How to remove bitterness from cucumbers and make them taste good? Why do cucumbers taste bitter? Remove the bitterness of cucumber

WHY CUCUMBERS ARE BITTER AND WHAT TO DO!!! Bitter cucumbers are a problem for many gardeners. How offensive it can be. You grow and grow, but in the end you get a tasteless, bitter harvest that is simply impossible to eat. It can be very unpleasant when such a bitter fruit accidentally ends up in a salad... Why does such injustice happen? Bitter cucumbers appear very often in our garden beds. This is primarily due to the incorrect cultivation regime. Why are cucumbers bitter? Many vegetable growers ask this question. The appearance of bitterness occurs due to the accumulation of a substance such as cucurbitacin in the fruit. This substance is an indicator of unfavorable conditions for plant growth. In fact, the presence of cucurbitacin is protection for the plant from unfavorable conditions. It should also be made clear that absolutely all wild varieties of cucumbers are bitter. Some varieties of cucumbers produce bitter fruits because they have a genetic predisposition for it. Another reason for the bitterness of a cucumber is underripeness and overripeness. In these cases, the fetus contains a large number of Cucurbitacin. To prevent the cucumber from being bitter, you need to find a middle ground and determine the time to pick the fruit. Sometimes it happens that in one garden bed and even on one plant, one cucumber may be bitter and another not. A lot depends on the type of vegetable and even on the quality of the seeds. In general, dark varieties of cucumbers that lack protection in the form of small thorns have the greatest predisposition to bitterness. Those fruits that were formed during drought and there was no watering are at risk. And if the soil is too poor, then the cucumbers will be 100% bitter. In all these cases, fruit ripening will be delayed, and cucurbitacin will accumulate over time. Most favorable weather for cucumbers – warm weather, with high humidity air. Under such conditions, cucumbers will quickly grow and ripen without having time to accumulate cucurbitacin. It should be taken into account that watering should be done regularly, since a lack of moisture can cause bitterness in cucumbers. Another cause of bitterness in cucumbers can be the incorrect selection of seeds from ripened fruits. When cultivating your own seeds, you must follow all the rules. Today, scientific breeders have developed sweet varieties of cucumbers that cannot be bitter. They have a very interesting bi gene, which prevents the formation of cucurbitacins. An example of such varieties could be: Electron, Obilny, Topolek and others. In addition to varieties, there are also sweet hybrids, such as Maryina Roshcha, Chistye Prudy, Buyan and others. These varieties and hybrids have a very mild taste. Is it possible to determine in advance on which bush the fruits will be bitter? Having a genetic disposition, bitter cucumbers will be on those bushes whose leaves have a bitter taste. You can specifically pinch off a leaf from the plant and try it. In my own way appearance Bitter cucumbers are no different from sweet ones. Let's sum it up and write briefly why cucumbers are bitter: Not sufficient watering Dry air Bright sunlight Lack of nutrients Poor quality seeds Genetic factor Seeds not properly prepared. What to do if cucumbers are bitter? To prevent the appearance of bitter cucumbers, you should initially choose the right variety or prepare the seeds correctly. Follow all the rules of growing - water on time, fertilize, in general, provide everything for the cucumbers the necessary conditions. Basic rules for growing cucumbers so that they are not bitter: Water the plants in a timely manner, and arrange sprinkling on dry days. Needs to be supported temperature regime. On hot days, open the film, and on cold days, close it. Avoid sudden temperature changes. Grow cucumbers in areas that are not exposed to excessive light. The place should be slightly shaded. Produce timely fertilizing of cucumbers, as well as initially grow them on fertile soils. Those vegetable growers who prepare seeds themselves must remember one rule - take seeds only from the first third of the cucumber. Those seeds that are located closer to the butt give rise to bitter cucumbers. Now you know what to do to avoid getting bitter cucumbers in the future. Are bitter cucumbers harmful and how to use them in food? Many gardeners ask the question: “Are bitter cucumbers harmful?” The answer is simple - no! In my own way useful composition Bitter cucumbers are no different from ordinary ones. And to be more precise, such vegetables are terribly healthy! Eating such cucumbers may even prevent tumor growth. Moreover, during canning and other heat treatment, cucurbitacin is completely decomposed, and the cucumber becomes normal. Therefore, bitter cucumbers can be safely rolled into jars or made vegetable salad for the winter. As a rule, cucurbitacin is most concentrated in the peel of the vegetable, so getting rid of it can partially get rid of the unpleasant bitter taste. You can also try simply pouring water over the cucumbers for 30-60 minutes, then the substance responsible for the bitterness will partially dissolve. Bitter cucumbers can be used as an excellent cosmetic product. But what to do if all preventive measures for growing cucumbers without bitterness turned out to be in vain? Is it even possible to eat bitter cucumber? Of course, but before that you need to “work a little magic” on it. The most common method that housewives usually use is to cut off the peel from bitter fruits. Sometimes it is enough to cut off the back part of the fetus (2-3 centimeters), where cucurbitacin is mainly concentrated. The Japanese are well aware of how to quickly and easily remove bitterness from cucumbers. So, in national restaurants they do not throw away bitter fruits, but simply cut off the tip and rub it thoroughly against the cut of the cucumber in a circular motion. Foam appears around the cut circumference white, in which, in fact, cucurbitacin accumulates. If you remove it, the cucumber will lose its bitterness, and you will be able to enjoy the bitterness of cucumbers as a fragrant and fresh fruit. There is another way to remove bitterness from cucumbers intended for consumption. fresh. Place them in a basin and soak them for several hours cold water. The bitterness will come out into the water. If cucumbers are too bitter, which is typical for fruits rich in flavor, then better water change several times.

