How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen - consider the options. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen? Decorate or cover with a cabinet How to remove a gas pipe in the kitchen

During repair work in the kitchen the question always arises: “How to hide gas pipe in the kitchen?" And this problem is inevitable, because even the most refined and unusual interior a trivial pipe can ruin it - a mandatory element gas system.

In this article we will look at possible options way out of the current situation.

All the “splendor” of the gasification system on your walls

However, you shouldn’t despair, because you have to solve not the most difficult design problem.

There are several solutions to this problem:

  1. Cover the gas pipe with furniture. Order special furniture for kitchens with voids, for example, a wall cabinet.
    In this case, the pipe will be visually hidden in the cabinet, but access to it will be unhindered.
  2. Order or make a false cabinet yourself, i.e. a kind of box for a gas pipe, the role of which will be exclusively aesthetic.
    This method is also convenient in that it does not block access to the main elements of the gas system, and this is prerequisite on safety precautions.
  3. You can also use hanging metal screens(such screens are used to hide ).
  4. As an economical option, paint gas pipes paint in a color that will match the color of the walls in the kitchen. Thus, unattractive pipes will not stand out so clearly against the background of the kitchen wall.

A little silver paint and the gas pipe doesn't look so boring

There are other ways. Let's take a closer look at the most successful of them.

Before installing any decorative items, be sure to consult with gas service specialists, because not all materials are safe.

Also, under no circumstances should gas pipes be tightly closed, but the whole point is that in the event of a possible leak, gas will accumulate in the space between the wall and the artificial wall, and then an explosion is inevitable.

Plasterboard box

Unattractive pipes very often hinder the creation of an ergonomic interior, as they can interfere with the arrangement of the desired kitchen furniture and household appliances. Solving the “” problem is quite possible. The most popular option for masking a gas pipe is to install a special masking box made of plasterboard.

Let's take a closer look at the process of creating such a box.

For the work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • plasterboard sheets (preferably from moisture-resistant material),
  • vertical profile,
  • electric screwdriver,
  • self-tapping screws,
  • metal scissors.

You can buy everything you need at any construction supermarket, this is not a problem today.

So, the procedure is as follows:

  1. First, we determine the exact size of the future box, because our goal is to securely close the pipes, but if necessary, provide access to them.
  2. We install vertical profiles in the required places, and then measure the distance between them.
  3. Next, we draw blanks on sheets of drywall and carefully cut them out with metal scissors.
  4. Using self-tapping screws, we fix the workpieces between the fixed vertical profiles.
  5. If there are unevenness or cracks at the joints, be sure to eliminate them - any polyurethane foam, and carefully remove its excess.

Congratulations! The main part of the work has been completed.

Now all that remains is to decorate the front side of the box, and the finishing options can be very diverse. The most important thing is that the design is in harmony with the interior of the kitchen space.

The advantages of this finishing method are as follows:

  • relative ease of installation of the structure,
  • its aesthetics.

Disadvantages of plasterboard boxes:

  • a loss usable area premises, but for small kitchens every millimeter of free space matters.
  • are violated general rules safety precautions, because gas pipes must certainly be in the public domain.
  • when repairing or replacing communications this design will be dismantled.

Wardrobes and wall cabinets

“How to close the gas pipe in the kitchen?” — this question often comes up in various construction forums.

We suggest camouflaging pipes using wall cabinets that do not have back walls. Moreover, vertical pipes can be hidden behind cabinets, and horizontal pipes can be placed along the shelves of kitchen cabinets.

Furniture companies that make custom-made kitchen units always take into account the communications running in the customer’s premises when designing and make special pencil cases and cabinets that successfully mask gas pipes.

But if you don’t plan to purchase a set, you can make wall cabinets yourself.


Never use gas pipes to secure wall cabinets!

It should be noted that completely unaesthetic and bulky counters can also be hidden in kitchen cabinets. The most important thing is to create or select a design that fits perfectly.


