How to remove rust from chrome car parts. Methods for restoring the shine of chrome Cleaning chrome car parts means

Chrome plating is the application of a thin layer of chromium to metal or plastic surface in order to make it more attractive appearance, enhancing the strength of the metal and increasing its resistance to corrosion. However, with use, the chrome coating occurs, which is why it loses its aesthetics, so many people think about how to remove chrome from plastic at home. Today, there are several main ways to do this, each of which involves the use of certain equipment, special solutions or other available means. Regardless of which method of removing chrome plating you choose, you must follow certain rules and precautions.

Removing chrome plating using specialized equipment

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chrome from plastic, then the easiest and most common way is to use specialized equipment. In this case, there is no need to use various chemical solutions and come into contact with them, however, it is necessary to understand that similar equipment It's quite expensive.

Such equipment includes:

  • abrasive unit;
  • ultrasonic cleaner.

Using an abrasive unit

An abrasive unit is equipment that uses a special powder. Under the influence of high air pressure, this powder gradually erases the chrome coating. Similar installations can be found in specialized stores or at many enterprises whose activities are related to construction.

Depending on the thickness of the layer, a powder with a certain grain size is selected. When working with the installation, it is recommended to use face and respiratory protection, since small particles of chromium that enter the air are dangerous to human health.

Modern ultrasonic cleaners

How can I remove chrome from a plastic part using other methods? Other equipment is ultrasonic cleaners. They remove the chromium layer by exposure to sound waves. The chrome-plated part is placed in a basket, which is lowered into a special solvent that enhances the effect of ultrasonic waves on the chrome. Further cleaning of the part is carried out in full accordance with the instructions for the equipment.

Use of chemicals

If you are interested in how to remove chrome from plastic very quickly, then in this case you should resort to the help of special chemical solutions. They are very powerful and effective and are capable of removing even the thickest and highest quality layer of chrome plating. However, when working with such products, you must be extremely careful and follow all safety precautions, since they are very toxic.

Chemicals include:

  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sulfuric acid
  • sodium hydroxide.

How to remove chrome from plastic using hydrochloric acid? You will need to make a 40 percent acid solution. To do this, dilute hydrochloric acid in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Ready-made solutions are also available for sale, the instructions for which tell you how to remove chrome from plastic. "Mole" is one of such means.

The chrome-plated part is placed in until the chrome coating is completely removed, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water and soap and sent to dry.

The principle of using sulfuric acid to remove chrome plating is completely identical to that with hydrochloric acid.

Chrome from plastic using sodium hydroxide?" - you ask. In the same way as described above. However, there is one important nuance here. When working with this substance, you should exclude its contact with water and aluminum, since when sodium hydroxide reacts with them releases toxic and flammable gas.

To prepare the solution, you will need a plastic container in which you need to mix 8 to 12 ounces of sodium hydroxide and add 3.8 liters of water. Next, the chrome plated part is placed in the solution until the spraying is completely behind. It’s worth noting right away that this can take quite a long period of time. After completing the removal process, the part is also thoroughly washed in clean water with soap.

Some experts recommend one piece of advice on how to quickly and efficiently remove chrome. It involves reversing the galvanization process. This method is very effective, but it is not recommended to use it yourself at home, since it is based on the use of electric current, and in the process of removing the binding of chromium elements to the metal, some very dangerous and toxic substances are released. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to remove chrome from plastic, then you should not experiment with this, but rather choose another method described above, or seek help from a qualified specialist.

Removing a thin layer of chrome using improvised means

Before we talk about how to remove chrome from plastic using improvised means, it is immediately worth noting that the methods discussed below will only help in the case of a very thin layer of chrome plating, and in many cases they will be extremely ineffective. Most of these methods are based on the personal experiments of some innovators, so they may not be useful in your particular case. In most cases, they will help in removing fake chrome from plastic parts.

Removing chrome using improvised means

How can you remove chrome from plastic at home? Great option will be the use of abrasive. You can make it from ordinary baking soda or cleaning powder, which must be diluted a little with water to a paste-like state and then rubbed into the chrome coating until it begins to peel off. This method will only work if you are dealing with a very thin coating. When doing this, you should be very careful not to damage the base material.

