How to care for the healing aloe flower. Save a medicinal flower: aloe care at home Aloe vera flower care at home

Aloe vera (Latin name Alóe véra) is a plant of the genus Aloe, family Xanthorrhoeaceae. Under natural conditions it grows in countries with a warm, mild climate - in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, on the island of Madeira, on Canary Islands and in Cape Verde. In Russia, as well as in countries with temperate climates, it is grown as an indoor or greenhouse flower, trying to create the necessary conditions and provide proper care.

Total information

The roots of Aloe vera (Alóe véra) are poorly developed, the stem is short with numerous, long leaves. The leaves are juicy and fleshy, with small, not sharp spines around the edges. At home, aloe blooms rarely, once every 10 or even 20 years; in nature, flowering occurs every 2-3 years. In this case, the plant produces tubular orange or yellow flowers that look like brushes.

Alóe véra is a succulent that can absorb moisture from the air. It has another remarkable feature - during drought, the plant closes its pores, preventing the evaporation of moisture, so that it remains inside the leaf.

Aloe vera.

Aloe vera leaves contain a lot of unique chemical substances, which determine the beneficial properties of the plant. These are prostaglandins, flavonoids, enzymes, hormone-like compounds, glycoproteins, essential oils, mucus, polysaccharides, anthracene-like, phenolic compounds, bitterness, resins, vitamins, glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides, micro- and macroelements.

These useful material found application in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries. And at home, the flower is grown not so much because of its decorative value, but because of its beneficial properties.

In nature you can find more than 350 species of this plant, but Aloe barbadensis has the most healing properties. Healing and cosmetic products were prepared from this plant back in ancient times. Among the Egyptian pharaohs, Aloe barbadensis was considered an elixir of longevity, and Alexander the Great decided to conquer the island of Socotra, located in Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia in order to obtain this healing plant.

Agricultural technology

Growing aloe vera at home is not at all difficult; caring for it will not be difficult even for a very busy person who has neither the time nor experience in growing indoor plants.

Plant aloe vera in a spacious and stable pot so that the large plant does not overturn the small and light container. For these purposes, it is best to choose a clay or ceramic pot with a drainage hole and a tray. Flower growers say that unfired clay pots are the most the best option for planting Alóe véra, because it evaporates through the micropores present in the walls of such a pot excess moisture, which prevents root rot.

At the bottom of the pot there must be drainage system from expanded clay or natural materials– pebbles or gravel. Even during landing small plant, it must be compacted in the pot with earth - over time it will grow and may become unstable.

If you are replanting a large, overgrown specimen, for stability and greater decorativeness of the composition, you can put several stones in the pot as a support.

It is important to level the plant in the pot so that it grows evenly in all directions. And in the future, during cultivation, the aloe vera pot should be rotated around its axis, exposing all its sides to the light source.

Aloe vera is a light-loving plant in warm climates. southern countries, so at home it is best to keep it in a room facing south, southeast or southwest.

No amount of care can replace sunlight for a plant. From a lack of light, the plant will stretch and weaken. In summer there is no shortage of bright light, but in winter aloe enters a dormant period, during which it does not need too much light. The main thing is not to keep the flower in dark room too long.

With the onset of spring, aloe vera needs to be shaded with foil or gauze so that it does not suffer from strong direct rays of light. During this period, the flower pot from the windowsill can be moved to a shelf away from the window - the plant will have enough diffused light.

Over time, when aloe vera adapts to the new lighting regime, it can be taken out to the balcony or outside for the whole summer - at first kept in the shade, and then, gradually, accustomed to being in the sun's rays. Because in nature, Alóe vera grows precisely in such conditions.

Aloe vera, kept under all summer open air and under the influence of ultraviolet rays, will be stronger, stronger and more viable than plants constantly living at home.

Aloe vera feels great at any temperature, of course, if it does not drop to negative levels. And yet, it is best to grow aloe at home at a temperature of 8 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Alóe vera is a succulent, but it cannot for a long time do without watering. But they water it only after the soil in the pot has dried completely by 5-6 cm. When watering, do not pour a lot of water into the pot; for good care, it will be enough to moisten a lump of earth. In winter, water does not evaporate as quickly as in summer and spring, and aloe slows down its growth and reduces its absorption, so at this time the volume and frequency of watering is reduced to once a month.

