How to become a professional photographer action plan. Three common misconceptions and six life tips

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Photography and photographic art – great choice for those who want to do what they love, get pleasure and a lot of money for their creativity. Do you dream of becoming a photographer? Have you tried to take a couple of shots, have already bought the newest camera, but don’t understand how to develop and where to start learning? We will reveal all the intricacies of a photographer’s work!

In this article we will tell you:

Who is a photographer?

A photographer is not just the owner of a professional camera and a person who knows how to adjust the focus. He is also a virtuoso and a jack of all trades. During photography, photographers sometimes have to transform into producers, props specialists or even psychologists.

What does a photographer do?

The photographer creates amazing shots. However, it all depends on the type of photographer.

Types of photographers, areas of activity of photographers

The photography world is diverse, and photographers are also different. Professionals choose one area of ​​activity and improve in it. The most popular areas: wedding photography, reportage photography, art photography, food photography, stock photography and other areas. We've sorted out some of them.

What does a wedding photographer do?

The main task of such photographers is not to miss anything at the main event in the life of the newlyweds. They photograph the bride and groom first, then the guests and that’s it. important points weddings: witnesses, lovebirds, glasses, dancing...

What does a studio photographer do?

These photographers work in specific studio locations that have an appropriate interior. As a rule, such photographers are also accompanied by a makeup artist who complements the model’s image. Studio photographers shoot in the scenery, and everyone the model takes with her participates in the photo shoot.

What does a reportage photographer do?

We usually see the results of the work of reporters in newspapers, magazines, and websites. They are always in the center of events and photograph what is happening around them. Their the main objective, like a wedding photographer, is to capture important moments.

What do stock photographers do?

If you can work as a reportage photographer exclusively for yourself, then a stock photographer works only for advertising and magazines. An integral part of his work is photo processing, since for the final result a lot has to be removed from the frame or, conversely, added to it.

What do art photographers do?

Special photographers who find beauty in unexpected objects. You've probably heard of street art or body art, when the subject of a photo is a street or a painted person. You need to be born an art photographer, because a person with standard thinking will not see beauty in ordinary things.

What does an animal photographer do?

Remember Sharik from Prostokvashino, who was chasing a hare with a big photo gun? Sharik is an animal photographer. The task of such a photographer is to hunt animals not for the sake of killing, but for the sake of beautiful shots of squirrels.

What are they doing?food photographers

Don’t rush to scold your friend or your girlfriend if you notice that she is taking pictures of food. Perhaps she has hidden talent as a food photographer. They take off everything that lies beautifully on the plate and create their own masterpiece from it.

Pros and cons of being a photographer

Weighing the pros and cons is what you need to do before choosing a photography profession to understand whether you really want it.

Pros of being a photographer

  • Schedule. Working as a photographer means being a freelancer. You independently choose the days when you can go to work if you are not tied to an employer. It depends only on you whether you take on the order or not.
  • Profit. Professional photographers earn from 5,000 rubles for one shoot. Since there can be several shootings per day, your income increases significantly in proportion to your ability to work.
According to expert photographer Maria Tishina, there is a main advantage to working as a photographer:

Maria Tishina, photographer
- Huge scope for creativity. The photographer himself chooses which angle seems more successful and good to him, and how to process the photo later. There are no strict instructions or rules: everyone does as they want, regardless of standards and social attitudes.

Disadvantages of being a photographer

  • Competition. Every second person considers himself a photographer. Not all clients see the difference between a professional and an amateur, so they often go to the latter, preferring profit over quality. You need to be able to advertise yourself in order to receive new orders.
  • Unsteady income. If one week is busy, then you can spend the next without work.
  • Expensive equipment. To become a professional photographer, you will need equipment. It's expensive, so you'll have to spend some money.

Expert photographer Maria Tishina highlights The main disadvantage of being a photographer:

Maria Tishina, photographer

The photographer may not meet the client's expectations. Working as a photographer means interacting with real people, and that's difficult. You need to be able to please the client, but this does not always work out, because the picture that one sees in his head may not be realized by the work of the second, and vice versa.

