How to build a shower in the country. Do-it-yourself summer shower for a dacha - we do it without mistakes. Light wooden structure

The construction of a summer shower for a summer house is not complete without questions arising related to the choice of material and determining the size of the structure. In addition, I would like the building to be heated. This will make it possible to swim on cold days, when the water in the tank does not have time to warm up from the sun. An important issue is the organization of drainage and drainage dirty water. Today we will look at how to build a summer shower with our own hands, and we will try to address all the issues of interest.

A country shower is so simple that it does not require drawing up a detailed diagram. Usually the standard cabin dimensions are 1000x1000x2200 mm. It is impossible to build a cabin lower, as part of the height will be taken away wooden pallet, plus a watering can overhead. But it is advisable to individually select the width and depth of the structure to suit the physique of the owners. For example, an obese person will feel cramped in a small cubicle, so the dimensions will have to be increased.

Drawing of a simple summer shower for a summer house

If you decide to improve the building, build a dressing room with a dressing room, install benches and a table in it, you will already need drawings. Draw what you want to build, indicate all the dimensions. Composing detailed diagram, consider the following points:

Wooden shower cubicle

Building a cabin from wood is the most common option due to the ease of its construction. Wood is an environmentally friendly material and can be easily processed. Its only drawback is its susceptibility to moisture and bugs, so it requires additional processing. To build wooden shower for a dacha, you will need boards and timber, preferably made from trees coniferous species. You can, of course, use oak or larch. The material made from these types of wood is more durable, but it is more difficult to process. Having decided on the material, get to work:

  1. Since we are building a wooden shower, we will make the frame from wood. The main load on the racks will be created by a water tank. If its volume is about 200 liters, then the main racks must be installed from timber with a section of 100x100 mm. To secure the door, install additional racks made of timber with a section of 50x50 mm. The distance between them is equal to the width of the doors themselves with the door frame.
  2. Under everything vertical racks dig holes 80mm deep. Cover the bottom of the pits with a 100 mm layer of crushed stone and sand.
  3. To make the tree rot less in the ground, lubricate the edges of the timber with bitumen or machine oil. Wrap the top with two layers of roofing material. Insert the posts into the holes, level them with a plumb line and concrete them.
  4. Another method of extending the life of posts is to concrete the metal sleeves. They can be made from pieces of metal pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. When the concrete has hardened, cut off the edges of the square beam with an ax to the size of the inner diameter of the pipes and install them in concrete bushings. Under the door pillars, similarly concrete bushings from a pipe of smaller diameter.
  5. When installing vertical posts, make the front ones on the door side 100 mm higher than the rear ones. The difference in height will help to build a pitched roof.
  6. Connect the exposed racks along the perimeter from the bottom and top with horizontal jumpers, securing them with bolts. If you plan to make a floor in the form wooden lattice, reinforce the lower jumpers with metal mounting angles. The lintels will be supports for the joists and must support the weight of a person.
  7. Now you need to make a frame for the tank from wooden jumpers fixed on top of the frame. A tank filled with water made of any material has an impressive weight, so the frame for it must be made strong.

    Flat water tank for water installation on the roof of the shower

  8. Cover the sides of the cabin frame with sanded boards. Make the door from a board 20-25 mm thick. Cut it to the required length, lay it in a row and sew it with cross bars. From a board 40-50 mm thick, knock down a door frame and fix the door to it with hinges. Now this entire structure can be bolted to the door posts.
  9. Treat the finished booth with an antiseptic and cover it with drying oil or varnish. Cover the inside of the door with film to prevent water from getting on it.

Options for wooden cabins for summer showers

Polycarbonate cabin

It is easier to build a polycarbonate booth than a wooden one, but you will need welding experience. The fact is that for polycarbonate it is necessary to weld a frame from a metal profile. A profile with a cross-section of 40x60 mm will be used for the racks, and a smaller cross-section can be used for the strapping. Using a wooden frame for polycarbonate is not advisable, since both materials tend to “play” when changed weather conditions. This can cause polycarbonate sheets to become deformed.

The manufacturing process for a metal frame for polycarbonate is similar wooden structure. The main pillars are concreted, and then the upper and lower lintels are welded. In the middle of the frame you need to make three jumpers so that the polycarbonate sheets do not bend. The fourth one is not needed. It will interfere with the doors. Weld a frame for the tank on top. Make a frame for the door from a profile with a section of 20x20 mm and fix it with hinges to the counter. Paint the entire structure with waterproof paint.

For sheathing, use opaque honeycomb sheets polycarbonate, 6-10 mm thick. Cut a large sheet into fragments to fit the size of the booth using a circular saw. Fix the resulting polycarbonate plates to the frame with self-tapping screws and a thermal washer. Cover the door with a polycarbonate sheet as well. Bolt the handle and latch to the frame.

Polycarbonate shower option with dressing room

Tank for shower stall

Cabin made of corrugated board

A good option for a summer house would be to build a cabin from corrugated board. Lightweight, strong and durable material will last long years. For a metal profile, both a metal and a wooden frame are suitable, but always with additional cross bars. The sheets of corrugated sheets are soft, and additional support will not hurt them. We build any of the frames for the metal profile similarly to the options discussed above. In any case, weld the door frame from a metal profile.

The corrugated sheeting is fastened using galvanized self-tapping screws with a sealing washer through one wave. First, secure the corrugated sheets to the side walls, then sheathe the door. If you need to cut the material, use scissors or a special disc with teeth on a grinder so as not to burn the polymer coating of the corrugated sheet when cutting.

Brick cabin

The construction of a brick cabin at the dacha requires the construction of a foundation. To do this, it is enough to dig a trench 200 mm wide and 400 mm deep along the perimeter of the future building. Fill the trench with broken bricks and fill liquid concrete so that it leaks between him. A week after the concrete has hardened, begin laying bricks using cement mortar. Don't forget to install a frame for the door. The door itself can be made of wood or a frame can be welded from a profile and covered with a sheet of corrugated board. On the last laying, install wooden blocks across the structure, preferably the thickness of the brick. You will lay the roof on them and attach the tank.

Installing the roof and tank

The material for the roof will need to be hard. Slate or corrugated sheets work well. After securing the roofing material, drill a hole in the center of the roof. Place the tank on top so that the water supply tube goes into the hole. Screw the faucet and watering can onto the tube.

The optimal tank capacity for a country shower is 200 liters. You can buy a plastic or galvanized tank in the store or make it yourself by welding it from stainless steel. Any container with a neck for filling water will serve as a tank. To make a shower for your cottage with heated water, install in metal tank Heating element, power 2 kW. Paint the top of the container with black paint. Dark color attracts Sun rays, and the water will heat up faster.

