How to assemble roller blinds yourself. How to attach roller blinds to plastic windows: a few secrets of proper installation How to install roller blinds to plastic windows

Roller blinds are gradually replacing curtains and heavy drapes from the market. This is due to their practicality and stylish design. Exists a large number of presented filters. They take up very little space and can complement almost any interior.

When purchasing roller blinds, users are interested in... This is a simple process that you can do yourself. There are several options for carrying out this process. The functionality and appearance of the curtains will depend on the type of installation chosen.

Design Features

Existing types of roller blinds plastic windows have general design. The fabric is wound onto the shaft. Most often, dense cotton material is used for these purposes. There are options for canvas design great amount. The bottom edge of the material has a weighting agent. It does not allow the fabric to deform during the process of winding and unwinding.

Today there are many design options for roller blinds on sale. They are divided into two large groups. The first category includes roller blinds open type. The second group includes closed, or cassette, roller blinds on plastic windows.

Open roller blinds can be mounted above the window or in the opening itself. They, in turn, are also divided into several types. Closed structures have a special box into which the shaft and the material wound on it are placed. This type of roller blinds is most often used for plastic windows. However, they can also be installed on aluminum or wooden frames.

Open roller blinds

Before you know how to install roller blinds on plastic windows, it is necessary to consider their varieties. Open roller blinds can be fixed both above the window opening and directly inside it. This opens up many options for interior design.

If you need to install a separate light filter for each double-glazed window, mini blinds are used. They are selected according to the glass size of each window sash. If the curtain is mounted on the entire window, a type of “standard” roller blind should be installed above the window opening. If the windows have a complex configuration, “attic” curtains are suitable.

The curtain is controlled by a special chain or a spring mechanism. There are several options for attaching curtains to the window. The first involves using tape. In hot weather adhesive base may melt. The curtain may fall off. If the window sash is capable of opening, you can use special hooks. This option is not suitable for blind sashes. Installation of roller blinds on plastic windows with drilling holes and fastening with self-tapping screws is considered the best option.

Closed roller blinds

Today they are installed quite often. This is due to their aesthetic appearance. Previously it was believed that this type of roller blinds was suitable exclusively for plastic windows. Today they are used for frames made of any materials.

The system has a decorative box. It covers the shaft, giving the structure an aesthetic appearance. Systems vary in size. Small varieties are easy to install on a frame. They will not interfere with the opening and closing of the doors. However, large roller blinds require the installation of a durable shaft and a dimensional box.

Sometimes it is impossible to install such a structure above the opening. In this case, the system is installed directly on the ceiling. Guides are not used in this case. This may cause the canvas to deform in the future. Therefore, when choosing such types of roller blinds, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the space near the window.

Mini system

Studying how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows, it is necessary to consider the features of the main types of roller blinds. The “mini” type is distinguished by its compact shaft dimensions. They are installed on each sash. Installation in this case does not require drilling the frame. Anyone can handle this setup.

To prevent the filter material from sagging, the bottom guide is made of metal. Glued to the bottom frame magnetic holder. When opening the window for ventilation, the fabric will tightly cover the entire surface of the glass. In this case, sagging can be avoided. This is one of the most popular types of roller shutters.

These curtains cannot provide complete darkness in the room. There is still a small strip of light on the sides. If you want to completely prevent entry sun rays into the room, it is better to give preference to roller blinds that cover the entire window and part of the wall.

Window measurement for mini roller blinds

To correctly you need to study the methodology of how to measure roller blinds for plastic windows. There are several things to consider during this process. The fastenings of the mechanism should not interfere with the window when it is opened to its maximum. The window handle should not be an obstacle when lowering the fabric. The dimensions of the fabric material should be slightly larger than glass.

The measurement is carried out using a metal tape measure. You need to determine the length of the glass. Another 30 mm is added to the result obtained. This size allows you to completely cover the window sash with material.

Then the height is measured. To the result obtained you need to add 120 mm. This curtain length will be enough to completely cover the double-glazed window. The mechanism control must be located on the hinge side. The length of the chain should not be more than 2/3 of the window.

Measurement for roller blinds inside the opening

The installation option inside the opening in which it is installed requires particularly careful measurements. roller blinds for plastic windows. Instructions Taking measurements in this case will help you perform all the steps correctly. Every millimeter will have to be taken into account. Otherwise, the curtain simply will not fit into the window opening.

When taking measurements, you should take into account the unevenness of the walls. The dimensions of the opening are determined at three points. To carry out calculations, you must select the minimum value. This principle is applicable when measuring the length and height of an opening.

