How to make a false ceiling in a toilet. Ideas and advice from designers on creating and decorating suspended ceilings in the bathroom and toilet. The advantages include the following positions:

August 1, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

For repairs, you can choose 4 finishing options: plasterboard, plastic, slatted and suspended ceiling in the toilet. Of course, there is also the option of a regular putty ceiling, but this no longer belongs to the category of suspended structures. Let us now look at each of these designs, and you will also have the opportunity to watch the video in this article.

Dropped ceilings

First, let's look at the principle of suspended ceilings as such:

  • any suspended ceiling - created with your own hands, implies the presence of a frame for installing the cladding;
  • this means that you definitely need to hit the horizontal level, along which both the frame and the cladding will be mounted;
  • the sheathing here can be ambiguous, that is, it can be CD profiles, slats, or a profile for suspended ceilings(wall, ceiling, harpoon and so on);
  • The essence of installing each of the frames is as follows - not only the cladding must be installed there, but also built-in lighting fixtures. At a minimum, such a cartridge has 70 mm, therefore, this figure should be taken as the minimum depth, although, most often, it is 100 mm;
  • To check the level horizontally, as a rule, a water or laser level , Although, personal experience pulls the balance to the side of the water device;

  • Please look at the diagram above - you see here the principle of installing the sheathing under any type of suspended ceiling. That is, the plane must be ideal, without any differences, which is why nylon threads are used (they are indicated in blue in the diagram);
  • don't ignore rough basis - it must be rigid so that the frame holds well.

I will not scrupulously describe the installation of each cladding - usually this comes with practice. But, nevertheless, it is important to understand the principle of each of them so that you can make such repairs yourself.

PVC panels or wooden lining: 1 way

Let's briefly figure out how to make plastic, MDF or wooden ceiling in not large room toilet. First of all, this is the installation of the sheathing, which can be either from CD profiles or from wooden slats (there is essentially no difference as such).

The main difference here is only in the fastening. If plastic is fastened with a stapler through the edge of the panel, then MDF and wood are fixed using steel clamps.

In addition, the panels can be fixed with self-tapping screws - I personally prefer this option - screws are always more reliable than metal brackets. In addition, nails are sold with clamps, but it is better not to use them - fix this bracket with a self-tapping screw in the central hole.

Make the last lining 5 mm narrower than the required distance - this is the width of the chamfer and it will be much easier for you to insert it.

Slatted ceilings: option 2

Installing a slatted ceiling is very similar to installing lining, only here there is a significant difference in the profiles. As usual, a U-shaped profile is installed around the perimeter, but the intermediate traverses are a device with latches (see photo above). Here, a separate panel is simply fixed - it is simply snapped into place.

In most cases, the slats are installed with gaps, where inserts in the form of strips of a different color are later installed. The slats themselves can be plastic or metal (aluminum), which determines their price. It is best to cut the holes for the lamps before installing the panel on the sheathing, but for this it is important to make the correct markings.

Plasterboard ceilings: method 3

And here plasterboard sheets, in my opinion, are the easiest to install - they are large, 1200x2500 mm, and a toilet in a high-rise building (with a separate bathroom) is never wider than 800 mm, and the length is 1200-1300 mm (it varies). In fact. Half a sheet of ceiling plasterboard will be enough for you - it can be 6-8 mm thick (depending on the manufacturer - in China it is thinner).

Here you can also use both CD profiles and wooden slats, although my experience suggests that metal is still better. The gypsum board is attached with 25 mm self-tapping screws in 30 cm increments, but you can also make such a ceiling from pieces - in any case, you will have to putty it. The most important thing here is that each screw is recessed by 0.5-1.0 mm - this will help when plastering - the head will not interfere.

Stretch ceilings: 4 way

There are three types of baguette for stretching PVC sheets- these are cam, wedge and harpoon. In fact, they are all the same from a technological point of view - just from the technical side, the installation of the canvas is slightly different. The film is stretched by heating the polyvinyl chloride with a gas or electric gun.

I would like to note that the installation of ceilings from PVC is better Entrust everything to specialists so that you do not spoil an expensive product. However. If you wish, you can do such things yourself.


It’s difficult for me to say which is the best ceiling for your toilet - here it is important to simply focus on the decoration of the walls and your own taste. But if you have any specific suggestions, please write them down as a post in the comments.

August 1, 2016

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Bathrooms differ from other rooms in high humidity and small area, hence special requirements are imposed on their design. Repairing the ceiling in the toilet can be done different ways using various finishing materials and technologies. You can improve and transform the ceiling in this room yourself, but watching the video and photo in this article will help you figure out how to make a ceiling in the toilet.

There are many finishing options, you just need to choose and implement your plan

What should the ceiling be like?

When considering the issue of repairing the ceiling in the bathroom, it is necessary to take into account the requirements that it must meet:

  • First of all, constant high humidity, which is the result of the presence of condensation, cannot be dangerous for it. In addition, it is no secret to anyone that most often, such rooms as the bathroom (read: ""), the toilet and the kitchen suffer from flooding due to the fault of the neighbors living in the apartment above. For this reason, waterproofing of the base floor should be provided. Based on the above, it is clear that decorating the ceiling in the toilet with wallpaper paper based The decision is wrong and irrational. It makes more sense to choose, for example, plastic ceiling or tension structure;
  • It is desirable that the finishing, thanks to its design, visually compensates for the small area and insufficient height of the room - for this they use materials in light shades, which visually expand the space of small bathrooms;

Very beautiful combination different types the finishing turned out very well

Options for finishing the ceiling in the toilet

There are several most commonly used methods for finishing ceilings in bathrooms

Method No. 1 . Whitewashing and painting is the simplest and long-known option for tidying up the basic ceiling in a toilet. speaks in his favor fast execution work, low cash costs and a wide selection of finishing materials in a wide range color scheme in the case of using interior paints (the result can be seen in the photo). This method has a significant disadvantage and it lies in the need to level the surface of the base that is to be whitened or painted. This work requires a lot of labor and time.

The painted ceiling does not look as elegant as other types of finishing, but it looks very neat

Method number 2 . This type of finishing suspended ceiling in the toilet involves the creation plasterboard structures or installation plastic panels on wooden frame. Their advantage is that installation similar systems allows you to get a completely flat surface without the need for preliminary preparation work concrete floor. When a suspended ceiling is sheathed with plasterboard, the finishing of the resulting structure allows the use of moisture-resistant paints and a variety of color solutions. After applying the putty and drying it, begin painting immediately.

The ceiling made of panels in the toilet (like plasterboard) makes it possible to install built-in lamps and thereby create high-quality lighting in the bathroom, as in the photo. But, planning to install such lighting fixtures, you should step back from the base floor to a distance that allows you to install them without problems.

Suspended ceiling systems installed in bathrooms also include a slatted ceiling in the toilet. Its structural solution is similar to that of ceilings made of plastic panels, only it is created from metal elements. Due to the characteristics of slatted ceilings, they are considered perfect choice for decoration of bathrooms and toilets. Their main disadvantage is the rather complex installation (read also: " "). The procedure for installing slatted ceilings is clearly described in other materials on the site. In most cases in trading network They are offered in two versions - with a silver or gold mirror surface. The slatted mirrored ceiling in the toilet looks impressive and beautiful; it diffuses light flows, making the room more spacious (see).

The slatted design in the toilet will be very practical and aesthetically attractive

If the height of the bathroom allows, you can install a cassette ceiling, which comes in two types with open or closed suspension system(read: " "). This is how a glass and mirror ceiling in a toilet is mounted on open system, and on the closed one - aluminum French ceilings.

The cassette transparent ceiling with photo printing looks very attractive even in such small rooms

An example of installing a cassette ceiling in a toilet can be seen in the video:

This design looks very impressive in the bathroom and harmonizes with the wall decoration

In addition, the suspended ceiling in the toilet does not collapse under constant influence humid air and in the event of a leak from the apartment above, it can withstand up to 100 liters of water. After carefully removing it, the finish of the floor will not be damaged. Glossy, mirror effect stretch fabric promotes visual increase height of the bathroom (read also: " "). Repairing the ceiling in the toilet by installing tension structure could be considered the most reliable and in a universal way finishing, but the complexity of installation and the high price do not allow this.

Thus, there are many options for finishing the basic floor in a bathroom, but the choice of a specific technology depends entirely on the consumer himself - his preferences, taste, financial capabilities and, of course, on the size of the room. The cost of repairing a toilet ceiling depends on who will do it - professionals or the property owner himself.

The toilet is a room whose interior should be calm and pleasant. Repairs to this room are most often done in order to refresh it or to eliminate certain problems. Today there are many options for ceiling repair, but each of them has some features.

The restroom, the toilet, is the part of the apartment in which the least attention is paid to the ceiling. It can only be seen with a passing glance when entering a room. However, it would be wrong to consider this part of the premises second-rate. High-quality repair must be executed everywhere. Most often, the toilet has a very modest area, and all its constituent elements should look like a single whole. Therefore, each stage of repair is extremely important.

A wide range of finishing materials on the construction market allows you to choose the most suitable option for the room, including the bathroom. Density, texture and color should fit perfectly into the interior of the restroom. Well, you can do the finishing yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

What should be the repair of the ceiling in the restroom, toilet?

Before you begin selecting materials and repair work, you need to know what you expect from the repair. This room is quite specific, so you should pay attention not just to the design itself, but also to the functionality.

The ceiling in the toilet should:
  • do not block access to pipes;
  • tolerate changes in humidity and temperature well;
  • do not take up space;
  • goes well with floors and walls.

There is condensation in every toilet. This room, just like the bathroom, is the wettest room in the house or apartment. This feature harms many materials; for example, it is impossible to wallpaper a restroom, since it is necessary to give preference to moisture-resistant finishing options. Moreover, the ceiling should be the first to take a hit from water, as well as from neighbors above.

Since the toilet is a small room, each of its parts should look like a single whole and in no case take up space. For this reason, when choosing a suspended ceiling, you need to make a small indentation. Well, when choosing a color, you should give preference only to light tones.

In addition, access to pipes plays a huge role. Otherwise, if they fail, you will have to damage the repaired ceiling.

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in a toilet or restroom: different options

  1. Repair of slatted ceiling.

This design resembles plastic lining, which consists of aluminum parts. The properties of such a slatted ceiling are perfect for a bathroom. However, such a ceiling will be very difficult to install. But the repair will be much easier. If one of the elements were damaged, it would have to be dismantled and replaced with a new one.

To do this you will need:
  • screwdriver;
  • sharp knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • wrench.
  1. Repairing an uneven ceiling.

Before choosing materials for finishing, it is important to take a closer look at how smooth the ceiling in the toilet is. If there are more irregularities, then it will have to be leveled first. For this purpose, plaster, foam boards and whitewashing are used (giving a visual effect).

For toilet and bathroom the best option is the installation of plastic or suspended slatted ceilings. They will take up a little space, but a perfectly flat surface is not necessary for them, so repairing even an uneven ceiling will most likely not be required.

  1. Repair of suspended ceilings in the restroom after a flood.

Flooding is always an unexpected and unpleasant thing, but for stretch ceilings it is not so terrible. In such situations, it is important not to panic. When flooded, the ceiling collects water, causing a bubble to form. The ceiling structure can easily withstand it, however, to avoid any consequences, it is necessary to take immediate action.

If it is not possible to call a specialist, then you will have to solve the problem on your own. First of all, you need to turn off the electricity. Then, through the inlets for the light bulbs or a special hole, it is necessary to remove the water into previously prepared containers using a hose.

If everything is done carefully and the canvas is intact, then the ceiling will take on its previous shape. It is possible that wrinkles will form, but repairing suspended ceilings after flooding can remove them. We recommend entrusting this task to professionals.

  1. Repairing a stretch ceiling after a cut.

As you know, a stretch ceiling can easily withstand a hit from a child’s ball or a “shot” of champagne. But such a coating is afraid sharp objects, as it can be damaged by the corner of a shelf or cabinet. Fabric stretch ceilings will be especially vulnerable upon completion of installation. The material is initially very stretched and cannot withstand cuts.

To fix the problem, you need to sew up the damage with a special nylon thread. Using fabric tape or glass wallpaper, you can seal the hole. The corners of the patch must be pressed against the installed canvas as tightly as possible.

However, there are times when it is impossible to repair a suspended or suspended ceiling with a severe cut. In this case, you will have to replace the coating. Secondary installation will not be expensive, since the structure is already there and you will only have to pay money for the material itself.

  1. Repairing the ceiling in the toilet after a flood.

Flooding can negatively affect the condition of the ceiling and other elements of the apartment, so it is necessary to eliminate the consequences as quickly as possible. At the first stage, it is necessary to carefully examine the surface of the ceiling. Stains yellow color, bubbles and damage to the plaster are the result of a flood. All wet finish should be removed and the rest of the surface should be allowed to cool.

The next stage is finishing the flow using an anti-corrosion agent. Often these varnishes are toxic, so it is recommended to use gloves, safety glasses and a respirator. It can be applied using a flange brush. At the next stage, it is necessary to treat the surface with a primer (moisture resistant), and after drying, remove all holes and cracks. It is important that the plaster dries quickly, and for this you need to open the windows.

Then again you will need to prime and putty the entire surface. The final stage is painting the ceiling. If repairs after a flood were carried out correctly, then there will be no consequences from the flood.

What is the difference between repairing the ceiling in a restroom or a toilet with your own hands in a “Stalin” style?

The toilet space in such houses is quite small, but the ceiling height allows you to decide on any finishing option. Nowadays, suspended ceilings for the bathroom are in great demand. This type has many advantages:
  • tolerate changes in moisture and temperature well;
  • they are perfectly smooth;
  • have a long service life;
  • have a mirror effect.

Despite the fact that they do not take up so much height, for such a process as repairs in a “Stalin” building, this is absolutely not scary. Among the disadvantages of this option, it is worth highlighting the complexity of installation and high cost.

Various options for repairing the ceiling in the toilet with your own hands

Nowadays, construction is developing very rapidly, and everyone can decide on the best finishing option for the bathroom ceiling. For example, they are now calmly gluing wallpaper, which previously everyone saw only on the walls. On the ceiling they are used because low cost and duration of operation. However, if you need to repair the ceiling in the restroom, then, of course, such material is not appropriate, because it does not tolerate moisture. And below we will look at the materials that can be used in this room.

  1. Whitewash.

The most standard and cheapest finishing method is whitewashing. It is used by owners of old houses. To whitewash, chalk is mixed in water, after which repairs are made.

  1. Painting.

This method is simple and very affordable. The construction market offers a wide range of paints and varnishes. You can easily find paint that matches the color, properties and quality. Most often, the coating consists of several layers. But before you start painting, you need to prepare the surface.

  1. Plastic tiles and panels.

Covering the ceiling with tiles is also one of the most popular finishing options. It’s easy to work with, so you can do everything yourself. The tile hides all the unevenness, and after finishing the room takes on a beautiful appearance. You can choose tiles according to your taste, but do not forget about general style interior

Don't ignore sandwich panels. To install them you will need a frame made of wooden planks. In this case, the panels themselves need to be cut into sizes and attached to the base, securely fixing them to each other. Such a structure will be easy to repair in the future; just pull out one panel and install another in its place.
  1. Plastic ceiling.

You can repair the ceiling in the toilet yourself using plastic strips. First you need to install a base of galvanized profiles, then it is sheathed with plastic. Their width should be different. A plastic ceiling will last a long time with simple installation.

  1. Suspended ceiling.

If your restroom is high enough, then you can decide to install a false ceiling. But it is worth using moisture-resistant drywall, which can subsequently be coated with paint.

  1. Slatted ceiling.

This ceiling looks very original in the room, especially if slats are used various colors. So, the room becomes wider and brighter. Installation occurs as follows: profiled strips are attached to a pre-prepared frame. You can watch this process in the video.

  1. Stretch ceiling.

This popular way finishing, but at the same time one of the most expensive. Tensile structures look very elegant and stylish. Offers a huge selection of colors and textures that can be used in different rooms, including in the toilet. But we recommend that the structure be installed by specialists.

The installation process itself goes like this: first, the frame itself is assembled, attached to the walls, and then the canvas is stretched over it. First you need to warm it up so that the tension becomes better. From then on, the ceiling will reliably protect the bathroom from flooding and is easy to clean.

Which of the above finishing options to choose is up to you to decide. Now there are no problems with finishing and repairs. But still, most often when repairing a toilet or restroom, do-it-yourself tools are used slatted ceilings from different materials and tensile structures.

What is the best way to make a ceiling in a toilet?

Let the toilet be small room in the house, but it can also be made comfortable and beautiful. Many people do not pay attention to this small room, but in vain, because it reflects how neat the owners are and have good taste. The toilet is such a small room that it will not be difficult to repair it and put it in order with your own hands. In order to inspire you to make changes, we invite you to look at photos of repairs already made.

We will tell you how to finish the ceiling so that it looks beautiful and serves long years. With the help of simple recommendations you can choose and make perfect ceiling for yourself and your loved ones.

Choosing a ceiling option

Today you can choose materials to suit every taste - from cheap to expensive.

Here are the most popular materials that home improvement store buyers choose for their bathroom ceilings:

  • plastic panels on the frame;
  • suspended structure made of plasterboard;
  • from ceiling tiles;
  • rack design;
  • painted or plastered ceiling;
  • tension

The choice depends only on your material capabilities and preferences in design and appearance of this room. All possible options can be seen in the photos we collected. We hope that thanks to the ideas on them, your toilet and ceiling will become neat and beautiful. Do-it-yourself work will be especially pleasant. Moreover, the amount of work is so small that it is unlikely to cause you any trouble.

Rack and pinion

A metal frame is installed as a frame, onto which a tenon is attached to the groove of the rail. They can be varied in color and texture of the material, but silver, gold or mirror slats look most impressive due to the fact that they visually enlarge the space and make it less boring.


Often used as finishing suspended structures, however, during installation it is better to use materials with high moisture resistance, mainly plastic. For example, plastic panels or a sheet of plexiglass. This design will allow the use Spotlights and make this small and usually dark room brighter.


This can be done, but the cost of such work will be high, since the toilet has a small area, and the cost of such a small volume will be almost equal to the cost of work in a large room. But this finishing method will last for many years and is the most hygienic and high-quality. Moreover, it can be of any color, with or without a pattern, matte or glossy.


Of course he is traditional way is also possible. But the paint must be applied in several layers and you must choose a special paint labeled “for wet rooms.” The surface in this room is painted in the same way as in other rooms - primed, leveled, puttyed and painted.

Photos of the ceilings we talked about can be seen at the link. There you will see everything you need to decorate the room with your own hands.

Ceiling tiles

A very simple finishing option for installation and fits perfectly into the toilet. At the same time, there are many different textures, colors and patterns. Ceiling tiles suitable even if you do not want to spend effort on leveling the ceiling. It can be glued even to an imperfect surface; the tiles will cover all the unevenness and visually create the effect of a smooth surface.

It is very easy to install and can be used to refresh repairs more often. This is the most inexpensive finishing material. Today, seamless tiles have appeared; when installed, the seams can be made almost invisible, creating the illusion of a monolithic surface. However, you need to remember that if there are differences in heights, especially in old houses, it is better to abandon this method of finishing, since the absence of seams will further emphasize all the unevenness.

There are a few more tricks that will help make this room harmonious. For example, if you paint the ceiling in dark color, then with high ceilings the room will not seem like a well. And if you choose mirror slats or glossy surface tensile structure as finishing, then even the lowest room will increase.

So, making repairs to the toilet yourself is not difficult or expensive, so there is no point in postponing this endeavor for a long time. If you start next weekend, your toilet will soon sparkle with cleanliness and freshness! And you will be happy with yourself, and your family will be happy with you.

More information

When renovating a bathroom, the question always arises as to which ceiling is best for the toilet. With so many options, it's hard to make a choice. Many people believe that the surface of the ceiling in the toilet can simply be painted or whitened and that will be enough, while others, taking advantage of the achievements of modern design thought, make unusual and unusual ceilings. Let's look at what options are possible today and what requirements apply to them.

Requirements for finishing materials and finishing methods

When answering the question of how to decorate the ceiling in the toilet, you need to take into account that the bathroom is a place that differs high humidity, small area, low ceilings. Therefore, the selection of ceiling coverings in such conditions must be done quite carefully.

Plastic ceiling in the toilet

Material selection criteria:

  1. Based on factor high humidity, the material must be as moisture resistant as possible, so moisture-resistant gypsum fiber or plastic panels - PVC - are often chosen. Regular wallpaper or polymer tiles They absorb moisture more actively, so, of course, no one will prohibit their use, but such a coating will have to be changed quite often.
  2. Another fact that speaks in favor of moisture-resistant material is that in the event of flooding, this surface in the bathroom will be the first to be affected, which means that a lot will depend on how much it can withstand moisture.
  3. Ceiling in small toilet should be light shades, this will visually enlarge the space and create more comfort for users.
  4. In addition, if you use a coating that requires the manufacture of lathing or special fasteners, then they need to be installed as close to the ceiling surface as possible, so as not to hide the already small space.
  5. The surface must look attractive and beautiful, so you should protect it from mold fungus. To do this, before finishing, treat the surface of the ceiling with a special primer and dry thoroughly, because the coating of wet concrete is on top finishing materials may cause mold to appear.

Mirror ceiling for toilet

Based on the above requirements, we will consider what materials can be used to decorate the ceiling in the toilet.

Arguments in favor of a mirror surface

A mirrored ceiling in the toilet is an excellent option for increasing space; the ceiling height seems endless. In addition, mirrored ceilings look very impressive and improve the lighting in the room, because reflective surfaces distribute light better. Mirror ceilings are moisture resistant and quickly installed and do not require a perfectly flat surface.

There are several types of mirror surfaces used for finishing the ceiling in the toilet:

  • mirror tiles different sizes create an interesting pattern on the ceiling and reflect a fragmented image, which gives the ceiling a special charm;
  • a one-piece mirror is not used often, but it looks very beautiful;
  • mirror panels made of plastic are the most common way to install a mirror ceiling;
  • stretch glossy ceilings;
  • mirror film on an adhesive base;
  • slatted mirror ceilings.

Universal and inexpensive option is the installation of mirror panels made of plastic. Plastic is a moisture-resistant material, it does not melt and does not emit harmful toxins, and it is also easier to care for such a ceiling than a real mirror.

The process of installing a mirror ceiling depends on the type of coating chosen. A distinction is made between gluing the material and screwing it.

The panels are glued onto a previously created base. Usually, concrete base The ceiling is never perfectly flat. In order to level it, a moisture-resistant gypsum fiber device GVLV is used. A sheathing is made, on top of which gypsum fiber is attached, and only then special glue mirror tiles are glued. Also, one-piece mirrors and mirror films can be mounted on such a coating.

Screwing or attaching to holders occurs in the same way as gluing, but the final stage becomes an additional fastening mirror tiles on screws, which are closed on top with decorative caps or recessed until a flat surface is formed.

We arrange a suspended structure

A suspended ceiling in a toilet is one of the options for installing a beautiful ceiling made of moisture-resistant material. One of its varieties is slatted fabric. It is ideal for a toilet due to its design, consisting of individual aluminum components - slats. Its only drawback is the complexity of assembly. But even this can be overcome if desired. It looks like a mirror surface thanks to the glossy slats, but you can choose matte options, if you want to avoid an additional reflective element.

False ceiling in the toilet

A plasterboard ceiling in a toilet is installed quite often, and it is the second type of suspended ceiling. Drywall is not a moisture-resistant material, and many experts do not recommend using it for ceilings in bathrooms. However, when correct installation It can be used on a par with moisture-proof materials. So, waterproofing compounds can be applied over plasterboard or simply used for arranging a GVLV ceiling.

If you decide to mount plasterboard ceiling in the toilet with your own hands, you need to do the following:

The ceiling is also suspended, as it is mounted on a lath, like plasterboard, the only difference is that plastic is a moisture-resistant material and there is no need to additionally treat it with sealant. Because of this, they are universal: they do not allow moisture to pass through, do not require additional ventilation, are easy to care for, and are simple and convenient to install.

The cladding is built using the lock method. You simply select the necessary panels, attach them to the sheathing, and they are fastened to each other until they click, then for additional rigidity, nails are nailed or screws are tightened at a distance of at least 40 cm and a beautiful new surface ready. There are a lot of colors of plastic, so you can without special effort select the configuration you need.

What is a suspended ceiling

The suspended ceiling in the toilet is mounted on a pre-made frame. Moreover, this frame can be metal or wood. In order to install a hinged one, a number of conditions must be met:

  • plaster should not fall off the ceiling and walls, otherwise it must be removed;
  • there should be no mold on the surfaces;
  • The ceiling height in the toilet must be at least 270 cm.

If all these conditions are met, you can proceed to the selection of material for suspended ceiling. It could be:

  • slatted fabric;
  • drywall or plasterboard;
  • PVC plastic panels;
  • PVC film;
  • plywood and so on.

Absolutely any material is selected and installed on the frame, the manufacture of which was described above.

The answer to the main question, what kind of ceiling is best for the toilet, is left to your discretion. All the options we offer are good in their own way, and you need to select a suitable solution based on financial capabilities, the size of the toilet, the method of its design and functionality.