How to make a bench from stumps. DIY wooden garden furniture. How to make a flowerbed or flowerpot from hemp or logs with your own hands

On summer cottage I really want to have a corner where you can relax and enjoy nature. It is impossible to imagine such a place without beautiful bench. A self-made garden bench can not only save money, but also fulfill the individual needs and ideas of everyone, because there are a lot of options and techniques for making it, and from them you can choose the one that suits you.

Step-by-step diagram for assembling a garden bench with a table

How to choose a place to install a country bench

Before you start self-production benches, you need to be very careful about where to place it. This issue is worth addressing because a bench is not only an object for the convenience of relaxation, but also a place where sufficient work will be carried out. a large number of time, and therefore the view and atmosphere must be suitable. In addition, from the selected installation site garden bench, as well as its type, will depend on much in its design and installation process.

Examples of the location of garden benches from the design side.

A bench for a summer house made of wood combined with forged wood frame.

A bench made of logs with a stone base.

It will fit very harmoniously into a garden in which trees with large crowns and various fluffy shrubs grow.
Romantic style bench, openwork

A garden of young trees or a vineyard would be a good place to place it.
Miniature bench painted white
It would be ideal to be in contrast with a dense hedge of rich green color. Also good option for such a bench there will be a pond, blooming flower beds or just in a secluded corner decorated with flowers.
Retro bench made of “old” wood

It can create a very mysterious atmosphere together with old trees with curved trunks located nearby, near which flowers of different types are planted.
Bench combined with decorative items
A very popular place to place a bench is a veranda or gazebo. In this case, a do-it-yourself garden bench should be made in a similar style with existing decorative items and the veranda or gazebo itself.
Combined benches and table

This design will be good on a small spacious plot of land, which can be decorated with floral vegetation, and can also be located next to the house or under a canopy.

In addition to the options listed, you can install a bench in a place where children usually spend their leisure time, which will allow you to be close to them when they play. It will be especially good to organize a place to rest if there is a lone tree on the site, which has a spreading crown, by installing a bench directly under it.

In addition, you can organize a canopy near the house, under which you can place a garden bench. It will be good place rest even in rainy weather. There is another option to simply locate a bench in the beds where crops are grown - it will be convenient for relaxing between work in the garden.

Important: It is best to choose a location so that there are no annoying objects or buildings, garages, fences, etc. in the field of view. It is worth remembering that the view should lift your spirits and promote relaxation, and not be a reminder of how much work remains to be done at the dacha.

There are a great many options and ideas for implementation that a DIY garden bench can allow you to implement. Come up with decorative composition with her participation it is quite simple, for example, it looks good on elevations, decorated with boulders or bushes; a bench that harmoniously merges into a flower bed is also pleasing to the eye.

Preliminary steps

After the location of the bench has been determined, you need to start planning the future product. It is worth considering a few points:

  1. Size. If the bench is typical in size and you do not want to design an individual model, you can use the data from the table.
  2. Method of fastening the backrest.
  3. Leg layout. This criterion can be determined based on the mobility of the product. If the bench is a stationary structure, then it should be strengthened in the ground with cement, first digging a hole in the ground of the required size.

Table of standard bench sizes.

Seat height, m Seat width, m Back height, m
0,4-0,5 0,5-0,55 0,35-0,5

When the drawing plan is drawn up, you can easily determine the size of each part of the bench from it, and then begin its manufacture.

It is also worth asking about the material from which the DIY garden bench will be made. Each material has its own special nuances that can be used as advantages to achieve the desired result.

Mandatory requirements for the bench

In addition to the previous nuances in the process of designing a product, it is worth taking into account a certain list of requirements that it must meet. The following must be taken into account:

  1. Safety. You should not allow an unreliable design of the product, because this can bring a lot of troubles when using it. To ensure safe use, it is worth choosing only quality material, as well as fastening devices and any accessories.
  2. Convenience. Undoubtedly, such an item in the garden as a garden bench should be comfortable so that nothing interferes with the relaxation process. To do this, you need to approach the project creation stage very competently and carefully and think through all the details in advance.
  3. Immunity to influence external conditions . To ensure long-term preservation appearance and service life, it is necessary to select only solid material at the stage of product assembly. Additionally, it is worth processing it (if made from wood material) by special means, which can provide protection to the product.