Why do cucumbers taste bitter in a greenhouse? This is a question that often arises among summer residents. There are a number of reasons that can cause this problem.

Can provoke the appearance of bitterness in cucumbers improper watering. You should know that such vegetables grow well in fertile and moist soil. They need to be watered only with warm water. When the weather is hot and the air in the greenhouse is extremely dry, sprinkling from special devices should be organized. But don’t go to extremes and overfill the cucumbers.

Excessive amounts of moisture can also cause bitterness. Therefore, you need to water the bushes moderately and as needed. Then the fruits will be crispy, elastic, sweet and without a bitter aftertaste.

Then bitter cucumbers will definitely not grow in your greenhouse. Experts recommend feeding plants with nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus as soon as the first leaves appear on the bushes. When fruit growth and ripening begins, fertilizers containing magnesium and calcium should be used. Nitrogen can also be introduced. But fertilizing needs to be done in small portions. After all, excessive fertilization can also provoke the appearance of bitterness in the fruits.

Lighting and microclimate

Why are cucumbers bitter in a greenhouse if everything is in order with watering and fertilizing? The cause of this problem may lie in improper ventilation or lighting. You should know that the greenhouse can be opened only after the temperature inside and outside is almost the same. If this condition is not met and cold air is allowed to enter the greenhouse, the cucumbers will be subject to stress, which will lead to the appearance of bitterness in them. But what microclimate is best suited for such crops?

Experts advise maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse within 18-22 °C. If the fruiting period has begun, the temperature should not fall below 28 °C.

If necessary, you can connect the heating in the greenhouse. But do not forget that it reduces the level of air humidity. Therefore, you will need to regularly moisten the paths and walls.

As for lighting, you should know that such plants are shade-loving. If cucumbers are exposed to direct rays, cucurbitacin begins to actively accumulate in the fruits, which creates a bitter taste. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the greenhouse from scorching sun rays. To shade glass, you can use whitening or a special film.

Fruit collection and care

Why are cucumbers bitter at the peak of fruiting? If already ripened and even overripe fruits remain on the hinges, then young vegetables cannot receive the necessary nutrition, which is why they grow not only bitter, but also deformed. That's why it's so important to harvest on time.

In addition, you should regularly care for your plants. In greenhouse conditions, it is very important to pinch the bushes, remove female flowers, lateral shoots and tendrils. In addition, make sure that the cucumber vines are not damaged or twisted, as this can also cause bitterness in the cucumbers.

Root system and variety

Bitter cucumbers may grow due to damaged root system plants. In such a culture it is located superficially. Therefore, it is not recommended to loosen the soil; it is better to mulch. Erosion can also lead to damage to the root system; this problem is usually observed when watering cucumbers under the root or with a hose stream.

Often, cucumbers grow bitter because the seeds for growing them were collected incorrectly. Many summer residents carry out this procedure on their own.

However, only a few people know that seeds can only be taken from the first third of the fruit. The rest should be thrown away.

It is important to make sure that the chosen cucumber variety does not produce bitterness. Some types of such vegetables do not have the gene that is responsible for the production of cucurbitacin. Thanks to this, the risk of a bitter harvest is minimized.

Among the domestic varieties of cucumbers, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Marina Grove";
  • "Grasshopper";
  • "Ant";
  • "Green Wave";
  • "Tom Thumb";
  • "Marina Grove";
  • "Trump card".