You can water aloe vera from above, under the root or into a tray - this method is more correct, because the roots, which absorb moisture, grow downward in the pot. 30 minutes after watering, drain the water from the pan.

In order to provide the plant with truly good care, it needs to be watered clean water room temperature, it can be settled, filtered, rain or melted.

Aloe vera is able to grow indoors with low air humidity, which is especially good for home conditions, where high humidity causes the development of mold fungi. In summer, it is better not to spray aloe leaves, so as not to wet the axils of the rosettes, but to wipe them with a damp cloth.

Caring for aloe vera involves feeding the plant with special fertilizers for succulents. The solution is prepared according to the instructions, and poured only after watering with complete moistening of the soil.

In nature, aloe vera can grow on any soil, including rocky and poor soil. At home, it can be grown in a soil mixture of sand and humus, taken in equal quantities. Charcoal added to the substrate will make the mixture even lighter and more breathable, in addition, charcoal will prevent the formation of harmful microorganisms in the soil.

You can make your own soil mixture at home, or buy ready-made “For succulents”.

In winter, Alóe vera stops growing and goes into a dormant state until spring. At this time, caring for him becomes even simpler and easier. Watering is stopped, the pot with the plant is placed in a darker and cooler room. At home, the flower can be left in the same room, but during the heating season it needs to be watered more often - 2 times a month.

Alóe véra does not require special pruning; its leaves are often cut at home to prepare medicine or cosmetics, as a result of which the plant is renewed at any time of the year.

Alóe véra is replanted once a year in the spring, moving it into the pot a little bigger size. Plants older than 4-5 years can not be completely replanted, but replaced upper layer soil in a pot.

At home, aloe does not bloom often - once every 10-20 years, the flowers are inconspicuous and no decorative value don't imagine. The seeds will also be useless, since there is no one to pollinate them, so the peduncle is removed immediately after appearance.


At home, aloe is most often propagated by cuttings, root shoots or seeds, which are purchased in an online store.

Cuttings are carried out in the spring - a small cutting is separated, slightly dried and immersed in a moist substrate of the same composition that is used for planting the plant. A young plant needs the same care as adults, but it is not fed for the first 3-4 months after transplantation.

In Alóe véra, baby shoots grow at the bottom of the roots, which are used for reproduction. They are planted in a small, separate pot. Caring for them is no different from caring for an adult plant, but the portions of fertilizer are reduced by half.

Young plants should not be planted in containers that are too spacious - they will not begin to grow until their root system has grown to fill the entire pot.

Propagation of Alóe véra by seeds - this method is rarely used at home. The seeds must be fresh, since their germination capacity is lost very quickly.

Sowing of seeds occurs at the end of winter - beginning of spring, they are scattered on the surface of moist soil, slightly compacted and sprinkled with dry soil. For seed germination, a temperature of 20-29 degrees is required. Before planting, the soil mixture is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or by calcination in the oven.

The shoots will appear quickly - after 3-4 days, when they grow a little, the sprouts are transplanted into a small container. Caring for them during this period consists only of watering.

The succulent shrub, native to the Arabian Peninsula and the southeastern regions of Africa, is well known to Russian flower growers. This is facilitated by the wide popularity of the medicinal properties of the plant and the fact that caring for aloe at home is extremely simple and easy.

Unpretentious large plants in nature tolerate temperatures from 5 to 40 ° C and grow, depending on the species, up to three meters in height. Aloe is easily recognized by its long succulent leaves, jagged at the edges. As they age, such foliage dries out and falls off, exposing an erect stem. At home, adult plants bloom, and racemose inflorescences can reach 80 cm in length. And the flowers exude a subtle, lily-like aroma throughout the area. When growing aloe at home, it is unlikely that you will be able to admire its inflorescences. The phenomenon is so rare that this is why the plant received its popular name - agave.

Although aloe plants are in more comfortable conditions indoors, they look much more modest here than in nature. But this does not prevent many thousands of indoor plant lovers from being interested in the question: “How to care for aloe at home?”

Growing aloe at home

The culture can be called unique in its endurance and unpretentiousness. Where other plants dry out, freeze or suffer from heat, aloe withstands all adversity.

This is a record holder for vitality and staying in dry soil. But as soon as you renew and move the pot to comfortable conditions, the almost completely dried leaves are filled with juice, and the flower continues to grow.