After taking measurements, you must subtract 1 cm from the minimum width result. The canvas with fastening should have this size. The fabric itself should be even smaller by 1.5 cm. The length is measured using a similar technology. Another 1 cm is subtracted from the result.

Measurement for installing roller blinds in front of the opening

Can be performed in front of the opening. In this case, it will be easier to choose the correct dimensions of the roller blind. In this case, the canvas can cover only the outline of the opening or a small part of the wall. This installation allows you to completely isolate the room from sunlight.

To choose the correct size of curtains, you need to measure the width of the opening and add 10 cm to it. Add another 15 cm to the length obtained. The height of the curtain should be measured from the attachment point to the plane of the window sill or even lower (if the design allows).

The mechanism control cord can be located on either side. For windows non-standard shape It is recommended to seek the help of a professional measurer. This will avoid mistakes.

Knowing how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows, it will be easier to choose best option roller blinds for a specific room. Experts recommend decorating deep, wide window openings with systems closed type. They are mounted on the frame. In this case, the window sill can be used for decorative purposes.

If the window size is small, it is better to mount the roller blinds above the opening. This option is also preferable for a window with a small window sill. The cornice in this case can be quite long. It is better to choose the canvas in the color of the walls. This will visually increase the space of the room. Contrasting tones of the material are suitable for the “mini” variety.

If the canvas has a dense, loose structure, it is better to take brackets maximum length. They will be able to accommodate the entire canvas on the shaft. The mechanism should work quietly and smoothly. If you purchase a non-standard mechanism for moving the web (for example, the material moves in two directions), it is better to turn to professionals. In this case, the measurement will be as accurate as possible.

Installation of roller blinds

One of the most common systems is the Uni mechanism. To hang such curtains on the window, you need to unpack the kit. There are instructions here that allow you to familiarize yourself with the procedure, how to install roller blinds on plastic windows.

Use a pencil to mark the installation locations. The cornice is attached to the vertical sections of the frame using self-tapping screws. Protective covers are placed on the control mechanism. His work is being checked. The protective film is removed from the material. The upper edges are installed under the side covers of the mechanism. The guides are glued.

Having carefully studied how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows, everyone will be able to choose the optimal system option, as well as correctly install light filters.

There was a time when there were no curtains for windows. In the best case, the window opening was covered with a napkin or a piece of canvas that fit the size of the frame. As time went on, curtains and tulle made our windows beautiful and elegant. What now? We return again to a functional piece of “canvas”, the name of which is blinds.

Types of blinds

For home comfort Today there are a dozen types of such structures: with vertical or horizontal slats, roller shutters and pleated, for skylights and inter-frame, for arched openings or bay windows, beautiful Roman curtains and multi-textured curtains, electrically driven or protective (roller), unusual photo blinds.

This kind window decor made from different materials: they are wooden and bamboo, metal (aluminum) and fabric, plastic and paper. Among all blinds, roller blinds are becoming increasingly popular.

There are several types of them, differing from each other in the material used, size, mounting method and installation option:

  • Classic open roller blinds look great on large windows. They are installed with mounts on the ceiling or on a wall or in a window opening. They are controlled using a chain or a spring mechanism. Such curtains take up minimal space, cover a large window space, and therefore have a low cost. At the same time, they quickly become dirty, windows are difficult to open, and installation requires manly strength.

  • Cassette closed Uni. The twisted fabric is fixed in a plastic box, which can match the color of the PVC window panels. The cassette is installed directly on the frame. Due to the chain or spring mechanism, the fabric unwinds from the roller. Buyers like this type of roller shutter, since the frame is hardly noticeable on the window block, the canvas does not interfere with opening the window, and moves away from the glass literally a centimeter. The window sill is not cluttered by the structure. Two boxes can be installed on each frame: at the bottom and at the top. The curtains will open and close towards each other. Can be mounted on inclined roof windows. The only drawback is the high cost.

  • Mini roller blinds open ones can be installed on the window sash and directly on the frame. The mechanism of the system is chain. These roller blinds are self-adhesive, that is, they do not require drilling of the window, or they are attached to self-tapping screws or brackets. The mechanism does not interfere with opening the window, the curtain does not occupy the window sill. Due to the invisible fishing line used, careful handling is required to secure the curtain. If you used double-sided tape for fastening, from high temperatures it may “melt” and the structure will fall.

When choosing the type and type of roller shutters, do not forget that:

  • they must correspond to the overall design of the room;
  • if there are large window sills, it is better to leave them for flowers or under shelves, and choose cassette curtains with fastening on the frame;
  • For small windows, roller blinds mounted on the ceiling or wall are more suitable - this will visually enlarge the window openings.