Design options

There are quite a lot of variations in which a garden bench can be made with your own hands. If we're talking about about products from wooden material, then for this you will need the following list of tools and materials.

Any country bench has essentially the same build process. To more accurately understand such a process, it can be considered at specific example, based on the material listed above.

Help: A similar principle is used when self-creation benches made of wood in any version of its design.

Simple bench

In order to avoid any problems in the process of drawing up a drawing, it is possible to use a ready-made one. This bench is very easy to make. It is only necessary to install additional support bars of three larger and smaller sizes. Assembly occurs according to the specified principle.

Help: You can diversify such a product simply by changing color scheme, as well as drawing various kinds of patterns. But at the same time it is necessary to carry out processing of the wood material.


It is also quite simple to design, plus it is possible to vary the backrest by changing the arrangement of the slats, for example, making them cross-shaped. If you approach the process of creating such a shop with all the specified nuances, then it will not be used enough for a long time. For the drawing, you can use an existing one and take the dimensions standard sample.

Folding bench for the garden

Metal bench

A DIY garden bench can be made not only from wooden material. You can use a metal frame, which is not difficult for anyone to make, even if you have no experience in forging metal.

To construct a frame for a bench, you can use cold forging, namely, to connect parts into an integral structure metal frame. At the same time, you can complement the product with something, decorating it.

The table shows the principle by which you make a garden bench with your own hands.

Process Description
Sizing If there is no design of a bench in which all the dimensions will be correctly compiled, then you can use the dimensions of the standard sample. It can be a seat length of 1500 mm, a width of 500 mm, and the backrest with such values ​​will be 900 mm. If the task of creating a bench for the garden is new, then it is better to use a type of product that is one of the simplest in design and size.
Frame construction The seat is made first. To do this, you will need several sections of pipes, 1500 mm and 400 mm long, two pieces each. If there are no such segments in finished form, then you need to do them yourself. To achieve a more reliable structure, you can supplement the structure with stiffeners welded to the frame.
Designing the legs The length of the legs should be 460 mm, this is exactly the size that the pipes need to be made for this. Also, in addition, it is necessary to ensure that the front and rear legs are connected to each other. This will provide a better degree of stability.
Making the backrest The back is made in such a way that parts of pipes measuring 1.5 m and 44 cm are welded to each other. After this process is completed, you can start welding it to an already manufactured part of the structure. It is best to position the backrest at an angle of up to 20 degrees, this will ensure optimal level comfort when sitting on the bench. Regarding the reliability of the backrest, stiffening ribs in the longitudinal and transverse directions will help here.
Polishing To complete the construction of the metal frame, the existing joints should be cleaned and also polished metal product and cover with primer.
Manufacturing wooden elements In order for it to take on a complete look, you need to make wooden parts that will be attached on top of the frame. Such elements can be easily completed using timber or boards. Depending on the size of the frame product, you should determine the size of the wooden elements, as well as the direction of their attachment. You must also keep in mind that all parts must be smooth, without any kind of damage.
Connecting all the elements To connect all manufactured elements, you can use electric jigsaw and do required amount holes in the frame and wooden parts for attaching them to each other. As fastening elements It is best to use bolts that have rounded heads, as well as nuts.
Completion of work And the very last touch, before the garden bench is made on your own and ready for use, the woody areas should be treated with stain. You can also use varnish for such purposes. This procedure will protect the material from many undesirable factors.

The good thing about this design is that due to the material that goes into the structure, it is light enough to be transported or moved to the desired location if desired. It is also important that changes temperature regime Such a product is stable, which is why it will be possible to use it for more than one year in a row.

Helpful information

When making a garden bench with your own hands, it is better to keep in mind the following rules, which will greatly simplify the work and help avoid difficulties:

  1. When purchasing material for construction, it is worth considering the percentage of losses when cutting out the required size of parts. It is about 10%.
  2. To avoid wastage of material, and possibly achieve savings, it is best to start manufacturing and cutting out elements and those boards that are the longest.
  3. If you want to make the seat wider than indicated in standard sizes, then you need to remember that deflections of the wood material are possible in the absence of a supporting frame structure.
  4. To avoid injury, it is better to initially take care of eliminating all angular and pointed areas.
  5. It's also worth remembering that wood material is prone to drying out, which must be taken into account when drawing up the drawing and leaving spaces for gaps.

Video - interesting ideas for making a garden bench yourself

Every newly minted summer resident dreams not only of a vegetable garden and garden that brings high yields, but also of a comfortable and tastefully equipped recreation area on his summer cottage! “Good job - have a good rest!” - this is the motto of the “correct” summer residents. However, in our age of high prices, not every person who likes to relax in the country can boast of a bottomless wallet that can pay for the services of a designer and expensive materials!

Yes, this is not required! It often happens that when you purchase, you acquire very valuable “construction” material as “garbage”! Do not rush to get upset because of the presence of garbage, carefully examine the “dimensions of the disaster”, assess the situation, estimate with your eye what and where it will be possible to apply! Pay special attention to various snags, roots, fragments of boards, broken tiles and stones of various sizes. Before you is a whole Klondike of all kinds building material! Take it - I don’t want it!

And our site will try to help you in your creative quest and offer several interesting and simple examples of how to make something out of nothing!

Let’s take a closer look at the “building materials” available in your garden:

Take a closer look at your driftwood - don't you see that this driftwood will serve you in the form of an intricate fairy-tale bench, and those folded in a certain way will give you the most exclusive garden chair in the world! And that whole bunch of branches can imitate a table, a bench and even a canopy above it, which, over time, can be entwined with grapes or climbing fragrant rose bushes! Beautiful? Well, have you thought about taking all these “valuables” to the landfill!

By the way, the most fashionable designers for the construction of SUCH in the garden of some “Rockefeller” receive several million dollars as a reward for their efforts!

Treat all branches, roots and snags you have selected with stain;
Treat all workpieces with antiseptics.

Naturally, you cannot assemble furniture with your bare hands, so to assemble your garden furniture with your own hands you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Leg-split;
  • Screws;
  • Wire;
  • Power saw;
  • Varnishes, paints - for decoration and finishing.

Please note that the costs for varnish, paint and screws will differ significantly from the newfangled “specialty” materials!

An ideal option for a summer resident faced with cutting down an old garden and planting a new one! None extra costs not required! The material is present in all its diversity.

Let's fantasize...

You will need:

Power saw.

Everything is elementary and simple!

First, we clean the stump from the bark. Then we learn to work with an electric saw - we cut out the seat 2/3 of the diameter, then from top to bottom - the back of the chair, the exclusive country chair is ready!

For a throne chair, draw a U-shaped outline on a piece of wood and carefully saw from top to bottom, to the intended seat. The width of the canals and back should be from 5 to 10 cm, depending on the dimensions of the stump. Then you should cut down a little of the biltz to the desired height so that when you sit on this chair, your hands can rest comfortably.

Show your imagination and give everyone one of these garden chair interesting shape. In conclusion, do not forget to carefully treat your chair with stain, varnish or desired color paint - this way the throne will last much longer!

You will need:

  • Broken ceramics - plates, cups, etc.;
  • Epoxy glue or liquid nails;
  • Enamel paints of different colors.

The stump, cleared of bark, needs to be cut evenly and neatly. On this cut, using epoxy or liquid nails glue the ceramic fragments from the dishes into a mosaic. Special talents can even lay out small mosaic compositions, which will make your stump stool especially exclusive and irresistible.

Interesting solution natural light your garden at night will have glowing stump stools. To create them, take:

  • Plexiglas;
  • Fluorescent or LED;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Screwdriver.

Carefully process the cut of the stump, apply a fluorescent or LED to the cut. Carefully place plexiglass on top, with holes already drilled along the edges. Using self-tapping screws, firmly attach the structure to the stump. That's all - the stumps glowing in the night are ready!

Furniture made from logs is particularly strong and durable. Tables and benches made from logs will serve faithfully for more than one generation of your descendants! The main thing is to process this material correctly.

Don’t forget to always and everywhere clear the bark from logs and various pieces of wood! This is one of the keys to the durability of the product. Again, do not forget about various antiseptic substances that can destroy various microorganisms that contribute to wood rotting.

Thoroughly clean the finished bench or table and make the surface smooth. After our most fantastic ideas are translated into reality in the form of luxurious pieces of furniture, do not forget about the protective coating layer for wood - paint varnishes.

When choosing varnishes and paints, give preference to those intended for EXTERIOR work. Since wood quickly absorbs both varnish and paint, before painting, again treat the wood with stain, drying oil in several layers, or still with varnish and paint, but also in 3-4 layers. Now your furniture composition will last for decades!

As for WHERE you can find logs, the answer is simple - forests, gardens, parks... there is a lot of material and places, the costs are minimal, the effect of such furniture is enormous!

Secondly, we saved on expensive building materials.

Today, decorative elements and furniture made from recycled materials are becoming increasingly popular. It’s hard to believe, but even nature has “secondary” material. Why cut down new trees when you can make magnificent things from old snags, stumps and the like.

1. Bench

Furniture made from natural, untreated wood is now at the peak of popularity. An original bench made of unpainted wood will be an unusual addition to the interior.

2. Wall made of saw cuts

One of the walls of the bathroom, decorated with wooden cuts.

3. Coffee table

A magnificent table made from a large polished stump. Such original item furniture can be obtained in the forest belt or on your own plot.

4. Decor item

A large branch will help decorate a child's bedroom. Decorate it with colorful paper birds and original decoration ready.

5. Flower pot

Unique flower pot made of wood with the magnificent natural grain characteristic of wood.

6. Mirror frame

A mirror in a creative driftwood frame will become a unique decoration in any room.

7. Clock

Amazing watch made from cut wood - original and useful thing, which you can do yourself.

8. Shelves

Thanks to their round, flat shape, large saw cuts are perfect for creating shelves. To do this, they need to be divided in half and attached to the wall.

9. Shop

Charming wooden bench in a rustic style - what you need for comfort in the hallway.

10. Bookshelf

Why chase the expensive one? designer furniture, if something can be borrowed from nature. For example, a massive tree trunk can be a wonderful decoration for bookshelves.

11. Table top

Who would have thought that a piece of wood, opened with varnish, could be turned into original tabletop under the sink, which will become a real highlight of the bathroom.

12. Headboard

Various tree cuts can be used for custom decoration space at the head of the bed.

13. Woodpile

H It is often a pity to throw away or use a stump, log or stump for firewood because it can be used to create something beautiful and unique in nature. For example, you can make a table, chair or flowerbed for the garden from a stump or log; all kinds of wonderful crafts are made from stumps. Let's look at what you can make from a stump, stump or log with your own hands, what garden crafts you can make from stumps, logs yourself and what you need for this.



General requirements for wood

Our future craft from a stump or log should initially be dry wood. Fresh wood must be dried for at least 1-2 months at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. Best in a dry place and/or away from direct exposure sun rays, otherwise our stump may crack and crafts from it may not work.

Frankly rotten stumps or logs should not be taken, but if the stump is a little rotten on the outside, such a stump can be used by treating it with a grinder and a brush, removing the rotten layer from it, in which case something can be made from it. Before drying the stump, the bark can be removed, for which it is convenient to use a chisel and a hammer or an ax, or you can leave it, it will need to be well treated to prevent rotting, for example, with iron sulfate and varnish.

If you have a stump on an area that you have long wanted, be sure to do it, or use it untouched, grown into the ground - this option is also applicable for making a table or chair from a stump or decorative crafts for garden.

How to make a chair, stool or armchair from a stump, hemp or log with your own hands

There are an endless number of options for chairs made of stumps and logs, as well as tables. There are two main technologies for creating a chair or stool from hemp:

  • by firing method,
  • chainsaw.

Using the firing method to make a chair or stool is quite simple. First, the log is sawn crosswise lengthwise to the required length of the legs. The cracks are wedged with wooden chips. Small chips and branches are poured into the wedged cracks, a little gasoline is added and set on fire, fuel is added little by little to maintain combustion and ignite the bulk of the log. This burns out the center of the log. After the necessary firing with an angle grinder with a brush, the excess coals are removed and a do-it-yourself stool made of logs or hemp on 4 legs is obtained. It is further processed.

Cutting with a chainsaw necessary preparation and then the angle grinder is polished, or fired, painted, etc. You can also place the stool on furniture wheels, screwing them from below, the lower surface should be perfectly flat. You can attach a pillow to the hemp on top, so you can do it. By placing a cut of wood on the legs, you will also get a wonderful stool.

Let's consider several options for a stool and/or chair with your own hands, presented in the video.

How to make a stool from ordinary acacia hemp with your own hands at home (video)

Do-it-yourself hemp stool using the firing method.

DIY hemp stool (video)

Chair-stool made of hemp (logs) with a chainsaw.

Do-it-yourself garden chair made from logs (video)

A simple chair from a log is made in almost the same way as a stool, but the back is cut out with a chainsaw, as in the video below.

Garden chair made of logs in the shape of a hand (video)

Chairs or armchairs from logs can be made of any shape and size, for example in the shape of a hand. To do this, you need to work well with a gas or electric chain saw.

Gallery of photographs of chairs, armchairs and stools made of logs and stumps

Finally, options for creating armchairs, chairs, stools from logs and stumps.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in making a chair or stool from a log, the main thing is to approach the matter with soul and hard work.

How to make a flowerbed or flowerpot from hemp or logs with your own hands

What else can you make from hemp or logs in the garden? Well, of course, a flowerbed! For flowers or seedlings. There are again a great many design options here, we will try to identify the main ones.

In the very in simple form A core is cut along a log of the required length using a chainsaw and/or an ax to form a container for filling the earth. The container is covered with polyethylene so that the log does not rot and the flower bed for the garden is ready.

The second option is a log house. We build a small log house from logs, preferably according to all the rules. That is, with the construction of a small foundation and caulking of the cracks between the logs. The base (foundation) for a flowerbed with your own hands in its simplest form consists of stones, on cement-sand mortar. It is best to caulk the cracks between logs with moss, it is more beautiful. Then you can paint the flowerbed with varnish or paint.

A flowerpot or pot made from a log is simple to make. We install the log vertically and, using a chainsaw, a hammer with a chisel or an ax, cut out the core to the required depth. We cover the resulting niche with polyethylene, lay down the soil and plant the plants. The flowerpot can be varnished. You can do the same with a stump that “grows” on your site.

A couple of videos for clarity.

How to make a flower bed from a log with your own hands (video)

DIY log flowerpot (video)

Good afternoon, dear masters. In this post I have collected for you the 15 most interesting ideas furniture made from untreated wood and driftwood that you can make with your own hands. I think many will be interested in this, some will draw inspiration, others will follow the example and do everything with their own hands. Most furniture is made of wood in one way or another, but it is the raw material that conveys as much as possible the atmosphere of nature, the proximity of the earth, nature, and forest.

1. Desk and a chair made of driftwood

2. Coffee table made from tree rhizomes

3. Bench made of slightly processed wood, with rounded edges

4. Furniture table and chairs made of boards

5. Stool made of knitted wood

6. Wooden coffee table from logs

7. Bench with a table made of branches

8. Bench made of rotten wood

9. Big table made of wood

10. Table with benches made of branches

11. Lacquered furniture from rhizome

12. Furniture made from stumps for the street

13. Table made from cut trees

14. Bench made from a wooden block

15. Country table made of wood

Thank you for your attention, I think many will be interested. Good luck in your creative endeavors!