How to remove humidity in an apartment: useful tips. What types of dehumidifiers are there for a home or apartment?

A person feels cozy and comfortable if the air in it meets the needs of his body. It is very important that the room is dry, warm and comfortable, but humidity is also an important parameter for a person’s well-being. The climate in the home and health are interconnected things. As soon as it begins in comfortable apartments heating season

, even indoor plants suffer from dry air.

In the private sector, on the contrary, even heating does not help combat high humidity. Imagine if the house is located near a pond, the sea, or inside the cottage there is a swimming pool or sauna? In this case, residents will not be envious without a dehumidifier.

Factors of high humidity

It turns out that discomfort is caused by any deviation from the norm of moisture, pressure, temperature. Humidity is considered the most important air parameter, so a special household appliance was developed - a dehumidifier, which ideally regulates indoor humidity. If a person buys a dehumidifier, it means there is a problem high humidity

he has already encountered.

  • But, before choosing such a household appliance, try to first find the cause of the humid climate in the apartment. It can be:
  • poorly insulated walls on the outside; incorrect installation;
  • plastic windows
  • huge Jacuzzis, bathtubs, and their very frequent use;
  • insufficient ventilation in the room, or perhaps even its absence; absence fume hood

for the cooking process. Dehumidifying household appliances have excellent opportunities

  • and can:
  • improve the functions of ventilation elements and devices;
  • increase and prolong the life of buildings and structures;
  • can reduce your space heating costs because they have a heating function;
  • eliminate fogging of windows;
  • purify and ionize the air;
  • help in repairs for drying finishing materials;

save and prevent damage to property and furniture, especially from fungus and mold.

Operating principle and structure of the device

The operation of any dehumidifier is based on the effect of condensation - the opposite of evaporation, when a substance passes from a gaseous state to a liquid one. This household appliance works simply: the fans run inside the device, where it comes under the influence of the evaporator - radiator. The evaporator temperature is always lower than the room climate parameter, therefore, due to a sharp temperature change, the passing moist air is converted into condensate, which flows into a special container. After this, sufficiently cooled air begins to heat up to temperature regime rooms and is discharged through a special opening into the room.

Air entering the dryer goes through three stages: cooling, condensation, heating.

How does a modern dehumidifier work? The design of a dehumidifying household appliance consists of four main elements: an evaporator, a compressor, a condenser and a capillary pipe.

But the design may differ for different types of such devices.

What types of dehumidifiers are there? Dehumidifiers vary in their application and can be a ventilation element, household appliance

and a climate complex that performs several functions at once.

Now you can choose a dehumidifier for various purposes and in rooms with different purposes.

Household Such devices can be used in apartments and houses where high performance is not required. Can be installed in living spaces, bathrooms, offices, garages, small. retail outlets The main requirements for such devices are mobility. The device cannot be huge; it must be compact so that a person can easily carry it independently to another room. Household dehumidifiers can remove more than 12 liters of water per day. They do not require installation and can be equipped with additional functions with a variety of external characteristics

and interesting design.

Industrial Such devices are simply irreplaceable in production. For example, they will make work easier in laundries, where condensation from wet laundry is off the charts. Can't do without them at any time construction site , as they can quickly dry the finishing material. The performance of such dryers is very high; they remove a short time thousands of liters of water and do not stop working even when.

sub-zero temperatures

For swimming pools

All water parks, swimming pools, and saunas suffer from high humidity. To stop water evaporation, special dehumidifiers are installed that make the air comfortable for visitors to these establishments.

Depending on the placement method, there are wall-mounted, floor-mounted and tabletop dehumidifiers.

All devices are considered from the point of view of the mechanism for removing moisture from the air passing through the dehumidifier.

  1. Devices that can use the assimilation method - air exchange. In these devices, moisture will go out into the street, and from the street it will begin to flow Fresh air. The costs of such a device will be enormous, and such a dehumidifier will not be suitable for very humid rooms. The peculiarity of this device is based on the rule of physics - warm air attracts more moisture, so in such a device it is simply removed outside the room.
  2. Dryers with adsorption action. Humid air passes through special substances - sorbents, which have a porous structure. Such devices are perfectly used in production premises, tunnels, ice rinks, in warehouse-type premises where vegetables and fruits are stored. The disadvantage of these dehumidifiers is the short-term use of sorbents.
  3. Condenser dehumidifiers. Their operating principle is very similar to that of air conditioners. The air entering inside is cooled, and the moisture turns into condensation. Only at sub-zero temperatures it cannot be used. The air at the outlet will be four degrees warmer than the room temperature. For large rooms you will not notice any special changes, but in a small room a not entirely comfortable climate is created.