Installation methods

Before choosing an installation method, you need to decide on the installation location of the roller shutters. They can be installed on the ceiling or upper slope of a window, on the wall above the opening, in the pier on vertical slopes, on a blind window, on an opening window sash, on glass.

Please note that the longer the mounting bracket, the more blade is wound onto the shaft. For textured or long fabric, choose the longest brackets.

Exist following methods installation of roller blinds:

  • by drilling a wall, ceiling or window opening, installing plastic or wooden dowels into the holes, attaching brackets with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws;
  • by drilling the window frame and attaching the holders with self-tapping screws;

  • without using a drill and a screwdriver, by installing curtains on clamp brackets (clips);
  • without drilling, by gluing with double-sided tape.

How to assemble?

When purchasing a roller shutter, the kit will include all the necessary mounting materials:

  1. Lifting control device with bushings and chain.
  2. Side plugs, clamps and brackets for the mechanism with a cross for self-tapping screws (you may have to purchase additional metal brackets for the wall, ceiling, or clips for the window sash).
  3. Guide line (synthetic string).
  4. Stoppers for the chain, fixing the position of the canvas at the top and bottom.
  5. Mounting board and double-sided tape.
  6. Magnets-clamps for fastening the curtain with the bottom strip to the frame.

Manufacturers offer big choice kits for installing roller blinds. Choose the one that suits your mounting method, and then you won’t have to buy more individual elements. If your frameless blinds were purchased in a store and not made to order exactly to size, then there may be a problem with fitting the structure to size.

You can trim some types of curtains yourself. For this:

  • measure the window: the most the best specialists When installing on a frame, it is recommended to take into account the width of the clearance plus the width of the glazing bead - this will be the width of the blade and shaft;
  • unfold the curtain and remove it from the shaft;
  • measure and cut off the excess shaft with a hacksaw;
  • cut off (saw off) the excess of the bottom strip to the curtain;
  • place the canvas on a flat surface;

  • measure the required width and draw an auxiliary line;
  • trim off excess fabric with sharp scissors or construction knife;
  • The canvas can not be cut to length, but simply fixed using limiters; if trimming is needed, then disconnect the canvas from the shaft, cut it off at the top and re-glue it to the shaft.
  • Now the roller blind is ready for assembly.

The roller shutter can be with or without a guide line. The method of assembling the structure depends on this. But always start by reading the instructions.

Assemble the curtain without a string as follows:

  1. Determine which side will be more convenient for you to use the control mechanism.
  2. Place a roll of canvas slightly unfolded from the top edge in front of you.
  3. Find the adhesive strip with a protective film on the shaft and remove it.
  4. Place the roller on top of the very edge of the fabric so that the adhesive strip rests on the fabric.
  5. Glue the canvas to the shaft.
  6. Start winding the fabric onto the shaft by simply turning the shaft towards you and winding the fabric at the same time. Do this carefully, the fabric should lie flat.
  7. Insert a metal or wooden weight strip into the fold of the bottom edge.
  8. Insert the side clamp into the shaft on one side, and the clamp with the control mechanism on the other.

The string in the roller shutter tensions the canvas and prevents it from sagging in the attic windows and when the sashes are opened. The fishing line protects the product and keeps it intact longer

There are several ways to attach the string to the window panel. The chosen method depends on the design features of the roller blinds. We offer one way.

Assemble the curtain with the string in the same way as the previous method with the following steps:

  • The weighting bar for the lower edge of the canvas must be equipped with side holes for fishing line.
  • Cut the string from the set in half.
  • There are holes on the brackets where the roller blinds will be attached. Thread one piece of fishing line into one fastener and tie with a double knot.
  • Do the same with the second piece of fishing line and paired fasteners.
  • Install the shaft with the curtain into the brackets, unfold the fabric to the maximum required length.
  • The fishing line hangs freely vertically along the canvas on both sides.
  • Thread it through the holes on the weighting material.
  • Attach brackets with holes for fishing line to the bottom panel of the frame.
  • Align the canvas, tension the strings and tie them to the brackets.
  • Now you can raise and lower the curtain roll, open and close the window - the strings will hold the curtain securely.

This perfect option for roof windows.

Step-by-step installation instructions without drilling

You can do without dowels and screws if you use the following types of fastening: double-sided tape or clamping brackets (clips). You can use tape to attach fasteners to the frame and opening sash of a window or glass. But clips are used only on sashes.

