones is simple and least labor-intensive. The base for the tile can be made in three versions:

  1. concrete
  2. from crushed stone
  3. from sand.

Sometimes a mixture of sand and crushed stone is used.

Technology for laying paving slabs

  • First of all, you need to calculate the width and length of the area for paving slabs. Here you should take into account important point: It is advisable to use such values ​​so that you do not have to cut the tiles. That is, you need to take a certain number of tiles, take into account the gap between them (it can be from 2 to 5 mm) and, thus, determine the size of the site. If installation is planned curb stone, then in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the gap for water drainage between it and the slabs. Its optimal width is 0.5-0.7 mm.
  • Laying work begins with excavating the turf to a depth of 15 cm. It is necessary to ensure that as few roots and seeds remain as possible.
  • Next, the area freed from turf is laid out. It is also called “bed” and “trough”. If the soil is predominantly clayey, then for water drainage it is necessary to provide a small trench in the deepest part of the site.
  • Next, the soil is compacted. In order not to look for special machines and rollers, you can quickly make a simple device that will help you cope with this difficult task quickly and efficiently. To do this, you need to take a piece of log and attach a kind of handle to one of its sides. The other side of it needs to be tapped on the ground, thereby compacting it.
  • Further, if the installation of a curb stone is planned, then a narrow trench is dug under it. A layer of sand is poured into it, which is spilled with water and compacted manually. Then a thread or ribbon is stretched, which will mark the boundaries of the border. After which a layer is poured onto the bottom of the pit liquid concrete. Stones are placed in the trench one by one and the remaining gaps are filled with the same concrete.
  • A 5 cm layer of sand is poured onto the bed. Then it is poured with water from a hose and compacted using a previously made device. After drying, the sand cushion is laid out.
  • If this is provided for by the selected technology for laying paving slabs, a layer of crushed stone is poured and compacted. After which it is reinforced and filled with concrete so that a flat, smooth surface is obtained.
  • to ensure that paths or platforms do not become deformed, in conditions heaving soil The compacted sand bed should be covered with geotextile. Only after this is a layer of crushed stone poured, which can reach a thickness of 20 cm.
  • Instead of concrete, a layer of sand at least 5 cm thick can be poured, poured and compacted onto a stone base. This layer is carefully leveled using a lath. After which a reinforcing mesh is laid on this base.
  • After which, using cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:3 (cement: sand), each tile is installed in accordance with the selected pattern and laying method. You can also use tile adhesive, but this option will require much greater costs.
  • The laid tiles are leveled horizontally using a mallet or a special vibrating plate. Now it has become clear how to properly lay paving slabs.
  • After the laying work is completed, dry cement mixed with sand is poured onto the surface of the path and all gaps are carefully sealed. After that, the surface needs to be sprayed with water from a hose, which will allow the seams to soon harden and give the path strength and the tiles stability.

The technology of laying decorative paving slabs on sand with your own hands has a number of nuances, knowing which you can do all the work easily and without serious mistakes. Thanks to this material, you can create a unique coating in a parking lot, sidewalk or garden. Let's figure out what this technology is.

Most often, paving slabs are laid on a dry cement-sand mixture

Types of paving slabs

Before considering the technology of laying tiles with your own hands, you need to find out what types of material are used for finishing sidewalks and areas. Available today great amount variations of products, first of all, they differ in shape, the most popular are:

  • paving stones;
  • clover;
  • scales;
  • fleece;
  • wave;
  • honeycomb;
  • flower;
  • Gzhelka.

Main types of paving slabs

Production technology also affects the final result. According to the manufacturing method, tiles can be divided into two types:

  • Vibropressed. The machine feeds the mass into the mold, then compresses it and vibrates under pressure, after which the matrix is ​​removed and the tile is left to dry.
  • Vibrocast. The liquid solution is poured into the mold, vibrated for a certain time and dried.

You can use both approaches yourself. At the same time, if you make the solution yourself, it is important to maintain the proportions and use suitable raw materials.