Diagram of a tank for a heated summer shower

If you install a wood-burning titanium in a cabin at the dacha, then in addition to hot water you will get a heated room. Then you will need to install a second tank with cold water nearby.

Floor and drainage installation

The floor and drainage of a shower for a summer house can be done in two ways:

Summer shower in a country house

If there is free space, a country shower can be built in the house. To do this, it is better to purchase a shower stall in the store. IN concrete floor Make a recess and install the acrylic tray according to the product instructions. Connect the siphon on the pallet to the sewer with a corrugated hose. Seal the joints where the pallet meets the floor with sealant. Next, according to the instructions, assemble a frame from the profile, install the doors, bring the cold and hot water from the boiler.

As you can see, you can build a summer shower with your own hands at the dacha from almost any material. The main thing is to prepare drawings, materials, tools and show desire.

In contact with

Crowded city apartments, especially in winter period, very tiring. And many of us are looking forward to the coming of summer so we can spend our free time alone with nature, enjoy the singing of birds and bask in the warm rays of the sun. And gone are the days when country holiday was associated specifically with working in the garden beds. Today the owners summer cottages strive to improve the countryside area and house no worse than a full-fledged one city ​​apartment. And to make life much easier, you don’t need much. Sometimes for a wonderful holiday and Have a good mood on a hot day, all you need to do is cool down a little and admire nature. And even if it is not possible to install a full-fledged plumbing or install a swimming pool on suburban area, you can always find the opportunity to build an outdoor shower.


A summer outdoor shower on site will help you quickly and easily freshen up after work or a long hot day. And it is not necessary for it to carry out communications; the shower can function without running water. Summer shower in the modern view, it is not just three walls with a hose, it is a full-fledged engineering structure, the design of which must be approached thoughtfully and thoroughly.

The design of a summer shower can be different.

  • Rack- a simple option that even a beginner can do on his own. Also, similar designs can be inexpensively purchased ready-made in a store; you only have to assemble and install the shower stand on the site.

  • Panel– installed along the house, wall or fence. Similar designs can also be purchased in a store or made with your own hands.

  • Cabin- the most common and familiar version of a summer shower for us. The booth can have three or four walls and can also be equipped with a locker room. A similar structure can be installed anywhere on the site.

Depending on the design and location of the summer shower, the method of water supply depends:

  • showers with a barrel for heating water - this method is in great demand among summer residents;
  • plumbing - such a shower requires a large range of work, since communications are required.

Choice suitable option depends on individual preferences and functions that an outdoor shower should have. If you have a place to wash, for example, in a bathhouse or bathtub in the house, and a shower is needed only to sometimes, on a particularly hot day, refresh yourself with cool water, then it is worth installing a small shower head. But if you plan to use summer construction as a full-fledged shower, we advise you to pay attention to cabins with changing rooms, in which it would be useful to provide hot water supply and lighting.


Shower on outdoors- This is perhaps one of the most important types of construction in the country.

All types of country street showers can be divided into several types.

  • Mobile summer shower. If there is no desire or opportunity to install a reliable and durable structure on the site, then you can resort to a portable summer shower. For water, a bucket or basin can be used, to which a foot pump with a hose is connected. The operating principle of the design is very simple. Place one hose from the rubber mat into a container of water, and the second is used directly for watering. And for the water to flow, you need to stomp on the rug. The foot shower device itself is small in size and weight. You can take this rug with you on a hike or expedition. And another advantage of this option is that you can regulate the water temperature yourself without any problems. If you want to take a hot shower, fill the container with hot water, and if you want to cool down, fill it with cool water.

  • Stationary. It requires thinking through a water drainage system. Otherwise, soapy water may get into the beds with the crop, which will have a detrimental effect on the plants. It’s good if there is a drain hole for used water or sewerage, then a channel must be connected to them to collect water from the outdoor cabin. You can also make a separate drainage hole for the shower, measuring 60x60x60 cm - this volume is enough for average water consumption. The bottom of the pit must be filled with expanded clay or broken brick. If the soil on the site is sandy, then the walls of the pit must be reinforced with a metal mesh, otherwise the sand may crumble. The easiest way to strengthen a drain hole is to use old tires.

  • Warm. If you plan to use the outdoor shower not only for summer heat, as well as in spring and autumn, then the walls must be insulated. Styrofoam or polystyrene foam is great for this. But between the wall or thermal insulation it is necessary to lay a moisture-resistant film, otherwise the insulation will absorb moisture. And so that hot water in such a warm outdoor shower is always available, it is worth connecting the cabin to the home water supply.

  • Universal. In order to rationally use the area of ​​the site, you can place a dry closet under the same roof with an outdoor shower. It is also possible to combine an outbuilding with a shower. This 2-in-1 solution significantly reduces the cost of the design.

You can choose any type and model of shower for your site. You can also build an outdoor cabin yourself or purchase a ready-made one in a store.

Projects and schemes

There is nothing difficult about making a summer shower with your own hands. And this work should be approached with all responsibility.

First you need to carry out several sequential actions:

  • select a suitable project;
  • draw up a drawing on paper indicating the size of the building and the size of the site;
  • choose a place for the future outdoor shower;

  • install a sewer system to drain water;
  • prepare the drain;
  • install a summer shower structure;

  • ​​install a water tank or connect the water supply;
  • carry out interior decoration;
  • install coat hooks, shelves and curtains if necessary.

So in any case, all work must begin with drawing up a plan and drawing. This stage will greatly facilitate subsequent work and eliminate many problems.

The height of the cabin should reach two meters, and the space inside should be enough to turn around, bend over and raise your arms up without restriction of movements. As a rule, about two meters in length and one and a half meters in width are enough for this.

An outdoor shower project can be simple yet fun. And for this you do not need to have special construction skills. For example, on the site you can build a two-room country house with a toilet and shower under one roof. This type of construction will be especially important during rain or cold seasons. The optimal length of the trailer is 6 meters. This area will be enough to accommodate a toilet, shower and changing room inside.

Each owner chooses a place for a summer cabin independently.

  • It makes more sense to place the cabin on sunny side. Try to avoid shade, and in order for the water in the tank to heat up faster, it is advisable to find a place where the sun's rays reach throughout the day. If there is no such area in your yard, then you need to consider at what time it will be more comfortable for you to take an outdoor shower. If during the day, then choose an area that is illuminated by the sun in the first half of the day. And if you prefer to use the shower in the evening, it is recommended to choose a place that is illuminated by the sun in the afternoon.
  • It is better to choose a flat area with a slight elevation, so the water will flow faster into the drainage hole. If you place the shower in a low area, this will undoubtedly lead to stagnation of water, which will subsequently lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

  • The place should be protected from drafts - even though the summer breeze is warm, draftiness can cause trouble.
  • The shower stall should not be located in the central part of the site - even the most unusual and interesting design is better hidden from prying eyes.

