How to plaster drywall under wallpaper with your own hands. Plastering drywall with your own hands, video tips. Treatment with plaster composition

When renovating premises with existing plasterboard surfaces, the question often arises as to whether it is necessary to plaster the plasterboard. Is it necessary, is it possible to do this - what is the application for? plaster mixture on gypsum board? This is worth looking into in more detail.

There is no consensus on this issue. There are experts who assure that this is categorically impossible to do. And their arguments are quite convincing - there will come a time when drywall begins to crack under the influence of the mass of plaster and moisture from it.

If drywall is plastered, then the work is performed in compliance with all rules.

But they also listen to another opinion - you can apply plaster to drywall, provided that the slabs are of high quality, solid, and the plaster is applied correctly.

Correctly applied means:

  • You need to apply the plaster yourself (not literally, of course), controlling the entire process, and only on a moisture-resistant sheet;
  • Deep penetration primers must be used;
  • The mass is distributed in thin layers in several stages.

But decorative plaster can definitely be applied to a sheet. In this way, you can plaster drywall, moreover, this is how the sheets are brought to finishing. This is what decorative plaster is designed for.

How to plaster drywall correctly and is it necessary?

We can conclude that such plastering is not the easiest process. It is necessary to determine whether there is such a need to plaster a plasterboard wall. The sheet can very quickly begin to deform, or it can remain like this under the plaster for many years.

How to determine the need for plaster:

  • You had to sheath the walls and the sheathing is severely warped or misaligned. You think that it will be cheaper to plaster such a wall. This is a mistaken opinion, do not fight the effect, but eliminate the cause. Reinstallation is needed, and on moisture-resistant sheets. So plastering instead of reinstalling is not your option.
  • If the unevenness in the sheathing is insignificant, you can plaster it. It makes sense to apply plaster over dents and seams that have been previously filled with putty.
  • Finally, if we're talking about about decorative coating, as mentioned above. In this case, there are virtually no restrictions, since the decorative mass is applied in a very thin layer, and the composition of the material guarantees rapid polymerization and rapid drying.

And yet, in most cases, they decide to putty the drywall rather than plaster it. But whatever you decide, the next step is to choose a quality mixture.

Application technology: how to plaster plasterboard walls

It is extremely important to follow the operating technology. Even a minor violation can ruin all the work. So don't waste your time and energy.

How to plaster drywall:

  • Be sure to clean the surface from dust, and there will always be dust when installing drywall. It’s good if you have an industrial vacuum cleaner, but simple improvised means will also work.
  • Next you need to putty the seams, irregularities and joints. For putty, dry mixtures that need to be diluted are often used. But there are also ready-made ones on sale, which, however, will not withstand long-term storage.
  • First, the joint cavities and serious unevenness are filled with putty, and after the putty has hardened, a leveling layer is applied.
  • The next stage is primer. In this case, acrylate primers with vapor-permeable properties can be used. The primer is applied with a brush or roller.
  • After puttying and priming, you can begin plastering. The mixture should be applied in a thin layer, no more than 3 mm, using a metal trowel or a wide spatula.
  • If you are plastering for leveling, then you need to do this in several stages. It is better to do this in 3-4 layers of several millimeters each than one thick layer.

Not every plaster will be good for this event. Use mixtures based on a gypsum binder; it is pleasant to work with the same rotband and similar compositions. To make the plaster stick better, use reinforced fiberglass mesh.

Comparison: which is better, plaster walls or drywall

And if you are faced with a choice - drywall or plaster? It's a matter of preference, but there are some factors that can influence your choice. And these factors lean in favor of drywall.

Why is drywall preferable to plaster:

  • The quality of the walls does not matter. If the walls are crooked, with large defects, it is easier to cover them with plasterboard. If the differences are more than two centimeters, then plaster will no longer help.
  • The next reason is that you will save time. With drywall everything will go faster; you don’t need to wait for the plaster layers to dry.
  • There's no need for great skill here. plasterboard sheets you can install it yourself. Metal or wooden sheathing is used.
  • There is no need to ditch the walls; you can additionally insulate the walls.
  • Drywall will provide good sound insulation. Also, you should not be afraid of cracks. Special conditions No need for installation either.

Finally, drywall will allow you to make a structure of any shape. Its capabilities are certainly higher than those of plaster. Well, regarding naturalness, both plaster and drywall are made from natural materials, because here the materials are equal.

