How to strengthen your bladder and urinate less often. What does the sensation of a full bladder indicate? Orgasm from a full bladder


No one has calculated how many women are forced to avoid society, how many are afraid to travel and even walk to a store located a 15-minute walk from home. The reason for this is the weakening of the muscles responsible for the normal functioning of the bladder. Gymnastics, which strengthens the abdominal and perineal muscles, helps improve the situation.

A healthy bladder stores fluid until it reaches a certain volume. Then the volumetric receptors in the stretched wall of the bladder give a signal to the central nervous system that it is time to release. A person experiences a feeling of fullness and pressure in the lower abdomen. The act of urination follows, during which the bladder contracts. This is a very complex process, including the coordinated work of the muscles of the walls of the bladder, the sphincter and the nerves that coordinate muscle contractions. And if at least one of the components of the genitourinary system does not cope with its functions, problems with urination begin. And when urine is involuntarily released with any increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, for example, when laughing, coughing, lifting weights, then experts talk about urinary incontinence.

The main cause of problems with the bladder lies in decreased tone of the sphincter - the so-called annular locking muscle at the exit of the bladder. Such problems most often arise in women during menopause and especially after it due to changes in hormonal balance.

In addition, for the pelvic organs to function normally, their anatomical location must be correct, which is largely determined by the state of the pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, if you have a “weak bladder,” it is so important, after consulting with your doctor, to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and sphincter. You also need to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Arnold Kegel is a doctor who developed a system of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles that hold urine in the bladder. Kegel exercises are not a panacea, but for people suffering from mild forms of incontinence, they help completely get rid of this annoying disorder.

Kegel exercises are considered the simplest and easiest way to train the muscles responsible for urine production. This complex includes training to prevent mild and drip urinary incontinence or reduce its manifestations in both men and women. It is believed that the involuntary release of urine drops in women associated with pregnancy and childbirth can be prevented by regularly performing a special set of exercises.

The Kegel exercise set includes workouts of various types of complexity, all of which help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. They must be performed constantly and regularly, gradually increasing complexity and duration. Exercises for mild and drip urinary incontinence are equally effective for both sexes. These include:


To feel the muscles of the perineum that need to be trained, try during your next visit to the toilet, consciously interrupting urination, to understand which muscles need to be tensed for this. This Kegel exercise involves tensing the muscles that are used to stop the flow of urine. It is necessary to tense them, count to three, and then relax. During relaxation, you also count to three and tense your muscles again. Over time, you can increase the tension time to 5-20 seconds.

If all women did an exercise every day to strengthen the muscles of the perineum: in their free time, doing household chores, while on the subway or at a bus stop waiting for transport, sitting or standing, then many bladder problems (as well as uterine and vaginal prolapse) would be eliminated would be avoided.

A more complex level of this exercise for mild and drip incontinence in women and men is the so-called lift. In this case, the person gradually squeezes the muscles with little force (1st floor), then without relaxing them, squeezes them even harder and holds for 3-5 seconds. This is followed by an even higher “floor”, on which the duration of the tension also increases, etc. Upon reaching the 4-7 “floor”, a slow “descent” begins in the reverse order: from greater tension with a longer duration to less intense muscle compression.
Abbreviations. This type of exercise involves the fastest possible alternate relaxation and contraction of muscles.


Kegel exercises of this type are accompanied by tension in those muscles that are activated when a person pushes. In women, this complex of mild and drip urinary incontinence will be similar to pushing during stool or childbirth. Men need to push, as when urinating or passing stool.

Exercises that help those diagnosed with mild and drip incontinence should be started gradually. To start, try slow compressions of 10 repetitions, 5 times a day.

Once you have mastered the simplest level of Kegel exercises for involuntary urine leakage, you can move on to more complex workouts. So, after a week of regular training, you can add 5 repetitions to each approach until their number reaches 30. Then you need to perform 150 exercises daily to maintain muscle tone. At the same time, you can try pushing and contracting.


1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. Hands support buttocks. Next, tighten your pelvic floor muscles upward and inward.

2. Starting position - rest on your knees (on all fours), head resting on your hands. Next, tighten your pelvic floor muscles upward and inward.

3. Starting position - lying on your stomach. One leg is bent at the knee. Perform alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

4. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and spread apart, heels on the floor. One hand rests on the lower abdomen, the other under the buttock - this way you can feel that the necessary muscles are contracting. Then squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, pulling them up.

5. Starting position - sitting cross-legged, back straight. Next, tense the pelvic floor muscles inward and upward, as if lifting them off the floor.

6. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands resting on knees. Keep your back straight and tense your pelvic floor muscles upwards and inwards.


1. Lying on your back, raise your left leg to a 90-degree angle with respect to the floor. Maintain this position for 5 seconds. Lower your left leg. Perform with your right foot. After this, raise your left leg to a 45-degree angle, maintain this position for 5 seconds, lower your leg. Perform with your right foot. Now raise your left and then your right leg to a height corresponding to the length of your foot (approximately 30 cm). Hold them up for 5-10 seconds, then lower them. Finally, lift both legs to a 90-degree angle. Then start lowering them: first to an angle of 45 degrees, then even lower - so that they are at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor. Hold your legs in each position for 5 seconds. Breathing is voluntary. When performing this exercise, the abdominal muscles are strengthened, especially in the lower abdomen.

2. Lying on your back, bend your knees, then spread your knees to the sides. The feet are pressed tightly against each other. Try to spread your knees as wide as possible. Ideally, they should touch the floor. You should remain in the lowest position for at least 5 seconds. The exercise strengthens the perineal muscles well.

3. Lying on your back, bend your knees, extend your arms along your body. Inhale and exhale and continue to breathe evenly. Slowly, without lifting your back and pelvis from the floor, begin to describe light circles with your hips, as if you want to support a hoop that accidentally fell from your waist and is finishing spinning. Make 5 movements clockwise and the same number counterclockwise.

4. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs, place your palms on your knees and gradually, leaning forward, slide your palms along your legs, trying to reach your feet. Bend forward while exhaling; in the lowest position, hold for 5 seconds so that all the muscles of the abdominal press and perineum actively tense. Return to the starting position. Do it 5 times.

5. Kneeling on the floor, lower your pelvis to the left of your knees, trying to sit completely on the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then kneel and lower your pelvis to the right of your knees. In the “kneeling” position, inhale, lowering to the floor - exhale. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

6. Standing, leaning on the back of a chair or the edge of a table, slowly perform a squat, spreading your knees out to the sides as much as possible. Try to feel how your pelvic floor muscles tighten. After squatting, stay in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly rise up. Start with three squats, gradually increasing their number to ten.

7. While standing, do springy bends. Stand up straight, then bend down with your arms hanging forward, and, counting to yourself to nine, try to bend lower and lower on each count, trying to touch your fingers to the floor.

8. Stand up, press your legs tightly together and slightly bend your knees. Begin to slowly rotate your pelvis clockwise, making three full rotations on the count of three. Then rotate your pelvis counterclockwise, also on the count of three.

9. This exercise is called the “weaving gait.” Stand up straight, then slowly walk around the room, bringing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other. When you bring your heel to your toe, hold this position for a few seconds and tighten your inner thighs. Then relax and keep moving.

10. Take a large ball, such as a football or volleyball, hold it with your feet near your hips and try to walk slowly for 2-3 minutes, making sure that the ball does not fall. Once you have mastered this exercise, use a smaller ball. It is most difficult, but also most effective, to move with the smallest ball, holding it tightly with your hips. Gradually increase the time you perform the exercise.

Muscle training is not a quick task. However, if you perform special exercises daily or at least 5 times a week, then after a while you will feel how the problems begin to recede. And remember - you can significantly improve the functioning of your bladder at any age.


1. Drink more fluids. You may want to cut back on your fluid intake in hopes that you'll end up having to go to the bathroom less often. But the less urine your body produces as a result of dehydration, the more concentrated it will be, making it irritating to the bladder and increasing the likelihood of developing bacterial infections. Reduce the amount of fluid you drink only if your doctor tells you to do so.

2. Train yourself to completely empty your bladder and try to never let it become too full. As one witty gynecologist advises: “When passing a toilet, never forget to pay it its due,” even if you don’t feel an urgent need to visit it.

3. If you are significantly overweight, lose a few pounds. Losing 5 to 10% of weight is sometimes extremely effective in reducing pressure on the urinary system.

4. Give up cigarettes. In women who smoke, the risk of urinary incontinence is twice as high as in non-smokers, according to recent studies. Smoking not only irritates the lining of the bladder and possibly damages the nerve tissue of the sphincter, but is also associated with bladder cancer. In addition, it promotes the development of cough, which can cause involuntary loss of urine.

5. Try to exclude from your diet the following foods that cause bladder irritation in many: alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, milk, citrus fruits, tomatoes, hot and spicy foods, sugar, honey, chocolate, artificial sugar substitutes.