When attaching with tape, follow these simple instructions:

  • The frame must be dry and warm, without condensation.
  • Treat the joints with degreasing agents (both on the frame and on the fasteners).
  • Mark the attachment points with a pencil, use a level for this. Focus not on the window sill or frame, but on the horizon, otherwise the curtain fabric will warp.
  • Remove protective film with adhesive tape and stick to the fasteners.
  • Remove the second protective film and attach the fasteners to the frame or glass.
  • Insert the side curtain clips (one is blind, the other is chained).
  • Insert a roller with a cloth into them.

  • Having decided on the length of the canvas, install limiters on the chain.
  • At the level of the bottom bar, make markings on the frame for attaching magnets.
  • Place metal washers (hardware) on tape and secure to the frame.
  • Attach the magnets from the kit symmetrically to the curtain.
  • Connect hardware with magnets.

Clamp-brackets (they are also clips, they are also spring brackets) are a real fastening find for home handyman. They come in metal and PVC. For plastic windows it is better to use plastic clips.

For installation, use our simplest instructions.

  1. Open the window.
  2. Place two brackets on top and try out how the window will close.
  3. Mark the places where the clips are attached to the frame so that they do not interfere with the roller blind and the frame.
  4. For safe use, glue the clamps to the frame with double-sided tape (do not forget to degrease the surfaces).
  5. Insert the side clips.
  6. Install the shaft with the roll.
  7. Check the functionality of the design.

You can also see how to install a roller blind on a window in the following video.

Correctly installing roller shutters on metal brackets

If before this we were mainly talking about attaching curtains to window frames, then now we’ll talk about installing structures in a more labor-intensive way: using a drill and a screwdriver. In addition to these tools, you will need a level, plumb line, screwdriver, dowels, metal brackets, screws, pencil, pen or marker, hammer, stepladder or table (chair), glue (in the form of PVA or liquid nails) – if you accidentally made a hole larger than necessary, place the dowel on the glue.

You will need all these tools to secure the box with roller blinds to the wall or ceiling or the upper slope of the window opening using metal brackets. In this work, accurate calculations are very important. Be careful when marking. Extra holes in the wall will not decorate it.

Before starting installation, check whether the surface is level. Any bump or dent can prevent the structure from being installed smoothly. Level the wall or, if possible, choose other mounting points.

On the wall

A curtain is installed on the wall for several reasons:

  • to hide defects in the window sill and window;
  • to visually enlarge the window;
  • to insulate the room.


  • Determine the center of the window.
  • Place the assembled roller shutter with brackets against the wall above the upper slope of the window.
  • Center it and level it.
  • Mark the mounting locations through the holes of the brackets with a pencil or marker.
  • Disconnect the brackets from the roller.
  • Drill holes according to the marks and install dowels in them.
  • Use a screwdriver or screwdriver to secure the brackets.
  • For a roll of fishing line, follow the instructions given above.
  • Install the shaft into the brackets and secure with clamps.
  • Place belt movement limiters on the chain.

To the ceiling

When you need to visually stretch a room, install blinds from the ceiling. They can end at the level of the window sill or be longer. In this case, the same metal brackets are used for installation, but they are turned with their holes towards the ceiling.

If the level shows you a violation of the horizon due to uneven ceilings, place a small wooden or plastic pad under the bracket to level the structure.

On the upper slope in the window opening

Since slopes are not always level and horizontal relative to the floor, be sure to use a level. Otherwise, the canvas may become skewed and the roller blind will not be able to function properly. In addition, carefully select the size of the curtain. For mounting, use the same metal brackets and our instructions. If you are fixing the brackets to wooden wall, ceiling or slope, then this can be done with self-tapping screws without drilling or dowels.

On the frame sash

We have already told you how to attach a roller blind without drilling, but now we want to introduce you to installing a curtain with PVC guides.

The cassette model with a box is installed in the following way:

  1. Remove the side plugs from the box.
  2. Attach the box to the top bead of the frame and mark holes for fastening the structure.
  3. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, screw in the screws on both sides.
  4. Replace the plugs.
  5. Release the canvas, approximately 10-15 cm.
  6. Remove the protective film from the adhesive tape on the guide.
  7. Carefully glue both guides so that the canvas is under them, slightly pressed against the glass.
  8. Place limiters on the chain.
  9. If your curtain does not have a chain, then you need to install a decorative weight included in the kit on the bottom bar.

Another way to install roller blinds is not at the top, but in the middle or bottom. This original way turned out to be possible thanks to the emergence of a new type of Mix curtains. The design is so interesting and elegant that it will definitely attract your attention. At the core is a guide string along which the canvas moves. In this case, the light box can be located both at the top and in the middle or lower down.