Finishing drywall, how to plaster (video)

To plaster or not to plaster drywall depends only on your preferences and capabilities. Consider all the risks, predict the result, and spare no effort and time.

Happy renovation!

Quite often, novice home craftsmen wonder what and how to plaster drywall. Let's start with the fact that gypsum board is also called dry plaster.

Why is gypsum board called plaster?

Firstly, with the help of sheets of this material you can level the walls and ceiling, as well as repair plane defects. Secondly, the installation of gypsum boards is not associated with Thirdly, after installing the sheets, the wall becomes even and smooth, which allows you to begin finishing work almost immediately. Some people believe that it is not necessary to bring drywall to perfect smoothness. However, the opinions of experts on this issue are divided.

Do I need to plaster?

If you also wondered whether drywall is plastered, then you should look into this in more detail. Some argue that there is no need to plaster the sheets - this is in vain and takes a lot of effort and time. Other craftsmen claim that the process of applying plaster is necessary when the wall has been subjected to stress and has lost its original appearance.

In general, you can plaster drywall only if it has moisture-resistant qualities. The composition should be applied in several passes, in thin layers, each of which is covered with a primer. To do this, you should use a deep penetration composition intended for gypsum-containing materials.


Understanding the question of whether it is necessary to plaster drywall is a thankless task. Some believe that a thin layer of putty will be enough, while others argue that plastering the surface is necessary. If you want to achieve perfect result, then you should implement similar training, the features of which will be discussed below.

Additional recommendations for the drywall preparation process before applying plaster

If you are thinking about the question of how to plaster drywall under wallpaper, then you should also know about the features of surface preparation. Due to the fact that gypsum board is most often installed using screws, indentations and irregularities remain on its surface. Sometimes drywall is bent during installation, and sometimes a needle roller is used to create curved structures. After such exposure, it remains on the canvases great amount recesses It is important to eliminate all these shortcomings before gluing wallpaper.

The need to use a primer is due to the fact that it is important to increase adhesion between drywall and subsequent finishing layers. The primer must be applied to every centimeter of the sheathing. For this, a foam roller or wide brush is usually used. You should not wet the sheet too much, otherwise it may become deformed.

After you have figured out the question of whether it is possible to plaster drywall, you should apply putty, which will hide the joints of the sheets and recessed screws. A sickle tape is applied on top of the putty layer. Where the canvases meet at an angle, which can be external or internal, the flaws should be leveled with perforated aluminum profiles, which are applied to the corners covered with putty.

Excess mixture should be removed by smoothing the surface of the profile. As soon as the drywall has dried after applying the putty, it should be primed again in the same way as described above. The surface prepared in this way can be used not only for gluing wallpaper, but also for paste mixtures or dry stone chips made from minerals of different colors.

If you plan to prepare drywall before gluing wallpaper by applying plaster, then the composition will help level problem areas, such as potholes or dents. This must be done in several approaches; each previous layer should be given time to dry.

If you need to repair small potholes and dents, then the surface is covered with a primer at the first stage, and then a layer of putty is applied, and a little later - a layer of plaster. It must be remembered that the putty layer should not exceed 3 mm in thickness. If the potholes have a more impressive depth, then you cannot do without plaster.

Before plastering drywall, you should familiarize yourself with the technology, which does not recommend hiding frame installation errors with a thick layer of plaster. This will rid the surface of defects, but over time the sheets will not be able to hold the applied layer of plaster. This will cause their deformation and the occurrence of cracks, as well as peeling of the plaster layer. If you have identified fairly large curvatures, then it is better to replace the sheets with high-quality material.

If you are wondering how to plaster drywall, you should know that the material is applied to the surface in a thin layer, and the base is first primed. If we are talking about granular coatings, then these can be paste-like mixtures of factory production, which are already ready for use.

The compositions are applied using a sprayer or trowel; the thickness of the layer will depend on the diameter of the grains. The first parameter should exceed the fractionality by 1.5-2 times. Dry colored stone chips are sprayed onto the surface, which is pre-lubricated with an adhesive composition.

Instructions for applying plaster

If you are also one of the home craftsmen who are faced with the question of how to plaster drywall, then you should know about the peculiarities of carrying out such work. As soon as the installation of the sheets has been completed, their surface must be cleaned of settled dust. An industrial vacuum cleaner copes with this task perfectly. If this is not available, then you can use improvised means. They are rags that are pre-moistened with water.