Photographer's salary in St. Petersburg and regions

For one photo shoot during the spring-summer 2018 period in St. Petersburg, photographers receive from 700 to 10,600 rubles. 20% of employers are willing to pay a professional photographer from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles and 13% - from 10,000 to 20,500 rubles.

The highest paid job for photographers in Sochi is 32,500 rubles. The smallest, oddly enough, is in Moscow - 5,000 rubles.

Courses for beginner photographers

IN major cities There are plenty of places for photographers to unlock their potential and learn photography from scratch. There are: for beginner photographers, to improve photography skills in a certain area, to improve their skills.

When choosing courses first of all pay attention to the specialization of the photography school. Choose the direction in which you would like to develop.

Then look at the work of students who have already completed their studies. Every school should have such a photo gallery. Read reviews about the photography school on social networks.

Study your future teacher's portfolio, since it is his experience that you will adopt. You should like your mentor's work.

If you are a beginner, the courses will teach you:

  1. Basic camera settings.
  2. Working with light and creating a composition (how to focus on an object, how not to block the horizon line, how to make a photo bright).
  3. Competent photo processing.
  4. Filming on location and in the studio.

If you already have experience in professional photography and want to improve your skills, then the courses will tell you:
  1. How to work with all types of light.
  2. How to use various lighting equipment (softboxes, reflectors, photo umbrellas, various light sources).
  3. Which lighting scheme is best to choose for which photography?
  4. About the detailed use of photo processing programs.

Master classes for photographers are constantly held in large cities. This open lessons, which can last from one to three days. Professionals will tell you in a short time what they will teach in regular courses for several weeks.

This type of training is considered better than any other. However, sometimes you have to wait several months for lessons.

How to become a photographer yourself

The story of each photographer is individual, and not all professionals attended the courses. With some dedication and patience, you can become a photographer without any help. Be prepared: this may take more than one year. You will have to look for and correct errors in your work yourself.

Here are some tips on how to become a professional photographer at home:

  1. Buy equipment. You shouldn’t buy a camera that is too expensive, because first you need to get better at it. Get any DSLR. Now there is mobile photography, when all the shots are taken on the phone (provided there is a good camera on the smartphone).
  2. Master Photoshop/Lightroom. Or any good photo processing program. Learn it so you can use it wisely.

There’s no need to process photos like this :)

3. Be patient. Learning to take photographs on your own is very difficult. Ask your friends to point out your shortcomings and constantly improve, take photographs. Correct mistakes and take photos again. It will take you time to learn how to take photographs and process them well.

Maria Tishina, photographer

Advice for beginners: Don’t be lazy and improve, don’t stop with what you’ve mastered, constantly learn something new in processing, looking for interesting angles, interesting ideas for pictures, etc. Photography is a huge field for creativity in which you can realize yourself, so you have to work, try, come up with something new and come to a better result.

Equipment for the beginning photographer

So you've decided to become a photographer. Now you need to understand what, besides your own talent, is required for this.

Which camera to choose - DSLR or mirrorless - is up to you. There is a lot of debate on this matter, since both have their own disadvantages and advantages.

Reflex camera

Advantages of a DSLR camera:

  • The battery lasts a long time without recharging.
  • Large selection of lenses.
  • Fast operation (switching on, focusing, additional functions).

Disadvantages of a DSLR camera:

  • Big and heavy.
  • Minimum price good device- 30,000 rubles.
  • It is difficult to use in the dark - nothing is visible through the optical viewfinder (the device used to determine the boundaries of the frame).

Mirrorless digital camera

Advantages of a mirrorless camera:

  • Compact and lightweight.
  • A simple “digit” will cost a maximum of 10,000 rubles.
  • Fast autofocus in any shooting mode.

Disadvantages of a mirrorless camera:

  • The battery lasts for 200-250 shots.
  • Slow work.
  • Few additional lenses.

You can take a good shot with any camera if you have straight arms, but you can’t do it all at once. Professionals still prefer DSLRs, but everything can change quickly, because progress does not stand still.

In general, the photographer’s kit is not so large:

  • Camera - get a good camera.
  • Memory card (if not included in the kit) - at least 16 GB, since the photos will be “heavy”.
  • Computer - any computer that supports good programs to process photos.

What else does a beginning photographer need?

  • Flash- for shooting in dark rooms or evening time.
  • Lenses- for versatile shooting.
  • Charging blocks- allow you to connect several batteries at once.
  • Tripod- necessary for accurate shots.
  • Additional memory cards- if the main one runs out.
  • Bag backpack- somewhere you need to carry all this :).
  • Strong muscles- to carry a backpack with photo gadgets with you :)

If you are a studio photographer, you will also need:

  • Studio space- or an agreement/acquaintance with good studios with several interiors or halls.

Photos help to preserve in memory the most wonderful moments in a person’s life - a wedding, the arrival of a new family member, first grade, graduation, and just happy events. Today's advanced technologies make it possible to take colorful and high-quality photographs that freeze the moment exactly when it was beautiful. All people want to have in the archive nice photos that illuminate their lives. This is why the profession of a photographer is currently so popular and in demand. Let's discuss how to become a photographer from scratch, without any initial knowledge or experience.

Pros and cons of being a photographer

The work of a photographer, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

  • Independent choice of schedule - a photographer can work both as a free artist, that is, as his own boss, and as a full-time employee of any organization. As a rule, to get a job officially in good company, you need to gain experience and create a reputation for yourself.
  • Opportunity to be creative – photographs allow you to embody great amount interesting ideas This means that for a person who loves art, such work will bring joy and help him to realize himself.
  • High income – sought-after instant operators with a “name” have quite high earnings, since the demand for their services is constantly growing today.
  • Variety of areas of activity - you can work in completely different directions: fashion, journalism, food photography, advertising, wedding industry, photo shoots for ordinary people, etc.

Important: Usually, the main advantages of working as a photographer are considered to be a free schedule and the prospect of turning a pleasant hobby into a permanent and official activity that is not only enjoyable, but also highly paid.

Some people believe that in the life of a successful photographer there are only continuous joys - shooting interesting events, embodiment of creative ideas, self-realization, etc., however, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance, because every coin has a flip side. Disadvantages of the profession:

  • A large amount of routine - monotonous work on processing often the same type of photographs takes the lion's share time in a photographer's work.
  • High cost of equipment - high-quality photographs cannot be taken without appropriate equipment, the price of which is amazing. It’s also worth considering that you can’t get by with just one camera – you need lenses different characteristics, flashes, lights, etc.
  • Competition - today almost every person in the street wants to become the owner high-quality photos, which leads to the emergence of a huge number of photographers for every taste and budget. Of course, the struggle for customers is serious, and we must be prepared for the fact that it becomes increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd and surprise the consumer of services.
  • Absence social guarantees– if a person works for himself, then in case of illness no one will pay him for sick leave or vacation. That is, you will have to take such moments into account and save money “for a rainy day.”
  • Busy on holidays and weekends - usually the main peak of orders occurs on the red days of the calendar, that is, the rhythm of a photographer’s life differs significantly from the standard and generally accepted one, when people go to work on weekdays and relax on weekends. This is where difficulties arise - how to spend time with your family and loved ones?

Often the work of a photographer is perceived as a kind of holiday - people capture beauty and give wonderful and bright photographs to customers, but the labor-intensive process of obtaining them remains “behind the scenes.” If you are not ready to spend hours chasing models, wanting to catch the best angle, but you have imagination, then you can try to become a successful blogger - you will be able to express yourself creatively, and there will be much less routine.

Qualities of a professional photographer

In any job, vocation and individual characteristics that help you get used to and develop in your chosen profession. A photographer constantly interacts with people, therefore, in addition to professional skills, he must also have a number of personal qualities:

  • Fantasy - the photographer is a kind of artist, which means he needs a creative streak and rich imagination to generate unique and exciting ideas, embodied in photographs, which will help you stand out in a competitive environment and attract customers.
  • Responsibility - notoriety runs before a person: if an instant operator has let his customers down a couple of times, then his reputation will be marked by a grease stain. When inviting for photography, clients want to see a punctual and serious professional who can be trusted, since no one wants to suddenly be left at a long-awaited wedding without a photographer, because he, for example, drank too much the day before and simply overslept.
  • Knowledge of psychology - when working with models, it is important to be able to find an approach to people, win them over, and show the facets of their personality using photography.
  • Sociability – you will have to communicate a lot with customers, so the photographer will also need goodwill, a sense of tact and diplomatic skills.
  • Quick reaction - smiles are fleeting and every moment is unique, therefore, you need to be aware of this and be ready to catch the elusive and quickly capture the instant. Photographers see beauty in everyday things and can show it to others through photographs.

Of course, all of the above is important, but the main thing that makes a real photographer out of a camera owner is the inner fire, the ability to find exciting miracles in everyday life. French instantist Bruno Barbet said that “photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.” Of course, it’s intuitively clear - good photographs do not need comments or explanations, just like good jokes, for example. Therefore, the photographer must have a desire to tell the world something, to show a different point of view, a different reality.

How to become a photographer from scratch?

Creative people seeking to change their field of activity often wonder whether it is possible to become a professional photographer from scratch without having special education? It’s possible, and it doesn’t matter how old you are, where you studied and worked before. However, you will have to make an effort - to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as gain experience. First, you should decide which direction in photography is closest to you. The following types can be distinguished:

  • Family photo sessions;
  • Portraits;
  • Weddings;
  • Love story;
  • Children's photography;
  • Corporate parties, various events;
  • Commercial photography (advertising, catalogs, magazines, food photography, etc.)

Analyze - what is popular in your city or region now? Which photographers are missing, although there is a demand for them? Depending on the chosen field, you will need different knowledge and different techniques. Let's take a closer look at what steps you need to take on your path to becoming a photographer.

Learn the basic theory

The basics of the theory will have to be studied regardless of the direction of activity. There are three main parameters that a photographer can control that affect the final result:

  • Shutter speed is the time during which light hits the camera's sensor.
  • Aperture – allows you to control the diameter of the light rays passing through the lens opening.
  • ISO – determines the sensitivity of the matrix.

To form a general idea, these three concepts can be compared to a glass and a bottle of wine. So, ISO determines the size of the glass: the higher it is, the smaller the volume of the glass. Aging is the time during which the glass is filled with wine. Aperture is the diameter of the neck of the bottle through which wine is poured. The photographer’s goal is to select the parameters in such a way that the glass is full, and not overfilled or underfilled.

In order to have a good understanding of the main points, you need to read specialized literature or enroll in courses. You can also watch training videos on YouTube.

Important: sometimes it seems that it is easy to do without theory if it is replaced by practice. Of course, experience is very important, but basic knowledge is necessary, otherwise it will take you too much time to learn to understand why some shots are blurry and others are clear and detailed. Without knowing the basics of composition, it is difficult to pose the model correctly or arrange objects harmoniously in the frame. Without understanding what light is and how to work with it, you simply will not be able to correctly place the object in relation to the light source.

Learn to process photos

Photo processing usually takes a long time. Some people think that it is enough to buy an expensive and high-quality camera and the appropriate lenses for it - and then there will be no need for processing. In the end, the frame must be alive and real! However, this is not quite true. Editing an image doesn't kill the life in it, it adds it and enhances the beauty. Even the most beautiful photos, ideal at first glance, need processing: for example, you took a portrait, which means you need to retouch the skin - remove defects, draw contours, even out the tone, etc.

Important: What tools do modern photographers use? Most people prefer Photoshop. Such primary processing, such as adjustments to color, exposure, contrast, light temperature, etc., are usually done in Lightroom. In fact, there are a huge number of programs, the above mentioned are paid, but you can use the free one trial version, designed for 30 days. This will help assess whether it is suitable software exactly for you.