Depending on which mounting method you use, the size of your curtains will be different, although the window is the same.

When you take measurements, remember:

  • Curtains with ceiling and wall fastenings are the easiest to model. Here you can make a mistake by a couple of centimeters, since they are superimposed on top of the window opening. The model depends entirely on the designer's vision. The width should be made about 10 cm wider than the opening, and the length should be as desired.
  • When installing on a wall, please note that the box on top will take approximately 5 cm.
  • The roller blind in the window opening is 4 cm smaller than the installation location.
  • The canvas for roller shutters with PVC guides must be strictly the width of the glass, since the guides are attached to the glazing beads.

  • For the Mini system, the fabric must be three centimeters wider than the glass: one centimeter on the glazing bead at the handle, two centimeters at the hinges.
  • When using a guide string, the width of the canvas is equal to the width of the glass plus 3 cm if you do not want there to be side gaps.
  • Before mounting on metal brackets, make sure that the leg is long enough so that the roll does not subsequently touch the wall. ½ shaft radius + 1 cm – the distance to the edge of the bracket from the wall, necessary for normal operation of the roller blinds.
  • The air humidity in the room where such blinds are used should be no higher than 70 percent.
  • Since the canvas is impregnated with a special dirt-repellent composition, do not try to clean it often with a wet method. Before use, check the composition of the fabric and the rules for caring for it.

To ensure that roller blinds serve you for a long time, raise and lower them using a control mechanism (chain or weight).

  • Incorrect measurements. Don’t forget – the concept of “fabric width” is not equal to the concept of “curtain width”. Don't forget about the fasteners and the box.
  • Inappropriate mounting method. If the kit includes brackets for the window sash, and you plan to install the frame on the wall, then you have made a wasted purchase: you cannot install the curtain this way, and the size will not fit.
  • Not enough details. You can buy fasteners and accessories in stores, but you need to start with the seller of the product. And here it is important to do it within two weeks from the date of purchase. Don't forget the receipt!
  • The belief that it will be possible to do without drilling. This does not always happen. Double-sided tape is not all-powerful. It makes no sense to attach the box to the wall or ceiling, and it’s dangerous.
  • Uneven fastening due to overestimation of one's eye. Feel free to use the level! It is always more annoying to redo it than to do it well the first time.
  • Inability to remove the control unit. When purchasing ready-made curtains, check them design features: There are models in which the control mechanism cannot be removed. This will result in your window having two right-handed or left-handed curtains. It's ugly and makes it difficult to open the window.
  • The mounting brackets are installed too close to the wall. This will interfere with unfolding and folding the roll. Provide other details or options.

How to care

But now the moment has come when the curtains are installed and you are actively using them. This means that soon the question will appear on the agenda: how to clean them?

  • Since a roller blind is a canvas, it absorbs not only dust, but also odors. Ventilate the room regularly: this will get rid of odors and shake off dust.
  • If necessary, you can use a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a cloth attachment. If you do this every time you clean, the curtains will remain clean for a long time.

  • A good remedy is an eraser. The canvas is impregnated, and the eraser will wipe off various stains well. Just don't touch the holes!
  • If this does not help, remove the box, disassemble it and take the canvas to a good dry cleaner.
  • Don't have dry cleaning or extra money? Then fill the bathtub with warm water and a non-aggressive detergent without bleach. Place the canvas in the bath and gently scrub it with a soft sponge. Rinse the curtain several times. Make sure that detergent(especially granules) did not remain on the canvas.

Roller blinds on windows are widely used nowadays. Their convenience lies in the fact that they decorate the room, protect from sunlight, and do not steal space. Roller blinds are installed on the plastic window sash itself and are often selected according to color scheme to match the curtains.

Installing roller blinds takes little time; you can do it yourself or invite specialists. There are various fastening mechanisms on the market, a large selection color shades, textures. Roller blinds can be thick and transparent, plain or with a pattern. Now you can even find heat-insulating and anti-glare roller blinds.

Installation of roller blinds on plastic windows

Now we’ll figure out how to install roller blinds yourself. Two methods are considered the most popular: installing curtains on a window opening and installing them directly on the window. The first installation method is more common; in this case, the box or canvas is mounted on the ceiling or on the wall surface. The negative point here is that you need to drill holes that cannot be corrected in case of an error. Therefore, it is recommended to be as careful as possible so that there are no unnecessary holes left that spoil the appearance of the window.