At the next stage, joints, seams and irregularities are puttied. As soon as this layer has dried, the treated areas must be covered with a leveling layer. Using a primer suitable for plasterboard surfaces, you need to treat the base with it. It is recommended to choose a primer for moisture-resistant drywall for these manipulations. Only then can you begin

These works should be carried out at moderate air humidity and temperatures ranging from +5 to +35 °C. The technician should use a respirator or gauze bandage, as well as rubber gloves. After completion of the work, the tool is washed, and the remains finishing material should be tightly closed and stored in a dry place. Sometimes plaster is used to restore a damaged layer.

Plastering the ceiling before gluing wallpaper

If you are faced with the question of how to properly plaster drywall installed on the ceiling, then it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology. Due to the fact that you will have to spend quite a lot of time under the ceiling, and applying the compounds cannot be called a convenient process, you should purchase a roller with an extension for the handle. With its help it will be possible to work at a height of up to 4 m.

We plaster the drywall with our own hands in the ceiling area, scooping the mixture from a container with a spatula. The composition should be transferred to a trowel, and then press the tool tightly to the plane at an acute angle with respect to the surface. The plaster will be of better quality if you use this method without using a sprayer. A dense layer can only be achieved by using a powerful compressor. It is important that the movements be smooth, the direction can be any, the main requirement is that the composition be applied in a thin layer.

If necessary, the trowel must be passed over the surface again. The next batch of plaster is applied without a gap, close to the first batch. The smaller the portions, the smaller the strokes should be, ultimately this will achieve a better effect. As soon as the first layer has dried, you can proceed to the formation of the finishing layer. This work must be carried out with a trowel; there should be more overlapping strokes if you want to get a darker area of ​​the coating. Instead of trowels, craftsmen sometimes use other tools such as textured rollers.


Plastering plasterboard is necessary when it is necessary to hide installation defects and cavities from fasteners, as well as joints between sheets. It should be remembered that plaster is applied only after priming and puttying the surface. Once all the layers are dry, you can move on to the final leveling before wallpapering. It is important to seal the outer corners, which will also be finished with wallpaper.

The solution is applied to the corners in a minimal amount. It is important that it is only enough to cover the plane of the corner. The perforated profile is then applied to the corner and leveled using a building level. If you notice that the corner is sunk, then plasterboard construction was not assembled quite evenly. You can correct the situation by placing more putty under the metal.

Sometimes during the renovation of a room whose walls are lined with plasterboard sheets, the question arises - how to plaster plasterboard?

Despite its apparent simplicity, the question is far from idle, since drywall is often called “dry plaster”.

It is in the subtleties of the rather complex and ambiguous relationship between coating and plaster that we will try to understand this material.

So first, and main question— Is it possible to plaster drywall?

To date, there is no consensus on this issue, Unfortunately no. Many experts are inclined to believe that such surfaces (and even more so if the wall is made of a fairly cheap, non-moisture-resistant sheet) should not be plastered under any circumstances.

Sooner or later, under the influence of moisture from the composition and its considerable mass, the base will deform, which will lead to cracking of the layer.

However, there is an alternative opinion, which says that it is possible to plaster drywall. If you're careful, of course.

In this case, “carefully” means, first of all:

  • exclusively on a moisture-resistant sheet.
  • Use of special deep penetration primers.
  • Distributing the mass in thin layers in several stages.

The only exception regarding which experts are unanimous is. It is not only possible, but also necessary to apply it to a sheet; such a mass is one of the most popular materials for wall decoration.

Determining the need for plaster

As you probably already understood, plastering drywall is a rather difficult task with sometimes unpredictable results. These are the characteristics of the sheet; it can really become deformed under a thick layer of finishing. Or it may last for many years.

So, when should you plaster?

  • If the wall cladding has significant curvatures or displacements, finishing will not solve this problem, and in the future may significantly aggravate it. If you become the “lucky” owner of such a wall, it is better not to fight the consequences, but to eliminate the cause. Serious distortions can only be corrected by reinstallation, replacing sheets with moisture-resistant ones.
  • But minor unevenness in the sheathing can still be plastered. It also makes sense to apply the mixture over dents and pre-filled seams.
  • Well, the only case (we have already mentioned it above) is the use of a decorative coating. There are practically no restrictions here, since the decorative mass is applied, as a rule, in a fairly thin layer, and its composition ensures rapid polymerization and drying.

And compliance with the application technology on the base does not lead to negative consequences.

So, let's assume you have already decided whether the drywall needs to be plastered, or whether you can get by with putty. It remains to choose the most suitable technology and the composition of the mixture. Let's get started.

Application technology

When applying, you must follow the work technology; the slightest violations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Preparing walls for final finishing

  • We clean the surface from dust that inevitably forms during its installation. An industrial vacuum cleaner is best suited for this, but if you don’t have one, you can remove dust with improvised means.
  • The next stage is filling of seams, joints and irregularities. For putty, both ready-made and dry putty mixtures can be used. If dry mixtures are used, prepare them immediately before work.
  • First, fill the joint cavities and large uneven areas with putty. After the putty has hardened, apply a leveling layer.

  • Now you can move on to the key stage of preparation - priming.


For bases, special primer mixtures are used (such as Tiefgrund LF or similar characteristics). Such primers penetrate deeply into the thickness of the base and strengthen it, ensuring adhesion to the mixtures.

For the best effect at this stage, it is better to use acrylate primers that have vapor-permeable properties (do not isolate water vapor).

Apply the primer in one layer using a roller or brush (for walls with a small area).

Note! Work on drywall is carried out only after the primer has completely dried! For acrylate primers, drying time is 1-2 hours.

After the seams are filled and the primer is applied, you can proceed to leveling the walls.

Applying plaster

Instructions for distributing plaster with your own hands:

The mass is applied in a thin layer (no thicker than 2-3 mm) using a wide spatula or metal trowel. If plaster is used to level out deep unevenness, the distribution is carried out in several stages. Remember that in this case it is better to apply 3-4 layers of several millimeters each than 1 thick layer at once.

Not any plaster is suitable for finishing plasterboard surfaces. It is best to use mixtures based on a gypsum binder (for example, Knauf Rotband). In order for the finish to “stick” better, you can use fiberglass mesh with a 5 mm mesh.

After plaster layer completely dry, you can start finishing plasterboard walls. In this case, it is better to use vapor-permeable materials for finishing that do not prevent water vapor from escaping from under the finishing.

Decorative plasterboard plaster

To finish plasterboard surfaces, it is better to use fine-grained decorative plaster. This is due to the fact that laying coarse-grained fractions requires applying a fairly thick layer, and in the case of plasterboard walls this is undesirable.

The process follows the following scheme:

The plasterboard base must be dry and clean. Before starting work, the surface should be completely dust-free.

After the surface is dust-free, we proceed to filling the seams. We fill the seams with putty in several stages, ensuring sufficient time so that the coating dries and polymerizes. As a result, seams and irregularities must be puttied in the same plane as the drywall.

Note! When leveling the surface of drywall for decorative plastering, you may not achieve as smooth a surface as when leveling for painting. The texture of the plaster hides all irregularities well.

Apply an acrylate primer to the putty base. For decorative plastering, the same primers are used as for finishing ordinary drywall lime plaster. The primer is applied in one step, in one layer.

Apply plaster to the primed drywall. We apply it using a spatula or trowel, in a layer of 2-3 mm.

Immediately after the plaster is applied, we begin to form the relief. We form the relief using a sponge, a hard brush with sparse bristles, smoothers, and figured spatulas.

Note! When applied decorative plaster Excessive force should not be applied to the plasterboard base during the formation of the relief. This can cause the drywall to warp.

Further processing (painting, coating protective composition) can only be carried out after the surface has completely dried.

Summing up

Now you know how to properly plaster drywall. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website presents detailed photo instructions, where you will find the necessary information on this issue. Good luck!

Work performed with plasterboard gives an excellent effect. Literally “before our eyes” a perfectly flat surface appears. This requires a minimum of effort. There is virtually no need to carry out a large number of finishing works. Although, situations arise that require applying a leveling layer to the gypsum board. In particular for best result, apply plaster on drywall.

It would seem that plasterboard slabs have a surface on which wallpaper can be easily pasted. This results in a fairly strong grip. But we should take a closer look - is it necessary to plaster drywall under wallpaper? So:

  • GKL is a layer of gypsum-lime mixture, which is covered on both sides with cardboard.
  • A layer of wallpaper is glued onto such a surface. It turns out that the two surfaces literally adhere to each other.
  • And then the following happens - after a few years there is a desire to change the decorative layer.
  • Accordingly, they begin to carry out dismantling work. And when removing a layer of wallpaper, they also remove the cardboard that protects the gypsum board.
  • The result is as follows: drywall can no longer guarantee reliability. We have to resort to numerous tricks to correct the situation.

Drywall plaster is also needed for other reasons:

  1. If they were performed poorly plasterboard works, without adhering to technology, and there are large differences and irregularities.
  2. It is imperative to seal the seams that are formed at the junction of structural elements. If this is not done or done poorly, then they will immediately appear under the wallpaper.
  3. You can’t do without processing corners: external and internal.

Thus, the use of plaster for drywall - required condition when gluing the surface is planned.

BUT! Here we need to clarify a little. The fact is that the use of this mixture alone may not give a high-quality result. So what should we do? Very simple. The plaster must interact with the putty. This interaction allows you to save on material (unlike if only putty was used) and get the most even and smooth surface possible. Each of these compounds will perform a specific task.

Basic approaches

There are two options that are used for surface finishing:

  1. Work is carried out exclusively at joints and seams. In this case, gluing will be done directly onto the plasterboard slabs. Possible consequences must be taken into account.
  2. The events are carried out in several sessions. First, the joints are strengthened, then the entire sheet area is treated.

Preparing for work

Before plastering drywall, you should select in advance necessary tool and prepare building materials.

Plastering plasterboard with your own hands requires the presence of the following materials:

  • Plaster mixture.
  • Primers.
  • Serpyanka mesh for strengthening seams.
  • Perforated corners.
  • Self-tapping screws.

From the tool:

  • Drill with mixer attachment.
  • Container for mixing the mixture.
  • A set of brushes and a roller, a set of spatulas.
  • Screwdriver with a set of bits.
  • Level, rule.
  • Sandpaper.

Advice! Used for finishing corners different kinds products. For straight surfaces, metal elements are used. For uneven structures - more convenient to use plastic corners, which easily take even complex shapes.


Plaster on drywall is often used in combination with putty. Let us immediately distinguish between the areas of application of the two compositions used:

  1. Putty - will be used to cover small joints and create a finishing layer.
  2. Plaster – used for sealing large seams, corner joints. If it is noticeable that the design was made with deviations, i.e. The evenness of the frame creation was not achieved, then it is advisable to use a starting layer - up to 5 mm.

The instructions are:

On a note! Sanding is a mandatory process that is carried out at different stages of finishing work. The final stage, when the work is done after the finishing layer, is the most thorough. But there is always a lot of suspended matter and dust left, so it is better to use a respirator and goggles.

Don’t think that this is where all the manipulations end. The question of how to plaster drywall is not completely closed. After the joints and corners are processed, work begins on the entire surface.

Depending on the required layer, we choose one of two application methods:

1. Standard (for significant unevenness and differences)– a spatula is used (sometimes as a rule), serves for the starting layer of plaster. The mixture is applied to drywall in a layer of no more than 3-5 mm. After the surface has been treated, you need to wait fifteen minutes. After this, the tool is moistened with water and the previously applied layer is smoothed. Allow to dry and sand well.

Plaster plasterboard wall spatula

2. Finishing (it is better to use putty for this purpose)– the method is to use a roller. Its use significantly speeds up the process, but it requires some skill. It all happens like this:

  • prepare the putty mixture, make it quite liquid, but not flowing;
  • you need to work with the roller very quickly, making energetic movements;
  • When making strokes from top to bottom, you don’t have to worry that streaks will remain; they can be easily removed by swiping from left to right, and vice versa;
  • it is better to divide the entire area into several sections, it will be much easier;
  • Allow the composition to dry and repeat the work two or three more times.

Thus, it is possible to obtain a very thin and smooth wall, and it becomes clear how to properly plaster drywall, not forgetting the close interaction with the putty.

Advice! Before gluing wallpaper, it is better to prime the surface.

As a conclusion

So is it possible to plaster drywall? Yes, and not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Naturally, if you need to do a quick redecorating, then this procedure is neglected, with the exception of processing seams and joints. But when they want to get a high-quality result, they carry out activities that are aimed at finishing the entire site. But remember that for greater effect, putty must be additionally used in the work.

Many novice masters who started do-it-yourself repair, I’m interested in how to properly plaster drywall. Indeed, after installation, plasterboard sheets require some manipulations before finishing: sealing and reinforcing seams, filling in recesses from self-tapping screws, and final leveling of the entire plane. But not everyone knows what material is used for these purposes - plaster or putty. Let's figure out whether it is necessary to plaster drywall, what materials are used for rough processing, and consider the case when plaster is really necessary.

The most frequently asked questions regarding gypsum board plaster will be as follows:

  • How to plaster drywall under wallpaper?
  • How to plaster a ceiling and drywall?
  • How to plaster plasterboard walls?

In the vast majority of cases, the answer will be the same: not at all. Drywall is sometimes called drywall because the plasterboard sheets attached to the frame perform the same function as the plaster mixture applied to the wall: level it. And these questions arise because not everyone sees the difference between plaster and putty.

Plaster is a material for rough rough leveling. It has a coarse-grained structure, can be applied in a fairly thick layer and is designed to eliminate significant defects in the base. Even the finest-grained gypsum plaster mixture cannot serve as a substitute for putty when processing plasterboard, since it cannot be applied in such a thin layer.

The putty is a finely dispersed mortar, due to which it can be applied in a layer just a few millimeters thick. It is the putty that, after drying, allows us to obtain a perfectly smooth surface, which we expect to see after finishing the walls with plasterboard.

Thus, walls, ceilings and any other plasterboard structures should not be plastered, but puttied. And if you come across advice about the rules for plastering gypsum boards, do not trust such an article - it was written by an incompetent author.

Plaster is applied to drywall only in one specific case, which is rather an exception to the rule and will be described below.

Plasterboard putty

So, we found out that instead of plaster, putty should be applied to the gypsum board. In this case, the question may arise as to how much it is really needed. Some people believe that it is enough to apply a primer to the surface of the plasterboard wall under the wallpaper, but this decision cannot be called correct.

Putty in the case of gypsum plasterboard performs the following tasks:

  • Fills seams between sheets, strengthening weak spots joints
  • Masks recesses from self-tapping screws, with the help of which plasterboard sheets are attached to the frame, prevents the appearance of rust from screws on the finish.
  • Hides small cracks and dents that may appear during installation.
  • Allows you to make a surface for painting so that it looks perfectly even and smooth.
  • When preparing gypsum board for wallpapering, it forms a protective layer that prevents the wallpaper material from sticking “tightly” to the cardboard surface. If you skip the puttying stage, during subsequent repairs you will not be able to remove the wallpaper from the plasterboard wall without damaging it.

Important! Various putty mixtures are used to seal the seams between sheets of drywall and putty the entire surface. In the first case, you need to use a special putty for the seams, for example, Knauf Uniflot; in the second, a finishing thin-layer putty mixture.

You can read about the rules for sealing seams using paper tape or sickle tape.

The technology for puttingtying drywall from “A” to “Z” is described in detail.

When is it permissible to apply plaster to drywall?

Plasterboard walls and ceilings can be plastered in one single case: when the structure is installed unevenly and of poor quality. If errors were made during the installation of the frame, profiles or wooden beams were not leveled, there may be deflections and protrusions on the finished plasterboard surface, it may be filled up.

Leveling a curved plasterboard surface with plaster

In order to correct errors made during installation plasterboard ceiling or bug wall and prepare it for finishing, you will need:

  • Spatulas – wide and narrow.
  • Gypsum plaster.
  • Putty for seams and finishing.
  • Primer "Concrete-contact" and a roller for its application.
  • Paper tape, sickle mesh or fiberglass, cut into strips about 7 cm wide.
  • Construction mixer, container for mixing the mixture.
  • Long level or rule.
  • The holes from the screw heads are covered with the same putty mixture.
  • After drying, the entire plasterboard surface is primed with Concrete Contact primer.

Primer of drywall before applying plaster will prevent the material from getting wet and will improve the adhesion of the plaster mixture to the smooth cardboard surface.

How should you plaster drywall to level it? Further actions depend on the scale of the irregularities.

If the recesses on the surface are small, you can use the peel-off plastering method:

  • The recess is filled with plaster mixture.
  • The solution stretches as a rule. The recess turns out to be filled with plaster; on a flat area its layer will be small.

For more serious unevenness and distortions, you should use a beacon profile, which is leveled so that after applying the plaster a flat plane is obtained.