Installation methods

The main type of such climate control technology very easy to use and reliable. To connect the dehumidifier, you just need to plug the wire into the socket, look at the amount of liquid in the tank where the condensate collects, and select the desired level. The dehumidifier will begin to automatically monitor the room humidity. You can even limit the operating time of the device using a timer.

  • Floor-standing appliances. For such devices you only need to select appropriate place and place it on the floor. You need to pay attention to drainage, which will remove moisture. The main thing is the correct cable connection.
  • Wall-mounted dehumidifiers. This type of space does not take up much space, since it must be attached to the wall using special brackets, which are included in the kit upon purchase. True, it will be difficult to install this dehumidifier yourself, and you cannot do it without calling a specialist.
  • Universal dehumidifiers. They are installed on the wall and on the floor, depending on the situation and needs.
  • Concealed dehumidifiers are most often installed in an adjacent building to eliminate the noise associated with the operation of the dehumidifier. This system is complex in design and includes the installation of air ducts.

If we differentiate dehumidifiers by installation method, we can distinguish between stationary and mobile types. The first ones are mounted in a stationary position and require constant presence on specific place. It is prohibited to install these devices near heating devices, but for better air circulation they can be installed in the middle of the room.

This device will work perfectly with high humidity, since it has no equal in power. Mobile dryers are driven by wheels located on the body. These devices are used when it is necessary to dry the air in several rooms, and they are indispensable for repairs and elimination of leaks.

Main settings

If you had to think about purchasing a dehumidifier, you will definitely have a question: how to choose a device? To do this, you just need to know what technical specifications dehumidifiers are separated.

The design of the dehumidifier plays a role when you need to choose a specific size or match the device to a specific interior.

Sometimes, for example, household dehumidifiers are produced with additional functionality: air purification, odor removal, ultraviolet lighting. But judging by the reviews, the price for such equipment is always too high.

Modern types of climate control equipment are safe, have electronic control, can heat a room, purify the air and even heat water in a swimming pool.

It is better to set comfortable humidity in residential areas at 50-60 percent; fungus will not appear. Don’t forget, a room with high humidity turns into a place where harmful bacteria, fungi and microorganisms comfortably multiply.

Violation of the microclimate in a residential building is very often associated with an increase in humidity levels. Dampness causes the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the apartment, which leads to deterioration in the health of residents, as well as damage to their property and interior. How can you dry the air in your apartment yourself and prevent the risk of over-humidification in the future? You just need to find out the reason for moisture getting into your home, understand the methods of dealing with dampness and the types of equipment and substances used to get rid of excess humidity, and apply all this in practice.

Causes of dampness Excessive humidity in a living space may appear from time to time or be a constant concern, but in any case it has its own reasons and they must be clarified in order to be eliminated in a timely manner. The occurrence of mold and, and, as a result, respiratory tract disease, expensive repairs, and the purchase of new furniture can become a serious punishment for carelessness in relation to sources of dampness in an apartment or house.

The main causes of excess humidity:

  • insufficient ventilation or its absence in the room (especially in the kitchen and bathroom)
  • groundwater, lying high or rising in the spring (relevant for private houses)
  • poor condition of water taps and sewer pipes
  • drying washed clothes in living rooms
  • a large number of house plants or arrangement of a greenhouse in an apartment
  • the presence of an open water tank (large fountain or aquarium)
  • swimming pool or sauna in the house (basement, ground floor or lower floor)
  • poor thermal insulation of walls
  • insufficient heating of the apartment (low temperatures cause condensation)

The moisture level is measured using a hygrometer. Knowing the humidity standards for a living space (45-60%), you can even before signs of excess moisture and its negative consequences apply preventive measures.

Methods for drying a room

Simple methods on how to dry the air in an apartment or private house yourself, without the use of special knowledge, skills, professional equipment and carrying out technically complex work:

  1. Ventilation– if the house has plastic windows, finishing from non-breathable materials is used, but entrance doors are well sealed, then ventilation of the room, especially in winter, will ensure the effective functioning of natural ventilation. Fogging windows are the first sign of the need for ventilation.
  2. Cleaning ventilation ducts— weak draft is a sign of contamination of the ventilation ducts. Ventilation is installed in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, where the maximum amount of moisture accumulates, which, with weak exhaust, spreads throughout all rooms.
  3. Installation of fans– dehumidification of the air in a living room can be done by increasing natural ventilation by installing fans of a certain power. Stable air circulation will not allow moisture to dissipate throughout the apartment, pulling it out.
  4. Kitchen hoods– the device itself was created to remove vapors and odors from the room where food is prepared, thereby preventing the steam from condensing out.
  5. Oil heater– unlike other heating devices, it does not burn oxygen and copes well with excess moisture in the room (especially if it has a built-in fan).
  6. Household air conditioner— the operating principle of this device allows, by providing constant air circulation and maintaining the desired temperature, to take moisture from the air and remove it in the form of condensate outside the living space.

With all the desire and use of certain methods to dehumidify the air in the room, it may turn out that more effective measures eliminating dampness. In this case, specially designed devices - air dehumidifiers - will help dry the air in the apartment.

Types of dehumidifiers

Air dehumidifiers are climate control systems used in constantly over-humidified rooms to absorb water from the air. Available in three types:

  • household (removal of up to 30 liters of water per day)
  • semi-industrial (up to 300 liters of water per day)
  • industrial (more than 300 liters of water per day).

It is clear that in industry they use bulky, powerful devices, while more compact devices are suitable for residential premises.

Household dehumidifiers come in two types:

Home dehumidifiers have Various types devices:

  1. Evaporative dryers (compressor)— the flow of moist air in such a dehumidifier hits the evaporator, where the moisture condenses and flows into the tank. The air itself, having gotten rid of excess water, comes back into the room. The productivity of such a device is ten liters of water per day. Disadvantage: bulky size and waste of energy.
  2. Adsorption dryers— air drying occurs due to a moisture-absorbing substance – adsorbent. This type of dehumidifier is used in small spaces, does not require energy and is safe. As the adsorbent becomes damp, the adsorbent needs to be replaced.
  3. Rotary adsorption– in this type of dryer, the adsorbent is located in a rotating rotor and the air loses moisture more efficiently than in a simple adsorption dryer, being drawn through such a mechanism. The unit makes less noise than an evaporative unit, but is still noisy.
  4. Dryers using Peltier technology– they have a special semiconductor element (Peltier element), which is cooled using electrical energy. Otherwise, the principle of operation is similar to an evaporative device.

If there is a need for a dehumidifier, then before purchasing it, you need to calculate the correspondence between the power of the unit and the volume of the living space to be dried.

How to make a dehumidifier with your own hands

A self-made dehumidifier will effectively help solve problems with excess humidity in the apartment.

Option 1 (simple)

  • Take several empty 0.5 liter containers (glass or plastic jars)
  • Fill them halfway with salt
  • Place jars in damp areas of rooms
  • As the salt becomes damp, replace it with dry salt.

Option 2 (more difficult)
Necessary materials:

  1. two plastic containers with lids (volume two liters),
  2. fan (computer),
  3. cat litter (silica gel),
  4. scissors,
  5. bandage,
  6. insulating tape,
  7. awl,
  8. wire with a block for powering the fan.

Installation steps:

  • Cut the first container in half. In the lower part, on the sides of the bottle, we make holes with a heated awl.
  • Remove the lid from the top of the container and wrap the neck with a bandage in several layers.
  • We fall asleep in bottom part silica gel in a volume of 250 grams.
  • We lower the upper part into the lower one, with the neck with the bandage towards the silica gel.
  • The bottom of the second container must be cut off so that it is convenient to install a fan in it. The fan should draw air into the bottle through the neck and blow it out.
  • Place the second container on top of the first and insulate the entire structure. Lead the wire from the fan into the neck of the second container.
  • The homemade dehumidifier is ready.

The fan in the dehumidifier draws humid air from the room and forces it through the desiccant, releasing dry air through the holes below. The device turns out to be low-noise, and the wet adsorbent can be dried and reused.

When using any type of room dehumidification, one should not forget about the dangers of too dry air. Remember to monitor the hygrometer readings to maintain optimal humidity in a residential area.

The presence of moisture in your home causes great harm human health. For this reason, fungus often occurs in living spaces. And the spores of this fungus very easily penetrate our lungs and become the main cause of malfunctions in our body. When you notice dampness in your home, it is important to start dehumidifying the air to return the room to a good microclimate.

Causes of dampness

Particular humidity in rooms appears in the spring. After all, during this period the snow begins to melt, and there are people who observe these patterns throughout the year. Let's figure out together why dampness appears in our home. First of all, it should be noted that dampness appears due to insufficient ventilation. Typically ventilation is located in the kitchen and bathroom. If you notice poor traction, you should clear up the misunderstanding. Namely, you must clean it. If you live in a private house, then the cause of dampness is groundwater. These waters may be very close to the foundation of the house. If we talk about apartments, then the reason may be faulty faucets. If you constantly dry wet clothes in own apartment, then it is possible that you will soon develop a fungus. As you know, fungus loves damp rooms. Therefore, if you have a swimming pool or an aquarium in your house, the fungus will begin to develop there first. Dampness is also caused by insufficient heating of the living space. If you decide to save on heating, this will not lead to anything good. To prevent condensation on the walls, the walls must be well heated. Another reason for dampness in the house is improper insulation walls Perhaps mistakes were made during the insulation process or cheap and low-quality materials were used.

How to reduce humidity?

You can reduce indoor humidity using several methods. One of the most common and popular is regular room ventilation. But in winter time It’s better not to use this method, because you can make the situation worse. It is important to ventilate your living space at least once a day, for ten minutes.
There are several other ways to reduce dampness in your home. Firstly, use exhaust fans. They must be installed in rooms where there is high humidity (bathroom, sauna, kitchen). Secondly, a good helper in this situation the heater will also turn on oil based. It is best to take a heater model that already has a built-in fan. Thirdly, using an air conditioner also helps reduce humidity in the room. After all, besides the fact that this device maintains the same temperature in the room, it also promotes ventilation. Today, there are the most different models air conditioners that have the most different functions. Using such improvised methods to reduce humidity in the house should greatly simplify your task.

Using dehumidifiers

If the previous methods do not particularly help you in solving the problem presented, then you can use air dehumidifiers. Such equipment significantly simplifies human life. But before purchasing this equipment, it is important to learn about some of the nuances of the dehumidifier. First of all, you need to pay attention to the amount of equipment that will be involved in the work. This indicator will tell you how many liters of water this equipment needs per day to extract moisture. If you have large areas, then a dehumidifier with the largest volume is required. If the room is very small, then you can get by with a small mobile dehumidifier. The equipment can be stationary or mobile. As a rule, stationary ones are the most powerful. They are mounted to the wall so as not to be moved around the house. If the dehumidifier is portable, then the working volume is correspondingly smaller. Such mobile devices You can carry it around the house and turn it on as needed.

You can also use evaporative dryers. This device is very powerful and can extract up to ten liters of water from the air during the day. This dehumidifier is quite large and consumes a lot of electricity. In the bathroom, you can use an adsorption device. The operation of such a dehumidifier is very quiet and it is quite economical.

DIY air dehumidifier

You can make your own dehumidifier. The easiest ways to make it are given below. The most effective is as follows. You should take several glass jars. Fill them halfway with regular kitchen salt. After which, at your discretion, you can add a little of your favorite essential oil. This way you can freshen up your room. Next, you must place these jars in the corners of the apartment. When the salt becomes wet, you will need to change it. This method is very effective. The cost of such a dehumidifier is cheap, but the result is quite good.
You can make another version of the dehumidifier. To do this you need to have two plastic bottles, the volume should be two liters. Also, an extra fan from the computer, cat litter. Start your work by making holes in the bottle at the very bottom. This is done so that air can flow smoothly. Next, you need to cut the bottle into two parts, wrap the place where the cap was located well with a regular bandage and cover it with silica gel. Top part The bottle should be upside down. In the second bottle, cut out the bottom and secure the fan there. The fan itself should supply air to the side where the cut bottom is located. This design must be put on the first bottle. You will need to cover all edges and seams with glue or tape. It is important that such a freshener stands well. In order to use this unit, remove the cap from the bottle and turn on the fan. Air passes through silica gel, and it absorbs moisture well. Then the air exits through the holes in the other direction.

We can say about this dehumidifier that it works very quietly. Within a few days you will need to change the gel. After all, it will pick up too much moisture. In order to save on this gel, you can do the following. You need to heat the gel itself in the oven; after the moisture has gone, it can be used again. This method will make using your dehumidifier much cheaper. This freshener is safe for human health, which means it can be used for as long as the situation requires.


In conclusion, I would like to say that in any room where there is high humidity, there should be a air freshener. After all, high humidity causes significant damage to human health, while also creating discomfort. But in everything it is necessary to look for a golden mean. After all, too dry air causes a person to cough. Therefore, it is necessary to use a dehumidifier in moderation. We hope that these recommendations will help you cope with such a problem as high humidity in the apartment.

Nowadays, people are increasingly resorting to folk remedies when they want to dry the air in a house, apartment, country cottage. After reading an article by a professional construction portal, you can use it today current advice and use it to improve your personal space.

Unfortunately, the presence of any humidity (high or high) has a very adverse effect not only on the external aesthetics of the room, but also on the health and well-being of all household members. It has long been noted that in such a room, the natural defenses of the body deteriorate for everyone present due to the constant elevated temperature, as well as the presence of mold pathogens, which leads to allergies. In addition, do not forget that dampness also affects furniture, interior design, and clothing: wallpaper, parquet flooring, and even doors begin to peel off, lose all their technical and operational characteristics, and the wardrobe begins to emit an unpleasant musty smell.

Excess moisture causes condensation on windows

1. What causes increased moisture content

Anyone who wants to understand the real situation with humidity needs to get a convenient hygrometer. With its help, you can easily determine at any time percentage moisture. Experts say that an indicator above 50% is already a deviation from the norm. Take a close look: as a rule, you will easily detect the main signs of excess moisture in your home. What you should be wary of:

Glasses and mirrors constantly fog up;

There are dark spots on the walls;

The towels are damp.

Mold is very dangerous to the health of everyone in the household.

What activates dampness? Here are the TOP 10 reasons:

  1. if there is a periodically flooded basement;
  2. the drain is not installed correctly;
  3. plumbing is faulty and leaking;
  4. the roof or its elements are deformed, which leads to serious leaks;
  5. the walls do not have full thermal insulation;
  6. insufficient heating or ventilation;
  7. groundwater is very close;
  8. the lower floor is occupied by a swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna;
  9. interpanel seams lack sealing;
  10. the apartment is located on the leeward side.

In the kitchen, the problem under consideration is especially relevant.

Our experts recommend: if you doubt the main reasons (external/internal), then use a proven method. It is necessary to place the glass close to the wall at night. If it still doesn’t fog up after a while, then know: the problem lies in internal circumstances.

2. Reduce humidity: is it really possible to do it yourself?

Now let's turn to the saving factors that will always help out. So, everything in order.

2.1. Air Dryer

At the top of the most relevant devices for this manipulation is an air dehumidifier. It does an excellent job of eliminating excess moisture in any room: in an apartment, house, garage, cellar, country house and even in a car. Buy it when you need to quickly solve a problem in any area. As a rule, kitchens, bathrooms, laundries, and swimming pools are the first to suffer from it. In addition, in our country, a dehumidifier is also useful in the summer and autumn. It will help compensate for the lack of sufficient air circulation in storage areas: attics, dressing rooms, storage rooms, basements.

A dehumidifier is a real helper in case of increased humidity.

Today you can buy one of four types of dehumidifiers. The first ones are similar in configuration to compressors in refrigerators, hence the name - co-compressor. Thanks to the available hydrostats, they cope perfectly with the assigned tasks even in very large rooms and buildings. However, there is also significant shortcomings: they make an unpleasant and loud noise, and also have impressive parameters.

The second type of units is quieter, but its performance is lower than that of the models discussed above. For example, they use Peltier models. They have a high-quality thermoelectric converter.

The third type is absolutely environmentally friendly, because... equipped with an adsorbent. With its help, moisture is easily absorbed from the air. In general, such dehumidifiers are mobile and self-sufficient: they do not run on electricity, do not make sounds, and are safe. If you have a compact room, then such a device will be very useful. However, you need to monitor how full the cassettes are and change them on time.

Then there are rotary units. They combine the principles of functioning of the first and third types simultaneously. They appeared on sale relatively recently.

2.2. Ventilation

As you know, the more often ventilation occurs in damp rooms and buildings, the more active natural air exchange. What you need to know in order to autumn-winter period Do not lose excess heat due to this regular procedure.

If you are only periodically in a problem area, ventilation should be at least twice a day. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. If your stay there is permanent, then much more often.

At the same time, adopt the through method: wide open windows and doors completely renew the air. This is more reliable and effective than half-measures with them - only half or partially open all the time. In addition, the latter sometimes leads to mold and mildew.

A wall-mounted air conditioner is also a good alternative to an air purifier

2.3. Hood

The fan can become truly optimal solution when you want to ensure high-quality air exchange at high humidity. They are divided into exhaust, supply or reversible.

Exhaust units are installed in the air duct required premises(usually this is a bathroom or dressing room). They do an excellent job and do not leave an environment for mold to grow.

The kitchen also suffers from humidity. Exhaust hood is simply vital here. It’s up to you to decide which one to install: flow-through or circulation. They have proven themselves to be excellent, because... solve several problems at once: eliminate odors, as well as humidity and create a healthy microenvironment. The flow hood is directly connected to the ventilation shaft. In the case where there is no ventilation duct in the kitchen, the only way out is to install a circulation unit that operates on replaceable filter cassettes.

Follow our advice and forget about your problems

In addition, there are supply fans. They not only make the air clean, but are also able to heat it up to desired temperature. They, in turn, are divided into window, roof, and wall.

And of course, loved by consumers supply and exhaust fans. Their principle is simple: uninterrupted circulation of fresh (external) and contaminated or wet (internal).

2.4. Heated towel rail

A heated towel rail can also be considered as a good alternative for those who want to overcome humidity once and for all. Because it warms up the bathroom and prevents condensation and moisture from accumulating on the mirrors. This means the air is dry and dangerous. Three models have become widespread: water, electric, and combined.

Heated towel rail - good for the bath

Water heated towel rails are powered by a heating system. However, during the summer shutdown period they will be useless. But in another way, they are very economical.

An electric heated towel rail maintains the exact temperature in the room that is needed. There is a thermostat for this.

And the most interesting option- combined heated towel rails.

In general, when going to the store to buy, make sure that the product you like has anti-corrosion coating. Otherwise, even a very expensive model will not last several years.

Humidity can be a problem for pool owners

2.5. Cleaning the ventilation

Unfortunately, not every modern house can boast of a good quality ventilation duct. At proper installation the draft will be sufficient so that the air circulates and is normal humidity, not elevated. In addition, various defects cause trouble common system ventilation: poor tightness, abrasion of the walls or cross-section of the channel itself. Sometimes the weather plays a role: the wind can make it easier or more difficult to function. In a private house, be sure to periodically check the serviceability of the air duct: problems or incorrect installation on the roof will have a very bad effect on air circulation.

With properly functioning ventilation, there is always clean and fresh air in the room

2.6. Foundation waterproofing

Sometimes there is dampness coming from under the floor. What to do? Take action urgently! You cannot do without waterproofing the foundation. This means you need to purchase a special film membrane. It is then laid on the ground at optimal height- up to half a meter, using high-quality foundation tape. If the soil is waterlogged, of course, it is worth purchasing appropriate drainage + multi-layer insulation (profiled membrane and geotextile).

Hire professional craftsmen and waterproof

2.7. Plaster

Do you suffer from damp walls? Then plaster is for you. But not ordinary, but with waterproofing properties. It becomes real armor for any work surface. You can also call organosilicon water repellents. They adhere effectively and well to mineral building materials. But they must be applied only in well-ventilated areas. Also take a closer look at the various waterproofing dry plaster mixtures and mastic.

The plaster must be of a special composition

After reading the article on the portal site, you can get rid of high humidity yourself folk remedies. Our qualified advice will allow you not only to save significantly family budget, but also to maintain health and well-being. Read the continuation of the topic: “How to dehumidify the air in a room with high humidity” - in the following materials! Subscribe to us on social networks.

3. Video: how to deal with mold.

Violation of the microclimate in a residential building is very often associated with an increase in humidity levels. Dampness causes the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the apartment, which leads to deterioration in the health of residents, as well as damage to their property and interior. How can you dry the air in your apartment yourself and prevent the risk of over-humidification in the future? You just need to find out the reason for moisture getting into your home, understand the methods of dealing with dampness and the types of equipment and substances used to get rid of excess humidity, and apply all this in practice.

If you feel that your home is damp, the first thing you need to do is check the ventilation. Perhaps you accidentally covered it with wallpaper or covered it with furniture. Another way to check is to hold a piece of paper near the vent. If it falls, it means the ventilation is not working well and you need to resolve this issue with the management company.

“The optimal humidity in a residential area is considered to be 45%, acceptable - up to 65%. An increase in humidity is affected by an increase in the number of people in the room and a large number of plants. In addition, the indicator depends on the intensity of cooking, washing and drying clothes, taking a shower and bath, and on repair work"- comment specialists service department Dinal company.

Keep in mind that low humidity- this is also a problem. “If the humidity rises to 70% or more, this leads to the appearance of mold in the apartment. If it drops below 30%, then a feeling of dryness appears, and the chance of cold infections also increases,” warns Vadim Rukavitsyn, environmental consultant at EcoShopper.

Modern plastic windows are sealed, making our home warm and quiet. But if the house has poor ventilation, then due to airtightness the air humidity gradually increases, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. It's better to take care of it in advance autonomous system ventilation or at least ventilate the rooms more often.

Carefully inspect the ceiling to see if there are any damp spots on it. Perhaps your neighbors are flooding you. Another common cause of moisture accumulation is insufficient thermal insulation of walls. “There are two reasons for dampness - poor ventilation and low temperature. If the air temperature in the room is below 22 degrees, then the humidity will increase,” add Dinal specialists.

How to avoid high humidity

Even a large amount of laundry after washing leads to excess moisture. Try to dry fewer items at a time and, if possible, do it on the balcony.

Any damp room should be regularly heated, dried and ventilated.

If dampness in your home does not depend on the season or you cannot influence its causes, you can purchase a dehumidifier. Many modern models support themselves optimal level humidity in the apartment. “You should only purchase a dehumidifier if you do not have fresh air ventilation and air conditioning, or if you live in places where it is very humid outside even in winter. Then it can be really useful,” says Vadim Rukavitsyn.

If the bathroom suffers most from dampness, then you need to dry the air in the room. “In bathrooms, fans are usually installed on the exhaust hoods of the ventilation system. For example, there are fans with humidity sensors that automatically turn on depending on the air condition in the room. In addition, heated towel rails, which are installed in hot water supply systems and constantly dry the air, help reduce humidity in the bathroom,” recommends Roman Sidlauskas, development director of the Russian representative office of Global Radiatori.

In the kitchen, provide a hood - it will absorb the moisture that is formed during cooking.

Forced exhaust ventilation, most likely, will relieve you of dampness, but this is a rather expensive solution. The simplest thing you can do is to install a fan in the kitchen duct.

Dampness on the first and fifth floors

Residents of the first floors often complain about dampness. Typically, the cause is a flooded basement. Get the authorized services to eliminate it.

In addition, it is recommended to periodically warm up the housing on the ground floor. There can be many ways - from heaters to warm floors. Humidity typically increases in the fall and spring, so use heaters during these periods. At the same time, provide regular small ventilation - the humidity will return to normal. “Evenly heating the rooms helps combat dampness. Aluminum and bimetallic radiators They direct warm air to the center of the room, and it spreads evenly around the perimeter of the room. It is important to correctly calculate the number of radiator sections. The classic ones cast iron batteries there is no convective component, so they are not so effective in combating humidity,” emphasizes Roman Sidlauskas.

If you are trying to solve a problem with dampness on the fifth floor of a Khrushchev building, then keep in mind that its cause is most likely due to the characteristics of the building. Mainly in the absence gable roof and poorly sealed seams between panels.

Installing plastic windows only aggravates problems with ventilation, which on the upper floors of five-story buildings already leaves much to be desired. “To ensure sufficient ventilation, you can install a breather or recuperator in the apartment. This will provide an influx of fresh, uncooled air, which is very convenient if it’s cold outside. If you don't want to install additional supply ventilation, then you can limit yourself to airing several times a day, but this is not always convenient,” says Vadim Rukavitsyn.

Repair features

If you are planning a renovation to get rid of dampness, try to choose natural Decoration Materials. It is also necessary to use waterproofing materials. Add antifungal ingredients to the grout.

When planning your arrangement, it is better to leave a small gap between the furniture and the walls.

To completely stop the appearance of mold, pay attention to great attention insulation of walls and floors. It is recommended to treat the walls with a bleach solution and re-plaster them.