There are also foreign varieties of cucumbers that grow without bitterness and are well suited for greenhouses, including:

  • "Athena";
  • "Levina";
  • "Christina";
  • "Angelina";
  • "Parker"
  • "Ajax"
  • "Vocals".

When and what to feed cucumbers (video)

Of course, it is not always possible to solve the problem of bitterness in cucumbers, especially when part of the harvest has already been harvested. Of course, you shouldn’t throw it away, because you can always improve the situation. So, when preparing salads from fruits with a bitter taste, it is necessary to remove the skin, since it is in it that most of the cucurbitacin is present. You can also use alternative option- soak the fruits for 12 hours in cold water. Then the cucumbers will become less bitter. They will make very tasty salads if you add more other vegetables to them.

The bitter taste in such vegetables disappears after heat treatment. That's why harvested You can safely marinate and salt it. In winter, you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of the preparations.

Knowing why cucumbers are bitter in the greenhouse, you can try to eliminate this problem. Indeed, in most cases it can be solved, and if this cannot be done, then you can always find a use for the bitter harvest.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse (video)

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» Cucumbers

Cucumber is one of the favorite vegetables of gardeners. Both fresh and salted or pickled cucumbers are a welcome guest on the table. But sometimes the efforts spent on growing it become in vain. Bitter vegetable - why does this happen? The content of cucurbitacin in fruits increases. This substance is always present in cucumbers; a number of reasons contribute to an increase in its concentration.

  1. Abundant or insufficient watering plants.
  2. Cold water when watering.
  3. Insufficient and wrong fertilization.
  4. Thickened planting seedlings.
  5. Hot sunny weather.

Improper watering

Cucumber is a loving vine humid environment and loose soil. The roots are shallow; infrequent watering leads to drying out of the soil and dehydration of the plant. Leaves and fruits suffer from this. The concentration of cucurbitacin in fruits increases and bitterness appears. With excess moisture, the roots rot, it again receives insufficient nutrition and bitterness appears.

In hot, dry weather, water the plant every day; when it rains, try to cover it from precipitation.

Choose the correct water temperature when watering. Cold is stressful for the plant. Its temperature should be about 25 degrees.

Do not water cucumbers with a hose. Strong water pressure erodes the soil and exposes the roots of the plant. Water it from a watering can at the root. Ideal option There will be drip irrigation.

How do errors in fertilizing affect the quality of cucumbers?

This vegetable plant loves feeding, but does not tolerate high concentrations of elements. It is important to maintain a balance here. The plant loves nitrogen fertilizing with urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water) for early development will be very useful. But excess nitrogen leads to the appearance of bitter cucumbers. Mullein and bird droppings are good supplements. Remember about microelements. The addition of phosphorus and potassium will make nutrition complete.

Do not overdo it, be careful in the quantity and frequency of fertilization.

Thickened planting

Cucumber vine grows quickly and widely and requires for convenience free space. When growing it in open ground, use a trellis and plant plants 20 cm apart in a row and 30-40 cm between trellises. Always thin out and remove weak plants. Do not let the lashes grow more than 1.5-2 meters. Pinch off the tops.

When grown in a greenhouse The planting scheme is similar to the previous one, but it is necessary to provide an inter-row passage about 90 cm wide.

Do not forget to remove weeds in the beds, they take away nutrition and moisture from the plant and are convenient place for the development of diseases and pests.

The influence of bright sun and heat

The ancestor of cucumbers is a vine growing in the shade of trees. For this reason, he does not like heat and bright sun. Your nursery beds are located in a sunny place, try to shade them. You can plant corn and sunflowers nearby. This good neighbors cucumber They will provide shade and protect from the sun and heat. It is also a good support for cucumber vines. To protect from the sun, use covering material - spandbond, lutrasil. These materials allow air to pass through, but protect against cold and solar heat.

One of the reasons for the bitterness of cucumbers is a lack or excess of lighting.

When grown in a glass greenhouse You can whitewash the walls with chalk, which will reduce the penetration of sunlight. Polycarbonate greenhouses have proven themselves well. They create a microclimate that is pleasant for plants; the walls protect from cold and the burning sun. When installing film greenhouses, use colored film, which transmits less sunlight.

Cucumbers are a rather capricious crop, he do not like sharp differences between day and night temperatures. This leads to illness, stress, and reduced yield. Experienced gardeners consider stress one of the reasons for bitter fruits.

What else can make cucumbers bitter?

Very often the reason for this can be old varieties, which become bitter at the slightest disturbance of growing conditions. Varieties, Muromsky, do not always grow tasty. You need to experiment, try new hybrids. It’s not for nothing that agricultural scientists are working on the creation.

Domestic scientists have developed varieties that are resistant to harmful influences and vagaries of weather. We suggest trying to plant F1 hybrids: Buyan, Ant, Chistye Prudy, Maryina Roshcha, Grasshopper.

From personal experience I can say that I abandoned my old favorites Rodnichka and Libella, who seemed the best and irreplaceable. Very interesting variety Hermes, The plant is self-pollinating and productive. The fruits are small, about 10 cm. They did not overgrow, and even if they were picked late, they were green and dense. Of the 5 varieties planted in open ground this one was the most successful. There were no bitter and crooked ugly cucumbers.

When harvesting this vegetable, do not pull the vines, twist them or squeeze them. In general, plants should be treated with care.

How to get rid of bitterness in cucumbers, what to do

Cucurbitacin, which makes the vegetable bitter, is beneficial for our health. It has antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects, kills microbes in the body, but who wants to eat bitter vegetables?

If you get bitter cucumbers, don't worry. You can always find a use for them or get rid of bitterness. They can be salted, pickled, and they lose their bitter taste. When preparing salads, cut off the peel and you won’t feel any bitterness. It happens that only the back part of the cucumber at the tail is bitter, then just cut it off. In restaurants, in order to rid the fruit of bitterness, they intensively rub the cut with the cut-off back part. First, foam is released, then it becomes less and less and the bitterness goes away.

An easy way to eliminate bitter taste- This is to soak the cucumbers in water, only you need to change it several times. Cucurbitacin is broken down during any processing.

I would like to note that cucumber is a capricious plant. It is important to follow the correct agricultural practices when growing it, use tips experienced gardeners. Experiment and then you will succeed.

No bitter taste. But if a person is just starting to grow plants, he definitely needs to know how to grow tasty, refreshing, slightly sweet without an unpleasant taste.

If you do not carry out some agronomic techniques in a timely manner, as well as an irresponsible approach to the choice of varieties, instead of pleasure, you can get complete disappointment in the form of bitter vegetables that are practically unsuitable for consumption.

And if such fruits have already been grown, advice on how to remove bitterness from cucumbers will be quite useful.

The cause of bitterness in cucumbers is a substance called cucurbitacin C.

Recently, due to new research, attitudes towards this substance have changed noticeably.

It has been established that cucurbitacin actively protects the body from the formation of malignant tumors.

But, nevertheless, not everyone will risk using these, because the risk of poisoning is high, since the toxicity of this substance has also been confirmed long ago.

Cucurbitacin C is produced in cucumbers during times of stress. So why are cucumbers bitter:

  • Insufficient or irregular watering, leading to the death of tender horse shoots;
  • Use for irrigation cold water;
  • Cloudy, cool, rainy weather leading to waterlogging of the soil;
  • Sudden changes in temperature, which cucumbers are extremely difficult to tolerate;
  • Potassium-nitrogen starvation;
  • Twisting of the wattle, causing a decrease in the transport of water and nutrients to the fruits;
  • Flaw solar lighting, causing a growth arrest due to a decrease in the formation of chlorophyll;
  • Exposure to intensely scorching sun, which also stunts plant growth;
  • Excess fertilizer.

What to do, how to remove bitterness

When the fruits have already been collected, it is quite possible to get rid of the unpleasant taste, and they will help with this following methods:

  • Soaking them in salt will help remove bitterness from cucumbers intended for cooking, such as salads. Why is that part of the cucumber cut off where the fruit joins the stem? In common people it is called “butt.” The cucumber is cut lengthwise and covered with salt. When the juice is released, cucurbitacin will also come out. Before adding to dishes, it is recommended to rinse these cucumbers thoroughly.
  • Soaking in an aqueous solution for 10 - 12 hours will also help partially get rid of the bitterness. Before laying, the “butt” of the fruits is also cut off, or they are cut lengthwise. It will be better if you add table salt to the water.
  • Another way to get rid of bitterness is rubbing. As is known, cucurbitacin accumulates in the part of the cucumber located closer to the stem. Therefore, you need to cut off this part by 1 - 2 cm and intensively rub the cut area with the cut piece. During this procedure, a small amount of white foam will appear on the cut, which will contain cucurbitacin. After its appearance stops, the vegetable is washed with water - the bitterness should go away.
  • If using each method separately does not remove the bitterness from cucumbers, then you can use several methods simultaneously. For example, the grating method with further soaking of peeled cucumbers in an aqueous saline solution for 12 hours.
  • And the last way to get rid of bitterness is to preserve fruits using heat treatment. During heat treatment, the substance that gives bitterness to cucumbers is broken down. Therefore, vegetables that are unsuitable for fresh use can be used for pickling or pickling.
  • How to prevent bitterness

    During the growth of cucumbers, it is important to control the appearance of bitterness in the fruits by mandatory adjustment of watering.

    To prevent the appearance of bitterness, it is carried out taking into account weather conditions - in hot weather, the volume of water and the number of waterings are increased, carried out in evening time, and in cool weather the amount of watering is reduced.

    Regular sufficient watering will prevent the appearance of bitterness in the fruits, so it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

    In the greenhouse, it is necessary to control the air humidity, periodically moistening it, as this can also cause the unpleasant bitter taste of cucumbers.

    When collecting fruits, it is important to be careful and ensure that the plant’s vines do not twist.

    Fertilizing should be carried out using potassium nitrate and complex fertilizers. It should be remembered that they can increase plant immunity and help avoid stressful situations, but their excess can also negatively affect the plant. Therefore, when using a new one, it is advisable to try it on 1 - 2 bushes and see their condition. And only after making sure of its effectiveness apply it to other plants.

    Varieties of cucumbers that do not taste bitter

    IN different varieties The content of cucurbitacin in fruits may vary. It is believed that the more pronounced the taste in cucumbers, the more this substance it contains. The least amount of cucurbitacin is found in hybrid or self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers.

    The fruits of such plants are usually not bitter. Therefore, when using them, there will be no problem with how to remove bitterness from cucumbers.

    In addition, the ovary appears better on them, this is especially true in greenhouses where there are no pollinating insects.

    Therefore, to obtain a large and quality harvest It is advisable to grow varieties marked F1, from the fruits of which it will always be possible to prepare delicious salad without unnecessary manipulations.

    These varieties include: Gerasim F1, Garlyanda F1, Doka F1, Egoza F1, Mumu F1, Round Dance F1, Liliput F1, Zabiyaka F1 and many others.

    Sometimes manufacturers immediately place information on the packaging stating that this variety of cucumbers is without bitterness.

    So, to prevent cucumbers from becoming bitter, you need to use them mainly hybrid varieties, and when using regular varieties, provide them with sufficient watering with warm water and plenty of food.

    Cucumbers contain a lot of vitamins and useful elements, and if the summer turns out to be especially hot and dry, then, among other things, a excess cucurbitacin. This little-known name hides a substance that gives the vegetable a bitter taste, and if you don’t get rid of it, you will have to get rid of cucumbers. There are several ways to remove bitterness from cucumbers, and we will introduce you to each of them right now.

    If you decide to make a salad from fresh cucumbers or simply cut vegetables, but you come across a bitter cucumber, do not rush to throw it away. After all, if you peel it, then perhaps the bitterness will go away along with it. This is far from the only method that will make vegetables tasty and sweet. You can remove bitterness from cucumbers in the following ways.

    1. Wash the cucumber thoroughly. Cut off his butt. Give it a try. If he is bitter, then rub the cut area with the same “butt” in a circular motion. A thick white foam will begin to come out of the cucumber, continue to rub until it decreases. In this simple way, you can rid a cucumber of excess cucurbitacin, which, as you remember, is the cause of the bitter taste of the vegetable. After this, wash the cucumber well again and use it as desired - chop it for a salad or cut into slices and serve with other vegetables.

    2. The second method is suitable when you cut cucumbers for a salad and only after that tried them. Lightly sprinkle the chopped cucumbers with salt and leave for half an hour.. Wait for the vegetables to release their juice. It is with this juice that the same cucurbitacin will be released from cucumbers. After taking salt baths, rinse the cucumbers under running water. Let them dry slightly. If this is not done, the salad may be too salty. In this case, the question becomes reasonable: “Perhaps it would be better if the cucumbers remained bitter rather than so salty?”...

    The methods suggested above for ridding cucumbers of bitterness are appropriate if you only need a few pieces. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to remove cucurbitacin from several kilograms of cucumbers, for example, when you are going to salt or pickle them for the winter. Agree, rubbing each cucumber with its cut “butt” is not an option. What to do?

    Wash the prepared cucumbers thoroughly. Fill them with cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, peel the cucumbers. After all the stages of preparation have been completed, all that remains is to roll up the jars of cucumbers, add a pinch of dry mustard or a couple of horseradish cloves to each.

    We have brought to your attention several proven and, most importantly, effective ways, which will help remove bitterness from cucumbers. Perhaps you, dear visitors of our portal, also know a few tricks that can help you make bitter cucumbers sweet and tasty. We would be grateful if you share them in the comments to this article.