Although moderately cool temperatures are considered optimal for succulent growth, you can grow aloe at home without worrying about creating a special one. temperature regime. In the warm season, when the time for frost has passed, it is useful to take a pot of aloe outside Fresh air. Both here and indoors, the plant is looking for a well-lit place where indirect rays of the sun will fall on the succulent leaves. If there is not enough light, the plant signals by curling sheet plates, they lose their richness of color and turn gray.

With prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, especially in drought conditions, the foliage loses its juiciness, becomes concave, and purple or brownish tones appear in its color. In the spring, the flower is gradually accustomed to being in the sun, taken to a loggia or balcony and gradually increasing the time spent outside the room. Caring for aloe at home in this way will help the flower avoid sunburn.

With the onset of autumn, aloe is returned indoors, and here it is important to ensure that the length of daylight hours does not decrease and is 12–14 hours.

IN middle lane To ensure this, you will have to use it for plants. in winter the best place for aloe – cool Light room, where the temperature does not exceed 10–14 °C.

Aloe is undemanding when it comes to watering and air humidity. If others houseplants suffer in the too dry air of city apartments, aloe grown at home does not experience any discomfort. It does not need additional spraying, but sometimes it is still necessary to wash the crowns with warm water. This procedure will improve the appearance of the flower and allow it to breathe easier.

Watering in spring and summer time carried out regularly as the top layer of soil dries. It is better to moisten the soil with purified water, which is 5–8 °C warmer than the surrounding air. This procedure is combined with weekly feedings, for which ready-made complex compositions for succulents are taken. If the plant has recently been transplanted, there is no need to apply fertilizer to it. Also, do not feed aloe planted in open ground for the summer.

When caring for aloe in the garden, it is important to know that in the rain the bush must be protected from moisture. Accumulating in the center of the rosette, water during cold weather often causes rotting and death of a healthy shoot.

IN winter time caring for aloe at home is changing: firstly, the temperature of the plant is reduced, and secondly, regular watering is reduced. This is extremely important if the plant is in a cool environment. When the pot is left at normal temperature for the winter room temperature, you need to moisten the soil a little more often, and you should focus on the condition of the foliage and the 2-centimeter layer of the substrate.

How to replant aloe at home?

As with most indoor crops, spring replanting is preferable for aloe. The same time is used to divide an adult, overgrown bush into several parts.

The younger the flower, the faster it develops. Therefore, aloe plants up to three years of age can be replanted annually, and then the frequency of transshipment is reduced to once every 2–3 years. The day before transplanting, aloe is watered generously. This will help you remove and transfer the powerful root system of the plant to a new pot without loss.

The substrate for the succulent is prepared from a mixture of turf soil, sand and humus. Pieces of charcoal and crushed red brick are added to the soil. , which increases the acidity of the soil, should not be mixed. It negatively affects the growth of the root system and the general well-being of aloe. But drainage is vital for this culture. It will help protect the roots from staying in constantly wet soil that threatens the development of rot.

After the aloe has entered the new substrate, the soil is moistened and the surface is sprinkled with dry soil. This will help the plant retain moisture and acclimatize faster. The first watering after transplantation is carried out only after 5–7 days, and the plant should not be fed for at least another month.

Before planting aloe, to make it easier to remove from the pot, the plant is watered generously. The root system is carefully released, and then divided with a sharp knife so that each shoot has its own roots, sufficient for rapid acclimatization.

A video on how to transplant aloe at home will help you understand the intricacies of the process and will prevent you from making any mistakes when it comes to practice.

How to propagate aloe at home?

The vitality and endurance of aloe is fully reflected in the variety of ways in which it can be propagated. At home, most often, offspring from an adult plant are obtained using:

  • cuttings, that is, separation and rooting of side shoots;
  • the top of a bush or one of its adult shoots;
  • leaf;
  • daughter rosettes formed at the base of an adult bush;
  • seeds.

One of the simplest and guaranteed successful ways Aloe propagation involves rooting cuttings. Side shoots that appear in the axils of adult leaves can be cut off all year round. They easily take root and acclimatize after transplantation.

Such “stepchildren” are cut off at the very base, and the cut is treated with coal powder. And then they do not plant it in the substrate or put it in water, but dry it for 2–4 days at room temperature in dark place. Only after such preparation are the cuttings ready for rooting. The same manipulations are carried out before planting aloe without a root, for example, after it has rotted or the bush has failed to divide.