Homemade tiles will be of proper quality only if they are used good components and a vibration installation for compacting the liquid mass.

Soil preparation

Before laying paving slabs, you need to prepare work area. The surface must meet certain requirements. If you do the work yourself, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Deepening. The tile is laid in the recess, but it should protrude 3-4 cm above the ground.
  • Dense soil. To do this, the soil is thoroughly compacted.
  • Smooth surface. It is necessary to perfectly level the area for installation.
  • Providing drainage. This condition is met in two ways. Firstly, a sand and gravel substrate is installed, and secondly, you need to provide a slight slope of about 5 degrees per meter.

Before you start laying paving slabs on sand, you need to carry out a number of works to prepare the soil. Let's look at how to do it yourself. First you need to remove upper layer soil, thanks to this you can level out all the unevenness, compact the soil and prepare a sand and gravel bed. The depth of the site depends on its purpose; for sidewalks, on average, 20 cm will be enough, and for car entrances and parking lots, you need to add another 7-10 cm.

After you dig a hole, you need to compact the soil. To do this, wet it with a spray hose and walk it with a tamper. This procedure will prevent the site from subsiding over time.

The base for laying tiles must be leveled and compacted

Installation of curbs and drains

Also, before you start laying paving slabs on sand, you need to take care of installing limiters, that is, curbs. They are placed along the entire perimeter of the sidewalk. If you do not install them, most likely, over time, your tiles will shift and the sidewalk will simply “pull apart” to the sides. To install them yourself, you need to dig a trench along the site. Its depth should be a little greater. Crushed stone is placed at the bottom for support and covered with sand to compact the voids. Then you need to set up the curbs, keeping them level.

To fix the elements it is prepared concrete mortar based on cement, sand and screenings. Use it to fill a trench with curbs. After drying, the spacers and clamps are removed, and the trench is filled with earth to the desired level.

Before laying the tiles, curbs are installed along the entire perimeter of the site

Additionally, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a water drain. He is laid with inside sidewalk along the curb. It is in his direction that the slope of the site should go.

sand cushion

In order to lay the tile itself, this technology involves the use of gravel and sand as a substrate. First of all, you need to fill the soil with sand. The bottom layer does not matter in terms of the quality of raw materials. Crushed stone is poured on top of the sand in a layer of approximately 15-20 cm, it allows you to evenly distribute the load over the sidewalk area and ensures the outflow of water. To fill the voids, additional sand is poured.

The top layer will act as a fixative, so it is important to know what kind of sand is needed for paving slabs. The best option is a material with fine particles, it will fill all the cracks, but it is important to clean it of impurities. The area should be sprinkled with water and wait until the materials dry.

After leveling the surface, fill in the working “cushion”. It is a mixture of sand and dry cement. It also needs to be perfectly leveled while maintaining the slope. After this, you can begin installation.

Schematic representation of a gravel-sand cushion

Laying tiles

Laying paving slabs on sand with your own hands is done in a certain direction; you need to lay it “away from yourself”, so you will not disturb the evenness of the sand. The elements must be laid in such a way that there are small gaps of about 1-2 mm between them. Wooden or plastic wedges are used for fixation.

The technology involves deepening the tiles into the sand mass to about half, so you need to make sure that the layer of sand is sufficient. In this case, the thickness of the substrate must correspond to the dimensions of the depression in the ground.

Each row must be checked with a level and all defects must be eliminated locally. For this purpose, a rule is used, which is an even wooden block, and a mallet. You need to move along the sidewalk carefully so as not to displace the elements until they are completely fixed.

Irregularities on the surface are eliminated using wooden rule And rubber mallet

Sealing seams

The last stage is sealing the seams. In order for paving slabs laid on sand to maintain their position and not move over time, they need to be secured; this can be done with your own hands very simply. To do this, use the same mixture of sand and cement powder, pour it on top of the tiles, and then use a brush to evenly distribute it over the surface so that the seams of the area are completely filled with it.

