How to make a filter for water purification in the field and at home. DIY water filters 5 liter filter from a bottle

How to make a water filter at home?

There are several ways to make a water filter, using a ready-made, purchased filter, or inventing it yourself. Let's look at these two options.

And so, for the first method, we will need a purchased water filter and a plastic bottle.

This filter is very convenient to use when hiking or traveling somewhere. Let's begin!

1. Take a knife and cut the bottle into two parts. The cut should be in the place where the top part of the bottle (cone-shaped) goes into middle part(cylindrical).

2 . Now take the filter and insert it bottom into the cut off part with the neck. This way we will determine where to cut off the neck of the bottle.

In total, we get a bottle cut into 3 parts and a filter.

3. All the parts for the filter are ready, all that remains is to assemble it. We take the filter and insert it into the cut-off top part bottles as shown in the photo.

4. We place this design in a bottle, and our filter will be ready. We can fill it with water and check how it works.

How to make a filter with your own hands?

The second method is more interesting, since we will create the filter ourselves! This is not a difficult task, but you will have to try. For the filter you will need the following materials:

Filter container.

River sand.


Cotton wool (can be replaced with gauze or cloth).

Visual diagram of the filter.

The principle of the filter is very simple - water passes through materials that are capable of filtering it, and at the output we get purified water.

To make such a filter, we used the materials listed above; a 5-liter bottle was used as a container.

1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle. We also make a small hole in the bottle cap, 1 centimeter in diameter.

Filters help get rid of the following substances and manifestations:

  • chlorine impurities;
  • nitrates;
  • sulfates;
  • nitrites;
  • pesticides;
  • smells;
  • coloration;
  • turbidity;

Unfortunately, this method of cleansing is also not ideal; it has features and limitations in use.


Filter device

Features of manufacturing the simplest filters– in multilayers of materials with different cleaning properties. Every new level promotes additional removal of impurities, contaminants or certain properties of water.

To build a filter with your own hands, you can use available fillers and simple devices.

IN living conditions For a homemade filter you will need the following as cleaners:

  1. Paper napkins, gauze or a wide bandage. Water from a well or a water supply system is perfectly purified with their help, but the fragility of the materials is the reason for their frequent replacement.
  2. Thin cotton, canvas or linen fabric , wool is more durable in composition and lasts longer.
  3. , which you can purchase in a store or make yourself.
  4. Silver coin or other small silver items.
  5. Small pebbles, gravel, clean river or quartz sand, pre-washed and calcined for disinfection.

As containers for unfiltered and purified water, you can use a plastic or enamel bucket with a lid and a plastic five-liter bottle. The volume of utensils used can be increased or decreased depending on need.

Step by step guide:

  1. Step 1. In the lid of the bucket for clean water, you need to cut a hole in the center for screwing the neck down of a plastic bottle. The fit between the two elements must be tight. Cut edges should be processed sandpaper or a file, and make 5-6 punctures in the bottle cap to drain the purified liquid.
  2. Step 2. Preparing a container for water purification. If you are using a five-liter or other plastic bottle, then you need to carefully cut off the bottom to fill the vessel with filtration materials and insert it into the hole in the bucket lid.
  3. Step 3. In the place of the neck, layers of thin fabric or cotton wool are laid from the inside with a tight fit to the walls. You need to pour pre-prepared crushed coal 5-6 cm high on top and compact it a little with a heavy object. This is the main filter component, its capabilities are calculated approximately from the ratio: 1 tablet of activated carbon per 1 liter of liquid.
  4. Step 4. On top of the coal layer, you need to spread gauze or bandage in several layers, carefully covering the previous level, and place silver pieces or coins on top for bacterial cleaning.
  5. Step 5. Place a layer of clean sand 2-2.5 cm high and make sure that it does not seep into the coals. Mixing may cause the filter to become clogged. Sand enhances filtration without allowing foreign particles to pass through. You need to lay 4-5 layers of gauze on top so that there is no funnel when filling the container with water.
  6. Step 6. You can begin test cleaning after filling the container. If the design is designed for continuous water supply, then it is important to monitor the pressure, which should not exceed throughput filter.

The performance and quality of filter cleaning depend on the number of layers and their density. It is considered optimal to purify 2-3 liters of water per hour.

It should be noted that purchased filters essentially have the same cleaning properties, even if ground coconut shells that have undergone pyrolysis are used instead of carbon filler.

You can prepare charcoal yourself by calcining hardwood wood placed in a metal container in a fire. Ephedras cannot be used due to large quantity the resins they contain. Birch logs are ideal for making activated carbon.

The filtration layers should fill approximately 2/3 of the total volume of the bottle, leaving 1/3 for unfiltered water.

DIY flow filter

Manufacturingpossible provided that water is supplied at a certain and stable pressure. The main purpose of such installations is to remove chlorine odors, additional cleaning and disinfection.

To assemble the structure, you will need three flasks of the same size, filler and ¼-inch nipple adapters, marked with the direction of the media. The filter material can be carbon.

The flasks must be connected in series, the middle one must be filled with filter material. The filter is connected to the water supply system with a tee. Connections are carefully sealed to avoid leaks.

It should be remembered that over time the filters themselves also become dirty. Cloth, cotton and paper cleaners should be replaced as they wear out. The sand can be washed with a reverse water flow until the water is completely transparent.

The carbon layer must be replaced due to bacterial contamination. The maximum filtration period for sand is 3 months, and for coal - 1 month.

Overview of filtration materials

Water purification is carried out through porous layers of materials that can be replaced as needed or in connection with the assigned tasks. To determine the quality level of filtration, water must be sent for laboratory analysis. Sometimes it is enough to visually feel the difference between the original and purified water in terms of taste characteristics.

The main list of filtration materials is traditional: cotton wool, gauze, cotton fabrics, pebbles, coal. But sometimes the question arises, what to prefer and why?

River or quartz sand

For the purpose of mechanical purification of water from impurities and contaminants, sand is used. Quartz is considered the most suitable due to the suitable shape of its grains and mineral purity. The angularity of the particles resists sticking, a property important for filtration. Quartz sand It is characterized by fine dispersion, which enhances the quality of water purification.

Charcoal or coconut shell

The use of coal is associated with the removal of pesticides, traces of chlorine, ozone, and organic matter through the adsorption process. Efficiency is achieved provided the structure is porous.

If the charcoal was produced in a factory method, then technology ensures that the charcoal has pores. Making coal yourself does not lead to the desired stage, although there will still be some porosity.

The best cleansing structure of charcoal is achieved by charring coconut shells or pits of plums, apricots or peaches.

An additional filter component that has recently appeared on the modern market. The presence of special polypropylene fibers in it ensures high-quality cleaning from impurities and substances harmful to humans.

Principle of operation

Operating principle of a reverse osmosis system

Water passes through several layers of filter and is successively freed from various contaminants. The more levels, the higher the degree of purification. Fillers can be different, each with its own filtration features and capabilities.

First stage of cleaning- this is the mechanical screening through porous materials of particles of rust, sand, clay, and any debris that may be contained in water. In this way, transparency is achieved, giving the appearance of cleanliness.

Subsequent filters can change the color, taste, smell of water, and change its chemical composition.

The following are used as cleaning layers:

  • tissue or gauze;
  • cotton wool;
  • paper napkins;
  • quartz sand;
  • charcoal;
  • Lutraxil;

To effectively filter water, you need to know its features and composition. This information helps in selecting filters. For example, when receiving water from an artesian well, a lot of iron and hardness salts enter during the drilling process. Accordingly, cleaning should be aimed at removing iron content with a selected reagent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cleaning structures made independently from improvised means and materials are quite inexpensive, convenient and accessible. This is their great advantage over purchased filters and installations that country houses, do not take root at all in dachas due to cost and unacceptable conditions for use.

Any average person can make a simple and at the same time effective filter using household tools and devices: a knife, a plastic bottle, a bucket, fabric and other materials.

Disadvantages homemade designs for traditional filtration are:

  1. Inability to trap contaminants and infection high level. The pores of the filters can only partially resist harmful substances.
  2. A typical problem with a purifier is the internal accumulation of contaminant microorganisms, the concentration of which increases as filtration materials are used. The lack of self-cleaning affects the operation of the entire system as a whole. But a solution to this problem has not yet been found.
  3. Microelements needed by humans in particles, commensurate with the size of the contaminants, are also retained by filters and demineralize the water.

The problem of water filtration is acute in both cities and rural areas. This is why a water filter should be an integral attribute any kitchen.

The principle of operation of any filter is to pass water through a layer of filtration material. The following cleaning materials are used:

  • a piece of fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • napkins;
  • charcoal;
  • grass;
  • sand.

Filters for which gauze, cotton wool, Various types fabrics can be considered effective, but they are short-lived and therefore require frequent replacement. They can be used as a temporary option. For regular suitable for use charcoal. This material must be carefully laid in layers alternating sand, gravel, and grass. If it is not possible to purchase coal, then you can make it yourself. To obtain this material, you simply need to heat the pieces of wood. Wood should not be used for these purposes. coniferous species.

Making a simple filter

A flow filter for water purification has not found widespread use in summer cottages. This fact is due to the fact that a flow filter of this type requires the supply of water from a water supply system under a certain pressure, but not every dacha has a water supply system with the necessary characteristics. As for pitcher-type filters, they purify water very slowly.

How to make a water filter with your own hands from a plastic bottle

You can find a simple way out of this situation: construct it yourself using plastic bottles. Coal and fabric napkins are used as filler.

A simple filter is manufactured in the following technological sequence:

  • the bottom of a plastic bottle is carefully cut off;
  • the container is filled with filler (cloth, coal);
  • The bottle must be inserted into the opening of the jar with the neck down.

And that’s it – the simplest homemade water filter is ready. Then in plastic container water is poured and after passing through the filler it enters the jar. After purification, the water must be boiled.

Independent water deferrization

There are several methods that allow you to use an iron-removing filter to purify water. One of the main methods is the aeration process, which is performed using compressors. Water that has undergone purification is the safest and can be used as drinking water.

Iron removal device

You can make an iron remover filter yourself. The installation instructions involve several main steps.

  1. The basis for the aerator is a tank located on a hill.
  2. The shape and size of the tank may vary. Food-grade polyethylene is used as the main material for production.
  3. The volume of the tank is selected based on the relationship with the amount of liquid consumed. In this option, it is advisable to make a reserve of half the volume.
  4. The deferrization aerator consists of:
    • compressor;
    • float valve;
    • nozzle for spraying water;
    • special filter;
    • tap.
  5. Water coming from the well moves to the tank and penetrates through the float valve device.
  6. The liquid enters the tank in a thin stream, and active contact with air occurs.
  7. The aeration process is that iron simply precipitates out of the water, so the design should include a tap that will be responsible for removing the metal.
  8. It is also necessary to install a ventilation hole on the tank lid, which will allow an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the water container.

Reverse osmosis filter operation diagram

Reverse osmosis filters are used to purify water. The liquid penetrates through a semi-permeable membrane. Molecules of water and oxygen pass through its structure. Cleansing occurs in several stages.

Reverse osmosis system

The first stage is pre-cleaning. Reverse osmosis membrane - important element. The composite polymer consists of several layers. Filtration removes about 98% of minerals from water. Next, the water enters a special container in which it remains until the tap is opened. The last stage is the discharge of mineral salts.

The quality of water purification with reverse osmosis and the service life of the device depend on how correctly the flow filter is installed. The water filter is installed under the kitchen sink. Main filters cut into a cold water pipeline.


Clean water is the basis of the human body, so everyone should take care of the purification of the water they drink.

There are a variety of water purifiers. Which filter to choose depends on preference. This can be a jug-type filter, homemade or flow-through.

The problem of drinking water purification is becoming relevant not only for city residents, but also for residents of rural areas. To make water from a well or borehole suitable for drinking, you can make a water filter with your own hands.

Why filter well water?

It would seem that what could be purer than well water, sung in ancient Russian epics? Alas, modern reality is not at all like a fairy tale. Water in private wells can be contaminated by the most different substances, such as:

  • nitrates;
  • bacteria and pathogens;
  • impurities that impair the taste and quality of drinking water.

For excess in drinking water nitrates, i.e. salts of nitric acid, should be “thanked” by farmers who widely use fertilizers and pesticides when growing agricultural products. Some of these substances inevitably seep into the aquifer.

Bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms appear in wells and boreholes, since sanitary and hygienic standards during the construction of cesspools and manure pits, toilets and other similar structures are often not observed as strictly as they should be.

The simplest filter can be made from a plastic bottle with filler

Poor quality and damage to equipment lead to the fact that the water contains an admixture of rust, sand, etc. Drinking such water is simply unpleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to buy or make at least a simple water filter for your dacha.

Review of filtration materials

The principle of operation of the filter is simple and well known to everyone. It is necessary to pass water through a layer of filtration material. The filler can be different:

  • textile;
  • cotton wool;
  • paper napkins;
  • gauze;
  • sand;
  • grass;
  • coal;
  • Lutraxil.

Filters made from gauze, cotton wool, paper napkins, fabric and other similar materials are quite effective, but short-lived. They need to be changed quite often. However, they are quite suitable as a temporary option.

You can buy charcoal in a store or make it yourself

For regular use, other materials are used, mainly charcoal. It is laid in layers, alternating with sand, gravel, grass, etc. Lutraxil is a synthetic material made from polypropylene fibers.

Tip: You can make your own charcoal. To do this, it is enough to heat the pieces of wood in metal container. Coniferous wood is not suitable for this. Ready-made charcoal is sold in stores, in picnic departments.

The simplest filter from a plastic bottle

The use of conventional household filters for small dacha rarely convenient. Such devices require the supply of water from a water supply system under a certain pressure, and not every dacha has a water supply system at suitable characteristics. Pitcher filters purify water too slowly.

In addition, you will have to constantly change cartridges. Therefore, a homemade water filter made from a plastic bottle and a bucket with a plastic lid may be the most acceptable option.

Homemade filter for water can be made from a regular plastic bottle

This filter uses carbon and ordinary fabric napkins as a filler.

The simplest filter for a summer house is made as follows:
1. The bottom of a plastic bottle needs to be cut off.
2. Cut a suitable hole in the plastic lid of the bucket.
3. Insert the bottle into the hole with the neck down.
4. Fill the filter with filler.

Tip: It is important to ensure that the bottle is tightly attached to the edges of the hole made in the lid of the bucket. To do this, sand the edges of the hole with sandpaper and use a rubber gasket.

Using the same principle, you can make a more convenient filtration installation. A plastic canister or tank with a capacity of approximately 20 liters is used as a receiving container. You need to make a hole at the bottom and insert a small tap into it, through which purified water will flow.

You need to install it on top of the receiving container plastic bottle volume of 10 liters, in the bottom of which there is a filler hole. To make a filter, you can use a piece polypropylene pipe by 40 mm. The top and bottom of the pipe are covered with pieces of perforated plastic, which is recommended to be fixed with hot glue. The pipe is filled with charcoal.

Such a homemade filter should fit tightly into the neck of a standard ten-liter bottle. All that remains is to connect the receiving tank with the filter and the bottle. You can immediately fill the installation with a full bucket of well water, which will be filtered after a few hours. This way there will always be a supply of clean drinking water in the house.

Please note: The carbon filter must be rinsed before use. To do this, several liters of water are passed through it, which is immediately drained. This will remove small particles of coal that can contaminate the water.

Three-flask design for full-fledged water supply

Happy owners of a full-fledged water supply in a private house can make a three-flask homemade filter for water purification. To do this you need:

  1. Buy three identical flasks.
  2. Connect the flasks in series with two quarter-inch nipple adapters. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the in/out designations in order to maintain the direction of water movement. Nipple threads should be sealed with FUM tape.
  3. The outermost holes of the flasks are connected to the quarter-inch tube using straight adapters.
  4. Connect the filtration system to the water supply with a tee, which is cut into the water supply using a 1/2” connector.
  5. At the outlet, a standard drinking water tap is connected to the filter system.
  6. Fill the flasks with filter material. You can use a polypropylene cartridge, carbon filter and anti-scale filler.

Filter cartridges are very diverse and allow you to eliminate the most various pollution water. It is worth noting that the cost of such a DIY design may not be much lower than an inexpensive filtration unit from the manufacturer.

If you wish, you can make a high-quality water filter with your own hands; in terms of its cleaning capabilities, it will be no different from expensive purchased products.

In order for the human body to resist various diseases well, we must drink several liters of water every day. Moreover, it must be as clean as possible. Unfortunately, the liquid that flows from the taps of our apartments is not particularly clean. It contains dangerous microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria, and unsafe impurities.

It is clear that such water cannot be consumed. We have two options. Either constantly purchase bottled liquid for drinking in stores, or order filters made in the factory specifically for water purification. Such purchases require considerable funds. Besides, they don’t always sell to us quality water, and not all filter devices sold in stores provide a sufficient level of cleaning. A reasonable alternative to such purchases is to make a homemade filter at home.

Store-bought filters for water purification

We'll talk about how to make it from scrap materials. But first, let's figure out what a regular filter is. It is understood as a simple product with a special filler. The latter just purifies the water. Lutrasil, grass, gauze, cotton wool, coal, and sand are used as fillers. All fabric filters (made of cotton wool, gauze) provide quite adequate purification of drinking liquids. But they are very short-lived. They can only be used as temporary filter materials.

But products filled with lutrasil (polypropylene synthetic fiber) and charcoal are suitable for long-term and effective cleaning hard and contaminated water with various impurities. Lutrasil can be bought. You can also use homemade charcoal. It’s not difficult to make: put pieces of wood in a metal container and heat them well. Then let the charcoal cool. Then put it in gauze. Homemade carbon filter is ready!

Note! Coniferous wood for self-made coal cannot be used.

Commercial pitcher filtration devices purify water very slowly. It is not always convenient to use them. You have to wait a long time for the liquid to clear. This option is unacceptable, especially when you are going to nature (for example, to a dacha), where you may immediately need a fairly large volume of clean water for preparing food for a large company or for drinking.

Jug filtration device

The way out of this situation is to make an excellent camping filter yourself from a bucket with a lid and an ordinary 3-5 liter plastic bottle. The manufacturing scheme of the filter device is as follows:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle.
  2. Make a hole of a suitable diameter in the lid of the bucket.
  3. Place the cut bottle neck down into the bucket. It is advisable to sand the joint between the plastic container and the bucket and place a thick rubber gasket between them.
  4. Fill in plastic bottle filler (you can use a homemade carbon composition).

The mobile water purification device is ready for use.

The principle of self-manufacturing a simple filter described above, which is suitable for softening hard water and high-quality purification of impurities, can be used to create a more capacious filter installation. The scheme is like this:

  1. Take a tank or plastic canister with a capacity of 18–20 liters. This container will serve as a water receiving container.
  2. Cut a hole in the bottom of the tank. Its cross-section should be such that you can tightly insert a small tap into the container (the purified liquid will flow out through it).
  3. Find a small segment (diameter - 4 cm). Fill it with charcoal.
  4. Now take a 10-liter plastic bottle and make a hole in the bottom (this is where you will pour untreated water). Then attach a pipe with filter media to the neck of the container (a standard 10 liter bottle has a neck with a diameter of 4 cm).
  5. Connect the pipe coming from the 10-liter container (it will be on top of the structure) to the receiving tank.

Making a simple filter from a canister

You can immediately pour about 9 liters of water into this installation for cleaning. A homemade carbon filter will make this volume of liquid drinkable in literally 90–120 minutes. Advice - it is advisable to cover the bottom and top of the polypropylene pipe into which you will place the charcoal with pieces of plastic with holes (perforated products) and attach them using any hot-melt adhesive. In this case, coal pieces will not float or spill into the purified water tank.

Stationary filter device consisting of three flasks

Now let's figure out how to make an effective filter yourself to connect it directly to the system. For these purposes we will need three flasks with the same geometric parameters, in which you need to place the filler.

From containers prepared in this way, we will make a productive stationary filter for purifying tap water, guided by the following diagram:

  1. Take two 1/4 inch adapter nipples. Use them to connect all three flasks into one structure.
  2. Seal the joints of the nipples (their threads) with fluoroplastic sealing tape (the so-called FUM material).
  3. Using straight adapters, connect the 1/4-inch holes of the two outer flasks to the tube.
  4. Cut the prepared filter into the pipeline (you will need a half-inch connector and a tee).
  5. Connect a regular water tap to the filter outlet tube.

Take advantage of an effective filter device connected directly to your water supply for your health!