6. Avoid colored or scented feminine hygiene products, chemical bath fillers, and scented soaps and toilet paper.

7. Eat as many high-fiber foods as possible to avoid constipation. In addition, abundant consumption of vegetables and fruits helps prevent bladder cancer.

8. Never push during bowel movements.

9. Don’t get into the habit of neglecting your need to empty your bowels or bladder.

10. Avoid heavy lifting, which strains the supporting pelvic tissues.

Over the course of several years of the disease, a peculiar urination stereotype is formed, which consists of the desire to empty the bladder when even a slight urge occurs. This desire is due to the fear of possible urinary incontinence, which may occur in an inappropriate environment. With training, you can reduce the increased activity of the bladder muscle, “teach” the bladder to store more urine without causing an uncontrollable urge to urinate, and increase the interval between urinations.
Bladder training plan:
Training starts tomorrow morning.
Keep a diary. For a week, write down what you ate, drank, when you went to the toilet, and how many times you had incontinence episodes. This information will help you and your doctor figure out the causes of your incontinence.
- Drink the optimal amount of fluid for yourself. Don't drink too much, but don't limit yourself to drinking either.
- Follow the urination plan drawn up by you and agreed upon with the doctor and nurse, starting from 6-7 am (waking up time) and ending at 22-23 pm (bedtime time).
- Your goal is to completely empty your bladder every few hours throughout the day, except when you sleep.
- The urination regime must be observed every day from morning to evening without any breaks.
- If you feel the urge, try to hold it back until the scheduled time for the next urination by means of strong contraction of the muscles of the anus. If you couldn’t resist and you broke the routine, try to make your next visit to the toilet at the scheduled time, even if there are only a few minutes left before it. The success of your treatment depends on following your plan correctly. Even if you don't feel the urge at the scheduled time, you should still try to urinate.
- Pay special attention to the fact that the amount of urine in the bladder and the volume of urination do not play a big role; the fact of urination itself is much more important.
- Throughout the treatment period, fill out a urination diary and note its compliance with the plan. Even if you have one or several unscheduled urinations per day, do not refuse to comply with it in the future.
- During the first month of treatment, you should consult your doctor or nurse daily. If you can easily follow the established plan, the interval between urinations can be increased by 30 minutes. If difficulties arise, the previously established interval remains the same or is reduced.
- Try to go to the toilet at regular intervals. For example, if you go to the toilet approximately every hour, then continue to do so strictly every hour. After a week of such training, you can add 30 minutes, and the interval will be an hour and a half. After a week, you can add another 30 minutes. And so it is necessary to continue until an interval of 2-3 hours is reached.
- Try the "double urination" method. This will help you empty your bladder completely. Stay in the seat until you feel your bladder empty, then bend over and press down on the bladder area.
Stand up, sit down again and try to empty your bladder again.
- Empty your bladder regularly, do not let it become too full, as this will cause it to stretch. In addition, if the bladder is full and the bladder closure muscle is weak, urine loss may occur when you cough or sneeze.
- If you have a sudden urge, bend down as if you were tying your shoelaces. This exercise can relieve pressure on the bladder.
- Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles can also be used to retrain the bladder. Every time you feel the urge to urinate, try to stop the feeling by contracting your pelvic floor muscles. Try to hold this contraction a little longer than the previous one. You will feel improvement in 2-3 weeks. This exercise trains the bladder to store more urine without causing an uncontrollable urge to urinate.
Treatment with a bladder training program usually lasts several months. The success of treatment depends entirely on the correctness and consistency of the urination regime.

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Orgasm from a full bladder


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A full bladder will enhance the orgasm

Urinary retention makes sex better and increases arousal in women.

Many women know that they should not go to the toilet before having sex, because the need to urinate increases the sensation of sexual intercourse.

Of course, you need to choose positions in which nothing will put pressure on the bladder, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. But this minor inconvenience is compensated by a more powerful orgasm, since the woman retains urine by contracting the vaginal muscles. A slightly more serious problem arises if a lady wants to cuddle after sex, after which she usually falls asleep in her partner’s arms.

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Features of male orgasm

The difference between female and male orgasm is very great. In our review we will try to understand this delicate topic of an intimate nature. Very often, difficulties and problems in sexual terms arise from a lack of understanding of the physiological characteristics of the partner. Here are some important facts concerning the specifics of the male body.

1. A man can have an orgasm from a full bladder.

Of course, the main reason for ejaculation during sleep is erotic dreams and fantasies. However, a full bladder can also trigger an orgasm. In a dream, a person is not able to control his body and the processes occurring in the body. Urine filling the bladder causes natural stimulation of the penis, which causes a feeling of sexual satisfaction.

2. Orgasm without ejaculation is dangerous to health

Ejaculation is the main physiological difference between the male and female bodies. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex need rest and recovery after ejaculation, while ladies are able to experience several orgasms in a row. Therefore, male orgasm without ejaculation is considered a pathology and is a reason to consult a doctor.

Why doesn't a woman have an orgasm?

Strangely enough, few people ask this question. Men are not able to look wider and see the reason only in themselves, women cannot look further and do not bother with the question at all. However, normally both should achieve orgasm. There is even a medical term for this physiological disorder - anorgasmia. So finding out why a woman is not having an orgasm will be beneficial for everyone.

It's hard to imagine where this kind of statistics comes from, but it says that 30-40% of all Russian women do not experience orgasm. It’s interesting that almost all men are deeply hurt by this in some way (how can they not satisfy their partner!), and most women consider this to be an absolute norm and do not worry about this. It should be recognized that neither position is correct. The first thing you need to know is that not every woman can easily achieve orgasm, and there are many reasons for this. The second thing to note is that the inability to achieve orgasm in most cases is not the norm. Although biologists believe that a woman is not initially programmed by nature to have an orgasm: to procreate, she must only bear and give birth to a child, and the experience of orgasm has nothing to do with it. Unlike men, who are driven by carnal pleasure to have sex again and again.

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Psychologically, orgasm is much more important for men than for women. But physiologically, its benefits for both sexes cannot be underestimated, according to sex therapists. Doctors say that an orgasm can completely relieve a woman’s psychological stress, which cannot be achieved in any other way, and even equate it with epilepsy: at the peak of sexual pleasure, we switch off from consciousness, albeit for a very short time. In addition, orgasm is an excellent prevention of gynecological and cardiovascular diseases.

However, not all ladies manage to achieve relaxation and contentment, as we have already said. Why doesn't a woman have an orgasm?

Inexperienced Lover

The most “normal”, harmless and common reason is an inexperienced lover. Not all young guys are able to bring a woman to bliss, and you shouldn’t worry about this - everything is healed with time. Anorgasmia in young girls having sex with young guys is almost a common occurrence. True satisfaction from the process will come with experience.

It is also often difficult for a woman to experience orgasm with a new sexual partner, because the mechanism for achieving it for women is not as “technical” as for gentlemen. In this case, you should show a little patience: as soon as the partners get to know each other better and in more detail, it is likely that they will learn to give each other furious pleasure.

So men’s fears are still not unfounded, but the lover should worry not about the fact that he is not good enough, but about the fact that he has not yet found her erogenous zone in a woman - that’s all. The biggest mistake of many men: they think that a few rhythmic frictions are enough to achieve bliss for their partner, while most of them need additional stimulation (most often clitoral).

But it still happens that the causes of anorgasmia in women are of a different nature. Doctors say that with regular sexual relations after 25 years, the complete absence of orgasm in a woman is considered a violation. If you experience orgasm at least half the time, don’t worry, everything is fine.

Physiological features

One of the causes of anorgasmia (although not the most common) may be an abnormal development of the genital organs. This problem is congenital in nature and is easily detected during examination by a gynecologist.

Gynecological diseases

Anatomical features may cause a woman to feel pain during sexual intercourse (in medicine this phenomenon is called dyspareunia), which does not allow her to relax and enjoy. But among the causes of this disorder there may also be some gynecological diseases: diseases of the genitourinary tract, infectious diseases, endometriosis, vaginismus, vaginal dryness, adhesions.

Hormonal disorders

In women, hormonal levels often fluctuate in different directions, in many cases due to the use of hormonal drugs, for example. In addition, dysfunction of the thyroid gland can interfere with the achievement of pleasure, which is not uncommon for anyone today. Therefore, visiting an endocrinologist in any case will not be superfluous. Although it is best to start your research with a gynecologist. Then, if necessary, visit a sex therapist, psychologist or endocrinologist.

Intelligence is not a friend to orgasm

The smarter and more educated a girl is, the more difficult it is for her to achieve orgasm, scientists have come to this conclusion. The intellect prevents us from relaxing and switching off, which is exactly what is required to receive pleasure. Accordingly, the less a beauty thinks and knows, the higher her libido and the easier it is to achieve orgasm. Such girls are devoid of complexes and prejudices, they are not affected by taboos and social prohibitions, they generally perceive everything emotionally, which is what is needed to get an orgasm.