To secure the tiles by sealing the joints, use a cement-sand mixture

After you have treated the entire sidewalk, you need to sweep away the excess and sprinkle the surface with water. As soon as the water is absorbed, check the quality of the seams. The cement will swell and bind the individual tiles together. The spacers can be removed. In the future, it may be necessary to renew the filling of the joints, especially after heavy rainfall.

Filling with water is necessary to ensure that the dry mixture is compacted and compacted, so this procedure must be carried out 2-3 times to completely fill the seams between the tiles.

Now you know how to lay paving slabs on a sand bed with your own hands, following the technology. If the work is done efficiently, you will get a smooth and durable surface for many years.

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If on summer cottage Since, in addition to garden beds, there is a house and a recreation area, it is impossible to do without the construction and arrangement of paths. The paths must be beautiful, smooth, durable, dry and clean.

The choice of paving slabs is wide: it has different sizes, shapes and colors

Let's consider how to properly lay paving slabs in a dacha, for which we will divide the entire scope of work into separate types:

  1. Selection and calculation of the need for paving slabs and curbs.
  2. Path markings.
  3. Preparing the base for installation.
  4. Installation of curbs.
  5. Laying paving slabs.
  6. Filling seams.

Laying paving slabs in the country, especially with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  • Shovels, bayonet and shovel.
  • Rake.
  • Master OK.
  • Grinder (grinder) with a disk designed for cutting stone.
  • Rubber or wooden mallet.
  • Thin rope or cord.
  • Wooden pegs.
  • Tamper (electric vibrating plate or homemade manual).
  • Broom.
  • Garden watering can.

Selecting paving slabs, curbs and calculating the need for them

Before starting work, you should decide how the paths will be used in order to select a material that meets the operating conditions. Paving slabs for paths in a country house must be durable, frost-resistant and aesthetically pleasing. Vibropressed paving stones with a thickness of 4.5 cm or more meet these requirements.

This type of paving slab is made by filling cement mortar forms of various configurations, followed by compaction by vibration on a vibrating table and pressing under high pressure. Paving stones made using this technology can be laid with your own hands on paths along which not only people will walk, but also passenger vehicles will drive up. A high-quality product should be uniform in texture and color when broken.

Vibropressed paving stones are produced different colors. It can be with a painted top surface, or it can be colored throughout its entire thickness due to the addition of dyes to the solution during its manufacture.

You should avoid purchasing tiles of bright, saturated colors throughout the entire thickness, since excess dye impairs the strength characteristics of the tile. What shape to choose paving stones, rectangular or more complex, depends on the configuration of the paths and the taste of the owner of the dacha.

On certain sections of the paths you can lay tiles of different configurations and colors. It is better to make the joints between such sections straight by cutting the outer tiles with your own hands using a grinder (grinder) with a disk designed for cutting stone. The calculation of the need for tiles is made by multiplying the total length of the paths in meters by their width and a coefficient of 1.2.

The required number of curbs (side stones) is calculated by multiplying the length of the paths by 2.1, taking into account possible trimming at turns and adjoining buildings and gates of the dacha. The height of the border should be 20-25 cm. It is advisable to buy a border no longer than 1.5 m due to the significant weight. DIY installation of a border, even 1 m long, requires the efforts of two workers.

Lane markings

Marking is one of the main stages of laying paving slabs

The marking of paths is carried out after analyzing your needs for them on the site. At both edges of the future paths, pegs are driven into the ground, onto which the cord is pulled. Making the paths too winding means complicating the work of laying tiles with your own hands. The width of individual sections of paths may differ from each other, but should allow the car to pass where it is necessary.

Preparing the base for laying tiles

Along the entire length of the future paths, we remove the soil to a depth of 25 cm, this is approximately the length of the bayonet of a construction shovel. We take the excavated soil away so as not to spoil the appearance of the roadsides. After excavating the soil, we level and compact the surface of the base. In the absence of an electric vibrating plate, a tool for tamping can easily be made with your own hands from a log 1-1.5 m long, to one of the sections of which nail the middle of a beam-beam 0.5 m long.