There are several options for a suitable place to install a cabin in a suburban area.

  • Area next to a private house. In this case, you can use one of the walls. This is an excellent option that allows you to avoid additional communications. Such a shower can be connected to the home water supply, and a ready-made sewer system can be used to drain the water. In addition, you can add additional lighting so that you can shower in the dark.
  • Not far from the bathhouse. It is very useful to take a cool shower after the steam room.

  • Place next to the pool. In this case, it would be a good idea to cover the walls of the shower stall with the same tiles, so as not to disturb the harmony and unity of style.
  • Under one roof with outbuilding or toilet. This option allows you to save not only space on the site, but also money.
  • Another good two-in-one option is to allocate additional space for a locker room. Agree, it is not very convenient to dry yourself with a towel in a narrow, wet shower stall. And the project should be thought out so that water does not penetrate into the locker room.


With the help of modern building materials you can create an original and elegant summer shower both inside and outside. You can also use any available materials for construction. Undoubtedly, the choice of materials depends directly on the type of construction. And, as a rule, everything comes from the tools that you have and your construction experience.

When building a summer shower, it is not necessary to use expensive materials.

The most popular for showers are:

  • tree;
  • brick;
  • polycarbonate

If you know how to use a welding machine, you can build a shower stall from metal profiles, and the walls from tarpaulin or polycarbonate. A frame made of corrugated pipe will last for several years and will withstand even strong gusts of wind. Also, profile pipes can be connected using steel angles. In this case, you will not need to use welding machine.

Polycarbonate structures are in great demand among summer residents. And there are several explanations for this. Firstly, polycarbonate showers have a beautiful appearance and look good both in an open country area and in a garden. Secondly, despite the dense walls, polycarbonate allows a lot of light to pass through and keeps heat inside, so such structures do not need additional lighting. And thirdly, it is not difficult to assemble and install a polycarbonate shower. The frame for a polycarbonate shower can be either wooden beam, so metallic profile.

As for the shower drain, in this case there is only one requirement for the materials - they must be resistant to high humidity.

Best to use:

  • roofing felt;
  • hydrostekloizol;
  • concrete with the addition of PVA;
  • PVC film.


The main rule that must be followed when arranging a summer shower is that the design of the cabin should not deviate from general style plot. A well-thought-out project will add a touch of creativity to the site. And having a living imagination, you can afford to equip not just an outdoor shower, but a real construction masterpiece.

It is generally accepted that the color of a summer shower should match the shade of the walls of the house, garage, gazebo and other structures on the site. But you can also choose shades that are in harmony with each other. The walls of the cabin can be decorated with decorative elements and turn an ordinary summer shower into a bright and original accent. But bright and catchy colors are used extremely rarely, because after all, you shouldn’t turn the shower stall into a central element.

The shower cabin can be decorated in various styles. So, for example, for a high-tech style you can use white sheets of stainless steel. And for minimalism - a shower stall with a white curtain.

Near the cabin you can plant moisture-loving plants, which will not only add mood to the area, but will also promote rapid drainage.


As a rule, for a small summer shower without a changing room, approximately 1x1.5 meters of base is sufficient. First you need to make markings using wooden pegs. The base of a summer shower must withstand a weight of about 200 kilograms. Therefore, to ensure maximum structural strength, the racks must be dug into the ground or the base concreted. Pour concrete into the designated area and place bricks on the sides. They will serve as sides. The foundation itself should slightly raise the entire structure above the ground.

Even at the design stage, you should take care of a water collection tank. It can be located directly under the base of the cabin or nearby, then the water will additionally pass through inclined pipes. But keep one thing in mind: a large number of water should not stagnate in the pit, otherwise unpleasant odors throughout the entire area cannot be avoided. It makes more sense to install a channel to collect water and connect it to the sewer pipe.

You can put a wooden tray with slits down on the floor, so the water will drain out quickly. In addition, in this case the water will not splash. Also, instead of a floor, large pebbles or artificial porcelain tiles can be placed on the ground in the shower stall. Another advantage of this coating is that even in high humidity the surface will not slip.


You can build a frame for a summer shower from various materials.

If the frame posts are made of wood, then you need to treat the wood to prevent rotting and strengthen the entire structure with additional corner braces. It is also worth choosing exclusively dry coniferous wood. The dimensions of the bars are selected based on the weight of the water barrel and the thickness of the polycarbonate. The frame must withstand an impressive weight - about 200 kilograms.

The metal frame is assembled in stages using a welding machine or steel corners. For vertical racks, a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm with a wall of about 2 mm is suitable. Intermediate horizontal connections will strengthen the entire structure and make the outdoor shower more reliable and durable. All metal elements must also be additionally treated with special solutions to protect against corrosion and rust.

Plastic frame has an attractive price, but is not able to withstand a lot of weight. General design will last about 5 years.

Aluminum frame will cost more because aluminum has best characteristics and has a great price. Many manufacturers of shower cabins prefer an aluminum frame.

A frame made of brick, stone or concrete is an excellent option for creating an unusual and reliable shower.

After creating the frame, you can proceed to covering the structure.


You can also make a roof from various materials. The choice depends on a number of factors: the type of construction of the building, the characteristics of the roof, climate, finances, as well as the preferences of the owners of the dacha.

Polycarbonate is an excellent roof option in warm climates. For a standard size shower you only need two sheets. Can be used transparent material, then the water in the barrel will heat up faster, and there will be light inside the cabin.

Slate should be used if the shower is built of brick or stone. Although for some, such a building will resemble a small house or barn, but it will be possible to take a shower in the cold season.

Tiles are the most durable and reliable material.

Roll materials are a simple and quick way for a stationary outdoor shower. On such a surface, water will quickly flow to the ground. To the benefits roll materials include fire safety and ease of repair.

Sheet steel allows you to quickly and easily complete roof construction. But at the same time, the sound of water drops during rain will be clearly audible.

The corrugated sheet has a special coating polymer composition, which increases the service life to 30 years.

The roof structure should have a slight slope to allow water and snow to drain off. If the water tank is installed on the roof, the materials should be treated with water-repellent impregnations. And for reliability, additionally cover the top with several layers of ordinary oilcloth.

Finishing work

The external finishing of the shower stall must be made of durable and moisture-resistant materials. And besides, the summer shower should be combined with the rest of the buildings on the site.

  • Film shower- the simplest and affordable option. But such a cabin will need to be brought indoors during a sudden change in weather. And in fact, a film shower will only last one season. But such a cabin can be built in one day. To do this, you will need a double-sided corner frame assembled like a screen, as well as a thick film or waterproof curtain.
  • Shower made of polycarbonate. Such cabins can be purchased ready-made in the store; you do not need to select a project, draw up a drawing and adjust the polycarbonate to fit required sizes. But if you decide to do all the work yourself, then choose colored polycarbonate with a thickness of 6-8 mm. Behind it you will absolutely not be able to see what is happening in the shower, but natural light will calmly penetrate inside and provide the necessary lighting. For corners, you must also purchase a joining angle. With its help, it will be easier to assemble the cabin.

  • The brick shower needs to be plastered. All work must begin from top to bottom. First, a small layer is applied, and then the amount of solution is increased, but one layer should not exceed 5 mm. In this way, all sides of the cabin are gradually plastered. When working on corners, experts recommend additionally using wooden slats. With their help, you will be able to complete the work much faster.
  • Wooden shower must be processed first protective equipment so that the wood does not rot. Then the boards can be covered with drying oil and, after complete drying, completed Finishing work painting all the walls. The interior of a wooden cabin should not be painted; it is better to choose plastic panels for interior decoration. They are easy to install and reliably protect the wood from moisture.

  • Corrugated cabin- a simple and reliable option. It’s better to order corrugated sheets of the required sizes in advance from the store, then you won’t have to adjust the material yourself and all you have to do is assemble the outdoor shower like a construction set. Also, corrugated sheeting does not need to be painted or treated with additional preparations. Fastening elements should be immediately selected to match the color of the cabin. The sheets are fixed to the frame using a screwdriver. Also prepare a simple pencil, tape measure and level in advance. The corners of the shower stall can be smoothed by bending a sheet of corrugated sheet lengthwise. For the second method, you will need to additionally purchase ready-made corners made of galvanized sheet metal.

How to choose and install a tank?

The choice of tank depends primarily on bandwidth soul. To freshen up, an adult needs 20 liters of water, and to wash, it will take about 50-100 liters. And also count how many people you usually have on your site. Based on these data, you can already decide on the choice of barrel volume.

As a rule, a volume of 200 liters is sufficient. And the maximum permissible volume is 500 liters. The barrel must be completely closed, otherwise the water will become clogged with leaves and small branches. If the structure is open, then you can provide a cover in advance. And before installing the tank on the roof of the cabin, it is necessary to strengthen the solid platform.

The easiest way to connect a tank is to make a hole in the barrel for a tap and attach a hose. IN plastic tank this can be done with a drill, but for metal you will need a metal drill.

The material of the tank also plays a big role. It is well known that metal heats up much faster than plastic, but, nevertheless, experts advise installing a plastic barrel in a summer shower. Unlike metal, it has optimal time service and is not subject to the harmful effects of corrosion. An excellent option for an outdoor tank would be plastic or stainless steel. And it is wiser to choose a flat tank, which at the same time can be used instead of a roof. Another advantage of such a tank is that the water in it will heat up evenly.

Interior arrangement

After completing all installation work, you can proceed to finishing. The main requirement for materials that will be used inside the cabin is that they must have excellent moisture-resistant characteristics.

The inside wall can be plastered, painted or finished plastic panels. Also a good option for walls is wooden lining.

When laying the floor screed in the shower, a slight slope is maintained for quick drainage of water. The interior space inside the shower can be decorated with tiles. At the same time, it will not only perform protective functions, and will also be used as decoration.

But today, designers recommend abandoning panels made of tiles - this method of finishing is long outdated. Use tiles with unusual patterns, designs or designs. You can also use mosaic – it always looks appropriate.

After finishing the walls and floor, you can proceed to installing the door. Also in the shower stall you can additionally install a tap at a level of one meter. In this case, you can wash your feet or shoes after working on the site. It will also be very convenient to wash your pets’ paws.

If it is not possible to supply hot water to a private house or to a country house, then in this case it would be advisable to build an outdoor shower.

How to build a summer shower with your own hands from wood?

To build a wooden shower in your country house with your own hands, you can follow the following instructions:

First you need to select appropriate place for the construction of a structure. When choosing, you should take into account the fact that such a country shower will be constantly exposed to moisture both inside and outside.

Advice: it is better to build such a structure in a well-ventilated area. This is necessary so that the wood dries faster. Also, do not plant bushes, trees or tall plants, since they retain moisture, do not allow air to circulate, and as a result, interfere with the drying of the wood from which the country shower is made.

Production earthworks. For the shower, we dig a hole measuring 1x1 m, 40 cm deep. At the bottom of the pit we lay a layer of crushed stone, which will help the soapy water to be absorbed into the soil faster. Next, you should place cinder blocks in the corners. They must be set according to level.

Next we proceed to frame manufacturing. To do this, we take boards whose thickness is 30 mm and width - 15 cm. A base measuring 1x1 m will be made from them. 4 beams with a section of 70x100 mm are attached to this base. To bandage the frame, side and two transverse jumpers are used, which are inserted into the grooves. They also serve as reinforcement for the roof, on which a hundred-liter tank will be installed.

Works on frame covering. For these purposes, you can use lining, blockhouse or false beams. The gaps between the grooves should be two to three millimeters. This is necessary so that the timber can expand freely when regularly wet. In our case, a material that imitates logs was used to cover the shower.

do-it-yourself shower for a summer residence, step-by-step instructions. Photo

Finishing work. Before painting, it is necessary to prime the wood. For these purposes, a bioprotective antifungal impregnation is suitable, after drying the surface is painted with façade acrylic water-borne varnish in at least 3 layers.

The next stage of building a shower in the country is tank installation for water.

construction of a shower in the country. Photo

Tip: for a summer shower, it is advisable to use a tank with a minimum volume of one hundred liters.

You can build such a wooden shower at your dacha with your own hands in one or two days.

building a shower in the country with your own hands. Video

DIY summer shower

For construction it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • timber;
  • fasteners (screws);
  • shower kit, which includes a bracket, mixer, curved pipe, adapter and nozzle;
  • rubber hose.

How to build a summer shower in your country house with your own hands?

Construction procedure:

Compilation drawings. For such a structure it will be necessary to make a wooden pallet in the shape of a circle from dense wood. We will have cardboard of the required size as a template. First you need to place the cardboard on a flat surface and secure it with tape. Next, using measuring devices, draw a circle with two squares located inside. This template will be used to construct the wooden floor.

DIY summer shower drawings

Construction pallet. Our floor will be three-layer. The procedure for installing the base for the floor is as follows:

Works on pipe installation. Combine all the elements that are in the shower set.