Gain practical experience

Everyone understands that experience comes with time, but you should take photographs constantly. To gain practical skills, you can go in several ways:

  • Take pictures of everything you see - for example, acquaintances, friends, relatives, animals, nature, architecture. Subjects for photographs are easy to find on every corner, you just have to look closely and use your imagination. Subject shooting It’s easy to prepare at home - experiment with food, books, vases, etc.
  • Take training at a photography school - as a rule, practical classes are organized there, in which beginners take photographs of visiting models in some location.
  • Follow cultural life your city and region - often professional photographers organize thematic master classes or workshops for those interested. The advantage is that your actions are coordinated by a specialist. Also, convenience lies in the absence of the need to think through the idea, select models, location for shooting and its style - the organizer will do this.
  • Offer your services as a novice photographer, for example in in social networks– at this stage it is better to use the TFP agreement: you shoot the model for free, and she signs a “model release,” thereby transferring to you the rights to use the shots taken.
  • Take pictures social events– nowadays, any event is covered on the Internet: usually special meetings are created on social networks, where photographs are then published. So you can get not only practical experience, but along the way, you will begin to create a name for yourself - people will see your photos and, perhaps, they will like them.

How to make money as a photographer?

If a person dreams of becoming a photographer and starting making money, then it is worth thinking about how to draw up a business plan and organize your activities. Photography is in demand today in many areas, so it is important to decide on a specialization. Let's discuss different variants, allowing the instantist to earn income.

Private photo sessions

Many modern photographers make money from private photo sessions. What it is? These are usually photographs of absolutely ordinary people. Nowadays it is fashionable to have photographs from all significant events - be it a wedding or a child’s birthday. Most Internet users like to change the main photos on their pages in accordance with the season: in the summer, you want to be somewhere in the fields or at sea, showing the public that unity with nature took place, and in the winter... who doesn’t strive to get colorful photos on the winter background of a decorated Christmas tree and a burning garland? Therefore, private photo sessions are currently gaining immense popularity. Let's consider in what places they can be carried out:

  • On the street - in the forest, on the embankment, square, etc. There are a lot of options, since every city has beautiful and picturesque locations. You can choose the theme of the shoot, prepare the scenery and select accessories. For example, a photo shoot in the style of “Aviator” or “Russian Winter”. For the latter, it is quite easy to find everything you need - old sleighs, felt boots, Pavloposad scarves, earflaps, samovars with dryers, etc.
  • A photo studio is an excellent option for beginners, since it is easier to shoot in a studio than on the street. Why? There are interiors or backgrounds that you can learn to work with in advance. However, it must be kept in mind that studio light requires special knowledge.
  • At home, in a cafe, in a hotel, etc. – a home environment or a nice cozy cafe are quite suitable for a photo shoot. But there is one nuance here - small rooms limit even a good photographer - you will have to acquire a lens that allows you to shoot at a small focal length. You will also need to resolve the issue with light - either use a flash, or carry special lamps with you.

Earning money from photo banks

Photo banks are specialized resources on the Internet where photographers can try to sell their photographs. Who buys them and why? Everyone understands that photographs belong to the author and you cannot just take someone else’s work and, for example, place it in a magazine as an illustration for an article. Or the photo is needed for advertising, website content and similar purposes. Where can you get a good and suitable shot? Of course, you can take a photo, but sometimes it’s easier and cheaper to buy a ready-made photo. This is why photo banks are needed.

Important: To really make money selling your works through photo banks, at first you will have to devote quite a lot of time to this. You will need an individual and striking portfolio.

One photo can be sold several times, so it is important to capture it well fashion trends and understand what is popular. The most popular topics right now include the following:

  • People;
  • Cars;
  • Business area;
  • Medicine;
  • Various items;
  • Tourist attractions;
  • Sport;
  • Nature.

Just think about what photos you often see in the media - they write about pensioners, which means their photos are needed. Many websites and magazines, target audience which are mothers with children, we need photographs of the babies. For business, personnel with documents, portfolios, schedules, etc. are suitable. And this list can be continued endlessly... you just have to pay attention to what you observe every day.

It must be borne in mind that usually photographs are taken specially for photo banks, since they must have a number of characteristics: high quality, absence of logos and brands in the frame, conciseness and clarity of thought.

There are a lot of photo stocks and the Internet, but if you want to quickly start making a profit, it’s best to register on the most popular ones:

  • Shutterstock;
  • Istockphoto;
  • Fotolia.

Important: When uploading photos, it is very important to carefully consider key phrases and words, since they are used by buyers to search for images.

Work for various institutions

A photographer can work full-time employee any organization. If you are attracted to stability, then you should think about what suitable institutions are in your city. Visit them, taking with you a well-prepared, diverse portfolio. You can pay attention to:

  • Advertising agencies;
  • Editorial offices of newspapers and magazines;
  • Entertainment facilities.

Many photographers collaborate with the Geometry project, photographing, for example, events and various concerts. Schools, kindergartens, and universities also usually require the services of a photographer, but the work is most often carried out under a contract. Restaurants, hotels, and recreation centers, as a rule, update both their interior and menu, therefore, they will need photo sessions that will highlight the innovations. It is important for online stores to beautifully photograph the goods they sell, so for this purpose they also often specially invite a photographer. Thus, there is quite a lot of scope for activity, if you do not sit back and gain both experience and a client base, as well as a reputation.

Questions from newbies

Trying to master a new profession, any person is faced with a number of questions. Let's answer the most common ones.

How much do photographers earn?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since earnings depend on many factors - region of residence, level of competition, experience of the photographer and the direction of his activity. Beginning instant traders, as a rule, at first work to recruit a client base and replenish their portfolio, without pursuing the goal of making as much money as possible more money. Typically, by region, the minimum price for the services of a novice photographer is 1,000 rubles per hour of work (studio rental, if necessary, is paid separately). Most often, when setting prices, novice photographers are guided by a dumping policy, as this allows them to join the competitive environment. It is important to be able to find mutual language with customers and feel what people want to get from the shooting. Then you will be recommended to friends and acquaintances. Photographers with a “name” and experience often organize various thematic photo projects, where clients are offered scenery and sometimes even outfits. Such photo sessions cost from 4,000 rubles for one hour of shooting. As a result, the customer receives about 15-20 processed images. The photographer bears additional costs for renting a studio, creating scenery, etc. It turns out that the income of the average photographer depends on his professional skills, as well as on the number of clients turning to him for services.

Where can I get photography training?

It’s never too late to learn, and in the case of photography, it’s simply necessary. If you wish to undergo training, you can consider the following options:

  • Self-education - reading books and articles, watching educational videos on YouTube. Most famous photographers There are master classes on various topics, and there are both paid lessons and free ones. Some professionals provide consulting services using Skype.
  • Photography school - involves paid classes of both theoretical and practical nature. Typically, a course in a photography school lasts 1-3 months and costs an average of 15,000 rubles. If you are going to take a course, then first you should find out reviews about them: do the people teaching the classes have professional experience, what are the results of the graduates, who the course materials are aimed at (wedding photographers, children's photographers, etc.).
  • Higher education – studying photography at the university. The most difficult and time-consuming path, but it will allow you to learn all the subtleties and gain a variety of skills. The disadvantages are the long period of study and its high price.
  • Internship – placement as an assistant to a professional photographer. Great option for those who want to acquire practical knowledge. Experience is the main teacher, so if you find a competent mentor, you will quickly get used to the profession.

What equipment will a photographer need?

Of course, a professional photographer cannot get by with just one camera - the amount of equipment required is amazing. However, you can start small:

  • Camera. The options here are mirrored or mirrorless. It’s cheaper to buy a high-quality DSLR, since professional mirrorless cameras are very expensive (about 100 thousand rubles), and the lenses for them often exceed the cost of the carcass. Also, when choosing a camera, it is important to decide which one you want - full frame or not (crop). The price of a full frame is higher, as are the lenses for it. Its advantage is best quality images in low light conditions, which is achieved due to lower matrix noise and higher sensitivity.
  • Lenses. As a rule, one is not enough. Usually lenses are selected depending on working conditions. For example, if you plan to engage in reportage photography (weddings, corporate events), then it is better to pay attention to zoom lenses, which are characterized by the fact that they allow you to change the focal length. If you are the owner of a full-frame camera, then it makes sense to choose a lens with focal length 70-200 mm, 24-70 mm is suitable for crop. Studio photography or portraits will look better with a prime lens. For a full-frame portrait photo shoot, you will need 85 or 135 mm lenses, for crop a good choice– 50-85 mm.
  • External flash.
  • Tripod.

This is the basic minimum, but in the process of work, many photographers strive to expand the composition of their equipment - they want to have their own light, several flashes, reflectors, umbrellas, backgrounds, lighting stands, etc.

Is it possible to become a photographer from scratch on your own?

For creative person Nothing is impossible, which means you need to move towards your goal. The stages that need to be completed were discussed in detail above. Of course, the necessary equipment is quite expensive, which means that to become a photographer you will need significant financial investments. If you don’t have the funds, then you can think about how to get money for a business? Consider different options - borrow from friends, register as an entrepreneur and get a loan for an individual entrepreneur without collateral or guarantors. In the case of official registration of activities, you need to remember about the obligations - it is quite easy to find out tax debt by using the Internet.

Have you read it? Now look at the 10 rules for success in business from the brilliant businessman Jack Ma
His start-up capital His wife and friend helped him raise $20,000. He is the first mainland Chinese businessman to be featured on the cover of Forbes magazine. He is the richest person in China and the 18th richest person in the world. His fortune is estimated at $29.7 billion. His name is Jack Ma and he is the founder of and here are his 10 rules for success:

Everyone starting a photography career unanimously asks the very logical question of where to start. After all, only at first glance it may seem that this work is quite simple and extraordinary; you press a button and you get beautiful photo. In reality, everything is far from the case. The profession of a photographer is a difficult one. creative path with certain difficulties and obstacles, requiring a lot of hard work, patience, and most importantly - an irresistible desire to improve and always move forward. To immediately recharge your batteries with energy from the TOPs in photography, watch our video:

If for some reason you cannot use the services of photography schools and specialized master classes that provide express training courses, but are looking for information on how to become a photographer yourself, we will tell you several optimal techniques that require only time investments.

Learning the theory to become a photographer yourself

Fundamentals are the initial stage of any profession. Before you start taking photographs, you should study the instrument itself - the camera. It is important to understand the principle of its operation, the features of managing the functionality and the inherent capabilities. Having mastered the basic knowledge, you will also be able to determine for yourself the necessary parameters of the future camera. You can get information from books, free video tutorials, feature articles, educational programs and interviews with famous photographers. It goes without saying that this will take a considerable amount of your time, however, it will not incur financial costs.

Practice is the path to perfection

There is nothing better and more effective than practical skills. But, at the same time, you should not focus on the number of photographs taken, but pay attention to their quality. Each of your shots should be thoroughly analyzed, errors should be corrected and, in the end, a high-quality result should be achieved. You can get good practical experience in working together with a professional. Working as a photographer's assistant is the most profitable option. You will be able to learn mature knowledge from a specialist who has already traveled quite a long way and knows all the intricacies and nuances of this profession. Such a person is able to realistically evaluate your work and point out errors that, one way or another, will arise. Within learning photography website you can not only get all the necessary skills, but also get a large amount of practical skills in building a photography business.

Correct photo processing

The profession of a photographer is not only about shooting, emotions and interesting places. There is also a routine stage of the process, which consists in the subsequent processing of the photographs taken. As a rule, Photoshop is used for this. Having studied the basic rules of its operation, you will be able to make competent image adjustments. But it is worth remembering that this procedure takes a lot of time. Therefore, please be patient.

When starting to make money from the knowledge you have acquired, do not forget about the great competition in the photography market. Create your own feature that will set you apart from the rest. Don't stop learning about how to become a good photographer on your own, even if you've already landed your first client. There is always room to grow and something to strive for. Good luck with your photos and success in self-realization!