In the second case, the roller blinds are installed on the window, on the frame. Holes for mounting parts are made on the frame itself. It is important here not to damage the profile of the window itself or spoil it.

read our material on the website.

Love blinds but want a more homey feel? There is a new design solution window designs any sizes and shapes - .

Another unusual solution, suitable for non-standard windows- hang it on the window.

Installation method for Mini roller blinds using self-tapping screws

Mini roller blinds are simple design, consisting of a sheet of fabric wound on a small metal shaft, and having a lifting and descending mechanism. They are also called boxless curtains because the fabric is not covered or protected. Such structures can be cut to the desired size if necessary.

How are Minis installed using self-tapping screws? Firstly, it is worth noting that this is the most reliable way. Secondly, with this fastening method, holes remain in the profile, so in the future it is better not to plan to remove the curtains, so as not to spoil the appearance. So let's get started. It is necessary to leave at least 23 mm from the edges of the glazing bead for further fastening of the roller blinds to the window. After this, the curtain itself is installed:

  • The assembled roller blind must be attached to the top sash of the window.
  • Carefully level the structure using a level.
  • On window profile make marks to secure the mounting angles in the future.
  • The corners for fastening should be removed from the main shaft of the roller blind and drilled into the window profile.
  • The structure should be assembled and pressed on top with a side plate.
  • The control chain should hang down 10-15 centimeters, do not forget to thread the chain through the hole in the side surface.
  • Insert the curtain into the previously installed corner, make sure that the second part of the curtain hangs evenly. If everything is in order, we fix the roller blinds on each side.
  • Thread the hanging fishing line through the free holes located at the bottom of the mechanism.
  • You need to fix the second corner and close the lid tightly, and also do not forget about the lower edge of the fishing line.
  • Install the clamps for the upper and lower position of the blinds, and hang a weight on the control chain.

Fastening Mini roll structures using adhesive tape

Installing roller blinds on plastic windows using adhesive tape is also called the Easy Fix system. This method of fastening is suitable for opening sashes and blind sashes of windows.

When purchasing such rolls, do not forget to pay attention to the presence of special adhesive elements for fastening. Before installing such mechanisms, it is necessary to first degrease the profile, remove the protective tape and attach the blind mechanism. You should press the structure firmly to fix it to the window. After installing the fixing elements, you need to fasten the side fasteners and the curtain along with them. This method The good thing about fastening is that there are no holes on the surface of the window, and there is a risk of the mechanism falling off.

Installation and installation of Classic roll structures

How to install roller blinds yourself on Classic systems? In this case, the Classic system has a box in which the blind shaft with the canvas is located. Also, the fabric of the roller blind itself is fixed and secured with guides.

Before you start installing roller blinds with your own hands, you need to measure their height and width. The height is equal to the distance from the outer to the inner edges of the upper and lower beads, respectively. And the width is the distance from one to another internal bead.

The good thing is that the Classic system is sold almost completely assembled form, so all that remains is to install the roller blinds.

  • First you need to degrease the glazing beads
  • Then remove the protective tape and attach it to the glazing bead, and the opposite edge will hang above the window. It is recommended to glue the tape from bottom to top.
  • After gluing the guides, you need to install the blinds, first removing the side covers.
  • The fabric should be placed behind the guides, aligned and checked for level.
  • We fix the blinds with self-tapping screws
  • We put the side surfaces in their original position and put the locking devices on the chain.
  • We hang a load on the control chain.

Rolled structures with Mix system fastening at the bottom of the window

They do this on the windows not only to darken the room. Often, buyers want to ensure that no one looks into their premises. In this case, roll structures of the Mix system are used, they are secured with a box at the bottom, then unrolled to the desired height upwards.

In this case, the length and width are considered to be the distance between the glazing beads. Installation of such curtains is carried out as follows.

  • You need to cut the fishing line into two equal parts. We thread each part into the upper limiter, tying it in a knot twice.
  • The limiters should be secured to the window bead.
  • Thread the unoccupied edges of the fishing line through the holes in the box and stretch it to the lower stops, and secure the blind bar at the top.
  • By releasing the latches, you can lower the blade.

After installing the Mix system, the window opening will look interesting and unusual. You can raise the canvas to the very top of the window if necessary.

A person who chooses roller blinds (fabric roller shutters) for the first time may feel dizzy when faced with the multitude of systems and possibilities existing on the market today. Meanwhile, many options work to the benefit of the customer. The WINDOWS MEDIA portal has made a selection of tips that will help you choose and then install internal roller shutters for a plastic window.