DIY summer shower step by step instructions. Video

DIY summer shower step by step instructions. Video instruction

Summer shower for a summer house made of pipes and polycarbonate

This option is attractive due to its low cost, resistance of materials to sunlight and moisture, as well as ease of processing.

The procedure for constructing the foundation and floor

Before you start building a polycarbonate summer shower, you need to decide on its location. For such a structure, an inconspicuous place with a flat surface, away from wells and wells, is suitable.

Site preparation. To do this, fill it with sand and compact it.

Drill or dig four holes into which the foundation posts will be inserted.

Place a layer at the bottom of the hole crushed stone 10-12 cm thick.

Install pipes made of plastic used for laying sewers. We fill them inside and outside.

DIY summer shower step by step instructions. Photo

In the central part it is necessary to dig drainage hole and fill it with crushed stone.

We also fill the area around the blind area with crushed stone.

We make from timber with a cross section of 100x150 mm base for the structure and attach it to the foundation columns. For these purposes, it is necessary to drill holes in the cement and insert plugs into them.

It is also necessary to screw the jumpers to the frame with self-tapping screws and reinforce the structure with steel corners. We lay between the pipe and the timber waterproofing.

Tip: before installing the jumpers, you need to try on the pallet, since it will subsequently be installed between them. Therefore, if necessary, it will be necessary to adjust the frame to the dimensions of the pallet.

Next, you need to display the height of the floor from the 50x50 timber around the entire perimeter and after that you can start installing flooring. The result should be a base with a built-in tray.

The procedure for constructing walls and roofs

Let's start construction wooden shower frame. At this stage it is necessary to provide a doorway. In our case, the height of the walls will be 2.5 meters.

summer shower made of polycarbonate step by step instructions. Photo

A solid one is attached to the rafters sheathing.

Making a layer waterproofing from roofing felt or bikrost.

From the sides we produce sheathing processed board.

To cover roofs We use soft tiles.

After this we process the entire wooden frame stain in two layers, and then with varnish in two or three layers. For a structure such as a summer shower made of half-carbonate, you will need about 7.5 liters of stain.

Frame cladding polycarbonate from the outside. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a special thermal washer, for which holes must be cut on polycarbonate using a cutter.

Door made in the form of a wooden frame. Its height is two meters. To add rigidity, jumpers and jibs are used. Next, the door frame is painted, hung on hinges and lined with polycarbonate.

After that they hang water heating ba k, faucets, curtains, hooks, rugs and other accessories.

At the bottom of the pan it is necessary to drain the drain into drainage pipe, inserted 20-30 cm into the crushed stone base.

At the final stage we produce improvement of the entrance in the country shower. To do this, we dig a hole, fill the foundation with concrete and lay reinforcement in it. After the concrete gains strength, we lay bricks on it, on which the wood steps will be installed. If desired, you can make decorations. For this you will need cement and stones.

We attach the steps.

Do-it-yourself shower for a summer house

The first thing you need to do before starting construction is to decide on location summer shower. A well-lit, calm, slightly elevated place is suitable for such a structure.

Advice: it is advisable that the shower is not located too close to buildings and is built in the same style as them.

Stages of building a shower in the country

Compilation project. It is planned to build a shower consisting of two small rooms. Minimum size bathing compartments should be 100x100 cm, changing rooms - 60x100 cm. In our case, the optimal shower size is 200x150 cm.

At the selected site mark the rectangle dimensions 140x190 cm. We drive pipes in the corners. The foundation for the shower will be a pile of two-meter asbestos cement pipes, the diameter of which is 90-100 mm. They need to be buried in dug holes to a depth of about 1.5 m. 20-30 cm should remain above the ground surface. After this, a drainage and drainage system is installed.

Summer shower project. Photo

To organize water flow, it is done waterproof layer. It can be made from polyvinyl chloride film or roofing felt, which must be laid on an inclined surface. As an option, you can make a reinforced concrete screed.

The top and bottom are made harness frame.

Installation of plank flooring.

Tip: To ensure water flows out of the shower stall, it is recommended to install floorboards with gaps of 10 mm wide.

The shower room should be separated from the changing room by a high threshold and curtain.

Finishing work. The outside of the country shower is sheathed with clapboard or siding, moisture-resistant plywood, fiberboard, etc. For interior finishing, you should also use materials that are not afraid of moisture.

A water tank must be installed on the roof; the water heater is installed indoors.

Do-it-yourself utility block with shower for your dacha

Construction procedure:

Once a suitable location for the construction of the shower has been selected, you can begin earthworks: dig up foundation pit, fill it with ASG and lay it out point brick foundation.

Once the foundation is ready, you can begin construction wooden frame designs. For these purposes, timber is used.

For sheathing shower on the sides and back in this project, a 10 mm thick board was used. A window and door opening should be provided at the front.

Device roof frame from wooden beams. In this project, window openings should be provided on the folding roof.

The corners should be lined with boards.

Can be used for roofing bitumen shingles.

The door is made of boards. Door handles and steps can also be cut from wood.

All wooden elements necessary paint paint or varnish.

Arrangement of benches, installation shower tray, covering walls with plastic, attaching hooks, etc.

Summer shower projects for the garden

Project No. 1

For a shower, you can also use not only a wooden frame, but also a metal one. This design can be installed directly on the ground. A curtain is used as a door in this project.

Project No. 2

Shower can be made from wavy metal sheet, which can be bent in a semicircle. For this option there is no need to install a water heating tank. It will be enough to connect to the water supply.

Project No. 3

This summer shower made from pipes is lined with white plastic on the outside and brown on the inside. The shower stall can be erected on a paved concrete platform. For this option you will need a water heating tank.

Project No. 4

Wooden flooring can be used as a floor in such a shower. The inside of the room is lined with blue plastic. Instead of a roof, a wooden lattice is used.

Project No. 5

The base of this shower is made of metal pipes. Brown corrugated sheet was used to cover the walls. The roof is also made of corrugated sheets. Light enters the shower room through openings between the wall and the roof.

Project No. 6

Red polycarbonate was used to make this shower. For this option there is no need to install the tank on the roof. To use such a shower stall, you will need to connect it to the water supply.

Project No. 7

The frame of this shower is made of metal pipes painted blue. Plastic was used to cover the walls white. A metal structure was made for the tank.

Example No. 8

Country style shower. The frame is made from dry tree trunks. Branches are used for cladding. Logs are fixed on top of the structure, on which a water tank is installed.

Project No. 9

The frame for such a shower is made of metal elements. The floor and wall cladding are varnished wood. This type of summer shower does not have a door or a water tank.

Water procedures in the open air are very useful, so many adherents of relaxation and hardening decide to make a summer shower for a shower in the country with their own hands, or at least install a ready-made cabin on the site. This article will help you understand the design features, select the correct dimensions and installation location, draw up a preliminary diagram and complete all stages of construction without errors.

Types of autonomous toilets. Choosing a place to build a toilet in a summer cottage

If you intend to build a capital shower for your dacha with your own hands from brick, it is advisable to use a strip type of foundation. A trench is formed along the perimeter of the future building. The optimal depth is 0.5 m. Next, the formwork is installed. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to form a sand-crushed stone cushion 0.1 m thick. After this, reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured. This must be done in such a way that finished form the foundation rose approximately 0.1 m above ground level.

When the base has completely hardened and dried, it will be possible to begin construction of the sewer system.

How to organize a drainage system in a shower at the dacha with your own hands

There are several ways to organize a drainage system in a shower stall. The choice of construction technology depends on several factors:

  • type of soil on the site;
  • type of foundation;
  • number of people living in the house.

If used as a foundation for a summer shower at the dacha monolithic slab, then before filling it is necessary to lay the system plastic pipes with a knee. The slab is formed in such a way that there is a slope on all sides towards the drain hole. The sewer pipe is led outside the shower room and connected to the general drainage system. You can connect the drainage system to a drainage well.

Helpful advice! To build a similar sewer system for a cabin installed on a different type of foundation, it is not necessary to fill the floors with concrete. It is enough to buy a summer shower for your dacha with a tray made of acrylic. This element will serve as the floor.

With connection to sewer systembest option For big family, since the pit will not be able to accommodate the volume of wastewater that will be generated during operation. If the structure is designed for 1-2 people, a drain directly under the cabin will be sufficient. But this type of system is suitable for areas with loose soil, when the shower is installed on a columnar or pile foundation. This option can also be used on a strip base.

First you need to remove a layer of soil 0.5 m deep. The formed depression is filled to half its height with gravel or stone. The remaining part is filled with crushed stone with a fine fraction. After the cabin structure is assembled, a pallet made in the form of a wooden lattice is installed on a layer of crushed stone. The system is designed in such a way that wastewater passed through the drainage layers and were gradually absorbed into the soil.

Sometimes owners of summer cottages lead the sewer pipe into the garden, which cannot be called a good decision. If you still resort to a similar method, it is desirable that the place where the water is drained is well warmed by the sun. Otherwise, the liquid will accumulate, and a swamp infested with mosquitoes will form around the shower.

Making a cabin for a summer shower: photos and construction technology

To build a cabin for a homemade shower, any available materials can be used.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • brick.

Each type of material has its own advantages, features and properties.

How to build a shower in the country with your own hands: economy cabin option

There is a little trick that will help you save money during the construction process. shower house. To reduce costs, it is enough to use one of the blank walls of the building as a side for the booth.

Before building an outdoor shower budget type, you need to fix the water container on the wall small size, equipped with a watering can. Here you can install elements that accompany comfort, for example, hooks for clothes, shelves, etc. At the top of the future structure there is a partition. It is fixed on the wall of the building. As front door a tarpaulin or film (necessarily opaque) can be used. The curtain is hung using rings.

The floor is arranged so that the drains are diverted as far as possible from the foundation part of the house. To do this, the platform is concreted or you can get by with installing a pallet made of acrylic.

Helpful advice! If you use internal corner With an L-shaped structure, the construction of the sides of the cabin can be avoided altogether. Their function will be performed by the walls of the building.

DIY construction of a wooden cabin for a country shower

The most common version of a country shower is a cabin made in the form wooden house. This type of building is considered one of the most affordable. Wood is easy to process. At the same time, it retains heat well, which is a definite advantage if the shower will be used in cold weather.

To build a summer shower in a private house with your own hands, it is advisable to use wooden beams. To make the corner posts of the booth, you will need material with a cross-sectional size of 10x10 cm. A tank designed for 200 liters of water is installed in the upper part of the shower, so the beam must be thick enough to withstand such a weight load.

To hang the door, you will need to install two additional posts in the front of the booth. These elements are placed between the corner posts. To make them, you can take a beam with a section size of 5x5 cm.

To create a small slope angle for a single-pitched cabin roof, it is recommended to install the front corner posts 0.2 m higher than the rear ones. This will not be required if a square-shaped tank is used as a container. In this case, the racks are mounted at the same level.

All supports are attached to wooden frame bottom trim. For fixation it is necessary to use hardware and metal corners. At the top of the structure, the strapping is done in a similar way. To secure the posts more firmly, you can use spacers. On the upper trim of the frame part of the booth, the basis for mounting the container is formed. In this case, you need to read not only the size, but also the shape of the tank.

To cover the frame part of the building, you can use a 2 cm thick board. This material is also suitable for making a door. You should lay the boards in one row and knock them together using two jumpers. To prevent the door from skewing, the structure can be strengthened obliquely, using a long strip. Door frame for a country summer shower it is made of boards, the thickness of which is 4 cm. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws as fasteners.

When the booth is completely ready, it can be opened with a colored varnish composition. From the inside, the entrance is curtained with film, otherwise the doors will swell from moisture.

Helpful advice! Often a large barrel for a shower in a country house is used for construction. By installing a watering can over the structure, you can get a budget option wooden cabin.

Technology for making a garden shower made of polycarbonate

Since wood is subject to deformation changes under the influence of moisture, many property owners are thinking about how to make a shower in the country with their own hands from more practical and durable materials, such as polycarbonate. The frame part of the cabin is made in exactly the same way as in the case of a wooden shower, however, a metal profile must be used as the material. Optimal size sections – 4x6 cm.

The frame part of the cabin is formed using racks and jumpers between them. In this case, metal elements are used, so a welding machine is required to fasten them. Moreover, the assembly order can be performed in several ways. In the first case, the frame part is welded separately, after which it is installed on the base and secured using anchor bolts. The second method involves concreting the racks while pouring the foundation. Then the harness is formed and spacers are attached.

It is advisable to use polycarbonate as a casing for showers. sheet material 1 cm thick. It is fixed to a metal frame using hardware, which must have sealing gaskets.

Installing a tank and features of building a heated shower in a country house with your own hands

At the last stage of shower construction, a tank is installed. You can make the container yourself using any container made of stainless steel or plastic. To do this, it is necessary to form a hole in the bottom, the diameter of which is 1.5 cm. A piece of pipe, threaded on both sides, is attached to it using nuts. The length of this element should be 30 cm.

You need to make a hole in the center of the cabin roof where the pipe will be inserted. After installing the tank, a tap and a watering can made of plastic are screwed onto the free end. Then the container is firmly fixed to the frame of the frame part of the booth, filled with water and covered with a lid.

To create a heated summer shower for your dacha, just install a heating element in the tank. Of course, natural energy from the sun can be used to heat water. In this case, there will be no electricity costs. However, the sun's rays are not able to heat a large volume of liquid. In addition, not every region has the necessary climatic conditions.

On the Internet you can find many diagrams necessary for connecting a heated summer shower to electricity. The advantage of these devices is that the water in the tank warms up quickly enough, regardless of the time of day and the weather outside. In this case, a person can adjust the temperature himself. If you attach a piece of foam to the hose, the warmest water will flow into the watering can. For the same reason, liquid is drawn from the upper zone of the tank.

Helpful advice! To speed up the process of heating the liquid, you can add a coil to the circuit.

Is it possible to buy a summer shower for a summer house inexpensively: prices for ready-made structures

To simplify the construction technology, you can buy a ready-made outdoor shower and install it on a prepared base. The cost of cabins varies and depends on various factors.

The price of products is influenced by the following points:

  • material of manufacture;
  • modification (presence of a locker room);
  • shape of the water container (barrel-shaped, square tank);
  • equipment (presence of heating element, tank, temperature sensor, etc.);
  • tank capacity;

  • the material from which the water container is made.

Average prices for ready-made structures

Name price, rub.

Metal frame and PVC fabric

Garden shower

Garden shower with water heater

Garden shower with water heater and changing room

Polycarbonate construction

Cabin with 130 l tank

Cabin with 200 l tank

Cabin with 130 l heated tank

A wide variety of materials suitable for construction, as well as manufacturing technologies, allows any summer resident to acquire a comfortable and convenient shower in the country. Moreover, you can make a booth yourself from improvised materials or purchase it ready-made in a specialized store.

At the dacha in the summer there should always be an opportunity to wash. For the first time, you can use a portable mobile shower. How make a summer shower at the dacha with your own hands we will tell you in this article, it will also offer shower drawings different options And sizes with photo and step-by-step instructions.

Mobile shower

The first option is made as a mobile shower with a foot pump, in which you don’t even need to build a cabin and install a large tank of water. You can use a bucket or tank as a source from which water will flow. One end of the hose is lowered into the container, and the other is connected to a foot pump, which most often resembles a mat.

A hose and watering can are connected to the output of such a pump. In order for water to flow through the watering can, you should stomp on the mat, alternately pressing the pump pads with your feet.

The advantages of this type of mobile shower are that you can take it with you anywhere. If the weather is warm, you can swim outside; if it’s cold, you can swim indoors. Another plus is that it is easy to transport. It is light and compact, so it can fit into a regular bag. In addition, you can choose the water temperature yourself. To cool off in the summer heat, you can pour cooler water, and to wash well, pour warm water into a container. This is quite a decent option for a summer shower.

Summer stationary shower in the country

The first question in shower design is where the water will drain. If there is one nearby outdoor toilet with a drainage hole, it will be possible to lay a pipeline from the shower there. But if bacteria or special preparations are used to process waste in the drain pit, then this option will not work. To process waste in this way, a certain environment is required, and draining from the shower into the pit will disrupt chemical composition and humidity level.

It is better if a separate drainage hole is prepared for the shower. If the soil absorbs normally, then it is enough to dig a hole nearby measuring 60*60*60 cm. This is enough for average consumption water. Under the conditions that there are many tenants or they are amateurs water procedures, then you can dig a bigger hole. The bottom must be covered with expanded clay or broken bricks.

If the soil is sandy, there is a danger of sand shedding. In this case, the walls must be reinforced with a net, driving pegs into the sides. Sometimes the walls are sheathed with the remains of boards.


A summer shower most often does not weigh much. Therefore, there is no need to bother with a serious reason.

Can be set to small levels foundation blocks 20 cm in height. This distance is enough to prevent the wood from rotting if it is used to make a frame.

If the frame is welded from metal, then it is installed directly on the slab or paving slabs.

You can cast the base yourself. To do this, formwork is made, reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured.

Frame making

Size the soul can be anything. In addition, often one part of the building is made into a shower room, and in the second there is a locker room, storage room or room for a water heater.

If you plan to make an ordinary shower in which you will only wash, then you can use a square with sides of 90 cm. In this design, instead of a door, there will be a curtain. The height of the rack is 2.2 m, higher only if necessary.

But you should understand that this size will be comfortable for people of average build. A width of 100 cm is considered more comfortable, and 120 cm is best. A frame is assembled from metal or wooden blocks.

Made of metal

In order to weld a metal frame:

  • Use a corner with a thickness of 4-5 mm.
  • The width of the shelves is chosen depending on the load.
  • If the covering is light (film, waterproof fabric), and the container with water is square plastic up to 100 liters, then you can take metal with a minimum cross-section.
  • If the load is large - the sheathing is heavy (lining), and the water tank is voluminous (more than 200 liters), then the cross-section should be larger (70 angle).

Advice! For metal frame good option will use a profiled pipe.

  • A wall thickness of 3 mm is suitable for racks, and 2 mm for piping.
  • Such a pipe may have a rectangular or square section. Thanks to this, the process of attaching the sheathing and sheathing becomes easier.
  • To attach something to a corner, you must first screw the bars, and then attach the strapping to the beam. It is convenient to attach the harness to the profiled pipe directly using bolts or screws, having previously drilled holes in it.

It will be most convenient to weld the frame. If this is not possible, then you can do metal carcass bolted. To do this you need to cut the pipes required length, take thick mounting angles and assemble the frame with bolts.

Made of wood

Wooden frame can be assembled from timber:

  • For the bottom trim, it is recommended to take a pine beam, 100*100 mm or 150*100 mm.
  • For racks, you can choose smaller sections.
  • Select the section of the racks for the load. If the heavy tank is at the top, you can use 100mm, if the racks will only support the roof, then you can use 50mm.

Mounting methods can be different:

  1. The correct option is to cut out a tenon and groove.
  2. You can make it simpler and dock one to the other, strengthening the connection with corners.

After the racks are set, you should make the top trim:

  • For it, a section of 50*50 mm or 50*40 mm is taken. You can make 2 or 3 intermediate crossbars, depending on what will be used for the cladding. They need to be made more if timber or lining is used. Wood is not always smooth, so you will need to level the geometry using force.

Selecting a skin

In order to cover the frame, you can use various materials:

  • Film or oilcloth. It will not last long, most often it will last for a season. But this option is quite cheap, this is its advantage.
  • Impregnated fabric. Also simple and inexpensive option. You can take fabric that is used for awnings or tents.
  • Lumber. It can be anything: lining, imitation timber or block house.

Advice! You should not buy raw material if you plan to install it immediately. Such materials can dry out within a year, to such an extent that the boards will jump out of the grooves. If you plan to make the cladding like a wicker fence, you can take the simplest boards.

  • Slate. It's better to take a polymer one. Asbestos is also often used, although they know that this material is harmful.
  • Profiled sheet. If it remains from being used for other purposes, then it can also be used to cover the shower frame.
  • Polycarbonate. It has the disadvantage of being almost transparent. It is necessary to seal the cuts, because moisture and dust can get into them, and algae can settle. Then the shade of polycarbonate will change over time to gray-green, which does not look very nice.

The sheathing can be made from any available material, the main thing is that it fulfills its main purpose.

Watch the video! DIY summer shower made of polycarbonate


You can use any suitable container for the tank. Often a metal or plastic barrel is used for this. The container can be purchased. They are widely represented in different sizes and from various materials:

  • plastic;
  • black metal;
  • stainless steel

Plastic tanks have their drawbacks. The water in them heats up slower and worse. Residents of the southern region should not worry about this, since there is enough heat there, but residents of the Middle Zone should take their choice of tank seriously. Although in this region, water even in ferrous metal barrels has to be heated, since the sun cannot handle it.

But there are also advantages to plastic tanks. They are light, inexpensive, and if they are rectangular in shape, they will be conveniently located on the shower frame; there is no need to think about how to secure them more conveniently.

Usage metal container will allow the water to heat up faster, especially if it is painted black. But ordinary metal rusts, and by the end of the season there will be a lot of rust. It will clog the watering can and remain on the body. This is the main disadvantage of using metal barrels.

It is better to buy a stainless steel tank. It will also heat water quickly, but will be more expensive than the above options.


There are two options shower designs:

  1. the drainage hole is located under it;
  2. the drain is moved away from the building.

In the first case, you can simply construct a flood floor: lay boards with a gap of 3-5 mm. This option is especially suitable for sandy loam and sandy soil. The water will drain quickly, without stagnating, without causing any problems or inconvenience.

If the design provides for drainage to the side, then a tray should be installed in the shower. You can buy a ready-made pallet. Then you will need to take its size into account when building the frame. The beams on which it will be attached must also be selected with the appropriate cross-section. It is not difficult to connect; a siphon with a flexible hose is installed as in a regular bathroom.

If the pallet is made of plastic, then in addition to the beams, additional support is needed so that it does not “walk.” You can lay it out of bricks and cement mortar.

Important! When laying out the support, you will need to leave room for the drain hose.

You can make a tray yourself, which will have a larger drain than a plastic one. To do this you need to fill concrete slab:

  • You need to dig a pit to size, 30-40 cm deep.
  • Gravel is poured onto the bottom, a layer of 20 cm.

  • After this you need to install drain pipe and a drain grate.
  • Formwork is placed on top; it can be made permanent, made of brick.
  • The crushed stone must be compacted and filled with concrete (M 250).
  • In order for the base to become strong, it is necessary to leave it for 7 days, if the temperature environment above +17 degrees.
  • After a week, you can continue construction and install the frame.

Filling the tank with water and heating

Usually there are no problems filling the tank with water:

  1. The easiest way is to top up in buckets. This is not entirely convenient, but when there is no choice, it is a good option.
  2. You can install a supply pipe with a valve from the water supply. When it is necessary to add water, the tap opens and the tank fills.

How to autofill

Automatic tank filling is the most advanced option. A float system, similar to the one found in a toilet cistern, regulates the opening/closing of the water supply. But in such a design, provision should be made for draining excess in case of breakdown. And it would be good to turn off the tap if they leave the dacha for a long time, so as not to turn the area into a swamp.

The water intake into the shower occurs close to the surface, since this is where the water is warmest. But the main thing is to install the pipe on the other side of the cold water inlet, otherwise the water will be cold.

Two pipes lead to the sewer. One is overflow. Thanks to it, the tank will not overfill if the float mechanism breaks. The second pipe is for drainage. A tap is also installed on it so that the system can be closed for the winter.


The “cheap and cheerful” option is heating with solar energy. The water is heated through the walls of the tank. But the water thickness is large, so heating does not always occur as quickly as we would like. There are various tricks that are used to heat water with the sun's rays.

In the tank, the warmest water is at the top. And the supply in the traditional form occurs from below, that is, cold water is taken in. There is one trick to make sure that the warmest water flows into the watering can. To do this, you need to attach a hose to it, and attach it to a piece of foam that floats in the tank. Thus, water is taken from above.

There is an option to speed up heating. For this purpose, a “coil” is made. Two pipes are welded into the tank, one at the bottom and the second above. They are connected to a black rubber hose, which must be laid out in rings in the sun. The result is quite active movement of water, provided there is no air in the hose.

If sunlight alone is not enough to heat the water, you can supply electricity to the shower. You can use wet heating elements with thermostats to set the required temperature. They are used in storage water heaters, so buying them is not difficult.

It is worth taking safety precautions when connecting power to the shower. To do this, you should install a machine with an RCD.

Watch the video! Warm water in the barrel constantly

Step-by-step instruction

Instructions for creating a design summer shower at the dacha, presented below.

Size the structure will be 1x2m.

Materials required: 50 mm and 25 mm boards, 3 m high,

Manufacturing columnar foundation

  • In the corners of the building, holes are made of arbitrary depth, for example 1 m (the deeper, the better). To prevent the foundation from warping after frost, theoretically you should dig a hole deeper than the ground freezes.

In Central Russia this depth is 1-1.3 m. But you can make a hole 80 cm deep, pour 20 cm of crushed stone on the bottom, and then 20 cm of sand, then the water will not stagnate and the columns will not warp.

  • On top of the cement mortar we lay columns of solid brick measuring 25*25 cm 10-20 cm above ground level. An anchor steel strip 3-4 mm thick is embedded in each column. The lower frame and vertical posts made of 50*150 mm boards will be attached to it.

Building frame

The lower frame, as well as vertical posts made of 50 x 150 cm boards, diagonal jibs (made of 25 x 150 mm boards) for structural rigidity - we attach all this to the anchor strip with M8-M10 bolts. This is necessary, because at a given height, even a slight wind can knock down an unsecured structure, because it has a small base area and a decent height.


A gable roof is made from 25 mm boards. A 50 cm elevation of the center of the roof above the edges will be enough to allow rainwater to drain. The same slope can be made for a pitched roof.

Watch the video! DIY country shower