It is not advisable to place a geyser in such cabinets, because then you will have to provide impressive ventilation.

And even such an unusual disguise option

In some panel houses gas tap is installed at a height of seventy-five centimeters from the floor, so most often it ends up under the countertop. Some craftsmen design a removable tabletop.

In this case, it is very easy to get to the tap, and a hole is made in the countertop itself directly above the tap and the structure in it is as follows: a handle to which a pipe is attached. A cut is made on the bottom of the pipe, which is put on the valve.

It turns out that using a handle is quite easy to turn off the valve directly from the countertop. Take a close look at the photo below - White spot to the left of the pipe - this is the handle. So unusual option masking the gas pipe, however, does not violate generally accepted standards, and therefore will not cause any comments from strict gas workers.

How to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen - original and tasteful


Quite often, gas pipes run along an entire wall in the kitchen. Moreover, they are located in the “apron” area of ​​the kitchen (in the space between the wall kitchen cabinets and the countertop.

In this case, the roof rail technology will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior. "What is it?" - you ask. So, roof rails are suspension system, which conveniently allows you to place various shelves, dryers, hooks and other useful and necessary household accessories and appliances on the kitchen walls. In this case, the gas pipe will serve as a structural element of the railing system.

A gas pipe in the kitchen as an element of roof rails looks good

Convert kitchen pipes the railing part is not difficult at all.

Here's what you need for this:

  1. clean the pipes to a metallic shine,
  2. then cover them with several layers of chrome paint,
  3. use your imagination and place hooks for towels and kitchen napkins, and various shelves for storing household utensils above the pipe. (Moreover, they must be positioned so that it seems as if they are hanging directly on the pipe).

Gas pipe decor

If you don’t want to build bulky plasterboard structures on the walls (for example, due to the lack of free space in a tiny kitchen) and you don’t really like the option with wall cabinets either, but the question “How to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen?” does not give you peace of mind, which means you have a chance to turn the pipe into interesting element interior

For thick pipes, interior mosaic decoration will be relevant.. This interior solution looks very unusual and stylish. And if you have a talent for artistic creativity, then you can safely paint the pipe with fancy patterns and make it an element of an original artistic composition.

For example, your gas pipe can be painted to resemble a birch trunk, and painted green branches will decorate the walls. The idea of ​​such a plan is quite possible to implement on your own, but if you doubt your capabilities, use the services of a decorative designer or artist.

An equally nice option for decorating pipes can be achieved if you use the decoupage technique. You will need few materials for this: multi-layer napkins with a beautiful pattern, PVA glue, and varnish (to add shine to the surface).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, the pipe should be thoroughly cleaned, and then painted.
  2. Then moisten a napkin with PVA glue and carefully separate the most upper layer paper with a pattern.
  3. Smooth out the picture by pressing it firmly against the pipe. The result is a very beautiful ornament.
  4. When the napkins are dry, cover them with a layer of varnish.

There are hundreds of ornaments for decoupage, so when purchasing, choose a pattern that will match the interior of your kitchen.

And yet, if you have been puzzling over how to close the gas pipe in the kitchen for a long time, and suitable ideas don’t come to mind, consult with the designer. Perhaps he will offer you an option that will suit your kitchen.

And finally, once again important moments of life

  • Please note that according to existing regulations, gas pipes, like gas meters, are installed in the kitchen in the most visible places.
  • Access to gas communications and appliances must be ensured unhindered and at any time of the day - this is required by the standards and is not subject to discussion - gas service workers, in case of emergency, will shut off the gas supply to the housing and will be able to carry out the necessary repair operations.
  • Please note that unauthorized removal of gas pipes in the kitchen is prohibited. The exception is the case when you already have permission from the relevant government services.
  • If you still decide to visually hide the pipes under the cabinets, choose designs that will be back wall. In this case, cuts for a flexible hose and gas communications are made in the upper and lower horizons of the cabinet. The counter can be closed in this way, but you must ensure unhindered access to it.
  • Even during the renovation, approach the furnishings of your kitchen wisely, contact the gas workers with a request to move the pipes. If your project complies with norms and standards, then you will have the opportunity to create an ideal interior in the kitchen.
  • Remember to be careful. Design and stylish furnishings are, of course, important things, but you also need to remember about compliance with safety precautions. It would be better if the interior of the kitchen room suffered than the lives of people. During repairs, check all the details, since in some houses it is completely prohibited to close gas pipes.