Warm up for orgasm

Dutch scientists experimentally came to the conclusion that cold prevents women from relaxing and achieving orgasm. So if active friction doesn’t warm you up, put on some socks and finally enjoy it. This way it will be calmer for the man and more pleasant for you.

Full bladder

A known cause of the inability to achieve orgasm in both men and women. And what’s worst of all: firstly, he usually has the urge to go to the toilet at the most inopportune moment (and neither there nor there), and secondly, there is an opinion that partners are very annoyed by the interruption of sexual intercourse for this reason, so here we are we tolerate. In the end, nothing good comes of it. So it’s better to take a “smoke break” and then continue with relief.

Favorite technique

Some women get used to achieving orgasm only through a certain technique, most often through masturbation. Naturally, a partner (especially a new one) is not able to repeat it exactly in order to bring the lady to bliss. But for her, the path to orgasm has already been “worked out”, and there is no other way. To develop a new habit and the ability to achieve pleasure in a different way, you need to “train” for a long time.

The feeling of a full bladder is observed as a symptom in a number of different pathologies. Some of them are very dangerous for both men and women. The bladder is a hollow, unpaired, sac-like organ that stores urine before excreting it from the body. It is located in the pelvis and is supported by its muscles, which keep it at the required level. The average capacity of the organ is 200-400 ml. In a healthy state, urination occurs on average 4-6 times a day.

Visit doctor

The bladder has very elastic walls, so the pressure in it increases very slowly during filling with urine. The thick muscular layer is the bulk of the bladder wall. Oddly enough, the structure of the organ is different in men and women. In representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the prostate is adjacent to the bottom of the organ, and the seminal ducts are located on the sides. In women, the back of the organ is in contact with the uterus and vagina.

If the bladder is full, the muscle fibers are relaxed and begin to contract when urinating. An overfilled bladder creates discomfort. When an organ is full, nerve fibers signal this to the brain. This, in turn, instructs the muscles to release or retain urine. In a healthy state, the organ can hold 300 ml of urine for up to 5 hours. If after emptying a person does not experience relief or after a short time feels that the bladder is full again, then you should consult a doctor.

Diseases are provocateurs

Some pathologies create the feeling that the bladder is full, while there is a constant urge to empty it. Diseases in which this symptom occurs and methods of their treatment:

  1. Bladder stones prevent urine from flowing normally, causing some of it to remain in the bladder. If the stones are small, treatment is prescribed to dissolve them. If large stones are present, surgery is required.
  2. Prostate adenoma in men also interferes with the flow of urine. In the early stages, drugs are prescribed that slow down the growth of the prostate. In later stages, surgery may be necessary.
  3. Cystitis. If it is detected, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Cystitis can also be non-infectious, in the case of long-term use of potent drugs or when the walls of the organ are damaged by a urinary stone.
  4. Development of atony and hypotension of the bladder. At the same time, due to weak muscle tone, the organ contracts poorly and not all urine is excreted. Treatment includes drug therapy, diet and strengthening exercises.
  5. Overactive bladder syndrome, which is characterized by urination 8 to 10 times a day. Exercises for the pelvic muscles and medications aimed at reducing detrusor activity will help.
  6. Pathological narrowing of the internal lumen of the urethra. In this case, urination becomes difficult.
  7. Frequent constipation. A full intestine puts pressure on the organ, thereby creating the feeling of a full bladder. In this case, doctors prescribe a special diet and medications that help cope with constipation.
  8. Spinal cord injuries, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and sciatica can cause this disease.
  9. Prostate sclerosis is a consequence of chronic prostatitis.
  10. Diseases of the reproductive system in women: adnexitis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, etc. An increase in the size of female internal organs causes pressure on the walls of the bladder, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.
  11. Prostate cancer. Causes a person to feel that the bladder does not empty completely. Choosing the optimal treatment for prostate cancer is complex and depends on the stage of the disease and the age of the patient.
  12. Another reason for the sensation of a full bladder is a disruption in the supply of brain impulses, that is, these sensations may be erroneous.

Only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Based on laboratory tests, the specialist will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Stagnation of urine favors the proliferation and development of bacteria that can cause dangerous pathologies of the genitourinary organs, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

To avoid diseases of the genitourinary system, you should adhere to a balanced diet, which excludes salty, spicy, and smoked foods. You should also stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and regular physical activity and hardening will strengthen your immune system.