The type of installation - wall, ceiling or window - should be tailored to the personal preferences and needs of the user. For this purpose, you can choose from standard solutions such as classic roller blinds and mini roller blinds, as well as more specialized products, which may include cassette roller blinds or roof window systems. It is also important to carefully consider the issue of choosing a mechanism with which the user will lower and raise the roller shutters every day. Recently, online stores have increasingly offered manual chain mechanisms made of beads and automatic systems.

Standard roller shutter systems are not always effective

One of the most famous and still popular types Blinds are classic roller blinds designed for installation on a wall or ceiling. Those who want to cover large areas glazing, bay windows or windows of unusual shapes.

The weakness of this option is that it is not possible to tilt or open the window when the roller shutter is lowered. However, there are ways to get around this problem. To be able to freely open a curtained window, the roller shutter can be installed directly on its sash. For this purpose, universal mounting brackets are used, the fastening of which does not require drilling holes in the plastic window and, therefore, does not create problems for the client, effectively voiding the warranty from the window manufacturer.

However, if you decide to install roller blinds on the wall, be sure to check the condition of the plaster. You can easily check this yourself by tapping in the right place. A dull sound will be a warning that you can expect a collapse of the outer layer of the wall at the drilling site.

The mini version of roller blinds is easier to install

Mini roller blinds have a significantly smaller roller mechanism compared to conventional roller blinds and a tube diameter of 17 mm (in conventional systems- 25 mm). They are designed to be installed directly on the window, without the need to drill holes in it. The system is held on by special hooks.

Before installing a mini-roller shutter, you need to make sure that the window on which you want to install it remains vertical. To do this, just use a spirit level. If it turns out that the level is “running away”, care must be taken to install the roller shutter in a way that will correct this. When a roller blind is attached at an angle, it will roll crookedly, which can lead to blocking of the fabric, its destruction and the appearance of side gaps.

Installation roller blinds without screws or drilling, you can do it yourself in just 10 minutes. This accessory is attached to plastic windows using clamps and adhesive tape.

Mini-roller shutters can be mounted on both plastic and wooden windows. The height can be adjusted using a manual mechanism. The Mini version is perfect for most rooms: kitchen, children's room, bedroom, balcony and even gazebo.

Which folding mechanism to choose

Manufacturers of window accessories usually offer standard systems that include chain manual mechanisms, or more innovative automated systems. The latter are somewhat burdensome for the pocket, so there is a “Solomon solution” - semi-automatic roller shutters.

Gradually, a spring mechanism is gaining more and more popularity, which allows you to adjust the level of installation of the canvas with one pull. This system is especially suitable for families with small children because it does not expose them to the risk of injury from the sudden lowering of the roller shutter or chain. The “smart” system is characterized by ease of installation in two stages. Installation of a self-folding mechanism allows you to quickly open the window towards the light without causing any noise.

Installation instructions for roller blinds step by step

For clarity, we present instructions for installing a classic roller blind step by step:

1 - Screw the brackets to the wall or ceiling

2 - Place the mechanism with the chain in the tube

3 - Place the plastic tip on the other side of the tube and press it

4 - Adjust the ends and install in the appropriate bracket

5 - Do the same on the other side of the roller shutter

6 - Fix the suspended roller shutter

Most models of roller blinds are designed in a way that will facilitate their installation. However, to make sure you can do it yourself, you should compare offers by referring to video instructions available on the manufacturer's website or online store, where you can also get expert advice on measuring and installing roller blinds.

Roller blinds are one of the popular modern solutions for decorating windows in rooms for various purposes. Such curtains are universal and easily fit into a wide variety of styles and decoration interiors. Minimalism, classics, avant-garde, and even exoticism suit them. The main thing is to choose the right material according to texture and color.

Design solutions for roller blinds

In principle, the design of all roller blinds is the same. A special roller is mounted in the upper part of the window, onto which the curtain material is wound during the lifting process. When lowered, the curtain looks like a flat sheet covering (completely or not) the glass.

  1. Chain control unit;
  2. Pipe (fabric winding shaft);
  3. Fabric plumb line;
  4. Plumb plug;
  5. Rubber compressor;
  6. Universal circuit connector;
  7. The control circuit is continuous.

The movement of the curtain itself is ensured by a special built-in lifting mechanism - it lowers and raises the fabric panel, and also fixes it in the required position.

Classification of roller blinds

All modern roller blinds can be quite clearly classified according to:

  • design features of the built-in mechanism;
  • properties and features of curtain fabric;
  • and intended purpose.