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In any kitchen where it is used gas stove, supply pipes will be used. Such engineering Communication spoil appearance premises, cause irritation among residents. If the water supply and sewer system can be easily disguised, then you will have to tinker with the gas lines. There are certain standards for handling such communications. Next, we’ll figure out how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen without harm to residents, in accordance with legal acts.


What do the regulations say?

Before making a decision regarding camouflage of a gas pipeline, you need to understand the requirements regarding the operation of such pipes in a private house or city apartment. This is what the legal acts say:

  • The user must ensure unobstructed access to the lines to eliminate gas leaks and carry out repairs. Failure to comply with such standards can cost human life.
  • It is forbidden to close the pipe tightly, for example with a box. This will allow fuel to accumulate, which will ultimately increase the likelihood of an explosion. It is not recommended to hide utility lines in the wall structure. To do this, you need to use decorative ventilated products.
  • It is prohibited to replace pipes and other elements of the gas pipeline yourself. This must be done by a qualified specialist.
  • Pipelines need to be painted. A layer of paint prevents metal corrosion and extends the life of the pipeline.
  • Do not hang heavy objects on the pipes or try to repair them in the event of a breakdown or gas leak.

When carrying out repair work, be sure to turn off the supply valve. Do not try to make the kitchen interior ideal; when choosing decor, follow the recommendations of a gas specialist.



The cheapest and in a safe way Masking of the gas pipeline is considered to be painting. At the right approach disturbing parts can be disguised as general interior kitchens. Any person can perform such operations, even those not associated with construction sector. During the work, the pipe remains in the same place, and the specialist’s access to the pipeline is not difficult. The internal pipeline can be painted in any color of your choice; to protect external utilities from corrosion, yellow paint is used.

There are several painting methods:

  • Using pigment dyes that match the tone of the walls. If the shades match, the interfering detail will not stand out against the general background; it will simply merge with the enclosing structure.
  • Using contrasting colors in relation to the general background. This option is typical for saturated pastel colors kitchens. It will be good if the engineering communication repeats some element of furniture, for example, kitchen set or curtains. Such a non-standard solution can be used in avant-garde or kitsch style. When using a minimalist or high-tech interior, the pipe is painted with metallic paint.
  • In some cases, decoupage (painting) is used, especially if there is an ornament (vegetation, images of dishes, geometric patterns). Similar designs can be applied to pipes; hand painting or stencils are used for this. If you have drawing skills, the pipeline can turn into beautiful birch tree or bamboo trunk.

Acrylic or Oil paint, as well as nitroenamel. Before applying the decorative coating, you must turn off the gas and thoroughly clean the surface with sandpaper. After this, apply a layer of primer; when the primer dries, begin painting the product with the selected color. Ideal option will use paint from a can, but some users use a regular paint brush for this purpose.


Using railing for camouflage

Regulatory documents prohibit hanging heavy objects on the pipeline, but this element can be successfully disguised as a hanger for kitchen appliances. Railing is a product on which hooks, shelves and holders are attached.

The essence of the method is to paint the pipe to match the color of the hanger. The railing may have a copper or bronze surface; some products are made with a special chrome coating. A real hanger is mounted slightly below the gas pipeline. All cutlery is placed on the railing, and the communication itself will look like an integral part of the system. This is especially true for modern style interior


The nuances of masking pipes over furniture

Not every user knows how to hide pipes in the kitchen if they are at a height. In this case, a shelf is fixed under the gas pipeline and various kitchen utensils are installed there. Such items will hide utility lines from prying eyes, but the installation of the shelf must be carried out with special care so as not to accidentally damage the pipeline. The pipe itself must be hidden against the background of the wall; it is painted the same color as the enclosing structure.

To further disguise the gas pipeline, you can place it behind cabinets or other furniture. In this case, the user must comply with all safety requirements, ensure normal ventilation and unobstructed access to the pipe. A similar method is used to mask horizontal sections of utility lines.

How to hide a pipeline behind a kitchen facade

Kitchen furniture allows you to disguise horizontal and vertical sections of pipelines, as well as some gas equipment, for example, columns or counters. Kitchen facade It is better to install during repair work; for this purpose, order a false cabinet the right size or modernize existing furniture.

Before closing the pipes in the kitchen, you need to make holes in the facade from its lower and upper parts. The interior space of the cabinet will not only hide the gas line, but will also be used for its intended purpose, for storing cutlery and kitchen utensils.

The main condition for such camouflage is considered to be sufficient ventilation of the space, which will prevent the accumulation of gas during a leak. To do this, several holes are made in inconspicuous places, but they should not be blocked by pots or jars. The ideal way out of the situation would be to install a grille. Vertical pipes Usually they are hidden in a pencil case, and horizontal ones are placed in a locker. The main condition for such camouflage is unhindered access to utilities.


Is it possible to disguise a pipe in a box?

The above methods allow you to disguise the pipe, but you will not be able to hide it from prying eyes. If you want to hide the gas line, then you need to make a decorative box. To ensure maximum safety, you must follow these rules:

  • Part of the box must be removable, which will provide access to utilities if necessary.
  • IN protective structure It is necessary to provide a grille or perforation to ventilate the space. If this is not done, a possible gas leak will provoke its accumulation and explosion.

Many users ignore these requirements and build a sealed box. They believe that a thick sealed pipe will not be able to pass gas. This statement may be correct, but this design does not meet safety requirements. The first inspection of the gas service will reveal discrepancies. The owner of the apartment will receive a fine and will be required to release utility lines from such a box. It’s better not to create problems for yourself and make the camouflage element in accordance with all the rules. The decor of the box can be anything; it must have a removable grille.

  • We make markings on the wall and determine where to attach the metal guides. When designing the structure, it must be taken into account that the width of the product must be sufficient to service the pipeline.
  • We install the steel frame using a building level.
  • We cut out pieces of the required size from a sheet of drywall.
  • We fix the drywall to the frame, and attach a removable decorative grille to the box.

If you only need to hide the pipes, then the box can be made from wood or any other suitable material. After constructing the frame, a metal grid is attached to the guides; the part is fixed using a screwdriver and screws.

Polycarbonate is often used to construct the box. A part of the required width is cut from a whole sheet. In places in the middle of the rigidity lines, cuts are made and the element is bent so that the product receives the outline of the P symbol. Several holes are drilled in the box for ventilation, then it is fixed to the wall.

Instead of plasterboard, wood or polycarbonate, sheets of plywood, organic glass, plastic and wooden lining. Any panel is suitable for making available material, but it must be removable, provide ventilation and be easy to remove. Available for sale various designs to disguise gas pipes, they are quickly installed on the wall surface and just as quickly dismantled. The main advantage of the box is the ability to mask the pipeline, but this product occupies a certain area.

Question: how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen? Answer: There are several ways to do this, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below in the article we will talk about them in full detail, taking into account the most important details.

Gas pipe in the kitchen: can it be improved?

Let's start right away by agreeing that a gas pipe is currently installed in the kitchen of every second Russian family. It is also in apartment buildings, both in private premises (cottages), and in those places where there is urgent need to install it. A gas pipe makes it possible to gain direct access to gas, thanks to which you can not only cook food, but also heat the perimeter of the room into which it is supplied.

The only problem with the gas pipe is its appearance. It can easily ruin the interior of any kitchen if it is not positioned correctly and is not properly combined with the style of the room. Therefore, in this case, you should initially clearly determine for yourself which layout of the kitchen space to give your preference during the renovation. As a result, you will certainly find the right solution for how to best hide gas pipes.

There are many options for masking a gas pipe in the kitchen. Below we present the main ones that are in demand among Russian families today.

Kitchen furniture as an element of camouflage

Perhaps the most popular option for masking a gas pipe in the kitchen is the method of covering the equipment using kitchen furniture. This option is considered quite convenient. In practice, this is achieved by closing the gas pipe with a cabinet, access to which, upon completion of the repair, can be further limited by, for example, hanging a lock.

True, here you should also remember that access to the gas pipe will be required in the near future, since most often it is installed together with a meter, thanks to which the energy consumption indicators for a certain period of time are verified.

Moreover, fast access to the gas pipe and meter without additional restrictions in the form of a lock is the right decision in terms of compliance with safety regulations.

In any case, the optimal solution for closing the gas pipe in the kitchen is the method of built-in furniture, where it will, in fact, be placed in the future. It is worth considering that the wall cabinet (pencil case) should not have a back wall for obvious reasons.


The next option for masking a gas pipe, discussed in our article, will be the method of closing it using a plasterboard structure. This method is no less common among Russian families than the previous one. Its advantages are as follows: saving time on repairs and material resources for purchasing building materials, ease of installation, aesthetic component.

Visually, when the kitchen renovation is completed, this option looks quite beautiful: the fact is that it is almost invisible where the gas pipe runs in the kitchen. True, this can also be attributed to the disadvantages this method. Due to the fact that with this option the gas pipe in the kitchen is almost invisible, compliance with safety regulations is violated.

In this case, the person is deprived of the ability to quickly access the equipment. Small area kitchen space, when choosing this option, may lose a significant amount of free space, since the usable area is blocked due to the installation of drywall.

Chipboard box

And yet, how to close the gas pipe in the kitchen if the area of ​​​​the kitchen space is quite small and you have to save significantly free space within the room? This is where the next option comes to the rescue - the camouflage method by installing a chipboard box.

The advantages of this method are the lightweight material design and ease of installation. It should also include significant savings as an advantage. Money, since the cost of purchasing material and improvised means for future repairs will not hit the pocket of the average Russian family too much.

It is worth noting that this option for masking a gas pipe in the kitchen is most often used if the gas equipment is installed fairly close to the stove.

Decorative elements

The fourth option in our list of camouflage methods for closing a gas pipe within a kitchen area will be this type of layout when all types of known types are used during the repair process decorative materials. Here it is immediately worth paying tribute to the fact that this option is suitable for those people for whom imagination plays an important role in life.

The existing design of a kitchen where a gas pipe is installed that needs to be hidden from view can be easily improved if you choose the right way to disguise the equipment. In this case, almost everything that a person’s imagination can invent is used. Is it original to close the gas pipe in the kitchen?

For a person with a good imagination, such a question will never be a hindrance. In this case, you can cover the gas pipe with stone, wood, plastic, pipes with a bright and attractive appearance (for example, chrome-plated), magnets and other elements that are widely used in interior design different types premises.

What should not be forgotten during the renovation process, if this camouflage option was chosen, is that ultimately the kitchen interior matches the updated gas pipe and its design does not catch the eye (in the negative sense of this expression).


The last method in the list of options for masking a gas pipe in the kitchen, which our article can offer, is perhaps the most economical method known to many owners. How to disguise a gas pipe in the kitchen if you have very little money? Make a choice in favor of paint.

Paint (if we compare its cost and the cost of purchasing building materials for repairs using all the above methods) is the most cheap way camouflage. Here you should pay attention only to the choice of paint color, so that in the end it will be combined with the already created interior of the kitchen space. The paint color is selected based on the shades of the furniture, walls, etc.

Nevertheless, I would like to give this method its due: if you try hard and use your imagination to the fullest, then even with the help of paint you can disguise the gas pipe in the kitchen in such a way that it will be very original.

Remember that even in this case, you will still have to shell out some minimum amount of money for the purchase of additional building materials (fibreboard, chipboard, drywall, etc.), but this is optional.

What is railing?

There is another method of masking a gas pipe within the kitchen, which, however, is considered not as widespread as all 5 of the above options. It's about about railing. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen for families with unusual type kitchen layout?

Railing is a method that is not widely used due to the fact that its use is not suitable for all types of kitchens. In rare cases, the gas pipe in the kitchen may run along the entire perimeter of the wall. In this case, it is usually installed at a level between the countertop and the cabinets. In this way, a kind of suspension system is created.

The railing method allows you to use this arrangement of the gas pipe as structural element systems. In this case, the gas pipe is masked with available building materials, which makes it possible to subsequently adapt it as a functional element for installing additional shelves, hooks and dryers, various household supplies and other useful things in the kitchen.

Aesthetically, this design option is in no way inferior to any other. known method. Vice versa, this method benefits largely due to a number of its advantages and functionality.

Safety rules during kitchen renovations

During the process of renovation in the kitchen, when the decision was made to disguise the gas pipe, due attention must be paid to the following aspects:

  • Carrying out repairs to mask a gas pipe is only possible if, as part of its implementation, all details regarding safety regulations that should be followed to avoid negative consequences in future;
  • if you need to move the gas pipe to fully comply with the new layout of the kitchen space, thought out to the smallest detail, then in this case this moment should be further agreed with the relevant services to avoid negative consequences in the future;
  • When the previous two points have been taken into account and properly observed, even in this case it is worthwhile to approach the repair process with extreme caution.

How to close a gas pipe in the kitchen in compliance with all safety regulations? Remember that renovations in the kitchen to disguise the gas pipe are best left in the hands of professionals. Spending on ordering the services of professionals cannot be called unnecessary when it comes to potential danger, when the risk of loss human lives increases significantly.

It must be remembered that in apartment buildings you and your family members guarantee the safety of the lives of your neighbors, while in country house such a risk also exists.

We have all long been accustomed to some integral elements of the kitchen space that no longer surprise us, we simply do not pay attention to them.

But during the renovation process, we suddenly notice how ugly they look in the interior of the kitchen space. We are beginning to worry about issues related to decoration, which we do not often encounter. What are we talking about?

We are talking about gas pipes through which natural blue fuel is supplied to cooking ovens. We've gotten used to them, that's for sure.

But no matter what you do, it is the gas pipes that primarily spoil the appearance of the kitchen, and it doesn’t matter what stylish and sophisticated design was used. Even standard traditional furniture cannot change anything.

Gas pipe decoration options

But professional designers are not asleep; today they are ready to offer several unique decoration methods that will answer the question of how to hide gas pipes in the kitchen.

Wall cabinets

This is the most common and simplest method that answers the question of how to close a gas pipe in the kitchen. Furniture today is becoming the kind of object in which pipes can be hidden.

For this purpose, wall cabinets that do not have a back wall are usually used. This option is very convenient.

Plasterboard construction

How to close gas pipes in the kitchen using plasterboard sheets? This question worries many people today. Because this method is simple and inexpensive.

To do this you will need to purchase:

  • Moisture-resistant drywall (namely, moisture-resistant);
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Wall metal profile;
  • Screwdriver and metal scissors.

The entire structure must be designed in the style of a box. I mean, it's clean decorative element, with which the gas pipe is simply closed.

There will be accessibility to it, so there are no safety violations here.

How is installation carried out? plasterboard box?

  • First of all, you need to install the frame from metal profiles. That is, “U”-shaped structures made of metal profiles are installed on the wall along the pipe and secured to the wall with self-tapping screws. There will be several such structures, and they must be positioned along the height of the pipe.
  • For rigidity general design it is necessary to connect the U-shaped elements to each other with sections of profiles. And only after this can you cover it with plasterboard, which is cut into certain parts corresponding to the dimensions of the sides of the future box. Pieces of plasterboard sheets are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

  • Everything is ready, you can move on to finishing. But first you need to treat the surface and joints of the box with a primer and putty solution. After which all surfaces are brought to the maximum level of evenness and smoothness (using sandpaper). Now you can finish the entire structure (photo above), that is, paint, glue wallpaper or ceramic tiles. It's up to you to decide.

It is very important here to choose the finish of the plasterboard box so that it is in complete harmony with the interior design of the kitchen as a whole.

This is one of the most simple ways, which answers the question whether it is possible to close the gas pipe in the kitchen. But I would like to make one small digression.

Please note! Decorating a gas pipe in the kitchen using drywall has one drawback. It will be especially relevant in small kitchens.

Such a box is stolen usable space premises, plus during renovation work it is usually dismantled (especially when communication systems in the kitchen are replaced).

Decoupage gas pipe

If you are not satisfied with either wall cabinets, nor a plasterboard box, then you can go a completely different route. For example, simply paint the pipe in a color that matches the shades of the walls.

This way you can visually hide the communication element. True, this option does not always help.

Railings on the gas pipe

What are roof rails? This special devices, with the help of which kitchen utensils, equipment and accessories are placed on wall surfaces.

These are varied in form and execution:

  • hooks for napkins;
  • towels and other things;
  • shelves for jars;
  • boxes;
  • vase.

But don't get this wrong. When answering the question of how to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen, we do not mean that all these devices will be hung on the pipe.

They will be mounted on the wall, but near the pipe. So that the little things hung on them partially cover it.

Therefore, the culprit herself will first have to be prepared.

  • Sand well using sandpaper or any other tool. What is important here is the final result - a metallic shine.
  • The surface is covered with chrome paint.

But now you need to think about how to position the roof rails so that they create the illusion that they are attached to the pipe. In principle, there is nothing complicated, your imagination will tell you everything.

Conclusion on the topic

From our article you could see that the question of how to disguise a gas pipe in the kitchen can be solved in a large number of ways. And this is a small fraction of what designers can offer.

And in order to choose one of the options, you need to know exactly what you want to see in the final result. Of course, the price of registration will play an important role.

A gas pipe in the kitchen can ruin the visual beauty home interior. Depending on the style, location, kitchen layout and much more, there are different ways closing the gas pipe.

Photo of a gas pipe in the kitchen and basic masking methods

1st option- covering the gas pipe with furniture.

This method is considered convenient and practical. Optimal solution— built-in furniture with a special wall cabinet or pencil case. The cabinet should not have a back wall. Pros - quick access to gas meters, safety precautions are observed.

2nd option- close the gas pipe plasterboard construction. This method is the most common. Because it is economical, simple and visually aesthetic. The disadvantage of this use is that safety precautions are not followed, the pipe is difficult to access, and there is unnecessary overlap of area, which is not suitable for small kitchens.

Video: Installation of plasterboard construction

3rd option— masking with a chipboard box. Lightweight design, simple closing method, suitable for small kitchens and any set. Most often, this method is used if the gas pipe runs in close proximity to the stove.

Option 4- disguise various decor. Depending on the design and imagination, you can decorate the gas pipe with the most different ways- cover it with stones, cover it with a chrome pipe, wood, magnets and more. The main thing is that this design is combined with the interior of the kitchen.

Option 5- paint the gas pipe regular paint. This is the cheapest way to close a gas pipe. The paint is chosen depending on the color of the furniture or walls in the kitchen.