Cuttings easily give roots both in wet sand or vermiculite, and in ordinary water. When rooting in the substrate, future plants can be buried in drops at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. The stem is not buried more than 1 cm. If the cuttings are kept in a humid, warm environment, within a week powerful root primordia will appear on the seedlings, and the aloe can be transplanted into separate pots.

At home aloe without visible problems reproduces by daughter rosettes appearing at the very base of the adult flower. How to plant an aloe shoot? Young rosettes have their own root system, so they are freely separated from an adult bush during spring transplantation or in summer.

Over several years of growth at home, aloe can reach almost a meter in height. At the same time, its stem is significantly exposed, and the leaves remain only at the top.

You should not part with such aloe. It can be rejuvenated by cutting off the top and planting it in a separate pot. To do this they cut top part stem with 6–7 mature leaves.

But how to replant aloe without roots? To root such planting material, the top is dried and placed in water. After a few days, roots will appear on the plant, and in the future the seedling can be easily transplanted into a separate pot.

Small plants also form at the base of the leaf, torn from the lower tiers of the stem. Before propagating aloe leaves at home, it, like the cuttings, is dried, and then, after treatment with charcoal, the planting material is immersed in water or sandy soil. In this case, it is extremely important to maintain moisture in the substrate, otherwise the sheet will dry out quickly.

Propagation of aloe by seeds is the longest and most labor-intensive method. Sowing is carried out at the end of winter in a light, loose substrate based on sand and garden soil. At room temperature and high humidity air, the seeds hatch fairly quickly and grow until a pair of true leaves appear on them. At this time, the aloe plants are planted, transplanting the sprouts into small separate pots. After just a year, caring for aloe at home is carried out as usual.

Planting aloe - video

Aloe vera blooms with small tubular flowers, collected in a raceme, which appear on long peduncles.

At home, the plant blooms once every two to three years, very rarely when kept indoors, once every 10 or even 20 years, usually in spring and summer, its flowers are small and inconspicuous. The arrow with the peduncle must be cut off immediately.

Photo of an aloe vera plant during flowering.

Growing and caring for aloe vera at home

Useful properties of the plant

Use in folk medicine

Aloe vera has found widespread use in folk medicine, where its juice and pulp are used. For treatment, it is better to use plants that are already 3-5 years old. It has the following capabilities:

  • heals wounds and abrasions, which heal faster if aloe pulp is applied to them;
  • has an antibacterial effect, relieves itching and swelling;
  • accelerates the healing of postoperative sutures;
  • heals burns;
  • in case of frostbite, it helps tissue restoration;
  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • cures psoriasis;
  • reduces blood sugar;
  • increases immunity;
  • destroys intestinal and dysentery bacilli.

Medicinal properties

These qualities of the plant are based on the presence of special substances and vitamins in its pulp and juice. Pharmacological companies produce aloe syrup, cream-gel, injection solution, liniment with eucalyptus oil. All this is successfully used in medicine, due to the medicinal properties of the plant:

  • the content of anthraquinones, which have analgesic properties;
  • the presence of acemannan, which increases the effect of chemotherapy;
  • a large number of antifungal elements that are present in the plant, they help in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • The substance ulcin promotes the healing of ulcers on the mucous membrane.


In addition to all the benefits, the plant can also cause harm. Aloe vera cannot be used on people, prone to the formation of tumors, although it contains lectin, a substance that helps in the fight against cancer, but only a doctor can decide on its use.

Aloe vera is a slow growing plant and requires patience for it to reach its peak, but even though it is short, it is attractive and decorative.

Aloe Vera grows well in city apartments with proper care, and in some cases even blooms successfully. But, like any plant, it requires attention, so it is important to know the rules for growing this flower at home.

Aloe Vera - description of the species

Aloe Vera means "Aloe True". Latin word aloe is translated as “bitter”, the Greek άλός is salt (the plant juice tastes like sea water), the Arabic alloeh is a substance with a pronounced bitter taste.

Aloe like medicine accompanies man for four thousand years. This is confirmed by cuneiform writing on Sumerian tablets dating back to 2100 BC. e. However, images of this plant were also found on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples built 4 thousand years BC.

Everything, including appearance and biological features Aloe itself suggests that the plant first appeared in hot and dry Africa, and then spread to all other continents. In the wild, it is found on the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, the Canary Islands, and North Africa.

Aloe Vera forms a bush with a short stem. The roots are poorly developed. The leaves are long (up to 60 cm), fleshy, covered with thorns along the edges. Many people mistakenly call this succulent a cactus because it can also accumulate and store water. Thanks to this ability, Aloe Vera survived severe climate changes on Earth and today still serves people. IN extreme situations The pores on the skin close, moisture is retained in the leaves for a long time.

There are 500 plant species in nature, but only 5 of them are considered medicinal. Aloe Vera occupies a leading position in this top five; it brings maximum benefits to humans. Growing it is profitable business. Entire plantations are planted, and there are processing plants.

Today this is the only plant that treats burns from the strongest light radiation that occurs when atomic explosion. Thus, this ancient natural remedy can be called a miracle of modern times.

Aloe Vera propagation methods

Rooting cuttings, leaves and crowns

Planting materials are taken from different parts plants, but take root using the same technology.

We propagate by children (root shoots)

When babies appear at the base of the mother plant - small plants 5–10 cm high with 2–3 leaves, you can use them as planting material. There are two ways to separate them:

  • completely remove the mother plant along with the roots, shoots and soil from the pot, carefully disconnect the children along with the roots and plant the plants;
  • Carefully dig out the shoots from the pot, without handling the adult plant and trying not to damage the roots.

Growing from seeds

  1. Prepare the soil: 1 part leaf soil (peat), 2 parts turf soil, 2 parts river sand.
  2. We sow the seeds in early spring. You can lightly sprinkle them with soil or simply press them into the soil.
  3. We carefully monitor the sowing; the sand should always be moist. Optimal temperature germination - 20 ºC.
  4. When the first shoots appear, you need to move the plant to a bright window or illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp.
  5. In the phase of 2–3 leaves, we dive into separate pots.

Aloe Vera seeds are easy to purchase from stores that sell indoor plants.

How to replant a houseplant?

Adult, newly established or young plant emerging from a seed, the same conditions are required, the only difference is the size of the pot. An adult flower is moved when the roots completely fill the pot. Newly purchased Aloe Vera should be given 3 weeks to adapt to a new place and only then planted in another container.

Soil preparation

You can buy ready-made soil for cacti and succulents, or you can make your own mixture of river sand, turf and leaf soil, taken in equal proportions.

In addition to the soil mixture, you will also need drainage: expanded clay or red brick chips.

Choosing the right pot

The pot should not only be beautiful, but also convenient for Aloe Vera. It is necessary to prepare several containers in advance - wider and deeper than the previous one. The growing roots of the plant will need a pot. larger diameter, but higher containers will be useful for those who have gone deeper. Sometimes the root system fills the entire space of the old container and wraps itself in a ball. All this can only be discovered during a transfer, when it will be too late to run to the store.

The size of the new pot should be such that the aloe roots are located freely in it, and there is at least 3 cm left to the walls.

Table: Comparison of plastic and clay containers

How to plant a flower

  1. The day before planting, water the plant abundantly.
  2. Carefully remove the Aloe Vera from the old pot, lightly shake off the soil, inspect the roots and determine what shape and size the pot is needed.
  3. Fill the new container approximately 1/5 with expanded clay or broken brick. Sprinkle with a thin layer of soil.
  4. We place the plant in a pot, hold it suspended in the center at such a height from the bottom that the roots do not bend, and the stem begins approximately 2-3 cm below the top edge of the container.
  5. We begin to sprinkle the soil evenly, lightly tamping. It is better to do this together: one person holds the plant, the other covers the roots with earth.
  6. We water it. If soil gets on the leaves, shake it off carefully or wash it off with a damp cloth. When watering and wiping, water should not fall on the outlet and accumulate inside, otherwise it may cause rotting.
  7. For the first 2–3 days, we protect the planted plant from bright light.

Video: Transplantation with cutting cuttings

Caring for Aloe Vera at home

  1. Lighting. The plant came to us from sunny Africa, so it loves light. Keep it on a window facing south. In the warm season, take it out onto the veranda, balcony or other room that is bright but not flooded by rain.
  2. Temperature. Aloe Vera grows well at room temperature (18-22ºC, maximum 30ºC). In winter, it is necessary to either reduce this indicator to 12–14ºC (minimum 10ºC), or illuminate it with a lamp.
  3. Watering. Aloe is watered moderately when the top layer of soil dries. Water should not fall on the leaves or flow into the outlet.
  4. Air humidity. Dry air is preferred; spraying the plant is not recommended. If dust or dirt appears on the leaves, remove it all with a damp cloth.
  5. Feeding. Fertilizers are applied from March to October once every 1–2 months. Stores sell complex fertilizers recommended for all indoor plants, as well as for cacti and succulents (FORTE, Good Power and others).

Aloe Vera is famous for its excellent drought resistance and immunity to varying degrees of humidity; it tolerates winter well. heating season when the air in apartments is very dry. But excess moisture can lead to rotting of the outlet.

What to do if the plant starts to bloom?

IN wildlife Aloe Vera produces a peduncle topped with a cluster of orange tubular flowers. It is very difficult to see a plant in all its glory in a house or apartment. To do this, it is necessary to create natural growing conditions: shorten and increase day length, change temperature and illumination. Sometimes flowering provokes an exit from the dormant period.

How to organize a rest period?

In the fall you need to stop feeding. The plant is no longer watered every week, but twice a month; with the onset of winter, this is done once every 30 days. Water should not saturate the soil, but only moisten it. The pot of Aloe Vera is placed away from radiators on a bright and cool windowsill (12–14 ºC).

In March, the plant is transplanted into new pot and gradually accustom him to the sun's rays: they take him out to warm balcony, veranda, window with south side. First, they move it for half an hour, the next day they remove it for an hour, and so gradually increase the duration of “sunbathing” until the whole daylight hours. Also, in spring, they begin to fertilize and water abundantly once a week.

Possible problems during cultivation

Table: Diseases

Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
The tips of the leaves dry outthe roots have occupied the entire space of the pot, there are not enough nutrientsTransplant the Aloe Vera into a larger pot.
The leaves are curlinginsufficient plant careLeaves should be wiped with a damp sponge to remove dust and dirt.
The leaves turn yellow and soften, becoming wateryexcess moistureWater less often and more moderately when the top layer of soil dries out.
The leaves are thin and not succulentlack of light or moistureMove the plant to sunny windowsill or water the soil in the pot to the very bottom, add water to the pan.
Brown spotslack of moistureMake sure that when watering the water reaches the lower roots and flows a little into the pan.
Soft dark green spotsfungal infectionTreat with an antifungal drug for indoor plants: trichodermin, gliocladin, Previkur Energy and so on.
The leaves have turned redexcess sunlightYou can move Aloe Vera to the shade, the leaves will turn green again.
Leaves fallcold water for irrigationWater at room temperature and keep a full watering can next to the plant.
The stem dries out, Aloe Vera does not respond to watering, does not growroot rotRemove from the pot, inspect the roots, cut off the rotten ones, sprinkle the cut areas charcoal, replant into new soil; if the leaves also begin to rot, then it is better to cut off the surviving crown, dry the cut for 24 hours and move it for rooting, and sick plant throw away.
Aloe dies unexpectedly without visible signs of diseasedry rot, which attacks the plant from the insideIt is not possible to notice the lesion in time, Aloe Vera does not change color, looks healthy, therefore the best remedy- prevention (spraying with fungicides).

Table: Pests

External signs Pest Struggle
A brown insect 5 mm long, covered on top with a transparent waxy shield; the affected leaves of the plant shine and become sticky.scale insectWhile there are few pests, they can be washed off with soapy water; if you don’t have the patience to clean every leaf or there are already a lot of scale insects, then spray Aloe Vera with Aktara.
Cobwebs on the leaves; insects can be seen on them through a magnifying glass.spider miteSpray with acaricides: Actellik, Aktara, Bona Forte.
White insects 0.5–12 mm long leave pieces on the leaves that look like cotton wool or fluff.mealybugsWash off the pests with an alcohol-based garlic infusion (2-3 cloves per 200 ml): dip a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe each leaf; you can also spray the plant with Aktara, Fitoverm, Biotlin.
Silvery streaks appear on the leaves, which merge over time; insects are clearly visible, have an abdomen, tail and legs, color - from white to black.thripsTreat the flower with Fitoverm, Actellik, Karate or other insecticides.

Chemicals are harmful to humans, especially in enclosed spaces. Carry out the treatment in an isolated room. When the drug is absorbed (the leaves dry), the plant can be taken to its intended place and the room can be ventilated.

Remember about pets! Make sure they don't eat the treated flowers. Poisons remain in the leaves for up to two weeks.

Aloe Vera is a plant that has existed on Earth for more than 4 thousand years. It retains its medicinal properties, even when grown on a windowsill. To ensure that this “home doctor” is always at hand, you need to create optimal conditions for him. Particularly caring owners of Aloe Vera are pleased with their flowering.

Anyone, even the most novice gardener, can keep and grow aloe vera; to do this, you need to listen to some conditions that the flower prefers:

  1. Lighting: Aloe vera comes to us from the arid climate of Africa, and therefore needs sufficient light when grown at home. The plant needs bright light, but direct Sun rays, can still damage the leaves. With too much light, the leaves begin to become covered with orange spots. The place for the plant in the apartment should be chosen on the sunny side.
  2. Watering: The plant by its nature does not require constant watering. Fleshy leaves are able to retain moisture for a long time. Excess watering always leads to rotting of the roots and the plant itself, so you should not water it more than twice a month.
  3. Temperature: In summer, aloe vera thrives at room temperature, but in winter, when the plant is dormant, it should be kept in a cool place with a temperature of approximately 14 degrees Celsius.
  4. The soil: Soil for keeping a flower can be bought in a store, or you can prepare a mixture yourself, consisting of river sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions. This composition does not allow the soil to compact, which promotes good drainage.
  5. Pot: What kind of pot do you need? The container for growing a flower should be as spacious as possible, based on its size. Root system Aloe vera is very thick, so it should not be crowded. The bottom of the pot must have a hole to allow excess moisture to escape.
  6. Fertilizers: For fertilizer, you should use organic substances that have been developed specifically for aloe vera. It is recommended to fertilize once a year in the spring.
  7. Trimming: Plant pruning is done to improve health, growth and appearance aloe vera. Aloe requires more delicate pruning due to its thick and succulent leaves.

    Excess shoots and damaged leaves should be removed; during pruning, it is imperative to use sharp knife or scissors, for smooth cut. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut area with charcoal.

  8. Transfer: How to transplant? Like all indoor plants, aloe vera needs periodic replanting. Young individuals need to be replanted more frequently, approximately once a year, and adults less often - once every 2-3 years; after replanting, water generously and do not water again for three weeks. When can I replant? Transplantation should be carried out during the growing season: summer or spring.


You will see a photo of the plant.

Growing in open ground

We are all used to seeing aloe vera in pots on the windowsill, but few people know that the plant can take root well garden plot in open ground.

To plant outdoors, the area where aloe will grow should be cleared of weeds and blades of grass. A plant that came to us from Africa will not understand our soil, therefore, the hole must be filled with special prepared soil mixed with sand.

Before transplanting, the roots are dried for three days, and then the plant is planted in soil prepared outside. To prevent overgrowing of weeds, you need to surround the aloe area with stones. It is recommended to feed with organic substances, which are used for homemade aloe vera.

Dried or rotten leaves can be used as a medicine for skin and hair care. Simply put the cut leaves in the refrigerator for 10 days, and then squeeze out the juice and use it as a cosmetic.

During winter, the plant is wrapped and covered with film. During the wintering period it does not require watering.


IN winter period Aloe vera requires special care, which is different from the usual one. Many people believe that in winter aloe is dormant, but physiological processes still occur in it, the implementation of which requires good lighting and proper watering. First of all, the plant needs to be prepared for winter. The preparation is as follows:

Why does the flower dry up in winter? The main cause of dry tips of aloe leaves in winter is dry indoor air, which occurs due to work heating devices, therefore, to avoid the flower drying out, it should be placed away from them. It is recommended to maintain moisture in the room with humidifiers.

If you have a fluorescent lamp, it is recommended to artificially extend the day to 16 hours a day. In summer, the plant will definitely thank you with bright blooms.

With a lack of light, the aloe will turn pale. Watering the flower in winter should be reduced to once a month; the temperature of the water for irrigation should not be lower than the air temperature.

Watering in winter is carried out through a tray, to avoid oversaturation of moisture in the soil. The temperature in winter should be approximately 14 degrees Celsius.


The plant itself gets sick very rarely; occasionally it can be affected by scale insects, which can be removed independently from the leaves of the plant. Also when improper watering Root rot may occur; moderate watering should be used to prevent this problem.

unpretentious flower, which in addition to its beauty, it has a lot of useful properties. The sap in the leaves of plants has healing properties, which are used not only in alternative medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video on how to care for aloe at home: