How to remove inflated calves on your legs with exercises in a week? How to pump up your calf muscles

Many women are concerned appearance their legs. The calves are sometimes too massive. The muscles in the calves become enlarged due to swelling and excessive physical training. Sometimes they remain large when a girl has lost weight. As a result, the calves not only look too large, making the appearance unfeminine and rude, but also visually shorten the legs. This problem needs to be addressed because your calves can become so large that you simply won’t be able to wear your favorite jeans again. Yes, and in “mini” legs will look ridiculous. How to reduce calves on your legs? Let's consider the most effective exercises and preventive measures. You will need to change your menu, watch your habits and constantly exercise. Your legs will begin to change right before your eyes, and very soon you will forget about big calves.

How to prevent enlarged calves on your legs? Simple tips
First of all you will need to do general recommendations. This is the only way you can control the increase in your calves, create good conditions to reduce volumes.
  1. Shoes. Avoid uncomfortable shoes, high heels, or platform shoes. It is advisable not to wear high-laced shoes, which interfere with blood circulation and cause swelling. Your shoes should certainly be comfortable: their task is not to squeeze, but to gently fit your feet.
  2. Nutrition. Keep an eye on your menu. Don't eat a lot of sweets and fatty foods, don't salt your food too much and don't add spices. Temporarily eliminate all smoked and spicy foods from your diet. Stop drinking water three hours before bed.
  3. Pose. If you have a habit of sitting in a chair or on a sofa with your legs bent, you need to forget about it. You interfere with blood circulation, your legs swell. As a result, the calves become large and the legs become disproportionate.
  4. Bike. Fans of cycling will have to give up their hobby for some time. You will develop your calf muscles too much in this way; exercise will not be able to cope with the volume. Don't ride a bike for at least 3-4 months until you see clear results from the exercise. If you need a bicycle, reduce your travel time by at least half. Otherwise, your big calves will stay with you.
  5. Walks. A golden mean is needed here. There is no point in giving up walking at all - your calves may “sag” and your leg will lose its shape and elasticity. In addition, walks on fresh air good for overall health and improves body tone. The best option– walk for about half an hour, no more.
  6. Aerobics. Do regular aerobics, train with a jump rope. A good option is step aerobics.
  7. Losing weight. If you are losing weight, but your calves do not lose volume, try to slightly reduce the rate of weight loss during exercise. Otherwise, exercise will still not help eliminate the problem: you will lose weight quickly, and your calves will “dry out” more slowly.
  8. Fitness. When you are already concerned about the size of your calves, you need to stop doing leg exercises on machines. Otherwise, the muscles will continue to grow.
  9. Measure. Use moderation and use common sense when reducing the size of your calves. Please note that the legs should not resemble sticks and should have the same volume along the entire length. A beautiful feminine leg is distinguished by graceful lines and a slight increase in volume above the knee. Too much Thin legs they look long-legged, reminiscent of the legs of a teenage girl. While exercising, doing special exercises To reduce calves on your legs, know how to stop in time. Your legs should be harmonious and feminine, look natural.
Follow the tips: this way you will be able to naturally reduce the volume of your calves and increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

How to reduce calves on your legs? Doing exercises!
Do a variety of exercises, exercise regularly, and gradually increase your stretching. It is this kind of targeted work on your body that will help you really reduce your calves noticeably. Don't forget about exercise. It is very important to perform them constantly, without long breaks or missing days.

  1. Warm up your muscles first. Before each lesson, you need to run in one place for about 2-3 minutes. The best option– do it on tiptoes. Also sit down a few times.
  2. Do some stretching. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Try to stand in one line. Feel your entire body. Slowly bend your body forward, bending at the waist. Touch the floor with your hands. Lower your head as low as possible. Imagine that you are bending in half, and be sure to watch the muscles of your calves: they should tense, stretch. Then straighten up just as calmly.
  3. Ballet exercise. One can truly envy the beauty of ballerinas' legs. A simple ballet exercise will help you reduce calves on your legs at home. Stand up straight. The feet should be parallel to the shoulders. Squat carefully and slowly. You only need to bend your knees, and tense your hip muscles. Focus on your feet first. Having squatted like this 10-15 times, repeat the exercise, but this time focusing on your toes, slightly rising on them.
  4. Take a jump rope and start jumping, noting the time on the clock. Jump on two legs for about 10 minutes. Then you need to jump on one leg for at least 5 minutes. When you are just getting used to exercise, you can limit yourself to 6 minutes on two legs, and 3 minutes of jumping on each leg separately. Increase the time gradually.
  5. Stretching to reduce the size of your calves. Stand up straight. You can lean your back a little on the wall for stability, but you can’t put any emphasis on your back. Place your entire body weight on one leg. The other leg needs to be bent at the knee. Take your foot with both hands and begin to gradually stretch the bent leg and straighten it. Try to create an angle of about 90 degrees between your legs. Pull your leg gently, but firmly enough - your calf muscles should tighten well. It is usually not possible to immediately achieve the desired angle, but with each session the stretching becomes better. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. Perform rolls. Stand on your heels and quickly take 15-20 steps, and then immediately roll onto your toes and continue walking on them, also about 20 times. Repeat the exercise at least 2 times.
  7. Warm up. As a warm-up, you need to run in place for about 2 minutes. It's better to do this on tiptoe. Then quickly tiptoe for about 20 small steps, standing in one line and raising your arms. Watch your calf muscles: they should be tense.
  8. Swing your legs. Before this exercise, place a chair nearby. You may need the backrest as a support point. Place your feet parallel to your shoulders and extend one leg forward. Pull the toe well so that all the muscles tense. Quickly swing back while holding onto the back of the chair. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  9. Squats again. Before the end of the workout, do squats again.
  10. Lunges forward. Lunging with your feet forward will help reduce your calves. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sharp lunges with your feet forward, one at a time. After lunging, be sure to fix your body position and feel how the muscles in your legs tense.
  11. Massage. After class, be sure to sit down, completely relax, stretching your legs. Massage your calves and massage them with a dry towel. You will increase blood flow, increasing the effectiveness of your workouts.
Do exercises every day. They should take you about an hour and a half. Gradually increase the load, remember that training should not harm your health. Follow the plan and don't skip exercises to achieve best result. Your calves on your legs will begin to shrink before your eyes.

The problem of large shins bothers many girls. Moreover, this problem is not necessarily faced only by large representatives of the fairer sex. Skinny people may also be predisposed to larger calves. Therefore, we will look at the main reasons for large calves and find a solution to how to reduce calves on a girl’s legs in each individual case.

An ideal figure is achieved by regular training and following a proper diet. And if the fight against problem areas around the waist and hips is more or less successful, then getting rid of large calves is not an easy task. The results of training will begin to make themselves felt no earlier than three months later. In this case, you will have to watch your diet and do the right exercises.

Causes of Big Calves

The problem of large calves can be solved only if you know exactly about the “culprits” of their appearance. There can be several reasons for voluminous shins:

Swelling of the legs

It’s easy to check if your feet tend to swell. When you take off your socks, pay attention to whether there is a rubber band mark on your feet. If it is clearly visible, then the calves swell precisely because of this physiological deficiency. Another way to check is to press your finger in the area of ​​the dry bone. After this, a hole should remain there, which will gradually disappear. If such a dimple does not appear, the skin is elastic and immediately straightens, then in your case the problem is not swelling.

Solution: a diet that excludes fatty and salty foods, as well as taking diuretics as prescribed by a doctor.

  • Genetics

    To check whether genes are to blame, just look at your parents and relatives. If full calves are inherited, then the problem will be much more difficult to solve. Another way to identify genetically large calves is to tighten the muscles. If they “sit” high, then the shin looks smaller and thinner. Otherwise, it is impossible to influence the length of the calf muscle, but you can correct its shape by avoiding certain exercises.

    Solution: Eliminate any exercise that causes the calf muscle to grow (ballet, stepper exercises, incline running, stair walking, sprinting, stationary cycling, and any cardio with resistance).

  • Overweight

    Calves are one of the problem areas that are the last to shrink when losing weight. Therefore, even if you have lost weight to the bone, your lower legs may still remain full. Moreover, the habitat can be not only the subcutaneous space, but also the intramuscular space.

    Solution: remember, fat does not go away locally, so the solution to this problem in this case will be total weight loss. And don’t forget to be more active, that is, walk, run and play sports more often.

  • Large muscle mass

    Sports are great, but even that can contribute to bigger calves. By the way, a defect arising as a result of sports is considered the most complex problem and reducing calves can be very difficult.

    Solution: As with genetics, eliminate any exercise that leads to muscle growth (we repeat: incline running, sprinting, stepper, as well as any cardio with resistance).

  • Frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes

    You certainly look attractive in high heels, but this one beautiful picture there is a downside. Every day, wearing high-heeled shoes, your calves are subjected to many hours of training, which ensures their growth. After all, the main load goes to the lower leg, the thigh muscles work in a semi-relaxed mode. This is where leg disproportion arises.

    Solution: walk in high heels less often and perform special exercises to strengthen all leg muscles.

  • Is it possible to reduce calves on your legs?

    If the cause lies in swelling, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. After all, such a deficiency may indicate certain malfunctions in the body. It's also hard to argue with genetics. In this case, you can only slightly adjust the shape of the lower leg. In all other cases, it is possible to reduce the volume of your calves, but the approaches will be different.

    It is worth understanding that in the case where large calves are associated with excess weight, it is possible to reduce them only by completely getting rid of extra pounds. Fat does not disappear locally, and it is the last to disappear from problem areas.

    Interesting: perfect size(girth) of the calves should correspond to the girth of the biceps of the arm.

    How to Determine Muscle and Fat Calves

    To figure out whether you need to lose fat or lean muscle mass, take the following test. It consists of two steps:

    1. Tighten your calf muscle (for example, stand on your toes);
    2. Pinch it with your fingers upper layer fat and skin.

    If the fold turns out to be impressive, then you need to lose weight. In this case, you need to adjust your diet and add cardio training to your daily routine. If the fold is small, then reducing the calves is possible by performing special exercises. Let's consider each case separately.

    How to reduce pumped calves for a girl

    As already mentioned, a similar problem appears if you get too involved in sports or constantly walk in heels. In general, the origins of fullness of the calves are the same - the main emphasis when walking or training is always on the toe, and not on the heel. Cardio training will help you get rid of unwanted volumes on your calves. They are designed so that during exercise the calf muscle lengthens. This leads to a decrease in its volume.

    Cardio for slimming calves

    The main rule regarding cardio activity is work without resistance and long duration (40-50 minutes).

    The following types of cardio activities are prohibited::

    • treadmill with incline;
    • running uphill;
    • sprint (running at high speed);
    • stepper exercises;
    • walking on a changing staircase simulator;
    • exercise bike and other resistance cardio equipment.

    Types of cardio that help reduce calves:

    • running or walking on a treadmill without an incline;
    • elliptical trainer;
    • exercise bike without resistance;
    • burpees;
    • swimming.

    Long walks have a positive effect on reducing calves. For walks, choose smooth roads without ups and downs. Only in this case will your calves become slimmer without gaining unnecessary weight. muscle mass.

    Special exercises to reduce calves

    Many girls immediately have a question: after all, by training their calves, they will become even bigger and it’s better not to touch them at all. In fact, it's the other way around. Even if you leave them alone for a few months, a year doesn’t matter. The result will not please you. The only way to work on your calf muscles is to do correct exercises along with cardio training.

    The most effective exercises are toe raises. Execute them in the following mode:

    1. Standing wall raises on toes – 5×25;
    2. Alternate calf raises while standing on a platform on one leg – 5×25;
    3. Standing calf raises with the foot turned outward – 5×25;
    4. Heel raises while standing against a wall – 5×25;
    5. Burpees – 5x15.

    Stretching exercises to reduce calves

    Stretching the muscles in case of such a problem is a necessary measure in working on reducing the size of the calves. There are three stretching exercises. Use as you choose or alternate between them.

    Exercise 1. Remember school, they taught us the simplest, but very effective stretching exercise. Sit down on the floor, stretch your legs straight in front of you. Bend your torso towards your legs. Try to press as close to your legs as possible and reach your feet with your hands. Use your hands to pull your socks towards you. Hold for 30 seconds, return to the original position.

    Exercise 2. The second exercise is even simpler. Stand facing the wall, lean on your hands. Take one leg back (knee straight) and swing forward towards the wall. You should feel a stretch in the calf muscle of the abducted leg. Change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise.

    Exercise 3. Standing facing the wall, lean your toe against the wall, while your heel is on the floor. The position should be such that you feel a stretch in the calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds or perform a series of rocking movements. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

    Home workout plan:

    • number of workouts per week – 3;
    • rest in exercises between approaches – 30-40 seconds;
    • stretching exercises for the calf muscles after each approach;
    • cardio - slow running for 40-50 minutes after doing the exercises.

    Walk or run. Running and walking for weight loss is an ideal way to “dry out” the calf muscles. The main condition is that there should be no climbs or slides along the route. Otherwise, there will be a risk of making your calves even larger. For the same reason, you should not get carried away with step aerobics.

    This training regimen must be followed for a long time and the exercises must be performed regularly. The result will not appear as quickly as you would like - do not expect the first results before three months.

    How to reduce fat calves

    Excess fat appears on all parts of the body, including the calves. But it does not go down evenly. Getting excess volume off your legs can sometimes be quite problematic. And even when the waist has almost reached perfection, the legs can still disappoint with excessive fullness. Here main role Nutrition adjustments play a role in reducing calves. Cardio and special exercises will speed up the results.

    There are several nuances regarding problem areas:

    • fat in these places is the last to be lost;
    • There is no local fat burning, i.e. fat (for example, from the calves) will not go away, the person loses weight everywhere;
    • Correction of problem areas usually takes a long time (about a year or more).

    In this case, work on problem areas is carried out in three directions at once - proper nutrition, cardio and special exercises. The last two are discussed above (How to reduce pumped calves).

    Nutrition adjustments

    There is no special diet for reducing calves. You can choose a diet yourself or with the help of a nutritionist, but take into account several important nuances:

    1. Counting nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) and calories for each meal. Your goal is to burn fat. Therefore, the menu should contain more proteins and less fats and carbohydrates.
    2. Carbohydrates are consumed in the first half of the day. Only vegetables and protein foods 2-3 hours before bedtime.
    3. To lose weight, you need to maintain a daily calorie deficit. For example, the average daily calorie intake for girls aged 20-30 years is 2000 calories, for girls aged 31-50 years – 1800. It needs to be reduced by 300-500 calories.
    4. To improve metabolism and prevent excess calories from being deposited in the fat depot, you need to increase the number of meals. This is 4-5 times at the same time.

    What can you eat:

    1. Eat slow carbohydrates. These are those that slowly break down and gradually feed the body with energy. These include brown rice, buckwheat, pasta made from durum wheat, bread made from whole grain flour, bran bread, almost all types of cereals.
    2. Your menu should include enough protein. These include meat, fish, nuts, eggs and dairy products. Eat lean meats: rabbit, chicken (fillet), turkey, veal and beef without fatty layers.
    3. Include fiber in your diet. It coats the walls of the stomach, prolonging the feeling of satiety in the body, and also helps remove toxins and harmful substances. The main sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits (no more than two, as they contain a lot of sugar), bran, and whole grain bread.
    4. Eat the right fats. Many people think that fat makes them fat. In fact, fats play an exceptional role for the body; without them, the absorption of many vitamins and other beneficial substances is simply impossible. But this applies to the right fats. Especially useful are nuts, seeds, fatty fish, flaxseed and olive oil, avocado.
    5. Don't forget about water balance. Drink more clean, unboiled water. Avoid coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

    What not to eat:

    Avoid fast food, salty, fatty, fried and smoked foods. Steam, bake or boil foods.

    Avoid mayonnaise, sauces, and ketchups. Instead, use natural yogurt as a dressing.

    Forget about unhealthy sweets. Replace sweets, pastries, desserts with honey, dried fruits, dark chocolate, fitness bars and plain ice cream.

    Other Ways to Reduce Calves on Your Legs

    In the fight for slender calves, you can additionally use cosmetic procedures. The most effective are clay and kelp wraps. Massages show good results. But a caveat needs to be made here. Cosmetic procedures alone do not solve the problem of large shins. They should be used in conjunction with stretching, exercise and proper nutrition.

    If you are not ready to go through the difficult and long path to slender legs, even here there is a way out - liposuction. This procedure refers to the operating room, during which fat is removed from problem areas through small punctures. After it, you immediately become the owner of ideal body proportions.

    Several will help in the fight against large shins practical advice from fitness trainers, nutritionists and cosmetologists. They will answer the question of how you can reduce calves on your legs:

    1. Run! Long endurance marathons are a panacea for fat legs. Pay attention to long distance runners. They don't have problems with fat legs because running long distances burns fat and dries out muscles.
    2. Avoid strength exercises for legs, which can make your calves even bigger. Eliminate exercises with high calf raises from your training program. For example, it is better to avoid jumping rope in favor of swimming, cross-country running, and long-distance walking.
    3. Watch your diet, walk more and stretch your calf muscles more often.

    So, the conclusion is this: shins are large for a variety of reasons. For every problem there is a solution. The most complex cases– large muscle mass and genetic predisposition. In any case, to lose weight in your calves, you need to eat right, take long walks on flat terrain more often, and stretch your muscles.

    Thick calves are a real punishment for millions of women. Firstly, it doesn’t look very nice, and secondly, problems often arise when buying shoes when, for example, the zipper on the boots doesn’t fit. Thick calves are difficult to hide under clothing. And what woman would want to wear only trousers or long skirts all her life? One thing is clear - you need to find an answer to the question of how to remove calves from your legs.

    Let's figure it out. Everyone knows that losing weight usually starts from the top, that is, the face, arms, then the waist acquire the desired shape, and only then comes the turn of the legs, hips and buttocks. Thus, it becomes clear: it is pointless to hope that thick calves will quickly become thin. You will have to work hard to achieve what you want. And experts are not at all happy with the owners of full legs; they claim that nothing can be done about genetics. That is, every woman has a calf volume that can be called minimal for her, and it is unlikely that she will be able to lose weight below it.

    So if thick calves bother you, pay attention to total weight bodies. Is your body fat percentage normal? Then, alas, nothing can be done. The constitution of the body is given to you by nature. If you are still determined to fight for slender legs, then you will have to take action.

    So, what activities will help you achieve what you want? First of all, dietary restrictions (only reasonable ones). Must be followed water regime, as well as engage in fitness that will be aimed at burning fat. A light massage, specifically on the problem area, won’t hurt.

    There are types physical activity, which is aimed at losing weight in calves. But there are some nuances here. Firstly, tension is contraindicated in the calves. That is, they won't fit. In this case, there is a danger of simply over-pumping the calves. But you need a completely different result. Secondly, according to experts, stretching and aerobics are simply vital for women who have the problems described. Calves are great for slimming if a person runs. During the stretching process, muscle fibers lengthen. As a result, the shape of the calves improves. You can find quite a few stretching exercises in yoga or Pilates guidelines. In order for your calves to lose weight while running, you need to choose long distances and a variation of it such as jogging.

    In order to bring full calves to normal condition, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym or buy expensive equipment. You can simply rise on your toes and lower yourself back down. This exercise is best performed for 20 repetitions and 4 sets. You can use it both at home and in the office, so you can train your calves regularly. This exercise can be easily complicated, for example, by doing it while standing on steps, that is, with a high amplitude. If you decide to go to a fitness center, then in any room you will probably find special exercise equipment that will be useful for your calves.

    The main problem is that during some exercises you can achieve an effect completely opposite to the desired one. Therefore, many people prefer to get by with massage. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount of money, but the result will exceed all expectations. The most important thing is to find good specialist, not an amateur. According to assurances happy women For those who have already managed to tighten their calves through massage, 10-12 sessions are enough to reduce their volume by 4-5 centimeters.

    If you have thick calves, then you can either accept it or try to use the recommendations outlined in this article. You decide.

    This type of exercise is relevant for many women because not everyone has been given perfectly beautiful legs by nature. Weak and thin, or “bottle” shaped calves, which occur with excess weight, can bring grief and spoil any figure.

    But there is a possibility correct their shape and make them slim, and the gait is light. As always, special exercises for losing weight in the calves for girls can help with this. By doing them, you can pump up your calves if they are thin, and also, if necessary, remove fat from your legs.

    A little anatomy

    The posterior group of muscles of the lower leg is represented by:

    1. External and internal parts of the gastrocnemius muscle;
    2. Soleus muscle.

    The gastrocnemius muscle (also called the triceps muscle) is located above the soleus muscle and is attached to the heel using the Achilles tendon. These muscles perform important functions, the back of the lower leg moves the foot forward and backward, and the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg provide it with a stable position while walking. These muscles, working together, bend the foot when walking. The calf muscles flex and extend the ankle joint and rotate it.

    The calf muscles receive the greatest load during jumping, as well as when raising toes using weights. The soleus muscle gets a load when the knee is bent, so squats are a good way to train it. The gastrocnemius muscle is located above the soleus muscle - it is they who create the volume and shape of beautiful calves.

    Top 7 exercises for calf muscles

    Exercises for the calf muscles for women at home are selected in such a way as to sufficiently work out exactly that muscle group that gives the legs a relief outline. This can be achieved only by acting on the problem area.

    The recommended complex consists of exercises that most effectively work the muscles, help lose weight in the lower leg and form slender legs at home:

    1. Calf raise;
    2. Rolling from toes to heels;
    3. Walking on your heels;
    4. Raising your toes while sitting on a chair;
    5. Squats with a load;
    6. Pistol.
    7. Jumping rope;

    Fulfill this complex exercises are possible in one day. Warm up before doing it. It is recommended to include exercises such as:

    • Active jumps;
    • or ;
    • Rotate the foot clockwise and counterclockwise;

    Also, to warm up, you can simply massage your calves with active movements. Well, you can complete the workout with statics, for example.

    1. Calf raise

    This is a great stretch for the calf muscles. It is recommended to start the complex with it.

    1. We stand facing the wall close and lean on it with our hands at chest level. We step back from the wall one and a half steps without lifting our hands.
    2. We rise and fall on our toes, transferring our body weight to them. The body must form straight line.
    3. If you round your back and lower your head, the load on your calf muscles will be minimal.

    We carry out

    Another great method burning fat from problem areas is walking up the stairs. An alternative could be

    2. Rolling from toes to heels

    The muscles of the lower leg and foot work.

    1. We stand straight, shoulders straightened. We place our feet shoulder width apart.
    2. We rise on our toes and roll onto our heels as much as possible, lifting our toes off the floor.
    3. We try to keep the body straight and maintain balance.

    We carry out ten times, three to four approaches. We increase the number of exercises with each workout and bring it to seventy.

    3. Walking on your heels

    The muscles of the lower leg, thighs and buttocks work.

    A useful and effective exercise that can be done several times a day. It will help make your calves and thighs slender and your gait easy.

    1. Stand on your heels, raise your toes as high as possible.
    2. We walk on our heels in small steps, keep the body straight, We don’t lower our heads.

    To begin with, you can do three sets of ten steps. Gradually increase to ninety steps.

    4. Seated calf raise with weights

    The soleus muscle gets a good workout. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

    1. We sit on a chair, our back is straight, we form a right angle.
    2. We lift the heels and toes off the floor one by one, rolling the foot with maximum amplitude.

    We do the exercise at a slow pace for ten exercises - three approaches.

    It is recommended to use a weight that must be placed on your knees. For example, dumbbells or several one and a half liter bottles of water, fastened together with tape. To begin, take three bottles. In subsequent workouts, we increase the load, gradually attaching one bottle at a time with tape.

    5. Squats with dumbbells

    Squats are a great way to work the area we need. . How to pump up a girl’s calves even more effectively? . The main load goes to the soleus and calf muscles. You cannot enlarge your calves without developing your soleus muscle.

    Therefore, be sure to use this exercise in order to work out the lower leg muscles well and give them relief.

    1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
    2. Start squatting with a straight back, until your knees form a right angle.
    3. Hands with dumbbells move from hip joint to the knee joint and back.
    Carefully! The buttocks should not be lowered too low, otherwise the main load will go to the knee joint, which can create a risk of injury. Also, the emphasis of the load will be shifted from the lower leg to the gluteal muscles.

    6. Pistol Squats

    The main load falls on the gluteal, calf and soleus muscles.

    We perform squats first on one leg, then on the other. If you haven’t done physical exercise for a long time, you won’t be able to do it the first time, but with subsequent training you can successfully master the pistol exercise. To do this, it will be necessary to work out the leg muscles well, using exercises for all muscle groups of the lower extremities.

    Watch the video for more details:

    Carefully! When performing the exercise, there is a very large load on the knee joint! Exercise high level difficulties. Included in the training program of professional athletes.

    7. Jumping rope

    Gives a good workout of the main muscle groups and promotes weight loss of the calf muscles in women and. The main load goes to the lower leg muscles. We train the cardiovascular system, increase the overall tone of the body, and improve metabolism!

    • It is recommended to start and end the complex with muscle stretching exercises - “exercise with support on the wall” or one of the varieties
    • You can feel how the calf muscle is activated in the following way: in a lying position, pull your foot towards you with your fingers. Remember this feeling - all exercises where you feel it will help work your calf muscles! If your calves are weak, the sensation may be uncomfortable and you will benefit greatly from stretching.
    • Experienced instructors recommend Stretch your muscles between sets. This creates Better conditions for the growth of the calf and soleus muscles. Stretching between sets helps relieve tension, prevents muscle spasms, and also helps pump them up.
    • Increase the range of movements gradually. Do not try to immediately reach the maximum - you can stretch the ligaments. Running, cycling, tennis and all types of active sports training have a positive effect on the formation of calf muscles and their beautiful shape.
    • Walking up the stairs is very useful look loads for the legs. Works well on the calf muscles, as well as the and muscles, and trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Forget about the elevator at home and at work: if you have the opportunity to walk on the stairs during the day, then be sure to use it! This type of walking should ideally take about fifteen minutes a day.

    How to reduce calves on legs for girls - 3 more methods

    Extra pounds like to be deposited in this area. Typically, this occurs when excess weight accumulates throughout the body. How to remove calves on legs quickly? There is a complex effective measures, following which you can cope with this problem. But you shouldn’t think that the result will be in a week, but in a month it’s quite possible.

    1. Changing dietary principles

    Poor nutrition is one of the main causes of cellulite on the calves. How to get rid of cellulite? You need to adhere to two simple principles:

    1. Using low fat foods.
    2. Exclusion from the daily diet of flour and confectionery products.

    It’s good if the basis of the diet is boiled chicken and fish, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products, herbal teas, green tea. Grain and bran bread, bean dishes, porridges from various cereals - in small quantities.

    After losing weight, you can return to your normal diet, but remember to eat at in moderate quantities. It is important to keep in mind that the number of calories received from food should not exceed the calories that you burned, otherwise the weight will return again.

    2. Massage

    Various types of massage for weight loss have a good effect on muscles and help improve metabolism.

    Self-massage – rubbing, kneading and patting movements – gives excellent results. You can also massage and rub your calves with a special massage mitten.

    Add a handful to one liter of water sea ​​salt, a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of flaxseed or mustard oil. Dip the mitten into this healing solution and intensively rub the areas of your calves and thighs. Very nice and effective procedure, beneficial for the skin and helping to remove excess fat deposits.

    3. Wraps

    After completing a set of exercises, wraps work especially well. Their compositions may be very different, but they are all beneficial effect on muscles and skin, help reduce fat deposits, accelerate blood flow, have a lymphatic drainage effect, relieve fatigue from the legs:

    • Coarse sea salt and honey - in equal quantities. The duration of this wrap is half an hour;
    • Seaweed steamed in boiling water. Action time – up to half an hour;
    • Mustard powder diluted with warm water. Action time is from one minute to three minutes. You should feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

    Here are a few rules, following which, you can get the maximum effect from the wraps:

    1. Before the procedure, you must take a shower using a fine, light scrub. You can use the pharmacy version, you can take fine salt with the addition of any vegetable oil.
    2. The composition of the compress is best applied to clean dry skin calf area;
    3. Wrap the top with cling film;
    4. Wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down, relaxing;
    5. Wash off the mask with warm water, lubricate with nourishing cream.

    A course of ten procedures will bring very good results. You can do wraps every other day, or every two days.

    Carefully! If you feel pain and burning, remove the compress immediately: this wrap is not suitable for you!

    When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, positive results can be achieved. in just a few months. Weak and thin calves can be toned up very well and feel confident in clothes of any length. Using the above set of exercises will also help those who have excess weight. Using these recommendations, you can build toned muscles and not gain extra pounds in the future.

    Too large calves on the legs can upset any girl. This is not only difficulty in choosing boots, but also a feeling of insecurity due to the inharmonious silhouette of the legs. Thick, overly muscular or swollen shins do not look very attractive and can make their owner feel complex. But don’t worry, because knowing how to reduce calves on your legs, you can solve this issue.

    How to quickly reduce calves?

    • First of all, we must try to establish as accurately as possible the cause of excessively voluminous shins, the most common of which are:
    • Swelling of the extremities, which is accompanied by varicose veins. It may appear as a result of high tissue looseness, accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and pain. Some diseases can also cause swelling.
    • The innate body structure is the so-called hypersthenic build. Signs: predominance of muscle mass, wide bones, stocky figure.
    • The presence of fat deposits in the legs, which can become pronounced if you lose weight in the waist and hips.
    • Heavily pumped muscles. Most often, this phenomenon occurs among athletes, professional ballerinas, when they are passionate about running, and, of course, excessive exercise.
    • Once the cause has been determined strong development calves, you can begin to select a method for eliminating this defect.
    • If the issue is excess fat deposits, then you should use the following methods, namely:
    • Regularly apply a variety of wraps using cling film, which will provide a soft warming effect on the shin. Consequently, the process burns fat cells much faster, and also removes harmful toxins from the skin.
    • The benefits come from following special low-calorie diets with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats.
    • Every day you need to perform a simple complex physical exercise aimed at addressing problem areas. At the same time, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer is significantly improved. It is important that the exercises are performed daily, and long repetitions are encouraged.
    • Special massagers, which have a rough applicator - plastic or wooden, will also help get rid of fat deposits (you must act carefully to avoid bruising).

    How to reduce the size of calves?

    In women, calves can become enlarged as a result of excessive training, resulting in excess muscle mass. It is important to remember that this can happen both due to frequent exercise and as a result of the fact that too much is present in the daily diet. a large number of proteins that are necessary for muscle growth.

    To prevent further increase in volumes, it is necessary to special attention review your own diet for proteins. It is useful to temporarily reduce the amount of consumption of legumes, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and meat dishes. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly slow down the growth of muscle mass.

    If you can’t avoid straining your calves, then you should try to at least reduce it to the necessary minimum this load - for example, using elevators, giving up hiking and cycling for a while.

    In case of training in gym, it is necessary to create a training program in such a way that there is minimal impact on the calves.

    To reduce your calves, you can use a special set of exercises:

    1. Plie is one of the most popular exercises among professional ballerinas. You need to stand straight, place your feet parallel to your shoulders, and do squats. It is important that the muscles of the thighs are tensed, while the knees bend as much as possible. When performing the first 20 squats, support is placed on the entire foot, and for the next 20 repetitions you need to rise on your toes. When performing this exercise, you must be very careful, as there is a risk of serious injury.
    2. Jackknife - you need to sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs completely. Just like when doing stretches, you need to lean forward and stretch your arms, while trying to touch your feet with your fingers. You need to stay in this position for at least 1.5 minutes and perform up to 15 repetitions.
    3. Jump rope is a great way to help shrink your calves. Just 15 minutes on this sports equipment will be enough. Thanks to jumping, energy consumption accelerates, therefore, all the extra calories are spent, and the calves also begin to “dry out.”
    4. Rolls - this exercise is aimed at stretching the lower leg. You need to stand on your heels and march 30 times, while you must clearly feel your calves. Then sharp rolls from heels to toes are performed and you have to march again. There is 1 such roll per approach. At least 4 approaches are performed.
    5. You need to stand straight, with your feet slightly wider than your pelvis. First the weight is transferred to left leg, and the right one rises and bends at the knee. Inhale and lift the left foot onto the toe. You need to perform 15 repetitions for each leg and gradually continue to increase the load.
    6. Lunges are a lighter option. In this case, you need to work not so as not to pump up the thigh muscles, but to reduce the size of your calves. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a lunge, making sure that the heel of the second leg does not leave the floor. After a few seconds, return to starting position.
    7. You need to stand straight, your legs are hip-width apart, your feet are parallel to each other. As you inhale, you need to rise up, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. To begin with, 20 repetitions are performed, and over time it is increased to 30.
    8. Lifting on toes - can be performed in several variations, so you can choose more for yourself suitable option. You need to stand straight, transfer your body weight to your right leg, and bend your left leg at the knee. Now you need to rise on your toes (at least 15 times). Then the exercise is performed for the 2nd leg. You can choose a more difficult option - stand not on the floor, but on a step or step.
    9. You need to kneel to avoid bruising, you should use a mat. Your hands are free, in front, your back is straight. Now you need to alternately sit down first in one direction, then in the other, while it is important to try to press your thigh as tightly as possible to the floor. At least 20 repetitions are performed.
    10. Batman - take a chair, holding the back, you need to stand next to it, your feet are parallel to each other. The right leg is extended forward, straining the toe, and a sharp swing forward is performed. For each leg you need to perform about 20 repetitions.

    Thick calves: how to reduce?

    In order to reduce the size of your calves and make them more graceful, just one exercise will not be enough, because you also need to pay special attention to your diet. Of course, they have not yet come up with a special diet aimed at losing weight in the calves, but you can use comprehensive weight loss, thanks to which the legs will gradually become smaller.

    Meals should be balanced, and you should not overeat before bed. You should also avoid eating too salty and fatty foods. If severe swelling is a concern, before going to bed it is recommended to place your feet on a small hill (you can take a small pillow) and keep them in this position for at least 15 minutes. Throughout the day, you should try to periodically raise your legs. In this case, not only will the swelling quickly go away, the calves will shrink, but you will also feel general relief.

    To relax your legs after a workout and strengthen achieved result, it’s worth doing a light massage. Thanks to such a pleasant procedure, after the first session you will not feel so much muscle pain.

    Bulk calves can ruin even very slender legs. But it is quite possible to overcome this problem. To do this, it is recommended to use special exercises, review your diet and, if necessary, get rid of swelling in your legs.