There are several groups of roller blinds:

Usually, attic structures- designs small sizes, manually controlled. But in general, there are both spring and chain mechanisms, controlled remotely. They can also be equipped with any roller blinds made to order according to individual specifications.

Electrically operated curtains greatly help users in situations where direct access to roller structures, or more precisely, to their mechanisms, is difficult. For example, in plant greenhouses, swimming pools or in rooms with so-called “second light” windows.

How to choose textiles for roller blinds

In some photos, roller blinds on windows look very attractive. And potential customers have a completely legitimate question - how to choose the right material for roller blinds, so that in their home (in the office, etc.) it turns out as beautiful as in advertising on websites and in booklets.

Simply taking fabric that is absolutely identical to what you saw and liked is not always the answer. In a particular interior, such material may not look at all. Therefore, we need to approach the solution of the aesthetic issue differently. And first, figure out what kind of textiles are generally used to create roller blinds of various designs.

Firstly, the fabrics used for the production of roller blinds must have the following production and performance characteristics:

  • special ease;
  • maximum stability of the canvas;
  • and resistance to fading.

Day-night roller blinds can be supplied in cassette or open-type roller systems. Their main feature is that they are able to regulate the illumination of the room not only due to their own movement and the level of fixation of the canvas, but also by changing the light transmittance of the material used.

Such curtains are a kind of screen made of two layers of special fabric, consisting of horizontal stripes of different textile densities - solid and sparse (almost transparent). The “day” mode provides for the overlapping of such stripes, and the “night” mode provides for offset. And it turns out that roll screen Any day-night type curtain sometimes looks striped, sometimes solid.

Interior artists give the following general tips for those who choose the fabric and design of roller blinds:

  1. The appearance of such curtains should be consistent with the general interior style of a particular room.
  2. Roller blinds should fit harmoniously into the existing layout and match the area of ​​the room (for example, heavy dark curtains look ridiculous in tiny rooms).
  3. Fabric with an ornament will look especially impressive in a monochromatic decorative or furniture environment.
  4. In colorful wallpaper and upholstery, a bright, richly patterned design will get lost and look out of place.
  5. Plain roller blinds need interior color support. That is, there must be some other elements (upholstery, accessories, etc.) of the same color or shades (if the latter are acceptable).

It must be kept in mind that plain curtains universal from the point of view of use in roll structures. For the most part, they are hardly noticeable in the setting, unless they are a contrasting spot (spots), a semantic accent. In other cases, they harmoniously “merge” into the overall design, elegantly support the style idea and provide light protection. In addition, they are often assigned the function of regulating lighting.

Installation of roller blinds

In principle, installing roller blinds is a simple matter. High-quality installation It’s quite possible to do it yourself. Especially if we're talking about about modern plastic (or wooden - it doesn’t matter) window structures.

Construction supermarkets today sell special sets of ready-made roller blinds with a mounting kit. Some can be secured with self-tapping screws, while others require special fasteners. And there are roller blinds for plastic windows without drilling parts, which are installed using double-sided tape.

Ready-made kits are equipped detailed instructions. And if you strictly follow it, then the installation of any ready-made roller blinds will be quick and without problems.
Installation operations must be performed strictly in stages and sequentially:

If the curtain is placed on a so-called “blind window,” then all its elements are also installed with self-tapping screws. But in principle, the process of installing ready-made roller blinds is very simple and can be performed even by a person who has never dealt with anything like this before.

Curtain and curtain alternative

Obviously, roller blinds various types and types - this is an excellent alternative to the usual curtains on curtains. And such curtains have many advantages:

  • ample opportunities for regulating indoor lighting;
  • free access to the windowsill;
  • ease of care;
  • variety of artistic solutions;
  • ease of installation;
  • simple controls;
  • low cost.

Modern roller blinds are a wonderful option for decorating windows in bedrooms, children's rooms, and kitchens. Yes, and in the most luxurious living rooms you can often find just such curtain designs. After all, you can order the most expensive, elegant and sophisticated fabrics from them. For commercial premises, roller blinds are also the best option. Simple, visually attractive and does not require any special care. That is why roller blind structures are installed today in many administrative, public, utility and even industrial premises.

Sometimes roller blinds are installed in addition to traditional curtains. But then they must be chosen especially carefully. Interior designers combine, for example, bright patterned curtains with plain fabrics to match the roll sheets. Or they use the same material, but “play” with the form. It turns out incredibly impressive!

Today you can choose roller blinds to suit every taste and budget. And they will truly become a window decoration. A logical and cozy completion of the created environment of any style.

To see how roller blinds are installed on plastic windows, you can watch this video review: