How to remove old whitewash

The hardest thing clean dirty floor after renovation, since stains from whitewash, glue and other building mixtures remain on it.

To properly clean the floor from such contaminants, you should go through at least three stages:

  • first remove global contamination of the floor by washing it with warm water so that all stubborn stains become more clearly visible;
  • wash stains from glue, putty, paint using a plastic spatula and solvents;
  • Finally, wash the floors with cool water and remove any remaining stains.

To remove paint stains, for each type flooring the remedy is selected individually.

But it is important to understand that You only need to treat the stain itself: do not touch the area around it, so as not to spoil the floor surface. Previously, housewives washed the floor with water with the addition of kerosene, and rinsed it with a vinegar solution, but now you can use ordinary acetone or any solvent.

If the floor covering absorbs moisture well, then such stains can be soaked in water for a while so that they soften thoroughly. Thanks to this method, water-based and regular paint will disappear without the use of caustic solvents.

How to wash whitewash?

The most difficult thing is to wash whitewash from the floor covering. In order to effectively get rid of white stains, you need to frequently change the water and rinse the rag or mop well. You can effectively get rid of traces of whitewash using such folk remedies.

Whitewash remover

How to act correctly?

Rock salt + vinegar

The first time you should wash the floor clean water, then dial new water into a bucket and pour five tablespoons of rock table salt into it. Salty water It will help get rid of traces of whitewash perfectly. To finish cleaning, wash the floors with a weak solution. table vinegar.

Sunflower oil + vinegar

  • dissolve a small amount of vegetable oil in a bucket of warm water in a ratio of 100:1, respectively;
  • thoroughly wash the floors to remove any remaining lime;
  • after that do new solution: dissolve a little table vinegar in warm water and rinse the floors well again;
  • Finally, wipe the surface with clean, cool water.

Potassium permangantsovka

  • dilute such a quantity of potassium permanganate crystals until the color of the water turns bright crimson;
  • thoroughly wash the floors with the resulting solution;
  • Wipe the floor surface with clean water.

But This product cannot be used on surfaces that are varnished, as stains will remain..


Whitewash that has already dried well on the floor covering can be washed with kerosene. To do this you need:

  • add 150 grams of kerosene to 5 liters of water;
  • wash the floors thoroughly, and in places where the whitewash or putty has dried, rub them with a sponge soaked in kerosene;
  • in order to destroy bad smell, wipe the floors several times with clean water with the addition of a glass of table vinegar.

When the question of repair arises, especially in “USSR” buildings, it becomes necessary to remove all former finishing coatings.

These include, of course, old whitewash. It can be on the ceiling and on the walls. The following article will help you get rid of it correctly and completely.

Preliminary preparation

There are several methods for removing the entire layer of whitewash from the ceiling surface. However, despite each option, adequate preliminary preparation is required. The following steps should be taken.

Preparatory activities:

1. There are many methods for removing a layer of whitewash from the surface of a ceiling material, but, in any case, you will need to ensure proper personal protection and become familiar with basic current knowledge.

2. Try to remove any movable materials and structures away from the door. Electronics, furniture, household appliances, curtains, carpets and other decorative and functional elements must be moved to other items. separate room.

3. Any movable furniture located in the room must be removed (removed) directly behind doorway. Probably with carpets small furniture, there will be no technical difficulties. If things are large, then you need to carefully and generously cover them with polyethylene. The film should be carefully secured with tape around the perimeter, scrupulously gluing all seams and tears.

4. Then you need to cover the floor surface with a protective film. As a replacement - film or special paper.

5. Lamps or a chandelier from the ceiling will need to be temporarily disassembled. For work safety, you will have to turn off the apartment electricity, then all the plaster can be removed without fear.

Attention! It is necessary to ensure that the apartment is completely de-energized, since wiring from neighboring rooms can carry electricity. Especially in dorms or communal apartments!

6. Lime coating is not entirely safe material for everyone's health. It can irritate mucous membranes, eyes, wound surfaces and skin.

It is necessary to be completely protected from splashes and lime dust when working:

— respirator and plastic mask;

— adsorption suit;

— gloves made of thickened rubber;

- an additional medical cap to prevent lime from dripping.

Methods for removing whitewash

Let’s move on to a detailed consideration of the most effective, accessible and acceptable methods of “fighting” surfaces treated with lime.

Classic way

The most classic and outdated, but still common method of removing the whitewash layer is the use of a conventional metal spatula. Of course, this process is very lengthy and technically difficult to implement, but the result is fully consistent with the labor and time costs. This technology is recommended for use in enclosed spaces with a very thick layer of lime on the ceiling.

Read also: Repair balcony slab with your own hands

It is better to do this work with the following tools:

- rags or large sponge;

- a brush with hard, short bristles;

- warm water and spray bottle;

- a set of different-sized spatulas with sharp metal blades.

The working method is as follows:

1. Heated water is drawn into the spray bottle, which is sprayed through a nozzle outlet over a small ceiling area. When there is no sprayer, you will have to manually draw water into a bucket, wet a sponge (rag) and intensively rub the ceiling surface.

Recommendation! In order for the old lime to be thoroughly saturated with water, you need to wait 13–19 minutes. If the thickness of the whitewash is large, then wetting must be repeated at least several times (2-3)!

2. Take a wide-plane sharp metal spatula and begin the process of prying off the old coating layer and removing it. Completely soaked lime will be easily and completely removed from the main surface. If necessary, hard-to-treat areas should be additionally moistened.

3. After passing with a wide spatula, the surface is soaked and cleaned with finer plane tools.

Thus, the entire required area is cleared of the whitewash layer in stages.

4. When the entire surface is free of lime, additional cleaning must be done. Grains and particles of the substance will still remain on the ceiling. You can bring the ceiling surface to excellent condition by finishing cleaning, which is done as follows:

— with a moistened hard brush, remove the remaining whitewash and clean out seams, recesses, cracks, etc.;

- Use a damp cloth or sponge to completely wash off the remaining material.

Application of grinding machine

Using a modern device - a grinding machine, removing the coating is quick and much easier, for example, in comparison with the “spatula” method. Of course there is significant drawback– formation and spread of a considerable amount of fine dust.

Advice! It is better to use a grinding machine when carrying out general overhaul, when the room is completely empty, and garbage accumulates from other manipulations!

Using the technique under consideration, you will need the following tools and materials:

- respiratory protection, respirator;

— the grinding machine itself;

— special clothing that reliably covers the employee;

— durable safety glasses for construction and installation work;

- a suitable bedspread.

First, you need to reliably protect the working person (or yourself) - dress in appropriate clothing and use protective equipment.

Important! A gauze bandage or a medical mask is an unreliable way to protect against dust particles and all kinds of tiny fragments!

Since the operation of a grinding machine is accompanied by the formation of an abundance of dust, it is better to isolate the room (room) with a polyethylene partition. Also for this, it is advisable to use a damp blanket, which will reliably protect other rooms from contamination, but at the same time will allow fresh air to pass through.

Having carried out such preliminary preparation, the ceiling surface must be treated with a cleaning grinding machine. Settled lime dust should be treated with water from a spray bottle and removed with a hard mop or an ordinary broom. Then, you will need to wash the floors multiple times, preferably using special cleaning additives.

Removing limescale from the ceiling with soapy water

Lime whitewash can be “removed” from the ceiling surface with a regular soap solution. To implement this method you will need:

— heated water (10 l);

- a third of a standard piece of technical (laundry) soap;

- six to five tablespoons of regular baking soda.

In addition, you will need a container (suitable volume), a roller, preferably a fluffy one, and a large coarse sponge (or a technical rag).

The technology for carrying out the work is as follows:

1. 9.5–10.0 liters of heated (warm) water is poured into a bucket and the required amount of soda is diluted in the volume.

2. Using a regular grater, the soap is fragmented and the resulting mass is also added to the container. It will take quite a long time to stir the composition until all the added components are completely dissolved.

3. A sponge, roller or rag should be soaked in the solution. Then you can start wiping the whitewashed surface. When the work is done, it will be clearly visible how the old finish is washed off. Wiping should be carried out until the surface is completely clean (dark gray color of ceiling tiles).

“Paste” technique for removing the whitewash layer

As a similar means, you can use a paste, which is not at all difficult to “cook” yourself. Its ingredient composition includes a minimum of components: pure starch (or high-quality flour) and hot (no more than 66.7 C) water.

Before starting work, you need to prepare a set of the required tools:

- spacious capacity;

- spatulas;

The process of performing the work itself will be subjected to a step-by-step analysis:

1. Of course, you need to cook the paste first. In an appropriate (more than 15 l) container, water is brought to a full boil. A substance (starch or flour) is poured into it to create a viscous-adhesive structure.

Recipe! For 1.0 liter of boiling water you will need 32.0–40.1 g. starch or 73.0 gr. refined wheat flour!

The ingredient is poured into water, with constant stirring. It is necessary to control the formation of lumps and destroy them in a timely manner. The mass must be absolutely homogeneous - not a single clot or lump.

2. After sufficient dissolution and a certain thickening, the container can be removed from the heating fire. Allow to cool to an acceptable ambient temperature.

I am glad to welcome all my readers. Today I would like to dwell on the question of how to wash off whitewash quickly. Today, lime whitewash is not as in demand as it was before. It was replaced by more modern materials. However, older people mainly recognize only this finishing material. In any case, whitewashing the ceiling with lime is done exactly, but the walls, for example, are covered with wallpaper.

Some of you in your apartment or country house have ceilings, and maybe even walls, that are still covered with whitewash. Perhaps you need to carry out renovations in the purchased apartment with lime whitewashing. Therefore, you may encounter this too. In this situation, the whitewash must be washed off quickly.

If the nabel consists of several layers and is also saturated with fatty deposits, then the task becomes a little more complicated. Let me explain right away that chalk whitewash is much easier to wash off than lime whitewash. But nothing is impossible. We get started and do everything quickly and efficiently. Go.

Preparatory work

  • Since you will be dealing with lime dust, protect your eyes and respiratory organs with personal protection- glasses, wear at least a gauze mask, and if it’s the ceiling and walls, then a respirator, since the amount of work involved in washing is large. Protect your hands with gloves and your hair with a cap.
  • Remove or cover furniture and heating radiators with plastic wrap, as their ribbing will make it difficult to wash off all the lime dust. Cover the floor with polyethylene and secure with tape. In addition, film will not hurt to protect doors and windows.
Basic Tools

The minimum tools you will need are:

  • Spatula for removing a layer of whitewash;
  • Scraper with an extended handle to quickly remove whitewash in hard to reach places(above covered furniture, where you cannot place a trestle or stepladder). If the room is completely empty, then you can get by with a spatula;
  • A roller for wetting the surface and a tray for water, you can use a spray bottle for moistening, a brush, a bucket, sponges for washing off whitewash residues;

The most common method when the question is how to wash off whitewash quickly is to wet the base with water and remove the whitewash with a spatula.

Methods for removing whitewash

Wet method:

  • Wet the surface with a wet roller. You can work with grips, or you can go over the entire ceiling area several times at intervals of 10-15 minutes and let the whitewash swell. Then we begin to quickly clean off this layer. If the ceiling dries out, then we moisten it and move quickly on.
  • If you add two tablespoons of soda and three tablespoons of vinegar to the washing water - this is per 10 liters of water, then the limescale will be removed quickly.
  • We do the same with washing the walls. First we work with one, then with the second, and so on until complete victory.
    When the lime or chalk is removed, it is necessary to rinse the base well with water - with a roller, sponges, rags. Let it dry and check the quality of the work. Simply run your finger or palm over the surface. If not white plaque, then everything is done correctly.

Dry method:

You can remove whitewash very quickly using grinder or use a drill with the appropriate attachment. A man can do this, since not every woman painter can hold a working tool in her hands for a long time.
In addition, with this method there will be dust “don’t worry, mother”, plus it is a noisy process. In this case, the room must be completely free and prepared, otherwise dust will get into all the cracks. Watch how this is done in the video:

Using adhesive:

I’ll share another way to wash off lime, which was recommended to me by my worker painter. The fact is that I was going to renovate the dacha, and there was old whitewash. We take paper, leftover wallpaper, newspapers and apply glue on them - the cheapest one. We glue it to the whitewash, but leave the edge unsmeared so that you can simply pull the paper and tear it off along with the whitewash, waiting for the glue to set with the whitewash layer. Something will remain on the surface, but this can be removed quickly and easily with a spatula.

Composition for removing whitewash

Use of special drugs:

To facilitate the process of removing whitewash, a number of manufacturers produce whitewash remover. For example, QUELYD Dissoucol. Read the instructions and dilute the product in the required proportion. It contains an additive that allows you to quickly wash off the whitewash. A 250 ml bottle is enough for 50 -100 m2 of area. It is considered a safe product for people.
All methods work. Choose the most suitable option for myself.

Often after completing a capital or cosmetic repairs all surfaces of the room remain covered with whitewash stains or a layer of lime dust, even if protective plastic covers and newspapers were used. It just seems like it’s easy to wash off the whitewash.

Despite the fact that the composition is represented by tiny specks of dust, which should be washed off with water without any problems, in practice it is quite problematic to wash off white formations and stains. However, there are several practice-tested methods with which you can quickly and without unnecessary hassle restore the cleanliness of floors, walls and other surfaces.

Means that can be used to remove traces of whitewash from different surfaces

To wash away traces of whitewash and prevent the appearance of cloudy stains on various surfaces, after completing the repair, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  • Use of vegetable oil. In a bucket or basin, mix warm water and vegetable oil (half a glass of product per 1 liter of liquid). We wipe the floor with the resulting composition; you can also treat the surface of the walls. Then we change the water and this time mix cool water and vinegar in the same proportions. We rinse the surfaces with this product, then wipe them with clean water and leave to dry with good access to fresh air.

  • Using table salt. To wash off whitewash, which is not just dust or stains, but a dense layer, you must first thoroughly wash the surface of the walls and floor with a composition made from warm water and detergent for dishes (no more than a tablespoon per basin of water). After this, wipe them with a solution of table salt (half a glass of fine powder per bucket of liquid). If it was not possible to completely wash away the traces of repair, then add half a glass of 3% vinegar to the prepared salt composition and repeat the manipulation. To complete the procedure, the floor and wall surfaces should be wiped with clean water and dried.

  • It is also able to quickly remove stubborn stains, however, it is better not to use this product for treating varnished surfaces; stains may remain. We dilute potassium permanganate with lukewarm water to obtain a bright pink solution, which we use to wipe the surfaces damaged during the repair process. There is no need to rinse anything off!

  • Kerosene against stubborn stains. Pour a few tablespoons of kerosene into a bucket of water (for severe contamination, the volume of the active component can be increased to half a glass), stir and wash the problem areas. It is imperative to use clean water after this.

Tip: If, as a result of using any strong-smelling product (for example, kerosene or gasoline), a persistent unpleasant odor remains in the room, then the treated surfaces of the floor and walls should be wiped with a very weak solution of vinegar. Then we just let them dry by opening the windows.

  • Universal cleaners. Good results are obtained from ready-made products such as Domestos. We dilute it in a proportion of two tablespoons per 5 liters of water and use it to wipe contaminated areas. We wipe the already clean surface several times with clean water.

  • Floor cleaning products. In cases where the contaminants remaining from the repairs are insignificant, you can try to wash them off with the most by simple means for treating floors (Mr. Muscle or Mister Proper). An additional advantage of this approach is the atmosphere of freshness and pleasant smell as a result of the cleaning.

In addition to all of the above, there are specialized products that are designed specifically for removing traces of whitewash from walls and floors. The main thing is to use them strictly according to the instructions, without violating the recommended dosages and adhering to the sequence of actions.

How to wash off old whitewash before starting work?

Usually, at the very beginning of the renovation, it becomes necessary to remove the old layer of whitewash from the ceiling or walls. To carry out such a procedure, it is not necessary to call specialists; you can try to cope on our own. The whole process consists of several stages:

  1. Before removing the whitewash, it is necessary to clear the room of furniture or at least cover it with protective plastic covers. In this case, you won’t have to think about how to clean objects and surfaces from dirt.
  2. There are many ways to remove an unnecessary layer. The most common option is using a sprayer. Using a special or homemade spray bottle, it is necessary to distribute water over the ceiling so that it does not drip, but penetrates the texture of the material, making it loose. We wait 10 minutes and repeat the manipulation. Next, take a spatula and carefully remove the layer of lime from the ceiling. We work quickly until the raw materials dry out again.
  3. There is another effective option for removing whitewash from the ceiling. To implement it, we need a newspaper, which needs to be smeared with a thin layer of inexpensive glue and glued to the ceiling, leaving the ends of the sheet free. As soon as the structure dries to the ceiling, carefully remove it along with the whitewash. In this way we process the entire ceiling, preparing it for repairs.

After cleaning, you need to wash the ceiling from chalk residues using a thick sponge. After the surface has dried, you can begin further processing.

Lime whitewash is a material that has not been used in repairs for a long time; it has been replaced by a better and more modern one. water-based paint. But previous generations believed slaked lime, and even with the addition of blue for radiant whiteness, the best coverage for the ceiling and sometimes walls. So now, when starting a renovation, we have to think about removing this layer.

Dismantling the old coating and cleaning the surfaces from the finishing is the most tedious, but obligatory part of the repair, and lime whitewash must be washed in any case. There is only one reason - lime prevents the adhesion of all finishing materials with the surface.

Whitewash can only be left in one place - on the ceiling, and in the only case - if you are going to install suspended ceiling or cover it with plasterboard, that is, do suspended structure. For other purposes it must be removed. You can learn how to wash off whitewash from walls quickly and completely from this article.

Preparing surfaces for repair: removing whitewash

If you can’t do without washing off the lime, let’s learn how to remove this finish quickly, easily, effectively and different ways. There are several of them. So you can choose the one that suits you.

Important: Before you start cleaning whitewashed surfaces, remove all furniture and carpets from the room. If there is nowhere to remove interior items during repairs, wrap them with film, otherwise it will be very difficult to wash everything and clean it from dust later.

Removing whitewash using the “dry” method quickly

This method of cleaning walls from old whitewash is the simplest and fastest, but be prepared for the fact that there will be a lot of dirt and dust after such an event. You will also need special tools.

To work you will need the following:

  • Grinder;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • metal brush.

Don’t worry, you won’t need everything at once. There are simply several options for dry lime removal from surfaces.

If you need speed, quality and simplicity, use grinder. Put a coarse sandpaper on it and walk over the desired surfaces with rotational movements.

If you don’t have such a power tool at hand, take a chisel and, applying it at an acute angle to the wall or ceiling, tap it a little with a hammer. After you have made several notches, try to pick up the layer of lime with a spatula and remove it from the surface.

And it also happens that the lime is too old and peels off from the walls and ceiling. In this case, you will not need anything other than a spatula. It will easily scrape off unnecessary coating from surfaces. Then go over the entire area with a wire brush.

After completing any of these procedures, sweep the surfaces with a broom or large soft brush to remove dust. And then go over them with a primer. Now the ceiling or walls are ready for a new finish.

Advice: Before you start cleaning surfaces from lime using a dry method, hang a sheet moistened with water on the door leading from this room to other rooms, otherwise the dust will spread throughout the entire home.

“Wet” method of removing lime

All “dry” options for getting rid of old coating, except for a sander, take a lot of effort and time. So if you don't have this useful tool, we recommend trying to remove limescale with water.

For the “wet” method of cleaning surfaces from lime you will need:

  • water;
  • sponge;
  • rag;
  • putty knife;
  • soft roller with a long handle.

Pour more water into a bowl, soak the sponge, wring it out a little and wet the surfaces to be cleaned with it. Moisturize as much as possible because whitewash quickly absorbs moisture.

After this, go over the surfaces again with a soft roller soaked in water, and after 15 minutes, start scraping off the whitewash with a spatula.

This is a very labor-intensive task, so we offer more effective and faster options for removing lime - using special solutions rather than ordinary water. You can find them at any hardware store, or prepare them yourself.

Solution No. 1

Mix 5 liters of water, 50 ml of ammonia and 100 ml of soda solutions (pre-dilute them with water in proportions 1:3), 30 ml of bath foam and 20 ml of 9% vinegar. Heat the mixture to 50 degrees and moisten the surfaces with it.

Solution No. 2

Mix copper sulfate and hydrochloric acid in a 1:1 ratio, apply to old whitewash, leave for 20 minutes.

Solution No. 3

Dilute 100 g in 10 liters of water baking soda and 60 g of any soap crushed with a grater. Sprinkle this solution liberally on walls or ceilings whitewashed with lime.

Solution No. 4>

In fact, this is the most ordinary paste. It is prepared like this: 40 g of starch is mixed in a liter of water. And then this mixture is gradually added to boiling water. Cook the mixture a little, stirring vigorously until it begins to thicken. Starch can be replaced with flour. Apply paste to the surface covered with lime and let dry.

Solution No. 5

In a bucket of water (10 l), dilute the contents of one bottle of iodine. Apply the composition to the lime - in this way it is easy to remove even the thickest layer.

After using any of these solutions, the whitewash can be easily removed with a spatula.

Advice: It is more convenient to apply all these mixtures not with a sponge, brush or roller, but with a spray gun or spray gun.

With noise, but without dust

There is another way to wash off whitewash from walls, and at the same time it will work quickly and cleanly. But this is only possible if you have an old, unnecessary washing vacuum cleaner.

To do this, fill its tank with one of the solutions described above, or a special one purchased in a store, and wash all surfaces intended for cleaning. If there are no more than 2-3 layers of whitewash on them, this method will be very effective. True, the vacuum cleaner will no longer work.

Elimination of “consequences”

The whitewash was removed from the surfaces, new coatings were applied, and the worst is over. But after renovation, it can be very difficult to remove dirt from the floor and windows without leaving white streaks.

Just water is not enough. You will do this over and over again, and after each time, while the surface is wet, it will seem that everything is clean. But as soon as the water dries, new traces of lime will appear. Therefore, you need to act using special methods.

Mopping the floors

It is better to take care of their cleanliness in advance, before the start of repairs and preparatory work so that you don’t have to scrub off stains all day long in the sweat of your brow. Cover it with oilcloth or rolls of old wallpaper. It is better to seal the cracks between the baseboard and the flooring with masking tape, otherwise it will be very difficult to clean out dirt and dust from there.

But no protection option will provide you with a perfectly clean floor after whitewash removal, especially using a dry method.

Methods for cleaning lime off floors without streaks are dictated by the type of floor covering.

Parquet doesn't like water. Therefore, wring out the rag as hard as possible. And for cleaning use the following solutions:

  1. With dishwashing detergent. Dilute about 20 ml of gel in a bucket of water and wipe the floor with this mixture.
  2. With vinegar and vegetable oil. Dilute the oil in water in a ratio of 1:100, rinse the surface with this mixture, and then wipe with the same weak solution of vinegar.
  3. With kerosene. Pour 100 ml of kerosene into 5 liters of water, mix vigorously and wash the parquet with this product. Be sure to ventilate the room after cleaning.

Important: use only soft rags or sponges, and in no case hard brushes - this material does not like abrasive materials.

Laminate It is also a rather capricious coating that does not tolerate excessive moisture. It is good to clean it from whitewash and dust with an aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (a tablespoon per 5 liters of liquid). A composition with vegetable oil, which was used to wash parquet, is also suitable.

There is another remedy: dissolve half a glass of table salt in a bucket of water. Rinse the laminate with this mixture, and then wipe with a cloth soaked in clean water.

And here linoleum accepts any wash. But it will be more effective if plain water you will add a little turpentine or shavings laundry soap.

For flooring in the form tiles (for example, when renovating a bathroom), use special chemical compositions, which are sold in construction and hardware stores. None of them will harm the tiles.

Advice: traces of lime are easily washed off from any surfaces with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The exception is parquet, which may leave stains.

  1. Go over the ceiling and walls again with a damp cloth to make sure that there is no dust left on them, which will then settle on the washed floor.
  2. Before mopping the floor, use a broom to sweep away most of the debris and dust. When there is little left, go over the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Wash the floor with a mop and plain water for the first time. Let it dry, and only then, using a rag or sponge and special solutions, begin to fight stains.

Cleaning the windows

Glass is another problematic surface, which, after procedures such as removing whitewash indoors, is very difficult to get rid of stains.

Important: Do not use solutions that contain bleach or soap to clean windows. This will cause the glass to become frosted, which will look unsightly and reduce visibility.

Do not wet the windows with water under any circumstances, otherwise it will take a very long time to remove traces of stains. First, wipe off the dust from the glass with a dry soft cloth.

After this, use special sprayers to clean windows or prepare the solution yourself, following folk recipes.

So, the following composition is perfect for washing windows: a liter of water plus a glass of 9 percent vinegar or a tablespoon of ammonia.

An excellent remedy - with starch. Add a tablespoon to a liter of water and stir vigorously.

Apply these compounds to the windows using a spray bottle and wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Thanks to the fact that we live in an era high technology, we have the opportunity to use for high-quality cleaning of windows from dirt special device- “Kärcher”. It bears the name of the German company of the same name, which produces household appliances. This miracle device will easily put your windows in order after being dirty with lime.

You can handle both old whitewash and cleaning after renovation, if you know how to do it correctly. In addition, there are many visual videos of these processes. Choose a method that is convenient for you, and go ahead! The main thing is to remember that it is very dangerous for the human respiratory system, so protect your nose and mouth with a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage soaked in water.

Good luck with your renovation!