Another product for removing chrome plating that is probably found in every home is a chrome cleaner. kitchen stove in the form of an aerosol. It has excellent degreasing properties, so it can help quickly remove light chrome plating from plastic. Such products are applied to the part for ten minutes, after which they are simply wiped off with a rag along with the coating itself. It is worth noting that some cleaners can have a negative effect on the base material, so it is recommended to remove chromium using them in several stages at short intervals. When working with household chemicals Be very careful not to let it come into contact with your skin, eyes or respiratory tract.

Chrome bleaching

Another effective method is to soak the part to be desprayed in bleach. The part is completely immersed in the solution for approximately 24 hours. The removal process may take longer. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the quality of the spraying. The advantage of using bleach is that it only affects the chrome plating without causing any harm to the base material. Important nuance: Bleach that has been soaked in chrome parts should not be reused as it will contain chromium, which is toxic to humans.

Removing chrome plating using brake fluid

The last method of removing a layer of chrome is perfect for car enthusiasts. Because it is based on the use of brake fluid. The thing is that it has a similar effect on light chrome plating as a solvent on paint, so brake fluid can help remove the chrome coating from a plastic part. However, it is immediately worth noting that this method cannot be called fast, since the process lasts several days.

The chrome part is wiped with brake fluid and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed under running water. It is not recommended to leave liquid on the part for for a long time, since it can dissolve not only chromium, but also the base material. Repeat this procedure until the chrome plating is completely removed.

Restoring chrome previously applied to the surface of a metal or plastic product, not so easy. Despite high level development modern technologies, for real effective methods There are not many solutions to such a problem. It is especially difficult to carry out the chromium restoration procedure at home.

Applying a layer of chromium to products for various purposes is carried out in order not only to improve them decorative characteristics, but also to form a reliable protective covering. Chrome-plated parts are well protected from corrosion; in addition, the chromium layer increases their strength and, accordingly, wear resistance.

The most common technology by which a chrome layer is applied to a product is the galvanic method. This method involves processing the part in an electrolytic solution through which it is passed electricity, and allows the formation of a protective layer of chromium on its surface. The same technology is used to restore chromium.

How to care for chrome plating

Chrome-plated products can be found almost everywhere today, but most often chrome is applied to parts used to complete automobiles. Due to the nature of vehicle operation, chrome elements of a car are subject to the most negative influence external factors. That is why care for such parts should be given Special attention. In order not to restore or change them in the future if the chrome coating is damaged or loses its attractiveness, it is enough to monitor their condition and regularly perform simple preventive work. Every car enthusiast who cares about the appearance of his car is able to perform such work. vehicle.

To maintain the chrome plating in its original condition and prevent damage that requires its restoration, it must be regularly wiped with a foam sponge or soft cloth soaked in warm water. When performing such work, you should not use a rough cloth or a hard sponge, which could leave marks on the protective layer. small scratches and abrasion, which will lead to its tarnishing.

It is important to know that the chrome layer on the surface of the product is quite critical to changes temperature regime. Therefore, in order to eliminate the need for a chrome restoration procedure, when operating a car in the cold season chrome parts It is best to protect them with a special oil spray, and clean and maintain them in a warm garage.

Cleaning chrome parts

Any vehicle owner is interested in the question of how to delicately clean a chrome part, so as not to have to deal with restoring the chrome. For quality implementation For such a procedure, it is not necessary to contact specialists; you can do it yourself, using the simplest means:

  1. chalk, crushed to powder;
  2. ammonia;
  3. chrome polish;
  4. microfiber wipes;
  5. regular Coca-Cola.

How to clean a chrome-plated surface and restore its original shine using such simple means?
  • Most a budget option cleaning chrome plating involves the use of a pasty mixture of crushed chalk, tooth powder and ammonia. A part cleaned with this mixture acquires its original shine. To maintain shine for a long period, it is advisable to cover the treated surface with a layer of colorless varnish, which will reliably protect it from minor mechanical damage.
  • Many car enthusiasts prefer to clean chrome plating with Coca-Cola, which is also quite effective way. This is explained by the fact that this drink contains orthophosphate acid, which has strong oxidizing and, accordingly, cleaning properties.
  • Chrome polishing is done using special pastes that can be purchased at any automotive store. This paste is applied to a microfiber cloth, with which the treatment is carried out.

Chromium restoration procedure

Restoring chrome parts is a much more complex procedure than restoring painted products to their original appearance. It is possible to qualitatively restore the damaged chrome layer only using special equipment and Supplies, many of which cannot be purchased at a regular hardware store.

Therefore, in cases where chrome plated car disk or another chrome-plated element of the car needs to be restored, it is best to contact specialists. However, knowing how to restore chrome plating to give it its original attractiveness and protective properties will be useful for any car enthusiast.

The chromium restoration procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Typically, chrome coatings need to be removed from rust, which can not only worsen their decorative appeal, but also significantly reduce their protective properties: corrosion begins to actively attack the base metal on which chrome is applied. First of all, traces of corrosion must be removed from the chrome coating to be restored, for which a grinding machine is used. Using such a tool, all the unevenness that is present on it should be removed from the surface being treated. On initial stage To perform such processing, a coarser disk is installed on the machine, which is later replaced with tools made of fine abrasive. Finishing using grinder performed using a felt disc.
  2. An element of the product that has been cleaned using a grinding machine, the surface of which should become perfectly smooth, must be degreased. For such a procedure, which can be performed several times, if the surface to be treated is heavily contaminated with grease and oil stains, you can use gasoline or kerosene. At this stage of processing, the various pollution and raid.
  3. After degreasing, it is necessary to remove traces of its implementation and only then immerse the product in a bath with an electrolytic solution to restore chromium.
  4. In order for the restoration of the chrome coating to be carried out efficiently, and for the chrome layer to last as long as possible, it is advisable to perform the technological operation of pickling. This procedure is performed in a special solution consisting of a mixture of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, into which the product being treated is immersed. After pickling, the part is very carefully removed from the acid solution and washed with warm water. This should be done using forceps.
  5. The chrome plating process itself is performed in a bath with an electrolytic solution, which includes chromic anhydride, chromine, cryolite and sodium nitrate. Chromium should be reduced in the electrolyte for 7–10 minutes (the duration of treatment depends on the temperature of the solution used).
You can assemble your own device for restoring chrome, but at home, as a rule, it can process parts that differ small in size and simple form.

Chrome items are considered the main attributes of the bathroom. But over time, the smooth, shiny surface becomes scratched and rust appears on it.

You can return your sink, bathtub or taps to their original appearance in a variety of ways.. All it takes is a little time and patience!

Causes of rust formation

A thin layer of chrome coating increases aesthetic qualities and resistance metal object destruction of internal stresses.

On such surfaces, rust appears due to minor mechanical damage.

Through them ordinary metal under the influence of oxygen during the oxidation process it becomes covered with rust.

How to remove rust from chrome surfaces?

Most often, chrome-plated items are found in the bathroom, where they are constantly exposed to soap, which leads to darkening of the color. To return them to their former appearance, you need to know how to properly clean chrome from corrosion.

They will help you quickly and effectively remove rust from chrome parts. folk recipes. Eg, small items can be placed in a container filled with table vinegar. After a couple of hours, the rust dissolves and the parts are rinsed under running water.

Put away rust spots You can use table salt and lemon juice or a piece of foil soaked in Coca-Cola. Liquids containing gases, fish oil or metal wool are excellent means for combating traces of rust.

What funds will be needed?

Special cleaning agents are used to remove corrosion. which are sold in a large assortment in stores.

Before use, you must carefully study the operating instructions.

But it is not at all necessary to buy a variety of cleaning products. You can get rid of corrosion using improvised materials that you can always find at home:

  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • warm water;
  • sponge or microfiber cloth;
  • aluminum foil;
  • baby oil.

Purification process

Removing rust from chrome surfaces and small parts will not take much time and effort. The cleansing process consists of several stages.

It starts with removing dirty and greasy stains from the surface. To do this, ten drops of liquid detergent add to warm water. Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the surface thoroughly.

Cleaned items are thoroughly rinsed under running warm water and wiped dry with a microfiber cloth. If stains still remain, they are removed using wine vinegar: mixed in equal quantities with warm water and wiped off the stubborn dirt.

To remove traces of rust, you will need regular foil, which is cut into small pieces. After which they are moistened in warm water and, without applying much force, the rusty stain is wiped away.

If necessary, hard to reach places ah, to remove corrosion, pieces of foil are crumpled into a ball. When the surface is cleaned, it must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

The final stage of rust removal is polishing. To do this, you will need a dry microfiber cloth: you need to gently, using light pressure, use it to bring the items to a shine.

- read here.

Children's items can be restored to their shining appearance liquid oils . A few drops are applied to the surface and rubbed in a circular motion with a cloth.

Prevention of corrosion

Preventing corrosion and keeping chrome parts clean through regular cleaning. This reduces their damage and the subsequent oxidation process. Cleaning taps and sinks must be done very carefully to avoid any mechanical damage.

Exists great amount cleaning products that perfectly clean chrome items and do not harm them. After using them, the surface must be wiped with a dry cloth.

You can get rid of soap stains with cooking spray, which you apply to the surface and wipe dry. Antiseptic wipes have a similar effect.

It is very important to ensure that cleaning products do not contain abrasive particles: they increase the risk of mechanical damage to the coating.

To add shine and newness, use only gentle products and metal wool.

Even small scratches on chrome surfaces cause rust to form.. It can be easily removed, but it is best to prevent corrosion. Special means and available materials will help you bring comfort and cleanliness to your bathroom in a short time!

Chrome is a hard but brittle metal that is often used as a coating for other metals. The chrome plating process is often used in the production of chrome grilles, rims and other automobile parts, bathroom and kitchen faucets, bicycle parts and so on. At the same time, chrome is cleaned quite well from dirt and rust and does not even require expensive cleaning agents or special tools. However, chrome can get dirty and dull very quickly, so if you want to maintain its shine, it is important to clean your chrome surface regularly.


Part 1

Cleaning the chrome surface

    Prepare a water solution of dishwashing detergent. The chrome must first be cleaned of dirt, stains and grease to expose any rust that may have formed on its surface. Fill a bucket with lukewarm water. Add 10 drops to it liquid product for dish washing. Stir soap solution by hand until light foam forms.

    • To clean chrome items that can be submerged (such as small parts, pots or dishes), it is best to use the kitchen sink rather than a bucket.
  1. Wipe the chrome surface with the cleaning solution. Soak a sponge or microfiber cloth in the soapy solution. Squeeze out excess water so it doesn't splash all over. Rub the chrome surface with soapy water, making sure not to miss any areas. Rinse the sponge regularly in soapy water to clean it and re-soak it with the cleaning solution.

    • To reach hard-to-reach corners and crevices, use a soft toothbrush dampened with soapy water.
    • For achievement best results clean chrome surfaces weekly or as soon as they begin to fade.
  2. Rinse the surface. When the chrome, in your opinion, is already sufficiently cleaned, drain the soap solution. Rinse the bucket and fill it clean water. Rinse the sponge thoroughly in running water. Squeeze out excess water from the sponge and wipe the chrome again to remove any remaining traces of the cleaning solution.

    • Those items that you washed in kitchen sink, simply rinse off the cleaning solution under running water.
    • When working outdoors on car and bicycle parts, simply rinse them with water from a garden hose.
  3. Clean stubborn stains with wine vinegar. Sometimes you have to deal with stains and marks that cannot be washed off with ordinary soapy water, and they need to be scrubbed with a moderately acidic solution of wine vinegar. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a bucket or sink. Dampen a sponge with the solution and wring it out, then rub it on stubborn stains to work the diluted vinegar on them.

    • When you're satisfied achieved result, rinse the chrome surface again with clean water.
  4. Wipe the chrome surface dry and inspect it for rust. Take a dry microfiber cloth and wipe the chrome surface with it. Chrome is easily marked by dried drops of water, so fresh drops must be wiped off immediately, even before they dry. While wiping down the chrome, check for rust.

    • If you find rust on your chrome surface, use the rust removal method below.

    Part 2

    Removing rust
    1. Cut square pieces of aluminum foil. Tear a strip about 7.5 cm wide from a roll of foil. Cut it into three equal parts. Each piece should be about 7.5-10 cm in length. To remove rust from chrome, you will need to rub it with aluminum foil.

      Fill the bowl with water. Take a small bowl from your kitchen and fill it with plain water. The water will act as a lubricant between the chrome and the aluminum. Rust is eliminated as a result chemical reaction when these two metals come into contact.

      • To clean chrome from rust, there is no need to use cola or vinegar as a lubricant.
    2. Rub the rust with foil soaked in water. Dip a piece of foil into a bowl of water to wet it. Lightly rub the wet foil over the rusted area of ​​the chrome surface. There is no need to apply excessive pressure or force as very little friction is required to form rust-dissolving aluminum oxide.

      To clean chipped areas, use a ball of aluminum foil. Chrome is susceptible to chipping, especially where rust appears. You can remove rust from such areas and give them a smooth look using a crumpled up ball of aluminum foil. Tear another 7.5 cm wide strip of foil. Crumple it into a not very tight ball. Wet the ball and gently rub it into the dents.

      Rinse and dry the chrome surface. Once all the rust has been removed, use a sponge or hose to wash off the brown paste that was created during the process. After washing off any rust particles and remaining paste, wipe the surface dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

    Part 3


      Polish the chrome surface with a dry cloth. Take a clean, dry microfiber cloth and use it to completely polish the chrome surface. Apply light pressure and rub the metal in a circular motion. This will help remove any residual traces of moisture, dirt and rust, and will polish the metal to a shine.

      • You can also use a portable polisher with a clean, dry polishing attachment.
    1. Lubricate the chrome with baby oil. Baby oil is essentially Vaseline oil and is an excellent polish for wood and metal. It will not only help you do metal surface smooth, but will also give it a beautiful shine. Place a few drops of baby oil on the chrome surface, spacing the drops 2.5-5 cm apart.

      Wipe the chrome surface with a cloth. Use a dry microfiber cloth to rub the baby oil into the chrome surface. As you work, apply light pressure to the rag and move in a circular motion. Once you have treated the entire required area, repeat the process with another clean cloth to remove excess oil from the surface.

Elena Ostinova

Woman's way

Unique home remedy, napkins and rags will allow us to wash all nickel-plated surfaces in the apartment until they are mirror clean.

And again we return to issues of cleanliness and aesthetics.

In most of our apartments, items with chrome or nickel coating have long been adopted. To put it simply, we have filled our homes with all sorts of shiny gadgets and trinkets. Cleanliness and beauty are absolutely interconnected things, especially when it comes to shiny surfaces. Mixer taps, heated towel rails, rails, knife stands, holders for toilet paper delight us with their metallic shine... But not for long!

All of the above looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but very tacky (those who have encountered this problem know what they are talking about). And most importantly, all this brilliant splendor does not tolerate rough abrasive or reactive chemical interference! This will require special care.

And what to do in this case? Refuse to use such beauty...?

No way! ...We'll clean it up!

Of course, you can run to the store, spend a lot of money and time on stories from abstruse consultants, occupy an entire shelf in the pantry with various chemicals and equipment for care and cleaning... Often, all this is expensive and does not guarantee the expected effect (and sometimes even spoils the coating).

But doing this after our advice will be very easy and inexpensive.

For this task, all we need is any glass and surface cleaner (you probably have it in your household) and a cloth or paper napkin.

For convenience, it is better to pour the product into a spray bottle, so it will be easier for you to reach hard-to-reach places and bends. And then, simply spray the product onto the contaminated nickel-plated or chrome-plated surface and wipe with a cloth or napkin.

If the contamination is not severe, one light movement on the surface will be enough to return it to its original shine.

If the item is heavily soiled, you will need to go over it several times with a napkin after spraying the product.

I think the effect will pleasantly surprise you. Of course, large accumulations of rust and salt deposits are so the easy way do not delete. But believe me, if you periodically treat your nickel and chrome plated surfaces according to our advice, then you will never need serious cleaning.

In this way you can easily clean the faucet in the bathroom or kitchen from limescale. Without special effort can be contained in in perfect order kitchen utensils and accessories. Easily remove dirt from kitchen railings, chrome knife stands, nickel-plated door handles, etc.