Laying paving slabs is a very labor-intensive process that requires strict adherence to the rules

After compacting is completed, if the soil is sandy or sandy loam, the compacted surface should be slightly moistened to compact the remaining uncompacted areas. Clay soil there is no need to moisten.

On the compacted surface you need to pour crushed stone of a fraction of 20-40 mm in a layer of 7-10 cm and level it. In this case, you need to decide what profile the future path will have: flat or convex in the middle with water flowing along the curbs. In accordance with this, the crushed stone layer should be distributed.

Installation of curbs (side stones)

Along the edges of the future path, we drive pegs in increments of 2 m until their tops are 5 cm above the level of untouched soil. This level will be the height of the curbs. We drive small nails into the tops of the pegs and stretch a cord along them, according to the position of which we will guide the correct installation of the borders in the planes we need.

Side stone - separator between the roadway and the sidewalk

To install the side stone, we rake out the slightly poured crushed stone with a trowel and install the stone on the remaining crushed stone cushion. We align it along the cord, placing stones of a suitable size underneath.

We fill the voids formed under the curb after leveling with crushed stone to evenly distribute the weight of the stone over the crushed stone cushion.

We lay the next border in the same way. We leave a gap of 3-5 cm between adjacent stones. After finishing the installation of the borders, a cement-sand mortar is prepared in a ratio of 1:3, with which the joints between them are filled and rubbed. The solution is given 1-2 days to harden, then the crushed stone layer is trimmed, compacted and the laying of paving slabs begins.

Laying paving slabs

For a guaranteed result, ensuring the strength and durability of the laid coating, the tiles should be laid on a cement-sand mortar prepared in a ratio of 1:3. The solution is laid in a layer of 3-5 cm with a trowel on crushed stone over an area equal to 3-4 tiles. A tile is placed on the laid mortar and pressed into the mortar to a depth of 1-1.5 cm with a rubber mallet. The next product is placed next to it and also tapped with a mallet. A fixed gap of three to five millimeters is left between adjacent tiles. This can be achieved by inserting auxiliary plastic crosses that are commercially available. You can replace them with old nails of the same thickness inserted into the seams, which can be pulled out another day.

If it is decided to make the path profile flat, then the tiles can be laid in a pattern both across and diagonally. If the choice is made in favor of a convex profile, then to facilitate control of compliance with the required level, it is more advisable to lay the masonry across. Control will also be simplified by a handmade pattern made from a board with an oval profile of the future path, which is periodically applied to the tile laying. In this case, it is necessary to create a slope of 5 mm for each meter of path length in the direction opposite to the buildings on the site.

2 days after laying, the voids between the paving slabs and curbs, which are possible with shaped tiles, should be filled with cement-sand mortar. Another day, you need to prepare a dry cement-sand mixture of a ratio of 1:3, sprinkle it on top of the tiles and sweep it with a broom along the path until it fills the joints between the tiles. Then the path should be watered with water from garden watering can so that the dry mixture settles in the seams, and leave the seams to harden until the next day. The next day, you should repeat filling the joints with dry mortar, but do not allow them to fill to the surface of the tile. Excess dry mortar from the seams must be swept with a broom so that they are clearly marked.

At this point the installation work is completed, you just need to paint the borders of the façade water-based paint in the color of your choice, aesthetically combined with the color of the tile.

Paving slabs are one of the most reliable and beautiful road building materials. It is often used for paving sidewalks and car entrances in the courtyard of a private house. The cost of laying tiles is not low, but not everyone knows how to lay paving stones. To ensure that the road product is of high quality, it is necessary to follow the work technology. Laying paving stones with your own hands is carried out according to the instructions and based on recommendations.

It is important to know how to properly lay paving slabs so that they served for many years and had a beautiful appearance . A pavement made of paving stones will improve not only the yard of a private house, but also the adjacent area on the street.

Types and benefits

Types of paving slabs by material:

  • Vibrocast.
  • Clinker room.
  • Granite.

In addition to differences in material, there is a huge variety in color, shape and decor. Also, it differs in the method of installation and technology of work.

Advantages of laying paving stones:

  • High strength material.
  • Long service life.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
  • High load-bearing capacity.
  • Low temperature resistance.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Easy installation.
  • Opportunity reuse material.


  • Material cost quite high.
  • Difficulty of processing.
  • It is uncomfortable to walk on paving stones in heels.
  • Opportunity washing out the base and then the masonry sags or individual elements fall out.

Calculation of material consumption

Before you begin laying paving stones, you must buy all required material and purchase a tool. It is important to accurately calculate the area of ​​work in order to buy all the tiles in one batch. If sand or cement can always be purchased, then tiles will be difficult to find. If it is the same model and the same manufacturer, but a different batch, then it may not match the previous one in shade or size.

On a path paved with tiles from different batches, a displacement may occur and quite noticeable. For this reason, paving slabs must be purchased in full at once and even 10% more for stock.

Required material and tools:

  • Paving slabs.
  • Border.
  • Geotextiles.
  • Sand.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Cement.
  • Shovel.
  • Rake.
  • Broom.
  • Wheelbarrow.
  • Vibrating plate (manual rammer).
  • Grinder with a diamond blade for cutting concrete.
  • Rubber mallet.
  • Hammer.
  • Metric tape measure.
  • Level.
  • Rule.
  • Bucket.
  • Trowel.
  • Irrigation hose.
  • Pegs and beacon cord.
  • Individual protection means.

Paving stone laying technology

There are several ways of paving paving slabs, they depend on the purpose of the road and the type of paving stones. tiles can be laid on sand, cement-sand mixture (gartzovka) and even concrete, under high loads on it.

Despite the fact that there are generally established technologies for masonry, each master has his own characteristics in his work. Someone says: “I lay paving stones inexpensively,” while others charge a high fee, but give a long guarantee on the quality of the product. Therefore, in order not to think about how much it costs to lay paving slabs, you need to know yourself how to lay paving stones correctly.

As a result, you can save on the work of the master and make quality paving, but you need to work hard. To do all the work correctly with your own hands, step-by-step instruction will be simply necessary, especially for a person who has never encountered this type of work before.

Technology of work execution

Before laying paving slabs, certain preparation must be completed. Need to provide all the nuances to achieve the desired result. How to properly lay paving slabs is often indicated by the paving stone manufacturers themselves, but each master has already developed his own technology in practice.

  1. Preparation for paving paving stones. First of all, you need to determine - when should you start working. It is recommended to start work in the spring. The purpose of the road is determined. If this is a pedestrian path, then it will be enough to use tiles 40 mm thick. For a road that will be periodically used by cars, thicker paving stones will be needed. Besides, if the road surface is subject to heavy loads, then the paving stones lie on a concrete screed. pedestrian path can be laid on sand or cement-sand dry mixture. But before you lay the paving stones on the sand, you need to build a reliable foundation.
  2. Marking the territory. Before laying paving stones with your own hands, you need to mark the area and excavation. The scope of work is determined based on paving parameters. At this stage it is important determine the correct width of the road so you don't have to cut it solid tiles. Also, you need to take into account the thickness of all seams.

    To mark the corners of the future road, pegs are driven in and beacon cords are pulled. They show the level of the road surface, so the horizontal level must be checked with a water level. The road is constructed in such a way that rainwater is drained.

  3. Excavation. Under the paving site, soil is removed to a depth of 50 cm. The plant layer can be used to construct landscape design. Bottom earthen structure leveled and carefully compacted with a vibrating plate or manual tamper.
  4. Geotextile flooring. Geotextiles are spread on the bottom of the earthen structure and its walls. It increases the strength of the product and ensures its integrity. Masters of the old school often perform work without a tissue membrane, without taking into their arsenal modern materials. But such an innovation is significant improves quality road surface.
  5. Backfilling with crushed stone. Crushed stone in fractions of 20 x 40 mm is poured into the trench and thoroughly compacted with a tamper or vibrating plate. The backfill must be at least 100 mm thick. This thickness is permissible only for the pedestrian zone; for entrances, a crushed stone backfill thickness of more than 150 mm will be required.
  6. Installation of curbs. Curbs are installed according to pre-made markings. A cement-sand mortar is mixed and applied to the base along the curb structure. The blocks are installed in the design position on the mortar and adjusted to the level. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:3. After installing the curbs, it is necessary leave work for a day so that the solution gains strength.
  7. Sand backfill device. A sand cushion 150 mm thick is installed on the compacted crushed stone. Backfilling with sand is carried out in several stages in layers of 5–7 cm. Each layer is watered with water from a hose and compacted with a vibrating plate. It is better to take river sand without clay impurities. In this case, the water will flow into the ground and will not linger in the bedding.
  8. Backfilling with prance. Before laying paving slabs, you need to take care of the strength of its installation. To do this, a cement-sand dry mixture is poured onto the sand. It is evenly distributed with a rake over the entire area of ​​the masonry. Gartsovka is prepared from sand with a cement content of approximately 1:8. When water gets on the paving stone, the cement hardens and firmly fixes the paving stones in place.
  9. Laying paving stones. Having decided on the sidewalk pattern, you can begin paving the paving stones. It is necessary to learn how to lay paving stones with your own hands in appropriate conditions and the specifics of performing the work.

    The paving stones are placed in the corner, and their further laying is carried out from themselves, observing the given pattern. The tile is installed on the groove and compacted using a rubber mallet. The level is set by a beacon cord. If the surface of the paving stones is higher than the specified level, then you need to remove the laid material and slightly remove the bedding layer. If the surface level is below the lighthouse, then additional bedding can be made. Each tile fits tightly to one another.

    If necessary, paving stones can be cut using a grinder with a diamond wheel for cutting stone. The laid paving stones are checked by level and rule. It must be designed in such a way that it drains rainwater and no puddles formed.

  10. Filling seams. After the paving stones are laid, it is necessary to fill the joints of the masonry. To do this, a dry cement-sand mixture is poured onto the road surface and distributed evenly over the entire surface. The mixture fills the seams, and the excess is removed with a broom or broom. After which the masonry is watered with water from a hose. When the garnet comes into contact with water, it hardens and firmly fixes the masonry.

    If you are paving a road that will be periodically used by a car, then it is necessary to install a reinforced concrete base. In this case, paving stones with a thickness of 60 mm or more are used and placed on a cement-sand mortar.


Permanent element used for refining local area- These are paving slabs. It's perfect for a driveway, garden paths, courtyard, recreation areas. Many people do not know how to properly lay paving slabs with their own hands, but if you know the technology, even novice builders will find the process easy.

Methods for laying paving slabs

This coating, used in landscaping, such as paving slabs, is very popular and is often used by many owners of dachas, cottages and country houses. The material is relatively inexpensive and the installation process is easy. The tiles are different high performance quality - stability and withstand loads during long-term use, so it can be found not only on the streets/private houses, but also on playgrounds, cemeteries, and other places.

Many people wonder: what to lay paving slabs on? Construction specialists distinguish three types of installation:

  • place on a concrete pad;
  • lay on the sand;
  • put on the ground (ground).

If you can’t lay paving stones yourself, you can always use the help of professionals, but such work will not be cheap. Prices for square meter Each master is different, but the average price is approximately:

  • turnkey for concrete – from 2000 rubles;
  • turnkey for sand/crushed stone – from 1500 rubles;
  • laying on a finished base - from 500 rubles.

Considering high cost works, it is best to learn this business yourself, because the installation process is not so complicated. You can find a lot on the Internet/construction magazines useful information(photos, videos, step-by-step instructions, diagrams) for laying tiles. The main requirements are endurance, perseverance, and attentiveness. Possessing these qualities, you can easily make a beautiful path in your dacha or lay the floor for a gazebo.

The technique of paving tiles on concrete has both positive and negative nuances. This type of paving is mainly used for the driveway in front of the garage, as it can withstand heavy loads. The thickness of the tile also plays a big role. Concrete screed it is poured when the crossbar of the stone blocks is more than six centimeters. The advantages include:

  • greater strength of the coating, in contrast to the sand-cement cushion;
  • smooth laying of paving stones due to rigidity concrete base;
  • absence of shrinkage and failures at the moment of hardening;
  • Possibility of installation with special glue.

Before laying paving slabs on a concrete pad, you need to think about an important negative aspect - drainage. When installing paving stones on a sand-cement base, moisture escapes through the hygroscopic layer into the deep soil. If you use concrete without taking care of drainage, the liquid will have nowhere to go, and it will begin to push the tiles upward. To prevent this from happening, you will need to take care additional construction storm drains or moisture collectors, installation of geotextile layers.

Laying paving slabs on sand

Most popular way installation of paving stones, which is often used in dachas and country houses for decorating paths, courtyards, and floors in gazebos - this is laying on a sand cushion. When thinking about how to lay paving slabs, many people decide on this economical, fast and simple option. When creating a sand-cement substrate, you should adhere to a number of certain rules:

  1. Create a mixture of dry sand (be sure to sift before doing this) and cement powder, calculating the components six to one (best using a concrete mixer).
  2. Add water and stir well.
  3. Before laying the tiles, be sure to add gravel, pieces clinker bricks or construction garbage to compact the future substrate.

On such a mixture you can lay paving stones from a variety of materials: hard rocks (granite, basalt), less dense stone (slate, limestone), brick or ceramics. The choice depends on the desire of the buyer, price and intensity of use. For your driveway, it is best to choose a material that is stronger and wider, one that can support the weight of your car every day without deteriorating over time. Paths, playgrounds and gazebos can be paved with any of the existing bars, the main thing is that you are satisfied with the price and appearance.

On earthen soil

Another simple installation method is directly on earth soil. In order to make a path near the dacha or country house, it is necessary to use large tiles that imitate a natural stone. These decorative elements are inexpensive, but they look very attractive. Paving is done in pre-prepared holes, and then compaction occurs using special tool– a hammer with rubber tips (mallet). To know how to lay paving slabs on the ground, you don’t need to be a master or professional - this method is very easy and quick to use.

How to lay paving slabs with your own hands

So, how to lay paving slabs with your own hands? First you need to prepare the tools:

  • Master OK;
  • mallet (rubber);
  • tamping (either manual or a purchased device);
  • wooden pegs;
  • lace-order;
  • level;
  • pipe of any diameter;
  • watering can;
  • rake;
  • broom;
  • mortar of cement, sand and stones.

How to lay paving slabs correctly:

  1. Prepare the area for work: clear away debris, dig up soil in the required area, place marks (pegs) in the corners.
  2. Pull the order cord to calculate the amount of work to be done and stick to it exactly.
  3. Plan water flow and drainage system.
  4. Install the borders in the required order around the perimeter on the liquid solution, thereby determining the installation height.
  5. Fill in work area sand-cement mixture and distribute it evenly with a rake (you can pass it over the entire area with a thin pipe).
  6. Pack the sand firmly.
  7. Start laying the first row of tiles away from you, placing them strictly along the cord.
  8. Place the “bricks” tightly to avoid enlarging the seams.
  9. Use special crosses, inserting them between the plates to accurately set the same intervals.
  10. During the laying process, monitor the level of sand under the paving stones - excess must be removed, missing must be added.
  11. Level the paving stones using a level and a mallet.
  12. At the end of the work, fill the seams with a sand-cement mixture and pour plenty of water.